The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, November 04, 1949, Page 16, Image 16

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    16 The Newi-Revlew, Roieburg, Ore.-Fri., Nov. 4, 1949
Britons Gosp As
Princess Puffs
On Fag In Public
LONDON, Nov. 4 --P Princ
ess Murgarct smoked a cigarei
right out in putlic early Wednes
day. It was a bit of a shock to the
British. It war the first time any
commoner ever saw one of the
Royal family's distaff side puff
ing tobacco smoke.
Pretty, 19 -year -old Margaret
did it at a Halloween charity ball
at the fashionable Dorchester ho
tel. Only last week a Buckingham
palace press officer admitted to
newsmen that Margaret lighted
a cigaret once in a while. But
he said it was only In private and
"just for a lark."
The question came up when the
palace released to the newspa-
Dr. H. B. Scof ield
Palmer Chiropractor
Rifle Range Road
410 mi. North of
County Shops
Of'l- Houra 10-12 and t-f
Saturday! 10-12 A. M .
X-ray nauro-aloTnetr aerrica
for iplnal correction.
pers a photograph of Princess
Elizabeth's sitting room. On the
desk were a packet of matches
and an ash tray.
The palace press officer de
clined to be pinned down vhen
asked whether that means the
heiress the throne is a secret
He said positively that Queen
Elizabeth never smokes. King
George VI, he added, does so
only rarely.
Margaret coolly lighted up
shortly after midnight at the Dor
chester party. With her were
Sharman Douglas, daughter of
the U. S. ambassador, and a par
ty of 22.
Sharman's escort was Captain
Henry Montgomerie-Charrington.
Gasps were heard on all sides
when the guests saw Margaret
puffing away.
(CP) Three persons wpre kill
ed Thursday In an automobile
accident on the newly opened
Princeton Hope highway. Two
others were iniured.
Dead are: Mr. and Mrs. Jack
N. Leggett of Vancouver, and
Miss Jane D. Hay of Victoria,
B. C.
M. J. McDowell, a Victoria
contractor, and his wife were in
jured. They are in hospital here.
The car careenea on tne nign
way down a deep slope near
Hone, 99 miles east of Van
Whenever a person enters
or leaves your home, the
first and last thing he sees,
is the door. Make a favor
able impression on your
guests by replacing your old
door with one of the new at
tractive doors that we have
in stock. We will also design
a door to fill your desires.
Call us for an estimate today.
Lost Youth Wins
Out In Tussle
With Idaho Wilds
WEIPPE, Idaho, Nov. 4 P
An Iowa college boy told here
how he seined for fish with his
trousers while he was lost in the
mountain wilderness of northern
Harvey Sperry, 19, of Charles
City, Iowa, made it back to civ
ilizationunhurt after three
days and two nights of wandering
in the dense and hilly forest
northwest of Wcippe.
Harvey lost his way Sunday
when he went to help bring out
an elk shot by another hunter.
On his first night in the open,
it took all of his supply of three
matches to get a fire started. He
buried himself under boughs
from a fir tree and spent the
night comfortably.
Hunger was his problem on the
second day and It. remained a
"I tried to unravel one of my
wool socks to make a fishllne out
of it," Sperry said. "That didn t
"Then I took off my heavy wa
terproof pants and tied the bot
toms of the legs together to try
to seine some fish from the
stream. That didn't worl. cither."
With no matches to build a fire
he tore up a huge pile of ferns
for his bed the second night.
Sperry got his bearings the
next morning and started for the
most prominent lookout In the
area. On the way he 'ound a
logging road and arrived at a
Potlatch forest camp northwest
of Welppe about 2:30 in the afternoon.
Fireman Accused Of
Forgery Through Loans
PORTLAND, Nov. 3. (P)
Portland Fireman, Wesley J.
Myers, 24, was in jail today
charged with forgery in connec
tion with loans from the city em
ployes credit union.
Bail of $13,000 was set.
Credit Union President Chester
G. Ehlc said loans totaling $27,
662 were obtained on cars having
little value. He said Myers is ac
cused of having reached the limit
of his borrowing at $4,000, then of
having paid others to obtain loans
for him, using car ownership
titles as security.
Deputy District Attorney Jay
Bailey said Myers could not ac
count for the money. It "just
A statement naming others
who aided in obtaining loans will
be presented to the Grand jury,
Bailey said.
;: J
Capt. Stidham On Duty At Okinawa
AB, OKINAWA Captain Jerry
S. Stidham, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Scott Stidham, box 153, Melrose
route, Roseburg, arrived here re
cently. He has been assigned to
duty with the 51st ighter Wing
as a Jet fighter pilot with the
26th Fighter squadron.
