Couple Wed At Parsonage i 'm (All , P ! " i . if . J. J m mi Mm - r '""ii n iiumiiium in nun mmt Jt Mis Patricia Rae Kreps of Roseburg and Muriel Ray Crouch of Myrtle Creek were married at 6 o'clock Saturday evening, Oct. 8, at the Presbyterian parsonage on South Main street. The ceremony was read by the Rev. Morris Roacft, pastor of the Presbyterian church. The bride wore a maroon suit with black ac cessories and a corsage of rose, buds. She was attended by her sister, Miss Donna Kreps, as maid of honor. A. E. York, brother-in-law of the bride, was best man. The bride's mother wore a ma roon suit with white accessories Social Caienclc NOTICE Social Items submitted by tele phone for the society page must be turned in before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday ind by 10 a. m. Friday at which time the social calendar and Sat urday's society page are closed weekly. Saturday. Oct. 22 Douglas court. No. 1. Ama ranth, potlurk dinner and social night, tonight at Masonic temple, 6:30 o'clock. Social night at Riversdale grange for members and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hamplon and Everybody loves flowers and everybody loves to receive them. Choose flowei as the perfect giff . . . choose them from us . . . always fresh ly cu. fragrantly lovely. The phon. number to re member is 158. LILLIE'S FLOWER SHOP 819 Winchester Street Closet October 31. Learn These Dance Steps: Fox Trot Waltx Rhumba Samba Tano- Jitterbug Mexican Shuffle Schottische VI Betty Crocker Fhota by MIUir-ModtrM Mr. and Mrs. Muriel Ray Crouch 'and the bridegroom"! mother ! wore a grey and white outfit. A reception followed at the home of the bride on East Sixth street. Attending were Donna Shirlev, Phyllis Kreps. Mr. and Mrs. L Kreps, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hoi comb, Agnes Holcomb, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Buker. Beverlv Siems. Orville Walz, Gladys and Harold Rupp. Mr. and Mrs. Crow ley, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. York of Springfield, Mrs. Delia Kreps of Reno, Nev., grandmother of the bride. The couple is at home at Myr tle Creek. ar Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hess hosts. Begins at 8:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 23 Alpha Iota chapter of Beta Sig ma Phi, formal dinner and ritual of Jewels ceremony at 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 24 B. P. W. C. open meeting at Episcopal parish hall. Melvin Murphy, guest speaker. Health chairmen of civic clubs and doc tors invited. Hallowe'en dance at Veterans hospital. Local ladies invited to join group. O. S. C. Mothers club at home of Mrs. K. D. Lytle in Laurel wood, at 2 p.m. All members and mothers invited to Join. Tuesday, Oct. 25. F. S. club members home Mrs. Emma Thomason, 1146 North Jackson at 2 p.m. Olalla Tenmile extension unit at Olalla hall. Topic. Streamlined Sewing. Ladies asked to bring sewing machines. Rcbekah lodge meeting at 7:30 p.m. preceded by chili dinner at 6:30 p.m. for members and fami lies. Degree staff practice follow ing lodge meeting. Special meeting of Navy Mothers, home of Mrs. W. R. Hoi- DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS Zoo Newman S2S Cobb St. Phono 387-RX NOW . . . two can LEARN Instructors: Betty Crocker, Irene Trapalii, and Mickey Hard. Special Rates for Clubs. Groups, and Organizations. Registration Night Wednesday, 7. 10 P. M. Or Call Mickey Hard Phone 1517 Y after 6 P. M. Ulah Rhoden Studio OF DANCE ARTS 220 N. Moin MILLER-JOHNS RITES AT AZALEA FAITH CHAPEL HELD Oct. t Misa Jennene Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence .Miller, became the bride of Dale Johns of Azalea. Oct. 9 at Azalea Faith Chapel. The ceremonv was read, by the Rev. W. Litsie. The bride was attended by Miss Zoravda Martin as maid of honor and Carl Ford was best man. A reception was held at the Azalea grange hall. Both are graduates of G 1 e n d a 1 high school. Attending from out-of-town were Mr. and Mrs. Gene risher of Winston; Mr. and Mrs. William Jantzer of Grants Pass. Chester Smith, Leslie Jantzer and Donald Sloper, all of Corvallis. brook. 