The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, November 10, 1949, Page 18, Image 18

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    4 The Newi-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Thur., Nov. 10, 1949
Toy Makers Foresee Record
Christmas Sales But Dollar
Volume May Disclose Slump
NEW YORK UP) Santa Claus Is set to put a $300 million
bite on dad lor toys this Christmas. There are a record number
of children to unwrap the presents, and a record number ot fathers
to buy the toys and help them wear out.
The shops will offer more low
er-priced toys, but plenty of lux
ury priced ones, too. American
toy manufacturers think they'll
top last year's unit sales vol
ume, but that slightly lowered
prices may keep the dollar sales
volume down to last year's $300
million. Santa Claus may be pe
nalized a few yards in commu-
hit by strikes or lay-offs. But for
the country as a whole, there
should be as many, or more, fond
fiarents, uncles and aunts, try
ng out the toys on store count
ers, and buying.
They'll have a wide choice. Al
most every problem currently
agitating parents Is echoed In the
nities where incomes have been designs for new playthings. For
G. I. Flight Training Is Available
To Any Veteran Who Has Over 90 Day of Service
Previous to July 1, 1948.
Training it given only in new modern fast airplanes.
Enroll now before your eligibility expires.
Round trip charter trips to all points
Save Time and Money
Try our U-Fly Service and Save up to V on your trip
Wt Invlts your Inquiries on all your flight problems.
Freight up to 1200 lbs. taken for Immediate shipment anywhere.
Cessna Dealers
Inquire at airport any time for more detailed Information.
Roseburg Airport . Phone 1225-J ............ Roseburg, Ore.
WfllHM' 1W MM M.' ;z-iVb'abA&IMii',mt. I'Wi Ahflrti
PRIZE POSTER Herbert Matter, New York photographer, looks
at his poster, which won him $1000 in a New York contest spon
sored by the Museum of Modern Art and the National Foundation
for Infantile Paralysis. The poster, which won first prize, is a
photo-montage. Matter used his own son, who recovered from
polio, as one of the models.
instance, department store toy
counters now set up for the sales
rush, are showing more toys pre
sumably powered by atomic en
ergy and Jet propulsion.
Or, if father has been worried
about the housing slutatlon, may
be he'll buy one of the new pre
fabricated toy houses.
If he's all steamed up about
the tug-of-war between coal and
oil, with its overtones of strikes
and prices, and the labor dis-
?utes involved in changing over
rom steam locomotives to die
sels perhaps he'll be interested
to note that electric train sets
show more diesel-type locomo
tives this year than steam.
And among the new games is
one in which the object is to find
parking space for the family car.
Many persons no longer consider
this search funny, but the game
is said to be absorbing and serves
to let the youngster see what
lie's In for.
The farm Influence, now that
crop surpluses and food prices
are so to the fore in even a toy
maker's mind, Is strong in the
electric train department. For in
stance, you can buy your future
4-H club member a cattle car
with ramps that toy cattle will
walk up and down.
The magnet h plentiful, too.
There's a magnetic farm, with
little pigs led unerringly to the
source of their dinner by mag
nets, cows that are milked mag
netically, and a rabbit with a
magnetic nose to which a carrot
The trend to lower priced toys
shows up In the Christmas cata
logs of mail order houses. Both
Sears Roebuck and Montgomery
Ward feature the cheaper play
thing. Mongtomery Ward lists
twice as many toys under $1 as
last year. All together, its cata
log shows 12 percent more toys
this year. Sears has more Christ
mas lighting fixtures for sale,
with fancier and more brilliant
Most stores placed their orders
before Nov. 1, but some are re
ported reordering and In a few
items,' especially some of the
most popular of the new dolls,
are having to wait for delivery.
The effect of the steel strike,
however, Is generally minimized
in the trade. Foreseeing it, most
manufacturers laid in enough
stocks last summer.
Dolhs are a chief standby, as
The News-Review Classified
Ads bring best results. Phone
See BETTY HUTTON in "Red, Hot, and Blue," a Paramount Picture
93j10 axis
v Jvf' St-
Good news gets around. 43 of all M.J.B users first
tried It because friends and neighbors recommended It.
