The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, November 28, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Oarkley Slated To Answer
GOP Chairman's Attack On
Truman's Fiscal Policies
WASHINGTON, Nov. 28.- Vloe President Barkley starts
this week in a 1950 campaign warm-up enlivened by Republican
iaik ol tne Truman program as leading to a "poornouse state."
Newly-wed Barkley, accompanied by his bride, is billed as the
principal speaker and chief attraction at a Democratic lund-ralslng
dinner in New York City Friday night.
Barkley is an old hand at key
noting party drives. He may come
up with a democratic answer to
the charges of Guy G. Gabrlelson,
the republican national chairman,
that the Truman administration
is spending the country Into the
kind of doubtful security given
poorhouse inmates.
Welfare Stats Scored
Gabrlelson teed off on the op
position in a national broadcast
' Insurance
Special Agent
111 V't Oak
OffiM T12-J Ret. 871-J
1.00 up
Sea us for all sizes of good used
tires at the lowest prices.
Late model 15, 16 and 17-Inch
wheels for all makes ears.
Free Tube with every tire
Sales & Service
Highway 99 at Garden Valley
Phone 611
last night, declaring: 1 :
"If we continue under the pres
ent administration we are headed
for a poorhouse state and, while
the inmates of a poorhouse may
have a certain amount of so-called
security, their lot is not particu
larly enviable."
It was a departure by the G. O.
P. leader from the "welfare
state" phrase with which his par
ty members have been describing
what President Truman calls his
"fair deal" program.
In this 'battle of catch-words,
some republicans were said to be
lieve? that if they kept on talking
about the "welfare state" in de
risive terms the voters might be
gin to believe they didn't have
public welfare in mind.
Says Idleness Fostered
Gabrlelson laid down some
broad charges against the Tru
man administration, among them
that it is fostering unemploy
ment During the week ending Novem
ber 12, he quoted labor depart
ment figures, 1,746,200 claims
for unemployment compensation
were pending. He said this com
pared with 865,721 such claims in
the week ending Nov. 13, 1948,
when a republican congress was
in charge on Capitol Hill.
"That Indicates the kind of se
curity the Truman administration
Is providing and, Ironically
enough, the figures are supplied
by a bureau of employment se
curity," he said.
Spending Flayed
The republican chairman
pounded away at the point that
the government is spending
money it doesn't have.
"We are today picking the
pockets of our grandchildren and
great grandchildren to pay for
the senseless extravagance and
waste of the present administra
tion," he declared. "Personally, I
think we are paying a very high
price to keep Pendergastism" In
deep-freezers in Washington.
Gabrielson's attack on admin
istration handling of reciprocal
trade agreements apparently re
flected a plan by some republi
cans to make this an Issue In
1947 Oldsmobile "98"
2-door.... $1695 terms
Radio, heater and all extras.
Will take older model on trade
in. PHONE 441 J
Copeo Dam Project In
California Considered
YREKA, Calif., Nov. 28 A
hearing has been held at Yreka
by the California State Game
Commission to consider a pro
posal to construct a power dam
on the Klamath river.
The proposed dam, which
would be located it Iron (3M on
the Klamath, will be a source of
electric power for the California
Oregon Power Co. Estimated
cost of the dam Is $1,900,000. The
state of California would stand
$376,000 of the expense.
The dam would be constructed
to maintain a normal flow of wa
ter In the stream and to provide
the maximum amount of food for
salmon and trout.
Officers Retained
By Woodworkers
CIO woodworkers have reelected
James E. Fadling, Portland, to
his third term as president o(
the International Woodworkers
of America. , "
The union's election commit
tee announced mail ballot re
turns on the top offices and five
union constitutional amendments
here Saturday.
Swept back into office with
Fadling were Al Hartung, first
vice president; Carl Winn, secretary-treasurer;
and Herb Irving,
a trustee. John Hawkins, Mont
gomery, Ala., defeated William
Botkin, Aberdeen, Wash., for
second vice president.
Fadling carried all districts ex
cept the Columbia River district,
No.' 5, which gave Its vote to
Claude Ballard, Seaside, the only
opponent of the incumbent presi
dent. 1 -
The major constitutional
amendment will give the union's
chieftains power to curb rebel
lion. It stemmed from last year's
action by the British Columbia
district. The amendment gives
the executive board power to ao
point an administrator' to take
over and - manage funds and
property of any district council,
local union or other chartered
subordinate unit that might at
tempt to secede from the Inter
national union.
