The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, November 23, 1949, Page 15, Image 15

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    late Highway Construction
xpenditures Over 31 -Year
Period Set Forth In Report
By Ralph Watson
Public Rtlattona Consultant
Ortgon Highway Department
Diuiiig i.he period xt?r.u!i.i Z.Oi 117 la' Ju'tie 30. 1948 the
total sum of $83,293,236 hai been spent in the construction and
maintenance ot highways, roads and streets within the boundaries
of Division 3, of the highway department's working map.
Division 3 contains some rugged country witjiln its limits, which
embrace all of Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson and Josephine coun
ties, together with parts of Klamath and Lane. There are 12,737
square miles of not too level territory in the first 'five of these
counties while Klamath and Lane hold 10,567 more between the
two of them.
L In the 31 years during which
the various highway commissions
and the engineers have been mak
ing motor transport easy and in
creasingly available throughout
Oregon, 919 miles of main trunk
highways have been built In and
through the seven counties of
Division 3, plus 444 miles of
secondary hard surfaced feeder
highways, while at the same time
-material assistance has been
given in both financing and engi
neering the improvement of 7,304
miles of county roads and city
streets not on the state highway
j system.
i Network Sksins Lilted
Included in this construction is
tnat portion or tne uoast nignway
from Just south of Yachats to the
California line; the Pacific high
way from Junction City to Ash
land and beyond to the California
border; the Redwood highway
from the south to Grants Pass, the
east and west ways from Eugene
to Florence; from Drain to Reeds
port; from Roseburg to Coquille,
not to mention much of the Mc-
; Kenzle highway, the Green
Springs and the Willamette Pass
roads to the east. The rugged go
ing over these various routes is
yidenced in some degree by the
Annual Dinner South Deer
Creek Grange will hold its annual
Thanksgiving dinner Thursday at
1 o'clock at the hall, followed by
a program and dance.
Stops Here Bill Wharton stop
ped In Roseburg Tuesday for a
brief visit with nls parents, Mr.
to Salem from Klamath Falls.
where ha had been on business.
Arrive Here Mr. and' Mrs.
Harry Dutton arrived in Rose
burg today to spend the Thanks
giving holidays with Mrs. Dut
tons orotner-in-iaw ana sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kronke.
.act that construction expendi
tures on the 919 miles of primary
nignways over tne ai-year period
have averaged approximately
$62,570 a mile.
Of the total spent In the divi
sion during the 31-year period,
$65,835,461 was for construction
and $19,457,775 for maintenance.
State highway funds accounted
for $34,609,486 of the construction
cost, government funds $23,963,
830, the counties contributed $5,
527,394 (a sizeable portion of
which came from the 19 percent
contributions from the state high
way road user money), while $!,
527,176 was the 10 percent also
contributed by legislative diver
sion from highway funds for the
s 'o use of cities on city street
construction; $207,573 was from
miscellaneous sources.
All of the maintenance was
laid out of state funds except
.20,188 put In by the counties and
$96,546 from federal funds.
It COSt SD7.4SS.238 to build tne
primary highways, of which the
state contributed, in round fig
ures, $31 million; the government
$21 million, of which $6 million
was forest highway funds; and
the counties $41 million. State
funds shouldered $16,356,522 of
the primary highway mainte
nance, the government approxi
mately $88,000 and the counties
it cost $5,160,963 to build the
444 miles ot secondary nignways,
of which $1,702,729 was forest
highway funds, while the mainte
nance has been $2,751,400. The
sum of $1,648,063 has gone into
improvement of county roads and
city streets not on the highway
svstem. The cities of the district
have received and presumably
used for street construction an
additional $1,527,175 of state high
way funds.
Will Arrive Tonight Tom Ja-
cobson, student at Oregon State
college, is arriving home tonight
to spend Thanksgiving with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Ja
cobson,. in Laurelwood.
Loaves Thursday Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Church and daugh
ter, Marian of Sutherlin will
leave ' Thursday for El Toro,
Calif., where Mr. Church will
spend two weeks In active duty
in tne Marine Air t orce.