In M.J.B you get several of the world's finest coffees.
so well matched and blended, so perfectly flavor bal
anced that it never fails to satisfy. Brew M.J.B strong,
mild, in-between... u regular or drip grind... there'
never any guesswork. With M.J.B you make good coffee
overy time.
Careful roasting. Here again, M.J.B makes sure of
perfection. A special, modern roasting method brings
out all the rich, rare flavor of these quality coffee beana.
And highest vacuum-pack guarantees this extra good
ness will reach your cup. No wonder coffee lovers agree
"You can't make a bad cup of M.J.B."
1 mm f
So good wt juoronlM you'll liVo tt. Double
your money lock if you don't ogrte.
Forced Grading
Of Meat Opposed
By Wool Growers
rUKlLANV, NOV. 1U. Uf)
Oregon's wool growers oppose
any compulsory grading of meat
by city, state or leaerai agencies.
Their convention voted unani
mously ye&ieiuay iui a i louiuuuii
aimed specifically at a Portland
city plan to compel gracing oi an
meats. It included, however, op
position to compclsory grading by
any agency.
Delegates said they favored
voluntary grading such as the
federal grading plan. The grow
ers argued that "grading actually
means degrading because most of
Oregon's meat animals are mar
keted grass fat." They explained
that only 2 to 3 per cent of Ore
gon animals grade A or AA. The
other carcasses are Just as nu
tritious, they said.
On other issues, the growers
opposed a Columbia Valley ad
ministration, daylight saving
time and the Hoover report pro
posal touching on grazing land
administration. The government
reorganization recommendations
of the former president's commit
tee suggested transfer of the fed
eral grazing service from the de
department of agriculture.
UP) The city council here
elected Frank Doleman, 46, a
councilman, as mayor last night.
Doleman succeeds Warren A.
Edwards and will serve until Jan.
1. 1951. Edwards resigned be
cause of 111 health.
The new mayor operates a bak
ery here.
' ! CiMm'kj 1 . 'T If
(NBA Tetephoto)
RECUPERATING Out of bed for the first time since his recent
accident, U. S. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas works on
bis book in his room at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Yakima, Wash.
Justice Douglas was seriously injured Oct. 2 when his horse threw
him while be was riding in the Cascade Mountains near Yakima.
State police arrested red Mo-
doff, 22, of Eugene here Tues
day, on a warrant from Lane
county charging contributing to
the delinquency of a minor. They
were also holding a girl, the Ju
venile, said police.
News-Review Classified Ads
bring best results. Phone 100.
C Jpeeou I j
Studebaker 4-Door
Ford 2-Ton Pickup
Bulck Coupe
Ford 4-Door
LaSalle 4-Door
Ford Coupe
Chrysler 4-Door
Chevrolet 2-Door
Nash 4-Door
Chevrolet 5-Pass.
Plymouth 5 Pass.
Ford 2-Doors
And many more older
model cars.
Doyle's Sales
And Service
Hlway 99 at Garden Valley
Phone 611
Get ready now for Thanksgivinql Stock-up V y f'iRfoVS?e vCtwiiXT
now on holiday food needs at Red & White. rYny& iMr ' 5555
Here, you will find a wide selection of high SllShjlXniti . ,
1,. 1 j 1 .11 5fy 'lt(rti Specials For
cruallty foods at low money-saving prices I JfiHtiL'" lOUVl
stop mat Red & White and savei SktJ Friday and Saturday
ggk November 11 & 12
r::g- Mushrooms rs
VV?f7 Pieces & Stems ... 2 Ox. Tin SWte1
Ic Uit 2 for 35c PTTEb
ySW S5fBs
liSe placed 0lives 29e "'7
1 2 Ox. Can 25C
""" awT" , CONWAY'S
J?7 Cranberries 7
Offi Whole 16-oz. Can 2 for CJ
2S PIE CRUST 3$c 1
'fa'35c I
a'"" Whole Kernel Corn tJT1'!
-3' B?LC- 25e J '
Cranberries '
f Strained 16-oz. Can 2 for j "" ' ,
qTI 37c
ef RED & WHITE Vl '
roe. Peanut Butter C0ckt
- Maraschino Cherries -?fL
4-oz. jar 2 for s,