Socialite Wife Beats Husband To Divorce Decree I 11 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Of Wed., Nov. 23, 1949 Businessmen Hunt For Ways To Boost Profits, Reduce Costs As Failures Increase This Year By RADER WINGET NEW YORK, Uft If you want to stay in business, you've got any time since the war. And they are searching for old and new to make money. That's being driven home to businessmen more today than at ways to Increase their earnings and cut costs. A growing number of busi nesses have learned tne starK fact "no profits, no business. So far this year there have been more than 8,000 commer cial and industrial lanures throughout' the country. For the same period of last year failures ran to a little under 4,500. And in 1947 they were Just under 3,000. The figures come from Dun & Bradstreet. Small firms are the hardest hit. Bankruptcies with liabilities un der $5,000 at present are running at the highest rate since March of 1943. There's one ray of optimism in the gloom, however. A survey of the memberships of the Los An geles Credit Managers' associa tion and the New York Credit Men's association disclosed that 70 percent of those replying don't expect any great change in the trend. That might seem a bit on the negative side, but at least they NEWEST DESIGNS L allpaper NOW AT CARSTENS 1 117 W. CA88 8T. I SUIT I I I I Fast Service ' I It's a fact . . . most re- I pair work can be dons I I in one day. Drive In now. I HANSEN I I S I I MOTOR CO. van ol aiapneni rnontt wo don't expect any increase in the number of failures in the next six months. Some of them thought there might be a slight drop in tne toiai. Business Isn't sitting down with mere hopes that the sheriff doesn't padlock Its door. There is a lot being done about it. The Controllership Foundation Inc., the research arm of the Controllers Institute of America, In a reDort savs: "Typical ag gressive action to sustain profits includes tne increasing selling ei fort, the improvement of prod ucts to make them more attrac tive to purchasers, and cutting costs of manufacturing and dis tribution. Thief Catching Important One cost cutting method is catching thieves. Some stores de liberately remove a package from a shipment to see whether It will be reported by an em Dlovee. Automatic alarms and electric eyes are used in ware- nouses, some iouna Dig savings in locking executive telephones at night to prevent unauthorized long distance telephone calls. Others put phony names and addresses in their mailing lists to test whether a rival company is stealing their roster of custom ers. Then there is the long-term pro motional approach to increase business. The credit management divi sion of the National Retail Dry Goods association is trying to set up a nationwide method for de partment stores to figure how much their credit departments cost and why. They are really cutting It fine. They are getting answers to such questions as: How many keys docs the opera tor punch on a billing machine per bill? And there are the direct ap peals to build up business. Na tional Hotel week just closed on that theme. The National Hotel association said the public should know that American hotels have nearly completed a $2,000,000,000 rebuilding and refurnishing pro gram. They are ready for busi ness. And to stress that, Indivi dual hotels during their "week" selected local beauty queens and a "Miss American Hotels." They figure that will boost business. All of these things add up to more money In the till. And as long a you are making money, you can't go broke. B-50D HAS 6,000-MILE R A N C E The new Boeing B-50D bomber has two 700 fallon external fuel tanks, speed of more than 40 miles an hour and a ranfa of 6,000 miles. Oregon Author Signs Contract With Publisher NEW YORK Oregonlan auth or Martha Ferguson McKeown, whose "The Trail Led North," published last year told of her uncle Mont Hawthorne's adven tures In the far Northwest of the 80s and 90s, has Just signed a con tract with Macmillan for her new book, THEM WAS THE DAYS: Mont Hawthorne's Boyhood. The book will be published early n 1950. It is an account of Mont Hawthorne's years from 7 to 16 and covers his adventures In Vir ginia, Nebraska, the Black Hills, and Carbon, Wyoming, until he crossed in an emigrant train to San Francisco, and thence by boat to Astoria, Oregon. Martha Ferguson McKeown, native of Astoria and resident of Hood River, is the granddaughter of Albert W. Ferguson of Salem, a covered-wagon pioneer of 1849 who later became sheriff of Was co county. Mrs. McKeown la Or egon State regent of the Daugh ters of the American devolution. HOME TOWN NEWS "Happy Turkey Day", is the sincere wish of the ROSE BURG LUMBER COMPANY for each of our many custo mers. Campaign Of Smear Battled By Los Angeles LOS ANGELES. Nov. 22 OFl This king-size community Is bat tling today to deiena its lair name of the City of the Angels. The chamber of commerce and city council have daubed on their sun-tanned, smog-tinged warpaint and fired a salvo of statements. Their target is a postcard smear campaign which has been telling Chambers of Commerce through out the nation that Los Angeles Is crime-infested and a good place to stay away from, Mailed from San Diego about