The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, November 21, 1949, Page 17, Image 17

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    Fastest Onion Harvest Is Grown
By Planting Sets In Loose Soil
Onions erown from teU vill
mature about three or (four weaks
earlier than those planted trim
seed. ' V
It is a quick sure method of
growing green onions or scallions
and also lor the production of
"cooking onions." Onion sets usu
ally are sold by color, red, brown
or white.
Two4-H Leaders
Named Forree
Trip To Chicago'
Chaperones to accompany the
Oregon 4H club dele&ttion to
National 4-H Club Congress in
Chicago, November 27 to Decem
ber 2, will be Mrs. Ell McConkey,
Astoria, and John L. Jones, Bend,
L. J. Allen, State 4-H club lead
er, has announced.
Both are volunteer 4-H club
leaders and were chosen as a
result of a statewide contest to
pick two deserving leaders to
serve as official chaperones. The
two all-expense trips are provid
ed annually by Aaron Frank,'
More than 20 youngsters will
be in the official party from Ore
gon, Allen said. .
Mrs. McConkey has had 15
J ears of 4-H club leadership and
ones, 16 years. During 1949,
Mrs. McConkey led clubs in
cooking, frozen foods,, cannlg
and garden. She haslbeen presi
dent of the Clatsop bounty local
4-H club leaders association for
two years and has also held other
offices four other years. He own
children are former 4-H club
members and at the present
time, two grandchildren are en
rolled. Jones Is president of the Des
chutes county 4-H club leaders
association for the coming year
having been re-elected to that
offices four other years. Her own
gident in 1940. He is a member
of the executive committee of the
state 4-H local leaders associa
tion. During the past year he
actively led clubs In dairy, beef
and cami cookery.
State extension agents Miss
Esther Taskerud and Burton
Hutton will also accompany the
Oregon delegation to Chicago.
The group will leave Portland
the evening of November 24.
They will return via the southern
Sets are obtained by planting
seed thickly and not thinning the
plants, which dwarfs the bulbs.
When mature, they are dried,
and stored until the purchaser of
the sets replants them, and they
start to grow again.
The soil for -.onions should be
rich and loose. Small firm sets
should be mirchased for two rea
sons. Since sets are sold by the
pound, tne buyer will realize a
greater numlw- nf nntnn hy buy
ing the smaller size. Onion sets
over one-halt Inch In diameter
tend to go to seed rather than
form good bulbs.
Plant the largest sets in the lot
you buy two to three Inches deep,
and use the resulting onions is
green onions or scallions. Plant
the smaller sets Just below the
surface of the soli, about four In
ches apart and let these mature
for dry onions to be used in
Be sure to firm the soil well
around the sets and water immed
iately. It is not necessary to
plant all your sets at the same
time. Successive plantings will
furnish your table with green
onions and your kitchen with
cooking onions over along per
iod. The home gardener who wishes
to grow the large, mild, sweet
onions so delicious for slicing on
hamburgers or used in salads
should plant the seed in January
or February in the wanner sec
tions of the west. California Red
and Italian Torpedo are very fine
varieties. Sweet Spanish, is espe
cially good.
Sow fairly thick not over one
half Inch deep. The rows in the
seed bed can be a foot apart
When the seedlings are a few
inches high and start to crowd
they should be thinned out. The
thinnings can be used as green
When the seedlings are about
the size of a lead pencil the roots
are trimmed DacK as well as the
tops about one-third their length.
Set the transplants 4 to 6 inches
apart in douue rows raised sev
eral inches above the surface. In
about 100 days the tops should
topple over and it is time to dig
the onions. See that the onions
do not suffer from lack of water
at any time during their growing
period. Thrips are about the only
insect pests to contend with and
these can be controlled with
DDT spray.
Local claims service is your assur
ance of fast repairs when your car
is damaged.
'.' . . on collision and liability cov
erage gives you standard protec
tion at substantial ' ,i ... ..
I : B
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Paul H. Krueger
636 8. Stephens
, Phone 214
Liability Coverage
$5000-10,000 bodily Injury.
$5000 property damage.
Each six months
Current Rates
$6.00 Nonrecurring
Fes at Beginning
of Policy
No Extra Charge for Age, Mileage or Business Use
Ovtr 800,000 Western Motorists Insure and Sivt Through
. Farmers Standard Form Nonassessable Policies. . .
The West's Leading
' Auto Insurance
Farmers Insurance Exchange
The bill will be small if you call the ROSEBURG LUM
BER COMPANY for delivery of firewood and sawdust.
Don't run short this winter". , , you may be sorry.
Future'of 'Ameriafl
. .
( M bONSt M I 'Iff A-,.,
y ) JtlU. HAW KIP U ( flrJsiZS JZSA
ftwlf mm rumm Otm Mm '
Accomplishments of the 1949 4-H club year which ended Oct
31, are being reviewed as 28,000 Oregon 4-H club boys and girls
participate in National 4-H Club Achievement week.' During the
past year, the addition of 200 new dubs brought the state total to
3,400 and total enrollment Increased by. 2,000 according to L. J.
