The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, November 11, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    I Th. N.w,-Review, Ro.b,9, Or.-F,l, Nov. 11, I.threevent, held
Society and CluLi
Social items submitted by tele
phone for the society page must
be turned in before 12 o'clock
Monday through Thursday and
by 10 a. m. Friday at which
time the social calendar and Sat
urday's society page are closed
The Skyblue Bluebirds met
Tuesday at the Church of God
with the leader, Mrs. Frank
Walker, and the president, Bren
da Findlay, In charge.
Plans were discussed for fu
ture projects and the group
learned the song, "Come Follow
Me." The members added an
other page to their scrapbooks.
A fashion show will feature the
W. C. T. U. meeting Wednesday,
Nov. 16 at the Christian church
parlor at 2 p.m. The show will
include old and new styles. Mrs.
Fred Southwlck is In charge of
the program and will include spe
cial music.
Members are asked to note the
change In meeting place which
was first scheduled for the Ack
ert home.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Pratt of Rice
Valley entertained friends at Sun
day dinner. Enjoying the occa
sion were Mr. and Mrs.'Carl Per
mln and sons, Larry and Michael
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swan.
Would You Like to Know ? ? ?
'About plane schedules and
fares for that holiday trip?
About trips to Hawaii
or the Caribbean?
About reduced plone fares '
See Your
Travel Agent
A Free 8ervloe
Phone 1658
. Coach plane fares . . .
at great savings?
Roseburg Travel
Umpqua Hotel Lobby
Activities at the Winchester
Community club recently have
Included a Halloween party for
all children In the vicinity; a Hal'
loween dance for members and
guests and a turkey dinner last
Friday night.
Louise Ketcherslde and Bar
bara Reber were in charge of
the children's Halloween party
and the hall was decorated in
keeping with the day. A large
group attended nd treats were
At the members social night a
Halloween dance was enjoyed
with those attending in costume.
Ancel Ketcherside and Walter
Reber were hosts for the evening.
Ancel Ketcherside won first
firize for costume with Bob Rat
Iff second. At the turkey dinner
Thelma Speidel and Louise Ket
cherside were in charge. The
club extended thanks to all who
participated and assisted In the
above events.
The Past Noble Grand Club of
Sutherlln held a meeting last
Wednesday evening, when Mrs.
Lucille Chase entertained at a
dessert supper at her spacious
home on East First Avenue. Bou
quets of fall flowers were plac
ed about the rooms.
Covers were placed for: Mrs.
Belle Cook, Mrs. Charlotte Park
er, Mrs. Helmle Burns, Mrs.
Anna Hall, Mrs. Alma Anderson,
Mrs. Ruth Manning, Miss Luella
Pleuard, Mrs. Eunice Beck, Mrs.
Meda Schrack, Mrs. Cora Allen,
Mrs. Phreda Wahl, Mrs. Bertha
Barge, Mrs. Florence Cook, Mrs.
Nellie Peterson, Mrs. Velma
Brauninger, Mrs. Maude Culver
and a euest. Mrs. Ruth Waugh
and the hostess, Mrs. Chase.
The business meeting was call
ed to order by the president, Ma
Peterson. Committees were ap
pointed to decorate and help
serve the noon dinner at the Dis
trict Rebekah Convention which
will be held in Sutherlln on
Thursday, December 8th.
It was voted to adopt a sister
at the I.O.O.F. Home and to send
her a box and letters in order to
get acquainted.
The next meeting will be on
November 30th Instead of De
cember 7th. as that date falls the
day before the District Conven
tion. It will be a Christmas party
and the exchange of gifts, not
exceeding l.ou.
Names were drawn for the
Christmas baskets, which the
club has had as their project for
manv vears. The penny prize was
won by Anna Hall, furnished by
Mrs. Ulga Bieiman. ine aoor
prize was won by Mrs. Culver.
