The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, November 03, 1949, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 The Newi-Rivlew, Rouburg, Ort. Thur., Nov. 3, 1949
From Heedaoort Harry Mo
Cabe, chiel oi police of Reeds-
port, was in KoseDurg Monday on
Carnival Planned Dlxonvllle
Community club is sponsoring a
bazaar and carnival Friday, Nov.
4 at the community hall.
P.E.O. to Meet Chapter VI,
P.E.O. sisterhood will meet Fri
day at 1:15 o'clock at the home
ol Mrs. Thomas Clark, 1109 West
First street.
Glide P.-T.A. to Meet Glide
P.-T.A. will meet at 2 o'clock
Monday, Nov. 7, at the school
house. All parents are urged to
Mrs. Goff Able to be Out Mrs.
Fred A. Golf is able to be oai
again, following a week's Illness
of influenza at her home in Row
burg. Association to Meet Umpqua
School association will hold open
house at a meeting to be held
Friday night at 8 o'clock at the
new schoolhouse. The public is
Dinrmr To Be Served The Ju
nior Woman's club will sponsor a
spaghetti dinner from 6 to 9 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 4, at the First Chris
tian church. Tickets are on sale
at Lawson's Jewelry store.
Visit Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
Phil Pratt of Rice Valley had as
their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
John F. Dunlnp and family of
Drain, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Barker and son of Rose
burg., ,
Meeting Canoelled The Unit
ed Worker's class of the First
Christian church has cancelled
its November meeting, according
to an announcement made this
morning. The next meeting date
of the class will be announced
World Community Day The
Roseburg Council of Church
Women will observe world com
munity day at '1:30 o clock at the
First Presbyterian church. Rev.
Alfred Tyson, of St. George's
Episcopal church, will be the
speaker. The public Is invited.
' Badoura Club to Meet Ba-
doura club, Nydia temple,
Daughters of the Nile, will meet
at the home of Mrs. W. H. Car
ter, 1585 Harvard avenue, at a
. 7:30 o'clock dessert-supper Tues
day night, Nov. 7, with Mrs. Roy
Entler assisting hostess, Mem
bers and visiting members are
Baok From East Dr. H. C.
Church returned to Roseburg the
first of the week after spending
several months in Charlotte,
N.C., with his son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James
Y. Rogers. Dr. and Mrs. Church
. drove east in September and
Mrs. Church remained in the east
for a longer visit. Mrs. Rogers
is the former' Marian Church. 1
Classified advertising (want ads)
copy must be in the News-Review
office by 5:00 p. m. the day
preceding publication
In order to meet on earlier press deadline for the rural edition of The Newt
Review, classified advertising copy must be in the office of The News-Review
not later than 5:00 p. m. of the day preceding publication (example . . . copy
must be in by Tuesday at 5:00 p. m. for the advertisement to appear In Wed
nesday' papor).
National Forest Timbtr
For Sal
Oral auction bids will be re
ceived by the Forest Supervisor,
Post Office Building, Roseburg,
Oregon, beginning at 2:00 p. m.,
Pacilic Standard time, December
5, 1949, for all the live timber
marked or designated for cutting
and all merchantable dead tim
ber located on an area embracing
about 75 acres within sections 28
and 32, T28S, R3W, W. M Ump
qua National Forest, Oregon, esti
mated to be 1,713,000 feet B. M.,
more or less of Douglas-fir, 230,
000 feet B. M., more or less of
sugar pine, and 124,000 feet B. M.,
more or less of California Incense-cedar,
and 146.000 feet B.
