The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, November 04, 1949, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 Th Newt-Review, Roieburg, Ore Frl., Nov. 4, 194
Publlihed Dslly Exept Sundiy ry th
News-Rerie Company, Inc.
SM.r.S second elm autltr M J, 1MB. l Ihe fjsl efflee
RoMborg, Oretoo. under tat of March I, 1811
Editor ""iSAi0 Manager
Member of the Associated Preii, Oregon Newspapar Publisher!
Aaaoolatlon, the Audit Bureau of Clroulatlona
lereeentr WBST-HObblDAt CO.. INO. elllees Ij Ne fori, Chleaia.
Baa trenelaea Los Anialee. Saaltla, Pofllend. II. Leole.
lUBBl.'KIPTMIN AIf -ln Ureten-Bt Mell-rer Tt M.M. ila uatki H.ta
these menUis it.MI ft, Cll. Carrler-Per yeas; la ade"l, ! '"
ana jeer, per monlh 11.00 Outside Ohi-Bf Mall Par faar l M. sis
months 14. 1A, snree months Sl.tft
Roseburg residents will be
hearts and their pocketbooks. The annual Community Chest
campaign will be launched Monday with $25,500 as the goal
within the municipality. Outside the city of Roseburg the
Community Chest goal is $5,936.80.
Within the city area the program is directed principally
to finance youth and charitable activities as sponsored and
conducted by the Boy Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, Y. M. C. A.,
Salvation Army and Girl Scouts. Fifteen agencies included
in the Oregon Chest are made a part of the Roseburg
Community Chest campaign.
Budgets for each department are listed as follows: Boy
Scouts $7,000, Camp Fire Girls $2,550, Y. M. C. A. $7,035,
Salvation Army $3,825, Girl Scouts $100, Oregon Chest
Contributors should keep in mind that Roseburg's Com
munity Chest solicitation includes 20 organizations 15
Oregon Chest agencies and five local activities. Thus,
through the Chest, contributors are being spared 19 separate
solicitations which otherwise would be made, taking much
time, effort and expense. Persons giving to the Community
Chest should keep this one fact firmly in mind and make
their contribution the equivalent, or more, of whi'.t they
would give should they be contacted for 20 distinct and
separate gifts.
i The weakness of the Community Chest is that too few
givers, who normally will make liberal contributions to
single solicitations will lump into one donation an amount
equal to the sum of separate gifts. The Community Chest
can be successful only when realistic giving is achieved.
Bruce Biossat, N. E. A. feature writer, sums up the
Community Chest program in a most interesting way, and
we quote from his column :
Thle la the annual time of giving In America. Moat of ua
need only to be reminded of that fact to be ready with
our contributions when the Community Chest representa
tive knocks at the door.
Thla country la not perfect. It has many faults. But no one
can say that falling to help those who need charity la one
of them, Americana have alwaya given with a full heart
to any worthy oause, and In recent yeara they have been
giving more freely than ever.
Thla year should be no different. Indeed, Americana may
well aee In their Community Cheat drlvea all over the nation
a symbol of the spirit of nelghbor-helplng-nelghbor which
seta off real demoeraey from other systems of government.
Our citizens may want to seize this chance to demonstrate
that the urge to self-help, to local self-reliance, still Is
powerful In this oountry despite all the well publicized
trenda toward dependency on a big central government for
their welfare. n
So long as that spirit Is kept alive, Americans are In no
danger of auccumbing to a way of life that finda all Its baslo
answers In Washington. In a real democracy, the Individual
la the figure who counts. And If he Is to develop to his full
est capacltlea, he must want to help himself and thoae who
are nearest to him hia family, his friends, his fellow real
dents In his community. Without that resourcefulness, he
beeomee but a pale copy of the man he ought to be in a
free land.
The tradition of self-reliance goes deep Into American
history. It dates from the time when pioneers helped each
other build barns, farm houses and fences, Joined In har
vesting crops, banded together In emergencies of many
The Community Chest Is the modern counterpart of com
munity barn-raising. Americans today are not often asked
to give their actual labor to aid their neighbors. But they
are asked to contribute a portion of the savings they have
accumulated, so that people in genuine need may be cared
for as any of us would want a neighbor oared for,
Generous giving Is the proof that free men carry the
answer to full living within themselves.
Editorial Commenf
From The Oregon Press
Big Chief, Little Power
The Dalles Chronicle
Chief Tommy Thompson Is like
a kins without a country
Nominally, he heads the Wv
um (or Wy-am) Indians at Ce
lilo and has 10 families within
his Jurisdiction. He has little or
no control, however, over the
one industry fishing which
gives the ancient village a rea
son for existence.
