I 8 The Newi-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Tuei., Nov. 15 1949 Society and GluUi By LOTUS KNICHT PORTER and BETTY ALLEN NOTICE Social Items submitted by tele phone lor the society page must be turned In before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday nd by 10 a. m. Friday at which time the social calendar and Sat urday's society page are closed weekly. ALPHA IOTA CHAPTER TO MEET THUR8DAY AT BARKER HOME Aloha Iota chapter, Beta Sig ma Phi will meet at eight o'clock Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Ernest Barker Jr., 2123 Morris street, Cloverdale parK, with Mrs. Ralph Ohman and Mm. Ed Radlgan assisting hostesses. The program on "Verse Mak ing,'' will be In charge of Mrs. Robert Sabin. Members are ask ed to bring a short original poem to read. DILLARD P.T.A. TO MEET FRIDAY DiUard P-T.A. will meet at the Dillard school Friday, Nov. 18 at 8 p.m. All Parents and residents of the community are Invited. NIW LOCATION! Dr. K. B. Soof leld Palmer Chiropractor Rifle Rang Road 410 mi. North of County Shops Office Houm 10-li and s-i Saturday. 10-11 A. M . X-ray nturo-calometcr rarvlea for iplnal correction. Roseburg Book Store Cm Year Youngsters Hew Delight with Big, Colorful WONDERFUL NEW BOOKS for boys and glrlil enchanting toriee and entertaining Instruction, with many beautiful Illustration by leading ariliti, moil In gorgeous full colorl Each iturdlly-bound book . It a remarkable .value , . . chooser host you want to glvo, and order on the handy coupon NOW. So TALL BOOKS 50c Jch wiiti 32 piftti of fKll-tftor funf y4 X 12I4" H the youngest love I Gif tone, tniny pictures. Afjei J -7, 246. COOXII THI RABBIT. Cooklt M irmtt tviy bent on mnthitf, BO 247. IOBBY AND BUTTONS. About Bot!r. hit dR. nd tlicir id vein u in, 80 24S. FOUR STORY ARC. Four rniiitly different A B C'l n i trull, cliildien, buiMirm, nd foplc't etiupinoni. S0 244. THI LITTLI REAR WHO WANTED FRIENDS, and found tlieml 50 BIG STORY COLLECTIONS These biftftcit and mnu beautiful of all the new Playmate Hnoki itive noun anti noun or itorytinie jov for children and cnli book 11 uiMJifaifm lorou&BOHi in jkii (Piori hy moui aft mi and authors who appeal to Touniitcd. Agci 3-7. ONLY $1 it $1.80 Bcb joy," k If 94 p'gtt in fH toforl 217. COMR WITH Ml TO STORYLAND. 18 ttoiici beautifully illiiKrattti with won derful pictuiet bv Nino Ciibe. SI. B0 211. TELL ABOUT TALES. IB chatrnina tilei illuitratrd by Jill Juhnsun. tl.SQ Eck 91V X 12" 72 pdftl in fall coltrt 20ft. Mr ROOK OF ANIMAL STORIES. 20 ilventuiei with lovable animih. SI 205. SELECTED STORIES FOR CHILDREN. A big rollciunn of the leu. SI 204. STORIES FOR THI VKtY YOUNfr. 13 atorici Uic youngeit will enjuy. SI 00M Roseburg Book Store 217 N. Jackion St Roseburg. Ore. FIcue send die books whose numbers I have written below; Charge my cccuunt AJJrtH- PARTY HELD FOR VETERANS FRIDAY Veterans at the Roseburg Vet erans hospital were honored Fri- day afternoon with members of tne v..w. Auxiliary. American Legion auxiliary and Business and Professional Women's club serving hot-dogs and coffee. Mildred Herman was chairman and was assisted by Cora Carl son, co-hostess with Mrs. Marie ulade, president of the V. F. W. Auxiliary; Mrs. Nelle Ulrleh, re presenting the American Jegion auxiliary and Vera Jones, repre senting tne Business ana rroies- slonal Women's club, were In charge of the successful affair. UNITED WORKERS MEETING PLANNED . Mrs. C. G. Stanton will enter tain the United Workers class of the First Christian church at her home Dec. 2 at 2 p.m. This will be the