4 U, of 0 Library COP Eugene, Ore, . HUM mm VI : J : ' ' ' " I rtniA Wktimm tin i Jlll IHIfel IOfg? J New ? LimE PATTY SQUIRES, 56 dayt old, is held by her nurse, ' Beatrice Rhule, after having been lifted for a moment from the incubator in the nunery at Mercy hospital which has been her , home since her birth. Born prematurely by three and a half months and weighing only two pounds and two ounces, very little hope was held for her survival, not only by the attending surgeon, Doctor E. E. Lindell, who stated that it would be somewhat of a medical miracle if. she should live; but also by Mrs. Rhule, who has been nursing babies for 34 years. Sister Austin, hospital Superior, thought otherwise, however. "She squirms so, she must have a lot of vitality," she pointed out. The going was pretty rugged, however. Shortly she lost weight until she only weighed one pound ten ounces; but rallying (through pure grit, her nurse claims, bless her heart) she now strips at a full three pounds six ounces. Faithfully breast fed, she is getting sturdier each day. Care and attention (she has received the best of both) is showing dividends. Patty is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Squires, of 300 Booth street. Itinerant Cotton Picker Jailed In Rape-Murder Of 17-Months-Old Girl ' FRESNO; Calif.; Nov. 22. Off) An itinerant cotton picker, Paul Gutierrez, 25, was held under strong guard on a murder booking today lor the vicious rape-killing early Sunday of 17-months-old Josephine Yanez. Police said he gave them a statement, admitting he took the baby from her parents' car and spanked her, but conteding everything after that was "blank," until he woke up at his cabin later In ' the day. ' In the Day's News By FRANK JENKINS rPEAKER of the House Sam J Rayburn, addressing a demo cratic party rally in Houston, Texas, tells his hearers it looks like the United States is "MOV ING INTO THE GREATEST PROSPERITY ANY COUNTRY, OR MANKIND, HAS EVER ENJOYED." m I HOPE he is right But I can remember the years of the late 1920s when Republi can officials were telling us exact ly the same thing. We were liv ing then, they said, in a NEW ERA. It was a period, they as serted, in which human progress and advancement of knowledge were COMING TO FRUITION. As a result, POVERTY HAD BEEN ABOLISHED. Because we had learned well the lessons of the past, we were assured, pros perity would keep on going up ! (Continued on Page Four) COFFEE UP 3 CENTS PORTLAND, Nov. 12. UP) That Brown beverage you drank lot. breakfast is becoming more golden. Wholesalers here yesterday hiked the price of coffee 3 cents a pound. GRAB OF U.S. PLANNED Politburo Threat Can Be Erased If America Stays Strong, EC A Head States LOS ANGELES, Nov. 22. UP) Paul G. Hoffman said today that the Russian politburo is "planning to take over this country of ours In due course." But communism's threat can be wiped out, America's foreign aid chief said, if the United States remains strong and prosperous and western Europe achieves economic recovery. In a speech prepared for de livery before the student body of Pomona college, the chief of the Economic Cooperation . adminis tration traced the background of events leading to establishment of ECA and the Marshall plan. Hoffman lashed out sharply throughout the address at Rus sian ideological aims. He de clared that while American w 1...- : - . I "-r-r-I-...! I. - I Gutierrez was arrested yester day, picking cotton in a field six miles west of Huron. It was near Huron, 40 miles southwest of Fresno, that the baby was taken from her parents' car, violated and thrown face down in a fur row in a field, her head shoved into the mud. The parents, ranch workers Joe Yanez, 29, and his wife Teya, 22, had gone to a Saturday night dance to pick up Mrs. Yanez' sis ter. When Josephine began to cry, Yanez left the car to go get his wife. When they returned, Jose phine was gone. .- Searchers found her tiny body Sunday night, a few hundred yards from the dance hall. The child had been stripped naked, ex cept for her bonnet and one shoe. There were tooth marks on her body. She had been beaten. Her liver was lacerated, indicating she had been squeezed violently, .of ficers said. Gutierrez made his statement (Continued on Page Two) Umpqua Forest Second In Period Timber Cut " During the first quarter of the current fiscal year, the Umpqua National forest stood second among national forests in Oregon in volume of timber cut. The Wil lamette National forest was first. M. M. Nelson, supervisor, said a total of 39,320,000 board feet of timber valued at $326,873 was cut between July 1 and Sept. 30 this year on the Umpqua forest. Sales of timber on new con tracts amounted to only 11,800. 000, feet, indicating the drop in the timber market which took place last summer, Nelson said. foreign aid can help stem com munism, western Europe must also work to provide economic and political self-help in which freedom can survive. At the end of World War II, Hoffman recalled, "the leaden of this country saw only too clearly (Continued on Page Two). 