4. The News-Review, Roieburg, Ore. We J., Nov. 23, 1949 Published D illy Exoept Sunday l-y the News-Revie Company, Inc. , . ,f V liHbiri, brfa, mtt Ml f March . IMS CHARLES V. STANTON W, EDWIN L. KNAPP Editor Manager Member of tha Aaaoclated Preaa, Oregon Newapaper Publlahara Aunolatlon. tha Audit Bureau of Clroulationa StearaMaus ar wsst-hollidas- CO.. wv. la Naw '. Cataaia, a" a i r.ciM. u ..im. kutiia. reau.a aL Laaia. soasoain-iuN lArca-ia um.-bj h.ii-p.c tea, ' Ufh ...Ik. 1t. B. Clll Carrlar Pal jeat JIS.H lla alaaca. IJ waa a tot, pit aaala II.M OalaM ot.f.-Df .ii-"r - aataa 14. ia thrtt tntatbt It.ia INDUSTRIAL FUTURE By CHARLES V. STANTON The Pacific Northwest eventually will become the moat industrialized section of the country. That statement is made by Secretary of State Earl New- bry, who, speaking at the weekly forum luncheon program of the Roseburg Chamber of Commerce, said that only in ability to build hydroelectric generating plants fast enough to keep pace with demands for power holds back industrial expansion. " -; '- . Following the Second World war, people of the Pacific Northwest were wondering what could be done with the electricity no longer needed by shipyards and other war Industries, Newbry pointed out. He did not mention the fact that the Bonneville Power administration about that time" sent out engineers to make a study of the power market, anticipating difficulty' in finding outlets for its production. Hydroelectric plants cannot be built quickly. It takes many years to erect dams, build powerhouses, install gen erating equipment and transmission lines. So, because the postwar industrial expansion of the Pacific Northwest had not been anticipated on such a large scale, no appropriations were immediately available for public power installations. Private utilities, too, were caught flat-footed by the unex pected industrial development, and had no project work ready1 for immediate construction. Newbry pointed out that private utilities are ahead of public power agencies in the production program, which may be partially explained by the fact that private installa tions are smaller than federal projects, while private enter prise is geared to move more rapidly than federal agencies, entangled in red tape, ; CVA drum beaters will find little consolation in some of Newbry's statistics, although he did not mention this con-' troversial issue in his talk. ; But while CVA proponents point pridef ul fingers at TVA as an example, Newbry's report shows Oregon eighth among all states in percentage of farms serviced by electricity, six of the states ahead of Oregon being in the New England area where "states are thickly populated and some of which are hot as large as one Oregon county." Oregon, seems to be doing very well in comparison with the vaunted area embraced by TVA, which some of our socialistic-minded persons would have us emulate. Furthermore, Oregon's residential consumption of power, Newbry reports, is three times the national average. , ' Newbry pointed out the tremendous industrial growth in Oregon, showing that some $40,000,000 went into new tim ber operations alone last year. Many more millions are being spent throughout the state, particularly in the metro politan area, by nationally known companies, such as the National Biscuit company, Continental Can company, Bor den Milk company, Pennsylvania Salt company, and others. Newbry reports that "almost everything that can be made from wood, has a plant in Oregon from pre-fabricated houses to broom handles." Outside the timber industry, Oregon sites recently have been selected by manufacturing concerns engaged in such production as aluminum sheets and shingles, linen rugs, deep freezers, asphalts, wall board, lime and cement, magazine slick paper, lead battery plates, batteries, paints, logging machinery, chromium furniture, precision instruments, traffic lights, roofing felt, dog food, and many others. It is unfortunate, in our opinion, that so much of this manufacturing industry is being centralized in the Columbia area. Many advantages, of course, exist in concentrating Industrial activity in metropolitan areas, where better trans portation, housing and entertainment facilities exist. On the other hand, concentration is undesirable from a defense standpoint, making industrial production vulnerable to bombing attack, while, in many instances, particularly the timber industry, operations could be more efficiently con ducted closer to the source of raw material. Douglas county's industrial expansion has been far above the state average, yet we have crying heed for specialized manufacture paper, wallboard, furniture, toys, sash and doors, box