regular class meeting and a Christmas party witn ex change of gifts. All members of the class are urged to be present. Committees to make arrange ments for the party are Mrs. C. G. Stanton, distribution 01 gins; Mrs. H. R. Wells program, Mrs. M. P. Tavlor, business meeting; and refreshments Mrs. Flossie Van Blarlcom. : MYRTLE CREEK LADY LIONS ENJOY MEETING Mvrtle Creek Lady Lions met Thursday with Mrs. Leo Sanders. A report was given on a recent successful rummage sale. It was announced that six children need glasses and these will be pur chased. Double Story Books 50c Mot one, but TWO full ilotiit in rich book I llere'i the answer to your Tounaiter'a request for "uit one mote", liach boolt iVi" X 9". ' 48 pagel, 24 in tiaulitMl lH tolor, hgti 3-7. 271. Ollvtr end Hue. mi Willi. Wo.il chuck Build. lack Door. 10. 270. Floppaty In. Iy Wk. Wlaejla. Hil Ian ni Tha Far-Away Pwfla. 50. JS7. Tk. Plpar Had tk. "aany i Did To. In Waat I Saw! 10a 271. UfN. irowa Haa ni Tk. iqalrr.l't Nam. It aaale at Trl.ki. (0. 7!6. Tlckar and Teakar tni Tka Writ Y.an. 10. 272. Alaaraaa the Pappy Wk W.at Hh Toll Mi Freddy pambla-Plaaara. 10. tvry Child Wilt Lov Itl 217. THI FOLD-AWAY DOLL HOUSE with Flay Book of Cut-Oil Nraltar. Brand newt Mori tbn 1,000 fMrr tntbit tf Hk PUU-COLOR dttwn! It'i tht moit njoyat.lt, most colorful, ttutdieit Doll Houtf of itl kind tvtr madcl 3 big roomi Nuriery, Dininc Room, and Kitihen; doicm of pieces ol furniture, dlrtddy tut ant, to play with; dnoxa and windows that open and close. No trouble lot parents; no cutting ei pasting required. Folds away to book aiie. Complttt uilb pMrwttrt STORIES by Frank Luther 60c The funniest stories by the famous radio and tecord personality, liaih Nxk 1V4" X "4 24 pages in Ages )-7. 2AB. MR. WHIAUIY WHALR STORIES. Judy and the Whale to to the amusement park ; the movies ; the dentist ; etc. 40 26t. SILLY FILLY STORIBS. Abouf Silly Pilly and hit lollef akatcs; Silly Pilty and tut Iticycie; etc. 213. A PICTURI DICTIONAUr FOR IOY1 AND OIDIS. f.l- h'kti- xe hneit -ntuie uictjon.if lor ihikltcn ever oiicicj t low . rike I delivbtlul, jnurutlivt fist, tllnumtti tkituflaKt in till tplort Morr than I.7IX) thatming pi.iuret: ovet J f-00 uicul a-otiii, .iinf-ir iieftnril. Sift 9 1 I Hi inch : bcautilullr punted ' bindtome, n,l itutily hindina. rtfrired br Itiilin. riWitoM, Ot. Mtll. S. Onttt ntl AUe StOtt an eitrntial anil tacinannn book fnt bort anil cula Itona 3 to II. ONLT I2.fl Remittance herewith .22 49 I LESTER SPENCER IS RE-ELECTED MASTER OF RIVERSOALE GRANGE Lester Spencer was re-elected master of Riversdale grange and other new officers elected in clude: Myron Lehne, overseer; Elizabeth Gibson, lecturer; Paul Dailey. steward; Roy Deadmond, assistant steward; Tillle I. John son, cnaplain; Oliver L. jonnson, treasurer; Anna Trozelle, secra tary; Viola Spencer. Ceres: Max- ine Melhoff. Flora: Lucy Oster- man, Pomona; Nelda Nor r is, laay assistant steward, and ex- ececutlve committee, C. T. Tip ton, Eldon Ogle and Leonard uioson. The carnival and bazaar held at the Grange Saturday evening proved a most successful and enjoyable affair. Claris were made lor a zood and fancywork sale to be held uecemoer 3rd at the E. G. High insurance office at the corner of Cass and Jackson streets. Plans were outlined for a Thanksgiving dinner to be held at tne na 11 tne evenlne ol Nov- emDer 24 at six-tnirty ociock snarp. Tne Uranee will lurnish tne turkey and the members will hold a potluck for the remainder of the dinner. Those attendlne are asicea to bring tneir own taDie service, uancine win