dal Granne hall. Unit mpmheri should Inform the women in their1 lnRS. 10 The Nw-ftvie-, Roscbbro,, Ota. Wad., Oct. 26, 1949 Schedule Of Seven Projects In Douglas County Listed By 17 Home Extension Units Seven educational project! are to be undertaken this fall and winter by the 17 home extension uniti throughout Douglas county. Topics range from "Streamlined Home Swing" to "Family Businesi and the Law." Sewing shortcut and manu facturer!' assembly-line method! applied to home sewing will be explained at the first, all -day meeting of the various extension uniti. Each woman applle! thpse technique! on a blouse which she finishes at the meeting. Each wo man making a blouse must bring a sewing machine. Projects leaden will conduct classes In "Textile Painting," se cond project to be undertaken. Using simple designs to prepare stencil! to paint on cloth, mem bers will paint samples or finish ed product!. There will be a de monstration of setting colors and designs. Principles of making a home ground landscape plan, and how to combine diflerent types, sizes and colors of plants, mass plants for desired effects, and founda tion planting will be told at the third meeting. The topic will be "Landscaping Home Grounds." "Making Lampshades," with actual construction of a paper base lampshade covered with a plain textured fabric and finish ed with a simple trim, will take up the fourth meeting of the home extension units. Member! may complete a shade of this type at the unit meeting, if the shade does not exceed 12 I nones In diameter, and Is a two-ring type shade with no ribs. This meeting will oe put on ay pro ject leaders who get tneir train Ing at Scottsburg Dec. 9. Least Phases. Exercises Discussion of common legal aspects of family living, deeds, mortgages. Insurance, titles, elc, will be taken up In "Family Business and tne Law. iiiustra live slides will be shown. Exercises to stimulate the skin, water to cleanse and pre- K rations to soften the skin will discussed In "Care of the Skin." sixth project. There will be discussion of how diet affects the skin. Hand lotions and face creams will be made up. Use of makeup will be discussed. Lach person can give herself a facial. "Freezing Prepared Foods" will be topic of the final meeting of the home extension units. The use of freezers for breads, pas tries, soups, sandwiches and other prepared dishes will be dis cussed. Fresh and frozen pro ducts will be sampled and com pared. The meeting will be put on by project leaders, who will get their training at Scottsburg Feb. 21. In addition to these seven pro jects, leaders will be sent to Scottsburg Nov. IS, to bring sam ples and Illustrations to mem bers of the units of gift wrap ping. There also is to be a re creation leader training series held at Rlversdale Jan. 19, Feb. 23, March 23. and April 20. Two representatives from any club, J range, or other organization arc nvlted to attend. "Buying r Building a Freezer Locker" will be the topic of a meeting In Roseburg Nov. 9. to be conducted by a specialist. The meeting will be held in the even ing for both men and women. Dee. 6 and 7, a dress form orkshop will be held at Rivers- Calovtrot Jumping Frop Leapt From Book To Court LOS ANGELES (JfT The celebrated Jumping frog of Cal averas county" has hopped right out of California's gold rush days into Circuit court Clara Clemens Samossound, daughter of Mark Twain, author of the story, has filed a $300,000 damage suit against Columbia Pictures Corp., contending that communities that the units are a single organization and that every woman in the community Is welcome to attend tnese meet film "Best Man Wins," has "deformed and mutilated" the story. The suit complains that the movie Is a corny love story which Injured Twain's reputation. It seeks an injunction against the studio until all reference to the fact the film was based on Twain's jumping frog yarn Is eliminated. The suit alleges the work! of Mark Twain, pen name for Sam uel Clemens who died In 1910. are still protected by copyright. ONC GAMBLER LESS TACOMA. Oct. 25. Sher iff Lee Croft said Monday that the body of the man found shot to death near Sumner week ago has been identified by the Fed eral Bureau of Investigation as Ricardo Quero Eslao, small-time Seattle gambler. Eslao had been shot twice and badly beaten. MORE FOR A-BOMBI OAK RIDGE, Tenn., Oct. 26. tiW