The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, November 26, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Boss-Snoddy Rites Take Place In Eugene
Sat, Nor. 26, 1949 Tht News-Revitw, Roieburg, 0r. 7
Church Rites Wed 'CoupU
oclai (Calendar
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Society and Gluhl
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Miss M. Ruth Snoddy, daugh
ter of Mrs. Charles P. Snoddy
and the lata Mr. Snoddy, be
came the bride of John Edward
. Boss in an eight o'clock cere
mony at First Baptist Church last
Saturday evening. Both young
people are of Eugene. Parents of
the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs.
John Boss of Seattle, Wash.
White chrysanthemums, palms
and white candelabra decorated
the altar of the church for the
ceremony, which was read by
Dr. Vance H. Webster. Margaret
Zimmerman Anderson sang two
solos "Thine Alone" and "I Love
You Truly," accompanied by Mrs.
E. B. Barnes, who also played a
musical prelude before the-cere'
The bride and bridegroom were
attired in Identical suits. With
hers the bride wore accessories in
b.'own and beige and a single
Will Marry Richard
Mist Franelne
. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Laurance
of Winston announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Miss I
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cummins
entertained at an informal at-
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In 12-16ond 24 In. lengths
Phone 658
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and Mrt. John Edward Boss
strand of pearls, a gift from the
bridegroom. Her flowers were
brown tiger orchids tied with
gold ribbon. Theodore R. Flury
of Medf ord, gave his . niece in
Mrs. Howard Wells of San
Francisco was matron of honor.
SIt? wore a cocoa brown suit
with pink and brown accessories
and corsage of Talisman roses.
Roger L. Grif fin of Eugene was
best man and Peter Flury of
Medford, cousin of the bride and
John L. McGinnis of Eugene were
A reception In the Mirror
Room of Eugene Hotel, at which
white chrysanthemums and tail
white tapers were used in decor
ation, followed the wedding. Mrs.
John McGinnis poured punch and
Mrs. Roger L. Griffin and Miss
Bonnie Glenger cut and sreved
the cake. Mrs. James Baker
Ptrkl-Chllwood Phota
Franclne, to Richard Reese, on
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reese, 504
East Lane street, Roseburg.
home party Tuesday evening at
their attractive residence on Res
ervoir avenue having as guests:
Mr. and Mrs. George Gremmel
of Glen Ridge, N. J., Mrs. Vin
cems Gad, of New York City,
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gremmel
and son, Steven, and Mr. and
Mrs. H. N. Jacobson of Rose
burg. For a ' quickly-assembled des
sert use sandwiches of bakery
sponge cake and cut fruit with a
topping of whipped cream.
Zoo Ntwman
S25 Cobb St Phont 387-R
A " fj
ft "
-., ; "vJ
Picture by P. B. Orenon of Eugene
played Incidental music through
out the reception and Miss Carol
Lou Baker . had charge of the
guest book.
The couple left Eugene the day
following the wedding, driving
Mrs. Wells to San Francisco.
They planned to spend a week 'n
the south.
For going away Mrs. Boss
wore her wedding suit and ac
cessories and carried a red fox
The bride spent one year at
Linfield College and two years In
the SPARS. She is a member of
the Willamette Women's Legion
Post. Mr. Boss was a member of
Admiral Byrd's party on his last
trip to Little America. He spent
five years in the navy as a gun
ner on an aircraft carrier and is
a member of the American Le
gion and Veterans of Foreign
George Erickson, principal of
Rosbeurg Senior High school,
and Mrs. Erickson entertained at
a very charming informal at
home affair at their residence on
Mulholland Drive Sunday. The
Senior High faculty and their
wives and husbands were invited
to call between the hours of three
and five o'clock.
The serving table was beauti
fully appointed in a yellow and
blue motif, while bouquets of
autumn-colored chrysanthemums
were arranged about the rooms.
Mrs. Erickson was assisted by
Mrs. Cecil Sherwood. Miss Janet
Sherwood and Miss Barbara Pat
tison, wearing attractive formal
afternoon gowns, assisted in
Guests invited by the Ericksons
tc enjoy the occasion were: J. li.
Barneck, Mrs. Andrew Broaddus,
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brady, Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Buell Miss Esth
er Dyar Roland Edie Warren
Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Alvard
France Mr. and Mrs. Homer W.
Grow Mr. and Mrs. Wendell
Johnson and children Mr. and
Mrs. Omar Monger Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Newby Mr. and Mrs. Owen
Miss Elizabeth Randall Mr.
and Mrs. Cloyd Riffe, Miss Ruth
Roberts Mr. and Mrs, Ralph
Scudder and daughter; Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Sherwood and daugh
ter Janet; Mr. and Mrs; Ralph
Snyder Mr. and Mrs. James
Strasburg Mr. and Mrs. Paul S.
Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. James Mess,
Miss Lois Fitzglbbons, Miss Helen
Good, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Hel
leek, Mr. and Mrs; Don Lorraine,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Purdy, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles A. Ricketts,
Mrs. Alta Simonson, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph- Toman, Norman
Wese and Miss Marie DiLoreto.
"Individualized Floors
of Beautilify."
Carpeting Rubber Tile
it Asphalt Tile e formica Tope
Venetian Blinds
223 W. Oak Phone 348
Social Items submitted by tele-
&hone tor the society page must
e turned In before 12 o'clock
Monday through Thursday intl
by 10 a. m. Friday at whiih
time the social calendar and Sat
urday's society page are closed
Monday, November 28
B.P.W.C? International Rela
tions meeting at 8 p.m. at Epis
copal parish hall on East Cass
Roseburg Woman's club mem
bers solici'ed for bazaar table
gifts and gifts for childrens' grain
bi g for the Hobby show to be
sponsored b; the club Tuesday
and Wednesday at the armory.
Neignoors oi woodcraft mm-
ble club to meet at 1 o'clock pot
luck luncheon at home of Mrs.
Robert Burton, 1005 S. Kane St
Members are requested not to
bring tabic service.
Red Cross dance from 8 to 10
p.m at recreational hall at Vet
erans hospital. Gray Ladies n
charge of decorations and re
freshments. Kappa Alpha Theta
sorority members from Univer
sity of Oregon plan to attend to
assist Women of Roseburg are
urged to attend to act as hos
tesses. Vic Rice's orchestra will
furnish the music.
Dean Perrlne. Unit No. 9. D. A.
V. Auxiliary to meet in evening
at Del Rey Cafe at Winchester.
Tuesday, November 29
Alpha Theta chaDter. Beta
Sigma Phi to meet at 8 p.m. at
home of Mrs. Meredith Wilstm
on Brown avenue.
Eagles auxiliary stieclal meet
ing honoring charter members
and Past Presidents at 8 p.m. at
Eagles hall. Program and re
freshments. Eagles auxiliary was
Instituted here in Nov. 1928.
Wednesday, November 30
Past Noble Grand club Christ
mas party. Exchange of gifts not
tc exceed one dollar in value.
Riverside P.-T.A. Room Moth
ers club to meet at 1:45 p.m. at
home of Mrs. E. H. McGhehey
with Mrs. F. E. Brown assisting
Friendly Hour club at home ot
Mrs. Katie Conn.
Willing Workers of Scotts
Valley special meeting at Victor
hall at 2 p.m. Those attending
asked to bring candy and cookies
for Veterans hospital in Rose
burg. Odnonosoff. violinist, to . pre
sent first fall concert for Rose
burg Community Concert asso
ciation at 8:15 p.m. at Junior
high school auditorium.
Thursday, December 1
Dorcas Circle of Faith Luth
eran church to meet In afternoon
at home of Mrs. Frank Johnson.
Alpha Iota banter. Beta Sigma
Phi to meet at 8 p.m. at home of
Mrs. Walter Welker, 600 S. Jack
son, with Mrs. Lester Wimberly
and Mrs. Verdun Boucock, hos
tesses. Program on "Pictures,"
in charge of Mrs. Ed Radlgan.
Busy Steppers club to meet at
noon potluck luncheon at home
of Mrs. Virginia Wambolt.
victory uircie oi First Baptist
church to meet at home of Mrs.
Martha Marchant, 1328 Harrison
street at 2 p.m. Annual Christ
mas party and exchange oi guts.
Northside ' Sunshine club to
meet at home of Mrs. W. O. Pat
terson, 904 Riverside Drive.
Laurelwood, with Mrs. Doris
Hart as hostess.
Rifle Range Sewing club to
meet in afternoon at home of
Mrs. Pauline Greenfield.
Winchester Community club
ladies to hold Christmas party
and potluck luncheon at club
house at 10 a.m. Dortha Sail
and Louise Ketcherside to give
demonstration on gift wrapping.
Exchange of secret pal gifts not
to exceed one dollar. Hostesses
Mrs. Sail and Marcelle Johnson.
Bring table service and wrap
pings for a gift. All ladies of
community invited.
Dorcas society or the Seventh
Day Adventist church will spon
sor a food and fancy-work sale
all-day at the Umpqua Valley
Hardware store.
Helping Hand club of Eden
bower to meet 1:30 p.m. with
Mrs. George Felt at the airport.
