The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, November 26, 1949, Page 3, Image 3

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    Sot., Nor. 26, 1949 Tht News-Review, Roseburg, Or. 3
Associated Press All Pacific Coast Football Team
i o e&oxm o i
Aspirants Rest
Over Weekend
Drills Resume Monday;
Roseburg High Squads
Open At Cottage Grove
The Douglas county sports pie
s ture as of Thanksgiving day
Is a bleak one Indeed. Basketball
. courts throughout the county are
bare, while prospective hoopsters
. recover from the after effects,of
too much turkey.
It will be a different story start
ing Monday. At that time, coach
es from Glide to Reedsport and
from Elkton to Glendale will
bear down on the boys in pre
paration for the opening of the
basketball season on December
Locally, Coach Jack Newby re
ports season tickets go on sale
Monday at 8 a.m., in J-V Sport
ing goods store. He points out
only 85 season reserved seats
will be available. This includes
seats that will go to parents of
players. Newby said the parents
will have first choice of seats. .
An $8 book of tickets will en
title the holder to a reserved seat
at nine home games. This does
not include the sub-district finals
to be played here.
First Gams Dec. 9th
Newby said the 12 men that
will make up the varsity will be
chosen December 7th. Eight
practice days remain for those
who aspire to the Indians var
sity team.
. The Indians start their season
with a game at Cottage Grove
on Dec. 9th. Norm West's Jay
vees will play the preliminary
Elsewhere in the county, both
the north and south half B lea
gue schools will hold basketball
jamborees Dec. 9th.
Oakland, Yonca)la, D r a i n,
Glide and Elkton high schools
will meet in a Jamboree at
Drain, while south half schools,
made up of Riddle, Camas Val
ley, Days Creek, Canyonville and
Glendale, hold their jamboree at
" Riddle.
Roseburg will participate in
league play that Includes Suther
lin, Myrtle Creek and Reedsport
high school varsities.
This year, the Coos -Douglas
district was divided into two lea
gues, due to financial problems
involved in moving the teams.
The Coos league will be made
ip of Marshfield, Coquille, Myr
tle Point and North Bend. The
winners in the Douglas and Coos
districts will play off to decide
the state tournament entry.
Oilers Post Record
In Basketball Scoring
26 UP) The Phillips Oilers est
ablished their all-time basketball
scoring record last night, defeat
ing the Guatemala Olympics,
The Oilers' previous scoring
mark was 111 in 1938 against an
Enid team. Bill Kleirie, Phillips
center, scored 25 points.
The South Americans are on
a 13-game tour of the United
THE CREAT ATLAS displays the muscular arms and shoulders
with which ha will endeavor to conquer Georges Dusatte, the
Herculean French-Canadian, in the headliner of the weekly
wrestling program at tha Roseburg armory tonight. Both grap
plers are full-neslon hold specialists, and anything can happen.
Full-Nelson Battle On Tap
In Three-Star Mat Show
A full-nelson battle, Involving two of the most muscular grap
pling giants in the junior heavyweight class, will feature a three
star wrestling show at the Roseburg armory arena Saturday night.
Time of the opener will be 8:30 p. m., and a capacity crowd appears
The heavy-muscled principals are The Great Atlas, a former "Mr.
America" from Hollywood, and Georges Dusette', a French-Canadian
who has one of the greatest following of any matman In the j
nation. With bulging shoulder and arm muscles, the two grapplers
are almost certain to have to resort to some tactics other than full
nelsons, headlocks and the like. It should be a classic in which the
ability of the winner to adapt himself to a situation is the answer.
Two other burly matmen will vie In a three-fall skirmish, sending
Maurice LaChappele, France, against Leo Wallick, Boston. Pete
Bartu, a villainous New Mexico grappler, meets Dale Kiser, young
Portlander, in the curtain raiser.
Elton Owen will referee all three bouts.
