2 The News-Review, Roteburg, Ore. Thuri., Oct. 27, 1949 India Will Align With No Bloc, Nehru Announces OTTAWA, (lot. 27.-4.Vi -Indian Prime Minister Nehru said M in day India's p"liey is to alisn with no' Noc oast or west, lip said Russian charges hp was leaning inward the west wore "complete ly wrong." Asked in a news conference whether he had learned of criti cism of his I rip to the t'nited Slates and Canada published in Moscow newspapers, he replied: "Naturally our contacts are more with some countries than with some others. I He said that if Stalin Invited i him to .'islt Russia, he probably i would accept. ! Then he pointed out that In- j dia is a member of the liritish I commonwealth and might bp ex j pet-ted to h.-ive "close contact" 'with her sister dominions and lintain. He reiterated hints expressed in the I'nited States that his gov ernment probably will recognize Communist China before very I long. ! He said he considered the war In China more of a farmers' up ' rising than a real Communist re ' hellion. Earthworms are found all over the world except in frozen re gions, dry sandy soils and in cer tain parts of North American prairies. Item! Charged at alter this date are not billed until DECEMBER Kit , l:1" :?J" l g-;i7HU!.: i 1 8 R APR YP 7R 1 8 U T T ,R E A 0 f f ; ? r "" bnt b, the .urr of th. Hanover, Pa., Public Library, brs the names of tit boys and iris in the Vacation Keadint- Club. JOBS AVAILABLE Ve hove jobs for trained workers. If you have the training, we have the job. If you don't have the training, come in or coll tomorrow Fall enrollment now u.ider way . GRANT'S BUSINESS COLLEGE 112 N. Etrpheni Phone 1S35 R State Land Lease Will Bar Hot Dog Traffic SALEM, t.Pi- Leasing of .71 of an acre of land adjoining the Eastern Oregon Slate hospital at Pendleton has been approved by the State Board of control. The land will be leased to Umatilla county for $1 a year. The countv wanted to buy the land for S'M, hut the state de cided to lease It in order to con trol construction of any future buildings on thp land . Thp board said it difin't want any hot dog stands built on the land. Elk Rules Herd Of Cattle Until He Gets Nasty PORT ANfJELES. Oct. 27. (.Pi Things are getting back to nor mal at the Hugh Govan farm today. About five weeks apo a hi" bull elk wandered out of the woods and joined Govan's hecf cattle herd In a field adjoining the well-traveled Olympic high way 15 miles east of here. While passersby gawped and ran for their cameras, the lordly elk patrolled the herd, gradually reducing the herd bull to the status of an errand boy. As word of the elk's presence spread, some days would find as many as a hundred cars at a time lined up along the fences to view the animal. But last week the elk began getting too ramhnrctiou for his own good. When ne roughed jp the cows, they were moved to another pasture. Mr. elk just cas ualty noppea over the fence and got nastier than ever. A few ven turesome photographers barely maae n Dack to the highway, when the elk took after them. Yesterday morning he gored a cow and almost killed two new purebred calves. That was enough for Govan. With permis sion of the Slate Game depait ment he killed the elk and turn ed its carcass over to Game pro tectors. But Govan's herd bull hasn't yet recovered all his self-esteem. S. P. Names Moody To Succeed V. M. Petterson SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 27. (?) pnny's lines In six western The Southern Tacific railroad , states. Tuesday announced the appoint ment of E. D. Moody as assistant general manager of the com- vallis. visited Sunday at the Phil Huntington home. He will succeed the late V. M. Petterson. A. S. McCann. superintendent of transportation, succeeds .Moo.lv as superintendent of the company's western division. Read Your Classified Ads. About 14 000 fires occur annual ly in the U. S. national forests. Rice Valley By MRS. CECIL HARTFORD Mrs. Walter O'Hatton of Port land, and Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Rice of Reedsoort visited the weekend at the Ervin Rice home. Mini, i wMijMf,,, r" " " t " . I n I .11 .ii.jij hit .mum i iuhi in ii in ,uj. y T..r... ' ' ' .' : '. ' ( V"'1' ''" ' lg j ; A j i - i. -.4 ....... ... ...... ,..v ., , .. 1. ,. I iii'a.MiiiU.iU. -JT)g3&!M ktot'V&W I Hill M , YES, Williams' Dread is better because it's made with highest quality ingredients, including plenty of sugar, shortening and nutritious milk solids, and FLAVOR BAKED by a special Williams' method for finest flavor. Williams' Bread is better for taste, better for toast, better for sand wiches, better for everything! i&zifee Scu VJ I L E. B A FA S Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McDonald were host and hostess at their home Saturday evening when they entertained at cards. Re freshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wales, Mr. and Mrs. William Castor. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tricoma and the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Mesner o' Vancouver. B. C, were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Churchill Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rice and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doefflcr spent the weekend In Eastern Oregon hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tricoma of Los Angeles, Calif., visited last week at the J. W. McDonald home. Ellum McAllister of Kennp. wick Watih vicitiH Tuneilm. with his mother, Mrs. George BlggS. Mrs. Ervin Rice was hostess last Wednesday afternoon, when she entertained the Oakland Sew ing club at her home. Miss Juanlta Conrad of Leb annon is visiting two weeks Willi her sister, Mrs. Henry Wyatt. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bloomquist ana meir tnree ennaren ol Cor- .',--" You cant beat a bowl ) f for mixing... Badly soiled garment can be laundered In a Speed Queen cleaner and faster than In any other washer. No pre-soaking no hand rubbing. ONE supply of hot water for the average wash is enough. Stop In and see the new models. j vv-aivr.-.J; ' y$ il rW . . '!j...'-'Vj. J 1, I f 1 1 .0- X i . .- Sty;. ) make a iviien you hake a Easiest to make ... finest flavor cake. Cinch Cake Mix comes fully prepared and contains oil the quality ingredients delicious cakes require. You simply add water, mix and bake. The rich flavor and fine texture will bring you compliments galore. ADD ONLY WATER 1 U i.-.:'rt.fi.v 4 DELICIOUS FLAVORS divii's ruool GOIDIN WHITI srici I Hi ll LLsUli 222 W. Oak Phone 348