That the 83-year-old chief Is of
fended by events nf recent, years
is plainly evident in his hehavto,
Of late he has been linking ap
pearances before such groups as
the Portland chamber of comm
erce to gain sympathy for his
protest against encroachment on
the fishing ground.
Tommy was born al Cellln, lie
remembers it as It was years ago
when, with salmon worth a cent
a pound, few Indians and no
white men bothered to dlpnet a
the falls.
All that has changed. No longer
do the visiting fishermen, attract
ed by the stories of fabulous
earnings on the dlpnet scaffolds,
go to the chief to ask whether
they may fish at a particular
spot of their choice. Instead, thev
lay claim to a site, declare thai
their ancestors fished there and
contest the right of occupancy bv
anyone else.
At a Celilo fish committee
meeting In The Dalles a few
weeks ago, one member asked:
"Why do you think we should
ask your permission to occupy
a fishing site?"
Tommy had ho answer. He
asked next week to open their
simply does not possess the pow
er of regulating the fishery. Dur
ing the frill run, salmon anil steel
head normally are caught in
such a volume that It Ts not
uncommon for a man with a good
site to earn thousands of dollais
In a couple of weeks of effort.
Indians from all parts of t h e
Northwest and even from states
half way across the continent as
semble at the village each veal'
to get In on the harvest, the
fish committee, representing the
recognized treaty-right tribes,
has assumed regulatory power
but has not effectively exercised
Tommy is seeking help from
the federal government In
smoothing out his troubles. He
may not get it because of any
personal Interest but his appeals
may at least focus new attention
on the growing chaos at the vil
lage. The federal government has
broad control over Indian affairs
and ought to Initiate some move
inward placing renin's adminis
tration on an orderly, peaceful
basis. Rights of the' various
(lilies should be specifically es
tablished: then (he more respon
sible Indian leaders might be
prevailed upon to discourage
tribesmen of the Johnnv-come-lately
variety, most of whom
have other Jobs or Incomes, from
elbowing the older Indians away
from their sole means of liveli
hood. All metals ant crystalline, as
are also building materials such
as brick and even clay.
Raining all day, though the skies
are clear,
And sunlight down through the
branches cleaves;
in the depths of the somber
forest near
It rains, a shower of autumn
In gusts of crimson, In drops
of gold,
And rustling drizzle of red and
A ceaseless drip from the tree
tops old,
This rain of leaves comes drift
ing down..
All through the Indian-Summer
Slowly dripping down from the
slanting eaves,
And floating fast with the winds
Is a streamy torrent of swirling
Yet the sky was blue o'er a
thousand hlils
And the sun- shone bright on
the far-off town
And never a ripple disturbed the
As the pattering leaves came
raining down,
Ernest McGattey.
Cases Disposed Of
In Circuit Court
Circuit Judge Carl E. Wlmberly
has issued an order dismissing a
suit brought oy LeRoy Curry
against Otis Hatcher. Dismissal
was based upon a motion of the
plaintiff stating that the case has
been settled upon payment by the
defendant of $267.93.
Judge Wlmberly has Issued a
judgment order favoring the
plaintiff Union Oil company of
California against William E.
"annon Jr., defendant. The Judg
ment was for $278.17.
Circuit Judge Carl E. Wlmber
ly has Issued a decree that J. H.
Dunaway recover a judgment
from John C, Diehl and others in
Ihc sum of $H00 plus interest and
Mists or in default that foreclos
ure and sale of real property of
defendant be made. The property
Is described as lots H and 12,
block 26, Reodsport.
Based upon the motion of thp
defendant, Circuit Judge (1. F.
Sklpworlh has issued an order as
signing Judge William G. East to
preside on the bench In a suit
brought by O. T. Carter against
Maynard Wilson. The defendant
had asked that a judge othpr
than Carl E. Wlmberly be as
signed to the case.
New Cases Filed
The Oregon State Unemploy
ment Compensation commission
filed suit In circuit court demand
ing judgment to collect $188.38
plus Interest from James R.
Daugherty for alleged non-payment
of unemployment contribu
tions. The commission also filed suit
demanding judgment to collect
$320.!W plus Interest from Clar
ence I,. Dietrich for alleged non
payment of unemployment n
tri'hutlon. Anna Huey has filed suit In ci,
cult court to collect $.1,000 pn.a in
terest and costs from Powell M.,
and Ijiursel C, Anderson for al
leged non-payment of the bal
ance on purchase of real property
described as the southeast quar
ter of section 30. township 32
soulh, range 7 west of the Wil
lamette meridian. Total sale
price nf the property It reported
as $6,000 plus Interest.
