14 Th Ntwt-IUv.w, RoMburf, Ore. ThiiM., Oct. 27, 1949 Watersheds Data To Guide In Timber Lands Program Asked Of 10 Douglas County Cities Ten Douglas county cities are lined among the 114 Weitern Oregon communities requested to fumlih Information concerning watersheds from which their municipal water supplies are obtained. The Information is desired by the Bureau of Land Manage ment so that they can be given proper protection in the bureau' sustained yield management of timber lands, Regional Admin istrator Daniel L Goldy an nounced. The Douglas county cities In clude: Drain, Canyonvllle, Glen dale, Myrtle Creek, Oakland, Reedsport Roseburg, Sutherlin, Yoncalla and Riddle. In his letter to the mayors, Goldy Indicated several com munities had brought their prob lems to him in recent month. In those instances the dty of ficials were of the opinion their Hand-mad Articles eld on Consignment. Opsn Monday and Friday : 1:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday 1:00 to 1:30 p.m. r Ph. 444-J-4 for appointment 4 tiki. w. of ralrhavtn Malros Road ' water supplies were being im paired by timber cutting and lodging practices, primarily on private lands within the water shed area. "In some Instances," Goldy ex plained, "the bureau has been requested to negotiate exchanges with private operators to acquire more public lands in the water shed areas. This is because the I bureau takes into account the need for safeguarding watershed values in the management of Its Umber lands." Objective Is Twofold The bureau's position is that timber lands can be managed so as to harvest both a crop ( water and a crop of trees. It was pointed out in the bureau's letter, however, that if timber Is cut too rapidly or if logging methods are not selected with a view to the watershed value of the lands, serious damage can be done to the ability of the land to produce a permanent supply of water. In connection with the bureau's new timber sales program, lie signed to provide advance plan ning in consultation with district advisory boards, Goldy pointed out that sufficient Information was not available to the bureau about areas from which com- Calico Dog Buritd With Boy Ltuktmia Victim PITTSBURGH, Oct. 27. (JPT Tommy Arth's beloved calico dog will stay with him even in di'ath. The toy dog was burled Wednes day with the three-year-old leu kemia victim. Tommy died Sun day night, the calico dog clutched in his withered arms. The little iy had won the hearts of many sympathizers while in Children's hospital when he pleaded for the dog. His par ents hesitated to bring the toy to the hospital because of its bat tered condition. It was later cleaned and given to Tommy when he returned home to die. The cooking experts say that cider can be used In making the finest kind of apple sauce. It also Is a help in apple pies. munltles derived their water sup nlv. tn clve full protection to such areas. The 114 communities have been t aH tn furnish the bureau with Information about the areas from which their water supply is derived, the specific location of water Intakes, and current or anticipated watershed prorv lems. The bureau has also re quested, where the lnform. i Is readily avauame io uic ium- munltv man showing the tOD- ographic limits and the land own ership patiern oi ine waitri.-witru and specific information about forest cover conditions in the watershed areas. In announcing the action ne had taken to obtain this infor mation, Goldy slated that the rrlpri the .n ot pet ion of municipal water supplies as one of its primary objectives in tne administration w im- iuuu-lands. Neuberger Takes Another Swat At State Secretary PORTLAND, Oct. 27 '.PI State Sen. Richard Neubereer ! said Wednesday people are "tired of seeing Mr. Newhry's name In larger type than their auto license numbers." He was referring to Secretary of State Newbry and Tuesday's Board of Control word fight at Salem. Neuberger was a fringe figure there when Newbrv, in the course of an exchange over ho was going to foot the bill for some printing, called Neuberger a "cheat." That was because Neuberger had made a long-distance ap pearance in the dispute by com menting at Pendleton that New bry was getting .hi-s name on motor vehicle papers to strength en himself politically. "An Intemperate personal at tack," said Neuberger Wednes day commenting on he "cheat" remark. He said Newbrv'" "wrath stems from Senate bill No. 51 which I introduced in the 1919 session of the legislature." The bill would have