' Iterni Chargtd u after this dore ore net billed until I BIB-' pecember j Republican Group Demands Faster And More Effective Atomic Program Progress WASHINGTON, Oct. 26. V-Republican! posted a declaration Tuesday to the Atomic Energy commission that "leisurely, wasteful or incompetent" administration of the nation's atomic program can not be tolerated. "NOW LET ME SEE . . ." Wont to build, remodel or repair? Not quit tun how to begin? Then tea our skilled experts. We'll analyse your needs; iron out your problems . . . help you choose tha necessary materials from our COMPLETE STOCKS of time-tested, NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BUILDING SUPPLIES! Stop in or call 128 this week! MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON HOME IMPROVEMENTS. The stand was expressed In a statement signed bv six minority numbers of the Joint Congres sional Atomic Energy commit tee. The six demanded "bolder, speedier, and more eflectlve de velopment" of the program to maintain the "preeminence" of the United States in atomic weapons. The statement was Issued In answer to a majority report of the committee. Both reports were follow-ups to an investiga tion of charges of "incredible mismanagement" directed against the A EC by Senator Hick enlooper (R-lowal. The majority report, signed by the 10 Democratic members of the joint Senate-House commit tee, cleared the A EC and its chairman. David E. Lilienthal, w ho was Hickenlooper's principal target. The minority report attacked the commission on three counts progress, security and manage ment. Senator Vandenberg (R Mich), now recuperating at his home In Reformation Day To Bt Observed By Lutherans St. Paul's Lutheran church of Roseburg will hold a special Ref ormation day service next Sun day, Oct. 30. at 9 a.m. The guest speaker will he Rev. Richard E. Graef, pastor of St. John's Lutheran church of Sutherlin. His topic will be, "Martin Luther and the Modern World." Special music will be provided by Mrs. Vera Wilson. Pastor Graef w ill be the speak er for the two succeeding Sun days also in the absence of the church's regular pastor, the Rev. Walter A. Sylwester. who will at tend conference in Portland and then take a short vacation. Pastor Graef is a June grad uate of Concordia Theological seminary in St. Louis. He ac cepted the call to St. John's Lu theran church of Sutherlin and was installed in September. The church was started by the Rev. W. A. Svlwester. The service Sunday, a which Pastor Graef will speak, com- memoates the Protestant rem- mation which started on Oct. 31 1517. Michigan, did not participate in either report. Rep. Hinshaw (R. Calif) reportedly Is preparing a summary of his own views. The minority report shied away from the terms of "Incred ible mismanagement," "malad ministration," and "equivoca tion" used bv Hickenlooper in his original blast last May 22. But the minority members did accuse the commission of waste, "loosely administered" security measures and a leisurely and In decisive approach to major proj ects. Angry Haply Voiced The criticism of security brought an angry retort from Dr. Harold C. Urey, one of the na tion's foremost atomic scientists. "I take the most violent excep tion to this security charge." he told a reporter In Rochester, N.Y. "This secrecy business Is hampering our atomic energy development." Urev called the present em phasis on secrecy "a lot of damn ed foolishness," and said that if he had his way he would "fire all the security guards employ ed by the AEC except those at the Los Alamos laboratory In New Mexico, on the ground that progress is better than dead se crets." AEC Commissioner Sumner T. Pike said the commission might be open to criticism for waste although "none of the waste was intentional" but he Insisted se curity has been maintained. Quick Popularity Makes Him Prexy from Redlands, California, tie was active in sports at his for mer school, playing halfback on the sophomore team. He was un able to participate In football at the high school this year because he had not been In school in Roseburg long enough to be eli gible. Johnson did not attend school last year. He has shown up well in Intramural football and plans to go out for basket ball. Many football fans have seen Loren at the games, as a yell leader. He also has Joined the local HI Y group. Citizens of Roseburg may hear more from Loren this year as he is an outstanding student. Wed., Oct. 26, 1949 The News-Review, Rotebure, Ore. 7 Couple's Daughter To Be Their Daughter-ln-Law NORTH BEND. Wash, Oct 28 tJV) It sounds like a puzzler, hut It's no puzzle to Mr. and Mrs. William C. Williams: their daughter Ks about to become their daughter-in-law. Kathryn, 16, will become the hrlcle of their adopted son, Fred, 20. Thursday night. Kathryn's father, a lumber mill employee forbade the mar riage until she was 17. Thursday is her 17th birthday. The Williams adopted Fred In 1946. He is an Air Force private, stationed at Spokane. The young pair think the house hold relationship has Its advant- TAINTEO PROWLER CARDIFF, Wales, Oct. 25.