Back From Vacation And OPEN FOR BUSINESS Plenty of doors, windows, frames, cabinet and builders hardware. Bring Your Ordtre HOWE'S CABINET SHOP Hoover St. Phono 131S J COIUMSIA ISIWItllS, INC. O TACOMA, WASHINSTON Distributed in Roseburg by Bates Candy Co. a s. i. o. (Christmos Shopping in October) 1 YEAR IS LONG ENOUGH... fo go without having your watch ceantd and oiled hi-io iriot Valchw kept in tip tnp shape keep better time. Bring yours in for free imprction to see if it needs cleaning, oiling or other repairs. Expert, guaranteed work. SPECIAL NOTICE TO ELGIN OWNERS IWaPower Mainapringa available far newt Elpm f Watrhea. An amarinc aid to prrmontnt accuracy. Jf M.4. w Tlir" MIL rawat rmiit. Roseburg Jewelers 246 N. Jackson Phone 1329-J Dream Community Designed By The Poor Man's Philosopher By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK This is becoming planned world. In peace s In war, everything is now expected to go "According to pln." But whether the world of tomorrow will be fair or foul place to live in depends on who dors the planning. Too often the designs may be drawn by engineers or statesmen who have lostjouch with the common man. Therefore I have gone out and found out what the people want, and, based on what they said, I drew up a blueprint of the ideal dream community of the future. I hereby offer it free to any poli. tician who wants to use it for his master plan: It is a place where people smoke but chimneys can't. There are no loud noises. Anv. one who honks is fined $10,000 and given year in Jail. It has two sidewalks with wide lane of grass between them. One sidewalk is for people: the other is for people taking dogs and cats for a stroll. Bars stay open 24 hours a dav. None has singing waiters and non allows shoelace or razor blade peddlers to badger the ser ious drinkers. Each bar has two rooms one with television, one without. InLawa Set Apart There are two main sections of the community, separated bv a 24-toot-high wall studded with broken glass and having only a single entrance hraviiv guard ed. Young married couples dwell on one side, and their inlaws on the other. The in-laws have to be back in their own section by nightfall. tveryone wears old clothes ex cept on weekly "dress up" nights. No female over ten years of age is allowed out in public wearing ballet slippers that make her walk like a duck. All except executives work four hours a day, five davs a week. Executives work as much or as little as they want to as they do now. There are two Sundays in each week, one for reading the Sun day newspapers, one for going to church. Husbands have a night a week out with the boys, wives a night out with the girls, and both must go out together on "dress up" night for an evening on the town. The penalty for being a bache lor: you have to act as baby sitter and take a two-month course in diapering and bottle feeding so mother will know her Infant is in trained hands. There are no subwavs. Taxis are required to travel "In pairs. If someone grabs the cab you're racing for you climb into the spare. Every square mile of the cltv has a park. There are no "keen off the grass" signs, and every park has a gentle cow which the i hildren can milk In tur.. No buildings are more tha.? four stories high, and each has a pri vate elevator for every worker therein. By law every men's room has a couch Just as wo men's rest rooms do now. Don't men get tired? Executives must use a separate men's room so they cant frown on employes stealing a quiet nap after lunch. The present weekly paycheck is issued every day at 5 p.m. Well, there's my dream com munity. It will cost a silo full of money to build, and I don't know where to find the silo. But if we're going to have a planned world, let's don't go about it in a half-way fashion. Let's give the people what they really want. Injunction Asked In Union Dispute With Cement Co. PORTLAND, Oct. 2T '.PV An injunction ordering alem area AFL unions to stop inter fering with a cement firm at In dependence is sought by the NLRB. The National Labor Relations board asked the court yesterday to ban the council's "unfair list" and prohibit certain work stop pages until a decision is reached on an unfair labor practice charge before the NLRB. NLRB attorney Joseph Mach man said the Valley Concrete company. Independence.- has been the target of union activitv. He said AFL Teamsters demand ed recognition by employes but naa never neen certmea as tne agent for the workers. He said strikes and unfair lists were used to induce employes of other firms to refuse to handle the firm's ce ment. Machman said two state high way bridge Jobs, a Willamette span at Independence and a smaller Job near Monmouth, and a Dallas school building were de layed oecause or tne union ac tivity. The unfair labor charge before the NLRB was filed bv the as sociation of cement manufactur ers, of which the Independence company is a member. Federal Judge Claude MeColloch gave the unions until Nov. 22 to an swer the NLRB injunction peti tion. Defendants. In addition to the Trade and Labor council, are the Building and Construction Trades council of Salem and AFL unions for teamsters, cement workers and carpenters. 