I Th Nw-Rvlw, Roitbjrg, Or. Tuei., Oct. 25, 1949 i maisasoit camp firc Society and GUU By BETTY ALLEN NOTICE Social items submitted by tele phone lor the society page mut be turned In before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday nd by 10 a. m. Friday at whuh time the social calendar and Sat urday's society page are closed weekly. RICE VALLEY HOME ECONOMICS CLUB PLANS NOV. S BAZAAR The Home Economics club of Rice Valley met Tupsday after noon at a no-hostess meeting at the hall. Plans were completed for in bazaar to he held at the- Rice Valley hall Nov. 5. A potluck sup per is to be served to the public. There attending the mooting were Mrs. James Kldwell, Mrs. Harrv Dunbar, Mrs. J. G. Wales. Mrs. 'LeRoy Churchill, Mrs. Cecil Hartford, Mrs. Krvin Rice, Mrs. Frank Churchill, Mrs. James Shepherd, Mrs. William Castor, Frank Eggers, Mrs. James Wal es. Mrs. Eugene Turner. Mis. Al Fonken. Mrs. Ralph Emerson, and Mis. Glen Walker. The next meeting will be Nov. 1 with Mi. Krvin Rice as hostess. There will be election of officers at this meeting. HOME ECONOMICS CLUB PREPARES DINNER Ladies of the Rice Valley Home Economics club were in charge of a turkey dinner served at their community hall to dele gates of Southwestern Orpgon district conference of Husinoss and Professional women Sunday, pinner was In charge of the Yon call hostess club. TWO BLUEBIRD GROUPS ACTIVE AT RIVERSIDE SCHOOL, ELECTED OFFICERS Two Bluebird groups of River side school met during the past week. The fourth grade group se Ipclpd the name, "Joyful" for their group. Thpy are sponsored by the Riverside P. T.-A. and meet each Thursday at 1:30 p. m. In the third grade school room Election of officers found Carol Lindbloom president; Sherry Ha vens, vice president; Chariot le Isaacson, sen clary and Patricia Ladd, treasurer. The guardian is Mrs. Tom Lindbloom. Members include Bonnie Berg, Sherrill MeClay, Shprry Havens, Ellen Ann MoKetridge, Nellie I)e War, Sharon Pepple, Eugenia Mcske, Charlotte Isaacson, Pat ricia Ladd, Carol Lindbloom, El iaheth Prehman and Dlanne Lip pencolt. Fourth grade Blupbirds mpot Tuesday wilh Mrs. Frances Wal ker al the Church of God at 11 a. m. Their project last meeting was yarn dolls. Officers include Glenda Find lay, president; Rosalie Pope, vice president ; Birdeen Moore, seoretary-treasurpr. Members In addition to the officers are Gwen dolyn Miller, Vickie Greenquist, Maie Mpndenhall, Connie King, Mary DpII Bryant and LaJuana Campbell. P. E. O. LUNCHEON TO PRECEDE MEETING The special meeting of Chapter RI, P. E. O. sisterhood, to be held Thursday at the home of Mrs. Maurice Newland, 225 Riv erside drive at 2 p.m. will be preceded bv a 1 p.m. luncheon according to an announcement marie today by officers. 1 1 IN Items Charged fflfll I offer this daft or not billed until DECEMBER Massasolt Camp Fire Girls of the fifth grade at Riverside school met with Miss Judy Riley on Calkins road and elected off icers to serve for the coming three months. Miss Lavelle Gladwill will be president; Patricia Niday, vie president; Judy Riley, secretary; Mollie Wilcox, treasurer, Jean ette Lewis, fiagbearer. The group selected names and began work on their memory books. Candy contest winner were announced. The group has a mascot Little Black Sambo, a little black ring. Helping the host ess serve refreshments was Kath leen Tripp. Attending the meptlng were Trunetle Phillips. Viola Dudley, Robin Springer, LaVelle Glad will. Pat Nlday, Parlene Hodson, Mollle Wilcox. Jpanptte Lewis, and the guardian Mrs. Hazel Gladwill and the hostess. RIVERSDALE GRANGE INITIATES LARGE CLASS OF CANDIDATES Riversdale grange Initiated fourteen new members at their meeting Saturday nlght..Fifty eight were present for the init iation ceremony and the third and fourth degree work. Myron Lphne presided during the meet ing. Announcement was made con cerning election of officers sched ulpd for the Nov. 4 meeting. A chicken dinner will he served Nov. 5 from 6 until 8 p.m. follow ed by a bazaar and carnival. Riversdale Home Economics club will meet Nov. 7 rather than Nov. .11, at the home of Mrs. Adriie Schneider assisted by Mrs. Belle Ewens. FRIENDLY HOUR CLUB