Large Dog HORIZONTAL 54 Mental 1 Depicted breed faculties of dog 55 Required 7 It has no VERTICAL create at me brow in its long, tapering 1 Sea skeleton 2 Fruit 3 Disembark 4 UrjtcDsr.t (ab.) profile 13 Spedker 14 Flag 15 Sped IB More refined 5 Electrified particles 18 Oriental porgy 6 Great Lake 19 Too ' oromer oi 20 Fur-bearing Cain (Bib.) animals 8 Etruscan title 21 Siouan Indian 9 Symbol for 22 Long tab.) manganese 23 Electrical unit10 Preposition 24Antlered 11 Sitting creature 12 Groups of 27 Youth I"" singers 29 Whirlwind ; 30 Correlative ol either i 31 French article 32 Yes (Sp.) 33 High mountain 34 Membranous hag 36 Right (ab.) 37 Paid notice in newspaper 39 Shoshonean Indian 1 41 Play the part of host : 46 Collection of , sayings ,47 Louse egg 48 Main blood vessel of the body 1 49 Russian community 50 Groups of soldiers 52 Type of fur COHI. 1 9.91V NIA 1IRVICI. 1NC-T. M. HIC. U. S. f AT. QIF. FUNNY BUSINESS 111 - -11 nyi s ar r . - - 1 "Something has gone wrong with that keg of sweet oidei you s.old us!" . ,. .. . , BLONDIE LI'L ABNER Sadie uawkins TU' RULES SHOT-VO DAWNS GRIMLY. RATS OF LIFts.v STARTS GOING OUtI V. the DRUGSTORE . roOW? StfffiFMLI LEAVE OUT THE S 'LJ r Tjfl ANOSALAMIj' 3Ljj djtiifc- Si 1 ,1 FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS AT HALF Time. King ston LEADS BV ONLY 7 POINTS . BUT SHADY SIDE. SEEMS DISPIRIT ED . UNLESS COACH BAGL6Y CAN SOME HOW INSPIRE MIS BOYS. IT LOOKS PRETTY BLEAK FOR THEM.' mrffll'l" 1 I ALLEY OOP IP7 in, in llllir , YK..IM ME5E TO MAKE)- " tJ---Pi ( ( 1 AiTlA kwTJ TTW AU i"rtWCWMAT A I tl ITS W I I V CULTlS. I A3CJUT 'TVE AL0N6.tU.lL0T OF( NOtSO Al II S3C Answer to Previous Puzzle ' i5H 17 Symbol for 40 Short jacket 41 Fasten 42 County in Ohio 43 Symbol for erbium 44 Solar disk 45 Weight deduction 46 Among 51 Bone 53 Myself calcium 25 Lounge 26 Retain 27 Deprivation 28 Operatic solo 33 Dress 35 It Is a breed of 36 Undersized -cattle 33 Challenged T 51 OLLLVJII ' s E A X ' A JaCiE S HEI3EE!2.2: i gTRe co VIEIR i n iAiNiTn-ieiRiai j I E 13 M 15 I 17 la p 110 III iia is H i5 ill! . ill" 5i j V W HO pll Mi Mi HI 4S pHfc 50 51 K 55 "Mil r ru By Hershberger IS AS FOLLOWS AT TH' FIRST MIZZOBLE, SHIVERIN; COWARDLY BACHELORS RUNS FO' YORE. AT Th SECOND SHOT! TH --- -c- I ' (uen) BOOTIFUL. DOSRATCH BELLES A'KAtlN, VLtAWIN, ftN A-SCREAMINT AFTER YO'.'. , mm IwUebb . lM. I wish MEb Come ano ( Guess T we're so ( Uello, IN HECKS I GET ir OVER WITH. HE5 MOULDY WE'RE SlrSirf) rTS COACM L rrFr-. "T NOT EVEN GIRLS' (K'f ,:f S fl 7 nfe? COJMN& Iworth bawuns tjf I jij! "jf rtl'rvV" ' w- Q p Fri., Nov. 18, 1949 The Newt-Review, Roteburg, Ore. 13 MODEST MAIDENS Trafcwt ftofatoni U S. fiUal Ota WELL, WELL, WILLIAMS, I PEAR HUNTING FROM NINE TO FIVE n L Quick . .' . catch that car ahead! It's a fellow we know end r-n , .' he'll give us lift homeL .. ;-., . . .. ANY BACHELOR WHICH eiTS CAUGHT HAS T'PROPOSC -AN'-cHucWx.'.''