Allen, state 4-H club leader. Achievement week also marks the
start of the 1950 club year, so old and new clubs alike are re
organizing. As their slogan tmplles, club members strive to "Wake
the Best Better."
Clean-Up And Spray This Fall
Advised For Pest-Free Spring
A thorough clean-up of the gar
den in the fall and the applica.
tion of clean-up sprays are most
important In the home garden.
In the vegetable garden re
move the old tomato vines, corn
stalks, cucumber vines or any of
the other "garden ghosts" which
remain 10 serve no purpose.
In the flower garden all dead
tops should be removed from per
ennial flower plants, from dah
lias and gladiolus. Rubbish of
all sorts should be raked up and
burned or removed from the pre
mises. Leaves from shrubs and
trees shoulb a put on the com
post pile.
Examine crevices between the
leaves of aeaDanthus. iris, dav-
lilies and other plants with
grass-like foliage conven
ient hiding places for snails and
siugs wmcn go into niDernation
during the cold months. Look un
der boards and other objects un
der which sowbugs and pillbugs
may live.
Fungus diseases mav nass the
winter on the branches of trees
and shrubs and the ground
around them. These spread by
means of spores or specially pro
duced, reproductive bodies which
are disseminated into the air,
and also by a vegetable method,
due to a portion of the mycelium
(thread-like tubes) of the fungus
being present in the seed or other
portion of the plant, tuber, bulb
or rootstock. This mycellium
will remain in a dormant condi
tion until the seed or tuber com
mences to grow and then grows
along with the new plant.
Winter winds aid in distribu
tion of the disease spores and so
do insects of various kinds. Even
the smallest mites that creep or
fly from one plant to another
carry disease. Snails and slugs
also spread the disease spores.
Winter clean up sprays of var
ious kinds are sold by garden
stores. The strong dormant type
sprays must be used only on de
cidious plants when they are
without leaves. On evergreens,
whether coniferous or broad-leaved,
use a milder spray, of sum
mer strength. Lime sulphur is va
luable for controlling fungi. Bor
deaux mixture and the liquid cop
per sprays are also well known
fungicides. An all-purpose spray
may be used against the insect
pests of both the chewing kind
and those that drink plant juices.
Follow the directions on the
spray material you buy, to ex
ert the maximum control of the
disease and insects with perfect
safety to your plants.
Additional Standard Pear
Container Use Authorized
SALEM, The state depart
ment of agriculture has authoriz
ed for this shinning season onlv.
-the use of an additional standard
container for pears, it was an
nounced today by Frank Mc
Kennon, chief of the division of
plant industry.
The temporary container If
3 3-8 Inches deep, 13 1-2 inches
wide and 16 1-2 inches long, all
inside measurements. Original
reauest for the container was
made by the Roy Webster Or-
cnaros ox Hood Klver lor use in
a single layer pear pack to be
tried on the California markets.
DlttkliUTIO ST
i-i.n-ii vr.y. .-11 ,-)
Cut Hauling Costs!
'Jeep trucks
Come in now see these trucks that save vou money
every mile. TWO GREAT LINES-2-wheel drive,
118' wheelbase-4-wheel drive, 118' wheelbase.
Popular body styles. See us before you make any deal!
1600 N. Stephens Phone 450-R
Farmers Urged
To Plan Ahead .
For Best Results
Farmers of Douglas county who
plan well and plan ahead of the
time the conservation practices to
be carried out, will be able to use
the agricultural conservation pro
gram most effectively in meeting
their conservation problems, says
J. F. Bonebrake, chairman of the
county PMA committee.
He points out that the practices
and specifications for 1.950 ACP
Jffr imic.fwm tiioM or 1949,
and primary effort in Douglas
county will be in the direction of
encouraging farmers to gear
these practices to their most es
sential conservation needs. Farm
ers cooperating in the 1950 pro
gram aro urged to study the con
servation problems of their farms
and to plan their programs for
the coming year so as to take care
of first needs first
Conservation problems which
need special attention in Douglas
county, according to the chair
man, are: drainage, Increasing
the carrying capacity of our graz
ing land and the addition of fer
tilizer to supplement our deplet
ed soils. And these will receive
special attention In the year
ahead. -
Practices for 1950 which will re
ceive special emphasis are: Seed
ing, clearing, fertilizing and
The county chairman warns
farmers that it is easy to "get In
a rut" in their conservation work
by carrying out routine practices
year after year, overlooking those
which fit into a year-to-year con
servation effort aimed at contin
ued balance production. .
The chairman refers to the use
UMM, Filbert Stuffing I
For Thanksgiving Turk i
Make your Thanksgiving din
ner a completely home grown
affair with Oregon turkey, cran
berries and filbert stuffing, sun-
tests Miss Agnes Kolshorn, O.
