The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, November 10, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    B The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Orff.-Thur., Nov. 10, 1949
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LAST INSPECTION Sfate Police Sgt. Lyle H. Herrell met with his men at the Roseburg state
police office for the lest time Saturday afternoon, before leaving tor baker with a promotion
to lieutenant. Upper picture shows the officers lined up in front of their cars. Lower picture
shows the officers in informal pose congratulating the sergeant (third from left) and bidding
him farewell. (Staff photos). , "
SINGAPORE. Nov. 10--UP) An
Indonesian Republic trade group
Bald Wednesday It has obtained
a $1,000,000 loan from the Philip.
pines cbvernment to buy surplus
U.S. Army equipment in the Phil
' pete's
iV if
aurw y -
"Unloaded Gun"
KH9s Husband In
Play With Wife
An "unloaded Eun" caused the
death of George Sperry, 55, Tues
day 'night at a uurdane, ure.,
ranch. 50 miles southwest of Pen
dleton, according to the story told
Sherllf R. E. Goad and other in
vestigating officers by his widow,
anilv operry, ai.
District Attorney C. C. Proeb
stel said that no charge had been
filed In the case and that it would
be up to the coroner's Jury to de
termine whether any criminal ac
tion should be taken.
Death was caused, apparently
Instantaneously, from a .22-cali-
ber high-powered rifle bullet fired
into his head.
The couple worked for Jack
French In the Gurdane section.
and both had been drinking be
fore the shooting occurred, accord
ing to aneriti uoad and the dis
trict attorney. Investigating of
ficers found no Indications at the
French home of anv strueele or
of any trouble between the two.
Mrs. Sperry, questioned briefly
by the sheriff and district attor
ney, gave her version of the af
fair as follows:
She said thev had been drink
ing and kiddlne each other, and
that he picked up the rifle, told
her It was empty, and snapped it
at her. Then she picked It up In
turn ana snapped it at nis nead
but It exploded, causing his death.
No one else was at the place at
thnt time. She then called the I
sheriff's office in Pendleton.
Questioned as to their relations.
Mrs. Sperry told officers there
had been no arguments or quar
reling, and Insisted the shooting
was purely accidental.
f) S. W"
. i
Try II a hair dryer , . ferJ
f rotting friiii foods . . . drying
cloth and any one of doitnt of
thtr howiohold thortt.
yi. ..and Just what
u I Vou need I :l
II' a HEATER! It's a FAN I
Uplfairf, downstairs, all around fno
novsol In any room ... In any foatoa
you'll And wis for tnlt now fmh'nd-Airo
All-ioaion comfort appllonco.
IN WINTIR flick the illch and h'l
a hoofor fon, circulating warm air Into
ovcry corner of Iho room.
IN SUMMIR uio It ac an efficient fan to
circulate comfortably cool air wherever
ll'c needed.
It'i aasy to carry all over the haute light
at a feather perfettty balanced. Hoe
heat-proof handle and lately guard.
BELFAST. Northern IrelnnH
Nov. 10 .T) Three davs before
war broke out in 1939 barber
Charles Liddy ordered six razors
irom a firm in Germany.
Hp enclosed a monev order
which he wrote off as a loss when
the war started.
Wednesday the .razors were
delivered. With them was a note
from Wagner and Lance. of-So-
lingen, the makers, faying they
were sorry about the delay.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 10 .!
Here Is the text of a telegram
received by President Truman
Wednesday from Senator Dulles
(K-N Y ) :
'You win.
Tho amailngly .
law prlct of
ftdtfal tax
Housewares Department Downstairs
A Home-Owned and Operated Store
202 N. Jackson Phone 73
Funeral Director
Our service Is for all and
meats very need. Any
distance, any . time
Licensed Lady Assistant.
Oakland, Oregon
Phone 472 or 542
convenient parking Gift-Packed for Christmas!
AT "A,"T0" Cannon TOWEL SETS
'"i'm"; iiowiii .. ii i ii.u iii ii ii ii.i lean in.
l ' ' fff 2 b2a2thbyto4w4e?;rf ;
'I 4 r A'1'? A2?ZP . a 12 by 12 fluffy
AmSMtI.. ill t 2 washcloths! ..
I . I l liJl : IEmW
j : Completer of four!
,SALE COMPARE AT 189.95 , S;Xi r;chi decorafor colors to choose from . . .
J FM-AM 3-SPEED CHANGER each with "His" and "Hers" in contrasting colors! .
i Complete likening pleasure! I . I . Practical, too. Colors stay fresh and bright
', Changes 78, 45, and 3VA IE OAS through many washings. Solve some of your
; irpm.recordslB1gio"sPeak- .300 -. 4 , . chrjstmaj $hoppjng probems now . . . and save!
er for rich AM-FM reception I
i : .Mahooany Veneer cobinetl I 0" """"' j .
SALE!. - . 'f;c1-''
. SALE! 84.95 RADIO-PHONO . ( H '
Choirside AM Mahogony 1 ( fesfelfc 3 U
veneered radio plus auto- : QOSS II 'SSif I
motic phonol Fingerlip con- OA00 Uit On Term., 10 Down, '
troll Clear tone I Record jj 0oi on Termi 'SSSP Bp.anc. MonthV
jpaceinrearlBuilt-inantenna, I . i
C 'jJtm fti''" i Get Ve0rS ' SO,'$tactory servlc" and
Vf i layer-felted cotton upholstery over 180
ill fep" wire coils. Flexolator insulation. Outer-
f ' j rolledge. long-wearing woven striped
; ffl2g&J ?N,40 . MATTRESS, BOX SPRING
SALE! 47.95 FM-AM RADIO JsJV5VT O 88 A,k about
iV-S'.Jn .1 AW Word! Termi
large plastic table radio . , v'vJV iif I ' (Jf
with FM-AM I 7" oval speak- M MOO ' . "N x k ' I V,V " '
er for clear tone.' 7 tubes; itOH - T V I h P HT , f 1 Flexolator Insulation, for a comfortable
, rectifier. Phono-jock for ex- j jM L "T ' I f i P sleeping surface. Pre-built border, Inner. ;
; .. lernal record player. 1 XT llJ roll edge, new felted-cotton upholstery.
! wAet-' 1' ) ri. K 1 Attractive woven striped, quality ticking
- -l - tr? 1 'Vr I .! "-5- Mattress-Box Spring Set,
I V . ' r - i 114 v . I
'.' I,' ' - X-'hLj'?-! jf2f-r-- Save J20 on this grand living room piece
' ' i ! fv-- modern 'ylinfll Hordwood frame for
j TVtle "jfl JP " '0n9 wyic spring seat and
' ..' Compare at r.95l 4 tubes, !
for full, cleor tone! Eye-
level ilide-rule dial. Built-in ln lvory 18 44
loop antenna ! ' '
e .
or f - - i in I, ii, t - rt r '" :-'