M., more or less of western hem
lock and other species oi saw
timber. Sealed bids accompanied
by required payment and received
by the Forest Supervisor prior to
n:uu p. m., facme standard lime,
December 5, 1949, will be con
sidered the equivalent of an oral
bid and posted for information
of all bidders. No bid of less than
$7.05 per M feet for Douglas-fir,
$21.00 per M feet for sugar pine,
$21.00 per M feet for western
white pine, $0.50 per M leet tor
California incense-cedar, and
$0.50 per M feet for western hem-
iock ana otner species win oe con
sidered. In addition to the prices
bid for stumpage a cooperative
deposit of $0.55 per M feet B. M.,
to cover the cost of tree planting,
seed sowing and timber stand im
provement work on the area cut
over, for the total cut of timber
under the terms of the agreement,
will be required. $4,000.00 must
accompany each sealed. bid and
must be shown to be in' the pos
session of oral bidders as a quali
fication for auction bidding. If an
oral bid is declared to be high at
the closing of the auction, the
bidder must immediately make
the required payment and con
firm the bid by submitting it in
writing on a Forest Service bid
form. The right to reject any and
all bids is reserved. Before bids
are submitted, full information
concerning the timber, the condi
tions of sale and the submission
of bids should be obtained from
the Forest Supervisor. Rosebure.
Oregon, or the District Ranger,
Tiller, Oregon.
Nofice of Timber Sale
be received by the District For
ester, Bureau of Land Manage
ment, Region 1, at his office
located at Room 206. Post Of
fice Building, Roseburg, Ore.
at 2:00 P. M., PACIFIC STAND
ARD .time, on November 7.
1949, for the purchase of all
merchantable timber designated
for cutting upon tracts herein
after described. The cutting and
removal oi tne timDer snail be
carried out in accordance with
the forest practice rules approved
on July 7, 1938 by the Secretary
of the Interior. Each bid must
state the amount per thousand
feet, board measure, that will be
paid for each species, the total
consideration which will be paid
cooperation will be appreciated.
Phone 100
1 t-Tnriii irffll in l " -Aaasi-ian-aaeaueaal Usasi use
for the timber and a statement
that the bidder will comply with
local manufacturing require
ments as hereinafter stated. No
bid for lees than the appraised
value will be considered. Each
sealed bid must be submitted In
duplicate and be accompanied by
a deposit, ine deposit musi oe
in cash or in the form of a certi
fled check on a solvent bank and
in favor of the Treasurer of the
United States. The amount ' th
deposit will be at least 20 of
the first $1,000 of the appraise j
value of the timber; an additional
10 of the next sy.uuu: an addi
tional 5 of the amount between
$10,000 and $100,000; and addi
tional 3 of any amount in ex
cess of $100,000. The deposit will
be returned to unsuccessful bid
ders; applied as a part of the pur
chase price of the high bidder;
or that portion of the deposit
representing the minimum re
quired by law shall be retained as
liquidated damages If the high
bidder does not execute contract
and furnish satisfactory bond
within thirty days of acceptance
of the bid or cannot furnish evi
dence of his ability to comply
with the local marketing require
ments. In sales over $5,000, and
in small sales when required, the
high bidder will be required to
furnish a sworn financial state
ment, showing ability to fulfill
the terms of the contract. A bond
on all sales will be required in
an amount computed at the rate
of at least 15 per cent of the old
price. Payment for timber will be
required in advance of cutting,
payment in full at the time of
filing the contract being required
in sales amounting to $5,000 or
less. In larger sales, the Regional
Administrator may permit pay
ment in a number of installments.
Timber sold in accordance with
this advertisement must be manu
factured within the marketing
area as designated for each tract
hereinafter described In accord
ance with the Orders of the Secre
tary of the Interior, No. 2285, and
Nos. 2380 to 2390, Incl., dated De
cember 11, 1946 and November 29,
1947, respectively. The united
States has by agreement been
given the right to authorize its
purchasers to use certain roads
ana ngnts-oi-way ior tne removal
of timber. Each bidder should as
certain from the respective Dis
trict Forester's office, the loca
tion of the road or right-of-way
covered by such agreement relat
ing to the tract upon which he
wishes to bid. It is the bidder's
responsibility to determine for
himself the extent to which such
agreement will permit the use of
the road or right-of-way subject
to the payment of reasonable
compensation to the assignor of
the United States. The right is
hereby reserved to waive techni
cal defects In the advertisement;
to reject all bids, or to award the
timber for the amount of the
highest bid to the next highest
qualified bidder when the officer
authorized to approve the con
tract shall deem the high bidder
unqualified to fulfill the contrac
tual requirements of the adver
tisement. All tracts advertised for
sale for which no bid is received
on tne sale aate may oe sola on
the 30th day after the sale date to
bidders offering the highest nrice
during the thirty day interim, in
no case will the timber be sold for
5- 1 M' "-J" 'Jr"i,r -it.