Com mum it
This October was a special one
for me. Was It for you? I don't
know why; I know only that It
will be memorable for me al
ways. Nothing happened to make
it memorable. A diary would
show no unusual event. To be
sure EJ had a birthday, but he
has been having them for quite
some years now.
Then there was the angel
food cake I made exactly (?)
like the others, and although it
tasted like them, it was so tough
I was afraid to give it even to
the hens. Why? I'll never know!
It wasn't my first October In
Oregon; so It couldn't be that.
More than fifty Octobers, all told,
have slipped past my heart with
out leaving such a feeling of sheer
delight. -
But oh, the color on the hills
was it ever so glorious before?
The fire of the vine-maple by the
creek; the glinting gold of the
maples everywhere in fields,
around homes, on hills; the sat
iny crimson and gold of our
snowball; the brilliant glow of
the sumac; the whole Indescrib
able wonder of this October: it
has been the loveliest ever! Did
you feel that way about it, too?
Nobel Prize Won
By Japanese For
Atomic Physics
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Nov. 4.
(rt)Two scientists a Japa
nese and an American were
awarded Nobel prizes Thursday.
Dr. Hidekl Yukawa, the first
Japanese ever to be given a No
bel prize, received the physics
award for his contributions to
atomic physics. Yukawa, 42, has
been a professor of theoretical
physics at Columbia university,
New York, since last September.
He, was educated entirely in
Dr. William Francis Giauque,
54, professor of thermo dynamics
at the University of California,
was awerded the chemistry prize
for his studies In the behavior of
matter in temperatures close to
absolute zero. The world's fore
most expert on cold, Giauque de
veloped methods of his own to
create lower temperatures than
any scientist had ever attained he
fore him.
Each award Is l."6,289 Swedish
crowns i about $30,000).
The Swedish academy decided
to shelve the 1949 Nobel prize for
literature, because it was dead
locked over the too candidates,
including Winston Churchill and
Italian philosopher Benedetto
Cro?e. Thirty-five persons have
been nominated.
Bo h Giauque and Yukawa are
so-called pure scientists. Interest
ed in learning the secrets of na
ture, leaving the practical appli
cation of discoveries to others.
The academy's deliberations
are In secret. Churchill's candid
acy presumably was hosed large
ly on his two hooks of World War
II memoir. Croce, 83. is the au
thor of many works on philos-
lopny, estnetics and history.
I The others in the final round
were not Identified, hut outside
i observers had considered the
j American novc"st. William Falk-
nnr Cirl .
... n,. n, , .,,,,, Mil g, W I fliur
biographer of Lincoln, to be pos
sibilities. The troublesome English
"Sparrow" Is not a sparrow but
mAmtuk I I V. .... I
- i
By ViahtuH S. Martin Jlr
'family of Europe.
In the Day's News
(Continued from Page One)
many of our products, both farm
and timber, in their RAWEST
POSSIBLE FORM. Thus we have
got the smallest possible number
of man-hours of employment out
of our production. We have lost
entirely the INTERMEDIATE
payrolls that come out of process
ing our raw materials for final
That is to say:
Here in Oregon, In the genera
tions of the past, our economy
has been a sort of PEASANT
economy. We have toiled in the
fields and in the woods to produce
the raw (VERY raw) materials
and somebody else, SOMEWHERE
ELSE, has skimmed the Industrial
cream by processing these mate
rials into their finished form.
MAYBE "peasant" economy isn't
quite the correct term. COLO
NIAL economy might be nearer
to the truth. In this connection,
you shouldn't forget that our an
cestors cut loose from Mother
England and fought a war that
lasted nearly eight years to get
out from under the colonial econ
omy that -the short-sighted Eng
lish rulers of that day sought to
impose upon us.
What the English of the be
nighted era wanted was to take
our raw materials, IN THE RAW
them in England and sell them
back to us In their COMPLETED
form. Thus they could leave us
living scantily on the skim milk
while they lived fatly on the
Our founding fathers saw the
point and broke loose from the
system, even though the cost of
breaking loose was war. It paid
off. From the ending of the Revo
lutionary War on, we processed
our own raw materials into their
final, completed form and sold
them first to ourselves and when
we had enough to meet our own
needs we sold them to other peo
ple all over the world.
Following that policy persist
ently ever since, we have become
the greatest industrial nation on
earth, with the highest standards
of living ever known.
