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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1949)
( f .very Day Is. 'Result lay On Ifhe. McOT-Beview Want Ads CLASSIFIED RATES 1 day 91 word 1 deye " days U)I - Uy - I ma " - Real Estate HOMES FOR FAMILY LIVING Located In a fint. moderate neighborhood, this horn repre Mnu mor for the dollar than moat tn thi price class. Two bedrooms, full dining room, big living room. Beautiful "mission finish" plastered walls, auto matic gaa wall furnace. Attach ed garage, completely fenced In back yard covered with lawn. Ion of shrubs. Ml SO. Approxi mately 93750 down. Brand new home. Just being completed. 14x20 living rooms, one bedroom almost that large and another moderate size bed room. Two closet In one bed room, two linen cloaeta, Iota of kitchen butltlns. Especially pret ty' hath. Fireplace. Garage. Street will shortly be paved Wixioo lot. M4M. very easy terms can be arranged. If you want a big, rambling ranch atyle home, this Is It. Located on a hill, it overlooks town and has beautiful windows tn absorb It all. Three bedrooms, huge living room, full dining room and a coty den. In addi tion to the many fine butlttna In the kitchen, there is an auto matic dish washer and laundry. Partial basement and piped oil furnace. (Largest oil bill for one month in last year's freez ing weather to amply heat this 1.500 square foot home waa only 15. Within easy walking dis tance of the bualnesa district. 15.750. FHA terms. ROSEBURG REALTY INSURANCE CO. Umpqua Hotel Lobby Realtor CORNER LOT In restricted area. city bus line. Water and Elec. Only 7 on no with very small down pa ment. 1H9I. MODERN HOME, lust com pie ted. Fireplace, utility room. Garace with cone, floor. 4 A. good soil all tillable. Close to school and stote. See this at SW5000 with down. Especially good for State G. I. A. adjoining Oakland city limits. IT culL Large older tpe house. piu 3 room rental. Good barn. Water and Elec. For quick sale this may be had for 91300.00 down. $4000 00 full price. 3 R. R. MOD. HOME Lot 03x300 Wired for range. New plumbing A real buy at $4000.00. Only $1000.00 down. CAFC AND TAVERN on Hwy. M. In ex tra favorable location. Lot 100x1 no. Price includes bldg. with 3 B. R. mod. living quarters. 4 additional rental sleeping rooms. All equipment in cluded. Approx. $3000 00 grons monthly Income. This will stand close investi gation. 18.000.00. $3000.00 down. 30 A of which 13 Is cult, tl ml. out. 1 B. R. home, semi-modern. Good barn. Other bides. Tractor and ma chinery. 2 stove and other tools lncl. $1300 00 or lesa down. $3300.00 full price. William A. Oerding Realtor Insurer loans 134 West Cats St. Phone 213 Valley Real Estate Agency BRAND NEW S-bedroom home: modern in every way; nice bathroom: hard wood floors: plastered; lots of built 1ns, concrete foundation. $4750. Terms. WE HAVE listed a nice little home tn Winston. It has Interior colored stucco. Wall to wall carpet on living roo.n. S bedrooms. If you have some caih, don't make us an offer, or you mint have a home you would be proud of. The owner has a job in Wash ington and must leave at once. FIFTEEN THOUSAND dollars sound Ilka a lot of money, but with an in come of $4V) dollars per month or ahout Sit interest for your effirf of managing this apartment house. It la really very reasonable. Come tn and let ua tell you mora about tnia place. Easy terms with only 4 in terest on balance. DOES YOUR FAMILY require three bedroom home. If to, here ia the place. It's neat, clean, and In attractive location. 2 large lots, one should sell for $1300. Lots of concrete wa'.s; fruit storage, garage 2.00 dnwn. Easy terms on the balance of 40)0. Trade your trailer in as down pay ment on a home We have a three B R. homt, with garage, good lo cation and large lot. Let ua make you a deal. Valley Real Estate Agency 11S W. Cass Phone of WONDERFUL PLACE FOR CHILDREN Nice clean 2 B R. home. Inside & out, close to bus, school, store, attached garaev: elec. heat, big lot with lawn, shrub. Term. $7930. TIMRER 2 Million of O. G Fir. Little River area Cah deal $gnnrj ACRES OF BEST BOTTOM LAND Excellent for truck gardening, with river frontage. Lovely 3 B. R. home, with fireplace. A-l construction, nlicly arranged. Term. 215.7M. OLDER 3 B R. HOME Right on bus line, nice kitchen A dinette. Big lot with good soil. Terms, stinon. EXCELLENT RESIDENTIAL HOME 4 B. R. 2 baths, gaa panel heat, at tached garage, city sewer, pavement. On big lot, lawn, shrub, flower. Price