f The Newi-Revlew, Ronburg, Oft. Thun., Pec. 1, 1949 New Model "Alcometer" Registers Accurately "Sober" Or "Plastered" By WAYNE OLIVER NEW YORK, OP) Science Is working both 8lde of the street Not only does It develop drinks that are more tempting, but It also comes up with better devices to blast your alibi If you have too many. Among the displays at the chemical Industries exposition here ts a streamlined 1950 model "alcometer," which might more aptly be called a "drunkometer." It's about the size of a small console radio and the manufac turers say It's as easy to operate. It has a sloping panel with about half a dozen controls, a large dial with a pointer and a tube sticking out the right hand side. You blow your breath Into the tube. The operator of the ma chine, a refinement of earlier models, manipulates the controls. Eight minutes later the hand on the dial moves over the telltale evidence cold sober, mildly in toxicated, or stinko. The machine, made by Alfred Blcknell Associates of Cambridge, Mass., was developed by Dr. Leon A. Greenberg and associates In the department of applied physi ology at Yale university. Dr. Greenberg explained that the dial is calibrated to show the percentage of alcohol In the blood. This has been accepted In a number of states as legal evi dence of degree of intoxication. The machine actually measures the amount of alcohol on the breath, but translates this to per centage In the blood because the two are related by a fixed ratio. Degrees Registered Dr. Greenberg said the uni versally accepted measurements are these: up to .05 per cent al cohol In your blood, sober; .05 to .15 per cent, your command of your faculties probably is im paired but that alone is not proof you're drunk; from .15 up, no question about it you're plas tered. That .05 to .15 range, he ex plained, is the range covering the differences in individuals Bright green spears selected for tenderness and flavor. Ready-To-Cook FLAV.R-PAC BROCCOLI ELIMINATES Trimming Waste At Your Grocer's Clue Found To Hearing Defects At Childbirth PHILADELPHIA, UP) A clue as to why some children are born deaf or with hearing defects that later lead to toal deafness has been uncovered by the Diversity of Pennsylvania hospital. The hospital said the RH ne gative blood factor "can be dir ectly responsible for impaired hearing in the children of par ents who have what Is known as RH Incompatibility." RH gets its name from the fact it first was discovered in Rhesus monkeys. It is the factor in tne Mood which relers to a substance found in the red blood cells. About 87 percent of nor mal persons have this RH sub stance In their bloodstreams and they are called "RH positives." The remaining 13 percent don't and are "RH negatives." When an RH negative woman marries a man with RH posi tive blood, the hospital explain ed, she often is unable to bear a healthy child. Her unborn baby's blood can cause her own blood to produce anti-bodies that may spell death, serious illness or defects for her child. Such a condition, the hospital explains, is known as RH incom patibility between parents. The discovery was made through observation of 50 chil dren afflicted with cerebral pal sy. Many of the children also had hearing defects and speech disorders. After testing the RH blood of children and also parents, Dr. Joseph Sateloff director of re search In the hospital'! audiology section reported that without exception the RH blood factor was involved in each of the cere bral palsy-hearing defect cases. There Is promise for relief of children born with such congen ital defects, university medical authorities said. Among methods known by me dical science for coping with RH incompatibility is blood transfu sion, where the child Is given a brand new supply of blood after birth. Another is the use of a buttery substance known as RH hapten which is said to neutralize the antibodies formed when RH positive and RH negative blood types war on each other. which cause one person to be cutting capers on two martinis and another to be steady as a rock even after four or five. But he said that beyond .15, it can be safely concluded a person is drunk no matter how well he can hold his likker. One advantage of the machine, he declared, is that it Is much faster and simpler than taking a blood sample and making an analysis. The gadget also is port able, so It can be taken to prac tically any location and plugged into the nearest light socket. Dr. Greenberg and the manu facturers both emphasize that the machine not only gets the goods on the guilty, but protects the Innocent. If you really did have "only a couple of beers," the machine will back you up. And It also protects persons suf fering from shock, diabetic coma or other conditions which might cause them to be erroneously charged with being Intoxicated. There are about 400 oil refia erles In the United States, locat ed in 30 states. VETERANS Buy NOW without cash - Pay when your NSLI insurance dividend check arrives next year Men's Store See Ui For Detail No Red Taps WCUTO x ' , W ' Roieburg, Oregon Mfe Kir mm LIVELY-COLORED PLAID ROBE EVERY BOY WANTSI Authentic Scotch plaid 6 to 18 lads will relish! Wrap-around style of warm 75 wool, 25 rayon. Red-gold on navy. PIN-POINT CHENILLES ' DELIGHT THE GIRLS Sixes 8-161 Wonderful warmth In gift itylesl Multi color floral designs on copen, aqua or melon rose. Real Christmas buysl GAY JUVENILE DESIGNS ON LITTLE SISTER ROBES 3JWs J98 The prsssnt she wants Fluffy chenille In white, melon rose or blue. 4 to 4X Baby Sister Sizes 1 to 3 1 1 i 1.98 1 mb. C1" .o 1-1 IO jB .AQsa S1 zsZl