OREGON'S situation, of course,
has been slightly different.
We simply fell into It because
It was EASIER to take the basic
crops from our farmlands and the
raw lumber from our forests and
ship them off to somebody else
to be further processed instead of
processing them ourselves into
their final form and thus building
up hrer. In Oregon the great pay
rolls that are Involved in FINAL
That is why pre-war Oregon
was a backward industrial state.
POST-WAR Oregon is beginning
(slowly, a little at a time) to
process Its raw materials Into
more nearly completed form. That
Is wh our payrolls are growing. !
But we have barely scratched the !
surface of our Intermediate pay- j
roll possibilities. " 1
We need to GO FARTHER In
that direction.
YOU'RE on the right track, gov
ernor. More power to you. You
have hit on what Oregon needs
Into order to get where it wants
to be.
to the Editor
Restrictions On Use Of
DDT For Spraying Cited
EUGENE I am amazed at the
recommendation of the Oregon
state board of health in recom
mending either Aerosol truck
spraying or airplane dusting with
uui. u is ust another illustra
tion of how badly Oregon needs
a department of natural resources
Instead of independent agencies
pursuing their own blithe way.
For corroboration, I refer vou
to bulletin 15, U. S. Fish and
Wildlife service, on the effects of
various strengths of DDT and to
the Farm Journal stories early in
this year. It is forbiddent to use
DDT even to spray the walls in
dairy barns, let alone spraying
the cows. The DDT comes through
into the milk and Is toxic. The
only allowable application is on
manure piles, etc.
Even the carefully handled for
est service program of one per
cent DDT kills the fish food in
streams for ninety days. Five per
cent takes adult fish. But disre
garding the toll of bird life and
fish life. DDT in any such
strength as 2 Vi per cent to 5 per
cent is toxic to numans ana oi
far greater danger than the one
it pretends to cure.
With the known failings of
DDT, the city of Roseburg would
lay itself open to a multitude of
law suits beyond belief. Why not
go to the safer ways, parathion
and other less harmful sub
stances? With life becoming so complex
It's time there was more light
shed on man's list of tools lest
they become the Frankenstein
that destroys them.
DDT is a poor tool and It's time
we discovered- its weaknesses.
Eugene, Ore.
Thoughtfulness On
Halloween Appreciated
ROSEBURG With deepest
sincerity I want to express my
appreciation for the courtesy ex
tended me oy the tncK or treat
ers" on Hallowe'en. Partieularly
my thanks and admiration goes
to the Uder girl in the group of
six who refrained taking my sec
ond offering, and restrained the
younger ones saying "Oh, there's
a lot out tonight; you won't have
enough; there's a lot more com
ing." She was correct, more did
come; all were well behaved. But
I say more power to her and her
kind, to be so polite an thought
Roseburg, Ore.
OAKLAND In answer to the
letter by Evelyn Bowen concern?
ing the links on dog license tags,
I heartily agree with her, and
think there is a solution.
Why couldn't the license num
bers be put on a little metal plate
and riveted onto the collar or har
ness? That way It could be read
and would not jeopardize the dog
in any way.
Oakland, Ore.
Larry Thornton, who lives east
of Sutherlin, has been confined
to his home by illness for the
past week.
Mrs. Edgar Slack and her sons,
Marvin and Michael, and Mrs.
Slack's sister, Daiiene, and her
small daughter, spent Sunday
vi-siting with the former's sister
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gil
bert Butler, at Winston, Ore.
Mrs. Leta Braucht, spent Tues
day in Roseburg transacting
business and having dental work
done. v
Clint Bamber of Roseburg
spent the week end In East Suth
erlin with Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Petty
left this week for Kirk, Colo.,
where they will spend the win
ter with relatives.
Mrs. Jennie Amorde, left the
forepart of the week to visit In
Portlnad, with her daughter,
Miss JoAnn.
Levern French of Portland ar
rived in Sutherlin Saturday to
spend the week end with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Mr. and Mrs. George Green,
Mrs. Donald Green and children,
enjoyed a motor trip through
Dodge canyon to Elkton, and
thence home Sunday.
Donald Green spent a few days
in Portland last week transact
ing business.
Mr. and Mrs. King Carlyle of
Umpqua shopped and transacted
business in this city Tuesday.
Walt's Cafe had Its neon sign
moved and lowered so that It can
be seen from the highway, as it
was in line with the sign put on
the new Cheverlet buillding and
could not be seen from town.