PACKED WITH POWER Loaded like a fireworks factory, the new Republic F-84-E Thunderjet,
high-speed, long-range fighter prepares to go into action in air-ground maneuvers at Elgin Air
Force Base, Fla. The 800-mile-per-hour plane the Air Force's first Jet propelled fighter bomber
. carries clusters of 32 five-inch high-velocity aircraft rosfcets, giving it unprecedented power. Its
fixed armament consists of six .50-caliber machine guns.
less than the appraised price.
Further information, Including
coDles of the form of contract.
bid forms and schedules of con'
tract payments may be obtained
at District Offices of the Bureau
of Land Management, located at
salem, uugene, Koseourg, ;oos
Bay and Medford, Oregon, or at
tne omce ox tne Kegionai Aomin
lstrator. Bull-in? No. 1. Swan is
land, Portland 18, Oregon. Dated
at Portland, Oregon, this 7th day
Of UCtOber, 1H49. IN DOUGLAS
ING AREA: T. 20 S., R.'7 W.,
W. M Sec. 33, all merchantable
timber designated for cutting on
Por. NWiN-Si, All NINWt, for,
SW.NW1 For. SE1NW1, ,stt-
mated for the Duroose of this sale
to be 2420 M. feet Douglas fir, 135
M. feet Hemlock. 50 M. feet West
ern Red Cedar. No bid for less
than $6.30 per M. ft. B. M. for
the Douglas fir, $2.50 per M. ft.
B. M. for the Hemlock, $2.30 per
M. ft. B. M, for the Western Red
Cedar, or a total purchase price
of $15,698.50, will be - considered.
T. 21 S., R. 6 W., W. M., Sec. 6,
all merchantable timber desig
nated for cutting on Por Lot 4
INWJINW), All SW1INW1, ror.
SEJSEi," estimated for the pur
posed this sale to be 2655 M.
feet Douglas fir, 10 M. feet In
cense Cedar, 5 M. feet Western
Red Cedar, 30 M. feet Hemlock.
No bid for less than $5.85 per M.
ft. B. M. for the Douglas fir,
$2.30 per M. ft. B. M. for the In
cense Cedar and Western Red
Cedar, $2.50 per M. ft. B. M. for
the Hemlock, or a total purchase
price of $15,641.25, will be con
sidered. T. 29 S., R. 9 W., W. M
Sec 15, all merchantable timber
designated for cutting on Por. Lot
2 (NW1NE1), Por. Lot 3 (NE1
NWi), All Lot 4 (NW1NW4),
Por. S.NWl, Por. NW1SW1, -sti-mated
for the purpose of this sale
to be 3480 M. feet Douglas fir, 545
M. feet dead Douglas fir, 185 M.
feet Hemlock, 90 M. feet Western
Red Cedar. 450 M. feet Port Or-
ford Cedar. No bid for less than
$11.75 per M. ft. B. M. for the
Douglas fir, $2.50 per M. ft. B. M.
for the Hemlock and dead Doug
las fir, $2.30 per M. ft. B. M. tor
tne western ilea ueaar, $m.iju
per m. ft. B. M. for the Port Or
ford Cedar, or a total purchase
price of $49,222.00, will be con
sidered. T. 29 S.. R. 6 W.. W. M.,
Sec. 31, all merchantable timber
designated for cutting on the
SE.NEi, NE1SW1, NJSE1, Por
S1SE1, estimated for the purpose
of this sale to be 3920 M. feet
Douglas fir. 320 M. feet White fir,
25 M. feet Incense Cedar. No bid
for less than $3.50 per M. ft. B.
