The News-Review, Roicburg, Ore. Wed,, Oct. 26, 1949 14 J You (an have )J trouble-free heat l n this winter with J I QUAKER I fit ft ll,t. The QUAKIK "CliejHtM Mad In 4 dtti. teoutiM ttrKfc-pre4 boked Moml finish. RriardlM ' chimney con dition. It take but frw imnuie la hat our hwni or a room with a QLAKLR. These Iwo optional, low cost ccesMnef . . . offered only by QUAKER . . . awura ou fagt, automate heat all dur ing Iht coming winter. 1. ferate. Pr gives maxi mum hl output rrgardl? of chimnev by providing amp it drIU CuU fuel cos.! I. Me Cke gently cir culate het every room corner. Automatic in action. NO WOMt QUAKER heat l quick, clean. ure1 No coal lo khovri. at.hci to carry or wood lo chop! low u rmci HICN la PIRFORMANCI .w I Imv. OlMK!' f UMPQUA VALLEY APPLIANCE 120W. Ook Phone 1218 6795 and up fet derette , . . faetopf Read Your Classified Ads. Trio Accused Of Murder, Although Cop Did Killing I.OS ANGELES, Oct. 26 (,PI Three men mint face trial on charges of murder, robbery and kidnaping in an attempted hold up of a Hollywood boulevard ihoe tore In which a clerk was slain by a policeman's bullets. Although a coroner's Jury ruled that a policeman fired the shot which killed Sidney Gilbert, 49, formerly of Kort worm, lex., the trie will face charges for his slav ing. Another man, Alexander E. White, 44, was wounded In the gun battle. Under California law, partici pants of an armed robbery In volving a fatality are deemed guilty of murder, no matter wno fired the shot. Police testified they found Ralph Brlney. 42, Giendale. Calif.; Delmar G. Foster, 26, Wichita, Kans.. and Klovd E. Fish. 22. Bur- bank, Calif., armed and hiding In the store. Officers said the three had herded eight employes and a 'cus tomer Into a stock room ana lore ed them to lie on the floor. A coroner's Jury found Gilbert's death "excusable homicide" and held that the bullet came from a policeman's gun. News-Review Classified Adf bring best results. Phone 100. Ttuggtd and Deptneailt BRAKE BLOCKS-LININGS FRICTION BLOCKS to Mi CHAMPION FRICTION CO. ft 5fe vMI Vie 1 uu w fAOHlY AHEAD i uaii trnae uw JVM ISuper-Cushions Big Allowance QU3BS 90 of all tire trouble occurs in the last 10 of tire life blowouts, skids, punctures. And remember a tire that's been in trouble has little trade-in value. If your tires are starting to wear, why not sell us the unused mileage and get off to a fresh start on trouble-free tire service with new Super-Cushions. You can't lose! Everything A Tire Can Do . . . Super-Cushion Does Better! Outperforms Conventional Tires In These 12 Important Ways Softer Ride Safer Ride Greater Traction e Lett Driving Fatigue e Fewer Car Repairs e More Car Economy e Smoother Ride e Quicker Stop Easier Steering e Better Loolt e Fewer Rattlet e AND GREATER MILEAGE, TOO! You can buy Super-Cujhions on the EASY PAY PLAN New fres deserve new tubes . . . UfeGuardt make blowouts harmless. CARTER TIRE CO. 444 N. Stephens Phone 1683 ----- -f "TT TH'CITVOUGHTA WELL, DONT WORRY ) ffJ FILL UP PUPPLES ABOUT THAT HOLE- ( l - -M LIKETHIS--K1DS ) f IT'LL BE A HILL FROM ) p vMM i" FALLIW IM AWD J I WOW ON.' THESE W ( RUINIW f v SASHES INDICATE ) ,t 1 pi- GROCERIES.' J TKpsWIOCA L THE BUILP-UP Jt-Z2i l.Td -n J State Polict Take-Over Of Sheriffs' Work Spurne. OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams Stone Artifacts Of Early Oregon Indians Found PORTLAND, Oct. 26. (JP) A proposal that county sheriff give up police work to the state police has been rejected by the Multno mah county tax conservation board. Board Chairman M. L. Bingham released a 3,200-word report on tax supervision and conservation studies. The report took a dim view of the proposal by State Senator Austin Flecel. made in the last legislature, that state police could Better do the work now perform ed by the sheriffs. "Local control of police author ity Is extremely Important be cause abuses of power and uthor Ity and otherwise poor police serv ice, if existent, can be much more easily corrected at the local level than at the state level," the report stated. The flower of the month for January is the carnation, the birthstone garnet. llll ' Itemad jj ll 111 otter this date art H not billed until I DECEMBER 1 home. Wlliam Hunt, an amateur rock collector here, chanced to LEBANON P) Willamette items differed from types known see them. An Oregon Statesman university scientists and students i to have been used by the Calaa- reporter later learned of their are planning further excavations I pooya Indians that once inhabited existence and interested the Wil northeast of here where stone j the area. ilamette scientists, artifacts have been fonud In a Victor Wilkins originally un- The site is about 14 miles north pit near several earth mounds, i covered the site while picking east of here on a lofty Cascade Dr. John A. Rademaker and ferns near his Roaring river i ridge overlooking Roaring river. Prof. W. Herman Clark of the university have examined the im plements and tools. Dr. Rade maker has conducted students and others to the site in the past week. The Oregon Statesman of Salem, in a copyrighted story, said Dr. Rademaker believed the stones were part of "a medicine man's outfit lor ceremonials." Prof. Clark was quoted as say ing the artifacts were "beautifully formed" of soft shale rock. They appeared to have been "ground and polished instead of being chipped. The scientists said the Bus And Tractor-Trailer Crash; 1 Dead, 21 Injured PAOLI, Pa.. Oct. 25 .?) A Greyhound bus and a tractor trailer loaoVd with 33.00 pounds of steel collided a mile and a half west of here Monday killing one persons and injuring 31 oth ers. State ,olice Identified the dead man as htepnen H. (napiey jr., 18-year-old sailor who was re turning to tne cruiser rtoanoane from his home in uniontown. i'a. Th. tt-aitnr lnrlen U'lth heet steel, cut throuqh the right front side of the bus, pinning several passengers In their seats. FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE SHOP AT YOUR CO-OP 5-FOOT CAST IRON BATH TUBS, ONLY $80.00 Alio Complete Bathroom Sett Plumbing Fittings, Fixtures, Accessories Galvanized Water Pipe Soil Pipe 30, 42 and 52-Gal. Collins Water Heaters Everything for the Farm and Home BUY WHERE YOU SHARE !N THE SAVINGS DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange ROSEBURG. OREGON Phone 98 Located W Washington St and S P R R Tracks BUSINESS MEN! Flegel's have the equipment for heavy moving and freighting. We have the special hoists and trucks for moving your bulky files and safes. Call us when you move your office, and we will give your office furniture the best of care. Don't Make o Move 'Til You See F L E G E L Transfer and Storage Co. 900 E. Third Street Phone 935 old Friends rejoice over today's Blitfz Weinhcard, flhe Jcinhard a-BEER-jJ ! IP 10 5 3EI eEi 3R. Yes, old friends are rejoicing over todag's Blitz Weinhard, the new taste in beer. Always hewed to suit tie taste of the dag. Blitz Weinhard has been i steadq favorite since 1B56. If gou haven't get experienced the new taste in heer, be sure gou ask for todag's Blitz Weinhard next time gou bug. BLITZ WEINHARD COMPAMV rWlANO, OREGON 7 NuaSBWMMMMMMSSMSSSSMI