10 Tht Ntw.-Rtvitw, Rowburg, Or. Sot., Oct. 22, 1949 LOCAL NEWS To Portland Mr. and Mil. Mothers Club to Moot O. S. Robert Koy of this city spent C. Mothers club will moot Mori Tuesday In Portland on business, day at (he home of Mrs. K. D. Lvtle In Laurelwood at 2 p. m. From Riddla Don Clark of ; All mothers of Oregon State stu Riddle was among out-oMown dents are invited to join the Elks attending the special Elks group. club meeting Thursday night. I ' I Returns to Duties Lyle F. Visit Daughter Judge and Morrison, H. N., has returned to Mil. Nelson Higgs of Hums are his duties as corpsman at the U. visiting at the home of their son- 3. naval hosiptal at Oceanslde, In law and daughter, Mr. and j Calif., after a 20-day leave spent Mrs. Ed Myers and family. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Morrison, on Melrose road, Visiting Hero Mr. and Mrs. j and with friends. Raymond Niehaus and son, Wayne, of Medford are spending visiting Relatives Agnes several days at the home of Mr. Thompson Gooch of Shasta, Calif., and Mrs. S. W. Van Voorst. is visiting relatives and friends Grange To Meet A social night is planned at Riversdale grange for members and friends, Hosts for the evening are Mr. and Mrs, Ray Hampton and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hess. Arrives Tonight Miss Mollle Moats, who is attending high i school In Corvallls, is expected to arrive here tonight to spend sev - pral dayi with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Moats. Club Meets Tonight Melrose P-T. club will meet at the school house tonight at 8 o'clock. Col orded slides are to be shown and a social hour will close the eve ning. Members and friends are In vited. Coming Home Sam Shoemak er, law student at University of Oregon at Eugene. Is planning to spend the weekend In Roseburg with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Shoemaker. Transportation Needed Three Camp Fire guardians, who are planning to attend the national Camp Fire convention next week, are in need of transportation to PortlanA Anyone driving to Port land the first of the week, and who would have room for several pastengers, is asked to contact the Camp Fire office at Millers, telephone 069-L. Sato Scheduled Riversdale Cub pack No. 408 will hold a bake sale at the Umpqua Valley Hard ware baturday for purpose oi raising funds to purchase a pack flag. Chairman is Mrs. Ken Un der. She will be assisted by the following den mothers, Mrs. Clif ford Travilllon, Mrs. M. C. Doyle, Mrs. Gus Koelner, Mrs. H. D. Durham, Mrs. Donald Martin and Mrs. Leon Goergen. Births at Mercy Hospital WHEELAND To Mr. and Mrs. Clifford D. Wheeland, 746 Short street, Oct. 20, a son, Gary Gor don; weight 7 pounds 7 ounces. FENNESSY To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Fennessy, Riddle, Oct. 20. a daughter, Shirley Diane; weight 9 pounds 9 ounces. MOLLETT To Mr. and Mrs. Orval R, Mollett, 74(5 Short street, Oct. 21, a daughter. Connie Elaine, weight 6 pounds 5 ounces. DANIELS To Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Daniels, 2451 N. S(e prions street. Oct. 20, a son, Wayne Edwin, weight 7 pounds 15 ounces. DeVAULT To Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. DeVault, general de livery. Roseburg, Oct. 18. a son, Cylde Lawrence; weight 6 pounds 6 ounces. NEEHAN To Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Curtis Neehan, Looking glass route, Oct. 20, a daughter. Billie Gladys; weight 8 pounds 4 Dunces. MEYER To Mr. and Mm. Ar vllle A. Meyer, Sutherlln, Oct. 19. l daughter, Susan Kay; weight 8 pounds. Announcing Change of Hours On Sundays, Open at 10 a.m. lor that Sunday morning brcakiait. Also serving those good pan dinners, complete for Special steaks and sea food dinners with French fries. Phyllis Cafe en Garden Volley Road Where You Get the Most For the Least Weekday Hours: 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Except Mondays AHTHHOTTI Rheumatism Neuritis Sciatica SUFFERERS IN THE CHICAGO AREA IF YOU WANT-RELIEF and HELP Send for our ARTHRITIS BOOK (V't Hart ,V .Vriiir or Amjlhmg Eht to Sell You) No Mtltrr how lone you have tuffercd. or what you have triad, this Instructive Arthritis Rook, written In easily understood words, will enable you to fully understand your own case and may save you years of suflerint. This book contains Information heretofore known only to Spe cialists. It explains the differ ence between types of Arthritis and between Arthritis and Rheu