1..... IsW.WifrtfcW - ' " MoiHy cloudy today, tonight Sunset today 4:43 p. m. ' ' ; Suitrlto tomorrow 7:17 p. m. Established 1873 Petition From 76 Presented To City Council Planning Commission Will Consider Proposed Changes In City Wards Petitions of East Roseburg res ident for annexation to the city were referred to the Planning commission for a study of boun daries at tne city council meet ing Monday night. This action was taken after Mrs. Lena Denn appeared and requested exclusion of her prop erty lying along East Second Ave. So. on the east boundary of the proposed area, me property, once platted, has been vacated as a subdivision, and is mostly pasture land, said Mrs, Denn. A check of the petitions show ed 76 valid names asking for a vote upon- annexation. The Plan ning commission will meet next Monday to study the matter and make its recommendation to the council as to boundaries. May Revise Wards Another matter which the Plan ning commission will be asked to consider Is the proposed change of city wards. The ludiciarv com mittee, headed by Harrison Win ston, submitted a report suggest- ( Continued on Page Two) Ruling Hits Union In Coos Dispute PORTLAND. Nov. 22 UP) CIO maritime unions involved last April in a dispute at Coos Bay over the lumber freighter Kolando have been found guilty of unfair labor practices by the National Labor Relations board. NLRB Representative Robert J. Weiner said .yesterday ,the. board upheld' an examiner's findings. The CIO Cooks, Stewarts and Engine Room Workers' unions were charged with illegal coer cion of employes of the Irwin Lyons Lumber company. The CIO unions had claimed jurisdiction over AFL-held jobs aboard the company's freighter. The dispute spread to allied lumbering and logging operations oi the company ana involved other CIO unions in picketing. It also resulted in a beating of sev eral mill employees. The NLRB dismissed a charge that CIO longshoremen were res ponsible for beating two work ers. It held that the beating was away from the picket lines and there was no evidence the union officers provoked any attack. The board also turned down the com pany charge of a secondary boy cott. This stemmed from picket ing of the Coos Bay Boom com pany operations. The board ruled that although the boom operation and the lumber company were seDarate corporations, the own ership was identical. Charges Stick In Case Of Negroes' Hogging ROME. Ga.. Nov. 22 UP) ' Federal Judge Frank A. Hooper refused today to dismiss indict ments against 12 men charged with conspiring to flog seven Ne groes. The judge directed that the government proceed with its case against the twelve. Immediately thereafter defense Attorney Frank Gleason filed motion for a "bill of parti culars?" That is he asked the government to spell out the charges against Dade County Sheriff John W. Lynch, three of his deputies and eight private citizens. U. S. District Attorney J. Ellis Mundy promptly objected, argu ing that to do so would limit the scope of the case and hand tne detense in advance an out line of the government's evi dence. Neuner Issues Ruling On "Drug Sundries" Sign . SALEM. Nov. 22.-im No place of business can display a sign saying - drug sundries un less it Is Tn charge of regis tered pharmacist gellin? retail drugs. Attorney General Neuner said today. - , - This opinion makes It Illegal for Rogue River Distributing Co. of Grants Pass to use its sign containing those words. Neuner said. The company operates a whole sale drug business. The opinion was for the state board of pharmacy. TYPOS ATTEND MEET Five members of the Roseburg Typographical union No. 785 went to Coos Bay Saturday and Sunday to attend the state con vention of the union. Delegates ana alternates included led Mar East Roseburg Residents Seek Annexation ble, Bob Stanleigh, John Dono van, Perry Upright, and Chot Amundson. They wert accom panied n- their wives. Sessions were held &t the Tioga hotel. V ROSEBURG, Prospects Bright For Chest Goal Enthused over prospects of completing soon the Roseburg Community Chest campaign, rep resentatives of the steering com mittee and member agencies will meet for a special luncheon meet ing at the Hotel Umpqua Wednes day noon. Harold J. Hickerson, chairman Gift Thermometer GOAL $25,550 of the steering committee, said that the number of firms 260 at last report which had not yet Deen contacted has been whittled down considerably. Something less than $10,000 of the $25,550 goal remains to be collected. - . Marlen Yoder, co-campaign di rector,- requested, that service club canvassers who worked dur ing the campaign turn in their reports by tonight Chinese Reds Mull Angus Word Case WASHINGTON. Nov. 22. UP) The United States received an indirect report today that a Chi nese communist "people's court" expects to reach a final decision m a matter or. days on Ameri can general Angus AVard. ine report came irom a Chi nese newspaper. It was picked up irom a Mukden radio broadcast yesterday, the state department said. There has been no direct word from Ward himself since he and four members of his consulate staff at Mukden were jailed Oct. 24. They are charged with beat ing a Chinese employee who asked for back pay. ine state department has de nounced the charges as "trumped UPZ! . . . inis development occurred as the U. S. awaited responses from 30 nations, including Soviet Rus sia, to a personal appeal Irom