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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1949)
Mm 10 The News-Review, Rosebbre,, Ore.-.Thurt., Pet. 17, 14 Ortgon-ldaho Truck Agreement Will Be Revived SALEM, .T Oregon and Ida ho are expected to shortly resume their agreement to let each oth er'! truck operate without Inter ference. Secretary of State Newbry said , that hia assistant, William E. Healy. would flv to Boise to sign a new reciprocity agreement lor trucks. Idaho cancelled Its reciprocity agreement with Oregon 18 months sen because Idaho felt that Oregon's 1947 motor trans portation law discriminated against Idaho's trucks. But that was fixed up by he 1949 legislature to Idaho's satis faction, so Idaho now Is willing to Join Oregon In breaking down the trade barriers for trucks op erating between the two states, Newbry said. NEW ADDITION To Goettel's Dress Dept. I Yes, we now have half size dresses by Frun kin. Originols in the latest styles and fabrics. Autumn shades of wine, teal green, grey and black. Trimmed with beads and lace they come in a complete size range. 10.98 and 12.98 It will pay you to keep your eye on Goettel's Dress Dept. GOETTEL'S 249 N. Jackson Earth Created From Dust, Not Fire, Theory Of Dr. Urey, Nobel Prize-Winning Savant new synthetic liber called orlon which will go Into commercial production late next year, com pany officials disclosed. At the same time they said ny- Inn nrrvlllr-tinn i "at an nll.timp ROCHESTER, N. Y., IJFl A theory that the earth was created ; high and we shall be making By HOWARD BLAKESLEE AMorUted Pratt Sclnr. Editor DuPonts To Manufacture New Synthetic Fiber WILMINGTON. Del., TIMBER RECEIPTS UP HEADS ROADSIDE COUNCIL n-cPNX Oct. 27 tJP Wit- PORTLAND (.Pi Mrs. Lela J. '? E.of orlon Is not unlike that of iameite National forest timber- Lambert. Oak Grove, was elect- ' - J : .1 . I. (1..A A a n W . 1 '1 . fU piCSlUCIU H lilt VHR'UI ...... v.- side council. She has been active in conservation programs of Portland area women's clubs. I. Du Pont de Nemours & com-1 nylon, the company explained, or- i cut receipts increased in the pany has staked $22,000,000 on -a J? t, y i0T Use!,hird quarter, but slight de .J .v,h,. .in.- ralieH nrlnn I i.i!." ' crease, in volume and jppraisa from dust Instead of fire was unfolded before the National Academy of Sciences by one of the world's foremost chemists. The author of the new theory Is Dr. Harold Urey of the University of Chicago eminent atomic scientist, Nobel prize winner and dis. coverer of heavy water. Urey did something unique, He looked with a chemist', eye. at the earth beneath our feet to find there the signs and clue, to It. origin. The frlst thing he found was the temperature which had to exist In the top crust of earth about a billion year, ago to form the present chemical com pound, of the ground. That tem perature was nearly . 2,000 de gree. Fahrenheit. But the temperature wa. not the creation, he reasoned. A bil lion year, .till earlier the earth was cool, Just a huge aggrega tion of dust gathering into a ball as the sun passed through one or mare vast dust clouds in space. This primeval dust contained every kind of chemical. Including a lot of radioactive dusts. The temperature of the dust ball be gan rising, due to the heat from this radioactivity, and the heat pressure ot gravitation as the dust got denser. Thus it rose to nearly 2,000 degrees. Former Theories Disputed Iron and everything else was uniformly scattered through this dust ball. That would be im possible according to former the ories, which resuired a liquid ball of tire in order for iron to concentrate In the core of the earth, where It now is. But Chemist Urey sees an easy way for the Iron to sink to earth's center while the earth was still a large, hard ball of dust. He names the chemical con dition necessary, by which melt ing iron slips In little rivulet, along silicate palhs. Urey's idea of iron sinking to the center of a solid earth also would explain a lot of mysteries. It explains, he says, the Pacific ocean, the continents, their drift. Ing apart, the lost continents the tropical climate ol Antarctica, the great glacial periods, and the fluctuating length of the day. It exp'ains, for example, how water formed from the Incoming dust and how originally waters probably lay literally boiling up on the whole face of the earth. As the iron sank, it displaced the lighter material at the earth's center. This material rose on one side of the earth wheie Europe now stands as the first land. On the opposite side a compensation depression formed which now is the huge basin of the Pacific ocean. The Russians Link Tito With U. S. Woman "Spy" MOSCOW. Oct. 27 UPi soviet Literary Ga7.ette declared Wednesday that Yugoslav Mar shal Tito is often seen In Eel grade "in the company of an Am erican spy, singer Zinka Kuniz." The article, carrying a Bel grade dateline, said the singer was married to a Yugoslav gen eral and had become "a dicta tor of fashions for wives of min isters and generals" in Belgrade. "This woman married Yugo slav Trotskyite General Ilich in New York and thus got into Yu goslavia." the article declared. "Expensive diamonds are given her by Tito." (This dispairh, filed through Soviet censorship did not further identify the woman. The Llleraiv Gazette article's hitter personal IKcOflfllNG SOONlM Mg: Watch for it next week Bill NEWER-FRESHER flit! m0mm bread in- 'm$M PVi3tT..Vl. ii --. .