regulated the size of type In which office- Coition Values from dpUcils Dozens of styles -hundreds of dresses similar .to the il lustrations, all available for your selection and all smart ly styled for . HOMf-lOFFICE SCHOOL WW . mm ' k .14. SW 'T II 11 us ill Cottons in prints and col ors to please the most discriminate. Styles for young and old in zipper, wrap and button closings, self and separate belts. One Group One Group 198 3 98 All these dresses are thoroughly washable ond finely tailored They are all first quality. Examine them inside ond out They are so reasonably priced you can afford several. Sizes for every age and every figure: 9 to 15 10 to 20 38 to 44 14' j to 26' i mu .t' I.. mm h; J For the -best selection SHOP EARLY owe ft) U. S-Russian Mediation Urged By British Savants LONDON, Oct. 27.-UP The British Atomic Scientists' asso elation urged Europe's govern ments today to mediate the dif ferences between Russia and the United States. "The fact that America still has a very considerable lead over Russia in the methods of pio duction of atom bombs and has larger stocks of fissionable ma terial can act as only very cold comfort to the western Europe countries," the association said in an editorial of Its monthly or- holders' names could be printed on various public documents ami would have eliminated names from some. The bill got nowhere. gan, atomic scientists news. The British Atomic scientists association was founded In 194o by a group of scientists includ ing Prof. M. L. E. Oliphant and others who participated in the atomic energy projects in Bri tain, the United States or Canada. The editorial said "only if tne present state of suspicion anJ mutual recrimination i between Russia and America) Is replaced by some workable degree of mu tual trust can there be hope of peace in the world." From where I sit ... ly Joe Marsh, Now They're Sitting Pretty YOU CAN ENJOY TANK GAS SERVICE Propane Tanks For Rent No Need To Buy UTILITY IfSERVICE Pacific Bldg. Roseburg Phone 233 I Squint Miller, who's working as a telephone lineman, was telling ait sbout some birds that got into a 6ght with his company. Seems a couple of woodpeckers set up housekeeping in a telephone pole. Nobody minded them living there, but they kept peeking at ths wires causing one short circuit after another. Finally, the telephone people who had nothing personal against the birds Just stopped up the hols where they lived. But they kept coming back. At last, tht company donated that pole to ths woodpeck ers snd set up a brsnd-new ont for their own uset From where I sit, we'd all be bet ter off if w were as tolerant with our own kind as that telephon outfit was with the woodpeckers. Let's consider the other fellow's point of view whether it's his right to live where he wants, or to enjoy a friendly glass of temper ate beer or ale when and if ht pleases. Copyright, 1949, United States Brewert F oundatin YOUR NOT Fridoy . ond r Soturdoy, j October ; 28th y J ond i 29th USI FIT MUX IN All TOU COOKINO 100 PURE GROUND BEEF Fresh Daily LB. 35c PURE PORK SAUSAGE Highest Quality, Lowest Price, LB. 39c SWIFT'S PREMIUM' FRANKFURTERS u 39c BORENE yaN.oxow" - 25c WALNUTS 19c BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE 37c CIGARETTES a" '"""' 135 PUREX BLEACH r- 39c LIBBY'S VIENNA SAUSAGE vsm - 29c Raisins s .Vls I Cider CaIJons s" 53c BEG MORE I Dog & Cat Food ean.2 for 27c SUNSHINE Hi-Ho Crackers ub. box 27c CUTE RITE Wax Paper 12Mt.Roiis 19c RED TOP CANVAS GLOVES Heavy Mat. Weight PAIR 29c South American CORN BEEF 12-ox. Cant 39c Hungry Jack PANCAKE FLOUR ' 10 LB. BAGS 98c Canned PUMPKIN For Hallowe'en Pies No. 2' i Cans 10c You're Lovely to Look At . . In o rK.r-do skilfully styled to flotter your face os well as your personality. Come in let our expert hair dressers style your hair. Henninger's Beauty Shop Alice Murrion in Charge Phone 522 Opens 8:00 A. M. Store Nn. 1 Jackson and Winchester COOS GROWN CRANBERRIES c. 23c BANANAS mug ripe 17c ORANGES suNcvizTEHAND 25c DRY ONIONS QNgowH 9C PUMPKINS lShaetRethe lowest pr,ces America's Favorite NUCOA Mb. Pkq. 53c Sunshine Shredded Wheat 12 Tender Biscuits Large Box JIT 15c PET MILK 2 tall cans .... 25c 2 small cans ... 12c DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR 50lb. -i QQ Sacks .... J.07 IUI Jlll mm ROSEBURG STORES Stort No. 1 Stor No. 2 Jackson and Winchester $14 S. Stephens Veddtr's Markets Myrtle Creek and Riddle Henninger's Mart Glendaif Henninger's Thrift Markets Oakland and Sutherlin