Nov. 13, the printed, hand -addressed cards claim that "law and order no longer exist in. . . Los Angeles," that "innocent citi zens and helpless tourists are held up, searched, robbed and thrown Into filthy, overcrowded Jails." The cards recommend that tourists keep away from Los Angeles. The cards were mailed In the name of the "Public Releatlons committee of the Los Angeles Ci tizens Safety council In coopera tion with the National Tourists and Travelers association." Harold W. Wright, general manager of the Los Angeles chamber, labeled the cards "ut ter balderdash" and said neither organization is known as a bona fide one here. The city council, In a resolu tion, blamed politics. That irate body said it is reasonable to as sume that the same groups which lauea to oeieat Mayor t letcner Bowron at the polls are at work io destroy tne present adminis tration, regardless of the shame and economic loss they bring to yourself TOP PERFORMANCE AMAZINGLY LOW COST IN THI THRIFT MODIl I AUTOMATIC n 299" r I terms available I i KATuM-IY-FUTUM WITH ANY OTHER WASHER This amazing work-saving . automatic chases away your washday blueo forever. At tho touch of the dial, it per forms tha complete cycle, from filling and washing to 1 damp drying. leak e) thai reel hetana Ms -Ik. taaetlty Newly top lae. j i Ina PlaalMe ycle yea aa Mert ' I e tie at yea with T Bane. ' Ini rintta lake Hiereat As star ecNae S-yaer weiraaly k-eelmlllle And WMrieeel'e seeer-aealiif Sada-Mlaer la fNwxl, M lllfM aaaed teak BERGH'S APPLIANCE 1200 S. Stephens Phone 805 See the new Whlrpool Clothes Dryer Today I citizens and taxpayers." The resolution asked the FBI and postal authorities to look into the matter. Pioneer Minister Of Methodist Church Dies ALBANY, Nov. 23.-m Dr. David Harvey Leech, 85, retired Methodist minister, died 'at Hood River Sunday. The funeral was held here.. For a number of years he lived In Sherman county and was a county commissioner there, be fore moving to Salem in 1898. At Salem he studied theology at Wil lamette university and on grad uation with the first theoloev class he became pastor success ively at WoodDurn, corvallls, Grants Pass, Albany and Eugene. His active ministry spanned 34 years. He was Methodist pastor here when he retired In 1933. He served two districts east ern Oregon and Salem as super-tendent. Survivors Include four children: John of Blodgett, Mrs. Eileen Mc Cully of Hood River, Charles of Lebanon and Archer of Portland. While in Europe most starch is made from potatoes, over 90 percent of that manufactured in the United States is derived from corn. - AT SHAKOPEE, Minn., Nov. 22 UP) A divorce was granted two weeks, ago -to Mrs. Jane Al worth Parks, 32-year-old Duluth heir ess, from Robert Parks, records in the district court here disclose. Parks, 32-year-old former New York orchestra leader, had filed suit for divorce in Duluth about three months ago and named Charles (Red) Ruffing, former New York Yankees baseball pitcher, as the key figure. The complaint charged Mrs. Parks with improper conduct and excessive drinking. He had asked "substantial alimony," custody of their minor adopted son, all Joint personal property and their home. Mrs. Parks' counter suit, filed in Duluth, was moved here through change of venue. The JOE FLOOR SANDING end FINISHING Estimates Leslie Pfaff 320 Ward St. Phone 1SX3-R nimmcsn Have Your Home Landscaped on F. H. A. Terms Trees Topped or Removed Lawn Planted Shrubs Pruning Call us for information L. H. McPherson Rt. 2, Box 153 Phone 715-J-1 decree was granted Nov. 7. Doc uments filed in the case were or dered sealed by the court Judge Joseph Moriarity of Shakopee, In a telephone Inter view, said Mrs. Parks was awarded custody of the couple's adopted son. He did not disclose terms of the proper!. sittlc:icr.t. Mrs. Parks' grandfather, the late Marshall K. Alworth, Duluth Iron Mining operator, left an es tate of more than $6,000,000 when he died in 1942. Dunkerque, France, was once ceded to Oliver Cromwell of Eng land In return for the use of his cavalry. Shortly thereafter, it was repurchased py trance. raVi?&r EJ a fc ear 0 LEARN TO FLY! jjl FREE! G. I. Flight Training Is Available To Any Veteran Who Hoi Over 90 Doys of Service Previous to July 1, 1948. Training is given only in new modern tost airplanes. Enroll now before your eligibility expires. , ALSO Round trip charter trips to all points Save Time and Money Try our U-Fly Service ond Save up to Vi on your trip We Invite your Inquiries on all your flight problems. Freight up to 1200 lbs. taken for Immediate shipment anywhere. GREEN FLYING SERVICE Cessna Dealers Inquire at airport any time for more detailed Information. Roseburg Airport Phone 1225-J .. Roseburg, Ore., UMPQUA DAIRY announces "UMPQUA-FREEZE" A BRAND -NEW PRODUCT It's New! You'll Like It! eiiciouJ. yjutrittoud! eesltincfl IT LOOKS LIKE ICE CREAM-WE THINK IT'S BETTER ;J:WJ t' 'MI LOOK FOR THE YELLOW UMPQUA-FREEZE CARTON WITH THE INDIAN HEAD EMBLEM. Umpqua-Freeze Is Pasteurized MRS. HOME-MAKER: LIKE NOVEL DISHES? FOR THANKSGIVING SERVE UMPQUA-FREEZE OR UMPQUA VANILLA ICE CREAM WITH THE CHOCOLATE TURKEY IN THE CENTER. CHILDREN LOVE IT! mum At Your Grocers NOW SERVING THE SUTHERLIN-OAKLAND AREA. IN ADDITION l s