749 South Main at 7:30 p.m. Bring donations for each I month and unfinished articles for oazaar. Ladies of Episcopal Guild at parish hall at 8 p.m. Helen Casey guest speaker. Rice Valley grange at Grange hall with Mis. Castor as hostess. Third and fourth degree for new members. Sewing division of Badoura club, Nydia Temple, Daughters of Nile, home of Mrs. M. C. Cassel, 103 South Kane street, 1:30 p.m. Woman's club flower show at Methodist church. Alpha Theta chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, home of Mrs. Ted Wi. rak with Mi's. Allen Cordon and Mrs. Ray Sims assisting. Inter-Se club at home of Mrs. Theo Bond. Topic to be given by Mrs. Anita Stark. Wednesday, Oct. 26 Methodist church circle No. 1 home Miss Jennie Jorey, 942 Mili tary street at 2 p.m. Methodist church circle No. 3, home Mrs. G. M. Krell, 715 South Pine street at 2 p.m. w. L. 1. u. guest (lav at Home of M-s. Ben Irving. 906 Military street at 2 p.m. Oregon chapter, No. 57. O. E. S. past matrons and past patrons night at Masonic temple, Canyon- vilie at 8:15 p.m. DHlard IV 1. A. room motners and executive board meeting at home of Mrs. Mona Hult. Rebekah lodge degree staff practice at 7:30 p.m. St. Joseph's Altar society at armory, 8 p.m. All persons In terested invited to join. Woman's club annual flower show at Methodist church. Thursday, Oct. 27 Patch and Chat club at home of Mrs. E. G. Trozelle. W. S. C. S. zone meeting at Yoncalla. Local cars leaving Methodist church at 9:15 a.m. Chapter Bi, P. E. O. Sisterhood, special meeting with Mrs. Mau rice Newland, 1225 Riverside drive at 2 p.m. Evergreen Home Economics club at grange hall. Lady Elks, business meeting and cards at 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 28 Methodist church circle No. 2 at home of Mrs. M. V. Rice, 312 East Cass street at 2 p.m. Methodist church circle No. 4 at home of Mrs. W. G. Shugart, 724 Cobb street at 2 p.m. Zuleima Nile club calls special meeting. Friday, Oct. 28 at 7:30 p.m. home of Mrs. Tyler Evans Jr. Dessert supper. Luncheon open to public at Presbyterian church. Serving be gins at 11 a.m. Bazaar in con junction. Eagles aerie and auxiliary Hal lowe'en dance at hall at 8 p.m. American Legion auxiliary sew Ing club at home of Betty Moore, 428 Pltzer street at 7:30 p.m. to sew for child welfare. All auxili ary members urged to assist and bring thimble and needles. Tiller-Drew P. T. A. Halloween set-together with movies and re freshments at Tiller school. Saturday, Oct. 29 Garden Valley Woman's club Halowe'en party at the clubhouse at 8 p.m. Neighbors of Woodcraft Lilac Circle No. 49. rummage sale at j Episcopal parish hall. Smorgasbord dinner and dance : fnr .lavi-Mtt end .lav-CFttps. at I Melody Inn at Winston. Costume iffair. Beta Sigma Phi rummage sale, Mu Chapter, Episcopal parish hall. as cheaply as one! Leorn together for the regular price of individual lessons. Registration at These Special Rates Irene Trapalii i Sat., Oct. 22, 1849 The Society and Qluhi By BETTY ALLEN Roseburg Temple Honored By Nile Ceremonial At Masonic Temple The first Daughter of Nile ceremonial to be held In Roseburg was made possible by Zuleima temple. Daughters of the Nile, Honored Queen, Mae Moss of was held '.he latter part of and was conducted by Queen Mae Moss. A class of 52 candidates became princesses of Zuleima temple, No, 13, Daughters of the Nile. The temple was elaborately decorated for the occasion and was filled to capacity