The ballot count will be - re
ported next month upon certlfl-.
cation by the executive commit
nxt year's congressional cam-
P Tie' GOP chairman said that by
cutting tariffs the president was
in effeet "exporting the Jobs of
American workers. He said this
was particularly noticeable in
New England unemployment
Gabrielson's talk was billed as
an answer to President Truman's
November 2 speech in St. Paul
on the "fair deal" program.
ft V w
(fa qom
The Thoroughbred of the Roils!
haul Long Strings of Cars
at Express Speeds
It's railroading at its beat I Amai
ing Lionel "Mannmatio" control
nnoonplei can in a jiffy. The -
locomotive it a real workhorse
has a powerful headlight
and goes, forward or re- -
Tories by remote con
trol. There are alio a
tender, gondola, oil
car, oabooee, 9 sec- .
tioni of track, an
uncoupling track
teotion and
transformer. .
O A eat. a
ON 0
the (7DffeeQ0GDGl STORE
Vets 50-60 Pet.
Disabled To Get
Dependency Aid
Veterans with service-connected
disabilities rated 50 to 60 per
cent, and who have one or more
dependents, will soon receive ad
ditional nllnwAnops for their de
pendents by virtue of legislation
enacted by the 81st Congress, ac
cording to the Veterans Adminis
tration. Prior to passage of the
new law only veterans rated 60
percent and up were entitled to
dependency allowances.
Monthly additional amounts for
veterans disabled In wartime,
based on 50 percent, are:
Wife alone, $10.50; wife and one
child, $17.50; wife and two chil
dren, $22.75; wife and three or
more children, $28; one child (no
wife), $7; two children, $12.25;
three or more children, $17.50;
one dependent parent, $8.75; and
two dependent parents, $17.50.
Veterans entitled to compensa
tion for disabilities incurred in
peacetime service receive, 80 per
cent of the wartime rate.
In order to qualify for depend
ency allowances, the veteran
must submit proof of relation
ship, such as marriage and birth
records. Where his dependents
are on record with the VA on
December 1, 1949, and the nec
essary evidence of relationship
and dependency is furnished
within five months from that
date, the award will be made
effective December 1. Otherwise,
the effective date will be the date
the evidence is received.
The VA said It is now review
ing the case files of veterans
rated between 50 and 60 percent
disabled so as to advise them of
their possible entitlement to du
pendency allowances.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 28-t.P)
The northwest's birth rate con
tinues to rise, the public health
service said yesterday.
Stork activity, as shown by
stark statistics, revealed the fol
lowing: Washington had 55,833 births
in 1948 or 22.7 births per thou
sand population for an increase
of 40.1 per cent over the 1940
Oregon's 35,206 births during
the year represented 21.5 births
per thousand population and a
percentage increase of 34.4 per
cent over 1940. .
Under regulations of the fed
eral communications commission
a single owner can possess no
more than five television stations.
COOS BAY B First con
tracts for the Bonneville trans
mission line from here to Reeds
port will be called lor in March.
The work, which includes several
substations, is scheduled for
completion next year.
Yule Decorating
Begun On Streets
Civic-minded Rosebure citizens
weathered showers to help cre
ate a Christmas atmosphere in
the city's downtown area in a
day-long decorating spree Sunday.
Headed bv Citv Manaeer Matt
Slankard, several hardy towns
folk joined members of the Lions
club, and the city's street and
fire department personnel to
string cedar boughs and colored
lights across Roseburg's main
each ornamental effort was
topped with a spangled star to
the street-crossing wreaths and
lights. Slankard said today elec
tricians are readying the light
strings and hope to have Rose
burg's Christmas decorations in
full bloom tonight.
Still to come are the shiny tin
sel outlines, to be added to the
Santa Claus figures already
mounted on street light poles.
Slankard said the outlines have
been ordered but have not yet
Morse Defends
Banker Sammons
From Demo Rap
EUGENE, Nov. 28 B Sena
tor Wayne L. Morse, who had
announced Saturday that Port
land banker E. C. Sammons
would Isc 'treasurer of the sena
tor's reelection campaign, had a
defense of the appointment last
His statement here was an an
swer to criticism by Democratic
National Committeeman Monroe
Sweetland. Sweetland heard of
the Sammons appointment at Sa
lem and said It marked "a new
low in the decline of the one
time liberal senator." He de
clared "now one of Oregon's anti
labor leaders is to pay the fiddler
and presumably call the tune."
