! U, of 0, Library COMP Eugene, Ore, mama: State Police Sgt. Han-ell Promoted, Shifted To Baker; Sgt. Holcomb Assigned Here . Tht Weather Increasing cloudiness today. Saturday cloudy with Intermit tent rain. , Sunset today 5:02 p. m. Sunrise tomorrow 6:53 a. m. I '.' v j i l:(l N-.- I'll ; . ; .i Sgt. Lyle Promotion of State Police Sgt. Llye H. Harrell of Roseburg to lieutenant anil his transfer to Baker district headquarters were announced in Salem Thursday by State Police Supt,. H. G. Maison. Sgt.i Harrell, who begins his new duties Monday, will be suc ceeded here by Sgt. Holly Hol comb, now stationed at St. Hel ens, according to Maison's an nouncement. In charge of the 5oseburg state police office since May 15, 1947, Sgt. Harrell was formerly at Medford and other points in soumern uregon. He was pro moted to sergeant at Grants Pass in May, 1941. Following three years' service with the Navy during the recent war, Sgt. Harrell was assigned to Medford under Capt. Paul Par sons. Then he came here almost two-and-a-half years ago on the promotion of Sgt. Paul E. Mor gan, who formerly was in charge of the local state police office. Harrell said he would return here for his family later, after he establishes himself at Baker. Sgt. Harrell is a former pro fessional baseball player. Born in Vancouver, Wash., in 1908, he at tended the University of Wash ington In 1926, leaving to play professional baseball in Texas and the Mlddlewest. He was la ter bought by the Portland Beav ers, where he played two years as first baseman. He Joined the state police in July, 1936, serving successively at Coquille, Marshfield, Grants Pass, Medford and Roseburg. In the Day's News By FRANK JENKINS IN Baker the other day. Governor McKay preached another of his wise little sermons -on how; to make Oregon greater and more prosperous. ........ The way to make Oregon greater and more prosperous, he said, is to. GET MORE JOBS. The goal of more jobs, he added; lies in the direction of water power development and natural resource conservation He concluded: . ... - "IN ORDER TO CREATE MORE JOBS, OREGON SHOULD PROCESS MORE OF ITS FARM PRODUCTS AND INCREASE LUMBER FABRICATION OP ERATIONS." GOOD for you, governor. That is clear, sound thinking. ' ' The trouble with us in the past is that we have shipped out too (Continued on Page Four) Community Chest Drive To Be Preceded By Breakfast At Hotel, Talk By Paul Geddes To keynote the opening of the Roseburg Community Chest cam paign, Paul E. Geddes, attorney and state representative, will de liver the principal address at the kick-off breakfast at the Hotel Umpqua Monday morning. Sam J. Shoemaker, campaign director, announced that close to 120 campaign workers, repre senting five men's service organ izations and two women's clubs, will be guests of the hotel man agement for the breakfast. It will be served at 7:30. These clubs will canvass the city's places of business, both in the central business district and in the outlying areas. The city has been divided into five zones, each of which has been assigned one of the men's service organi zations. The two women's groups, Busi ness and Professional Women's club and the Junior Woman's club, will contact all public em ployes: Citv and school district employes by the B.P.W., the county and U.S. government worker by the Junior Woman's group. H. Harrell Longshoremen's Arraignment In Riot Case Slated THE DALLES, Ore., Nov. 4. UP) Fifteen CIO longshoremen were in jail here today, awaiting arraignment in the pineapple riot case. The men, arrested in Portland and Vancouver, Wash., were brought here, handcuffed and guarded, last night. They all seemed cheerful as they were escorted into jail. A new judge was to be assigned to hear the charge that the men swarmed over The Dalles dock Sept. 28 to halt the unloading of Hawaiian pineapple. Two truck drivers were hurt and some equip ment damaged in the outbreak. Judge Malcolm W. Wilkinson, who issued the warrants for the men's arrest, was automatically disqualified yesterday when the longshoremen's attorney request ed a different judge. Chief Justice Hall S. Lusk, Salem, was asked to assign some one to the bench here to conduct the arraignments. Gov. Douglas McKay said, in a speech at Portland, that he was sending an assistant to aid in the prosecution of the riot case. "No one," he told a Republican rally, "is going to take the law into their own hands in Oregon." Warrants are still out for nine more longshoremen, also named in secret indictments here. , Non-union crews continued un loading the pineapple today. A court order has halted the picket ing which led to the outburst of violence. . Greek Guerrilla Aid Is