Country club women to meet
Havt Your Home
Landscaped on
F. H. A. Terms
Trees Topped or Removed
' Lown Planted
Shrubs Pruning
Call us for Information
L. H. McPherson
Rt 2, Box 153 Phone 715-J-1
at 12 o'clock luncheon at club
house, followed by contract
bridge play.
Friday, Deeember 2
Mid-Week Bible class of St.
Paul's Lutheran church to hold
baked foods and fancy-work sale
at Umpqua Vallef Hardware
store. Donations to be at store
by 9 a.m. Articles will be called
for by telephoning Mrs. E. W.
Carter, 495-L.
Roseburg chapter, American
Gold Star Mothers Inc., to meet
at 8 p.m. at armory. Membera
asked to bring articles for
bazaar. Pick-ups will be made by
calling 958-L.
Chapter BI, P.E.O. Sisterhood
to meet at 1:15 o'clock dessert
luncheon at home of Mrs. W. M.
Campbell, 949 Winchester street,
with Mrs. A. F. Franklin, co-hostess.
Rlversdale Grange to meet at
8:15 p.m. at hall. Refreshments
In charge of Mr. and Mrs. B. F.
Chilson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Thurlow and Mr. and Mrs. E. G.
Saturday, December 3
Eden Ladies Aid of Elgarose
Lutheran church bazaar at
church. '
Rlversdale Grange Home Eco
nomics club to sponsor food and
fancy-work sale .at E. G. High in
surance office at corner of Jack
son and Cass streets.
South Deer Creek grange at
8 p.m. Motion picture to bo
Willing Workers of Scotts Val
ley to sponsor fancy work and
food sale at Yoncalla Meat Mar
ket. Canyonville Girl Scout organi
zation to hold rummage sale.
New and used articles to be sold.
Pie and coffee to be sold during
Bazaar to be sponsored by
Roseburg chapter, American Gold
Star Mothers, Inc., at Umpqua
Valley Hardware store.
Douglas County Council of
Parents and Teachers to meet ut
Myrtle Creek at 11:30 a.m. Lunch
eon to be served at noon. Reser
vations for luncheon to be made
with local presidents by Nov. 28.
All members of P.-T.A. are In
vited. '
Roseburg Camp Fire Council,
husbands and wives, potluck
dinner at Episcopal parish hall
at 7 p.m. Social evening to fol
low. Roseburg Country club annual
trophy dinner at 6:30 . p.m. ut
clubhouse. Trophy awards to be
made to both men and women
winners for the past year. Reser
vations may be made by calling
Quine and Company or Lee Shar
man at the clubhouse.
Invitations have been received
in Roseburg to the approaching
wedding of Louise Prrscilln Raw
son of Salem to Glenn William
Wharton also of Salem.
The ceremony will be held
Saturday, December 3 at 3 p.m.
at St. Paul's Episcopal church in
Salem with a reception to follow
at 460 North Cottage street.
Miss Rawson is the daughter
of Mrs. John Preston Rawson
and Mr. Wharton is the son oi
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wharton of.
this city.
A number of Roseburg resi
dents are planning to, motor to
Salem for the wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Krewson
entertained at a most delightful
dinner party Wednesday evening
at the Shalimar having as guests:
Congressman and Mrs. Harris
Ellsworth, Mr. and Mrs. A. G.
Hennlhger and Mr. and Mrs. Pul
K. F.yan.
A pleasant social evening fol
lowed the dinner.
it Dave
1 8-year-old
Sunday Services, Nov. 27
11:00 A. M.
Johnnie speaks on
"The Vision Splendid"
iSp m0& wnain. t vto
Fall flowers and autumn leaves
formed the background for a dou
ble ring ceremony at the First
Baptist church Friday,' Nov. 4,
when Miss Ruby Jean Davis and
Merlin Foss were married by
Rev. H. P. Sconce, pastor of the
Baptist church.
Given in marriage by her fath
er, R. W. Davis, the bride wore
a white crepe wedding gown with
fingertip veil held in place by a
crown of seed pearls. She carried
a bouquet of red roses with satin
Colorful fall fruits, centered
with a long arrangement of pale
yellow chrysanthemums and
flanked , by tall yellow tapers,
graced the lace-covered table
used bv Mrs. S. J. Cooper Tues
day, when she entertained her
bridge club at a cnarming one
o'clock luncheon at her lovely
home on Madrone avenue In Lau
relwood. Beautiful .bouquets of
mixed chrysanthemums were ar
ranged about the living room.
Covers were placed for Mrs.