lol- low the dinner and games are Deing arranged lor the children. tne Grange will meet In re gular session Friday nleht. Nov. 18, at eight-fifteen o'clock at the hall. Refreshments will be in charge of Mr. and Mis. John Trozelle, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carter, Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Dal- ros and Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Mix. GUILD PLANS FOOD SALE AND BAZAAR FOR DECEMBER 2ND The quarterly meetine of the Woman's Guild of Faith Luther an church was held the evening of November 8 at the home of Mrs. Arthur Midland with Mrs. Chester Nordling assisting host ess. The meeting was conducted bv the vice-president. Mrs. RollanrI Quam, and final plans were made for a bazaar and food sale to be held at the J. V. Sporting Goods store, December 2, under tne chairmanship ol Mrs. Frank Johnson and Mrs. Charles Joel- son. Announcements were made an follows of circle meetings in Dec ember in the iorm of Christmas parties: Dorcas circle to meet afternoon of December 1 at the home of Mrs. Frank Johnson; Bethany circle to meet evening of December 20th at eight o'clock at home of Mrs. Wendell Clark, and Martha Circle to meet Dec ember 13 and the hostess will be announced later. At the conclusion of the busin ess meeting the sound movie "1 Am With You," was enjoyed by the group, after which Mrs. Frank Johnson gave an intensely interesting talk on her recent trip to Sweden. Lovely refreshments were ser ved by the two hostesses to the members and seven guests, STUDY GROUP TO ' MEET AT POTLUCK LUNCHEON THURSDAY The Methodist Study group will meet at a twelve-thirty o'clock potluck luncheon Thursday at the Home or Mrs. r. W. Chase, 409 Vista avenue. Mrs. Powell will conclude the study book on Ja pan Begins Again." Those attend ing are asked to bring their o.vn table service. TOP PIRFORMANCI AMAZINGLY LOW COST IN THI Cempor HATURMY-FIATURE WITH ANY OTHER WASHER ThU AmazinK, work-saving auto mH tic chanca awny your washday bluoa forever. At the touch of the dial, it per form the complete cycle, from filling and washing to damp drying. lk at Ihttt frt rWvni-M t-l. fftHy Hanrfy Hp nf PUxIM tycl y tmn ttaft r atp ye with 7 sntirat Infl rlnatt lxr thwawgh AqU totr action Syr wwnfy e knimlttln A4 WMriMil'i ar-tavlnf f nd-MUr It fitUnai, at tllflM eddtd !. BERGH'S APPLIANCE 1200 S. Stephen j Phont 805 Set th new Whlrpool Clothes Dryer Tedayl THRIFT MODIl I AUTOMATIC - 299" r I termi available I Tenderfoot Badges Awarded RECEIVE TENDERFOOT BADCES At an Investiture at the Edenbower Community club recent ly, the 'boys pictured above received their tenderfoot badges. They are, left to right, front row: Floyd Biddington, James Busser, Ronnie L. Sanders, Ken Reson; back row; Milford Bid dington, Harold Horton, Tommy Kimball -and Fred Combs; Fred Ketcherside and Tommy Paul son, junior assistant scoutmasters; Ronnie Bowens, Loren Sargent, Wiley Reson and Leroy Sargent. (Picture by Clair Pettit). ' Edenbower Community club held its monthly meeting Thurs day night, Nov. 10, at the Eden bower school. Boy Scout Troop 133 was In charge of the program for the evening, presenting a Tenderfoot investiture service at which 13 bays were Inducted into the troop. The meeting was called to or der by Senior Patrol Leader Don Ware with Tommy Paulson ac Ing as color guard officer. Col ors were posted by Lloyd Mc Comb, Willy Mehlhaff, Jack Palm, and Jimmy Hall, after which the pledge of allegiance to tne nag was repeated. The candle light ceremony was conducted by Scoutmaster Clair