The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, November 05, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Yoncalla Has S. W. District B. P. W. C. Conference
Exchange Vows Sunday, October 30th
Tht Newi-Review, Roieburg, Ore.-Sat., Nov. 5, 1949
Society and Cluhl
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Mr. nd Mn. Laon Hughes
Miss Doloreg Knitter, dauehter I wore a slnele strand of nearls.
Of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mosley
of Roseburg, became the bride of
Leon iiugnes, formerly or Arkan
sas and now of this city, at an Im
pressive double ring ceremony
performed by Rev. V. Klelnfeidt
at the First Christian church at
four o'clock Sunday, Oct. 30, In
the presence of one hundred and
fifty guests.
Baskets of chrysanthemums
and ferns, flanked by candelabra
holding tall white tapers decorat
ed the altar. Miss Pat Smith and
Miss Marliane Wadsworth, gown
ed in teal blue formats with wrist
lets of white bay chrysanthe
mums, lighted the altar candles.
Mrs. Clarence Trued played the
traditional wedding mnrchcs and
accompanied Mrs. Jessie Cren
show, who sang, "Because," and
The bride, given In marriage by
her step-father, was lovely in a
flown of white slipper satin, fash
oned with long sleeves, a sweet
heart neckline and full train. She
Members of Alpha Theta chap
ter of Beta Sigma Phi and their
husbands enjoyed a progressive
dinner Friday evening, Oct. 28.
The homes visited were those of
Mr. and Mrs. John Todd, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Rennle, Mr, and
Mrs. Marcus Brown, and Mr. and
Mrs. Gene Krewson. Decorations
In keeping with the Halloween
motif were carried out.
Those attending were Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Puckctt, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Sims, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus
Brown, Mrs. Eugene Powell,
Mi's. Harry Harris. Mrs. Jack
Cummins, Mrs. John Gardner,
Mr. and Mrs. Jaek Kariiss, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Rennle, Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Wirak, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Wilson, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Williamson, Mrs. John
Todd and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
ideiiglifo . . .
Here and Thcia
At the Elks club masquerade
dance . . . sucn an array or co.
tumes from Harem girls to danc
ing ghosts . . . Bob Simmons and
Bruce Tuck keeping their identity
well hidden behind those Poten
tate masks ... SI and Velma Dil
lard making a very handsome
Spanish couple . . . same for Ken
and Bot y Adanu . . . Mrs. Al
Scott's kitten and broomstick . . .
the wolf and cat none other than
Harold Chltwood and Joyce
Wampler . . . four prisoners In
stripes complete with locks and
chains . , . the skeleton in the
orchestra . . . and how did Fred
Dent carry around his corntalks
all evening . . . those rubber
masks worn by Jane Nolte, Mar
garet Simmons and friend . . .
Fire Chief Dutch Mills as a per
suasive pirate . . Al and Mar-
?aret Parr turning Chinese for
he night . . . and Its only 358 days
'till Halloween. I
Her flnger-tlp veil was held in
place with a tiara of starched lace
and orange blossoms. She carried
a white Bible topped by a large
orchid tied with a shower of
white satin ribbons.
Miss Wilma Melton, maid of
honor, wore a gown of lavender
slipper satin ana carried a bronze
chrysanthemum nosegay tied with
orchid ribbons. Miss Bernlce
Johnson and Miss Betty Brannon,
bridesmaids, wore green sliDDer
satin gowns matching the maid of
yellow chrysanthemum nosegays
tied with white ribbons.
. Little Diana Richards was flow
er girl and was gowned In pale
green taffeta. She carried a lav
ender basket filled with button
chrysanthemums tied with green
Quinton Hughes acted as best
man to his brother. Dclbeit Helt
ter, brother of the bride; Kenneth
Hughes, brother of the bride
groom, and Hayes Mouchett,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bellows
entertained at a very lovelv six-
thirty o'clock dinner narlv at
their home Friday evening to
compliment Miss Norma Titus on
her birthday. Pink chrysanthe
mums, arrangen in a crystal
bowl, and flanked by crystal
holders and tall olnk tHners.
graced the prettily appointed
Lovely gifts were presented to
Miss Titus from: Pfc. Alvln
James Bellows, Miss Bonnie and
Miss Judy Bellows. David Hera-
roth, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bellows
and the host and hostess, M.
ann Mrs. Harold Bel raw.