MEETS AT HOFFMAN HOME Mrs. Ellen Hoffman entertain ed the Friendly Hour club at her home Wednesday. Potluck lunch eon was served at noon and sewing and textile painting en Joyed. Mrs. Mildred Bonebrake will entertain the group Nov. 2 at an all-day meeting. Attending were Mrs. Katie Conn Mrs. Hazel Williams. Mrs. Nor ma Fenn, Mis. Cecilia Kenyon, Mrs. Willamlna Bonebrake. Mrs. Belva Buckwalter, Mrs. Minnie Jacohson, Mrs. Alma Greer Mrs. Mildred BonPhrake, Mrs. Clara Herrman, Mrs. Grace Fenn and the hostess. PARROT STREET CLUB HOLDS EVENING MEETING Mrs. J. L. Shrum entertained the Parrott Street club at her home Oct. 13. Anagrams and vlsitlnff were eninveri. The Nov ember meeting will he held at the home of Mrs. Jay Clarke In Cloake's addition. Refreshments closed the even ing. Attending were Mrs. Ruby Tucker, Mrs. Emma Smith and Mrs. Purl Meredith, guests; Mrs. Mary Moore, Mrs. Hazel Meiss- ner Mrs. Fannie Blown, Mrs. Rubv Tucker. Miss Frances Brown, Mrs. Emma Smith, Mrs. Winifred Cox, Mrs. Peace Fox and the hostess. HAPPY HOUR CLUB MEETING PLANNED Riversdale Happy Hour club will be entertained at the Dale Gulley home Wednesday after- noon at 2 o clock witn Mrs. Don ald Guiley as co-hostess. t i jr , - - . : i w -.. m l l i -ts---: :. - :'. -J litem 3f'S:fc' jilt MiM IfeJlsfefii I 'til f - Z ' I nil i is in i mi i ill sf iiiirnm ii mn i i j jri THIS HOME AT 1028 WHARTON STREET it assessed at $700, hit family will receive police protection 24 hours e day. seven according to owner Ray Brown, Roseburg physical education instructor. Last year, he paid taxes amounting to $30.17. If this West Roseburg location is voted into the city in the coming annexation election, the Browns' taxes will be increased by $9.45. However, because of the high rate he is now paying for fire insurance on his property, Brown will actually save money by coming into the city, R. P, Layzell, the Browns' insur ance agent, figures a yearly reduction of about $10 on fire insurance payments alone. Another advantage Brown has noted is that hit home and, city. (Picture by Paul Jenkins) days a week, in addition to increased fire protection from the city's five fire trucks. Cost of repair and maintenance on Whar ton street will be assumed by the city, as well as installation of bracket-type corner street lights. Even telephone service will be improved, with most phone subscribers placed on four-party lines, instead of the ten-party lines many of the residents now have. People of West Roseburg, and the Miller's Addition-Sleepy Hollow district will decide Nov. I at a special election whether or not they wish to approve annexation of these areas by the Christmas is p Just Around the Corner! Before the RUSH! You Save! I k If .! f I A f To enable you to give the most per sonal and thoughtful of Christmas gifts. For a limited time we offer - Your Portrait In Natural Color 3x4 inch in Folder In Black and White 5x7 inch in Folder 1 Portrait $ 2.25 6 Portraits 12.00 12 Portraits 16.50 Your Selection of Proofs PARKS-CHIT WOOD PHOTOGRAPHERS 137 North Jackson Phone 1194-R PLASTIC PARTY ENJOYED AT WILSON HOME Mrs. Mildred Wilson entertain ed a (Troup of friends at her home on Brown avenue Thursday even ing at a plastic party. A display of over 100 items was In charge of Alice W. Overoeck. A social hour followed games and the hostess served refresn ments to Mrs. Don Wilson, Sr., Mrs. Roy Puckett, Mrs. J. H. Gardner, Mrs. V. Wright, Mrs. Jack Cummins, Mrs. Lucy Mill er. Mrs. Grace Cook. Mrs. Jack May, Mrs. Jean Nichols, Mrs. Pat Shapro. Mrs. E. D. Burghardt and Mrs. Overoeck. W. B. A. BENEFIT CARD PARTY SCHEDULED Mrs. Eugene Little will he host ess to the W. B. A. at a benefit card party to be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Members and invited guests will attend. PUBLIC INVITED TO CHURCH LUNCHEON The public is invited la the noon luncheon to be held at the First Presbvterian church Fri day, Oct. 28. Ladies of th church will begin serving at 11 a. m. GARDEN VALLEY WOMAN'S CLUB PLANNING PARTY Garden Valley Woman's club are making plans for their Hal lowe'en party to be held at the cluhnouse Saturday evening at, 8 o'clock. All club members are' urged lo