Pettit, assisted by Junior Assist ants Tommy Paulson and Fred Ketcherside. Tenderfoot badges were pre sented to the following boys: Lor en Sargent, Leroy Sargent, Ken Reson, Wiley Reson, Milford Bid dington, Floyd Biddington, Ron ald Sanders, Ronnie Barnes, James Busser, Clarence King, Harold Horton, Tommy Kimball, and Fred Combs. The pins were pinned on by the mothers in an upside down posi tion and must remain so until each scout performs a good deed. The Community club meeting was presided over by Homer Pal tison. Mrs. George Niday is the new secretary. During the busi ness meeting it was established that the club would hold a mem bership drive to help raise funds. After this, refreshments were served, followed later by com edy motion pictures shown by Pattlson. O.E.3. TO HOLD INITIATION THURSDAY Roseburg chapter of Eastern Star will meet at eight o'clock Thursday evening at the Masonl. temple for Initiation. A social hour will follow. Members and visiting members are invited. Mrs. A. J. Ellison, worthy mat ron, will preside. PUBLIC INVITED TO SMORGASBORD TO BE HELD THURSDAY NIGHT The public has been Invited to attend a smorgasbord to be serv ed from five to eight o'clock Thursday night, Nov. 17, at the Riverside school. Parents are In vited to visit the childrens class rooms during the evening. RIFLE RANGE SEWING CLUB TO MEET THURSDAY The Rifle Range Sewing club will meet Thursday afternoon at the home of Mr. Lena Pfaff with Mrs. Gwen Franks as hostess. All members are cordially invit ed to be present. IS EXPERT ON Tht quality of a diamond or other gem stone u very important to you became it It qual ity that auurej both beauty and value. You can alwayi be tut about quality if you go to your Regiitered Jeweler. To qualify for the title of 'Registered Jew eler special study is required in addition to years of practical experience. The American Gem Society confers thu title only on those jeweler who are qualified by training and integrity. lUtmill JIMUI ill ii( u iii iifitn xross from Douglas County Bank P i " - s t ft oooOftOOOOOOO COUNTRY CLUB WOMEN AND GUESTS INVITED TO BRUNCH THURSDAY Women of the Roseburg Coun try club and their invited guests are. asked to enjoy a ten-thirty o ciock brunch Thursday morn ing at the clubhouse. Those plan ning to play pinochle or canasta are asked to make up their table's. Reservations are to be made by calling 1602-R-l. BAPTIST WOMAN'S SOCIETY TO HOLD MEETING THURSDAY The Baptist Woman's society win meet inursday at a one o clock dessert - luncheon at the church parlors with members of Victory circle acting as hostess es. All women of the church are invited. HELPING HAND CLUB TO MEET THURSDAY The Helping Hand club of Edenbower will meet at one thirty o'clock Thursday at the home of Mrs. Hayes, 1941 Eden Lane. All members are urged to be present. ARTS AND CRAFTS CLUB TO MEET TONIGHT The Arts and Crafts club will meet tonight at eight o'clock at the home of Mrs. Horace C Berg corner of Bowden and Riverside in Laurelwood. A1J members are urged to be present. 8TEDFAST CLASS TO MEET ON THURSDAY The Stcdfast class of the First Presbyterian church will meet at a twelve o'clock potluck luncheon Thursday at the church parlors. All members are urged to be pre sent. a COMFORT a3 af A Lit IWT eVI I aTfcU at? ECONOMY OLYMPIC HOTEL mm THIN CEM STONES 0ft I I II laW W a. a A At Induction r 1 j i V'.;: -V. S i1 YONCALLA STUDY OLUB TO MEET ON THURSDAY ' The Yoncalla' Woman's Study club will meet Thursday after noon at the home of Mrs, E. Mc Donald. All members are most cordially invited to be