Mova Hera Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Kinney and children, Jante and
Gwen, have moved to Roseburg
to reside. They are former resi
dents of Los Angeles. Until they
can locate a home they are stay
ing wltn Mr. and Mrs. urnest
Webber, parents of Mr. Kinney.
To Visit Here Frank Wash
burn, of Portland, student at Wil
lamette university in Salem, is
arriving here tonight to. spend
the Thanksgiving holiday visiting
his brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. C. M. McDermott, and
family, on South Kane street.
J , ; ho
Open House At Sutherlin's New
High School Attracts Large Crowd
The open house held at Sutherlin's new high school Tuesday
evening, Nov. 15, was well attended. About 350 visitors were shown
the different divisions of the school..
- : Each teacher was in her or his respective room, and the high
school girls escorted the visitors around, Introduced the teachers
and explained the work being done.
Through teacher-student coop
eration, the modernistic school
was attractively decorated.' The
principal study or each room was
used as the motif for its decora
tion. Observers applied "spic and
span" and "apple pie order" in
describing the school. They were
impressed by the pastel coloring.
the many conveniences, the ap
propriate use ol ordinarily wast
ed space and the employment
oi up-co-aate teacmng aids. .Bas
kets of flowers were placed in
each room and In the balls.
Visitors were served freshlv
baked cookies and tea in the
home economics room under the
supervision of Mrs. Thelma Wil
son, assisted by her home econo
mic class. The girls explained
the different things they had with
which ot work and showed how
they worked.
Music was furnished during the
evening by Barbara Miller, Jean
Stephenson and Ralph Gardner
at the piano in the hall way. Rob
ert Hansen of Hansen's radio
shop donated use of a radio which
provided music In the other part
of the building.
Among the visitors were the
architects who designed the
school, C. M. Freeman, accom
panied by Mrs. Freeman, and
van ovarverua, assistant arch!
tect, all ol Portland: Suoerin-
tendent M. L. Gilbreath, Oakland
District I, and Mrs. Gilbreath
Principal R. R. Brand. Roseburi
Junior high school: Princina
Harry H. Krug, Dillard elemen
tary school; Principal and Mrs.
Ray Carp. Myrtle Creek hieh
The open house was considered
a successiw event and the com
ments by parents and patrons of
the school were highly compll
mentary to the school board. Su
perintendent of Schools, William
Kiaaioearger; construction Su
perintendent, Murry C a n o v a,
Principal Fred Richardson,
faculty and students.
: Neurosis Subject
;At Session Of
- A four-person forum on the
. subject "Are American -Women
More ; Neutrotic Today than 15
f ; Years Ago," formed the principal
-portion ol the Roseburg Toast-
mistresses club meeting held last
night at Carl's Haven.
Speaking for the affirmative,
Mrs. Opal Tuttle and Mrs. Jolene
1 Parsons declared the greatest' de
mand, both physical and mental,
' is placed on women of today, with
"many unable to cope with the
situation. Contrary to popular be
lief, they said statistics show
there are three times more neu
rotic women than men since the
end of the war. Department of
Commerce figures indicate there
are 560,000 menta! patients a year
in the United States, an amount
equal to the annual number of
college graduates.
A contributing factor to the
high percentage of neurosis in
women is the fact that 47 percent
of employed women are married,
resulting In mental conflict as
these women have trouble fulfill
ing obligations at home and at
their places of employment.
Speaking for the negative, Mrs.
Marge Martin and Mrs. Don Dim
mick emphasized the part schools
ave playing in helping nervous
children to overcome their handi
cap. They said there is more
stress placed on cooperation at
present, with competition among
school children played down. An
other factor aiding the youngsters
is the closer contact between par
ents and teachers experienced at
speakers lor the negative said
present or prospective mental pa
tients are being aided by medical
science, with the introduction of
.hormones to help relieve ten
' "If there are more neurotic
women now," the speakers de
clared, 'its oeceuse tnere are
more women."
Thirteen members and one
guest were present for the meet
ing, conducted by the president.
Mrs. Herman Matlsoff. Toole
mistress for the evcnlne was Mrs.
J" L. Tauscher who gave every
one oreseni a seaiea envelope con
talnlng topics on which they
were to give one-minute talks.