Drain Grade Hoop
Schedule Listed
Coach Rip Johnson of Drain
grade school announced comple
tion of Its basketball schedule for
the 1949-50 season. .
He reported new white and red
uniforms have been provided for
the team. Fans are offered a well
trained and well dressed team
on the court this season, the
grade school coach added.
The schedule follows:
Dec. 5 Cottage Gorve at
Drain. '
Dec. 8 Sutherlin at Drain.
Dec. 15 Oakland at Drain.
Dec. 20 Drain at Cottage
Jan. 4 Drain at Elkton.
Jan. 9 Drain at Reedsport.
Jan. 12 Reedsport at Drain.
Jan. 19 Yoncalla at Drain.
Jan. 26 Drain at Sutherlin.
Feb. 2 Drain at Oakland.
Feb. 9 Elkton at Drain.
Feb. 17 Latham at Drain.
Feb. 21 Drain at Yoncalla.
The regular schedule will be
followed with a county tourna
ment, date and place to be an
nounced later.
(By the Associated Press)
Kentucky 21, Miami (Fla.) 6.
Texas Western 69, New Mexico
A. & M. 7.
Austin (Tex.) 27, East Central
Okla. 6 (Texoma Bowl).
Muskingum 21, Rollins 0.
Texas A. & I. 27, Corpus ChristI
Univ., 12.
Little Rock JC 33, McNeese
(La.) JC 7.
Bakersfield (Calif) JC 13, Taft
JC 13 (tie).
1947 Oldsmobile "98"
Radio, heater and all extras.
Will take older model on trade
in. PHONE 441-J-4
Bowling Scores
TEAM Wnn Tjsut
F. O. E 21 12
Ump. Valley Hdwre .....19 14
Donut Bar .. 19 14
Jones Ins ... fl 15
Vets Hospital , . , .... ift 15
Jovin Brake Supply 1 19
Elks 326 . .i3 20
B. P. O. E 10 23
Qamei Nov. 23
F. O. E. 3, Jones Ins. 1, Elks 326 2,
Donut Bar 1, Jovin 3, B. P. o. JE. 0
Vets Hospital 2, Ump. Hardware 1. '
High Individual game score: V, Bou-cock-R.
Bruton 231.
High Individual series score: V. Bou
cock, 569.
Donut Bar
Buettner 200 160 170860
Wellman 135 143 135 433
Hanford 134 152 124430
Absentee 128.162290
Johnson 187 170 171537
Handicap 96 96 96288
Total 792 888 858 2538
Elks 826
Radlgan lflfl 173 x
Thiele 126 138 162444
Weisgerber . ..168 109 143 420
Stock 152 199 157508
231 191069
Handicap 65 89 89243
Total 658 950 015 2523
Vets Hospital
Esberir . 148 198 174518
Kidder ....151 117 145413
Bruton 177 134 231542
Tannlund -.....145 136 160 441
Loomis 153 123 136412
Handicap 128 128 128 384
Total ....902 834 874 2710
Umprjua Valley Hardware
Roberts ; 136 134 173443
Wiggers 168 158 113 437
Harding 145 155 130430
Hilliard 144 163 154461
C. Flngerlos ..188 162 193643
Handicap 102 102 102306
Total 883 872 865 2620
B. P. 0. E.
Haskfns 161 165 166492
Barber 125 149 130404
Smith .., 176 148 149473
Walls 103 165 115383
Ryan 138 137 131406
Handicap 160 166 166 498
Total 869 930 857 2656
Jovin Brake Supply
Harris 130 200 170526
J. E. Nordling 141 179 148468
Campbell 142 113 175430
Taylor .. 163 179 143 4B3
Lentz 157 145 153 457
Handicap ....... 134 134 134402
Total 893 950 925 2768
E. , Meek 195 192 159546
Morris .......173 184 178 537
D. Meek 181 159 189 529
Barker 170 148 143459
Root 1B8 189 153529
Handicap 100 100 100300
Total 1009 970 921 2900
Jonrs Ins., Myrtle Creek
H. Shirtcllff 120 185 143448
T. Shirtcllff 165 190 132487
Bitner 129 149 162440
Wilson 176 169 161500
Chapin 180 159 189528
Handicap H 110 110 110 330
Total 880 962 897 2739
Lloyd's Auto Body Shop
501 Fullerton St. Ph. 1025-J
3 to 6 daily including Sunday
Complete engine and body
. repair on anything with
Guaranteed work . . .