Following the dinner, the
guests attended the High school
looinall came.
Pfc. Bellows left Saturday for
ine air lorce base at Mountain
Home. Ida., following a 10-day
visit In Rjseburg with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bel
lows. He will later be sent to
Fairfield SusJan base at Fair
field. Cal f. to report with the
strategic air command photo
Mrs. I K. Fles entertained her
bridge club at a charming one
o'clock luncheon at her lovely
home on Rlveislde Drive in
Laurelwood Tuesday afternooa
Autumn leaves formed the de
corations. Covers were placed for Mrs.
Harold E. Schmeer, Mrs. D. W,
Helllwell and Mrs. E. L. Tails
cher, guests, and Mil. E. A.
Pearson, Mrs. M. C. Bowker,
Mrs. O. R. Hess, Mrs. Bert Cork
rum, Mrs. Ted Wlrak and the
hostess. Mil. Fles.
High scores for the contract
bridge play were won bv Mrs.
Corkrum and Mrs. Bowker.
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. McAllister
entenained at a most eninvnhlp
breakfast at their home Sunday
morning, having as geesls Mr.
and Mrs. Roy lilxson of Eugene
Photo by MUler-Modeme
brother-in-law of the bridegroom,
were ushers.
The bride's mother wore an
aqua afternoon dress with a cor
sage of white carnations.
A reception followed, in the
church basement. The lace-cov
ered bride s table was beautifully
appointed with a centerpiece of
white chrysanthemums, tall ta
pers and a three-tiered wedding
cake. Mrs. William Melton cut the
cake and Mrs. John Young and
Mrs. Alfred S. Anderson assisted
In the serving. Miss Nancy Leh
man was In charge of the guest
For traveling the bride chose a
soft beige-colored Jersey dress
with black accessories. Her cor
sage was an orchid.
Following a honeymoon to
California, the couple will make
their home in Roseburg. The
bride has been employed at Ma
bel's shop until her marriage and
Ihc bridegroom is with the Asso
ciated Plywood company here.
and Mr. and Mrs. L. J, Crafton
of Roseburg.
The Hi.xsons were weekend
guests at the beautiful McAllis
ter home, which is located near
Dlllard. On Saturday evening,
they enjoyed the Elks masquer
ade Halloween party at the Elks
Epsilon Sigma Alpha Sorority Honors Pledges
muni i ju4..-- -i - . . vjk4Jt.jX ..i. , .- " ffifeVftji m&rr&li$ -
Alpha Chi chapter of Epsilon
Slvmt Alpha honored new
pledges at a dinner at Carl's
Haven Monday night. The tables
were decorated with autumn
leaves and Halloween candles
and a centerpiece of fall flowers.
Alter tne dinner an impressive
candlelight ceremony was held
with Miss Artiyth Andrua presid
ing. New members inciuoe Airs.
Open House, Dinner Honor Couple
On 50th Wedding Anniversary
Honoring Mr. and Mrs. William P. Graham on their 50th wed
ding anniversary Oct. 16 at Sutherlin, their immediate family
sponsored an open house at their home. The day was concluded
with a dinner at the Grange hall attended by 40 relatives and
friends. Their two sons and two daughters were present for the
A feature of the dinner was the presence of three couples In
addition to the honored guests who had also celebrated their golden
wedding anniversaries. Seated at the main table were Mr. and
Mrs. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. J.
and Mrs. Orville W. French, 52
J. Gleason, wed 50 years.
Prior to the dinner little Miss
Ellen Wahl sang "Put On Your
Old Grey Bonnet" and an orig
inal poem honoring the Grahams
was read. Mr. and Mrs. Graham
cut the first piece of wedding
cake which was served by their
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Harry Gra
ham of Los Angeles.