with spectators to witness '.he ceremonial. . in n ,.mmmn :. f V cr tv i Picture by Clark'f Studla Queen Mae Moss HALLOWE'EN PARTY SURPRISES AUXILIARY MEMBERS AT MEETING American Legion auxiliary members heard reports on ihe recent slate auxiliary conference held in Portland last week when they met at the Legion home on South Kane slreet. Delecatrs from Roseburg were Mrs. Myrtle Olmschied. depart ment child welfare center work er; Mrs. Nelle L'lrirh. depat! ment hospital representative and Mrs. Rose Dauber, Umpqua unit president. Vera McCllntock Jones announc ed the auxiliary radio program to be given Sunday evening at 9:30 o'clock. A social hour followed the busi ness meeting with Mrs. Connie Burke as chairman assisted by Mrs. Betty Moore and Mrs. Jane Stephens. The members were surprised wilh a Hallowe'en par ty. Refreshments in keeping with the approaching Hallowe'en sea son were served. MRS. MORRIS BOWKER ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB AT LUNCHEON Mrs. Morns Bowker entertain ed her bridge club at her home on South Main street Tuesday af ternoon with a luncheon preced ing an afternoon of cards. Fire thorns, pumpkins and orange ta pers carried out the Hallowe'en theme. Prizes were won at hrldce hy Mrs. Bert Lnrkrum and Mrs. E. A. Pearson. Guests were Mrs. Ed ward Murphy and Mrs. Paul Geddes and members attending Included Mrs. O. R. Hess. Mrs. Maurice Hallmark. Mrs. Pearson, Mrs. Ted Wirak. Mrs. L. K. Fies, Mrs. Corkrum and the hostess. EVERGREEN HOME ECONOMICS CLUB PLANS MEETNG Evergreen Home Economics club will meet at the grange hall Thursday, Oct. 27. Hostesses will be Rubie Blnom. Margaret Buit and Jessie Thomas. NEW LOCATION We cordially invite you to visit us in our new location ond under our new norrte Consult us about the latest hair styling, scalp treatments, modem methods of permanent waves ond monicurmg. News - Review, Roieburg, Ore. 7 Ashland, Oregon. The ceremonial September at the Masonic temple A banquet at Kennedy's Dutch Mill followed for the queen, past queens, princesses and escorts. Bamboo and flowers banked the stage and many flower arrange ments Mere placed on the tables and about the banquet room. Mistress of ceremony Margaret Chairmonte, Introduced Her Maj esty, Queen Mae Moss who in turn introduced Junior Past Queen Edna Overmeyer and Col onel Overmeyer, the past queens, ladies in waiting and officers; Chief Rabhan Herman Mayberry and Mrs. Mayberry, past poten tate Sam Steinbaugh and Mrs. Steinbaugh. An informal talk was given by Queen Mae Moss. Chief Rahban Mayberry presented the queen with a bouquet of red roses in behalf of Hiilah temple, Ashland. Noble Otto Harrah presented tne queen with a bouquet of Bailsman Roses from the Roseburg Shrine club. The mistress of ceremonies then Introduced the general chair man Princess Grace Harrah and all committee chairmen. The list included: Lillian Ev ans, care of candidates, assisted by Georgia Reynolds, Jerry O' Brien, LaVerne Williams, Grace Boor; Georgia Reynolds, flowers for candidates; Frankie Harms, chairman of decorating commit tee and Jane McFarland, Jean Tozier, Helen Kaser, Grace Har rah, Gladys Kesner, Aulda Bodin, Silvia Henninger; Aulda Bodin, chorus, and Naomi Oerding, Por chia Palmer, Lucille RouRhcore, Kuth Jackson and Vera Frazer; Grace Harrah, chairman of the hostess committee assisted by Lu cille Roughcore, Frankie Harms, Georgia Reynolds, Grace Boor, Zebonia Akers, Agnes Fullerton and LaVerne Williams; Betty Stearns, chairman of tea assisted by Frankie Harms, Renie uryages, Lillian Evans, Georgia Reynolds, Mollie Joelson, Bettv Adams, Silvia Henninger and Aul da Boden. Betty Adams, chairman of banquet ticket committee. The program was then turned over to the captain of the pa trol, Fairy Hearin, who, wilh members of the patrol, put