guaranteed estimates
(A Back -o. sc. Cs r- T ri f"4"" " STMf0M lf
Y ' I Bck CALIF, j 3 l s t. ,
I I V gjX 1 EDDIE LE BARON 1 j ( f-!.- W A - "
iM .4 BILL MARTIN tv "J j , vj l- ' A Taekl CALIF. V k Tm
Back -use, t r 4 IPI ( Jf U t . V
4 End OREGON f Suard-CALIF. F End U.C.L.A. h Toeklc IDAHO Guard SA M TA Cl! A R A
The University of California placed three men on the Associated Press 1949 Pacific Coast football team. Bob CeTeri was named one of the backs, Rod
Franz, a guard, and Jim Turner a tackle. Others making the team were KenCarpenter, Oregon State, backfield; Bill Martin, University of Southern Cali
fornia, backfield; Eddie Le Baron, College of Pacific, backfield; Bob Wilkinson, University of California at Los Angeles, end; Darrell Robinson, University of
Oregon, end; James Castagnoli, Stanford, center; Yern Sterling, Santa Clara, guard, and Carl Kiilsgaard, University of Idaho, tackle. (AP photo).:
LaGrande Edges
Out Marshfield
Gridders, 7 To 6
(By The Associated Press) '
La Grande crashed into the fi
nals of the Oregon class A high
school football playoff last night,
but only after coming from be
hind to nose out Marshfield, 7-6.
That threw the spotlight to
Portland, where Grant of Port
land and Hillsboro tangled today
In a game to determine the other
finalist. Grant, winner of three
previous state titles, ruled a one
touchdown favorite.
Eastern Oregon hopes that Le
Grande had a "wonder" team
sagged as Marshfield outplayed
the Blue Mountain team through
the first half at La Grande and
took a 6-0 lead. But La Grande
proved to be as good as it needed
to be, dominated play throughout
the second half and emerged with
the'win. .- .., ... .
There was some suspicion that
the eastern Oregonians were play
ing under wraps. Normally a
strong aerial team, Le Grande
tried only three passes, complet
ing none. Mostly it was straight
bucks and end sweeps.
About the only deception came
in the third quarter and it pro
duced a touchdown. It came after
a 46-yard march to the Marsh
field 20-yard line. It was the old
statue of liberty play and half
back Chuck Brackett lugged the
ball 20 yards for a touchdown.
That tied the score at 6-6, and
the 3,000 fans groaned as the kick
for the extra point failed. But
Marshfield was offside and La
Grande got a second chance. This
time Fullback Wayne Berry took
the ball, plunging over for the
winning point.
Marshfield had scored In the
second quarter. Ron Robbins, 152
pound halfback, sparked a 55-yard
drive and quarterback Barney
Holland went over on a short
buck. The kick for extra point
was wide.
La Grande ended with a slight
statstical edge, nine first downs
to eight, and 157 yards gained to
In six-man play the defending
state champion, Mohawk, was
spilled at Astoria by Westport, 35
28. This moved Westnort into the
finals. The other finalist will be
determined today In a game be
tween Weston and Talent at Cen
tral Point.
Rufus Denham, 59, battled 1
steer for several minutes with
no weapon but a garden hoe.
The animal, attracted by the
red dress of Mrs. Josephine Den
ham, 55, charged the pair in their
garden. Denham stepped In front
of his wife, swung his hoe and
was dragged and butted around
the yard by the injured steer.