-f.rn Police are looking for a purple man. Tired of repeated burglaries. Sculptor T. A. Jones resorted to a schoolboy's prank to trap his man. He balanced three jars aoove a noor. The Intruder came and left empty-handed. The jars tumbled and spilled a vivid purple dye. (Picture by Chuck Plummerl Loren Johnson, above, Junior class president, just started school at Roseburg this year, but in no time was so popular with the students of the Junior class that he was elected their leader in the September elections. Loren moved here a year ago OIL TO BURN For prompt courteous meter ed deliveries of high quality itove and burner oil CALL 152 MYERS OIL CO. Distributors of Hancock Petroleum Products For Douglas County FIX THAT LEAKY ROOF ! We have some beautiful newt. We just received a shipment of siding and roofing and we have our own expert crew to apply them. SAVE! Yes sir! The place to buy your building ' materiol, roofing, siding, etc., is the Lurtv ber Soles Co. Drop in ond see us today. LUMBER SALES CO. Garden Valley Rd. Next to he Riverside School Estimates Phon. 24-J I age In assuring i stable mania je. "After all." commented Kath ryn. "Fred's eaten my cooking; We know how the other looki in the morning, how we act when we're sick and each other's lik es and dislikes." But if something should go wrong who'll go home to mother? Mellowed fop lucky LJ1GER WW MTmUTf MIWMt CO. B'P lf Distributed by Western Distributing Co. Short and Burks Sts. Phon 1394-L Ros.burg, Ortgon 2,000,000 MOTORISTS to be stuck in mud or snow g llB pW fWm-- it lit Amirtf W fc atftalksssk Amt&mM AnartHu t M Get this Bo F. Goodrich tire and keep rolling! BFG Mud-Snow tires ha a ragged tread with extra deep cleats that die into slipper? snow or sticky mud xv you a tractor-like pull in either forward or reverse. The tread keeps its trip because it's self-cleaning won't clog or pick sp gravel. ALL YOU REALLY NEED IS ONE EXTRA TIRE! Instead of the five regular tire you now have, you need only a total of six fires four regulars plus two Mcd-Snows.One of your Mud-Snow ares is your spare during the summer. EASY RIDING, TOO. B. F. Goodrich Mud-Snow tires run smoothly on the open road. SAVES YOUR OTHER TIRES! The extra thick, husky tread is good winter after winter. Play it safe get BFG Mud-Snow. Pot a pair on your car today. 1.65 DOWN 1.25 A WEEK SIZI 6.0O-16 FREE CHANGEBACK NEXT SPRING TO YOUR REGUI.AK TIRES Ve'll not only put your Mud Snow tiret on for you thii fall; we'll im tou s certificate en- ( titling you to a VKfh rhan.Jt. L t d. - btk rout V-fJ regular tires imci "Better Buys at Barcus" Hiway 9f at Garden Valley Road SALES AND SERVICE Phone 13S4 SEE and HEAR OLSE. mn4 txtry lioasoss nam all Fi.roH all l.utnilay on Television . .. - ' '""V mi si IHM r-'H in l TSP, This Ones Changing a Lot of Minds MOST people have a habit of setting their sights on cars of a certain "price level" and making a choice on the basis of what they can afford to buy. Then, on the scene, came this stunning beauty and in a few short weeks turned a whale of a lot of decisions in a brand-new direction. Why not-folks figured get really fresh style lines and that stout bumper-guard grille that can take any normal impact yet won't "lock horns" with cars ahead? Why not get good, substantial road weight and a lot more interior room when they come in a car that's shorter in bumper-to-bumpcr length for easier parking, garaging and handling in traffic? And why, the shrewd shoppers asked, take anything less than this straight, eight thriller w hen it wears a price tag that any new-car buyer can reach, and actually costs less than many sixes? Truth is, this spanking-new Buick Special turns a searching light on every car in its price range on many above and below too and looks the better for it every day. Better in its advanced styling and amaz ing interior roominess and traffic handy size. And certainly far better in the lift and life of its valv e-in-head Fireball power the level-going steadiness of its buoyant Buick ride-the silken luxury of Dyna flow Drive, optional here at modest extra cost. So why not set your sights on this beauty of a buy and let the facts of hard, pan shopping comparison open your eyes to a new opportunity? Your Buick dealer will gladly let you sample its sparkling action on the road and give you the news on how quickly delivery can be made. Go see him and get your name on the dotted line. it Tina In HCNtll. 7AUOI, ASC v.., Mgnfey .ini-i. 11 TE'STMKF.t Only Itulck SPECIAL hat all thee Feature i rtAnc-HANor tin mom ioom rot mi momy , orNtnow ottvt epatnai tr jit-uni STYUNO . MON-tOOCfMO UMff-G(MD GttLUS HIGW-MCSUtl FltMAU irtAICHT-BSW NSINI . con mmoiNa au ajouno .tow- nasutt run on sat rrr-noi u ms oiu m visiuuty fori Am Ar . UU4.0CKIN9 iUSOAO! UBS STtADY-MDINQ rOOUI-rUtl DHV1 . mill SMAIT MODUS WITH 100 IV fiSHlt SPeCAClV AOfV II k I i wrr;,,. dm row Kivto , q.ry , yvw-KttHft TT in'i-ii Tf--'V r-Alfllriii.lyirril . ii'ftVf ijnni I in .When bttter mmlomahllet arm built III II K will build them- Hosebuirg Motor Co. Rose & Washington Phone 1551