( ( Society N.O.W. SCHEDUI Fa OISHTOWEL, FOOD SALE Neighbors of Woodcraft are holding a cooked food sale at the Marshall-Wells store on South Jackson street Saturday at 10 a.m. Dishtowels will also be sold by the group. FOOD SALE TO BE HELD SATURDAY Members of Friendship club of Pythian Sisters will hold a baked food sale at the I'mpqua Valley Hardware store Saturday, Oct. 29 at 10 a.m. OILLARD P-T.A. . MEETING SCHEDULED Dillard P-T.A. will hold a car nival in the new gvmnasltim at Dillard Monday, Oct. 31 begin ning at 6:30 p.m. All are Invited and a variety of entertainment is planned. PYTHIAN SISTERS MEET TONIGHT Pythian Sislers will meet at the K. of P. hall tonight at 8 IN COMEDY CAST OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Corvallis, Oct. 27 (Special I Wil liam Brady of Roseburg. a fresh man In the school of lower di vision, will head the cast of the comedy, "Storm in a Teacup." which will be produced by the OSC speech department Novem ber 10, 11 and 12, E. S. Cort right, director, announced this week. Brady will play the part of Mr. Thompson, a pompous . provost. Marilyn Moser, a junior from Corvallis, will play Mis. Thompson. "Storm in a Teacup" is a po litical satire revolving around a dog, who symbolizes the indivi dual in conflict with government. CAMP FIRE GROUPS ELECT OFFICERS. ENJOY VARIED ACTIVITIES Tawasl Camp Fire girls met with Mrs. Lucy Osterman re cently and elected officers. After a business meeting games wep? enjoyed and refreshment serve .1 by Orrel and Lucy Osterman. Officers elected were Shirley Ar.n Tenneson, president, Susan Snyder, vice president; Janet Church, secretary; Marl en Sommers. treasurer; Barbara Wilson, flag bearer. Other mem bers and guests were Marjorie C'assell, Sandra Hayes, Sal ley Carew and Lucy and Orrel Osterman. The fifth grade Camp Fire group at Riverside school which meets in the morning enjoyed a hike recently for a requirement of their trail-seekers rank. The group was interviewed on Man On The Street and each girl do nated to the polio drive. A trail lunch was eaten in the cliy park and by the flip of a coin the girls hiked around blocks finding items for their nature craft books. Later they were conducted through Patter son's bakery. Those participating were Janet I.ewls, Jacklvn Warren, Kathleen Tripp, LaVelle Gladill, Patricia Niday, Sandra Platter, Trunelte Phillips. Helen White, Lila Dud Icy. Robin Springer, Darlene Hodson. Judy Riley, Connie Hridgess and the leader, Mrs. Gladwill. DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS Zo Newman 925 Cobb St. Phona 387-RX An impressive ceremonial was performed recently by the Shu tanka and Tawasl Camp Fire (Jills at Riverside school lunch room for the Sunny Bluebirds who "flew up" into Camp Fire. The wohelo call by Mrs. Glad will was answered as the groups marched into their council tire circle, Susan Snyder and Bar bara Ellson acted at flag. bearers and the Bluebirds were escorted to form an outer circle by their assistant leader, Mrs. Romine. Around a fascimile fire of lops the seven blue candles were lighted representing the seven wishes of the Bluebirds The flame was transferred by the guardians taper to the three red candles representing Camp Fire "wohelo" and the Bluebirds were Invited Into the inner circle and Lmmna 4 iUUIIkjC IV GOLDEN WEST'S richer flavor get ZOiXrtACm per pound ffS Sfl.i., mm . i:i wiiihiiimhB,,,,, Every fragrant cup of Colilen West brimi with the richer flavor of prized Central American coffees. Yet Colden West actually costi less than ordinary coffees! It can give you 20 extra cups per pound 1 Here's how to enjoy richer coffee flavor and save. Just brew Colden West your usual way. There are 3 grinds for regular-drip-Silcx methods. But use 1, 3 less. You'll get the satisfaction of richer flavor and save up to 18f a pound I Halloween Dance Gladdens Patients At Vets Hospital By "TICK" MALARKEY By sjecial bus from Eugpn came 21 members of that city's American Legion auxiliary unit to sponsor a Hallowe'en dancing parly for Roseburg Veterans hos pital patients. The party was held Monday evening in tiie recrea tion hall. At the program's