2 Tht News-Review, Roieburg, Or Tuw., Dec. 6, 1949 Radar Outfits Ripped From Russian Planes (Continued Irom Page One) later that he dumped out In the g-asa at the end of the runway ' all the other unnecessary equip ment and baggage and took off. Tnsteirt of landing at Great Falls, he went on to Russia and lhai'i how I missed mm. Jordan said the Soviet general's departure from Washington was reported In newspaper stories and picture. Marrv Hnnklns Named A Washington dispatch said Jordan didn't think too much about the material he had un til a senator asked him "a couple nf Questions" about his lob at Great Falls. This was around 10 or 12 weeks ago, he cam. He would not Identify the sen a tor. News commentator Fulton Lewis Jr., who was present at a news conference, said he got the tip from the senator and went un to Interview Jordan on Oct. 26. Jordan told his story In a Lewis broadcast Friday menu At one point, Jordan told re-tiorters: "Everyone seer.-.r surprised about Hopkins. (He testified that the late Harry Hopkins, aide of President Roosevelt, had given orders to expedite important snip ments to Russia.) 'The Russians contacted Hop kins all the time. If you wanted 10 pilots, all you had to do was tell the Russians and they would get In touch with Hopkins and he would get them." Jordan said that when he opened the Russian suitcases he nad to ao it over me screaming protests of a Russian armed guard. "This Russian tried to guard It with his body and wnen i broke Into the suitcase he screamed 'diplomatique! diploma tique, ne related. ''A Russian colonel came up and said I would be removed from my Job for what hap pened." Jordan said he was never tak en from his position, and that he didn't believe that the Rus sians really wanted him removed. "I don't think they complained too much," he said, "because they were afraid there would be an Investigation and this little rat hole would be stopped," Hopkins Defended Jordan's charges were called "outrageous" by Mrs, Franklin D. Roosevelt, widow of the pre sident. "I cannot Imagine Mr. Hop kins trying to hurt his country when he literally killed himself for It," she said when asked for comment,' "I have never met or ' heard of Mr. Jordan, but If you look far enough you will find someone who will find fault with .anyone. ' I can believe, however, that . Mr. Hopkins exchanged certain Information with Russia, as they were doing with us, but certainly not without full knowledge of our 'military leaders. Mr. nopKins cannot fight back. He Is dead." At Los Angeles, David Hopkins declared that a story that his father, the late Harry Hopkins, sent atom bomb material to Rus ' sia Is "completely Incredible." "In wartime conversations with ' me when I was home on leave from the navy, my father showed he was well aware of the threat of future world communism," ; Hopkins told newsmen. "He was very outspoken against It. Annexation Benefits For West Roseburg, Told (Continued from Page One) the city and our rural area would be affected," he said. He said sewers and other sani tary facilities would be more readily available to West Rose burg should the annexation meas ure be carried. However, he re minded the group that the cost of Installation would be borne by the DroDerty owners of the im proved area, based on property frontage. Thus, the city would not be indented oy sanitary in stallations, he said. Other advantages listed bv the speaker Included the possible In fluence annexation may have on Industries which study population figures before deciding where to locate new factories. A further advantage, an Increase In total tax revenue collected by the city, was cited by McGaughey who said $500,000 in assessed valua tion would be added to Roseburg. Assn. Work Reviewed McGauenev accompanied his remarks with an account of what the West Roseburg Civic Im provement association has been attempting since it was formed Nov. 15. He said the members of the association are doing the work "on our time and at our own expense" In an effort to have as much of the spade work done as possible to cooperate with the city should annexation be approv ed. Committees have been ap pointed to study such problems as sewers and sanitation, streets and street lighting and property zoning. President McGaughey introduc ed other officers of the associa tion, all elected at an open meet ing. They Include Paul Davis, vice-president; and William Boll man, secretary-treasurer. Mem bers of the board Include Walter Mallory, W. H. Carter, R. O. Dunsdon, O. J. Feldkamp, P. M. Murphy and D. R. Dimmlck. Samall Votes Feared Mayor Albert G. Flegel, called unon for remarks on the coming annexation vote, said he was "se riously concerned" about getting voters to turn out to the polls Dec. 13. 