shook, and many other operations providing more complete utilization of an abundant timber crop. Within a few more weeks we will have a substantial in crease in available power, through completion of the first unit of Copco's Toketee Falls project. Other units are to be added at close intervals during the next few years. Thus we have here in the Umpqua basin an unequalled oppor tunity for new industries seeking operational sites. It is to be hoped that industry will take advantage of this op portunity and that we will be one of the outstanding sec tions in the Pacific Northwest's industrial growth. " Greatest Show In Europe I SAW By Paul Jenkins mm If !, Q tf I Mi If 'tf 3 L GEORGE SINCLETON and W. J. CLARKE, two elderly railroad buddiei who have retired, at they stood at the corner of the fence which divides their two residence properties on Hoover street, discussing the European situation. Like heck they were! They were swapping tall ones about fishing. Both were born in 1870, both began railroading before they were dry behind the ears and both continued with the railroads almost always as members of the same crew until they re tired. W. J. left the service in 1936, George in 1940, the former as conductor (he is also an engineer), Ceorge as bralteman. All of George's and most of W. J.'s tima has been put in with the Espee. , "That thing W.'J.i is leaning on," George told me .between strikes, "is the jigger that adorned the newel post on the stairs at the old Ashland Hotel, where we railroad men always stayed when in town, and we were there often, I salvaged 'er before the old place burned 40-50 years ago." .IlllPf ' By ViaJm0U S. Martin fpjrZs Father Suet Child Cart Home For Damages PORTLAND (Jn A lather hae tued the operators of a child care Home lor $15,000 damagea. ' Robert G. Bell aald his 14-month-old daughter was .beaten severely. He named as defend ants George O. and Amelia O' Bol -:e. He SRld they had m to re' sented the home u being approved by the State Welfare commission. . O'Belrne Is sought hv city pr on a charge of assault and J batte.y on the child, 1 MAYORAL COMEBACK DAYTON, Ore. Nov. 23 UP Ten years ago, when he was onlv 24 years old, Carl H. Francis was the second youngest mRVor in the United States. He was mayor of Dayton then. Monday Francis was elected mayor again, after several years nnr nf I l.a nftM it. .i-. .1 . . J. French 141 to 193. Mayor John u. Jones dldn t seek reelection. Franrla w, - -------- - ..... iv-i'ii-si-uin five. hAVinff anrvtiii V ...n. 26 years old. He would like to be speaker of the House someday, too. This looks like a good day to finish the Lookingglass Indian War? "The country west of the South Umpqua," It says here In the Oregon Guide (Binfords and Mort, Portland $3.50) "embracing Lookingglass, Olalla, Tenmile and Camas, suffered considerably during the Indian wars. "In 1855 a band of 64 Umpqua Indians' lived on Lookingglass creek, three miles below the pre sent town of that name, sup posedly under the care of J. M. Arrington. They grew restless when hostilities began further south, and, fearing an attack, the white settlers ' organized and the first blow, October 28, 1855; eight Indians were killed and the others driven to the moun tains. "The fugitives Joined the hos tile tribes on Rogue river, ob tained reinforcements, and re turned in December, 3.855, to wreak vengenance upon the set tlers. Houses were burned and property destroyed from the South Umpqua to South Ten- mile. The whites had united and were augmented by volunteers from various localities and met the Indians In the Battle of Olal la, In which James Castleman was wounded, the only casualty suffered by the whites. " 'Cow Creek Tom', one of the Indian chiefs, was killed and eight others mortally wounded. Hie Indians were completely routed and the white settlers re covered most of their stolen cat tle. "In April 1856, the settlers pro vided further protection for them selves when, under the authority of a proclamation Issued by Gov. George Law Curry, a company of 30 'Minute Men' was organized at the schoolhouse In Looking glass. David Williams was chosen captain, William H. Stark, first lieutenant, and William Cochran, first sergeant." Probably some of their descendants live there now? I mentioned a pioneer of Camas Valley a while ago, and had a letter from his granddaughter who Is still living on a part of his old donation land claim. Such In the Day's News (Continued from Page One) are opening here today the an nual conference of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. This is their job: To find out how to Increase food production in some countries and how to handle unmarketable sur pluses in