Mrs. Jack Myers served as toast
mistress for the evening.
The Initial five-minute speech,
an autobiography, was given by
mrs. nose reterson, a new mem
ber of the organization. Gram
marian for the evenin? wn Mr
Dorothy Winston, with Mrs. Cloyd
Riffe acting as guest evaluator.
A Joint meeting with the Rose
burg Toastmasters club will com
prise the next meeting of the or
ganization. The meeting will be
held Dec. 13 at 6:30 p. m. at Hotel
Umpqua. with the ladles' eroun
slated to participate in the pro
gram. ,
NEW YORK (JPt Vic Erclas.
Trieste-born chef, has been help
Ing New Yorkers pay and col
lect election bets for 10 years.
Winners get a "Gourmet Special"
at nis Cabin Grill. Losers watch
them eat it, but get only scanty
tare tnemsclves.
The special dinners cost the los
ers $25. They start with 1905 bur
gundy and go on through a four
Alterations Made
On Dillard Church
Residents of Dillard are Inter
ested In the recent alterations at
the Dillard church, which have
improved the pulpit. This includes
the installation of a beautiful
prayer table, the center of which
supports a huge lighted cross with
an open Bible resting at the base.
Flanked on each side of the
cross are tall white wooden can
delabra. As a background behind
this cross hangs a blue velvet
drape. The seats In the choir loft
have be,n elevated and enlarged
in mane more room lor tne grow
ing choir.
The Junior high youth of the
Dillard church. Including the
sixth, seventh and eighth grades
have formed a separate group of
M. Y. F., under the leadership of
Mrs. Lulu Post and Mrs. Elva For
rest ot Winston.
Officers were elected as fol
lows: President, Loretta Here
vice president, Fat Cole; secre
tary and treasurer, Bobby Post
reporter, Dorothy Davis; song
leader and pianist Velma Post
and Gayle Gray.
They are planning a Christmas
party Dec. 19. All young people
in this age limit are cordially in
vited to meet at the church at
5:30 every Sunday.
inch steak. After 15 other courses
they wind up with deep dish
roasted banana pie.
At Grammel Home Mr. and
Mrs. George Gremmel of Glen
Ridge, N. J., and the latter's sis
ter, Mrs. Vlncems Gad of New
York City, have arrived by plane
to visit several weeks with the
Gremmels' son and dauthter-ln
law. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Gremmel, -and baby son, Steven.
Elgarose Writer
Extols PTA Of
Home Community
Douglas county residents, Ruth
L. Wooton of Elgarose, brought
nationwide attention to her home
town with- a recent article on
rural Parent Teachers associa
tions, published in the Christian
Science n-'t-,?, '
In the article, rfubllshed Oct.'
a, tne .igarose writer tens mat
there Is at least one community
in the land "where fathers, un
cles and grandpas take active
part In their Parent-Teachers as
She told that the membership
of about 90 stretches the school's
budget by purchasing some ot
tne playground equipment and
providing for extracurricu
lar sport. .
Miss Wooton stated the Elga
rose P-T.A. annually sends one
boy or girl to 4-H summer school
for 10 days at the state college in
Not the least of Elgarose's
achievements Miss Wooton said
is the teacher s part in cooper
ating with Oregon s PTA teacher
education scholarship plan. The
plan is designed to Interest ca
pable students in the teaching
' An order appointing Roy O.
Young administrator of the es
tate of Robert Barclay Holmes,
Ntw Cards Not To Go To
Conctrt Assn. Members
Miss Gladys Strong said today
that new cards wlli not be mailed
out to Community Concert asso
ciation members. The cards first
sent out will be used and mem
bers will be notified by letter
of arty change in program.
A story In a recent Issue ot
the News-Review said new cards
would tut Usued.
Memoers who have not re
ceived cards may contact Mrs.
E. K. Jones, secretary, phone 811.
The first program will be the
appearance here of Rlcardo Od
noposoff, violinist on Wednes
day, Nov. 30, at 8:15 p. m., in the
Junior high school.