Who's that cheerful guy who worke out baok
at J. V. SPORTING GOODS? Why, that's Em
ery Wllllame. He hie the shop with Its own
front door on Main etreet and a big algn In the
ehape of a key hanging oyer the sidewalk. But
making keys lin't all he doea he'e an expert
soltaore.sharpener and sporting tackle repair
man, too. And of oourea he knows all about
gune, a subjeot that's popular theee daye. See
him now, If you have a key or taokle problem.
That uncommon ingredient you find in people
of surpassing Judgment is: common sense.
H.ulnn riihl.? M.rf ..m.kl.. ....I. I ...
a party or oooktall sling? Take your problem to I
folki there will help you If they poaalbly oan.
They'll help you plan your refreshment! and
bake your order for patty shells or meringues
or whatever you have In mind. Cleo's is the
plaoe where you'll alwaya receive a friendly
mile and a pleasant greeting, and you can
oount on speolal attention being given to spe
cial ordere of any kind. Take a look In Cleo's
window aa you go by you'll turn right around
and go In when you eee their yummy-looklng
Individual pumpkin plea. Cleo and George
Moats really know how to make wonderfully
flaky, tender pleoruit, filled to the brim with
taety oreams or frulte or delicious mince or
pumpkin. Try one this week.
Are you a baked ham luncher? Why not change and have I
a nrOBmiul flint- hum 1 - ul.tla9 ------ 1 . . .-I j I
" uian uiilc in a wiiiic i vaiy yuur illumes irom uay
to day with one of the ICE CREAMERY'S smoothly blended
creamed tuna or chipped beef. They are made with cream
sauce and peas, and served on toast. Of course, if you're too
busy these pre-Yule days to go out for lunch, you may prefer
a baked ham sandwich and milk-shake to eat at your desk.
Phone 948-R and the elrls will have vnur nrrW mHv u.hon
you come after it or send someone to get it for you. The Ice Creamery is start
ing something new, again a free lunch every week for some lucky guy or
gal who works downtown. The winner this week is Mrs. Louise Ireland and
if she will cIId this paragraph out of Window Sh
Creamery any day next week, she can order what she wants for lunch "on the
Do you have a restless
little convalescent at
your house? We know
just what to do for him
get one of these model
kits from L E S T E R ' 8
GIFT SHOP. Some -of
them are simple enough
for even small children.
There ate airplane mod
els of every kind from
the Speedl-UIlt Aeronca,
Plnnr Cllh nr Hneini? K.'iv.
dct (PT-17) and gas-engine models to the minia
ture solid models made by StromBocKer. There
are cars, sailboats, steamships, and electric and
wooden railroad train models. They are grand
for keeping kids happy indoors during wet
weather, and Sonny's more successful efforts
make an appropriate addition to the decoration
of his room when suspended from the celling,
on picture wire.
Here's good news for fall decorators and re
deooratora JOSSE'S Drapery Department has
a brand-new paint-blending machine. Now you
don't have to Walt while the paint la aent out-of-town
for blending. The new machine takea
about ten mlnutea to mix any shade you order
from the Nu Hue Custom Color charta. It's all
done by a foolproof mathematical formula, and
a faaolnating process which you're welcome to
watch. A record will be kept of your order, Just
like a doctor'! preaorlptlon, In caae you want to
match It, later.
Drawing la SPEAKING to the eye; talking la
PAINTING to the ear.
"This Year Make It a Community Christmas" from ASHCR AFT'S. fi
They nave the newest pattern In community sllverpiate, tne graceiui
"Evening Star" design. It's similar to the Illustration here. Such a ro
mantic design, and romantically named: makes you think of the old
wishlng-vorse, "Star light, star bright ..." You'll find your favorite
pattern In silverplate at Ashcraft's. We have two favorites, "Eternally
Yours," and "Remembrance" by 1847 Rogers Hros. silversmiths. Newest
additions to tnese patterns arc iiany sets, in "Eternally lours mere is
borrlngcr set that includes the porrinrer. silver cup. nankin ring.
and fork and spoon. In "Remembrance" there Is a companion set
of silver cup and fork and spoon. Junior three-piece sets, with
knife, fork and spoon, can be ordered In either pattern. Won't It
be grand to have matching sliver for big and little folks, now?