2i BjmttAaVaBmWatVN Al .--TV I r-SZZES NEW LOW PRICES... GUARANTEED "VARCON" NO. 1 CASE: Fin Chnrolrt, Plymouth, Dodge, Studebalcer. and many others. Trade in our old battery NOW and set oft th price of your NEW GUARANTEED VARCON. you f on 'f buy o if f er Batttry than Vorcen RtgardUss of frkt LOW PRICES ON ALL SIZES i REG. 12.45 8 15 EXCH. CHROME PLATED Exhaust Extension t-tnchei lonf . . fit Urge ind toil 11 tail pipe. D fleet t fumei. i j nrwrf w Hi Wft BSBajaJ CHROME PLATED FOG LIGHTS Regular $4.45 Ml Streamlined deien with amber leas. 6-inch diameter. 1 00 WOOL AUTO ROBE Largo Size 695 Large .VxTO inch sizp with frinrc rdce. Smart plaid. CHANGE TO WINTER GRADE 'Supreme' Compounded Motor Oil 2 TO 5 GALLON LOTS mmmwmm IN YOUR CONTAINER REG. 87c GAL. 77 c" lOOi Pure Parimrj Bait . . . h'l 40c per quart quality oil. Vital to new cart, it protects old ones and CLEANS a it LlTBR!C.ATFS. A Premium Oil at .No Premium Price. Famous "TILLOTSON" CARBURETORS BRAND NEWl Itluitt it Oil. Ft 4. Ixtitt Ta O GALLON CAN REG. 2.29 2.09 5V14" J Dopcndlnf m m)JJ f Car Mmual or automatic choke ripe or Ford Model A, Chevrolet, Pl mouth, and other 6-clinder car. TIRED.. OF WORKING FOR WAGES? V etern-C?imhlV Authorized Dealer Plan enable vou to own your on wore, capita I iitR on Western Auto Supply Co. i and Gamble nimei and reputation a . . . enable any man with small capital to atep in and match valuea with the Urgent. loe-priced menhanditert tn the country. Hundred! of men now operattnr. Dealer tnrei are making more money than ter before. Enjoy independent e at a Western Auto A ut horned Dealer, in the town of your choice Went or Mid-Wett, selling our famoui Auto Supplies, Sporting Goodi, Houtemare. Home Appliances, Furniture, Clothing and other ankles. nu 9t Csll ft full details. P. N. 60 AG MAN Western c4ulo Supply Co Steering Wheel Cover REG. 39c He Luse Mohair. Rubber back pr vents slipping. Staff Wide Oregon Canned Fruit Sale October 12 ta 29 Tn cooperation with: Oregon State Granje, Oregon farmers I'nlon, Oregon Farm Bureau Federation. Buy Now and Save. Stock Your Pantry BACH AND YOGA-Celebr.t-ed pianist Carl Bitter practices Yoga atop tht piano at his home In the British sector of Berlin. Bitter uses Yoga to gain spirit ual understanding which he feels necessary for the best In terpretation of 18th century music especially Bach composi tions. (Photo by NEA-Acme correspondent Joe Schuppe.) 40-HR. WEEK WANTED RICHLAND, Wash. I.&S Jani tors of the Richland school sys tem have asked the school board for a 40 hour veek. A spokesman for the Janitors said their groun is about the onlv one left here that doesn't have a 40-hour week. He added that It was not uncommon for Janitors to work as much as 14 hours on Sunday for a flat $10 payment. WOMEN ADMITTED PORTLAND. Oct. 27 TT The Retail Trade bureau here voted yesterday to onen its ranks tn women after 25 years of male iTiemoei snip only. Notice of Timber Sale iThurs., Oct. 27, 1949 Th News-Review, toteburf. Or, f ORAL AUCTION BIDS, will be received by the District Forester, i Bureau of Land Management, Region 1, at his office located at ; Room 206, Post Office Building, Roseburg, Oregon, at 2:00 P. M.. PACIFIC STANDARD TIME, on November 7, 1949, for the pur-j chase of all merchantable timber! designated for cutting upon tracts herein after described. The cutting ; and removal of the timber shall oe i carried rut under authority of the i Act of July 31, 1947 ( 61 Stat. 681) and the regulations there under (43 CFR, Part 239). Earh bid must state the amount per thousand feet, board measure, that will be paid for each species and the total consideration whirh will be paid for the timber. No bid for less than the appraised value will be considered. Each bid must he submitted In dupli cate and be accompanied by a deposit. The deposit must be In rash or in the form of a certified check on a solvent bank and in favor of the Treasurer of the United States. The amount of the deposit will lie at '.'Or. of the first $1,000.00 of the appraised value of the timber: an additional 10'i, of the next $9,000.00; an additional 5 of the amount between $10.000 00 and $100,000.00; and an additional 3r'r of any amount In excess ol $100,000.00. The deposit will be returned to unsuccessful bidders; applied as a part of the purchase price of the successful bidder; -r that portion of the deposit, repre senting the minimum required by law, shall be retained as llqut dated damages If the high bidder does not execut contract and furnish satisafctory bond within thirty days of acceptance of the bid. In sales over $5,000.00, and in small sales when required, the successful bidder will be required to furnish a sworn financial statt. ment, showing ability to fulfill the