(.5.' more an more of it." First orlon yarn will be turned out at a plant, now being built, in Camden, S. C. Investment In this plant and In research, offi cials Mid, will add up to $22,000, 000. Although the chemical history Whereas nylon varn Is em- - .,k c.ih Murine th nrii.:l ployed largely In the manufacture 1 renorted. Ending Sent. 30, of clothing for both women and j t;mher cut this year totaled 66 men, nit: jitrw iiufi will ir BJJUII into automobile tips, tents, tar paulins, chimney filter cloths, cur tain, and a variety of indus trial laorics. "Orion's main property." a spokesmr.i said, "is its tremen dous su.ilight resistance. Slight ly heavier than nylon, it has proved in tests to be the most 426.000 board feet with a valua tion of $747,079. Last year's totals for the same period were fi9.9S5.000 board feet valued at $715,329. BENCH OATH DATED PORTLAND (.P)Gur J. Sol omon. Portland attorney, will he resistant fiber of ail our syn-1 sworn in as United Slates Dia thetics." trict Judge on Nov. 14. A good5I POLICY attack on Tito was a continuation of the growing propaganda war by the Russian-led Comlnform against the Yugoslav regime.) The writer, whose name was given a. V. Stoyanovich, accused Tito of "depositing his stolen DIAMOND MART ROBBED NEW YORK. Oct. 27. I.VU- Two holdup men in"ad a ' ' ry firm in New York's lamed diamond center at 6 p.m. Mon day, tied up four persons, and wealth" in Swiss banks because I escaped with more than 40 pack- sooner or later he will have 10 flee the wrath of the people." In New York, a representative for a singer who was born Zinxa Kunc said it was "ridiculous" that the woman who became famed as Metropolitan Opera so prano Zinka Milanov could be an American spy. The representative. Jack Ad ams, said, "She', only interested in her music and her clothes." Adams said the Zinka Milanov. 43. now married to General Il ich, had cabled him recently that she hoped to return to this coun try about the end of this month and resume her singing career. The Metropolitan opera is inter ested in h " said, but wishes to audition her. a (IM.IP ets of diamonds. The firm of Rakower and Beck at 56 West 45lh Street declined to estimate the value of the stol en diamonds. The robber, also got away with $200 cash. yaw:?' i'ihiii null .ihii 1 i;t:.jhy W' TIME SAVER! CARS RECENTLY WRECKED '47 Buick 4 Door '46 Oodge 2 Door 2-'41 Chevrolet S Passengers 41 Nash 5-Passenger '40 Ford 4-Door '41 Chrysler Convertibl. '40 Plymouth 5-Panenger 39 Nash 4-Door '37 Nash 4 Door '42 GMC 1!ton (Army) And many m"r older modsl ears. Doyle's Sales And Service Hiway 99 at Garden Valley Phono 611 Blown rock wool Insulation adds $SSSS to the value of your home and affords you com fortable, luxurious living year round. Average installation pays for itself within two wars. We Install fireproof rock wool to ceilings and walls of any building economically. A local insulation firm operated iv local men. Satisfied custo mer, through S. W. Oregon. Ask for free estimates. Builder's Insulating Co. "Chuck" Edmonds 230 N. Stephens St. Phone 1018-R . . . also metal Interlocking wea therstripping for added protection. BREAD IN A NEW WRAPPER In the next few days you'll see Patterson's bread in a new red, blue, yellow and white wrapper. This heavier, specially designed and tested wrapper will assure you of more freshness In every loaf of Patterson's bread. Watch for Patterson's Grand Opening Soon ft A 4 v?S V-o. .,. f ; :.. is-;-.: to? No TRICK' to TREATi m4& f RED AND WHITE f GOLDEN PUMPKIN I FANCY, LGE. 2'i CAN I MtU lllVtif)llHIIILTllL'1 IV I 3 5 vounaslers ... or the 'old- Whether it's a party ior the youngster. ... or the 'old sters." it' no "trick to treat" wh-'ii you buy your parly need, at Red & White I Slop in today for YOUR Hallow, een party needs. Youll find a wide selection at prices that will pleasel SPECIALS FOIL Fill HAY7 ami SATIIHHAY OCTOIIEIl 2 and 2?) Red & White PUMPKIN PIE SPICE 2-oz. can '. Red & White SWEET POTATOES Vacuum Pack, No. 3 Can 2 for Red & White WHOLE GRAIN CORN1 No. 2 Can 2 for' Red & White HOMINY Fancy, No. 2 i Can .2 for Cinderella SEEDLESS RAISINS Fancy 1 lb. box 2 for WONDER FOOD Marshmallows 1 8 Ox. Cello Pka. I Collins MINCE MEAT 1 lb. jars Terry THIN MINTS 1 lb. box National Chocolate Cherries 1 lb. box f TREE TOP I Apple Cider l 1 Gallon Jug v 6gc jL Cinderella SEEDED RAISINS Fancy, 1 lb. box Red & While 3 SIEVE PEAS Fancy, No. 303 Can Red & White TOMATOES Solid Pack, No. 2 can 2 for iTt'iiriffTr m ivnr CKSOI 01 w in