conclusion, Master of Ceremonies Del Jew ett, mopped his brow and opin ed: "I've been around the Grove about a dozen years, but thU was one of the biggest and best ever. Now. where did all these lovely ladies come from?" Eugene's delegation was rein forced by nearly 100 girls from Roseburg and adjacent commu nities. Before the strains of "Home Sweet Home" were play ed by Lou Franco and his Happy Valley Cowboys, doens of oper ating personnel were peering from the galley and through the doors watching Del put the "Grayheards" of World War I and the "kids" of II through fan cy paces with partners of their choice. During the supper intermis sion, a stage curtain was drawn and five minutes later Mable Mo Rae's hospital orchestra stood at attention in smocks of blue and gold-VA colors - a gift lrom the i.ugene auxiliary. Klizaleth Mor genson, Eugene, made the speech of presentalion and Nclle "mick ey" I'lrich accepted. Ciller by the gallon, d-nuts by the dozens and jkhuuIs of candy were put away as the witches, goblins and ghosts-gazed solemn ly down from lotty porches among the trn shocks, apples and pumpkins. Fall's season trimmings were the work of sis ters Kieketts, McKav and I'lrich. Betty Couller al the C). T. shop directed the culling of designs. Following are the names of the Eugene delegation: Emma Nes tell, Beth Sims, Minnie Cackle, Jean liatlorff, Nola Moon. Flor ence Hardie, Carole llardie, Al ice Woodruff. .Margie Woodruff. Elizabeth Morgenson, Elverda Hughes, Kay Hodges. Harry Conner, 'Margaret Taylor, Phyl lis Walkly, Loona, Walkly, Louise Carmiencke, Miriam Bond, Rose mary Thorpe, Opal Sherman and Elsie Roe. DISC JOCKEY HURT PORTLAND, Oct. 27 OP) Delmar M. i Sammy I Taylor, an nouncer and disc jockey for radio station KWJJ, was injured earlv Wednesday as his car failed to make a curve and crashed into a tree. He suffered a leg Injur,', cut lips and possible rib fractures. given their certificates and Camp Fire ties. The seven crafts were explain ed by the Shutanka group and the handsign given. Refresh ments were served by the Camp Fire girls to the honored guests, parents and friends. Bluebirds flying up were Mar jorie Lee. Dixie Sail. La Velio. Gladwill, Pat Niday, Sonja Rude melkin, Janice Romine. Ann Greenquist, KathUvn Mehlhoff. Judy Riley. Carlene Kelker, Tru nelte Phiilips and Darleno Hod son. Camp Fire Girls taking part in the ceremony were Joan Swop es. Dorothy Fowler, Kathryn Jenny, Artire Carlson, Chi dp Hancock, Blanche Nichols, Carol Kinch, Pearl Mclntyre, Gail Groshong. Sharon Goodman. Su san Snyder, Barbara Wilson. Lucy and Orrel Osterman, San dra Hayes and Janet Church. Other guesls and leaders en joying the ceremonv were Helen White, Mr. and Mrs. D. Sail. Mrs. Ed Hayes and son, Mrs. May Norton, Mrs. Baxter. Mrs. R. Church, Mrs. George Niday, Mrs. Carlson and daughter, Clau dia, Mrs. Fowler. Mrs. Groshong. Mrs. Romine. Mis. G. Osterman and Mrs. Gladwill. v ' ?y ( , ) V ' -TV yr v 7" Last Call for Formfit Week at Milled We're aiming right at the heart of your glamor... A Sweclliearl of a Figure Our coret department n concentrating "n i'"r figure prob lem this week. Don't mis this opportunity to g--t sp-ri;il advice and guidance, dme in and let our expert mr-ietteres prove that no matter what your figure fault, ymi ran have the hiok of figure perfection . . . with the irpht Korrnf'l crea tions! Our selection of famous Life Bias (Iiidl, and Foundations is most complete. Be fault le!y fitted and we how they become you. You'll know then why mot? uomm urar Formfit than any other muhr! Thurs., Oct. 27. 1949-The News-Review, keseburg, 0r. I.lle llrai from al.t.t I l( l.lrdlra from 7.. IJIo rnnliilla from . Second Floor of Fashions Where Douglas County Shops and Saves "dressy" and tailored tTi If '1 H yl . . . Pk N F 111 Fortune crepes Canton crepes Jersey Prints By Puritan All Newest Fall Shades Sizes I4'i to 24VV ' Mile stocks last--" '''''''' fi I in a 1 100?o Wool Fleece Shorties with deep pockets and yoke backs Colors: bright red Kelly green natural -nude 9ry S E C O N D FLOOR OF, FASHIONS While Stocks Last m M it m Jf I Roseburg's Finest Department Store 91