Northwest Lumber Council
To Demand Wage Boost
EUGENE (.P) A general
wage increase for lumber and
sawmill workers in the Wil
lamette valley will be urged con
tinuously bv the Northwest coun
cil of lumber and sawmill woi k-
ers. and Us local unit, the Wil
lamette valley district council, ac
cording to a statement made bv
Eldon Kraal, secretary of the
Willamette group.
He also announced that the lo
cal council plans to set up a politi
cal education committee, and to
recommend establishment of simi
lar committees by local unions.
Kraal said that "owing to con
tinued ability of the Industry to
pay, and the continued high' liv
ing costs, the council Instructed
the negotiating committee to co
operate, with adjoining district
councils and the northwest coun
cil in continuing negotiations for
a general wage Increase lor
northwest lumber workers and
also to negotiate for for fringe
Roseburg "Kids"
To Be Honored In '
National Event
"Kids of Roseburg will be
honored In recognition of Nation
al Kids' Day. While the official
observance nationally is Nov. 19,
Roseburg is jumping ihe gun by
honoring the youngsters Friday
nigh Nov. 18, under the Kiwanis
club's sponsorship.
A big football jamboree fea
turing teams of the four local
grade schools will be held on
Finiay field. The students of the
respective schools will each have
a definite rooting section led by
cheer leaders.
Plans for the Jamboree were
tentatively set up Thursday nignt
at a meeting of a Kiwanis club
committee, with Athletic Direc
tor Cecil Sherwood and repre
sentatives of the grade schools.
Representing the K i w a n I a n s
were Tom Pargeter. James Slat
tery, Irvin Brunn, Maurice New
land and Earl Plummer.
The Kiwanis club has been
largely responsible for providing
football suits for football teams
of the respective schools, While
students will be admitted free to
the Jamboree, a 50-cent charge
will be made for adults, and all
firoceeds above expenses will bo
nto the club's childwelfare fund.
Pacific Power and Light com
pany Thursday energized a new
substation here, the major Item
in a $500,000 construction pro
gram for Pendleton. Dr. F. W.
Vincent, who helped bring the
first power lines here in 1887,
threw the switch.
The substation increases capa
city 60 tiercent. Next year with
additional equipment, surround
ing areas will be handled, now
carried by the old substation.
Shain company of Philadelphia
has been awarded the contract
to rebuild the interior of the
White House.
The award was made by a fed
eral commission on renovation
of the executive mansion.
The McShain company offered
to do the job for $100,000 fixed
between 6.15 and 7
p. m., if you have not
received your News
Review. Ask for Harold Mobtey.
Ample supply of materials and equipment enable us
to handle complete jobs to advantage.
Coen Supply Company
Everything For The Builder
Phone 121 Floed and Mill Sts.
Safe Deposit Boxes
Night Depository Service
The -best protection costs you no more in the long run.
See us today for details on these modern banking services.
Douglas County State Bank
Member Fed. Dep. Ins. Corp. .
g 0piRua
I Home Fuqnishings l
PARIS P The French Cab
inet has decided to give llvin?
cost bonuses up to. 3.000 francs
($8.50) to low paid workers this
If any bonuses are to be paid
in succeeding months, they will
have to be voted by other Cabinet
sessions. The money is intend
ed to tide over workers until freo
collective bargaining can be re-.
established. , . '
French non-communist labor
unions are asking more than that,
but wage-demand strikes so far
have been small and sporadic.
The bonus Is aimed at bring
ing all workers up a minimum
15,000-franc monthly wage. ,
fee over and above the actual
cost. That was the low bid.
Congress has appropriated $5
400,000 for the work. The costs of
the actual repairs are estimated
at $1,160,000 with the balance go
ing for the contractor's fee, re
furnishing, redecorating, and en
gineering costs. .
loswell Mineral Baths
Chiropractic Physiotherapy ,
Lady Attendants ' : 1
1 Mile S. of Drain, OreTon
Th answeri to verydty
tniuranc Droblenii
QUESTION: Can you tell me
just what the difference is be
tween automobile collision in
surance and property damage
insurance ? ....
ANSWER: : Automobile colli
sion insurance takes care- of
the damage to the insured per
son's car. Property damage in
surance pays for damage to
the automobiles or other prop,
erty belonging to persons oth
er than the insured.
a-If you'll aaoieas your own Insur
ance questions tc this office, we'll
try to give you the ,-orrect answers
and theje will be no rharca or ebli
ration of any kind.
315 Pacific Bldg. Phone 398
Wise buyers look for the Imperial
silver label that says the. finest In
wallpapers. Guaranteed to with
stand room exposure without fad
ing and to clean satisfactorily
when instructions are followed.