You're a camera ama
teur? Then you'll find what
ever you need In pho
tographic supplies at
South Jackson. Here ate a
complete library of books
(, -UST 1 Oil ueveiupillK, uuiiiiiiK, Hliq
tj5? t 'L enlarging, which sell for c
J Y J. j& to 95c each. Here are trl-
7 SW-CT' ports, reflectors, and film
fc fW '. splicers for cutting your
own home movies. Here are
the famous KR Home De-
eloplng and Printing outfits, which contain de
eloping tank, trays, film clips, chemicals, print
ing frame, printing paper, safety lite, and an in
struction book. Even a rank amateur like us
could learn to use one. It's so simple. Give that
Junior high boy an outfit for Christmas it'll
keep him out of mischief!
Junior high girls will be happy to hear about
the new Joan-Merle all wool caehmere aweatera,
at LUVERNE'8. Long sleeved pullovers come in
enchanting ahadee of hyacinth, tangerine,
minuet green, and more common colore. 8hort
aleeved cardlgana are red, navy, green, or hya
olnth blue. Part-angora pullovere with ahort
eleevee are In eoft paitele blue, yellow, white,
pink, cherry, Jade green.- There are ahort
aleeved caahmero pullovere, too, in gayer hues.
Juat to look la to drool, if you're a young
eweater-girl. Buy several, and Bonnie Doon
ankleta to match each one. Then you'll have the
beginning! of a eolor ichemed wardrobe. And
Mom and Dad will Ilk the prices, too In the
lower dollar brackets.
Mrs. Thel Allen of Myrtle
Creek will be guest speaker at
the Roseburg Woman's club
Tuesday at the First Methodist
church at 1:30 p.m. She will talk
on "The Art In Pottery Produc
tion" and show pottery from the
first operation to the finished
It is hoped that arrangements
can be completed whereby Mrs.
Wilson can give a demonstration
on the potters wheel. The differ
ence between pottery, china and
porcelain will be explained. Oven
glazing and other potters' phras
ings will be discussed. Mrs. Earl
Plummer is in charge of music.
Riverside P.-T.A. held an In
teresting meeting at the school
house Monday evening with a
large attendance of members.
Mrs. Clifford Baxter, president,
waj in charge. Earl Ladd ex
plained the three-point grading
system on report cards figuring
on the individual basis. The au
dience participated in "What's In
a Mark?" and showed how they
would grade different students.
Mrs. Woodford's room won the
prize for the membership drive.
An entertaining musical program
was enjoyed and included: two
piano selections for Suzanne Ott
and Donna Davenport, pupils of
Mrs. Clarence Trued; ballet
dance by Joyce Johnson and Or
iental dance by Patsy Schemer,
pupils of Ulan Rhoden's studio;
piano solo by Bob Harrel), pupil
of Mrs. Rolland Quam. Mis.
Spackman's room won the prize
lor attendance for the second
consecutive time. Refreshments
were served by the first grade
room mothers.
A baton twirling exhibition bv
Miss Berly Walker of Roseburg
was a feature of the Green P.
T.A. Friday at the schoolhouse.
A Greek mythology play, "Per
seus and the Mead of Medusa''
was presented by the eighth
grade under the supervision of
Mrs. Dickinson.
Mrs. John Cornilsen president
was in charge of a short business
meeting. The sixth grade won
the P.-T.A. membership contest.
Sandra Heater and Merlyn Mil
ler brought in the most mem
berships. The seventh grade sang sever
al numbers and Delores War
ner, of the seventh grade, gave a
baton twirling number. Mr.