on a unique and interesting fashion show of old and modern style dress. Noble Kenneth Adams enter tained with a whistling solo ac companied by Mary Jane Plimp ton. The latter also played two piano numbers. Sunday afternoon from one un til 3 o'clock a tea was given at the Masonic temple honoring the queen. An immense bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums and while roses with streamers of white ribbons centered the tea table. PAST PRESIDENTS MEET TUESDAY WITH BETTY MOORE Past presidents of the Ameri can Legion auxiliary were enter tained Tuesday evening at the home of Mis. Betty Moore with a business meeting following des sert supper. Attending were Mrs. George Caskey, Mrs. George Jackson, Mrs. Harry Hatfield. Mrs. Fred Wenger, Mis. Rudolph Ritzman, Mrs. Waller Olmscheid and the hostess. Mrs. George Jackson will en tertain the group at her home Nov. 15 and all past presidents are asked to bring a gift for Ihe child welfare project for Chris'. mas. ZULEIMA NILE CLUB CALLS SPECIAL MEETING A special meeting of the Zulei ma 'Nile club has been called for Friday. Oct. 28 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Tvler Evans, Jr. Dessert supper will he serv ed. All club members and Nile Daughters are asked to attend. Preparation will be made for the Thanksgiving box which is to be sent to the Shrine hospilal. POTLUCK DINNER, SOCIAL EVENING TO BE TONIGHT A potluck dinner and social evening is planned by Douglas court, No. 18, Amaranth tonight at the Masonic temple at ti:30 o'clock. Those attending are ask ed to bring a potluck dish and table service. An evening of cards and visiting is planned. ANNOUNCED formerly lla's Beauty Shop Now located ot 709 S. Stephens Open Monday, Oct.24 District Governor Mrs. Delia M. Stephenson, dis trict governor of Everett, Wash.. was guest speaker at the Rose- nurg onta ciuo oinner inurs day evening at the Roseburg Country club. The visiting officer Is also known as an author of children's books of historical background, "Dong of the Pioneer Trail" be ing one of the best known. Mrs. Observe Golden Anniversary Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Llndbloom were honored at the South Deer Creek grange hall Tuesday eve ning with a reception, in observ ance of their 50th wedding anni versary. The Lindblooms have resided in the Roseburg commun ity since August 1W east of Dix on vine ine recepuon was ar ranged by their many friends and neighbors in the South Deer Creek community. The hall was decorated with fall llowers and the service table was centered with a large wed ding cake. Mrs. Llndbloom wore a navy blue dress with a gold colored chrysanthemum corsage. Mrs. Joe brumbain presided al Ihe punch bowl and Mrs. S. W. van Voorst served concc. The Lindblooms were married Oct. 18, 1M, at Denver, Colorado, at a double wedding with Mr. Lindbloom s slslrr, Minnie Lind hlooin and S. P. Swangun. The Rev. Mr. August Johnson per formed the ceremony. Before her marriage Mrs. Llndbloom was Hattie bwanson. They have resided on the same farm since moving to Douglas county and have one son, Thomas and two grandchildren, Allen and Carol Lindhloom. Offering felicitations to the couple were Mrs. J. A. Harney. Mis. Maurice weoer, Mr. ana Mrs. C. L. Branton, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Brauch, Mr. and Mrs. Han i I. Collison Sr., Mr. and Miv Harry Collison Jr., Kathy Colli son, Cora Lynn Collison, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whlllaker, Oonua Moiberg, Barbara McLaughlin, James Huff. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maihews. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brum bach, Mis. Lola Coble, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Broadwater. Mary Ann Broadwater, Mr. and Mrs. William Karcher, Mr. and Mrs. TWO NIGHTS ONLY CECIL B. DfcMILLE'5 SUNDAY and MONDAY f? Oct. 23-24 7:30 P. M. First Christian Church DouglM and Kan 6ta. Guest At Zonta Dinner fcfe rf&QJ&zh. w. a Stephenson gave talk on the Zonta International convention held at Quebec this past sum mer. Mrs. Emily E. Judd was in charge of arrangements and Mrs. Leola B, Gorton arranged deco rations. Mrs. Paul Gorton entertained with two solos, "By the Ber.d of the River" and "In a Luxembourg Picture by Fredrtckion't Photo Lab Mn, G. A. Llndbloom Roy Hatfield, Mrs. Pearl Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Van Voorst, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Page, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brady, Miss Carrie Dix on, Mrs. O. C Brown, Mrs. K. Heidenrlrh, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown, Mrs, C. L. Campbell. Also Mrs. A. E. McCormlck, Maurice Weber Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Thom as Lindhloom, Carol Lindhloom, Allen Lindhloom, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Karcher. Mr. and Mrs. Don Mnrberg, Mr. and Mrs. Harold . McCormlck, Mr, and Mrs. Eugene M. Mathis. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wharton, James Ingram, Svlvla ' I,everlck, Pat Hatfield. Johnny Hatfield. Douglas Morberg, Mrs. W. H. Rose, Mrs. Hattie Rose In- j gram, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dillard. Miss Margaret A. page, and Trice L. Geer. The Lindblooms were honored Sunday evening at the First Bap- list cnurcn in Kosenurg witn a re- The Best of all Gift . . . your portrait given ot Christmas. Chrisunas portraits truly reflect the enchantment of the season ond they are a specialty at Clark's. Phone 331 for your oppomtment today to ovoid lost minute rush ond disappointment of not having your portraits finished. 105 South Jackson future by Clark litudio j Garden" accompanied by Mrs. Minturn. Attending, seated left to right I were: Carmen Clark, Mrs. Leola ! Gorton, Paula Gorton, Mrs, Ste jphenson, Rila Barcus, Helen Fol lev. Standing, left to right are, Martha Wishart, Emily E. Judd, Laura lies, Edna Helgeson, Al vin Helgeson, Jr., Dorothy Teater 'and Ethel Minturn. ceplion which followed the eve. ning service. I he pine Grove choir from the Dixonville Sun day school sang several numbers during tne service and Mr. and Mrs. Lindhloom were both pulpit guests, saying a few words to tne audience. Ihe Marlon Beebe circle was in charge of refreshments for the reception. Jail flowers and ferns formed an attractive background tor the aliair. Ihe choir sang several numbers during the social hour and Mr. Llndbloom played a few piano numbers. Mr. and Mrs, Lindhloom have been members of the Baptist church for many years. ROTARY ANNS HOLO i LUNCHEON AT UMPQUA HOTEL; PLAN ACTIVITIES Rntarv Anns entoved a no-host. ess luncneon at the Umpqua hotel last week and made plana for a food sale to be held in December 10 at Umpqua Valley hardware. Donations are asked from mem bers for the sale and may vary irom needlework to baked ana home made foods and canned goods. The next meeting will be Nov. 10. Attending were Mrs. J. D. My ers. Mrs. H. B. Carter, Mrs. A. II. Helgeson, Mrs. J. v. Long. Mrs. Wm. Srhell, Mrs. H. Horn, Mrs. H. H. Turner, Mrs. John E. Run van, Mrs. Clarence C. Landis, Sirs. R. F. Denton, Mrs. Earl Wiley, Mrs. LeRoy Hiatt, Mrs. W. G. Clarenbach and Mrs. S. J. Shoemaker. ST. JOSEPH'S ALTAR SOCIETY TO MEET The ladles of St. Joseph's Al tar society circle 1 will meet at the armory building Wednesday, Oct. 26. at 8 p.m. All persons in terested In Joining are welcome to attend. Your Sewing Headquarters New and Used Machines All mochines ond lepairs guaranteed. Hemstitching, Buttonholes, Buttons ond Belts made to your requirements. Sewing Machine Center S42 N. Jackson Phona 684-Y