Charged To Balkans Duo LAKE SUCCESS, Nov. 4 (JP) The United Nations political committee approved overwhelm ingly today a resolution declar ing Albania and Bulgaria endan ger peace in the Balkans by as siting the Greek guerrillas. The vote was 38 to 6, with 2 absten tions. The resolution was jointly sponsored by the United States, Britain, China and Australia. It also calls upon Albania and Bul garia to stop supporting the Communist-led guerrillas. Yugoslavia joined Russia and her four satellite countries of Eastern Europe in voting against the resolution. Nations abstain ing were India and Israel. Following the breakfast, the teams will set out to make their initial contacts. Shoemaker said he hoped the drive will be "clean ed up" In two days at most. Follow-up -calls will be made Tues day and through the remainder of the week. This year it is planned to reach most of Roseburg citizens through their places of business. Persons in residential areas who may be overlooked are invited to mail their contributions to P.O. Box 191, Roseburg, said Shoe maker. Goal of the Roseburg Com munity Chest is to raise $25,530. The monev is to be divided as follows: Boy Scouts, $7,000; Camp Fire Girls, $2,550; Y. M.. C. A., $7,033; Salvation Army, $3,823; Girl Scouts, $100, and Or egon Chest (15 state agencies), $5,040. Established 1873 Ching, Lewis Set Parley On Coal Strike Union Leader Consents After Trying For Talk With Two Governors WASHINGTON, Nov. 4. (JP) Cyrus S. Ching today arranged a meeting with John L. Lewis the first step in new government efforts to end the coal strike. Word of plans for a meeting this afternoon was learned by reliable sources shortly after Lewis made a new bid to effect a settlement with a part of the soft coal industry. Lewis offered to negotiate in Chicago tomorrow for an agreement covering mines in the two states of Illinois and Indiana. 'Ching, the federal mediation chief, arranged to visit Lewis at the mine worker's headquar ters here. This afternoon's conference, authoritative sources indicated, may pave the way to a joint meeting between Lewis and soft coal operators next week in Wash ington, Expends on Proposal The leader of the striking min ers had made unsuccessful bids earlier this week for negotia tions looking toward a settle ment with Indiana operators alone. In effect, he expanded that to a two-state proposal with a tele gram today to Gov. Adlai Steven son of Illinois. His proposal was (Continued on Page Two) Legislature's Reapportioning Petition Filed SALEM, Nov. 4 (JP) A pre liminary initiative petition to re apportion the .state legislature on. a popiiiannn nasi was .wed wttn the secretary of state yesterday. James T. Marr executive sec retary of the State Federation of Labor, came here to file it. He said it has the backing of the AFL, CIO, Young Republicans and Young Democrats. . If the sponsors get 25.482 sig natures by next July 6, the mea sure would appear on the No vember, iu, general election ballot. The last Legislative reappor tionment was 40 years ago. Leg islatures since then have failed to abide by the constitution, which requires reapportionment after every census. The chief demand for reapportionment comes from Multnomah county, wnicn would Denetit Dy a reap portionment. The Initiative would require the governor, secretary of state and state treasurer to do the reap portioning after each census. And it tney aon t, tnen tne state supreme court would do it. under a reapportionment, Mul tnomah county would have a third of the legislators, but the initiative also provides that that county couldn't have more than one-third. Multnomah county now has six senators, and shares another one with Columbia and Clackamas counties. The initiative would give it 10 senators. tne same county nas l.t - presentatives, plus one share'1 with Clackamas county. Under the Initiative, it would have 20. The initiative would become a part of the State Constitution. Death Cell Claims Killer Of His Wife And Jurist JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., Nov. 4. (IP) An Ozark farmer was executed today in the Missouri penitentiary gas chamber for slaying his wife. ine tarmer, &rnest Alton Scott, 49, also was charged with killing Circuit Judge Charles H. Jackson, but the state elected to try him only on one count. Scott's attorneys based their defense on the "unwritten law." One of Scott's daughters, Willa Mae, was a key prosecution wit ness, ehe denied there was any roman'.ic alliance between her mother and the judge. The farmer said shortly before his execution that he always paid his debts "and this is no ex ception." a Badly Injured Man Removed To Portland Lloyd Crenshaw, 