M. for the Douglas fir, $2.50 per
M. ft. B. M. for the White fir
and Incence Cedar, or a total Dur-
chase price of $14,582.50, will be
Notice Of Timber Sale
SEALED BIDS, marked outside
"Bid for Timber," and addressed
to the Regional Administrator,
Bureau of Land Manaement,
Region I. Room 131, Building No.
1, Swan Island, Portland 18, Ore
gon, will be received until ana
opened at 2:00 P. M., PACIFIC
STANDARD TIME, on November
8. 1949. for the purchase of all
merchantable timber designated
for cutting upon tracts hereinafter
aescrioea as scallu old. ukajl.
AUCTION BIDS will be received
by the District Forester at his of
fice located at Room 206, Post
Office Building, Roseburg, Ore
gon, at 2:00 P. M., PACIFIC
7, 1949, on those tracts of timber
hereinafter described under
sealed bids on tracts so advertised
and accompanied by the required
deposit received by the District
Forester prior to the start of the
oral auction bidding, will be con
sidered the equivalent of an oral
bid and will be posted for the in
formation of all Didders. To auall-
fy for oral auction bidding, the
bidder must submit to the officer
in charge of the sale, prior to the
beginning of the auction a de-,
posit in the amounf as hereinafter
required. If an oral bid is de
clared to be high at the closing
of the auction, the bidder must
An Analfeslo FOR AID IN TH
Rheumatism and
Ask your local druggist or Write
Burvldtn Laboratories 403 N W 9th
At., Portland 9, Oregen. Dept. R-A
Gas Almost
Choked Him
For 39 years. Bill Shaw or 543 rtih
ert St., Fresno, has worked at a brtck
layer, but in recent years his health
failed. "I had awful indigestion al
most blew up with gas. 1 was terribly
constipated had dlsxy spells and pains
couldn't do a day's work. 1 tried all
kinds of medicine but KAL-O-DEX
really fixed me up. Sine taking KAL-O-DEX
Medicine I can eat heartily
without suffering.
"I've completely lost that tired feel
ing and can work hard every day lay
ing bricks. No more gas, bloating, dtny
spells since KAL-O-DEX made my
bowels work regular as sun-up and
sun-down. I tell everyone you can't
go wrong taking KAL-O-DEX It costs
so little and does so much."
KAL-O-DEX la a proven formula
with medicinal Juices from S Oreat
Herb! that cleans bowels, clear gns
from stomach, act on sluggish Intes
tines and as a diuretic on kidneys.
Your money returned If you're not de
lighted after taking KAL-O-DEX. Uet
a bottle today from your druggist.
Money Back Guarantee.
fi t -v--,JU C i !
Immediately confirm the bid by
submitting it In duplicate on the
regular Bureau of Land Manage
ment bid proposal form. The cut
ting and removal of the timber
shall be carried out in accord
ance with the forest practice rules
approved on July 7, l3 Dy tne
Secretary of the Interior. Each
bid must state the amount per
thousand feet, ooara measure,
that will be paid for each species,
the total consideration which will
be Daid for the timber and a
statement that the bidder will com-
nlv with local manufacturing re
quirements as hereinafter stated.