Mr. Graham resided in Am
sterdam, Mo. before his mar
riage to Katie Himes of Falkner,
Kas. They were married in Sher
idan, Wyoming Oct. 18, 1898 and
resided there until 1910. They
moved to Oregon In the Decem
ber of 1929 and have resided here
since that time.
They have four children, all of
whom were present for the cele
bration; Mrs. Mildred Lund of
Los Angeles, Mrs. Florence
Brown, of San Diego, Harry Gra
ham of Los Angeles and Glen
Graham of Lodge Grass, Mont.
At the open nouse wmcn pre
ceded the grange dinner the cou
ple were assisted by relatives
and Immediate members of their
family In receiving guests. Mrs.
Harry Graham poured and Mrs.
Monte Rountree cut cakes assist
ed by Mrs. Brown and Mrs.
Lund. Marrion Warren Brown
had charge of the guest book and
Mrs. A. Hanson and Mrs. Lita
Braucht assisted about the
rooms. The latter five are close
friends of the Graham family.
For the occasion Mrs. oranam
chose an attractive green- beaded
crepe ensemble.
Relatives present for the oc
casion were Glen Graham, Lodge
Grass, Mont., Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry H. Graham of Los Angeles,
Mrs. Mildred Lund of Los An
geles, Mrs. Florence Brown of
San Diego and Mr. and Mrs.
Monle Kountree ol butnerlln.
Friends honoring the couple in
cluded: Mr. and Mrs. Cliff John
son, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Heca-
thorn. Mr. and Mrs. O. W.
French, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie J.
tileason, Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Dickens, Mrs. Wm. Lleslnger,
Douglas Dickens, Alice Dickens,
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Patterson,
Mrs. Jack Young, Mrs. D. El
liott, Mrs. John Abeene, Ethel
Manning, Mrs. Royal Abeene Sr.,
Mrs. Alberdena Duncan. Mr.
and Mrs. George E. Shamp. Mrs.
Percle Grover, Mr. and Mrs. J.
C. Johnson, Everett H. Owens,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Trozelle. Bill
Trozelle, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Epps and Linda Sue, Myrtle
Owens, Clyde Henderson, Mr.
and Mrs. H. M. Barnes. Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Minor and children,
and Mrs. Ray Hansen and Mick
ey, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Calkins,
Kay bmitn, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Wahl, all of Sutherlin.
John J. Grabow, Aria Wood,
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Warren, Ed
ward Jenkins, all of Roseburg,
W. L. Scruggs, of Portland; Mr.
and Mrs. Art Hansen, Lela L.
Braucht, of Wilbur.
Mrs. Bill Stutsman graciously
entertained her club at a delight
ful pinochle party at her home
at Winston Wednesday afternoon.
Following the social hour, the
hostess served lovely refresh
ments to: Mrs. Dennis Atwell,
Mrs. Roy Chambers. Mrs. Lester
Chambers, Mrs. Leo Manske,
Mrs. Carl Borgaes and Mrs. Gus
Robert Hallcraft, Miss Barbara
Lamb, Mrs. Lowell Rhoden. Mrs.
Donald Rogan. Mrs. Ted Insley,
Miss Joan Lashua. Miss Gerry
Fett, Mrs. James Smith and Mrs.
Duane Pope.
The above picture shows the
group at Carl's Haven. Seated In
the front row left to right are the
new members: Mrs. Donald Ro
gan, Mrs. Rhoden, Miss Fett, Mrs.
C. Johnson, married 55 years; Mr.
years, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
- Mrs. Bernard Young was guest
speaker on the subject, "poetry,"
at a very Interesting meeting of
Alpha Iota chapter, Beta Sigma
Phi Thursday evening at the
home of Mrs. Ralph Ohman with
Mrs. Ed Radigan and Mrs. Er
nest Barker Jr., assisting host
esses, Mrs. Frank Rogan intro
duced Mrs. Young, who talked
on the contrast of old and modern
poetry and read a number of se
lections to illustrate her talk.