Then an employee from a nearby
You can't blame us for crowing about our dependable
MILLWORK PRODUCTS. Made of quality seasoned lum
ber, by expert craftsmen, our sturdy, attractively-finished
Doors, Windows, Mouldings, Trim , . . form a welcome
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See us for YOUR needs this week!
4022uOAK7WI28 V
5-ft. cast iron bath tubs, only $75.00.
Plumbing fittings, fixtures, accessories
Galvanized Water Pipe Soil Pipe
30, 42 and 52-gol. Collins Water Heaters
Everything for the Farm and Home
Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange
Phone 98
Located W. Woshington St. and S. P. R- R. Tracks
Army Favored To
Defeat Navy "11"
NEW YORK. Nov. 26 UP)
The climactic game of the foot
ball season Army vs. Navy
was on tap today, and as usual
all past' records were being dis
Armv's two Dlatoons of nnpra.
tives ruled 14-polnt favorites at
game time, but bookmakers
were shuddering at the thought
of the Middies rising to the oc
casionas they usually do. Last
year, the Midshipmen held ths
powenui uaaets to a l-all tie.
The game was to be watched
by 103,000 at Municipal stadium,
The country's first and third
ranked elevens, Notre Dame and
Oklahoma, respectively, also go
into action, but they are figured
to have relatively easy pickings.
The Irish olav Southern Cali
fornia at South Bend, are figured
to nave no more trouble with the
Trojans than with previous vic
tims. Oklahoma, which still is
shopping around for a bowl game
it has several offers stayed in
its own back yard with a game
against Oklahoma A. and M.
(By the Associated Press)
HOLLYWOOD, Calif. Mario
Trigo, 138, Monterrey, Mexico,
outpointed Elmer Beltz, 141, Los
Angeles, 10.
DETROIT Lester Felton, 145,
Detroit, outpointed Ross Virgo,
145, Rochester, N. Y., 10.
Boy West, 134, Washington, out
pointed Ernesto Aguilar, 132ft,
Monterrey, Mexico, 10.
SAN DIEGO, Calif. Chick
Musgrove, 162, San Diego, knock
ed out Wendell Gallant, 168,
Phoenix, Ariz.k 1.
PORTLAND, Me. Jackie
Weber, 134, Pawtucket, R. I., out
pointed Hermie Freeman, 131ft,
Bath, Me., 12.
packing house arrived and shot
the animal.
Denhem suffered numerous
cuts and bruises.
Tauscher Takes
Pro-Golf Job At
Roseburg Club
PORTLAND, Nov. 26. Norm
Tauscher, ex-Portland public links
star and professional, revealed
Friday that he has accepted the
osnion oi proiessionai at rtose
urg Golf and Country club.
Tauscher. who with his familv
is visiting In Portland this week,
said that he will assume his du
ties at the southern Oregon club
Dec. 1.
Tauscher began his rise In olf
when in his teens and competed
in several Oregon junior tourna
ments. He became a professional
at Top O'Scott, then City View,
early in 1946, and later in the year
moved to Lloyd's golf course
where he was associated with the
Joe Mozel school of eolf. In Octo
ber, 1948, he accepted an asso
ciate's post with Hugh Stark-
weamer at Kogue valley coun
try club in Mcdford, in which
position he has served until the
Tauscher added that his -post
at Rogue Valley had not vet been
Heiress Who Jilted Navy
Man Marries Another
ROXBORY. N. Y.-(JP) Heiress
Silvia Gould, who broke her en
gagement to Lt. Comdr. Ernst
Hoefer Jr. on the eve of their
wedding scheduled for last SeDt.
24, was married to the handsome
naval officer Thursday night.
Justice of the Peace James
Hopkins performed the surprise
the simple ceremony was ar
ranged on short notice at Fur
lough Lodge, Seager, N. R., home
of the 31-year-old heiress to part
of the fortune of her great grand-
lamer, financier jay uouid.