INo Did ior less man tne appraisea
value will be considered. Each
sealed bid must be submitted In
duplicate and be accompanied by
a deDosit. The deposit must be in
cash or in the form of a certified
check on a solvent bank and in
favor of . the Treasurer of the
United States. The amount of the
deposit will be at least 20 of the
first $1,000 of the appraised value
of the timber; additional 10 of
the next $9,000; an additional 5
of the amount between $10,000
and $100,000; and additional 3
of any amount In excess of
$100,000. The deposit will be re
turned to unsuccessiui Didders;
applied as a part of the purchase
price of the high bidder; or that
portion of the deposit represent
ing the minimum required by
law shall be retained as liqui
dated damages if the high bidder
does not execute contract and
furnish satisfactory bond within
thirty days of acceptance of the
bid or cannot furnish evidence of
his ability to comply with the
local marketing requirements. In
sales over $5,000, and In small
sales when required, the high bid
der will be required to furnish a
sworn financial statement show
ing ability to fulfill the terms of
the contract. A bond on all sales
will be required in an amount
computed at the rate of at least 15
per cent of the bid price. Payment
for timber will be reauired in ad
vance of cutting, payment in full
at the time of filing the contract
being required in sales amounting
to $5,000 or less. In larger sales,
tne Regional Administrator may
fiermit payment in a number of
nstallments. The right is hereby
reserved to waive technical de
fects in the advertisement; to re
ject all bids, or to award the tim
ber for the amount of the highest
bid to the next highest qualified
bidder when the officer author
ized to approve the contract shall
deem the high bidder unqualified
to fulfill the contractual require
ments of the advertisement. All
tracts advertised for sale for
which no bid is received on the
sale date may be sold on the 30th
day after the sale date to bidders
offering the highest price during
the thirty day interim. In no case
will the timber be jold for less
than the appraised price. Timber
sold In 'accordance with this ad
vertisement must be -manufactured
within the marketing area
as designated for each tract de
scribed below in accordance with
the Orders of the Secretary of the
Interior, No. 2285, and Nos. 2380
to 2390, Incl., dated December 11,
1946 and November 29, 1947, re
spectively. The United States has
by agreement been given the
right to authorize its purchaser
to use certain roads and rights-
oi-way ior tne removal oi timoer.
Each bidder should ascertain
from the respective District For
ester's office the location of the
road right-of-way covered by such
agreement relating to the tract
upon which he wishes to bid. It is
the bidder's responsibility to de
termine for himself the extent to
which such agreement will per
mit the use of the road or right-
of-way subject to tne payment oi
reasonable compensation to the
assignor of the United States,
Further information, Including
special contract clauses, standard
contract form, bid forms and
schedules of contract payments
may be obtained at District Of
fices oi tne Bureau oi iana
Management, located at Salem,
Eugene, Roseburg. Coos Bay, and
Medlord, Oregon, or at tne omce
oi tne Regional Aaministrator,
Building I, Swan Island, Portland
18. Oregon. Dated at Portland,
Oregon, this 21st day of October,
S., R. 8 W W. M., Sec. 31, all
merchantable timber designated
for cutting on the SYVINW1, and
N1SWJ, estimated for tne pur
pose of this sale to be 225 M. feet
branded Douglas fir, 20 M. feet
sound Douglas fir snags, 20 M.
feet dead and down Douglas fir.
No bid for less than $3.90 per M.
ft. B. M. for the branded Doug
Beware Coughs
From Common Colds
That HANG 0M
Creomulsion relieve! promptly bectu je
it oei finht to the sett of the trouble
to help loosen tnd eipel germ laden
phlegm and aid nature to soothe and
heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial
mucous membranes. Tell your druggist
to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion
with the understanding you must like
the way it quickly allays the cough
or vou are to have your money back.
las fir, $2.50 per M. ft. B. M. for
te sound Douglas fir snags, $3.90
per m. it. a. M. ior the dead and
down Douglas fir. or a total pur
chase price of $1,005.50, will be
considered, SEALED BID: DOUG
S., R. 4 W., W. M., Sec. 3, all mer
chantable timber designated for
cutting on Por. insNW j, esti
mated for the purpose of this
sale to be 535 M. feet Douglas fir,
10 M. feet Incense Cedar. No bid
for less than $2.55 per M. ft. B.