Secretary of State Acheson for concerted action In behalf .of Ward. m J , $20,000 ( I $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 m CD TAWASSI AND MASSASOIT CROUPS o the Ctmpfire Cirli, pictured above, distributed Christmas Seal posters Saturday to Roteburg business homes, for the Douglas County Tuberculosis and Health atiociation. From the left tha girls are: Front row, Shirley Bitphan, Marjorie Gladwill, Trunette Phillips, Judy Riley, Janet Lewis, Janet Church, Barbara Wilton and Patricia Niday; back row, Jaclyn Warren, La Valla Gladwill, Lucy Otter man, Margie Cattail and Sandra Hayes. - Leaden of that groups are Mrs.. Lucy Ottermaa and Mrs. Haial Gladwill, (ly Paul Jenkins). OREGON TUESDAY, NOV. Byrnes Flays Government's Fiscal Policy Ex-Secretary Of State Declares Spending Cuts Lack Serious Thought ; BILOXI, Miss., Nov. 22 UP) A former cabinet officer made a sharp attack on government fiscal policies last night and call ed for a drop in taxes and the national debt. In his second assault on the Truman administration, former Secretary of State James F. Bry nes told the southern governors' conference that federal taxes and the public debt consitiute the real trouble now besetting this country. The cure, added the former administration stalwart, was to be found neither in a larger pub lic debt nor In a heavier lax load, but he saw no immediate remedy. Deficit spending will continue, he declared. Byrnes' first attack on the ad ministration came in a recent speech at Washington and Lee University. There, he charged (Continued on Page Two; Poison Drink Puts Girl In Hospital A 16-year-old Roseburg girl who allegedly attempted to com mit suicide last night, then changed her mind, is recovering in Mercy hospital today. According to Chiet of Police Calvin H. Baird, the girl, whose name was withheld, walked into the notice station and told the of fictfc on ' du ' -she'- -has just uwen poison. . She was rushed to Mercy" hos pital, where a stomach pump, was used and an antidote for the poison administered. The chief said the girl had gone to a nearby home after taking the poison and told the party what she had done. While the latter was busy phoning the of ficers, the girl walked Into the police station. A note found later stated she had taken the poison but did not reveal wny. -Her Dhvsician later 'formed officers the girl profe.i ed des pondency over, an operation she was about to undergo. She had told her classmates it would In volve surgery of the heart, but the doctor revealted the propos ed operation was not as serious as the girl made It out to be. in iact, he sr id, it was a simple tonsilectomy. TWO FACE CHARGES - ' Ball amounting to $4,000 was set for Vernon Herman Deth man, 31, Hood River, when ar raigned In Justice court on four counts of obtaining money by false pretenses, reported Justice of the Peace A. J. Geddes. Donald L. Maxwell, 28, Suther lln, had ball set at $750, following arraignment on a charge of ob taining money under false pre tenses. . if & 22, 1949 FORUM SPEAKER Earl T. Newbry, Oregon's secretary ol state, is shown here, center, as he appeared on yesterday's Chamber of Commerce noon forum luncheon. A total of 82 persons, high attendance for the year, heard Newbry urge a state "Depart ment of Commerce." At left is John Todd, chamber president. Newbry was introduced by George Nenuner Jr., right, pro gram chairman for the day. (Picture by Paul Jenkins). ' COMMERCE DEPARTMENT State Secretary Newbry Explains Plan To Aid In Expansion Of Industry , Work of the various chambers of commerce throughout Oregon may be supplemented by a new state agency. -.' Plans for a new "Department of Commerce" were told Monday by Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry In a luncheon 'address be fore a capacity crowd gathered at the weekly Roseburg Chamber of Commerce noon forum. Hungary Arrests American, Briton (JP) Hungary announced today It had arrested Kobert vogeier, an American businessman, and Ed gar Sanders, a Briton, on charges of spying and sabotage, Vogeier Is an assistant vice pre sident of the International Tele phone and Telegraph company and its eastern European repre sentative, with headquarters in Vienna. Sanders represents the company in Budapest. Hungary also announced the arrest of Imre Gelger, managing director of Standard Electric Cb Ltd., of Budapest, a subsidiary of I. T. T. He, too, is held on a spy charge. The Hungarian foreign office yesterday denied it knew any thing about reports ot tne ar rest of Vogeier. who disappeared Friday morning during a busi ness trip to the Hungarian capi tal. . - , The Hungarian government an nouncement said Vogeier and Sanders had confessed to sabo tage and spying. FRAUD CHARGE FACED Leslie Carvel Gates. Roseburg. is being held in the county jail under a charge of defrauding an inn keeper, Chief of Police Cal vin H. Baird reported. Balrd said Gates, arrested by city police, is scheduled for arraignment in Justice court today. fYi I - I i m -rs "The state's chambers of com merce have .. done a fine job Sec. Newbry said, "but a central clearing housa is needed to dis seminate Information gathered irom an levels regaraing possi- hie location of Industry and otheH mi8cellaneou