'I think the people of Rose burg are too complacent about this measure passing," he said. He expressed a fear that because of voters' antipathy and the pos sibility of bad weather the polls may be nearly deserted on the special election date. Proof that such a situation Is possible was offered by City Manager M. W. Slankard In cit ing figures from old city records. In 1909, Slankard said, 1,009 votes were cast In the days when the city's population was onlv scarce ly larger Wan Mat. fly contrast, only 385 votes were cast In the last city special election. cnamner ot Commerce Presi dent John Todd announced that yesterday's meeting would be the last noon forum luncheon of the year. The series will resume Monday noon, Jan. 9, following the holiday season. outspoken against It. Major (ti. Kacey) Jordans charges that my father told him to expedite shipments of atomic supplies and secrets to Russia are completely Incredible. Even tne circumstances of his supposed conversation with my father do not jibe with the facts. My father never signed anything IH.H. .' " Vital Statistics Marriage License Applloants MADISON-GARRISON Gale Gordon Madison, Oakland, and Carol Garrison, Elkton. Divorce Stilts Filed VALENTINE Evelyn Lucille vs. James Warren valentine. Married in Eugene, July 16, 1940, divorced and later remarried at Goldendale. Wash.. March 18. 1946. Plaintiff charges cruel and Inhuman treatment and asks cus tody of two minor children and $20 monthly support for each. plus costs and property seiue ment. Pint Street Use For Traffic Route O. K.d (Continued from Page One) PORTER Harrletta Porter v, David E. Porter. Married at Hot Springs, Ark., Feb. 22, 1941. Plaintiff chareei cruel and Inhu man treatment, asks custody of two minor children, monthly sup port of 3S each, plus costs. Divorce Decrees Issued McNEIL Georgia Frances Mc Neil from David Stuart McNeil. Plalntllf awarded custody of two minor children. Christmas Program Is Planned By Jayeees (Continued from Page One) mas tree will be erected this year, It was announced, A great deal of effort will be put out to make It one of the most attrac tive on the coast, it was an nounced. The cross will again glow from Mt. Nebo the same as last year durlne the Easter season. Children will come In for their share, when arrangements will be made for them to talk direct ly with Santa Claus at the North pole, tnrougn tne Koseourg neao quarters In the Chamber of com merce rooms. This proved very popular with the children last year. And not to be outdone, the Jayeees will have a party for themselve and the Jay-C-Ettes at the Shalimar Monday, Dec. 19. The affair will Include a dinner at 7 o clock and an evening of dancing. Election of officers Is schedul ed for next Monday night's Jun Ion Chamber dinner meeting. Other major projects of the group Include the Junior First Citizens banquet in January and the state Junior Chamber board meeting here Feb. 17, 18 and 19. A large number of delegates is expected for this annual, mid year program. Well Known Yonealla Resident Dead At 81 Metle Nauta Morln, well known resident of Yonealla, died at the home of her son, Richard W. Morln. Colton. Ore.. Sunday. Dee. 4, after a long Illness. She was 81 years old. sne was born at Lovilla. Town. June 8, 1868. She was married to Edward Morln at Tillamook, Nov. 27, 1887. Shortly after that they moved to Yonealla. Mrs. Morln la survived by five suns ana one uaugnter nay Ji.., Henry B., George W., Jesse J., Mrs. Meta Long, all of Yonealla, and Edward W.. of Colton; a sis ter. Mrs. Ira Franklin of Ban- non and a oromer. Pearl Rob erts of Denmark, Ore. Funeral services will be held In the Yonealla Methodist church Wednesday at 2 p.m.. the Rev. James Powell, officiating. Inter ment win be in Yonealla ceme tery, with arrangements In care of Stearns mortuary, Oakland. Best truck service in town at' Sig Fett's the vicinity of Douglas street, and rejoin Stephens in the south part of the city. Annexation Plan Widened Action on petitions asking for annexation of East Roseburg was deferred until the next council meeting, since, It was reported, annexation petitions are also be ing ciiculatcd In Nui lh Roseburg. The council decided that If suffi cient names were obtained on pe titions In the North Roseburg area, a single election could be set covering both east and north sectors. The Planning commission rec ommended to the council that the East Roseburg area, as vet forth In the petitions, be included in an annexation election. Mrs. Lena Denn and Tom Kerr had request ed that their properties be ex cluded. Rent Decontrol at Issue Decision as to whether or not to ask for decontrol of rents with in the city was also put over until the next meeting. Mayor Albert G. Flegel Issued an Invitation to all persons inter ested to attend the next meet ing, Dec. 19, to express their opinions as to whether rents should be decontrolled in Rose burg. He said he would