greatly reduced for quick sale. Good terms. $14,500. Earl & Gladys Realtors ROSE HOTEL BLDG. Wiley Oregon Vet Special MOVE IN with very little cash dnn and your G. I. loan. Brand new, 2 bedroomi, living room with hard wood floor, kitchen wired for ranoe, electric water heater, double tra , bath with tub. garage, paved drive and paved walks, metal eaves and planting, oak shade tree. Roe School district, full price only i"on and a wonderful deal lor tne rignt party Roy 0. Young, Realtor 203 W. Cass Street Phone 417 WE .TVST LISTED a 2 bedroom modern home riant here tn town. Llvlna room and dining room Nice kitchen. Plus a 3 room modern apt that should rent for .V 00 per mo Citv sewer. Only I58.V) 00 Terms to suit. P S apt ta rented now But home i vacant. Move right In. Vallev Real Estate Aqencv ' Realtor 11S W. Cass St. Phone $ H A Buy ere s Three bdm . city home. 3 mtn walk to town, school, stores, wired 220. rit aas n sewer, large level lot. shru-x. tree. V ft nice river frontage. Sacri fice. $.wton . won. down, or $6.ioo.t $1,100. down. Vacant, immediate po seaslon yso N Pin When It's Real Estate tnMnt Creeaf and South Douglas C& sr.i. Winston t Wynter REALTOR MYRTT-l CREEK. ORE PHONE A) Surveys Maps Plans PERCY C ASMBTRONO ClU Engineer 11 So Main SL Ph. J17-R-X Real Estate LOCATION Minutes from down town Roburg, In another world from the hustle ana put tie of indulrial and business activity Na turally beautiful rolling terrain nas been divided lnu large lout by con toureo streets paved for perma nence and cleanli ness, wtin each lot afford in a vew Cloverdale Park la Roseau rg a jrg's largest most beau ful suburb CONSTRUCTION FOUNDATION, continuous con crete FLOOR JOISTS, on 16" centers. 2"xir. PL1B graded. No. 1 and bettor CEILING JOISTS on 16" centers. 2- x 6". PLIB grade d. number I or better WALL STUD DINGS, on 16" renter. 2" X 4" PLIB graded. No 1 or better- DOUBLE WALL construction, papered or painted inside wall. Reynolds Alumi num foil innulation. wood sheeting, building paper, siding PLUMBING AND WIRING according to CEILING INSULATION of Klmeul In WINDOW GLASS area exceed! FHA re quirement WINDOW VENTILATION ditto. ATTIC VENTS louvered FOUNDATION VENTS screened. INSPECTIONS WATER HEAT ER. Rheem 40 gal electric FURNACE. TO. 000 BTU oil forced air, auto matic, spun glass filtered. WINDOW SCREENS Rvlock aluminum. DOOR SCREENS, front and rear. WINDOWS, Lockwood. "non-stick, float ing mash", wegther stripped. DOOR BELL, front and rear. DOOR LIGHT, front and rear, GUTTERS DOWNSPOUTS, aluminum. BATH TUB. Briggs. "non-skid." SHOWERS in every bath. FIREPLACES, genuine "Heatilator". LAWNS, planted and tended to ftrat cu Ulna. FINANCE Vl Q The m o t SnlJ) flexible f 1- 1 l W nancing plans ever offered Roseburg home buvers. FHA financ ing on low in tf rent, low mnt Inm fm schedules, or COM TRACT financing ffr as little as fVW down, or NO DOWNPAYMENT apecial arrangement "Live in Cloverdale Pork" Drive out now or phone for transpor tation. It doesn't cost a dime to look. FIES AND CLUTE REALTY Exclusive Agent Phona 1M Open 10 i. m. I p. m. Cloverdale Office Open Dally Including Sunday ABSOLUTELY A "BEST BUY In B suburban home with I acre in real nice district, 2 bedrooms, living room, kitrhen. full bath, inside uitlity roora. hardwood floor, lots of clwet. built ia sell for a lnt more money but priced now at MRIS with only .vm down to Oregon Vet. liberal terms to others. This is a real buy 3-BEDROOM OLDER HOME In City with every modern convenience, separate rental building, material for new garage, vacant 1st of month. $7000, $1300 down, balance $50 per month. 2-BEDROOM HOME WESTSIDE and the neatent lime apanmeni in separaie building. 30x115 lot with large garden spot garage, not new hut only a bo' it 6 vears old and excellent condition, $41750 with $2500 down, rent will pay balance. GOOD SMALL FARM of 5fl acres on live creek 10 miles out, small modern home with bath, wired for 220, num erous out buildings, plenty of fruit, $5$50, $2500 down. HOMESITES 2 acres in fine walnuts near river 210o Tah; 4 acres wuh river frontage In new water dttr:f. $4000; acre sire lots $550, $ acre tr iCl $1W; many others. Roy O. Young, Realtor 203 W. CASS ST. : PHONE 417 Sutherlin -room, modern houe, full bath. 3 full lot in heart of Sutherlin $300 down See Lehman Real Estate. 414 N. Jackson. Ph 72-J. rot'R ROOM HOI' BE on dOxlOfl ft lot near new Riverside School. Houe is I tealed has citv water, electricity. j now vacant $-W0 down. $1250. total price Less for cash Stanlrv E. Siort, Realtor. 