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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1949)
f Dedication Of I Dorena Dam Held COTTAGE GROVE. Cet. 24 -UPy Dorena Dam was officially dedicated Sunday In a public cer emony that attracted a crowd of more than 500 people. Governor Douglas McKay threw the main switch that formallv set into op eration the $14,000,000 flood con trol structure. Scheduled for com pletion in July of 1950, crews worked Sundays and holidays to finish ahead of time. Rep. Harris Ellsworth spoxe briefly, pledging his full support until all the units in the Willam ette valley project are complet ed. Dorena was the third and largest of three dams construct ed in the valley. Kern Ridge on the Long Tom river near Eugene, and Cottage Grove on the coast fork of the Willamette near here were fin ished prior to the war. Detroit Dam on the north Santiam and Meridian near Lowell are still under construction. Col. O. E. Walsh, division en gineer, expressed the hope Ihi-t money might be available next year for preliminary planning operations on other flood control sites on the McKenzie and Snuih Santiam rivers. Marshall Dana. editor of the editorial page if j3J I 2LtV and your j 7 J i v?5m1 old engine Runs Like New Engine Has been completely torn down and rebuilt to our exacting specifications Worn parts replaced with New Gen uine Ford Parts t Immediate Delivery LOCKWOOD MOTORS Rose and Oak Phone 80 CANT SLEEP AFTER FIVE IN TH' NAAWNIN', NETTIE" LONG HABlT A LITTLE AFRAID O' THAT COFFEE GADGET SO I NAAPE COFFEE IN A PANGUESS - (SILLY MtAKU Mt r DOWN HEAH.' JESS, VOU RE HIS 1 ! FAVORITE LIMC1 F I 1 ! AND HE BRAGm - I I I) SOU -EVEN TRIES I l TO IMITATE "TOUR . - I y WALK AND TALK- J II ) BUT THIS I MUST ;rv- WPMfat i5 1 'III!1 I OW-Will1 4 HEROES ACE MAP! , r lOT BORN cJ,r , , I Foreign Students Greeted At OSC OREGON STATE COLLEGE--Fraternity men here are putting International friendship Into ac tion tis year by furnishing schol arships to two European grad uate students. Conrad J. M. Hoi stege of Holland and Mattl Siu teied here for graduate work in mechianical and electrical eniji nerrlng. respective! v. I'nder the arrangement the vis itors will have opportunity to live with American students as well as study with them. Each man will live in three different frater nities, one each term. The other fraternities have contributed cash to the project to meet tui tion and other necessary ex penses. Holstege is 2.1. unmarried, and a graduate of Delft Technical In stitute. Slukola is 27. married. I and a graduate of the Finland In stitute of Technology. He has been with the Finland Broadcast ing Co., for four years and will specialize here in communica tions engineering. Tuei., Oct. 25, 1949-Th News-Review, Roseburg, 0r. 3 on "The Emotional Behavior of Children" and. aglow with new understanding, marched from the lecture hall to their parked auto mobiles. They found there were two flat tires on each of the teachers' cars. OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams the Oregon Journal, acted as master of ceremonies at the dam opening. Melrose By NETTIE WOODRUFF Donald Patterson and Ted Reese spent last weekend at their homes. They are attending school In Eugene. The Melrose Camp Fire group held an enjoyable party Thurs day night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Busenbark. jor operation recently. Her moth er, from North Dakota, is visiting at their home. Jerry Horn of Eugene was a visitor at the O. O. Matthews home and at the C, E. Reece home last Thursday. The Jolly Circle club held a supper and card party at the Verny Sanders home last Satur day night. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Coder have moved on to the Ell Sand ers place and will assist the lat ter in his dairy work. VISUAL PROBLEM BALTIMORE (.P Two dozen school teachers heard a lecture Phone 400 FOR SHELL Burner and Stovt Oils Prompt, Crltt, Autvmiil rill Vt-M'tf-t Omr Chart Account, Old Corvallii Collcgt Bell Donated To OSC OREGON STATE COLLEGE The original bell that hung In the belfry of old Corvallls college to call students to classes week days and worshipers to service on Sundays, has been given to Oregon State col'ege by officios of the former South Methodist church, now merged with the First Methodist church of Cor vallis. The old bell, cast In England in IStiO, was brought around Ihe Horn and placed In the college belfry in Ihe early Sixties. It serv ed throughout the life of the col lege until the campus was mov ed to its present site, and then continued as the bell for the church