like 10 give all publicity possible to this issue, so that the people would have a chance to be heard, giv ing the council a better opportu nity to reach a conclusion. City Manager M. W. Slankard submitted a letter reporting that the widening of North Jackson street from East Second avenue to East First avenue has been completed. This work was ac complished by 'narrowing the center parking strip. Renewal of liquor licenses was granted the Rainbow Cafe, C. A. Patchett, operator of Pat's Place, and v.f .w. post Waiver of bond was granted to Leiand Hall, who stated In a let ter to the council that he Intend ed to open a watch repair and jewelry store at 345 So. Stephens. tuny Bins paid on page 71 Jan. 1 Deadline Nears "r' For Vet NSI.I Privilege World War II veterans with service-incurred disabilities are reminded by the. Veterans admin istration of an Important G.L Insurance privilege which will ex pire the first of the year. Until Dec. 31, disabilities actu ally Incurred In line of duty be tween Oct. 8, 1940, and Sept. 2, 1945, If less than total In degree, .vill be disregarded by the VA In determining whether a vet eran is eligible under the health requirements for National Serv ice Life insurance. That means, the VA said, that veterans who might not other wise qualify for life insurance for health reasons may reinstate lapsed NSLI or buy new or addi tional Insurance up to the $10,000 maximum if they apply before Jan. 1, 1950. A physical examination Is re quired, however, for all Insur ance applied for under this pro vision. Examination will be furnished by the VA without cost to the veteran. BUYS CAFE INTEREST Half Interest In the La Fiesta cafe, 533 So. Stephens street, has been purchased by Jackson P. Rich, Roseburg. Co-owner John Malouff an nounced the move recently, fol lowing the cafe opening early In November. The La Fiesta offers a Mexi can cuisine and Is open daily from 6 a. m. to 2 a. m. and 24 hours on Saturday. Campus Paper Scorer Talk By Eisenhower (Continued from Page One) Aeephp rife cfafrer comiirrirAe wt rife jojS s a Mtf&V&M&Ar you It's always a good investment to make the driver of your truck more comfort, able! Schedules are better maintained, truck efficiency improves, and your profits go up. You'll find a complete line of cab comfort needs here in our showroom all designed to add to the safety and well-being of the mao behind the . wheel, to make more profits for the owner. Now'i the time to get teat cov ers and cushions, heaters, floor mats, trouble lights and safety equipment and a lot of other items to make driv ing easier. Help your driver do a better job fpr you. Stop in toon I SIG FUTT 527 N. Jackson Phone 1150 Thfl nno Mr a Irnnuf oeaiira. enu citizen that he may some day eat champagne and caviar, and In the White House at that. We don't Know, oi course, out we are win ing to bet beer and hot dogs t:a ran 'f nn tk wiie U '"'tin viii tne menu at ine Waldorf-Astoria last Wednesday -IU- -III II jiikiii, eiiuer. The editorial said "We gather the general believes the American people are unduly obsessed with a ucBiie iur security to tne aeiri mpnt nf thnii narennol 11lAft ' The paper added that protection luieign aggressors is oniy une nina ot security. "Dnnhf" Am Dmw 'The American people have nuu nun uu seen oiner securities, th Hltntfn1 coin fAM nnt tUt. they want continued security against the type of economic nueriy wnicn irusrrarea ior so long minimum wage and hour lAPitTntifm th fnfmntlnn n 1U.. unions, collective bargaining and wmun sun denies me ieaerai gov ernmpnr th moani fin raniiiotinn child labor; "For another thing, Americans j oLu.iiv axniusi ifitti tvne nf llhartu nvar.i. K.. - and federal loyalty review boards. me quest ior securities ot tnis nature can hardly lead to the 'slothful InrinlAnrai" urMnt. (k. general deplores." . ine campus paper referred to Eisenhower as the man "who dou- hies A nrttirfant nt tu Ht.. sity.' It noted his "manv trips away from the campus and" add ed that "perhaps in the near fu ture our chief officer will have the time to meet some of us ." Eisenhower, away on a trip to Texas, could not be reached Im mediately for comment. Turkeys Roll In For Record Exhibit Here ' (Continued From Page One) placed around the walls of the skating rlnk-show room. Follow. Ing the show, Saturday, the stalls will be lifted out and stored for next year. Routledge announced that co operation with Turlock, Cal., tur key show officials will enable tur key growers to enter birds In both the Roseburg and the Cali fornia shows. According to Rout ledge, the local show was moved back a few davs and the Tnrltvlt show was moved ahead to allow participation in both shows. Pre viously, the events have run simultaneously. ESTATE IN PROBATE By order of County Judge D. N. Busenbark, Josephine Pruner has been appointed administra trix of the estate of John H. Boy er, who died intestate at Riddle April 22, 1947. G. N. Riddle has been appoint ed appraiser of the estate, val ued at approximately $3,500. The Weather U. 8. Weather Bureau Office Roseburg, Oregon Increasing cloudiness today and tonight rain toqlght and Wednesday a. m., clearing Wed nesday p. m. Highest temp, for any Dec. 70 Lowest temn. for .nw Deo. '. .05 High tr,ii. jttmmay Lowest temp, last 24 hrs 33 Precipitation last 24 hrs. .... 