37, Roseburg, was taken to Good Samaritan hos pital at Portland for further treatment of a broken arm and two fractured ribs, following an accident at the Crenshaw planer mm souin or Koseourg, b:ju a.m. Wednesday .according to a report received nere. . The report stated Crenshaw If u on a sawdust burner, break ing his arm in two places. He was also reported to have dis located his elbow. He was treated at Mercy hospital Immediately following the accident. The in formant added he Is "getting Oregon Leads In Population Gain WASHINGTON, Nov. 4. P Oregon's population has in oreated by 59.3 percent in the last nine yeats the largest growth of any of the 48 states, the Census bureau estimated today. New population estimates, made by the Census bureau, set Oregon's present population at 1,736,000, an increase of 647,000 since 1940. That Is a 59.3 percent boost, more than any other state had. Nevada grew almost as much: 57.7 percent. Washington's Increase was 48.7 percent to a total of 2,852, 000. The total population in the country was estimated at 148, 720,000, a 12.9 percent increase over 1940. Five states shrank: North Da kota, Nebraska, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Montana. Jaundice Due To Impurity In Well Water Contaminated water In the school well at Glide, and not the school cafeteria, was the appar ent cause of the yellow jaundice epidemic there last week, accord ing to u. A. sias, acting super intendent of schools. Sias said ' a was told by Dr. E. J. Wainscott, county health of ficer, that the epidemic was water-borne and the school well the apparent source. Sias said the Glide school board ordered the school closed Wednesday, Thurs day and today so changes could be made in tne scnooi wen. School will reopen Monday. The cafeteria will also reopen. After the lunch room was closed, at the start of the epidemic, the school board took the opportunity to install a. three-hole sink in the cafeteria, said Sias. Dr., . Wainscott. warned - that cases of jaundice, known medi cally as Infectious hepltitis, may continue to appear for from four to six weeks. He reported a total of 114 cases Tuesday night. The epidemic now is "pretty much Sias took charne of the Glide schools Oct. 10, when John R. Orr, superintendent, became one of the first to Be iniectea in me jaundice outbreak. Orr is now a patient in the Portland Veterans hospital. "On behalf of the community," said Sias, "I wish to express ap preciation for the assistance giv en us in helping quell the out- (Continued on Page Two) World-Wide Sailor, Sea Lover Drowns In Bath Tub SUNDERLAND, England, Nov. 4. P Sixty-year-old Frederick Ramsey loved- the sea. He had sailed all over the world. He' spent most of the first world war on ships and had a number of lucky escapes. Retiring from seafaring, he took a Job as a dock gate fore man Just to be near the water. He trained himself to be a powerful swimmer and rescued two men from the river Tyne. Yesterday Ramsey collapsed In his bath tub and drowned in a few Inches of water. NO. JACKSON ST. WIDENING Illustrated here Is tha start of program which will sventually remit in the widening of No. Jackson strata's traffic lants its entire length. However, limited funds moke potsibla that tha work be dona piecemeal. Under con struction now is the widening of tht oni block north of Eaif Second Avenua So. From this straat to tha railroad tracks, tha park ing strip is being cut away 12 feet en either sidt. This will widen to 28 feet both lanes of traffic. From the railroad track north to East First Avenue south six feet is being lopped off both sides of (ha parking to provide a 22-foot straat width en tither side. Tht parking strip originally was 44 fttt wide. (Pie turs by Piul Jenkins I ROSEBURG, OREGON FRIDAY, NOV. "Reactionary" Foes Blasted By President Truman, On Minnesota Visit, Spurred In Plan To Take Stump In 1950 ABOARD TRAIN ENROUTE TO WASHINGTON, Nov. 4. (.IP) President Human s determina tion to stump the country again next year to elect "fair dealers" to Congress was strengthened to day by his reception in Minnesota. White House aides said he was elated by his welcome yesterday at Minneapolis and St. t-aul where police estimated 400,000 persons lined the sidewalks to cheer him along a 20-mile parade route. , An applauding crowd the police estimated at 12,000 whooped it up again last mgnt in St. f&uvs civic auditorium when he gave a foretaste of the 1950 campaign with a slashing attack on "the propaganda of the reactionaries." The President is convinced that he can help elect liberals to Con gress by conducting the sort of campaign he made in 1948 through back platform appear ances in key states, one close