Mrs. Verdun Boucock later call
ed on each member to read her
favorite poem.
Mrs. Robert Phillips, president,
conducted the business meeting.
Mrs. Frank Rogan and Mrs. Phil
lips made cookies for the county
home for this meeting and Mrs.
Walter Welker and Mrs. Sidney
Domenlco will furnish them at
the next meeting.
The chapter voted to corre
spond with other chapters in for
eign countries.
The next meeting was planned
for November 17 to be held at
the home of Mrs. Ernest Barker
Jr., 2126 Morris street, Clover
dale Park, with Mrs. Ralph Oh
man and Mrs. Edward Radigan
assisting hostesses. Mrs. Robeit
Sabin will be In charge of the
program on "Verse Making."
Each member is asked to bring
a short original poem to read.
Lovely refreshments were en
joyed later by Mrs. Young, guest
speaker, Miss Helen Casey, Mrs.
Lester L. Wlmberly, Mrs. Rob
ert Phillips, Mrs. Frank Wick
ham, Mrs. Craig Short, Mrs. Wal
ter Welker, Mrs. Verdun Bou
cock, Mrs. Earl Garrison, Mrs.
Jerome F, Sheldon, Mrs. Ernest
Barker Jr., Mrs. Frank Rogan,
Mrs. Elliott Perkins, Mrs. Sidney
Domenlco, Mrs. Edward Radi
gan and Mrs. Ralph Ohman.
Past Noble Grand club met at
the I.O.O.F. hall for business
meeting and social evening. Hal
loween decorations were used on
the table for the dessert-supper.
Hostesses for the occasion were
V. Vivian Logsdon, Eileen Rapp
and Ethel Swayze.
Discussion was held on a
Christmas dinner and party to
be held next month. Hostesses
announced for the November
meeting included Inga High,
Nona Thompson, Mamie Dim
mick, Carmen Clark, and Susan
Bowman. Entertainment will -be
in charge of Frances Bistak and
Elsie Mills.
At the close of the business
meeting entertainment was un
der the direction of Viola Spen
cer. Present for the evening were
Ethel Bailey, Susan Bowman,
Ruby Bloom, Frances Bistak,
Mary Curtis, Maggie Dent, I-ou-ise
Dimmick, Dora Dixon, Alice
Goff, Mattle Gosnell, Gerturde
Hatfield, Inga High, Susie Jack
son, Tillle Johnson, V. Vivian
Logsdon, Mayme Pickens, Eileen
Rapp, Lydia Roadman, Elsie
Russell, Viola Spencer, Louise
Young. Ona . Williams, Ethel
Swayze, Florence Klatt and Nora
Hallcraft, Miss Lamb, Mrs. Pope,
Miss Lashua, Mrs. Ins ley and
Mrs. Smith.
Standing In the second row,
reading left to right are: Miss
Andrus, Mrs. Lyle Quist, Mrs.
Donald Caskey, Mrs. Ward Cum
mings Jr., Mrs. E J. Rodgers Jr.,
Mrs. Craig Plshman. Mrs. How-
ard Thomas, Miss Jovce Wampler. '
Mrs. j. J. Bean, Mrs. Richard
m ruiiiMt n T nun r mmrmMi4imii- nmi- n
Head of table at Rice Valley Community Building. Left to right, Cecelia P. Galey, (State Second
Vice President, Sweet Home), Charline Edwards, (State President, Philomath), Lavada Crawfrd,
(President, Yoncalla), Dr. Eleanor Gutman, (Dlsrlct Chairman, Coquille.)
The Yoncalla B. P. W, club was
hostess to the southwestern dis
trict B. P. W. clubs October 16th
at Yoncalla. The registration took
place at 9:00 a.m. at the Eagle
Theater. The conference opened
with the collect at 9:30 followed
by two musical numbers by the
Drain Club. President Lavada
Crawford of Yoncalla greeted the
large group assembled and the
presidents of each club represei..-
The City Council of Beta Sig
ma Phi met Thursday at the Ho
tel Umpqua for a no-hostess
lunciieun wim iviis nuuwt id.
