Foresty Needs Well Taken Care Of In Legislation Of Recent Session Of Congress By WILLIAM E. LOWELL AP Spatial Washington Sarvlca WASHINGTON, UP Farm crops were not the only kind to benefit by legislation of the first session of the 81st Congress. The nation's tree and grass crops did pretty well, also. In three acts, Congress provid ed for (1 an early completion of the forest survey, 2 authorized a general reseeding and reforest, ing program and (3) approved an expanded cooperative program with the states for fire fighting, range rehabilitation and the planting. ' There remain In the United State about 415,000.000 acres of public domain. National forest FLOORING 0 Siding Finish PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 lands comprise about one-third of this acreage. The remainder In eludes 170,000.000 acres of vacant land, of which about 132,000,000 acres Is in grazing districts, ' 55, 000.000 acres In Indian reserva tions and 12,000,000 acres in na tional parks and monuments. The remainder Is in reclamation. Mil itary and other reservations. Large area of the public lands X X ' u'rwMM kliHsstsssMsHslssI NEW! NEW! NEW! 80RDENS COTTASE CHEESE FRUIT SALAD! LUSCIOUS FRUITS VUXD WrTH CABAMY 6OR0ENS COTTAGE CHEESE! JUST DIP OUT OF THE CARTON AND S6RV6 ! Smock your lfp whn you mo IWi pockagt. Thcro art juky, dictd pori, paacktt, chr fiti ond pintopplt insido infid with smooth lordon't Cottogo Chooto. Wonnndorfwlt And it't of our food fforo rtowl k 'Borden's m I W CRIAMID kJI V c0TTAGE CHEESE W FRUIT SALAD SAVE MONEY . . . ENJOY A HOBBY MAKE YOUR OWN FURNITURE WITH HARDWOOD VENEERS There's a lot of satisfaction and a lot "of fun in making your own furni ture. It is on inexpensive hobby that more than pays for itself in savings. Why not come in soon and talk it over? ' We'll be glad to help you get started. Choose your veneers from this selection. O Mahogany O Walnut O Oak O Gumwood O Avodor O Prima Vera O Kelobra O Bubinga Birch Sheets are available in nearly all sizes and widths. M8b - v. i - y 1 . 1 ..'3 i j v. . a r- i I1 f v f J " V;-.. -., 0 MAGGIE BOOSTS GIRL SCOUTS-FUm star Margaret O'Brien receives the thanks of Mrs. C. Vaughan- Ferguson, of New York, national president of the Girl Scouts of the U. S. A., for her work in a short movie titled, "Come Along With the Girl Scouts." The film, now being shown nationally, is a plea for volunteer adult leaders for Girl Scout troops. lie along the headwaters of the western rivers. Reseeding or reforestation of denuded lands in these areas means flood protection for down stream lands and the safeguard ing of domestic and municipal water supplies. The forest service savs about 2.200,000 acres of national forest land needs artificial replanting. The interior department esti mates that 85.000.000 acres of its rangelands are depleted and that 22,000,000 acres should be imme diately reseeded. The legislation would authorize an increase of appropriations on a sliding scale up to $10,000,000 vear for reforestation and S3. 000.000 for reseeding. bv 1955. The limits are now $1,300,000 and $800,000. It also authorizes $20,000,000, a year by 1956 for fire control. The present annual limit is $9,000.- 000. For tree planting, the an nual limit was boosted from $1. 000,000 to $2,500,000 by fiscal 1953, and the annual allotment for farm forestry aid was r.dvanced lrom $100,000 to $500,00. Missing Girl Found Dead Of Gas Poisoning .FALL RIVER, Mass.. Oct. 25 (IP) Gwendolyn Shapiro, 19, Boston university senior who wa the object of a widespread search when she disappeared for three days recently, was found dead In the kitchen of her home today a victim of gas poisoning. Medical examiner Thomas E. Boylan said she committed sui cide. The girl, who was majoring In psychology, disappeared a week ago Sunday from her dormitory. She was found three days la ter in a Springi'ield hotel. She told a policeman then "1 was de spondent, but I'm not anymore." Her father is a Fall River man ufacturer. . . SERVING IN JAPAN WITH THE EIGHTH ARMY IN OSAKA. JAPAN: Private James Youtsey, son of Mrs. G. G. McMurry of Roseburg, after disembarking at Yokohama, Ja pan, has now arrived in Osaka, second largest city In Japan, and is assigned to the 25the Infantry (Tropic Lightning) division, com manded by Major General Wil liam B. Kean. The 25th Is one of the battle scarred veterans of the Pacific campaigns. Stationed at Pearl Harbor on oec. 7, ism. the men of the Tropic Lightning division were pressed into combat duty immediately. Alter taking part in the Guadalcanal campaign the division moved ud throuch New Georgia, Vella La Vella, Arun del, and Kolombangara, and by ill particiption in the Luzon campaign was Instrumental in the liberation of the Phillippines. Talking About a Home? So many people do noth ing but talk about it! But If yoi really want to c n