The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, November 11, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Payroll . Tax Rates Cut
Slated For Employers
SALEM t!P At lanct 11 rca
employers, or slightly more than
mu 01 me employers covered In
Oregon, will get lower payroll
tax rates next year under the
new unemployment compensa
tion law.
The unemployment compensa
tion mmmlcclnn ealrl (t (-
sending out notices of the lower
8.000 employers will be paying the
nuiuioi per cent payroll lax
rate. The others will get rates
ranging down to .3 of 1 per cent.
Employers who have steady em
ployment lor their employes get
the lowest rates.
I ilfX '
i yV j
- .
I Carburetor
I Troubles?
I If your carburetor isn't funo
tioning properly, perform
once gets worse and yourl
gas dim is Higher. .
Oak & Stephens Phone 446 1
Tokyo women play hose on niazinf Duimim as tney iei practical
experience in fire Renting'. City's fire department turned over to
women firehouses and equipment durinr Fire Prevention Week.
Condemned Slayers "Psychotic," One Declares.
demned slayer declares that
society ought to prevent such
crimes as his before they occur.
Robert E. Garver, under deal1)
sentence for the slaying of a
janitor, urged more psychiatric
treatment for potential murdjr
ers. "Morris Leland (the 22-year-old
youth convicted of killing a
15-year-old girl) should be gassed
a long time," Garver told a re
porter. "They should burn his
body to be sure he's dead. They
should do the same to me. But
neither of us is responsible for
our crimes.
Garver, who once broke Jail
with Leland here, said he
thought ooth he himself and Le
land were mentally ill,
"Doctors long ago said I was
psychotic," he said. "They said
the same of Leland. Yet we were
turned loose without treatment
Louse, Commercial and
Industrial Wiring
Electrical Trouble Shooting
Motor and Appliance Re
pair Free Pick-Up and Delivery
17 Years Experience
Licensed Electrician
316 E. 2nd Ave. N. Ph. 1743-J
West Coast Building Supply
Mill and Mosher
Bill Neighbors
II ; 1
'l I
I .V 1 1
wtMrvK :
i'':i? r
Phone 362
Jay Clark
sts ..... t. '
u i v. " iu u i (i 1 1 1 v . mcti wi
later committing murder?"
During the first five days after
their landing on Iwo Jlma Ma
rine Corps communication crews
laid more than 700 miles of tele
phone wire, although operating
under heavy artillery fire and
harassed by snipers.
' Marine private first class
Jacklyn H. Lucas was awarded
the Medal of Honor at the age
of 17 years. He was the youngest
man ever to receive the nation's
highest award.
Bargain Haircuts Stir
Bald-Headed Britishers
LONDON tf) Soma bald
headed Britishers are so sensi
tive they even turn down bar
gain prices currently being of
fered by London's barbers.
The barber, figuring there's not
quite so much work to trimming
a fringed noggin, have been quiet
ly knocking sixpence (seven cts.)
otf the bill if the customer's head
is bare on top. A regular hair
cut costs two shillings (28 cents).
One-men's hairdresser In the fi
nancial district disclosed that
some of the more vain baldpates
have "indignantly insisted upon
paying the full price."
Frl Nov. 11, 1949-Th Newi-Rovitw, Roieburg, Or. 7
Advertising Signs On Parking Meters Taboo
r-niinf-il hal-A tl,l-na4 Ihlimk. Hniirn
on the idea of putting advertising
signs on paining meter posts.
Although about $6000 could be
made each year from leasing the
meters, the council decided that
the liability involved was great
er. They said that parking meter
were essentially for traffic con
trol and not for revenue.
So far every Oregon city that
has considered parking meter ad
vertising has turned it down.
Sstvt tflm cnf KJfort TA aH
Falling. Bucking, anal I F
ta ti limbing Trw.i Cutting
fc-iV 'OjyM tencm Poatt, Gyrdwood, m VWTa
-. .C Crou lift unti i-'irluvod. lT
The Matt Tool Company-ploneer. in dtaignlng, niinrlof and mnuf-
of a.l..e. wllh tola p.rful, new lightwolgbt g.aolln. ana o. .Saw
that Incorporate! important moner-aainf feature, not ataUabls la other
makea of chain aavr..
Eaiiir handled by one man on horiiontal, vertical or any anala at Indeiee
to an; deelred angle for felllnf or buctin, Lujhtwalaht maaneelum
cooatrurtlon makee It aaay to carry Powerful l-eycle buollnf i En.lne Inler
heneable Gear Ratloa-alow epeed for bl Ueee, high .peed for .mall one.
Round Noot Bucking Bar make. It po-ibl. to .tart cut with "Prdl
alao permit, fellinf and buekin, tree. tlce the bar', lenath Ftproof fl.t
typeurhurelor keep, engine running for analo CUU Spd Control byTbrot tl.
on right handle .nd on handle erou-bar (for one-man operation) Quit de
Uchabl. talUtoca, furnUhed with round nc bucking bar at no eitra O0U
Hlway 99 N. at Garden Valley Phone 1152 J
I am closing out all stock and farm tooli on the Julian Hat
field ranch ( miles southeast of Kelley'i Korner on tha Dix
on villa road.