participate. EXTENSION UNIT HAS SEWING PROJECT Lookingglass Home Extension unit met at the Methodist church Oct. IS with Mrs. Corrinne Mo Taggart leading a demonstration on "streamlined home sewing." Attending were Mrs. Jim Will iams, Mrs. John Maddox. Mrs. O. H. Cornet t, Mrs. E. Ollivant, Mrs. Don Ollivant, Mrs. Cliff Boling, Mrs. Jonn Lee, Mrs. Ella Doyle, Mis. Dale Zeller. Topic of the next meeting, Nov. 15 is "textile painting." UMPOUA REBEKAH LODGE MEETING WELL ATTENDED I'mpqua Rehekah lodge met last Tuesday with thirty two In attendance. Under the good of the order Mrs. Stacy Fenley, Mrs. Ed Gates and Mrs. James Gates f resented readings. Mr. and Mrs. rank Madison gave several mu sic selections and a trio, of high school girls sang. Refreshments were in charge of Mrs. Ray Mon ner and Mrs. Charles Hedden. DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS Zo Newman 2i Cobb St. Phen 3S7 RX SCHOLARSHIP AWARDED UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Oct. 20 Special Char les W. Wolfe a Junior in chemis try In the University of Oregon, is the recipient of the first an nual Orin Fletcher Stafford scho larship of $1000. The scholarship winner, wno comes from ht. h"et erburg, Fla., was given the award on the basis of a super ior scholastic record and apti tude for advanced work in chem istry. He received $400 during his junior year and $ti00 for the senior year. The scholarship, fin anced through a gift from an anonymous donor. Is named in memory of the late Orin Flet cher Stafford, member of the un iversity facultv from 1902 until his death in 19-11. A syrup produced from corn cohs resembles maple syrup. 71Y J & ) IvBOURJOIS Thrt'i magic in air . . . ond it noma b Bou t great nw prfyn digfd to mok you fJ mof faihionobly bautifufl Con to our Cot mrk counter, b touched by bvwitcKing fteou BM. You'N wont to mako H pari of your pronaJity very hour of evory day and night... for fashion, and for your own enjoyment. Perfume, $2.00 to 17.50. Cologne, $2.50. AM phn ta. FULLERTON REXALL STORE Ruling Will Resentence Convicts Or Liberate Them OLVMPIA. Oct. 25 (.PI An unprecedented review of the cases of bogus check passers In the slate prison rs in the offing. About 40 Inmates are involved. The lucky ones will probably win their freedom on the grounds of improper sentencing. Assistant attorney general John Blankenship said the 1 n mates involved are those affect ed by a recent state supreme court ruling that a writer of a bad check must have been charged wilh receiving more than $25 before he could he sen tenced for a felony. Otherwise It would be only a gross misde meanor. Many prisoners are serving sentences up to 15 years on inv proper felony charges. Blankenshin said the mass re- Iview of cases will be to decide which inmates should he taken back to their home counties for re-sentencing or release. A truck will swing around the state t o drop them off in the various counties. Blankenship said, how ever, that some of them would face new charges because of oth er checks. In buying cauliflower avoid heads on which the flowerets have begun to spread. The head should be compact, creamy white and have flesh green leaves a round its base. FORD ENGINE Won parts rUm- m, Cm mm Fori Parts mtort Mactay. 119 Installation Extra L0CKW00D MOTORS Rosa and Oak Phont M WHETHER YOU PREFER MILK YOU GET THE BEST WHEN YOU GET UMPQUA DAIRY MILK Umpqua Dairy Phone 38 RK.TCHiNTOOlS Guarantor rJ-TT I. 'HI Perfect for mother, liter, friend or yourself. G let minf lUinleM iteel working surface . , . Kit trout, hot-water reetttant handle. Each piece beautifully balanced to mm work and make meal-tettinf a lark! Ej Inrfividwel iee SR H $,n, liKi.xf Walt f N fra O . I Housewares Department UMPQUA VALLEY HARDWARE MODS 0' M V Precis print en fin r o y o n luono. Coat style with dainty pearl like buttons. double v a 1 u e Only ot Mcxie O'Doy will you find these dresses of exquisite fobrics which usu- olly sell for dou ble this Mode O'Doy price. Every dress is guora nteed. Choose several today ot this double-value price. 51 gauge, 15 denier NYLONS Full fashioned. New Fall shade. mODODflV Phono 45 127 N. Jackson 202 N. Jackson Ftiont 73 334 N. Main