our home, consult me now. Personal attention. Economical terms. RALPH L RUSSELL Loans and Insurance Lean Represenative Equitable Savings & Loan Assn. 112 W. Cats Phone 913 Look Who's Coming! , i IT'S THE I Easy and Fun to Fix with Caveman Brand JIShot Goblin WIENERS Ask your butcher for FrM Party lkUt containing f mpi, easy-to-follow direction for clever Halloween trunt. Everybody loves weenies, 'specially al Hal loween! Now fosry, inevp-tmivt Brond skinless wienert make ideal party treats! Football Hero, Not Professor, Keeps ' Modern College On Solvent Basis By HAL BOYLE NEW YOR K, t.V One of the thlngi missing from football thli season la the old atmosphere of moral outrage. The two big controversies of my reportorial youth were: 1. Are wrestling matches fixed In advance? 2. Are college football players subsidized? Todav these two questions seem about as Important as the debates among medieval philoso phers over how many angels could sit on the point of a pin. Right or wrong, the sports-lov ing public years ago decided that, yes, most rasxlin' exhibi. tions are prearranged entertain ment, with the winner picked ahead of time. And it also has pretty well made up Its mind that college football players are subsidized. The only question re maining is whether the right man gets enough. In the old days groups of an noyed professors, indignant at the realization the football coach made more than they did, led the attack on the game. They fomented against the payment of college athletes In the form of scholarships, salaries, Job sinecures, or gift automobiles (torn alumni. It was a losing battle. A losing team can't draw the crowds to pay off the bonds on a stadium, nd a winning team can. Ana Hi many, many cases college presi dents found they had to wink at the subsidization of athletes bv coaches and wealthv alumni in order to keep their education factories solvent. Sport No Longer Gratis The days when a moleskin hero would break a collar bone for nothing were over. Football be came a big business, and it had to function like big business. It had to fork over the going price tor the raw material muscle and speed. now tne issue appears settled. The Institutions that didn't want to go into football on an Indust rial basis simply had to drop out of competition. At the llnlver sity of Chicago they study the great books. Oiher ivory towers still keep the turnstiles clicking at the gridiron gate. The professor labors alone. In his laboratory to develop the next wonder drug. But It's the young man who can throw a forward pass who is paying oft the debt on the field house. This hero In pigskin not only packs the stadium he fills the barrooms which tune In on the Wed., Oct. U, 1949-The Newt-Keview, Roteburf., On. game by television. A multitude of workers in other fields from spcrts manufacturers to the fel low who paints the goal posts depend upon him. In big cities he iven supports scores of book ies who take bets on the score. AII Yaar Activity Football used to be a seasonal Industry, like the Santa Claus in dustry. It has become an all year round thing. Spring train ing is of rising importance, and the earnest coach beats the bush es and the byways looking for autumn material. The search for talent, too, has become a com petitive science. Naturally the players themsel ves put a price on their services. And, by and large, the public now appears to see that as okay. It Is part of the American theory that a guy with something to peddle Is a dope to give It away. The whole outlandish enter prise may be slightly immoral in pretending to adhere to Its ama teur standing, while operating on I principle of professional ef ficiency but the people like It all but the professors. You couldn't break up collsre football today with an anti-trust suit. The fans wouldn't stand for It. News-Review Classified Ads bring best results. hone 100. FLOOR SANDING FINISHING Estfmotvjt rL LeslfcPfetf 320 War) St. 1wi 1S-J ft LOCKER MEATS At Wholesale Custom Cutting and Curing jbccfo Highway 99 North Phone 356-J-4 WITHOUT SJilFflfJG PMECrRSUa$ MANY RACK POSmOM Wkstinghouse SfaffifoZfatfet AIMING. WEI P om, I o COME IN TODAY.. See the Range of the Year! SEE IT! SEE IT! SEE IT! The All-Kew W'estinghouse that bakes perfectly anywhere in the oven elimi nates shifting of hot rack; . . . Combines new Capacity with every simplified cooking Conrentenre. It's the Range you've always wanted! NEW SURFACE COOKING CAPACITYI Four, super-speed Westinghous Corox Unit clean, even electris heat! New, bonus working space be tween units lets you use four 10-inch utensils at one time without crowding! NEW, SIMPLIFIED COOKING CONTROLSI No more reaching over hot utensils . . . These cooking controls are ouf of th Steam Zone! Tel-A-Glanc Switches for every type of surface cooking, Single Dial Oven Control. toirmk J..Stillghouse