but Important in formation." An important phase of the ten tative nlan outlined bv Newbrv is the establishing oi motor vehicle field offices, to be uniform in de ign and located In strategic points on Oregon's major road ways. . . These Held ofllces will serve as tourist Information centers, staffed by personnel familiar with Oregon's advantages and scenic spots. However, one of the primary purposes lor setting up such offices Is to provide on a lo cal level mucn oi tne service now performed by correspondence of the state's vehicle division. The field offices will handle driver's license applications and renew als, drivers' examinations, and (Continued on Page Two) Saltm Rtctlvts Federal Grant For New Hospital struction of the new $3,000,000 Salem General hospital will be gin next July or August. The start was made possible by yesterday's approval of- a $270,000 Federal grant. Construc tion will take several years be cause of a hard time raising the money. The first unit will cost $810,000. and the hospital will be built in tour units. J l. l 7 ww n Cooperation Of ? AH "Urged In Speech At U. Hi Prtsidtnt Cites GocnV Of "Grtattr Happiness, Longer Lift" For Ptopfo WASHINGTON, Nov. 22 (ff) President Truman today pledged United States cooperation to help "create an abundance of food for all countries." He called this "a major coopera tive endeavor toward our com mon objective of a stable and peaceful world." In a speech for the annual meeting of the food and agricul ture organization of the United Nations, the president declared: "If by working together in thli organization, we can create an abundance of food for all coun tries, we shall bring better health, longer lives, and greater happi ness to mankind everywhere.'' Mr. Truman said the "point four" program he presented in hia inaugural address last January could be utilized to increase pro duction of foods in under developed areas. "Our experience, our knowl edge, our technical experts are all available to you, and I hope that you will continue to call upon them as needed." Bank Proposal Ignored The president made no refer ence to a proposal to set up a world food bank, or . clearing house, as a means of getting sur pluses from one area into another area where food is scarce. . The proposed world food bank would have a revolving fund of $1,000,000,000, most of It prob ably from the United States. Doubt that Congress would be ready to share heavily In the originally proposed capital of $5,000,000,000 prompted the 80 per (Continued on Page Two) School Districts 'ecu muHjivn In Roseburg Unit Delegations from Wilbur unit Winchester school districts last night urged consolidation of their Districts wun KoseDurg, at the monthly Roseburg City School board mpetincr Aitnougn no decision was made. City School Supt Paul S. Elliott said the matter wag thoroughly ritttlMineoff anri 1- tn Ha ..... - ne'r advisement an3 Investigated uy uie UVUIQ. The consolidation mleht aunm participation of the two outlying areas in Roseburg's high school set-up. At nresent. the two ril. trlcu are classified as non-high school districts. "As it looks now," Elliott said, "little, if anv. millacre adiuxtmont would be necessary If the districts were to consolidate." Likelihood that the city school system's present building pro gram may soon be completed wai also expressed. Elliott said the double shift system now In effect at both Fullerton and Riverside grade schools may be alleviated during Thanksgiving holidays. Every effort is being made, ha said, to finish work on the Ful lerton addition so students can begin classes next Monday on tha single shift basis. Riverside stu dents will continue the double shift until a later date. Slayer Of Girl Fails At Suicide; BROCKTON, Mass., Nov. 23 UP) A charge of murder was placed against a 22 -year. old truck driver last night in the noon-day shooting of Muriel Beat 25, a bookkeeper for the Brock ton Enterprise. The charge was lodged against Robert S. Lundin, described by police as a rejected suitor, as he lay on a hospital cot suffer ing from a self-inflicted bullet wound in the chest. He is under around-the-clock police guard. -Attaches said hia name hag been removed from the danger list. He Is expected -to recover. ! Police said Lundin fired three shots at the girl in front of the newspaper office yesterday while a crowd stood by reading newa bulletins. - - - One shot struck the girl In tha back, another in the leg and a third hit the newspaper office building. Lundin turned the was pon a German luger on him self, police said, as they trapped him In an alley. Police quoted him as saying that he "told so many friends I wag going to kill her that I had to go through with it." Lundin met the girl during visits to the newspaper office to pick up mati. He "dated" hep several times. Investigators re ported, but several months ago she told him she did not want to see him again. - Lvhy Fact Rant 9f I y Rtaemeta) President Truman told the food unit of the United Nations today that the first malar duty wot to increase the production of foodstuffs." This follows by one week the order of the U. S, Dept. of Agriculture to RE DUCI the production of potex tees. Ah, consistency! thee jewel, whore art the.?