Rhodes, president, in charge.
Mrs. Frank Wickham was elect
ed treasurer to take the place of
Mrs. Verdun Boucock.
The group voted to have as its
project tor tne year tne crip
pled Children's hospital in Eu
Miss Helen Casey introduced
Mrs. Margaret Blackburn, of Co
lumbia Concerts Inc., who gave
a most interesting talk on tne
Roseburg Community Concert
association membership drive.
Covers were placed for Mrs,
Robert B. Rhodes, Miss Helen
Casey, Mrs. Margaret Black
burn. Mrs. Clair K. Allen, Mrs.
Worth Davis, Mrs. Frank Wick
ham, Mrs. Charles R. William
son, Mrs. J. R. Wharton, Mrs.
John Killip, Mrs. Robert Phil
lips, Mrs. Wayne croocn, Mrs.
Harrison R. Winston, Mrs. Eu
gene Powell and Mr3. Eugene
The Council will meet Thurs
day, Nov. 10, at a one o'clock
no-hostess iuncneon ac me ump
qua hotel.
Women of the Roseburg Coun
try club met Thursday for a
twelve o'clock luncheon at the
clubhouse. Covers were placed
for Mrs. Edward Murpny, Mrs.
Joe V. Perrault, Mrs. Walter rl.
B r y d g e s, Mrs. Harold i..
Schmeer, Mrs. G. W. Marshall.
Mrs. A. B. Collier, Mrs. R. D.
Bridges, Mrs. W. F. Amiot, Mrs.
E. A. Pearson. Mrs. E. R. Har
vey, Mrs. L. E. McClintock, Mrs.
j. F. D Hard. Mrs. w. u uamson,
Mrs. H. C. Stearns, Mrs. Koy
Sedell. Mrs. Mitchell Moore,
Mrs. Demine Bronson and Mrs.
James Hughes.
Contract bridge was in play
during the afternoon with Mrs.
Calllson winning nrst; Mrs.
Hughes, second, and Mrs. Sedell,
During the tea hour, the caid
committee honored Mrs. J. F.
Dlllard and Mrs. Walter H. Bryd-
ges on their birthdays.
Women of the club will meet
next Thursday at twelve o'clock
for luncheon at the clubhouse, fol
lowed by the contract bridge play
at one o'clock.
I'tclurc b Muter Pnoto Stuaio
Gadway, Mrs. Tyler Evans, Mrs.
Donald Starmer and Miss Colleen
In the third row left to right
are Mrs. Robert Elliott. Miss
Marge Roberts, Mrs. Robert Nazel
rod. Mrs, Martin MrClav. Miss
Betty Hunnicutt, Miss Nancv Leh-
man, Mrs. Bill Benson and Mrs.
Robert Reld.
ed gave reports of the club activi
ties and projects completed within
the past few months.
At 10:50 Natalie Burns, state
treasurer, gave pointers on "Suc
cessful Clubship." Florence Bar
ton the first vice president, Helen
Chase, Ann Connell, Irene Taylor,
Adelia Hatch, and Mary Cramer
brought information to the con
ference on structual supports per
taining to strengthening the clubs
Gives Two Halloween Parties
W -
if., -i , -'. -i;
Mary Lynne Pearson entertain
ed a group of friends at a very
enjoyable Halloween costume
party Saturday afternoon in the
recreation room at the home of
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Pearson, on Reservoir Avenue.
Appropriate decorations were
used for the occasion. Games
were played and Halloween bal-; Roberts, Douglas Nielsen Mau
loons were presented to the guests j reen Hallmark, Marjorie Bowker,
as prizes. I Gayle Geddes and Peggy Sconce.