-IT'S KNOWN FO' ANY DOG BATCH GAL HOWEVER, THIS VAR-AS A ACT EACH DOG PATCH BACHELOR! IS BY A K6MY.r WHSN TH WORST MEANIM -YO GrTS CAUGHT AN lO' KIN ALL WORK OFF YORE TH' KKaMIES. . THESES HW MAN-. .566 WHAT i MtANT SEE VtoUVE BEEN OUT AGAIN f I By Chic Young By Al Capp NCVEH DIN T'SAY 'NOVT OF MERCY ACCOMPANIED HAPPENS - WW rTARRltD FORTY ON By Merrill Blosser By V. T. HAMLIN By Jo Fischer 2 S3Wi Guam Lashed By Terrific Typhoon TOKYO, Nov. 8.-m The air Force weather bureau reported winds approaching 145 miles an hour battered the island ol Guam Thursday. The weather observers said they- managed to get a "freak ,u tuC 4uuw4 tcr regular communications went out. They said the connection did not last long enough to get dam age reports. Earlier reports from the Is land, where hundreds of Ameri can servicemen and civilian workers are stationed, said sev eral buildings had been blown down. Winds at that time had not exceeded 90 miles an hour. The typhoon, one of the worst In years In the Pacific, was cen tered 45 miles sout of Guam and moving west northwest at about 17 miles an hour. Weather observers here pre dicted the typhoon would be 300 miles northwest of Guam tomor row afternoon. The storm cov ers a 360-mile radius. (Last . direct communication be tween the Associated Press bu reau In San Francisco and its Guam correspondent said civil RADIO SERVICING i Hansen's Radio Service, Suther i lln. Radio Doctors. Phone 491-J. PLUMBING W. M. Sandall Co., Hlway 99 N. , Phone 1117-R. Ace Plumbing Co., 915 Garden i Valley Rd Bus. Phone 530-R-5, '. Res. Phone '49-R-3. Kier-Crooch Plumbing Co. 316 Mill. Phone 1242-R. Harris Plumbing & Heating Co. 805 South Stephens. Ph. 1478-J. Coen Supply Co. Phone 121. Terp's Plumbing. Phone 733-R. HEATING R. Rltzman Heating Co., hot wa ter and steam, oil burners. 1703 Brown. Phone 1066-J. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE J. E. Newberry's Washing Ma chine Service. 102 w. Commer cial Avenue. Phone 1015-R. Washing Machine service. Roy and Rusty's Appliance Repair, 510 N. Jackson. Ph. 1003-R, ELECTRICIANS Roseburg Electric. Phone 123, Ace Electric. Phone 1743-J. FLOOR COVERING F. & W. Floor Covering. 327 S. Stephens. Phone 1478-K. Philip M. Durnam, 920 S. Main. Phone 1336-J. FLOORS LAID, sanded and Finished. Don Carlson. Ph. 102R-3. FLOORS sanded and finished. Leslie Pfaff, Ph. 1573-R. FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE Fire Equipment Co., 220 N. Main. Glenn H. Taylor, Ph. 1433-R. PIANO SERVICE Tunlng.Reconditloning. Ph 938-J-3 Southwestern Piano Service. SALVAGE Bob's Salvage Yard; Used trucks. 2338 N. Stephens, Ph. 199-J-3. R. G. LAMBETH Construction and Remodeling Residential and Commercial Any iize job Melrose Rt. Box 91-B Phone 1444-R ROSEBURG PAVING CO. Asphalt Paving Millyards, Driveways, Stations Floors, Sidewalks Custom Blading Office: 634 S. Main Telephon 650-R Tree Estimates "Bill" Lassiter AUTHORIZED BERGH'S APPLIANCE Maytag Cr Norge Sale and Service) Norse, Mftyui Applunc end Hamilton Clothca Drycra 12H0 South Stephen! Servicing All Makea Waahere Phone BOS Roeeburc, Oregon DESBIENS & SCHAFER GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTORS All Type Cement Work Sldewalka, drlvewaya, tloora. Phona 42-R-l Phone -oS-R-: ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR BETTER ROADS USE CRUSHED QUARRY ROCK CALL J. C. C0MPT0N CO. p. O. Box 748 Ph. 41-J-1 Venetian Blind . Sales and Service Estimate Free CHARLES HODSON 1525 Cedar St. Phone 1349-L Truck-Auto Collisslon Fatal To Ont Driver - PENDLETON, Ore., Nov. 18. WP Fred McCiure, 23, was killed last night in a truck-auto collision at the Reith Junction west of here. The victim was an operator at the Pendleton airport control tower. Oregon state oatrol officer I said the truck was driven bv Kituaui xiuiitsuii AUrfll-i, M driver for the Olympla Milk Co. of Olympla. He was reported "scratched and bruised." Cause of the accident was not known. authorities on Guam had check ed homes and business houses for safety measures before the storm struck. (Thousands of Guamanians In villages moved to designated storm shelters. Many sought ref uge in caves used by the Japa nese to tight invading American forces during the war.) WALLBOARD Flrtex Sheetrook - Masonlte PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 PLASTERING BUNDY & SUTTON FREE ESTIMATES PH. 1094-Y SHALE RIVER LOAM Delivered . Shovels Traxcavator Bulldozer Dragline Backhoe Crane' Compi tr Trucks lagging RoaJj Built and R. .od Mill Ponds Cleaned Basements Dug Rental or Contract S. M. Critcs Company P. O. Box 952 l Office East 2nd Ave. South Phone 1346-J Residence P- ne 930 R-2 Get Those PROPANE AND BUTANE bottles refilled at the Myeri Oil Co. Highway 99 and Garden Valley Road Also Heaters, Hot Plates and . , i - . Supplies Carl P. Tallon Excavating Contractor Shale rock for Immediate delivery. Shovel, Trucks, Bulldozer, Patrol Blade, Back hoe. For Hire. Roads built and rocked by hour or contract 2340 N. . Stephens Ph. 499-R-4 PICKUP AND DELIVERY Free Estimates t Expert Furniture Cleaners Upholstering and Repair Fine Rugs Our Specialty 1395 Umpqua Ave., Roseburg, Ore. rnone skju-i Painting PAINTINO AND DECOPATINO ICONTPACrOBSj Contractors V AM Commercial and Home Decorating All Work Guaranteed Douglas Paint & Hardware Co. 906 S. Stephens Phone 964-J UMPQUA CABINET SHOP Custom Made Counters, Shelves, Fixtures, Kitchen Cabinets Phones 337-R-4 337-R-3 2040 N. Stephens ' Rosehurg, Ore. Royal TYPEWRITERS ' Victor ADDING MACHINES Sales and Service Rentals Fast dependable service KEN'S OFFICE EQUIP. 631 S Stephens Ph. 1261 -R TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive or we drive Call 1538 Adair't Parking Lot Main and Washington Flegel Transfer & Storage Co. ORIGIN OF RADIO TUBE NEW YORK IIP) The radio vacuum tube In its presernt-day guise is the result of the work of many scientists.' But In its early history three neames stand out. They are Thomas A. Edison, who in 1883 discovered the basic principal of the tube; John Am- tosweii Mineral Baths Chiropractic Physiotherapy Cl'nlc Lady Attendants 1 Mile S. of Drain. Ore-rm OIL TO BURN For prompt courteous meter ed deliveries of high quality tort and burner oil CALL 1S2 MYERS OIL CO. Distributors of Hancock Petroleum Product! For. Douglas County CONSTRUCTION TODD BUILDING CO. 904 S. Stephens Ph. 302 PRINTING