others." The dispatch adds that the meeting will run "two weeks or longer." . VHAT, I'd say, Is an optimistic I estimate. The problem of too much food at some places and in some times and too little food at other places and in other times has been plaguing humanity for about as long as there, has been any record of human doings. -1 If the ' Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations can solve It in a couple of weeks, it will be something. YOU must remember from your Sunday school days Joseph's dream o the seven fat cows and the seven lean cows.. The drama was interpreted as a forewarning of the seven lean years that even then were presumed to follow each seven fat years. The upshot of It was that Joseph prevailed upon Pharaoh to store up grain while the storing was good as preparation for a time when hun ger would be abroad In the land. The Pharaoh followed Joseph's advise and quite a lot of people were saved from starvation. . THEN there is the fable of the ant and "the grasshopper. The ant worked and sweated through the long and sunny summer to lay away a store of necessities against the season of winter. The grasshopper fiddled and danced and had hnnself a whale of a time while the ant was working and slaving and preparing to meet eventualities. Along in mid-summer, or some where thereabouts, the two came together and the grasshopper gave the ant the merry, merry raspberry for being an old fogy. The ant came back with some words of good advice that seem to have been utterly wasted on His Grasshoppership. ' As It turned out, the ant was sitting pretty when winter came along and the grasshopper was in a bad, bad way. (Whereupon, I suspect, all the grasshoppers got together and indicted the ants as wicked, grasping capitalistic exploiters.) THIS is the point, if any: This problem of alternating feast and famine is one that has been worrying people for a long, long time. I fear that it won't be set tled, right away, by even such an Imposing affair as the annual con ference of the Food and Agricul ture Organization of United Nations. a continuity of living in one place with deep roots seems Just wonderful to one who is by na ture a deep-rooter but never has been able to do It. My paternal ancestors came over In the "Good Ship Anne" In 1623, and were deep-rooters for eight genera tlons. Then my father took to crossing the Atlantic. , . married an English wife ... so I was born In London These Blessings Should Inspire All Americans With Thanksgiving Prayer " By BRUCE BIOSSAT Looking about them, tha people of the United States see that they hava much to ba thankful for. They live in a country that never In modern times has been trampled by a foreign foe. In the great wars they have fought, it was tha lands of other peoples that suffered ruin. Tnougn with the atom bomt, the guided missile and the long- range bomber this nation is no longer the safe island it once was, America is still a land that can not be easily and quickly overrun by an invading horde. The shadow of a potential enemy does not loom large as it does in Europe. . loo, Americans live in a coun try whose leaders will start no wars. We will fight to defend our selves and our friends, but we will launch no ''preventive" at tacks on others. Even when our strength is an overwhelming force in the world, we will use it to preserve peace rather than to dominate or destroy. -. But of course neither'- our power,- our geographical- position nor our will to peace can make us really secure from war today. Ail we can say Is -that we .have more to be grateful for in this uncertain time than do French men, or Britishers, or Russians or Chinese. The American people can also feel gratitude that their nation has the greatest material wealth of any on earth. The United States is not free of poverty and distress, but it has less of them than most countries and It does City Christmas Decoration Job Needs More Help An invitation has been issued to "Roseburg's younger set" by City Manager Matt Slankard to lend a helping hand in erecting the city's Christmas season dec orations this Sunday. Slankard has already been as sured that members of the Lions club, the fire department and the city street department will aid in the all-day project. ,- However, Slankard said more volunteer workers are needed to make certain the city is decorat ed in the one day allowed for the job. Workers are to meet Sun day at 8 a.m. at the city hall. "The decorating project is so organized that everyone will have a definite job,'r Slankard said. Roseburg's main business dis trict is the area to be decorated Cass and Oak streets, and the business section of Jackson street. Twenty Santa Clauses, re cently