114 W. Lane St. Ph.ir8 R. acreage wanted smaii farm, out- i buildings, chicken house, water, tlc- I tncity. Approx. twin. $3nn down. Vo per month. V. M. Lee. 1051 Military I t Always Have It Surveyed, Cl., iaKae- thai anamaar Ph !M7.1 FOR SALE-Two bedroom" modem home well located, on tnj line, lortxisg ft . nice lawn My equity and halanre $il 55 month. 16 Miller Lane. Off East Douglas FOR SALE 12 city lots "at sacrifice if taken at once. 414 E. 2nd. Ave. N. P!v 142a-J. FOR SALE or trade. In Grants Ps Trade good noma aa ' part payment. Box 6, c o News-Re- view FOR SALE-Imprm-ed lot with smeill ! starter hnue and all utilities in fol10" J0'?",' '" C,U room in..l.n . strpnen, LOTS FOR SAL city water and lights available Low down psvnenta Euccne Ridenour. Phone 730 J a. ll FT COVERED "AOOH Bons""ral. water sjstem. 100. down. PH. 13H-R. SB-? I "A'f s lng ageo- Inspectors: ! w v Jj?T ' nr"' 1 I M contractor I 11 I CJT. Inspectors I 'I Y Rose- ! j. lnfi ",Umfcf f Inspector V pendent ly dfik APPOINT- JSS ments z8 Real Estate Here's Tough Competition WHERE ELSE CAN YOU FIND a mod ern new noma witn z-Deo rooms, com fortable living room, kitchen, bath with tub At shower, laundry room. cement found., insulated walla, 3Os.J0 garage workshop extra lot and a price lag marked $4730. $3300 down? THE FURNITURE IS INCLUDED with this altrarlive home. 1 1 years old. 4 nice rooms & bath, utility, attached Sirage, oil floor furnace, Venetian linds. hardwood floors. 30 gal. elec. water heater, eaves troughs, plaster, stucco, enclosed yard with new len Si paved drive, located on a street of new homea at the bus line. The owner la leaving state and will sacri fice for $otO, $1300 dn., bal. EZ, 4 Int. WE HAVE A BEAUTIFUL WESTS1DE HOME that Is well worth your in vestigation. It is nearly new and located in a very desirable district. All modern conveniences are InalalUd Including wall to wall carpeting, inf lation elc. The yard ta a large one with nice lawn in front and back, trees and shrubs See this one soon. Price W700, $1000 dn. $8400 BUYS A BRAND NEW 3-bedroom hnmi in verv choice residential sec tion with a half acre of river aoll 0 mile south of Roseburg. g ACRES OF FINE TILLABLE LAND with another brand new home, lhia Invelv olare is auite lane and com pletely finished in every detail. ee us soon for full Information. Price $8600, $2000 dn. $0730 CASH buys a thriving GROCERY BUSINESS netting about $800 per month. Approximately $3000 stock and all fixture Included, cheap rent, no good will money required. Please do not phone on this one. Hayden H. DeCamp Realtor 74t So. Stephen Street Phone 173-L Special FOR SALE New 2 -bed room house, large lot, paved street, city sewer, stucco and plaster, hardwood floor, gaa floor furnace, utility room, laundry trays, hot water heater. Inlaid linoleum tn kitchen and bathroom, lota of bulltins and closet space. Shown by appoint ment. j;all 1599-R-l. LeoPratt. M at M GARAGE building and living quarters on paved highway. 13 mile north of White Salmon, Washington, at B Z Corner. Private water sys tem. Will sell or trade for Roseburg Home. Ask for Mack at Keel Motor Co. Trade For Older Home arge. new. S-bedroom home, attached garage near Vet s Hospital: excellent construction, large lot; prefer West Roseburg. Ph. aai-J-a,. 2" TW1N6-ROOM bungalow ".hardwood floors, ail modern, uouoie cement driveway and garage. Lot AOxWO tl.. Industrial part of town. Worth 416. ooo Full price $10. wo. $7500 rath, balance terms. Call 624-J; II no answer call 4A8-Y. FOR SALE or will trade. 3 cabin on five acres g.7 miles s. or sutnernn, for house in Sutherlln. Would r. in sider renting to responsible party. Vir ginia B. Clay born. Route 1 Box 204, Sutherlln, Oregon. Business Opportunities Medford Fountain Lunch Medford Right down town In finest location. Serving business and professional type breakfast and luncheon. Long estab lished with highest reputation for fine foods No Sundays or Holidays This business priced at S14.500 with terms to accredited operator. lnveli gate this now for a real profitable investment Contact Mr J. M. Arnold at 328 8. Ivy St., Medford, Ore. Phone 44.17. Canyonville Will Boom Here Is A Real Opportunity Good cafe and fountain In Canyonville. The neaaauartera tor a crew or soma 500 workers on the big 2-year road con struction project of the new Pacific Highway. 