PROMPT, EFFICIENT DEPENDABLE SERVICE ROSEBURG PRINTING CO. Corner Cass and Sheridan Phone 943 INLAID LINOLEUM Sales and Installation of all types of flocr covering F & W Floor Covering Co. Ph. 1478-R 327 S. Stephens General Contracting New or Remodeling House raising, etc., by Job or Hour 30 Years Experience Felix Durand, 83S Hamilton Phone 851-Y ROSEBURG VENETIAN BLIND FACTORY 615 N. Jackson St., riuseburg, Ore, Phone 1098-J VENETIAN BLINDS WSHADES DRAPES SCREENS Free Estlm tes Satisfaction Guaranteed CEMENT CONTRACTING ED FUCHB All trpu f concrete work ant flnlinlnf. Throe yean locally . Id butlneM Fran RMImfttPi I'D. Iteildenos HI 3-1 DARBY & FOSTER Excavating Contractors Shale Rock For Immediate Delivery Construction of lopglng roads. Shovels, trucks, bulldozer, com pressor tor hire by contract or nour. No lob too large or too small. Phone for free er"mate. Ph, 1152 R, Forest 8ervlce Road West of Landls Iran Works PLASTERING GINGRICH & SMITH PHONE 524 CONTRACT PAINTING Paper hanging Home Decorating JACK PRESTON 504 S. Stephens Ph. 626-Y P & B TOWING 24 HOUR wrecker and crane service. No Job too large or too s: X Truck mounted equipment We can now handle 34 vard ZpAijmNoN. I DECOPATINO . ICONTPACTOCSl V AMEPICA J dragline work, log loading, heavy crane work. 743 S. Stephtne St. Phona 92S brose Fleming of England, first to develop the detector tube, and Dr. Lee DeForest, who In 1906 Improved the tube to the stage that opened the development of the modern radio and television systems. Used Cars and Trucksj For Sale '39 Ford 4-Door '30 Ford Coupe ' '46 Chevrolet Panel '48 Packard 4-Ooor '46 Ford Coupe ,, '40 Dodge Pickup '47 Chevrolet 4-Ooor '37 Dodge 4-Door '38 Pontlao 2-Door '39 Plymouth 4-Door '46, Ford 91-Ton Plekup '41 'Chevrolet ?i-Ton Panel Liberal Trade-ini - Any Make or Model ' Doyle's Sales And Service Hlway 99 at Garden Valley Phone 611 Tile baths, showers, counter tope, store fronts, etc. Beautiful colors, lasting service not a substitute. Chrome bound shower doors, .slid ing tub doors, non-slip, ceramie floors. ' Residential and Industrial Installations. . -1 P. O. Box 1281 Phi 1606-J.S Byron Powell ' ' Nelson &Pyle Woodworking Co. Windows, Sash, and Frames Mill and Mother Phona 1242-J FURNACES Roseburg Sheet Mefql Your IImm!--.' Center Ph. on neQiina n ? Tool Rentals Flnnr RnnrlAra TTritrai-a Tlnl JL Disc Sanders, Concrete Mixers, rower r roweis, concrete Vlbra. tors, Wheel Barrows, Lighting Plants, Paint Sprav Outfits, Skil- CflWfl Drill Atr rnmni-ABpnra Jack Hammers and Hvdraulle Jacks. Call us. We may have Just what you need. ." Osbun Electric & Equip. Co.! 947 S. Stephens Phone 1108-R' TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yourself Save Vi Long or Short Trips Bee Hive Truck Rental 736 S. Stephens Phone 143S-.7 HARGIS ELECTRIC Specialists Radio, Refrigeration, Household Appliance Service 20 Years Experience All Work Suaranteed 111 E. Cass St. Phona 944 PAINTING ROSEBURG PAINT SHOP IMMEDIATE 8ERVICE Commercial and Domestlo Phones: 422 807-R 1 522-R Harold Hall IF YOUR ' PAPER HAS NOT ARRIVED BY 6:15 P. M. PHONE 100 jC