purchased by the Retail Trades association, will be plac ed on street light poles. Two strings of colored lights, already assembled by the fire depart ment, will be strung across the streets in the middle of each block. Light strings, complete with wreaths, will also adorn intersections. Lutherans Date . Thanks Service Rev." Richard E. Graef, pastor of St John's Lutheran church in Sutherlin, and the Rev. Walter A. Sylwester, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran church, Corey and Mili tary streets, announced today that their respective congrega tions will be conducting Thanks giving i services on Thursday, Nov. 24. The service at St. Paul's be gins at 9:30 a.m. with the pastor speaking on the topic "God pleasing Thanksgiving Observ ance." Mrs. Clinton Gorthy will sing "Thanks Be To God," by Dickson. The service of the Sutherlin congregation begins at 10 a.m. and will be held in the Sutherlin American Legion Hall. The pas tor's sermon topic is "The Bless ings of Thanksgiving." The pub lic is most coridally Invited to attend either of these two services. Deaths Last Night By The Associated Press' BIRMINGHAM, Eng. John Henry Reynolds, 75, former pre sident of the royal astronomical society. MILWAUKEE Albert P. Schimberg, 63, associate editor of the Milwaukee Catholic Herald-Citizen for the past 14 years and am nor oi several religious biographies. NEW YORK Dr. Nathan Krass, 69, Rabbi emeritus of Temple Emanu-El, a champion of rtlfgi ous toleration and the "old fash ioned, monogamous marriage," and an outspoken opponent of the Soviet Union for its denial of re ligious liberty to its Jewish population. SAN FRANCISCO Max Dill, 71, member of the famous com edy team of Kolb and Dill, a hit In Vaudeville and stage shows from before the turn of the ceii tury through the first world war. Three Die When Taxi Dives Into Willamette PORTLAND (& A slippery, fog-bound waterfront pier was blamed for the death of a taxi cab driver and two California merchant seamen. Bodies of the three men, trap ped under the crushed top of the cab, were found when the taxi was hauled from the Willamette river. They had been missing since early Saturday. Police surmised cab driver Frank Wing, 40, Portland, was hurrying to get the overdue sea men aboard the freighter China Bear. The sailors were identified from papers In their pockets as Donald Shireman, 30. San Fran cisco, and Edward Nazareth, 27. Oakland, Calif. Both were en gine room workers. Harbor police grappled for the taxi after an oil slick on the wa ter and gouge marks on the end of the pier were noticed. not view them complacently. Prosperity a high standard of living is no less a goal than peace. Americans may cuuni uimr selves lucky on a third score. Freer than most from tne tnreat of war and economic want, they likewise enjoy greater liberties In the do tical and spiritual fields. They may speak and write and worship and vote pretty much as they wish. Not in many cor ners of the world are these privil eges any longer untarnished. rnese iioerues are not reai lor all the American people. But again, no responsible leaders and no good citizens take lightly the nation's shortcomings in creating a climate of freedom. The objec tive is liberty for all, so each may develop to his fullest stature and realize happiness. so long as people in tnis coun try can continue to count these blessings, they wil have cause to utter grateful prayer on Thanks giving day. r - PHONE 100 between 6 IS and 7 p. m if you have not ' received your News- " Review. Ask tar Harold Mer i Hhdiet and gentlemen There is no doubt . We have the things V Yeu dream about. Safe Deposit Boxes There is no substitute for Safe Deposit ox pro tection. We invite you to call at our bank for details. ' DOUGLAS COUNTY STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, all residence pickups ordinarily made on Thursday will be made on Friday. All regular Friday pickups will be made on Saturday. This change is effective this week only. Roseburg Garbage Disposal Co. ! FROM THE NEWS OF 60 YEARS AGO IQUh I ''On. l fo, r:'r,. ve , " FJ - ' 0 - aV St..... t-I At. ."oaf; sar'. 'it A Roseburg Review, November 21, 1889, f J, 7 I e, e. Those names that appeared in tha 1889 Review . . . .. anyone know whether these folk ara in Rosebura Kuv. kendall, Marroon, Tracy, Applegate? Aaron Rose, of 1 course, we recall as Roseburg's founder. We get a great) , tracing noseourg s course) inrauan n.irory . . . just as we get lots of satisfaction from) sBmng up a compiere insurance program. It Pays ta tntura in Sura Insurance! I'hono 1277-R M injpten rwuince, c.rl P.rmln j TIPTON PERMIN INSURANCE 214 W. Cass (Next door to Post Office) E I I I I