200 men moving Into Can yonville this week other to come later. A fortune here for the right parly. Owner leaving will consider your offer Ph. day 1535-R; after $ p. m. 1267 -J. SACR IFICF. Grocery Stored gftOOA stock and equipment for b.K) . go d lease. In connection with 6 cabins, house and store building for $21.- ono additional with terms Dunn and Merrill. Real Eftlate, 183 Anderson St.. Cooa Bay. Ore. Help Wanted Wanted Experienced Lube Man With References Wanted 1st Class Body Man Good opportunity for right man Ted's Auto Body Service Corner Melrose aV Lookingglasa Road AVAILABLE. The best one-man business in Southern Douglas County. We pro vide capital. Car Required. Write J R. Watklns Co., 1.17 Dexter Avenue, Seat tle. Washington. WANTED Well -groomed man Id to 43, ! with car: or will consider lady. Give name, phone and full artdrevs In first ( letter. Write News-Review Box 6fl j WANTED Party " with "donkey to" yard load 25.000 ft. per day. Inamre 2nd house past Collins 4lc Son Ga rage. New oil road between Riddle and Canyonville. MANUFACTURER want manexper ienced in selling Service Station Deal ers :i406 E. Union. Seattle, 22, Wash ington. WANTED Lady for general office "and stenographic work. Coen Supply Com pany 'MDM,n '""' work h ot ice HI NT1NC5 or trnnautn. on our NO property South of the North Umpqua tft ..fcCVdJ vllv Rfad Snith L'nipqua River Ed Marks. John Marks. Ora Welker.Ware Bros WE WILL Prosecute anyone found nunting or trespassing on ' trespassing on our prop Roberta Mountain Road. Merle H. Doeiing and J Carl Doer- ,n ) N?y!"?-9.0t;e,9?'"iilnt?n ?"r property North and East of Newton L-reex Kosa m are roa Positively no ""trespasing on the Kohlhagcn 55 Ranch. Edward G. Khl- hagn NO HLNtlNG or trespassing. John C. Lee. Look tngglasa. Logging Equipment FOR SAt.tHD-10 with dnjm and ble. or mill hire on winter Job Jjra ' r,im.ii, p. o. Box 14, Canyonville, j Orecon Fob Ai.f -rrt isnS.iSr.Tro"Sir?,V.7 ; A l rnnditln BX jnn Skeflt Verier A-l condition KS International dump uuck. Ph. aiW-a evenings. Thcyll Do It Every J Y THEy THINK HE LOOKS YW THEY STAZT X& J DON 1 ME v( Awful? them three on a diet , LOOK AWFUL? VV. BUMPS JUST WiSW W EVEI?y ONCE y THEV JUST 1 T SO I IMOBODy CAN TELL : YjT--iTNEVHftDHiS ( IN AWHILE, WlSMEV 1 A sCODl HE LOOKS ) LOST-ITAJNT Y hAVEEWTILJ, U THEIR , ll' rUX UE A 5CARE" 7 500D FOR A 4 EwSfJ?FH PAL 5 Ml W SOW" jr 6uy TO L05E HAS, knock n-- jL U STTT ' mr 7 Ar MUCH ' "& 0 vfi roJ 'rf I' rffmFEELINS S0Rf?y FOR IT STtwiSXirZ'2K YKI ' 837 SECOND AVENUE, Rentals BRAND NEW HOMES FOR RENT Automatic oil furnace, large elec tric water heater, house fully in sulated, windows weather-stripped, large lot, paved atreets. sewer, attractive district. 3 bedroom house at $7tl per month 3 bedroom at $7. fireplace $2 extra Phone 1$3T or lUtl, 40$ W Casa St. FIES AND CUTTE REALTY Myrtle Grove Motel AH modern kitchenette. Dally, week ly, monthlv. On the river, 14 mile south on 99 Ph. 134 FOR RENT POLISHER. WAXFR and acrubber Ail In one tool Light enough any child can handle. Finger-tip control. F & W Floor Covering Co. 371 8 'Ph"' Phone t4'K-lt Rent A Singer Electric portable sewing machin tor use In votir own home SINGER SEWING CENTER 204 N Jackson Ph 123 Basement UNDER LOCAL store In center of Rose bure Ideal for stnraee. Allev entrance Contact Manager Joe Richards Men' Rtore Room And Board Phone 5fll YX irhn RFNT New S'V-rnom ant. We furnish new ga refrigerator and range, waler and garbage disposal. rood mag. t-o., pnone.w. ONETRAILER HOUSE, sleep two. Bu tane cooking and heat. All facilities. Reasonable. Modern camp. Hartx Trail er Cnurr REFINISH your own floor, easily done with our high speed floor sender. In expensive. Montgomery Ward k Co. Phone 5 PARTLY FURNISHED, new house i. r rrnt B miles out Roseburg. souih. to reliable party. $100 a month. Write Box 67. co News-Review. iROOM"APT., close in;" no drinkers. Private bath and meters. $11.00 single. $12 50 double. Mrs. Payne, Apt. I 112 Brorkway. rOR RENT 18' x20' tent, completely winterized, stove installed. Apply Of fice, Lone Rock Cottages, Glide, Ore gon, Weekly or monthly rate. FOR RENT Bunk houses7"cloe tcTNorth ITmnoua Hlehwav construction. ApdIv Officr. Lone Rock Cottage. Glide. Oregon. Nightly or weekly rate. FOR RENT Nlce"place "to live; 2-bed-, room, unfurnished apt. 331 8. Jacat-: son. ROOMT"BOARD with washing. Ironing, car Included. $45. month Mr. Cora Cronk, 3rd house from Club 99. NEW g-ROOM "HOUSE - for rent: gar den space. Ph. 1610-J-l evenings or mornings. ROOM FOR rent, clean and warm. Close In, $25 per month. 