until the latest building was sold to the government for I SO purposes in 1942. Justice Of Peace Quits To Go On Hunting Trip PAISLEY-fl Every year for 10 years Justice of the Peace Louis Johnson began muttering to himself, come falL He wanted to go hunting: But instead he had to alt behind the Judge's bench In Paisley, meeting out fines to hunting law violators. This season the craving got too strong. Johnson sent In nil resig nation as Justice of the peace, and went hunting. Today District Attorney Robert Welch was hunting frantically for a replacement. Johnson warn ed of his resignation a month ago, but so far Welch hasn't been able to find a successor. Seems everybody eise In Pais ley wants to go hunting, too. Item Charged jl I l ! offer this dote ore I not billed until I jj ' DECEMBER jj Mrs. James Conn, president, conducted the Parent-Teacher club meeting Friday night at the schoolhouse. Mr. Buckwal ter showed beautiful photograph ic slides from his collection dur ing the program hour. Miss Patricia Mayo was the speaker Tuesday night at tit; Grange booster program. She talked of her experiences during her trip to Europe last winter. The talk was well given and much appreciated by the large audiences. Also on the pro gram were pupils of dance In structor Sally Hilt, and accordi an solos by John Wellpot. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Horner and two children are residing on the F. A. Becker place now. He works at the Roseburg Veterans hospital. Mrs. OscarKnhlhoff has return ed to her home from Mercy hos pital where she underwent a ma- Tomorrow 9:30 A. M. at Penney's Special Purchases Penney's buyers are specially trained to scour the market to bring you the most value for your money. Thot's why you always sove more on a Penney Special Purchase. Look at these values and then come in tomorrow and shop and save. Store opens 9:30 a. m. ALL WOOL BLANKETS $600 Three-pound, all-wool blankets in five beautiful decorator colors, sizes 72x84. Five-year guarantee against moths. Be wise, buy yours now. Extra Low Price! CHENILLE ROBES 3.33 Thickly tufted, warm and woshable che nille robes at a special low price. Sizes 12 to 44 in melon, turquoise, blue, gold or white. Wide skirts with designs oround the hems. Special Price! MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS 3.00 A lorge selection of washable men's sport shirts taken from our regular stock and reduced to this low price. Rayon gabar dines with zipper and button fronts. Small, medium and large sizes in tan, maroon, rust, blue and green. You Can Buy Them at Modern Furniture for No Down Payment You can cook easier, better With a ne w D&i(LwwQ.xn&nito 1 VXTii ' " ' '-," I ! JJ-lk. I (M -1 lfky wild Y lf You'll cook easier and better on Kelvinator because they are packed with extra features . . . time-saving features like electric-fast, 7 speed units; roomy storage and work areas that save extra steps; fingertip control on cooking and large, fast-heating ovens that five you better results every time. For foster, easier, better cooking come In and see the new Kelvinator ranges tomorrow. DELUXE MODEL ER-489 This is the range that gives you the most in cooking equipment and features. The wonder-working "Auromotic Cook" takes over in cooking whole meals automatically while you aren't even there. There's a finger-tip control on all cooking operations . . . the roomy, 2-unit oven holds a complete meal . . . elec-tric-fost, 7-heat surface units tilt up for easy cleaning. Come in and see how easy cooking can be with this amazing new range. MODEL ER-487 Top model quality and features in a range of medium price. Centralized control panel . . . built-in toplight . . . electric clock . . Oven and Minute-Timers for mare ef ficient cooking . . . 7-heat surface units . . . "Up-Down" unit for a fourth burner. You get all these famous Kel vinator features in a medium-priced range. Coma in and see it tomorrow. NO DOWN PAYMENT 309.95 NO DOWN PAYMENT 279.95 MODEL ER-483-C A really "deluxe" model range offering many ex tra convenience features at moderate price . . . Scotch Kettle for deep-well cooking, controls on bockguard . . . electric clock . . . toplight . . . Oven Timer . . . end look at the low price. NO DOWN PAYMENT. 229.95 Free Delivery HI fHuTratmmrirara ramn 222 W Ook Phone 348 MODEL ER-483 Tops in its price class . . a full size Kelvinator to fit conservative budgets. This model has tha tilt-up sur face units for easy cleaning . . . 2-unit oven . . . Scotch Kettle . . . generous storage space and working space NO DOWN PAYMENT 189.95 Liberal Trade-Ins