M. for the Douglas fir, $2.30 per
M. ft. B. M. for the Incense Ce
dar, or a total purchase price oi
$1,387.25, will be considered.
AREA: T. 29 S., R. 4 W., W. M.,
Sec. 33, all merchantable timber
designated for cutting on Por.
N1NW1, estimated for the pur
pose of this sale to be 300 M. feet
felled Douglas fir, 5 M. feet felled
Incense Cedar. No bid for less
than $6.55 per M. ft. B. M. for the
felled Douglas fir, $4.30 per M. ft.
B. M. for the felled Incense Ce
dar, or a total purchase price of
$1,986.50, will be considered.
Notice of Timber Sale
received by the District Forester,
Bureau of Land Management,
Region 1, at his office locateci at
Room 206, Post Office Building,
Roseburg. Oregon, at 2:00 P. M..
November 7, 1949, for the pur
chase of all merchantable timber
designated for cutting upon tracts
herein-after described. The cutting
and removal of the timber shall oe
carnea out unaer authority of the
Act Of Julv 31. 1947 (61 Stat.
681) and the regulations there
under (43 CFR, Part 259). Each
bid must state the amount per
thousand feet, board measure,
that will be paid for each SDecies
and the total consideration which
will be paid for the timber. No
bid for less "than the appraised
value will be considered. Each
bid must be submitted In dupli
cate and be accompanied by a
deposit. The deposit must be in
cash or in the form of a certified
check on a solvent bank and in
favor of the Treasurer of the
United States. -The amount of
the deposit will be at least
20 of the first $1,000.00 of the
appraised value of the timber;
an additional 10 of the next
$9,000.00; an additional 5 of
the amount between $10,000.00
and $100,000.00; and an additional
3 of any amount In excess of
$100,000.00. The deposit will be
returned to unsuccessful bidders;
applied as a part of the purchase
price of the successful bidder; or
that portion of the deposit, repre
senting the minimum required by
law, shall be retained as liqui
dated damages if the high bidder
does not execut contract and
furnish satisafctorv bond within
thirty days of acceptance of the
bid. In sales over $5,000.00, and in
small sales when required, the
successful bidder will be required
to furnish a sworn financial state
ment, showing ability to fulfill
the terms of the contract. A bond
on all sales will be reauired in an
amount computed at the rate of
at least is per cent of the bid
price. Payment for timber will be
required in advance of cutting,
payment in full at the time of fil
ing the contract being required in
sales amounting to $5,000.00 or
less, in larger sales, the Regional
Administrator may permit pay
ment in. a number of installments.
Timber lying within the boundar
ies oi tne u. & u. grant, sold in
accordance with this advertise
ment, must be manufactured
within the marketing area as
designated for each tract de
scribed below in accordance with
the Orders of the Secretary of ihe
Interior, No. 2285, and Nos. 1380
to 2390, Inc., dated December 11,
1946 and November 29, 1947, re
spectively. The United States has
by agreement been given the
right to authorize its purchasers
to use certain roads and rights-of-way
for the removal of timber.
Each bidder should ascertain
from the respective District For
estes's office the location of the
road right-of-way covered by
such agreement, relating to the
tract upon which he wishes to bid.
It is the bidder's responsibility to
determine for himself the extent
to which such agreement will per
mit the use of the road or right-of-way
subject to the payment of
reasonable compensation to the
assignor of the United States.