902 N. Jac nn. F0RRENT3 B. RHRouse, very elm In. and mostly furnished, $100. per monlh. Ph 15-R -3 after 6 p. m. ROOM. KITCHEN and laundry privi leges. Single girl. Phone 1392-R be tween 6 and 9 p. m. TRUCKS-and "trailer 'for rent Move yournelf. Thompson Signal Service. Stephens at Washington Phone 795 f RUCKS" rORRENT-Youdrive. long or short trips. Bee Hive truck rental, 73)1 South Stephen.Phone 14M-J. WARM" SLEEPING rooms, with or with out private bath. 100 Spruce, Weat Washington. HOUSEFOR RENT 3'i miles aoutK. Highway 99, turn left General Weld ing Works. ROOlrf" FOR rent to young man. Prlvaa entrance and bath. 1045 Military, phone WPt-J. fORRENT-F7mi!fhedcabin for man. 544 Mill. Also room with twin beds. Ph 1337-Y-X. SLEEPING ROOMS, close In, for mtn" Ph. 14H7-L WARM SLEEPING room with kitchen privileges. 430 N. Pine HOUSES "FOR' rent, Winston; Mary Pole. SLEEPING ROOM, gentleman only No drinking. $5 00 week. 321 NKane. LARGE SLEEPING room "737 W. Lane". Pr 40.5-L 1 SINGLE and 1 double room. 1164 Military. SLEEPING ROOM for gentleman. 43$ Fowler. SITTING ROOM and lovYly bedroom. Lady. Phone B43-L ROOMS FOR RENT with and without kitchen privileges SOB Fowler g-ROOM "HOUSE." modern; g" ml lea out Write Box 64 News-Relew 1 HOt'SFKEEPING room, 1 sleeping mom aid N Jackson. SoOM"ANDBOARD to n.lable'partT. Phone 260-Y. Sl.FKPlNC ROOMS for men, close In. 244S Pine. APT TOR rent. 113 SJarkson. I ROOMS FOR RFNT 4l Pltier. " SLEEP LNG ROOM 120! N Jackson . ROOMS, 133 N." flint. Ph. 225 -L. Financial F. H. A. LOANS UMPQUA REALTY 112 I Stephens Ph lA.tS-J Acroaa from Peat Office en Highway W Dogs BE At Tin L GREAT DANE, love ruidrcn, for sale Ph IMrVR! female trade. Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J GRA-MO COCKER KENNELeS f Mt or 4M-Y Reg and ped puppic. all colors Sttid servlr fioTOV llCREWTAlC Jentaf puppy I $29. S Main. Time - Loans LOANS UP TO $300 On your Signature. Furnltura or Livestock UP TO $500 On your automobile "paid for" or not Loans made quickly, privately for any wonnwnue purpose sum as: Unexpected expenses Medu-al and Dental bill Consolidate debts Re-financing When you borrow get your money from the Company that makes it convenient to borrow and convenient to repv - Lower payments now available up to 20 months to repay. CALKINS FINANCE CO. sot PAc-iric mituDiNO Phpn, 4fld H-33T SUM Lie. 3M MONEY HO 25 M $71 $200 $300 UP TO 500 Borrow on your salary All steadily em- .loved men and women .nay qualify odav for a salary loan tip to $;p whether you're In a new Job or an old one. Borrow on your ear or furniture Tour furniture or atiiomobile make excel lent security at I-m-al Loan paid for or not t'p to $100 nn our furniture up to $500 on your car. Sperla, "Pay n.y- Loans. 910. MS. HO IIMmX'M O.7. loaned till "Pay Day "--or lonfer I'.y J",?.,,,"; , Z " only (o, the actual number of days! den Valley Hoed, all aller3 p. m. you keen the money 924 emta 19c for one week. Phone for your I LOCAL LOAN CO. Leo Sevy. Mrr 33A No. Jackmon Phone 1173 Lie. S -275: M-353 Roseburg FEDERAL LAND RANK LOANS on farms are made for 20 to V) years. 4 int . liberal pre payment privi lege. Refinance your farm obliga tions now. Roseburg Na' tonal Farm Loan Aaaoclatlon. 203 Medical Art Building. Fruits and Vegetables FOR BALE l-arge, healthy Marshall strawberry plants: original plant rer ttfted. $12 per thousand; will have to let them this week, as we working patch. Bee them at Kellogg bridge on Sutherlln - Elk ton Highway no ja, or write rranaun names, uik land, Oregon. DELICIOUS AND Ortley apples, $100 to V 50 per box. Bring containers. 1 mile West of Looklngglasa Slorc. Marh Ranch, Phone 27 -t-2. Closed Sundav FOR SALS Fresh crop walnuts, 10 lbs and up, delivered. 2.V In J B Henslee, Box 1U3-C, Melrose RL Ph. B33R-2 SPITZENRERCfapples. Brln'r contain ers. C. H Clay pool, Rt. 2. Box 265-A, Garden Valley. STRAWBERRY "PLANTS " ff Clay- 1, Rt. 2. Box aw A, Garden vi- FOR SALE Walnuts, sale on Saturday. J 2.V per b No C. Zoeter, Look- tngglasa Route. FOR SALE Mrs W o HOME-MADE PIES Market Ton SAI.ITStock pumpkin. W r. GRAPESmany kinds, t'-plrk Dale el- Brock wav STRAWBERRY PtANTS. Rock hi Mb, Ruby E. Blood. Rt. 2. Box 174-E. Timber Sawmills Wanted Second Growth Logs CONTACT WH.Rt'R I.I'MBER CO WANT PEELED DOUGLAS fir polesdT Itvered to our yard at Green 2d to M . Contact ua hefore rutting Puget Timber Co of Oregon. P. O. Box . Roseburg f-h 1U) SEVERAL HUNDPED THOUSAND ft. of pola and piling at S cents per It . 