The bride said last Sept. 23 that
she canceled her engagement to
the 2S)-year-old naval omcer be
cause he refused to sign away
dower rights to her estate.
WAVERLY, 111. (IP) The
steak dinner given for the Waver
ly high school football team by
the Knights of Pythias turned out
pretty tough.
No one could eat the steaks.
Felton Decisions Ross Virgo In Ten
Antlerless Deer
Season Slated
Licenses to hunt 1.000 antlerless
deer in the John Day valley area
will be mailed out earlv In De
cember to hunters who apply be-
rore o p. m xnov. au, announced
State Game Director Charles
Lockwood. .
Action of the Oregon game
commission Wednesday approved
me special aeer season wnen
it was found a lack of feed faces
deer in that area.
Special tags will be issued by
the game commission to persons
who apply before the Nov. 30
deadline. The. season will ex
tend from Dec. 15 through 18.
Hunters desiring tags should
send name and address to the
Portland office of the game com
mission. Those who still have
deer tags should Include the num
ber of the tag. New tags may
be purchased for $5.
The hunting area Is approxi
mately 40 miles In length from
cast to west and seven miles
deep, north to south. It is bound
ed on the north by the Malheur
national iorest Dounaary ana on
the south by U. S. highway 28
between Dayville and Bear creek.
DETROIT, Nov. 26 m
Young Lester Felton was finally
out in the clear today with a
fight decision that was all his
own. . , . .
After two disputed verdicts in
headline bouts the Detroit Negro
welterweight floored Ross Virgo
of Rochester, N.Y., three times
last night for a clear-cut victory
In ten rounds.
Felton, 145, was running be
hind on .points until he caught
up with -Virgo in the seventh. A
right to the jaw dropped Virgo
for a nine count.
Twice again in the ninth Virgo
went down from rlghthand
smashes,' one for nine and once
for eight.
The defeat was the first In 19
fights for Virgo, member of the"
last u. s. Olympic Boxing team.
Felton weighed 145, Virgo 145
3-4. i i -..' '-v.
Previously Felton won a dis
puted verdict over Kid Gavilan
of Cuba and was given a draw
with Tony Pellone of New York,
also disputed.
Seems K. of P. cooks, In flouring
ine planners, used patching piast
er. ,
Everybody ate ham.
Pumice and Dumlclte are used
as abrasives and in building ma
terials, paint filler, insecticides
and absorbents.
924 Gdn. Valley Rd. Ph. 530-J-1
.Johnson Sea Horse Dialer
Need a
Come to us for
that final touch
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ing. Conveniently
Hours 8 to S Daily, In
cluding Sunday.
Edward's Shine Parlor
Grand Hotel Lobby
G. I. Flight Training Is Available
To Any Veteran Who Has Over 90 Days of Service
Previous lo July 1, 1948.
Training is given only in new modern tost airplanes.
Enroll now before your eligibility expires.
Round trip charter trips to all points
Save Time and Money
Try our U-Fly Service and Save up to Vi on your trip
We Invite your Inquiries on all your flight problems.
Freight up to 1200 lbs. taken for Immediate shipment snywhere.
Cessna Dealers
Inquire at airport any time for more detailed Information.
Boseburg Airport . Phone 122J J Roseburg, Ore.
1936 Chev. 4-Door, Dependable $197.00
1936 Chev. 2-Door, Overhauled
1936 Chev. Coupe, runs good ;
1936 Ford 4-Door, work ear
1937 Ford 4-Door, sound body .
1939 Olds 4-Door, mee. Special
1940 Stude Champ. 2-Uoor, as is
1938 Chev. 4-Door, Mee. Special
1941 Chev. 2-Door, needs body work
1939 Dodge Coupe, good buy
1940 Ford 2-Door, motor good
1934 Plymouth 4-Door, special
1940 Ford 'l-Ton Pickup
1946 Studebaker 1-Ton
1936 Ford l'i-Ton stake, 2-Speed
Oak and Rose Roseburg