terms of the contract. A bond on all sales will be required in an amount computed at the rate of at least 15 per cent of the bid price. Payment for timber will be required In advance of cutting, payment In full at the time of fil ing the contract being required in sales amounting to $5,000.00 nr less. In larger sales, the Regional Administrator may permit pay ment in a number of Installments. Timber lying within the boundar ies of the O. A C. grant, sold In accordance with this advertise ment, must be manufactured within the marketing area as designated for each tract de scribed below In accordance with the Orders of the Secretary of .he Interior, No. 2283, and Nos. T3S0 to 2390, Inc., dated December 11, 1946 and November 29, 1947, re spectively. The United States has by agreement been given the right to authorize its purchasers to use certain roads and rights-ot- way lor the removal of timber. Each bidder should ascertain Irom the respective District For ester's office the location of the road right-of-way covered oy such agreement, relating to the tract upon which he wishes to bid. It is the bidder's responsibility to determine for himself the extent to which such agreement will per mit the use of the road or right-of-way subject to the payment ol reasonable compensation to the assignor of the United States. Bidders are warned against viola tions of Section 59 U. S. Criminal Code, approved March 4, 1909 ( 18 u. s. c. 113) prohibiting unlawful combination or intimidation of bidders. The right is hereby re served to waive technical defects la this advertisement and to re ject any or tU bids. All tracts ad vertised for sale lor which no Did is received on the sale date may be sold on tne JUtn day alter the sale date to bidden offering the highest price during the thirty day Interim. In no case will the timber be sold for less than the appraised price. Further Informa tion. Including special . contract clauses, standard contract form, bid forms and schedules of con- ract payments may be obtained at District Offices of the bureau of Land Management, located St Knm 204, Pest Office Building. Roseburg, Oregon, or at the office of the Regional Adminlstraior, Building No. 1, Swan Island, Port land 18, Oregon. Dated at Port land, Oregon, this 7th day of Oct.v ber, 1949. IN DOUGLAS COUN TY: OREGON: PUBLIC DO MAIN LAND: DOUGLAS MAR KETING AREA: T. 28 S., R. W., W. M., Sec. 22, all merchant able timber designated for cutting on Por. NW1SEI, estimated for the purpose of this sale to be 370 M. feet Douglas fir. No bid for less than $4.55 per M. ft. B. M, or a total purchase price of $L 683.50, w ill be considered. BRING YOUR CAR TO US FOR UNDERB0DY COATING gainst costly body re pairs caused by rust and corrosion. It penetrates Jl corners said craclcs to (iv you maxi mum protection. H seals your car against drafts, dust, gas fumes and road noises. Reduces noise from engine. squeaks and rattles. ' LOCKWOOD MOTORS Ross and Oak Phone 80 LVVV7777VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV from THE OUTDOOR STORE WORK SHOES Men's sturdy work shoes with com position sales and brown uppers. A lot of wear at a very low price. Sites 6 to 12. 3.19 BETTER QUALITY WORK SHOES Men's six-inch work shoe with block leather uppers ond genuine Armor Cord soles and heels for lots more wear. Sixes 6 to 1 1. 4.98 White Handkerchiefs Men's plain v kerchiefs with hits, large sixe hand- neat hems. 25c Men's Heavyweight a. as .aaaaa. V atm aaaaasl jam I ksVI II 1 afVI Will av Tfhl -"T .. t Keep worm this winter with these 100 I .. : vV 'i vYV all-wool union suits. Lang sleeves and an- ) 3 f ! LI. I L .. -JJ.A ..k I ink araw 1 . '.V "- TL 1 ' ' color in sixes IOC fV.W V 36 to 46 L W.-Tas VJ DI-.L All U..I -! BIUIA Mil-It U VI 1 1 Mink ciiitc sfWI III I .1 l - t f . nere s rne loggers ravorire union suit y (7 Hatfaut it keens them warmer. Heavv- at Vaar : weight, oil wool In long sleeves and an- ff kle length. Black color in f A f? sixes 38 to 46 VJ.TeaF Mcn's Knit Union Suits r Medium heavy knit cotton union suits with short A dA sleeves and ankle length. It's a popular seller because Ull it is light in weight (? ex-c ss i n al M J ' " w wm v. II H 4 i IV VV. yjr Averv CHAMBRAY WORK SHIRTS work shirts ere mode of durable blue .. i ... n ... . ..... ifort. Two handy button-through pockets for ing articles, a popular snirr ar a v in low price Is I ar COTTON FLANNEL SHIRTS A warmer shirt for colder days. Bright plaid patterns in red or blue combination colors. Full cut for comfort and n nn tailored. Sixes IS to 17 .. 1 .70 WHITE OX WORK GLOVES The favorite with tha loggers. Genuine White Ox glovas last longer because they ar double constructed. 39c CANVAS GLOVES Keep your hands warm whila you work. Medium weight canvas gloves with blue knit wristband. I'll '1 1' 1 well 15c 4 "d Store Fu of Things Men Like Stephens and Cass Stephens end Case Sta, Phone 17 Phone 97 vVVVVAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA tJS.