56 Precipitation from Dec. 1 1.06 Precipitation from Sept. 1 8.70 Excess from Dec 1 .17 Go To Polls, Roseburg Voters Are Urged (Continued From Page One) the county operate on a tax rate of over 100 mills for city pur poses, with school, state and i county taxes bringing the total i amount oi taxes to a Dove tne iuu mills. Rosburg is operating within 65 mills for all purposes, Slankard said. Slankard emphasized that city voters should make the Decem ber 13 election "by all- means." Excuses such as "It will pass anyway," "I don't have time, or "I forgot" are not valid, Slan kard added. ", Home Extension Unit Of Riversdale Will Meet The Riversdale home extension unit will meet at the A. J. Stand ley home, next to the Edenbower school, Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 1 p.m., according to Mrs. C. M. Stark. Mrs. John Trozelle and Mrs. Fred Schulke will be project lead ers for ffift wranDlnP'.. Each lady is requested by Mrs. Stark to bring a 25-cent gift In a box to wrap and her own wrap ping materials, such as paper, ribbon, seals, scotch tape and scissors. Suggested decorations for box ing the gifts are bits of ever green, holly, small bells, small Christmas tree balls, etc. All ladies of Riversdale, Gar den Valley and Edenbower are welcome, Mrs. Stark said. Nellie G. Fortenbach Summoned By Death Nellie G. Fortenbach of 430 So. Stephens, died last Friday in Salem hospital following a lin gering Illness. She was born In Mo-gaotown, Ind., in 1880, and came to Rose burg three years ago from Can ton, 111. Survivor: Include a son and daughter, Marlsr.d Larson and Mrs. Loreta Walker, both of Roseburg; and grandchildren, Stanley Walker, with the Navy at Monterey, Calif, and Marilyn Walker, Roseburg. The body was shipped east from Salem for burial in Gales burg, 111. She was a member of the Or der of the Eastern Star of Can ton, 111, and the Pythian Sisters oi that city. NON-SUIT GRANTED Upon stipulation of the parties Involved, the case Terrence N. Rose vs. Knute D. Kerschner and D. A. Matson has been adjudged a nonsuit, by Circuit court order. A money suit for $486.22 has been filed In Circuit court against Goth Bozarth by Beryl Jackson, doing business as Beryl Jackson Equipment company. The plaintiff alleges the sum represents money due him for wares and merchandise deliver ed to the defendant. cM7 Remember . . . only 16 days shop for Christmas QlfL . . . that keep giving . . . for everyone on your list. 337 N. Jackson ceit Gift and Model Shop er i Phone 534-J mi whole pack :! W K LB VI I ITTmf-" ' II fit "I f 3. Have special treats at any season with a new FRIGIDAIRE FOOD FREEZER Y, even pies, coket and pastries as well os meats, poultry, fruits and vegetables cooked or not can be safely stored In this big 8.8 eu. ft. food freezer to bring you Oul-of-teoson treats any seoscn of the year. 329.7S Ask about convenient terms 4. Holiday cooking will be better, easier with this new FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGE New Radiantube 5-Speed Cooking Units make this the fastest-cooking electric range in Prigidaire history I And the big, Twin-Unit (ven-Heat Oven turns out roasts and pastries better than ever, every day in the yearl Model RM-63 39.7S Other models from 1 54.75 This year surprise the wnoe family with a gift that brings lasting happiness for all. Remember any Frigidaire appliance you buy for Christmas will bring its own large measure of enjoyment, every day for years to come. Order yours nowl 1. Solve the family gift problem with a new FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR Here's a gift that Jceept on giving for yearsl Among its many features arei a full-width Super-Freerer Chest, a full-width Hydrator, famous Meter-Miser mechanism, exclusive Guickube Trays, Ice Blue Interior trim. Model DL-86 329.75 Aik about convenient terms Other models from 194.75 2. Give this new all-porcelain FRIGIDAIRE AUTOMATIC WASHER Now any half-hour in the week can be wash time ... by jutf the touch of a finger Simply put in clothes and soap, set the Select-O-Dial . . . and forget it. live-Water washing, live Water rinsing and the Rapidry-Spin make clothes cleaner, brighter, drier than ever, 299.75 Ask about convenient terms Now's the time to order your GIFT FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCE I n fti i UMPQUA VALLEY APPLIANCE ) 120 W. Oak Phone 1218