Morse replied last night: "Ed
die Sammons record of outstand
ing citizenship needs no defense
from me or anyone else In the
The Republican senator, who
is up for reelection next year, ad-
Dr. E. W. Carter
Chiropodist Foot Specialist
129 N. Jackson
Phone U70
Over Rexall Drug Store
With the Lightest One-Man Power
Saw in the World . . .
Here's a one-man power chain saw that's really light, efficient,
hpendablo and economical. The Pioneer leads the field with Its
peoially designed MULTIPORT engine. Rated at 4.1 H. P., this
amazing new engine features (1)- a high compression ratio,
(2) efficient scavenging system, (3) proper degree of turblenoe.
Result: a torque and power output unprecedented In this type
of engine.
(less cutting attachments)
Despite Its remarkably light weight and oompaotness, the
Pioneer Is rugged, durable, will operate effloiently and eco
nomically through a long life of hard use under the most
difficult working conditions. Ideal for felling, buoklng, limbing,
tree surgery, oonetruotlon, farm work, clearing will out fast
and olean In any type or condition of wood. See these aawe
today at . . - .
Hlway 99 at Garden Valley Rd.
Phone 1152-J
Mon., Nov. 28, 1949 The Newt-Review, Roieburg, Ore. 7
ded that Sammons Is "one of the
progressive, liberal minded, for
ward looking Republlcanc of our
state. His work as a member of
the Portland labor-management
committee has won for him the
respect of labor and his many
public services in behalf of the
people of our state has won for
mm tne admiration oi Gieguiii
ans generally."
LONDON (B Nearl v 10 per
cent of the British people are
drawing old age pensions. Min
ister of National Insurance
James Griffiths disclosed the
figures in parliament recently.
He said 4,540,000 Britons re
ceive pensions. He estimated the
cost to the government at $784,
000,000 a year.
"Megacycle" as used in radio
Is the measurement of frequency,
meaning that the rate of vibra
tion is , at 1,000,000 cycles per
. l VkllfMAfe. . ,--..
in 12-16 and 24 in. lengths
Phone 8S8 . , "
Local claims service is your assur
ance of fast repairs' when your car
is damaged.
. . . on collision and liability cov
erage gives you standard protec
tion ot substantial
Paul H. Krueger
63S 8. Stephens
Phone 21u
SAVINGS $10.10
Liability Coverage ;
$5000-10,000 bodily Injury.
$5000 property damage.
Each six months
Current Ratel
$5.00 Nonrecurring
Fee at Beginning
. of Policy
No Extra Charge for Age, Mileage or Business Use
Over 800,000 Western Motorists Insure and Save Through
'. Farmers Standard Perm Nonassessable Pollolet.
Tht West's Leading
Auto Insurance '
Carrier ,
Farmers Insurance Exchange
1 mmtmmmimimmmmmmmmm wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
NOW. is th$ time to get ready for
getting the most fun, the most
use out of your Buick in the months
Quick-trigger starts, that is. A lively,
quiet motor a chassis that rides you
in lazy comfort, without squeaks.
And remember that with the days
getting shorter you'll want your lights
bright and "on the beam." Roads will
be wetter so be sure your tires have
good, safe treads, and your brakes are
adjusted for smooth gentle stopping.
Skilled in the special care of Buicks
as we are, knowing your Buick and
the factory-engineered methods of :
keeping it always at its best, we can give
you all this surely and inexpensively. I
Drive in this week. Time's coming
when we'll be crowded with rush ;
orders and it's easier to give you ;
the best service in a hurry when ou
schedule is open. Just tell us you want '
our quick but thoroughgoing check
up on all the points listed- below. -Leave
your Buick in our hands, and ;
our special brand of Buick care will .
relieve you of any car-worries in the
, coming winter months! '
is .
240 N. Jackson
Phone 372
Adjust valve) tappet clearance
Clean ftnd reoll air cleaner
Check oil filter element
Adjust carbtirtlor for best economy
Tighten cylinder head
Drain, fluid cooling system
Impact all hotel, tighten jotntt
Dttormlno arrtrfrMza rtqiriroiMitti
Clean, cdu;t distributor polntt
Tlma Ignition for peak ptrformanca
Clean and rout Ipark plugs
Check bafttry ftfill dtan off corrosion.
Mat terminal
Check generator brushes, charging rata
Check headlight alignment and brightness
Fill steering gear housing with lubricant
Inspect and pack front wheel bearing
Inspect front braket
Check cur heater for winter use
Check steering alignment
lumper-ta-bumpar lUBRICARl, Including
trouble-preventing Inspection
Rose and Washington Streets V. Phone 1551