An order signed by Circuit Jud-
f;e Carl E. Wlmberly has re
eased from the county Jail Ed
ward Lynn Stephenson, 32, Rose
burg. Stephenson was arrested on a
complaint alleging default in a
divorce procedure. The release
order was signed following an un
derstanding between the parties
involved on delinquent support
deceased, has been signed by
County Judge D. N. Busenbark.
Holmes died Intestate Jan. 11,
1942, in St. Paul, Minn., leaving
property In Douglas county in the
probably value of $3,500.
The order also appointed Ho
ward O. Bailey as appraiser.
W. Roseburg Assn.
Plans Arranged
The West Roseburg Improve
ment association executive com
mittee, meeting Tuesday night,
set up permanent committees,
composed of the officers and di
rectors. A sanitation committee was
named, consisting of O. J. Feld
kamp, chalrnwiM; S.- V
and Sam McGaughey. This group
will also act as a steering com
mittee to handle all petitions for
West Roseburg improvements.
A zoning commltee consists of
R. O. Dunsdon, chairman, Walter
Mallory and Paul Davis, and
street committee of W. H. "Doc"
Carter, D. R. DImick and Will
iam Bollman.
A tentative petition to the city
council asking for sewers was
drafted and will be circulated
following the Dec. 13 annexa
tion election.
Next meeting of the group will
be Dec. 6.
Wed., Nov. 23, 14 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. IS
Talent For Elks'
Show To Be Chosen
The Elks' talent night party,
for the selection of the cast for
the forthcoming Elks' second an
nual show, will be held Saturday
starting at c! p. m. in the Elks
General Chairman Harry Pin
nlnger announced that William
Croarkin, professional Hollywood
director, is expected io arrive
here Friday to select the cast
and begin active rehearsals Im
mediately. The big show, "Talk of the
Town," a half-review and half
minstrel production, will be pre
sented Dec. 15, 16 and 17.
The talent night party will be
held In connection with the regu
Saturday night dance, but
will start early to work In the
entire program. The cast will
consist mostly of Elks, with only
limited outside talent to be included.
Five Children Polish
As Fire Dtstroys Homo
. EAU CLAIRE, Wls.-iW Five
children died In a flaming house
at the John Berg farm near Rock
Falls, ten miles south of here.
The victims were Identified as
the three daughters and one son
of Mr. and Mrs. John Berg and
a granddaughter. They were
Maxine Berg, 18, Donna, 10, Da
vid, seven, Jackie six, and the
four-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Orrln Stal.
Another son, Alvln, 11, jump
ed from a second story window.
Mr. and Mrs. Berg said they
were In the barn when the fire
broke out. They found the home
in flames and were unable to enter.
Generators on the latest sleep
ing cars deliver enough current
for 10 homes.
Vital Statistics
Marriage Lleene Applloantt
Swift, Brockway, and Barbara
Lee Fowler, Tenmlle.
ard Ralph Swanson, Dillard, and
Mrytle Irene Plasker, Tillamook. ,
Leroy Pence, Bothell, Wash., and
Ina Olsen, Seattle.
cent A. Rogers and Kathryn
Webb McKlnnon, both of Rose
burg. Armory To Bo Decorated
For Annual BPW Ball
Decorations in observance of
Thanksgiving day will bedeck the
armory tomorrow night, for the
dance to be given Thursday from
9 p. m. to 1 a. m. by the Rose
burg Business and Professional
Women's club.
This Is the 20th annual Thanks
giving dance to be sponsored by
the group. Except for the war
years, the BPW has sponsored
the affair every year since 1923.
Tickets will be available at the
door. Music will be furnished by
Bruce Gllley's orchestra.
About 81 percent of the soft
coal mined in the U.S. is moved
by railroad.
Skating Party All Bluebirds
in Douglas county are invieted to
a sKatmg party to De neia at tne
Rolletta skating rink Friday from
until 4 p.m. Parents are re
sponsible lor transportation of
their daughters to and from the
rink, those in charge stated.
Go to Washington Mr. and
Mrs. L. H. McPherson of Rutter
Lane, Roseburg, have left for
Port Orchard, Wn., to enjoy the
Thanksgiving hiliday visiting the
lormer s brother, w. E. Meaner-
son. L. H. McPherson, a land
scape gardener, plans to visit
nurseries in Seattle, Portland and
other points tp purchase supplies
before returning here.