Sale to start at 1:30 p. m. Sunday, Novomoer 13th,
Span of mares, good logging Steel wheel farm truck with
"m flat rack
1 bay mr, 1 lorrell- mar McCormlck mower No. ,
2 good jersey cows f0' ut
5 good hogs, ready to butoher 10-foot McCormlck dump raka
20 pullets, about 25 fryers 3-section springtooth harrow
Pair nearly new bed springs 2-tectlon splketooth harrow
Aladdin lamp 1 all steel 3-atar Oliver plow
Cedar churn '1sall steel 4-star Oliver plow
Some other household articles 2 five-foot horse discs
Set of heavy harness 2 shovei cultivators ' ' '.
Vz set harness ' 1 shovel plow j
18-gauge shotgun Grindstone, wheelbarrow
Lots of doubletrees and Heavy log chain
singletrees . . . . , '
6-foet step (adder
Crosscut saw
1-man saw Lots of small tools
W. C. Burnt, J. E. Cooper,
Owner ' Auctioneer
Watch for signs along the road.
FILM CUTIE Actress Mary
Jane Saunders, age 7, clutches
tightly the $6000 to $20,000-B-year
movie contract approved
for her by a Los Angeles su
perior court. The child actress
starred with Bob Hope in "Sor
rowful Jones," the "Little Miss
Marker" role that started Shir
ley Temple on the road to fame.
1703 Brown Ave.
Phone 1066-J
Roseburg, Oregon
Value Of Letter To Solon
Appraised By Mrs. Toft
good does it do to write a letter
to your senator in wasningiun:
Regretfully. Senator Robert A.
Taft's wife, Martha, says she feels
many such letters are "rather in
effective" particularly in the
ponulous states like Ohio.
The Ohio Republican senator,
she told Cleveland members of
the American Association of Uni
versity Women, receives an aver
age of 500 letters a day and can
not possibly read them all.
"The letters which do a par
ticularly good job of expressing
viewpoints are passed on to him
by his staff," she said. "The oth
ers, of course, are tabulated as to
t; e numbers of writers on either
side of any question."
Hand grenades were used by
U. S. Marines who served under
John Paul Jones during the Revolution.
says Harry Sanford
There's lots of profitable hours
of logging left in your old trac
tor! Convert it into on efficient
yarder with a Hyster 3-drum. In
terstate can give you immediate
delivery to fit "Caterpillar," Al-lis-Chalmers
or Cletroc tractors.
Call or write Interstate today.
The Hyster tractor yarder gives
you omple yarding radius
(1000' of 1 18" line), pow
erful pull, large braking ca
pacity. Shifting is instantaneous
operators really like it. And, if
you have a downhill logging
problem, you can get an extra
large 5" haulback brake!
Longer, Haavlor, with Wider Tread
It looks like it . . .'it rider liko it ... .
it is the BIG car in the low-price field!
With its extra size Chevrolet gives
you more riding-comfort, road-steadiness
and safety more car for your
moneyl It's an extra value exclusively
yours at lowest cost in Chevrolet I
Hinor lody Styling and Luxury
Long, low lines . ; .-smooth, graceful
curves ... extra conveniences like
Push-Bulton Door Handles . , . super
size interiors with "Five-Foot Seats"
, . . this superbly, styled Body by
Fisher is an extra value exclusively
yours at lowest cost in Chevrolet!
Center-Point Steering
Steering control is centered between
the wheels to give you amazing new
ease and surencss of control with min
imum driver fatigue and road shock.
Center-Point Steering is another im
portant extra value exclusively yours
at lowest cost in Chevrolet!
Only one low-priced car
brings you all these
FIshor Unlstael Body Construction
Slam the door and hear the difference!
That soiid, muffled thud speaks of
steel welded to steel all around you.
Fisher Unisleel Construction brings
you unsurpassed solidity, quietness and
safety an extra value exclusively
yours at lowest cost in Chevrolet!
World's Champion Valva-ln-Hoad
The trend's all to valve-in-head design
for more efficient and economical
high-compression engines. But Chev
rolet's proved and extra-efficient engine
is the only valve-in-head engine in
its field ... an extra value exclusively
yours at lowest cost in Chevrolet!
. . . and it's the
5-Inch Wldo-Baso Rims, Plus
Low-Protsuro Tiros
You get the widest rims in the low
price field plus extra low-pressure
tires as standard equipment on all
models. And that's another reason for
the extra smoothness, softness and
stability of the Chevrolet ride . . .
another extra value exclusively yours
at lowest cost in Chevrolet!
Curved Windshield with Panoramic
That large windshield sweeps back to
narrower corner posts to provide
safer view ahead and at the sides.
Alone in its field, Chevrolet has the
functional beauty of a curved wind
shieldanother ejtfra vae exclusively
yours at lowest cost in Chevrolet!
fxtro fconomltol to Own and Operato
It's the lowest priced line in its field. It's the
outstandingly economical performer. And it's
America's most-wanted motor car new or
used traditionally worth more when you
trade. Extra economy in every way adds up
to another extra valus exclusively yours at
lowest cost in Chevrolet!
Crtl-5of Hydraulic Brakes
Chevrolet's exclusive brake design is
more outstanding than ever for swifter,
safer stops. And new Dubl-Life, riyet
less brake liniags last up to twice as
long. Extra safely and extra economy
are in this extra value exclusively
yours at lowest cost in Chevrolet!
.Hansen Motoir C.
Phone 446
709 N. Jackson
Phone 893
Oak & Stephens