Captain Stidham is a graduate
of Crawford high school, Craw
ford, Nebr. and attended Santa
Maria junior college and Oregon
State college. He was active in
football while in school. He then
entered the U. S. forest service
and worked with the Umpqua
national forest at Roseburg. He
enlisted in the air force in April
1937 and served in an enlisted
capacity until completion of
pilots school at Luke field, Ar(.
in September 1942. He subse
quently served in the ETO and
army of occupation in Germany
and attained the rank of major'
before returning to civilian
status in 1947. He was recalled
to active duty in 1948 and re
mained In the zone of interior
until alerted for assignment in
the Pacific theatre. :,
Damaee from earlv 1 killing
frosts in the fall, or the sp!?
for that matter, can be avi0'"?
generally by covering plantsl
0 Siding Finish
164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone
TURTLES IN THE TUB brought grins to the facet of young Kethy Turk and Mike Harrison. For
three days, the kids had these 400 turtle ell to themselves but they must give up their tiny
pets tomorrow. The turtles ere being given away to all children accompanied by parents Satur
day, as part of Patterson's Bakery grand openening. The turtles were ordered through Coettel's
store and arrived here from Louisiana the middle of the week. (Staff photo)
Camas Valley
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pitts
of Springfield are visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mis. Chelsea
Oran, Philip, Ormand and John
Standley, Carl Moodie, Dale
Wheelock, Robert Unicume, Merle
and Willis Bryant, Lloyd Garrett,
and James Combs have returned
from Baker, where they spent
most of a week elk hunting. They
brought home three elk.
There was a free Halloween
masquerade dance at the hall on
Monday night. Bill McClellan's
orchestra furnished the music.
The grange masquerade party
was held In the school auditorium.
Mrs. Lou Cunningham took the
prize for the funniest costume.
Many other prizes were given
during the evening. Following
the social hour doughnuts, pie and
coffee were served.
Mrs. D. O. Teague of Tacoma,
Wash., spent last week at the
home of her mother, Mrs. Bill
Cunningham. Mrs. Teague took
her daughter, Betty June, home
with her. Betty June has been
staying with Mrs. Cunningham.
Sunday evening a filer who
was lost and out of gasoline
grounded his plane In Mrs.
Ethel Brown's field. He was
looking for the Medford air
field. He was unable to take off
again until Monday morning.
Tom Counts' mother Is visiting
at the Counts' home this week.
Mrs. Philip Standley and Mrs.
Lloyd Garrett have returned from
a trip to Portland.
Mrs. Amanda J. Combs spent
the weekend in North Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Jeppeson of
California have bought the O'Day
place. Roy and Betty Jeppeson
have enrolled in the Camas Val
ley school.
The school census has been
completed with a total count of
Mrs. Walter Whithington and
daughter of Lexington. Neb., are
visiting Mrs. Whlthington's
motner, Mrs. Hattle Long, and
her sisters, Mrs. Louis Papst and
Mrs. Martin Wyckoff.
A baby girl was born on Oct.
7, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Quackenbush of Ashland. Mrs.
Quackenbush was formerly Louise
Mrs. George Lamm of Coos Bav
visited over night with her'
daughter-in-law, Mrs. S i d-n e y
Lamm who has been ill with
poison oak.
Mary Goodman, Susan Scha
fer, Lois Sundquist and Hulda
Naiman were representatives
from the Camas Valley High
school to the Oregon High
School Press conference at the
University of Oregon on
Oct. 22.
Mrs. Betty Farrand and son
Bobby and Mr. and Mrs. William
Meeks spent the week end in
The operetta, "Down Ameng
the Fairies," will be presented
by the grade school on Nov. 17.
Mrs, Dorothy Meeks is direct
ing the operetta. Proceeds from
admission charges will be used
to purchase a phonograph and
record albums for grade school
Visiting at the home of James
Combs on Sunday were Mr. and
Mrs. Merle Bryant and children
Beverly and Harrison of Bridge;
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moodie and
Mrs. Jannet McCann.
The owl cannot move its eyes
in their sockets but instead can
rotate its head in a large arc of
273 degrees.
We are pleased to announce the
appointment of
329 W. Mosher Roseburg Phone 549
as our
Take advantage of our reputation of 50 years in business
in this community when you wish a memorial in beautiful
polished granite or marble.
Mo to oll
7 u fiends Patterson s w contaimng ,utlChes
FREE' Every laV J wich , P- , to Around
..ri'JJ? Get your copy of
Sykes and Short Streets in Roseburg
You'll find the PATTERSON label on these quality bakery products
if French Bread
if Cheese Bread
if Raisin Bread
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if Buttermilk Bread
-V Sesame Bread
Potato Bread
k Wheat Bread
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if Butterhorns
if Cinnamon Rolls
if Maple Bars
if Doughnuts
Y Potato Rolls
if Parkerhouse Rolls
if Sesame Rolls
if Hard Rolls
if Hamburger Buns
if Coney Buns
if Wide Coney Buns
day receive - .onawicnes.
the Clock.'
For Everyone DOUGHNUTS
10 a. m- and P' ' sjsW
Look for Patterson's new red, yellow, blue
and white wrapper at your grocer's