10 miles from Roaeburg, miles on highway and 1 mite nf r ravel road totimrer Also about 10n ono It g ft log. Idl'.ld Star Rt , P O Rox 1M ONE M M PER daveaparlty sawmill 1 miles West of Broflt w. ay Store, on 42 Highway. Known as P aV N Lum be i Co WANT TO-BIYDouglas Fir pole" and piling stumpage P'.get Timber C- I '""f. f Oregon, e. O Bo o, ttoMDUfg FOR SALE Sawmill or any part G M C dieael edgT and other uni'a. Bov Dennv. grt't Winchester TlMRER WANTED -l'to 5 mllltrm feet Will pay cash. Writ Box 70, News Rev tew. I By Jimmy Hatlo Work Wanted Rsbg. Sanitation Service Septic Tanki Cleaned Tinttt npentd lrvr prompt .rv1r. r. onabl, ram. No mllcK. rharc, Pbon, 14.Y 7M Mori It J. Edmond. Prop Oliver's Septic Tank Service Modern Vacuum Equipment ROtTe 1. BOX 71 PHONE ll 3 Carpenter Work REMODELING CEMENT K1N1SHINO By hour or contract! Ph. I6I4-J-3 ALL-BtTlLblNCl cons trurt Ion. new n9 old. remodeling. 10f down, no Job too larce or loo small. AM type masonry ronstruction. iiainione ana Dru hirhrruM and natlos a aoectalty. Mail' neaite floors and dratntxiarda Phona l.VXl R-l. contractor. A. ft. Snow. A rWIXY iH'ALIFIED accountanlTias room for few clients on monthly lee basts. All tavea and and of year w rk Included. Afternoons- Room 20 Douflas County Bqnk Butldtnf. rnone wi n. t. Williams. HIOH SCHOOtT-GRADVJAT15 needs enf- Rlnyment. i nance 10 learn irane or unities preferable: anything consid ered. Call Sutherlln 4321, ask tor Tom. WANTEI5-Work fir t-2 with blade and drum. Piling, short or small logs; dirt moving Fred O. Lange, Box WT Camas Valley. RELIABLE LAD?-with rar wHTtaVe rare of children evenings In your own Jrtome. Ph. 604-R oefore 10 . iu. WORK WANTED Garden " and lawn work: rotary tit lane; fertilising and planting Callirf5J-.'. CURTAINS and lace iablerlotha laun dered and stretched Also Ironing, housework by the hour Call BHA L BASKMKNTS AND back yards cleaned. Light pickup and delivery C A Deal. PhoneJ.'VHn.J-n Roa burg; ALTERATIONS. " DRESSMAKING. All tvpes Mrs Don W Garrison, lii N Kane. Ph. 1728-J rt-KTOM KILL INO. euttlna. wraoolpg and processing at your noma, can 4J-L. ask for John. DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS. machine or nouna nuimnnoies mrs. Thomason, 244 S. Pine. Ph. 3H2-R-X. WANTED Laundry to do In my home. Will call for and deliver, rn. mm-l. ORDFRS for honked ruga and baby sitting phone looa-J-x LADYWANTS housekeeping Job; reas onable wa g ea.P h . 2W- L. WASHING AND IHON1NQ In my home TRAILER TOWTNG. Ph S3B R X 2 .Sour 910 Garden Valley Road wANTEl5ironing In my home 531 Fowler St Phnne 1V-JX COGGING"j6B lor cat and trucks. PK 1.11 L Wanted Will Pay Cash WE RtTY used furniture, all tvpe. Call at 444 No. Jackaon. Phone 19B3-J. The Bargain House Wanted BEEF. VEAL AND PORK Fred Boyer Phone 022-R-3 or IVWI-R or writ Route 1, Roseburg WANTED TO " RENT By newly weds, apt. or small house, furnished or un unfurnlshed. Ph. Rosa Hotel room JIS, Hi-eh Hhupe. WANTEiJ Junit. all kinds; copper hra-s. aluminum, lead, rafs, hatleries nob's Salvage Yard. 233$ N Stephen. Phone lfW-J-3. Fl'RNISHED HOUSE or apt In of "near Roseburg for sawmill owner and fam ily, Box 2gA. Dlllard WANTED Small sawmill to cut 2 rrlf- linn feet of timber on property; winter show. Write News-Review Hox a WANTED Furniture, sewing machine and tools. Anything of value. Private party. Phone m,vb-s GOOD, used piano Will buy or trde In on a Spinet, Kimball Piano Parlor, I ,V2 R WANTED TO BITY-All kinds ofruinf ture It us bid on vour house of fur niture Call nn.j-H at sw n. jaexson i. YOtTNO"GIRL 20-30 to share apart ment. Exchange references. Phone 1718-J after 7 p. m. WANTED Pasture for several milk goals Box 71. car of News-Review. WANTED Farm commercial fertilizer spreader. Ph. T9 or l.VVR-4. WANTED TO BUY -Hides. Roaeburg Meat Co., phone 2M BARREL TYPE BETTER churn. L. E Mullarkev. Glendale. Oregon. WANTED TO rent, double garage. Phone U t r Fuel ! r "S V r ID j flve UH TOUT TUOl Dl Seasoned oak and laurel wood for fire place healer or cooa stove, l iruca. load containing 3 full tiers will iat 1 lime longer than slab or fir, and rots onlv M per load. Prompt de livery. Call 402 J. PEELER CORE mllPends. planer ends; fireplace wood Double loads, prompt delivery Claude Wlllev, RL I, Boi 4.T Ph 1VJ 3.or 14.VJ-3. Pt.ANER ENDS, double "loads, prompt d-hvery. ia and up. Claude wtlley. fORS'At.E - StahwtK - irMrdiaa4f end. Phon dV7. Johnson Fuef Co. Wed., Oct. 26, 1949-Th Newi For Sale Miscellaneous EASY IRONER. used aa demoa- atrator Waa $179 now g mm USFD WFSTINGHOUSE range. white porcelain, S unit and deep well cooker excellent con dition ,. , - - MOO MAGIC CHEF gaa range, whit porcelain, lamp ana automatic timer, large storage apace, used S month 115.00 WESTERN HOLLY gaa and wood combination range, very gooa condition - 129M USED WESTINGHOl'SE range. stainless steel and white porce lain, good condition 4S90 S I S CM. FT FRIGIDAIRE re- rrieerainr dim manuu. a- yaar guaranua , 234.78 FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, raw motor. 