Bidders are warned against viola
tions of Section 59 U. S. Criminal
Code, approved March 4, 1909 (18
U. S. C. 113) prohibiting unlawful
combination or intimidation of
bidders. The right is hereby re
served to waive technical defects
in this advertisement and to re
ject any or all bids. All tracts ad-
Symptoms ol Distress Arising from
Free BookTaHaof HonieTrutmeeitthat
Must Helor It WIN Cost Yea Nothlnf
Om three million bottlea of the Wltusa
TaaA-ruBHT hare been sold for relief of
STmntomofditraarutine: from StaenaeN
and Duedtnal Ulcers due to Knaea AcM
Paar li(etlan. Saw or Ueaat Stasnack,
Qaaslneis, He art haw w, SJeeptesamaa, etc
due to macets Acid. Hold on 16 dara' trial I
Ask for "WHtard'e Msaaaie" which full
Fullerton Rexall Drugs
Fred Meyer Drugs
Shop and Save With Classified Ads
Best Buys
Sport ' Sedan
1849 FORD Custom Fordor
dan. (Demo.)
. 1805.00
. 1095.00
1947 FORD Club Coupe.
1947 PONTIAC Fordor Sedan.
, 1949.00
. 1005.00
1046 FORD Tudor Sedan.
1946 FORD Fordor Sedan.
1946 WILLYS Station Wagon.
1942 PONTIAC Fordor Sedan.
1942 CHRYSLER New Yorker.
1942 STUDY. Tudor Sedan.
1942 STUDY. Fordor Sdn.
1941 FORD Tudor Sedan.
1941 FORD Sedan, Super De
1940 TiirlY'gH."
1939 CHEVROLET Coupe.
1938 OLDSMOBILE Sedan.
1937 FORD Coupe
1936 FORD Tudor Sedan.
1930 MODEL A Coupe.
, 1095.00
, 1349.00
, 893.00
, 993.00
, 895 00
, 795 00
, 493.(10
365 00
Open Sunday
From 9 to 3
Trucks And Pickups
194S FORD V, Ton stake rack.
1947 WILLYS 1 ton pickup
1947 STUDY. IV, ion chasa.
. 999.00
. 865.00
. 1793.00
. 695.00
. 645.00
. 445.00
ana caD.
1945 FORD Lumber truck. ,
1942 FORD V, ton pickup. .
1942 FORD Panel ,
1941 FORD Vi ton pickup. .
You Pay Less For
Used Cars At
Easy Terms
You can save
money and
BUICK Super 4-door 81650
a clean -tone car
FORD 2-door 1345
STUDEBAKER 2-door 1345
WILLYS Station Wagon . 1295
CHEVROLET Fleetmaster 2-
door 1095
BUICK Sedanette - 795
CHEVROLET 2-door. new
paint ...... 795
FORD Panel, runs food 195
JEEP, metal top, low mileage 129S
WILLYS 1-ton pickup, 4
wheel drive .... -. 1493
. 795
1941 PONTIAC Club Coupe
1040 OLDSMOBILE 4-door ...
1937 OLDSMOBILE 4-door .
1640 No Stephens
1949 Four-door ledan. Radio,
heater, spot light, grille guards,
and other extras. Here la a new
Used car that hasn't been abused.
Low mileage with the original
light gray finish that ii beau
tiful. You can own this car for
only $1745.00. Bank terms can
be arranged. See John Lorraine
personally for a demonstration.
Rose & Lane Sta.
1946 TUDOR
1st St
radio and heater. 1047
vertlsed for sale for which no Did
Is received on the sale date may
be sold on the 30th day after the
sale date to bidders offering the
highest price during the thirty
day interim. In no case will the
timber be sold for less than the
appraised price. Further informa
tion, including special contract
clau?es, standard contract 'orm,
bid forms and schedules, of con
tract payments may be obtained
at District Offices of the Bureau
of land Management, located at
Room 206, Post Office Building,
Roseburg, Oregon, or at the office
of the Regional Administrator,
Building No. 1, Swan Island, Port
land 18, Oregon. Dated at Port
land, Oregon, this 7th day of Octo
ber, 1949. IN DOUGLAS COUN
KETING AREA: T. 28 S., R. 8
W.. W. M.. Sec. 22. all merchant.
able timber designated for cutting
on Por. NWJSEJ, estimated for
tne purpose of this sale to be 370
M. feet Douglas fir. No bid for
less than $4 55 per M. ft B. M
or a total purchase Dries of Si..