Stonebreaker the principal, ex
plained grading under the new
report card system.
Refreshments closed the eve
ning. In charge were the Mr. and
Mrs. Foote, Carter, O'Neil, Ers
kine and McDaniel.
An announcement was made
that the st,udy club will sponsor
a pie social at the schoolhouse
November 18. The public is in
vited. The Rev. Walter MacAr
thur will be guest speaker at the
December meeting of P.-T.A.
A program on "Medicines, OH
and New" was given by mem
bers of the Yoncalla Women's
Study club at the home of Mrs.
Lloyd Plnkston in English Settle
ment Thursday afternoon, Nov. 2.
The hostess was assisted by Mrs.
Fred Reeves.
Luncheon was served to 27 and
followed by a program and sing
ing. Mrs. Reeves was chaplain
for the meeting. Two piano num
bers were played by Miss Har
riet Riggs.
Mrs. Harvey Cockeram gave a
talk on discretion in, use of com
mon medicine. ' Mrs. Earl
Strong's paper on modern medi
cine to prevent sickness was read
by Mrs. James Houser.
The club voted that Mrs. Fred
Merk, president represent them
at the board meetings of the Cot
tage Grove hospital.
Mrs. E. McDonald will be host
ess to the club Nov. 17.
Enjoying the afternoon were
the following guests: Mrs. W.
Deardorff, Mrs. Paul Allen, Mrs.
Walter Nimocks, Mrs. Wayne
Rice, Mrs. Ward Cockeram, Mrs.
Gladys Jazek, Mrs. George Chen
oweth, Mrs. Fred Kruse and Mies
Riggs. .
Members attending Included
Mrs. Cablness, Mrs. Harvey
Cockeram, Mrs. Jim Houser,
Mrs. Irvln Rice, Mrs. Phil Hun
tington, Mrs. Dare Kingery, Mrs.
John Kruse, Mrs. Fred Merk,
Mrs. Metz, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs.
Edgar Richards, Mrs. J. N.
Sparks, Mrs. Harold Turpln, Mrs.
Hugh Warner, Mrs. Atkinson and
the two hostesses.
The ladies of the Winchester
Home Extension unit spent an
interesting day at the clubhouse
Thursday, Nov. 3 at which time
"Textile Painting" was present
ed as the project. A business'
meeting opened the day with the
chairman, Adrid Van Horn ap
pointing project leaders and
chairmen of standing committees
ior tne year.
Louise Ketcherside Instructed
the group in textile painting. The
next meeting is scheduled lor
January 5 at which time the
county agent win present the sub
ject "landscaping home
Sack lunch was enjoyed with
the hostesses serving dessert and
coffee. Attending were Jesse
woncn, Margaret Stevens, Mar
gie Medford, Edith Warren, Mar
celle Johnson, Helen Davidson,
Kay Jacobs, Merle Rowen, Vera
McGehey, Lorraine Lewis, Flo
Beaver, Marie Ridenour, Thelma
Spiedel, Hazel Morley, Louise
Ketcherside, Fred Ketcherside,
Beatrice Warner, Mildred Lane,
Ora Antone, Eva Lockman and
the two hostesses, June Hofer and
Adrid Van Horn.
swell Mineral Baths
"hlroi -actio Physiotherapy
Lady Attendants
I Mile S. of Drain. Orfrm
vOy 1
Because you've just got to
tee for yourself how much more
made-to-order face powder can
do for you, Charles of the Rib:
has made available an
introductory box at only SI.
Come in and watch the
Charles of the Ritz consultant
study your skintone . . .
analyze it . . . then
create an original
powder formula juat
for you. All this right
before your eyes in
but a few minutes.
Even more wonderful
is the fact that the
luxury of this made,
to-order powder coats
no more than other
powders. 2, $3 the box
(Introductory Sin 111).