4-year guarantee, cu. ft. capacity, all porcelain 18$ 00 LARGE FROGAL OU heater. Uted 9 months a.uo BEAUTIFUL FROGAL oU heater used l year w CKKTOMAIRC oil healer, 10" burner 1.00 NEW K.ITCHFM CRAFT link wltn 3 cabinet., beautiful eutomlzed top. 60 In length; waa W.7a. now 1M.TI ONE AUTOMATIC QUAKER oil furnace. 7s.onn BTU output. New. Waa K.T, now SM15 Umpqua Valley Appliance M W. Oak Phona Ul SPARTAN 24' 2d SO M The life time trailer , body we believe will last years or mora. No dry rot Kit ix ir tr 15' xr Columbia tr i' w - tr S3 The Waat'a raateat Seller and Other TYallera at Quality Alto used trailers, trade-in accepted. Bank contracts. - Contract to 3 yra on Sparton. Earl E. Smith S W. Largest dealer Eugene. Or Phona Springfield PM S Mile South on tM, RU A. Box 22. Kugena. For Sale To rlnaa the estate of tha lata Mrs. Mane Flint McCall. A sale oC all HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS ANTIQUES Ftp. will be held at 126 W. Lane St. RetoTinntnsf at IM n m. Thursdnv. Oct. iT7th, and continuing through lrt-l day and Saturday. I 3 Compact vacuum cleaner romp let a with attachmanU. These machines are practically new, been In use only about 2 months. Will accept bids. 1 Singer tlectrlo Iron. 1 Motorola portable battery or tlactrle radio, uooa conaiiion. Inquire at 307 Pactflo Bldg., or ph. 4M. (5fTw and used circulating wood heatrrs. Several good walnut and oak din ing tables. Davenoa and rocker at a bl aavlng. large sue oil neater very cheap, 1 used dining set wltn 3 chair and buffet, blonde flntahed bedroom seta with or without oox spring and mat tree, new tarps and tent of all sites, one 1 x .12 new tent, one apt sic frlgldair vary reasonable. ROSEBURG FURNITURE EXCHANGE 509 N. Jackson Phona 0J.R New 2-Bedroom House Hardwood floor, "t acre lot gMOO. Full price term U desired. Suiter's Bldg. Supply I T30 Walnut SL Ph. 129T-R Dresses, Blouses, Slacks Skirts Mr prleee save 11 tn W Ross Schombel Calkins Koad Box laa-o Ph. 239-J-S Alwas open until 1 p. m. River Loam Delivered GOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS Wa have an abundant auppiy. Paul Casey KVt W Moaher Phona 117-t r M R ! 4 TM A fS ft t ttlN a CT.6 S t. Why not gt her a new cieanar. a small down navmflnt will hold for Christmas delivery; termsyes. Also have Bom new and used cleaner Ph. 1414-R for appointment, or horn demonstration. FULLER BRUSH MAN PHONE 615-Y-X FT5r TAXBLarfe" anod roncKUon- circulator ell heater, 939.90; Hoover va rnum aweener. 99 93: eas ranee. new, 9.V); gas tsnk regulatnr and cop- ...Kin an vi r.n aie-j-a,'..! rnmna hot waler heeter want large clrcu ig wood heater. 437 B. Plna, ph. MVX FOR SAKE--roraily-made crorhete'tf anTI knitted bedspreads. Purchase on lav awav plan for Christmas gifts. Th Clover. Melrose Rjad. Ph. 444-J-4 FOR SALE Used oil heater7Trash burn era and washing machine Ump'jtie Valley Appliance 120 W Oak. Ph. latlH TWO PEVEftAGE refrigerators, one 30 cu ft Suitable for restaurant or tavern. Inquire at Idle Hour Tavern VR N J ark son NEW AND USED furniture:" gaa and wood stoves and heaters Wood atoe repairing a sperlaltv Call 1.127-R At's Furniture Cemer. 814 Winchester t 30 0 ENFIELD rifle. scope, sporter stork. $100. Camp View Cabin fohn Young Vou will be"plM If you shop at-fHE RIRLS BOOK CENTER first. 115 W. Oak ftot'StTTrlOVINO. foundation leveling'. 14 yea experience P R Tewing 74.1 8 Stephens Phone t24. IMS 24 FTr INDtAN trllerhnuB C. V Hnlromb, Wilbur 5th place on left side of coiea valley imad. Phone 127-J CfHERT 6f DRAWtRsTnapl; plitlnrti rocker, ph. 1234 R. of (lea desk. ph. IW7-Y ELE(TRIC STOVE In gri-1 "condition, with work Uhle to match All white, g.'lS. See at lWiS Union Ave. 30 GAL 5 TEEL BARRELS. 11 25 aple e Located Cloverdale Park. Inquire ill Alameda. Call JfJMl J 2. 