683.50, will be considered.
. Rock, Slide or Slip?
a -.a ice. in. an nnprtieeq powder to
be sprtr.kled on upper or lower platea.
holds (else teeth more nrmly tn plac.
Do not slide, sup or rock. No tummy
gooey, pasty last or feeling. rAS
TEETB la alkallae tnon-axidl. Doea not
sour. Chetka "plate odor" f denture
breath). CM rAfrTH at any draa
Better Buys,
At Barcus
I '
1947 PACKARD 9 Clipper De
luxe sedan, overdrive, elec ,
tromatlc clutch, heater, rs- -dlo,
white wall Urea:
motor, finish and interior -perfect.
Only J158i
sedan. Factory - Installed
heater, air condiUoner and
radio. Beautiful black,
finish. Upholstery Ilka ,'
, new; new tires. Real bar
. lain. .., 1443
1042 DODGE aedan, excellent con
dition - 841
LAND CRUISER sedan. Over
drive, heater, radio, food Urea,
good paint .......,.. T9I
rod tirea
H. s ,
aedan, I a K .
1940 DESOTO deluxe
radio, heater.
1938 BUICK CENTURY aedan, very
good condition
1938 FORD DELUXE tudor se
dan, radio, heater. ,...
1940 FORD V-8 coupe. A buy .
1939 STUDEBAKER Commander ae
dan .... .
1937 FORD COUPE, "
. new paint Jab, food motor, l. ' '
1947 DODGE shortlog truck, 2-ipee,
ax.. Brownie, Ugi. exC-.Unt '
' condition 1990
heater, radio, perfect con-
Uon Only. Ml
, Your Packard Dealer
Highway 99 N at Garden Valley Road
The. '
That's what we give you.
Friendly interest, sincere
desire to serve you, and
a wide selection of fine
Guaranteed Used Cars.
Good, safe, dependable
transportation and econ-
omical operation. Our i
Reputation assures your
Motors,; Inc.
Plymouth .
330 S. Stephena . Phone IM-t
"We'll Be Here Tomorrow to Back
Up What We Say and Do Todayl"
Used Cars
Umpqua Motors
1949 FRAZER, low mileage. S199S
extras a sharp car, fully
guaranteed ... 149S
1948 CROSLEY Conv.. very clean 395
1941 CHRYSLER Royal. 59S
193S FORD Tudor. 37
1938 FORD Tudor. .
1937 PLYMOUTH Tudor7.
1937 PLYMOUTH Fordor.
1938 FORD 90 Coupe, new motor.
1938 FORD Tudor.
1937 CHEV. Tudor.
175 1
1934 PLYMOUTH Coupe, A-l work
car, in perfect mechanical
shape. ,
Umpqua Motors
' 1444 No. Stephena
(Next to Snack Shack) ,
Ph. 75- ,
- Used Car
Oak and Rose
Meuonably priced, G.M.A-C tormi.
MORS MONEY for your car. Cash on
the apot Corkrum Motors. Inc., De
Soto Plymouth. Phone 40s, 114 N.
Hose st.
FOR SALE Model A pickup, 913S. W. H.
McLaln, 1 mile south Falrgrounda,
FOR SALE La Salle 4-door sedan, a real
buy In thla car. Heater, six 700-19 tires.
trailer hitch. 107 Sheridan street.
FOR SALE My equity In 1940 Bulck.
Good condition, good Urea, tlSO See
at Rt I. Box 138-A. or ph. 371-J-3.
038 PLYMOUTH 4-door aedan with 1941
Dodge motor, cheap. Phone 645-R-l.
1937 PLYMOUTH J-door sedan. 9190. 1
miles So. of DUlard. Raymond Hugea.
fiK3,..TCain y'rr d shape,
as gas Miller St j
'- CHEV. pickup. 1175. Ph. 13TJ-J.