Pomona Grange met Saturday
evening at an enjoyable seven
o'clock potluck supper at the
Evergreen Grange hall with
members of Evergreen Granee
as hosts and hostesses. ''A large
attendance enjoyed the occasion,
which was presided over by Ho
ward Cracroft. master. The hall
was beautifully decorated with
seasonal flowers.
Thirty were initiated in the
Pomona degree.
titate deputy William Howes
gave a very interestine address.
A talk was given by Mr. Gilman
urging everyone to register to
Sixteen Granges were repre
sented in the session.
A prize of S10 was awardprl t,
Fair Oaks for the largest atten
dance, which was 33 percent.
Prizes were awarded for booths
at the county fair to Riversdale
SIS, first place: Mvrtle Creek,
second, and Evergreen, third.
The next meeting of Pnmnna
Grange will be held at a seven
o'clock potluck supper January
m iuuiru; Ltrange nail.
The D. A. R. met at a rlolinhf.
ful seven-thirty o'clock dessert
supper Monday evening at the
home of Miss Marsaret Pat-o
with Mrs. D. N. Busenbark. co
hostess. Fall fruits were used for
Covers were Dlarerl tnr Xf
Malone. a niece of Miss Page,
who was a guest of the evening;
Mrs. W. R. Anderson, Mrs. Doug
las Waite and the two hostesses.
Miss Page presented a most
Interesting program on the topic.
'U. S. holidays." The next meet
ing will be at seven-thirty o'clock
the evening of Nov. 21. at the
home of Mrs. L. F. Nielsen. The
program will be In charge of
Mrs. Roy Entler.
Picture by Dysert studio. Dram
and other topics which have been
of special Interest to the clubs
Following the Interesting and
informative talks at the theater,
the group was served a turkey
dinner at the Rice Valley com
munity building. The program at
dinner was short and informal
with introduction and musical
f . , -. 3
trr jr.
Ficture by Mn. L. E. McClintock
Mary Lynne Pearson
Later in the afternoon, Mrs.
Pearson, assisted by Mrs. Donald
Metzger and Mrs. Frederick J.
Porter, served Halloween refresh
ments to: Marilyn, Carol and
John Todd, Herbie, Bobby and
Hermie Hobi. Andrea anrl T.lnrf
Gayle Ranklin, Donna and John
Metzeer. Retry Rr-vrioo u
Mrs. M. Sory entertained the
Northslde Sunshine club Thurs
day afternoon at the home of
Mrs. E. Princen. A Halloween
motif was carried out with jack-o-lanterns
surrounded by autumn
leaves and Halloween horns dec
orating the table.
Birthday gifts were presented
to Mrs. Doris Hart and Mrs. Sen
na Hiney. After a short business
session games were plaved with
Mrs. Lucia Ingles winning high;
Mrs. Senna Hiney. second and
Mrs. Clara Frew, third.
The hostess was assisted by
Miss Bernardine Princen in serv
ing refreshments to Mrs. Lucia
Ingles. Miss Elizabeth Paul, Mrs.
E. Princen, Mrs. Doris Hart,
Mrs. W. O. Patterson, Mrs. Sen
na Hiney, Mrs. Clara Frew.
The next meeting will be
Thursday, Nov. 10 at the home
of Mrs. Clara Stiewig, 1020 West
First street.
Miss Ellnora Rose entertained
the Okiya Camp Fire group at
a charming Halloween party at
the home of her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Aelred Farenbaugh.
Terrace apartments, Friday
The Halloween motif was beau
tifully carried out in the decora
tions, games and refreshments.
The guests attended in costume.
Patty Ridgeway won the i prize
for having the best costume.
Later in the evening Mrs. Far
enbaugh Berved lovely refresh
ments to Carolyn Pargeter,
Sharon Strode, Joanne Miller,
Charlotte Kcllev, Joan Wilkinson,
Joan and Janet Kuvkendall,
Mary Jane O'Brien, Pat Elliott,
Patty Ridgeway, Laray Shriner,
Adelle Gibson, Barbara Wilbur,
Helen Joiner. Norma Thiele,
Mary Lynn Rose and the hostess,
Ellnora Rose.