2 WOOL C6ATS" Blre "14 r"d raincoat with hood, alt 12. MOO each. 2 ried GAS HEAfER lor sal. 124i Umpqua Ave MALL BUILDING f ! Lars-n bra. inrfuire W AlamaasV ymu iean- - a , CmTtCTfTXlT KarJrT Bt gaaiC t 12-14. Ph. 44, - Review, Roseburg, Ore. 13 For Sale Miscellaneous Let's Trade THAT OLD out-of-uM piano In on nw radio-phonograph combination or a n.w aplnat piano. Liberal oUowonaO) and convenient terms. Bob'i Music Shop New and Used Merchandise NEW 330 wait. US volt AC power litht plant, ropa .tarter at 094.90. NEW Moo watt. II volt. AC power nan., automatic air cooieq. 47Ti. USI.D JOi0 wait. ll 230 volt AC Dower Hint plant, remote control, water cooled JS0. USED-looo wait. US volt AC power llehl plant, remote control $71 USED i ft. Mall chain law, ready to) u.e. $199. NEW 4 II Mall chain saw. 1449. USED 4 It. Mall chain aaw. 179. USED 33 volt DC welder outfit com- plete, 139. Montgomery Ward & Co. 915 N. Jackson Phona 9S Kim-Dried Pine 49. nor M Home Builders Lumber Co. Highway 90, North Ph. 1932-J Save $100 On new 110 Bass Accordion. treble cnniDinsuona, a bats combinations either black or white pearl finish, beautirul Gladstone case, leather bound. CONVENIENT TERMS Bob's Music Shop Ph. 9ns WILL ACCEPT 40 loaa on Soarton Manor Uailer house, complete with panelray gaa heater and gaa apt. aire range; also four foot Fngidaire, and twin ainka: 1 bed daveno and 1 full tlied bed. Tha price? Only $250. with $1250. down. Call 10VR-3 or 101S-J. FOR SALE 1948 model modern range; wa.iriiis.ini, reservoir ana pi pet. sukft dorf Street, Winston. Last house on left. Jack Flnley. Write P. O. Box 292. Dlllard. LA ROE WOOD circulating heater74a Liuinro wesuuna. Kouie x. Box ItIVw Keasey Road. Phone StH-J-1. FOR SALE-Frlgtdalre, i cu ft A-l COtV dltlon, $150. lo48 Walnut St. AlRWAT?"SANITIZOR vacuumTcaab 'or lerma. rnone ii-K. FOR SALE Elect rotux vacuum cleaner. l-1 condition J13-R-X. w Baracer. fOR SALE 8" Quaker oil burner: Wesi- inghouse electric oven. Phone sUS-J-a. FOR SALE Practically new gaV water ovaier, eoa, ms mih, or rn. ij3tx-js. Livestock Schricker's Auction I MILES NORTH OF ROSr.BURO ON 99 SALES EVERY MONDAY LIVESTOCK AT 1 P M Furnltura al t CONSIONORS MAY EXPFCT A FAI MARKET PRICE AT THIS AUCTION. 8CHRICKER SONS. AUCTIONEERS Bring Your Livestock WHERE thev hrlnf In tha moat moner. Sale evei Friday. Livestock 13 o'clock. Furnltura T p. m. Roseburg Auction Phona 191 WANTED Fat lambs, yearlings ' and canner ewes. Write or call, Jamea E Lewis. Myrtle Creek, Oregon. Ph. 4. narrlll W Ray, Rt. 1. Box 394-B. Rnsebura. Oregon. Ph. 695-R-l. COW FOR SALE. ' miles south nn Highway 99. turn tight, go 1 mil-a west on Looklngglasa Road. L. T. Swenson. COOD CHFSTF.WBOAR for sale; U months old; 990, M. M. Good, Upper Ol.lls. WANTED To buy fat and feeder tamha and a few good ewes. Rohr and Mara. ters. Happy Valley Ranch, ph. 17-F-l. FOR SALE White Face greln fed calves. zoe per pouna a miles e. 01 suiner lln at bridge. W. A. Thomas. WANTED AlfTTlnds oTIlyestock. H. lC cox. call B90-J-4. fOH SALE Guernsey S gaL cow. Higb outier-iat. rn. ist.rt. BULL SERVICE Artificial Insemina tion. Ph. 1300. Poultry Baby Chicks Him p. Reds. Crosses. Every week In the year. Bast of breeding. Pullorum passed. Hatching Eggs Wanted Year around market City agent, Douglas Co. Flour Mill Carr's Hatchery LoklngglassRl1 Ph.lS-F-3 FOR" SALE N H. chlrki. day old and started, lBo and up. Ponton Hatehety, Ph IBB. FOR SALE Fryers. S mTles out Melrose Highway Howard Ransom. HUSc'OVYDUCKS "for sale. Ivan SwlfT, looklngglasa Route. tOVl SALE Dressed" faOienT-Will de- liver. Ph. 137S-R-I. 1 f RYKRS. 3c a nound. Fill your lociTer. - McCully. 3 miles esst of Dlxonvllle. 10 GEESE, young. L. E. MulUrkey, Glendale, Oregon. Rabbits WITH RABfltT MEAT. A MEAL'S COMPLETE. I; V R B A FOR RALE -20 New Zealand doe; prlra Is right In group of five. Mr. C. C Bowman, Winston Section. For Trade HOI SE t'NDER CONSTRUCTION, and furniture, with l acre of grounl; for Bails, nr trade for trailer hnue. Robert JnhnBon. Inquire at Edward I Auto Court. Winston. Oregon j WILL"1"RADE 40 acres on Callahan Road 12 mile from tuwn. for Jeep. Innulr Charle Clark. Fred s Trailer Park. 1st cabin. Garden Valley Road. FOR" SALE OR TRADE M Haflev for power saw. Eldon Crow, Roaeburg Hotel. Lost Found WILL THE PARTY who 2 jpt from Laurar.ce Fruit Stand on den Valley Road, piease return hem? 1 black with white ring, the other Australian Shepherd. C. C. Laurence. Personal WANTED TO FIND Direct vole or trumpet medium. Box 2J4, Sulherlio, Oregon. OToitotlci'ANftNWour P. a Be 1114 nr Phona 1909-L or 5o-J. 1