Arrlvlna Tonlaht Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Norton of Adair Vil
lage are arriving in Roseburg to
night to spend the Thanksgiving
weeKeno visiting tne lormer s
mother, Mrs. Frank Norton Sr.,
and Mrs. Norton's parents. - Dr.
and Mrs. B. R. Shoemaker. Mrs.
Norton is the former D Ann Shoe
maker of this city.
Will Join Family Jack B. Jos-
se of Roseburg plans to leave to
night for San Francisco to join
his wife and their two sons, Peter
and Kim, to spend the Thanks
giving holiday with Mrs. Josse'
arents. Mr. and Mrs. iester Ka
ilslus. Mrs. Josse and sons left
earlier In the week for San Fran
Thanksgiving Dinner Rivers-
dale Grange will hold its annual
Thanksgiving dinner Thursday
evening at 6:30 o'clock at the
hall. The turkey win be lurnisnea
by the Grange and the remainder
of the dinner will be potluck.
Those attending are asked to
bring their own table service. A
dance will follow the dinner.
Games are being arranged lor
the children.
Return from Portland Eulah
Rhoden accompanied six of her
students to Portland where the
group attended the showing of
the Ballet Kusse de Monte car
lo. They enjoyed the trip Friday
and Saturday, included were
Mrs. Rhoden, Hallie Bond, Rose
bmlly Bond, Arvllla Montgom
ery, Joyce Johnson, Mary , O'
Brien, and Shary Perrault.
Called to Portland Mrs. Joe
Blosser of Roseburg left Tuesday
for Portland, where she was call
ed by the death of her sister,
Mrs. Minnie Mainews, wno nad
been ill for some time. She for
merly made her home in Rose
burg. Besides Mrs. Blosser, Mrs.
Mathews is survived by another
sister, Mrs. Emma Agee, of Port
land, f uneral services win De
held in Portland Friday at 2 o'clock.
, Go to Seattle Mr. and Mrs.
Fred A. Knlsht of roseburg left
Tuesday for Seattle to spend
Thanksgiving with their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
H. J. (Bud) Watdon (formerly
Marjorie Knight of this city). En
route home, they will visit next
week with their son, Attorney
William W. K.noght, and fam
ily, and their daughter, Mrs.
R. B. Houser, and family, In
Homo City Won't O. K.
Garsson Pardon Petitions
BATAVIA. 111. -W The 'city
council has refused to endorse pe
titions recently circulated by the
Garsson brothers, war-time mu
nitions makers, which seek fed
eral pardons and federal backing
to rehabilitate their bankrupt !
plants here. ,
The brothers were convicted j
along with former Rep. Andrew
May (D-Ky) of briber? and eon
splracy to defraud the govern-
ment. They face prison terms of i
eight to 24 months.
The Garssons operated two '
plants In Batavia under the name '
of Batavia Metal Products, Inc., I
and the U.S. Challenge company.
Both plants later were declared !
bankrupt and went Into receiv
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Effective December 1
for INlorth UmpqM,
-Utile ISiveir. iresidleinifts
News-Review will be delivered before 6:00 p. m. each day
Effecrivt December 1 subscribers of the North Umpqua,
Little River area will receive their copies of the News
Review the seme day it Is published . . . there's no waiting
for the mail delivery the following day.
The new motor route will proceed east from Roseburg
over E. Douglos street and the North Umpqua highway.
The route will extend along the North Umpqua highway
(including Glide and Idleyld Park) to Rock Creek and
the Douglas County Lumbar company camp. The route
will also extend up the Little River road to the Associated
Plywood company camp and will include the Buckhorn
road between Little River and Dixonville.
Mr. George Frew, carrier, will leave the News-Review
before 1 :00 p. ra. each day and the last subscriber on
the route will have his paper before 6 p. m. The cost of
this faster service is only 17c per month more then the
slower mail delivery if a full year's subscription Is paid
in advance,
Mr. Frew Is now in the area contacting subscribers for
the faster delivery system. If Mr. Frew does not contact
you this week, please stop at the News-Review circula
tion department the next time you are In Roseburg.
Circulation Department