adviser told reporters. Two Predictions Made Mr. Truman stressed two pre dictions in his talk last night that the 81st Congress will enact a "good deal more" of his "fair deal" before quitting its next ses sion and that there will be a heavier vote in 1950 elections for those with his views. He called his civil rights, fed eral aid to education, national health insurance and other "gen eral welfare" proposals the path to tuture growtn. He said the people were behind him. "I am not too much worried (Continued on Page Two) Charles Cring Buys Hudson Cs. Interest Announcement was made today that Charles C. Cring has pur chased Robert L. Shore's interest in the Roseburg Hudson company, distributors for Hudson automo biles in this area. Cring. who has been employed In the office of Flegel's Transfer and Storage, moved to Roseburg from Stamford, Conn., about three and one-half years ago, when he purchased a home in the Melrose area. Shore, former partner of Her bert Weisgerber in the automobile business, slated that he has no immediate plans. The present Hudson business was opened in Roseburg by Wels gerber about a year and a half ago In a new building erected on south Stephens street. Roseburg Realty company han dled the transaction. , Eire Acts To Take Over Transportation System DUBLIN,' Nov. 4. (JP) Ire land's Dail (parliament) brought tne country s transportation sys tem a step closer to national ownership last night. The Dail, by a 74 to S9 vote, approved a bill to nationalize railroads and other transporta tion services. The bill now goes to committee hearings and third and final reading in the Dail. S5 '.33 v At h till n. IkvZAk r(ZM 4, 1949 Dedication Of New Roseburg Home Of Salvation Army To Be Notable Event Tonight A large gathering is expected this evening at the dedication of the new Salvation Army building slated for 7:30, according to Capt. Claude Bowden, corps officer. Representatives of the divisional headquarters in Portland and of the territorial headquarters In San Francisco, together with officers from nearby corps will be on hand to assist in the service. Principal speaker will be Lt. Col. A. J. Gilliard, field secrc tary of the western territory who comes from San Francisco to r e p r e s e nt Lt. Commissioner Claude E. Bates, territorial com mander of the army. Gilliard, before coming to the j West, was for many years editor of the international magazine of the Salvation Army. He was sta tioned in London during the war land accompanied the first rescue j teams to war-torn European countries where soup kitchens and medical depots were estab lished under Salvation Army aus pices. Gilliard will remain here through Sunday when he will speak at the morning service in the building he will dedicate Jo night. Mayor Albert G. Flegel, who will speak at tonight's affair, w '.s chairman of the building cam paign which raised funds for the building's construction. Other speakers will be Dr. Morris Roach and Major G. Roderlc Durham, divisional commander of the Oregon-southern Idaho di vision of the Army. Major Dur- (Continued on Page Two) Carter Tire Co. In New Location The Carter Tire company, for merly the Hansen Motor Co. tire department, formally opened for Business inursaay nignc ai lit N. Stephens street. Owned and managed by "Doc" Carter, formerly with Hansen's, the store will deal in retail and wholesale automobile parts and accessories and small electrical appliances. Bruce Carter, member of the new firm, reporls the new busi ness establishment Is "the largest and most modern re-cap shop In southern Oregon." -, Eight persons make up the per sonnel. Besides the Carter broth ers, they include Leo Ragan, book keeper; Ben Blythe, ouside sales man: Stub Parker, shop foreman; Jim Hughes, truck re-cap and large sections repair; Johnny Stafford and Lee Marical, service court. The organization owns a serv ice truck, equipped with air com pressor, hoist and air wrench. tne owner ann stair an were formerly with Hansen's before changing over to the new firm, Carter said. Copy Deadline Set For Classified Advertising . A new copy deadline for classified advertising in the News-Review will go Into effect Monday, Nov. 7. Beginning on that date, class ified copy will have to be In the News-Review office by 5 p.m. of the day preceding pub lication. This change hss been made necessary to allow the . mechan ical department to meet the press deadline for the rural edi tion. v.