L. K. Fles, guest; Mrs. C. M.
McDermott, Mrs. Kennetn Bai
ley, Mrs. A. D. Parr, Mrs. O. R..
Hess, Mrs. rreaericK unapman
Jr., Mrs. Roy . Cummins, Mis.
Frederick J. Porter and the host
ess, Mrs. Cooper.
High scores lor tne contract
bridge play were Won by Mrs.
Fies and Mrs. Bailey.
Roseburg Junior Woman's club
members enjoyed a Thanksgiv
ing potluck dinner at the Eagles
hall Monday, November 21 with
Mrs. Paul Casey as chairman,
assisted by Mrs. Ralph Ohman,
Mrs. ' Glen Miller, Mrs. Henry
7:30 P. M. Saturday Night
First Baptist Church
-fa LUCILLE . . . America's first lady
of sacred song
piano prodigy
7:30 P. M.
Closing message of the
campqign on "HEAVEN"
. Lucille sings
"The Holy City"
1 V
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Foaa
Attending the bride was her
cousin, Mrs. J. D. Anglin as ma
tron of honor. "Her bridesmaids
were Miss Ruth Davis, sister of
the bride and Miss Dbntia
Sandersky. Best man was Frank
Hoffman of Myrtle Point.
Bobby Davis, brother of the
bride, lighted the candles prior
to the ceremony. Mrs. Sam Ware
played the wedding music and
accompanied Gene Yates who
ise Me."
A reception followed at the
Krohn and Mrs. Andy Murray.
The tables were set with brown
and white cloths decorated with
orange tapers and a centerpiece
of apples and firethorn. Turkey
favors marked Individual places.
Following the dinner the busi
ness meeting was conducted by
the president, Mrs. Harold Jo
kela at which time reports were
given on the community chest
collections by Mrs. B. L. Reding,
Mrs. A. J. . Farenbaugh and Mrs.
Glen Miller. . ,
Mrs. Benj. O. DuFresne report
ed that the club yearbooks will
be ready for distribution at the
next meeting.
The president urged all mem
bers to appear at Mercy hospital,
Nov. 28 at 7:30 p.m. for blood
typing. This Is being done in co
operation with a local effort to
establish a blood bank in Rose
burg. ,
Contact chairman, Mrs. E. J .
Tauscher, reminded members to
attend the Arts and Crafts dis
play to be held Nov. 29 and 30
by the senior Woman's club.
The next meeting will be held
Dec. 5 at 8 p.m. at the Eagles
hall with Mrs. B. L. Reding, Mrs.
George Dawe and Mrs. R. D.
Manning as hostesses.
Other members and guests
present were the Mesdames Don
Rogers, Ray E. Doerner, W. D.
it Johnnie Lavender
. Dynamic Youth Speaker
Monday Night, Nov. 28
fa Color movies of Canada and Rosebuig Rodeo Parade
fa All request musical program
Johnnie tells his "LIFE STORY"
Photo br Clerk's Studio'
home of the bride's uncle apd
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Davis
on Sunset Lane. The three-tiered
wedding cake which was center
ed on the lace-covered bride's '
table, was first cut by the bride
and bridegroom.
Mrs. Foss is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Davis of this
city and the bridegroom is the.
son of Harris Foss of LaCross,
They are making their home
in this city. ;
Bollman, R. W. Marr, Lloyd O.
Nelson, D. W, Keasey, Jr., Paid
Bctcher, John Fleck, Amos Min- ,
er, Clyde Crenshaw, George
Crocker, L. A. West, Rex Jones,
Walter A. Moore, Bernard Stlen
berger, George Crenshaw, Dean
Rammage, Ed Harvey, J. M.
Rutter, Bert Young, Victor Flu
ry, R. D. Fies, Robert L. Nichal,
Jr., Ross Myers, Peter Gregos,
Galen Mathews, Dallen H, Jones,
Thomas E. Patty, Cliff Ferber,
Eric Purkerson; the Misses Jean
Severson and Arda Jacobs. '
Mrs. M. G Hlxson entertained
at a birthday party for her son,
Walter on his ninth birthday,
Monday, Nov. 21 at her home at
Elkton. The evening was spent
playing . games and singing. ,
Refreshments were served to
Wade Henderer Jr., Gordon and
Bruce Riley, Donald and Patri
cia Smith, Jenna and Peggie Lev
enhagen, Ross McDonald, Jr.,
Louis Hann, Ralph Beal, Milton
Cheever, Robert Doty, Darlene
and Lynn Clemo, Ralph and
Wayne Sheffel, Walter and Nita
Hlxson, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hix
son and Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Hix-
: I t ft
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