All prim pUa lax
Cosmetics Main Floor
Rifle Ranpi Spwlna nlnh ma,
with Lena Pfaff Thursday with
tne vice-president, Alice Gill con
ducting the business meeting.
The afternoon was spent in sew-
IniT anH 0amf with (!mu
n - c - - -uncn riflim
and Daisy Dillingham winning
yi 14C5.
The hostess served refresh
ments to Mrs. Frank AIIoa nni
Carta Gill, Edna Scofield, Addle
oiancne marr ana Virginia; Brit
tain. The npvr meotlnir will ka hAii
at the Pfaff home with Gwen
Frank aa hostess. The meeting
date is Nov. 17.
Rose sehnnt P.T A
Monday evening was devoted 'to
discussion of Health and Safety.
uuesi speaKer ior the evening
Was Robert Harvlp whn nwan,.
ed a short and pertinent talk on
this subject, pointing out that
iiiusi ui-i-tutrnis were me result oi
President rivHo Artaln nruM.
ed during the business session
aim iieum a repon on tne boy
patrol on South Stephens street,
Which in a lnpnl nrnlane nt U
Lions club. Plans were promot-
cu m nonor ine poys ior their vol
unteer service in an effort to Im
prove the safety situation on the
The membership drive, headed
bv Mrs. Carl Hill uhnu.oH hi.
percentage of parents had joined
the association. Several projects
were suggested for the P.-T.A.
and these were tabled until the
uecemoer meeting.
Lloyd Pinkston wag elected
chairman of the Elkhead com
munity club at the meeting held
Sunday in their hall. A potluck
dinner preceded the business
meeting. ,
Trustees will be Wilbur Briner
and George Thompson; secretary
treasurer, Mrs. Ethel Keeves ana
floor managers, Paul Reeves and
Meredith Freeman.
Plans were made for a potluck
dinner and card partv to be held
at the hall Nov. 19 for residents
of the community and their
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Pinkston, Mr. and
Mrs. Blaine Hovey, Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur Briner, Mr. and Mrs.
George Thompson, Mr. and Mrs.
Jess Freeman, Mr. and Mrs.
Meredith Freeman, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hoag-
land, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Billings,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nimocks,
Mrs. Larry Jazek and Dave Dun
can. '
In England, a radio receiver
license costs approximately $4
per year while that for television
Is just double.
Dr. H. B. Scofield
, Palmer Chiropractor
Rifle Range Road
4710 mi. North of
County Shops
Ottlc Houra 10-12 and S-S
Saurdan 10-U A. M .
X-ray ncuro-calometer mtvIc
for aplnal corrseUon.
FIrtex Sheetrock
164 E. 2nd Ave. S.
Phone 242
V 1 ?
uLiere's a question
That's a dinqhummen
What wouldyou do
Without a plumber?
Low Prices and High Quality
Combined to Make This Sale Outstanding
1 ym ummm ""'
Bedroom Suite
OVanity and Bench
Night -Stand
(Similar to illustration)
Here Is your chance to get that new bedroom suite you have wanted ... at bargain
prloea. In bleached maple, It will be a compliment to any bedroom.
Mattresses specially priced for this special sale. 1 80
coils made for your sleeping comfort. Be sure and
have one of these for that new bedroom suite too!
Because we are discontinuing theae
patterns we are able to bring you theae
daveno covers at thla low price. Green,
roae and blue floral patterns.
With Chrlstmaa Just around the corner
here la a great buy for gift giving. Get
one for mom or dad In red, gren and
Ivory. Eaay to clean plastio cpverlng on
theae hassocks.
Be aure and aee theae all wool faced ruga that are
reduced for a saving to you. 9x12 alze in a wide
range of colors they are Juat the rug for bedroom,
living room or dining room.
Prices Good through Saturday, Nov. 19
A little down
will hold your
purchase until
321 N. Jackson
Fine furniture
for more than
25 yeara.
Phone 26