- SfCKpKf' -vj t 160-49 f- V' jjj? SPEAKERS Major G. R. Dur htm. foe. and Lt. Col. A. J. Gilliard, lower, will speak at tha program dedicating the new Salvation ' Army . building her tonight. Major Durham, division al commander, will preside at the ceremonies as well. Lt. Col. Cilliard Is the field secretary of tha organization in western territory Two Jailed Here On Grand Larceny Charge Harrv Hilton Green, 37, and Robert Orville Barton, 28, both of Reedsport, are being held in the county Jail on . cnarges oi grand larceny, reported Sheriff O. T. "Bud" Carter. The two were arraigned in the court of Justice of the Pence . Fred M. Wright at Reedsport and their bail was set at $5,000 each. Drunken Driver Draws Fine, 30-Day Jail Term Henry Lapman Catlln, 5, Al bany, charged with drunken driv ing was fined $200 and icntcnced to 30 days in the county jail, upon arraignment In justice court at Drain, reported Justice of the Peace Clarence Leonard. j -V. -" ",-jL-T Harlem Mob Runs Wild In Celebration N. Y. Policemen Felled, Patrol Cars Targets Of Barrage Of Missiles NEW YORK, Nov. 4 (IP) Eleven top American Commu nists went free on bond last night. Less than three hours later a brick-hurling Harlem mob felled six police in a wild welcome home for one of the Red leaders. The Communist bigwigs signed bail bonds totalling $260,000 and walked out to a freedom that may last a year until the U.S. Supreme court reviews their re cent conviction on charges of conspiring to advocate violent overthrow of the U.S. Govern ment. Defendant Benjamin J. Davis, Jr., Negro city councilman, met a roaring welcome when he made a street-corner speech in Harlem a short time later. With him were defendants Henry Winston, also a Negro, and Robert Thompson, Negro singer Paul Robeson, leftist target of two recent Peek skill, N. Y riots, also spoke. A crowd of about 2,000 cheered the speakers and then began a torchlight parade up Lenox ave nue through the tense, crowded heart of New York's big Negro district. A handful of police 3tood by. Officers later said the march ers endangered bystanders by waving their flickering torches. Three police cars swung across Lenox avenue at 114th street. The paraders broke the thin police line and milled arouna tne cars, chanting in tune with a sound truck "We will not be moved." Barrage Ensues From rooftops came a barrage of bottles, bricks, saucers, cups and broomsticks. Over the sound truck loud speakers, a voice roared: "We are not going to be stop ped by the police department of New York City. We will march." Missiles shattered windows in the area. The paraders fried (Continued on Page Two) Commerce Dept. For Oregon Urged PORTLAND, Nov. 4.-UP .Oregon ought to have a :depart ment of commerce as an aid to the state's growth. Thnt was the recommendation of Secretary of State Newbry In a speeeh before the Electrio club here yesterday. Newbry recommended that the next legislature set up "a small, highly skilled department to di gest (he reports of other state and federal agencies, and put out information in a practical and usable form." Such a department, Be said, would be especially useful during Oregon's present industrial ex pansion. He said 30 states set up such commerce branches this year. Newbry also disclosed a plan to bill people when their drivers' licenses are due for renewal. "I think It's a shame," he said, "that a man should be stopped on the highway and fined $o for hav ing an expired operator's permit without any notice from the state." v Glendale Lumber Worker Killed Raleigh Bursch, an employee of the Dollar Lumber company at Glendale, was killed Thurs day while working at tha com pany's loading dock. Coroner Harry C. Stearns re ported that Bursch was In tht act of tightening a chain on a truck load of logs. The load shifted and a log rolled off crushing him. Death was in stantaneous, he said. Additional Information wlil be announced later. Plane Crashes In Flames, All Occupants Escape CALGARY. Alta.. Nov. 4. UP) Eight persons miraculously es caped death today when a plana grounn-ioopea ana crasnea at tne municipal airport here after a tire blew out during a take-off. Aboard was a party of oilmen bound for Chicago to attend tha American Petroleum association meeting which opens Monday. The plane had attained a speed of approximately 75 miles an hour when the tire blew. A wing tip struck the field and the loft wing Immediately burst Into flames. The passengers es. caped through a' door. POPPY 8ALE DATED Dean Perrlne chapter 9, Dis abled American Vetprans, will sponsor a poppy sale on the street of Roseburg all day Saturday. Mayor Albert G. Klegel has proclaimed the day fdr the oc casion. Camp Firs Gil ls and Boy Scouts will assist in the street poppy sale. Levity Fact Rant By L. F. ItelMnstttn Match a larger Roseburg with a larger heart. Give with a tmile and without regret whea you're asked to aid the Com muniry Chest. along niceiy." V