The Atomic Energy com mission confirmed Tuesday it Is planning a $300,000,000 expansion of Its atom bomb making facilities. British Opinion Poll " I Bad For Labor Party LONDON. Oct. 26 4JPy The Daily Expresa lays It has taken a public opinion poll which show ed that the labor party would lose If a general election were held now. The na ner uid !M ner. cent of those who answered said I " they would vote for Conserva tives, while only 36 percent would vote for labor, with the rent supporting the Liberals and other parties. In the 1945 election the lower party received 48 percent of the popular vote, and the Conserva tives 37 percent. Dr. E. W. Carter ChlropodlsWFoot Specialist 129 N. Jackson Phona 1170 Over Rexall Drug Store R. D. BRIDGES Savings Representative Equitable Savings and Loan Ast'n, Phone 442 Oakland, Ore. SLABWOOD in 12-16 end 24 In. lengths OLD GROWTH FIR DOUBLE LOADS WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR Phene 651 pom Inspect drums ' "" install mw Owiuix tt . Brake Unlet ; Replenish Adutl and aqua" brakes Read et car L0CKW00D MOTORS " and Oak pbone to '; . 't. a sssssb s forty Food Tim !?RlArVMlWdm.H b . ro -jx, rou r SAvi y food, STORE HOURS ' 9:00 ' 4 1 0:00 . .. A hi. .d a,,.,,,-.. ouu . - Sn Sunday, Oct. 30 Cracker Jack U$ them for party prizes. LONG GRAIN RICE 2- Showboat Whito Rica. pk ZENITH WHITE RICE 3-lb. 5e Showboat Cook, whita, fluffy pkg. ajfaj DROMEDARY DATES 7Vj-oi.)Bc Pitted fino for stuffing. pkg. XJ BORDEN MINCE MEAT Nona-Such Ready to usel 28-ox. ar JUNKET BRAND Fudge Mix Sr 29c NESTLES SEMI-SWEET CHOCOLATE 25c Morsels? 19c Deviled n nam mn w A i J ft &-v VT.. r en i I ''-vis I Underwood" Brand For Party Sandwiches 214.01. Can OCT. 29 NOV. 5 NATIONAL Apple Week Jelly Beans a Ullf fiit knii. Pei- J.,!,, feci far ftttiu el "trick pkg. er lieat." 25 43e BUTTER Meadow-wood S.&W. CAKE MIX For delicious fruit cake. lb. 65c Lb. jar.. 45C CIGARETTES Popular Brands On. 1.38 GUM DROPS & ORANGE SLICES & 19 15c 25 BAD sn kl TWr WWRn Jlv Time. IO-m. Cell. eke.. Ma. HARD CANDY & CANDY CORN 25 CHOCOLATE DROPS Ulfr. FlB. k pl, 25 MARSHMALLOWS FLUFF,.IST ..,, 29 CANDY BARS s.mw, t KlnJ, J4 89 OREGON WALNUTS M.di u. 29c NEW CROP ALMONDS . ,... i iw. 39 BISQUICK Sse time and oars. 40-ai. pf. 9t RITZ CRACKERS m.. 32 CREAMED HONEY ,.., ,., 25 STRAINED HONEY .., .... 29 RIPE OLIVES Ib.ny. Stenderd liie. Ne 1 can 3' TOMATO CATSUP T.ite tolls leMla 14C ZEE PAPER NAPKINS 10 KELLOGG'S 'PEP c..d ...... ,k,. 15e INSTANT RALSTON CEP;AL r.f. 27 SUNNYBANK MARGARINE ,.Lk. .... 29 MRS. WRIGHT'S BREAD u.u., 14 Apple Cider Hooi livet kuii. Tei Gallon j Qr a tally sictesil J"9 "T M COCA COLA Mrtlhi(1, PEPSI-COLA HiH,K.sp.t. HIRE'S ROOT BEER Carte ef i .oHles 25C ll IJ-et. eeHle, eeekS I2-M. kerrleS mmwm Meeakeam kiani. Makes perfectly fiaad pies. 2 ! 15- PINK SALMON Prlne. u. n.. . NILETS CORN DEL MONTE PEAS t.fl Gardea 101 ee LIBBY'S PUMPKIN FtBey N.. J0l ... FRUIT COCKTAIL Hoiea D.i;,kt vs KIPPERED SNACKS c,,,,.,, N.4. 35 18 19 10 29 10 FLOUR Gold Medal, Sperry, Kitchen Craft 25 lbs. 1.89 50 lbs. 3.77 DELICIOUS 25-lb. box 1.39 Jonathans, lb. 5c, box 1.49 Ortleys lb. 5c, box 1.59 Red Romes lb. 7Vit box 239 Cranberries lb. 19c Tokay Table Grapes lb.7V2C Potatoes ft- B"49e C 95c Sweet Potatoes lb. 10c Southern Yams lb. 10c Yellow Ripe Bananas, lb. 15c BROCCOLI GREEN CABBAGE CELERY PARSNIPS BRUSSELS SPROUTS TURNIPS WINTER SQUASH DATES LB. 15 LB. 3c LB. 7c LB. 10c LB. 23e LB. 10c LB. 3e 8-0Z. PKG. 19c 3 ) I PICNICS ib. 39- SUGAR CURED Rath, Wilson and Cudahy brands. Popular slits 4 to 8-pound avtragt itPfiks slr,Plb.75cS. lb. 59c MeaKS Ribs lb. 75c lb. 65c Frtsh Oysters M(l;um H.,69c Frieasstt Fowl ,ti(rMJy 65e Fancy Frytrs , fc. 69c WIENERS or BOLOGNA lb. 39e SLICED COLD TURKEY WONDERFUL FOR PARTIESI Turkeys Oven Fancy Terns lb. 59c READYFancy Htnt lb. 69 BEEF LIVER li. 39 Pot Roasts r-.4 lb. 43 Beef Short Ribs lb. 19 Ground Beef l... lb. 35 Pork Sausage lb. 39 Sliced Bacon ,b 45c SAVINGS ON FRESH COFFEES EQUinilDS COFFEE Ik. ten 47c Jlb. 93c WHOLf HAN MyORim FRISKIES DOG FOOD 223c We redeem Friiile Ceupent PUSS N' BOOTS Prepered Epeielly 9 l-V fltC Ht Yew Ceai IVORY SOAP 2f.17 227- Medium Bet Lerae Site ler RINSO OreMjIaUd Seep .v . 25c WHITE KING 4f.iHil.Ud Seep Giont Pockoge 49c AIRWAY COFFEE mi. ia 39c mi. iao 77c TENDERLEAF TEA BALLS NOB HILL COFFEE mi. iao 42c 83c Ml. IA pkg. of 14 21