. C. extension nutrition speci
alist, who offers this recipe for
Oregon filbert stuffing.
Multiply the following recipe
according to the size . of your
turkey.. 1
1 quart cubed or broken bread-1-4
cup chopped chicken fat or
other fat, 1 tablespoon chopped
onion, 1-A --3 cup fine
ly chopped celery, 1 tectspuun
salt, 1-2 to 1-4 cup finely chopped
Heat diced chicken fat until
partially melted. Add onion, ce
lery and salt. Cook slowly until
celery is softened. Add 1-4 cup
water. Pour this mixture slowly
over the diced bread. Add more
water if needed to moisten bread
slightly. Add chopped nuts.
A reV each of carrots, beets,
spinach and radishes will provide
fresh vegetables for the table at
a nominal cost. ' '
of lime and phosphate to illus
trate his point Both may be need
ed to keep the land "strong" and
to bulid up resistance to erosion
through Increasing the growth of
grass and legumes. But other
practices may be needed to make
the lime and phosphate effective
In contributing to the main con
servation objective. A pasture
may need to be reseeded or a
shift to contour farming may be
necessary. The chairman urges
each farmer to study his farm and
with the help of his local commit
teeman to plan to use the ACP in
1950 where it will do the most
good. ... 1
Mon., Nov. 21, 1949 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. - 1
Champion Turks
Going To Turkey
And White House
McMINNVILLE, Ore., Nov. 18
WP)-,The best bird .in the Pa
cific coast turkey show is going
to be eaten, appropriately, by the
president of Turkey.
Thanksgiving Day. 1 ' .
Gene Maleckl, manager of the
turkey show here, picked out the
grap'5 clUiiiipIun oira to fly to
President Ismet Inonu at " An
kara, Turkey.
The 36 1-2 pound "torn, raised
by Richard Rey ne, McMinnvllie,
won the grand championship yes
terday. It was christened "Uni
ty" in a name contest.
Maleckl will fly the live bird
to Turkey, leaving here Satur
day, and arriving at Ankara
Thanksgiving eve. Enroute he
will deliver another turkey the
grand champion dressed bird,
entered by Loren Johnson of
Scappoose to the White House.
Among the winners yesterday
here were Gath Bros., Turner,
Ore., best pen of three hens and
one torn, best heavy young heni
Newton and Hortense Fruit, Mc
Minnvllle, three most uniform
to ma. , l
Spray peaches, plums and nec
tarines with dry lime sulphur or
lime sulphur solution in Decem
ber and February. This will ore
vent curly-leaf and other fungi.
Sow the seeds of annual larks
pur and poppy where the plants
are 10 remain.
- Know what you are about be
fore attempting to prune. Dull
pruning shears cause die-back.
West Coast Building Supply Co.
Mill and Mosher
Bill Neighbors
Phone 362
Joy Clark ;.
" 1
I I -
' !
Have you Seen th e n sw
It's a beauty I Modern, com
pact, powerful and efficient
For one or two rooms, cot
tages, offices. This oil-burning
heater is made by the
famous Perfection Stove
Company. Model 2130 comes
equipped with automatic fuel
feed. Larger heaters also
available to suit your need.
save ejjjgd
V . ,-..,J ruiMNEY SWKf
hi uriu w' irziMjgjut
I 1 I
Bin , """J
. . ..move toot from furnace.,
helps remove too
flu.., chlmn.y. - 0BdJ Co;d(.
vntlng soot from tonrtng .
,,on.fu.tollandlrnPJov burnerii
Hon. For u.o IbAU. o
Pints ... 1.29
Here's the answer to fuel savings
If you want greater fuel savings, see the new PERFEC
TION oil heaters at Umpqua Valley Hardware. The new '
midget pilot is the greatest fuel saver yet . . . pilot will
operate 40 hours on only one gallon of oil.
Other PERFECTIONS at 98.95.
Wood Circulating Heaters
Made in the west for western homes.
Brown lacquer finish in furniture
styling to compliment your home.
Inside firebox measurement is 25".
Stove Pipe and Fittings
Blue, cold-rolled steel pipe (locking
seam) and fittings. Dampers, elbows,
reducers and 24-inch length pipe in
3 to 7-inch diameters.
Per length.
Keeps out winter winds
Brass strips 84c
Aluminum strips 54c
Weatherstrip for Fuel Savings
All Metal
Fait and metal
Kit for stripping an beaded edge weath-
entlr. daor. In- Colls of brass srstrlpplng for
oludes bottom strip, weatherstrlpplng In doors and windows.
any length desired. QQ
4.25 up 7c foot 20-foot roll
Caulking Gun
A sturdy, easy to operate,
trigger type gun. Pressure
feed, equipped with Vi-inch
round nozzle tip 6.00
Caulking Compound, 60c pt.
A Home-Owned and Operated Store
202 N. Jackson
Phone 73