present. LAZY DAISY 8EWING CLUB TO HOLD MEETING The Lazy Daisy Sewing club will meet Thursday at one o' clock at the home of Mrs. Leo Wilkinson. All members are most cordially invited., 20NTA CLUB TO MEET WEDNESDAY The Zonta club will hold a com bined business and social ipeet ing Wednesday night, Nov. 16, at eight o'clock at the home of Mrs. Martha Wishart, 811 Fleser street. All members are urged to be present. HERE'S THEWFOP COMFORT , j W m Your Own Terms Within Reason SIT IN IT. . .AND REALLY RELAX Here's the truly modern chair... perfect to place in front of your big view window ... an extra-comfortable chair for television viewing, conversation groups, or Just plain relaxing. The Roto-Rock may be moved anywhere without lifting, rotates in a full circle on a ball-bearing, beautifully finished wood base. Has long-wearing no-sag springs under a deep, soft -cushioned seat. Choose it in new covers, lush colors. See it today! 117 Grounded Yacht Likely Total Loss ACAPULCO, Mexico, Nov. 14 UP) The costly yacht "Cor sair," beached on the rocks here, fell over on her right side over night. Once the late J. P. Morgan's $3, OOO.OOQ pleasure craft, the 2,699 ton yacht looks to seamen more than ever like a total loss. Sal vage experts and insurance ap priasers are coming from Los Angeles to see what can be done. Captain of the Port meantime continued today his hearing of officers and crew. He is trying to determine responsibility, if any, for' the harbor shipwreck Saturday at 12:20 a.m. as the boat was starting on her return to Los Angeles with 46 passen gers and 82 crew. Both the captain of the Port and the ship's captain, H. Ned den, agreed the steering mech anism failed. The ship struck rocks within a mile of the Aea pulco dock. , Sutherlin m By MRS. BRITTAIN SLACK Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hebard of Garden Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Al ton Hebard and children of Ump qua, and Mr. and Mrs. John Hud son and children of Roseburg. spent last Sunday at Grants Pass, With Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Byrd. Mrs. Byrd is the former Lucille Hebard and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hebard. Mr. aid Mrs. Christian Bach man and Mr. and Mrs. Jack West and son, Jack, spent Sunday at Corvallis visiting with their sons, Bill West, Mr. and Mrs. Don West, and Christian Bachman, JOBS AVAILABLE We have jobs for trained workers. If you have the training, we have the job. If you don't have the training, come in or call tomorrow Fall enrollment now u.ider way GRANT'S BUSINESS COLLEGE 112 N. St:phens FURNITURE OMPRNV Your W. Cats St. Phone 10 WINSTON CLUB TO MEET ON THURSDAY Winston Community club will meet at the clubhouse Thursday at 7:30 p.m. All residents of the community are invited to be present. who Is attending Oregon State college. Mrs. Bill Webber and her chil dren have been confined to their home the past week by illness. Mrs. "Royal Abeene, Jr., Mrs. Gene Baumgardner Mrs. Royal Abeene, Sr., and Mrs. Harry Barnes shopped and transacted business In Roseburg Monday. J AMAZE YOUR j FRIENDSI j Ploy Organ Mink j M our Plana I Organ music complete chords Organ and Piano together.) You can actually play a Piano- H Organ duet with yourself. Piano alone no interference -novelty effects. This mw P'ono-Orpan attachment 1$ a mw sovrc of plmatvrm and nter tainmnM, See It, today. Ji?& MUSIC SHOP "tmyikltl fa Mwfc" Pbvxx loud ImtrufMnh Mo&tt JUcerda Dim! Mutfe Phone 1535 R oflll& it Rotates Convenient Courteous Free Delivery own terms within reason Ciljtndiltlt-