matism. Sciatica. Neuritis and Lumbago. It lists causes and symptoms and describes associ ated complicating diseases. It explains the Anatomy and Physi ology of the Involved Muscles. Joints, and Nerves. Few realize how serious these diseases can in Douclas county lor several weeks. She has been visiting her brother, 11. fi. Thompson of Yon- calla and I. B. Thompson ot Hose- burg, and plans to spend some time at Riddle with relatives there. Decrees Issued ! D I-.J-. , Dy ItflrCUIT JUuQe In Five Law Suits Final decree In the foreclosure of a contract has been entered by Circuit Judge Carl E. Wimber ly favoring the plaintiffs W. E. and Myrtle Flnley in a suit brought against Opal and Stanley Willis. Charles and Mrs. Charles Dlckerson. Earl and Mrs. Earl Mattln. The property is located along Elk creek in the northwest cue-half of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of sec tion 18, township 22 south, rane 5 west of Willamette Meridian, excepting certain described ar eas. Leona Creason Hoff has been awarded a decree against the un known heirs of Francis M. Vliet and others, in a suit to quiet ti tle lo the northeast quarter, the southeast quarle, (he east one half of the northwest quarter and the south 60 acres of the south west Quarter of section 5. town- j ship 27. south, range 3 west of Willamette Meridian, ine title i subject to a contract sale be tween the plaintiff and Fred C. and Paula N. Heinz, entered Into Oct. 3. 19-I5. Order of default and judgment has been entered by Judge Wim berly In favor of R. N. Foster, doing business as Roseburg Ma chine and Iron Works and against J. M. Kevins in the sum of $195.- 76. Douglas Creditors association has been awarded a judgment upon default of the defendant. A V. Logsdon, In the sum of $.'167.44. Judgment for $200 and $100 hti been awarded Roy Ellis In a suit brought against Joe Ellis. Hold ings of the defendant In the hands of Western Battery Separator company and garnisheed by the plaintiff was ordered paid In the amount of the judgment. Glendalt Gridders Beat Yoncalla By 49-6 Count Glendale gridders overpowered the Yoncalla six by a 49-6 score yesterday. In a non-conference tussle at Glendale which was a test of championship strength. r rom the first play In the game, when John Harbour tossed a 25 yard pass to Bill Chandler, and Chandler ran 40 yards for a touchdown, the Glendale six kept running up tne points. Score at half-time was 2KB. Yoncalla was stoped by Glen dale for the remainder of the contest. "The whole team maile It a good game," commented Howard F.dsnn, assistant coach at Glen dale." The two teams will meet again. li uiennaie wins us coniesi wnn Canvnnvllle next week. Then : r.lrndate and Ynnralla will trv for j thl if Glendale wins Its contest with - fried chicken 1.50 And why not top It off with our delicious home mad,; pie? It's our specialty. become If long neglected. Methods of treatment are men tioned. You are told where to look for Halp and Pain relief near at home, without the expense of traveling lo another climate. This book Is sent enly to Suf ferers mho want and need help. The edition Is limited. Notice may not appear again. Write at once today for your copy SKND I Three Cent Stamps iSrl to help cover distribution coat. You incur no obligation. We hae no medi cine or anything else to sell. You will not be asked to send us a penny of money. Address F. RevereiRaVR Ine.ltVpt. Til l BiS06.AJbiiqaerque.N.M. Helen Casey Tell$llr"ir J"d !"ue . n a ft t.. I Orders Dismissing Suits ROTury vi iwui Of South America His coffee spilled over her suit, when they shared seats on an airliner to Mexico City last year, was Miss Helen Casey's intro duction to John Steinbeck, the author. "He was a rather large, good- looking creature." said the Rose burg woman Thursday, descrlb- ing her two-month aerial tour of South America to the Rotary club. Miss Casey said Steinbeck was a seat companion on her plane from Los Angeles to Mexico City. She did not know his identity until his name was called for telegrams. Because his was the only vacant seat left, she reallz ed he did not choose to sit next to her because of her, Miss Casey admitted. When Miss Casey called the author's attention to the fact his collee in a paper cup on a trav was about to spill, he spilled the cup on her suit "then said It was my fault!" she said. Meets Kin, Old Friends From Mexico City, Miss Casey preceded by air to Guatemala City and on to Panama, where she was met by Raymond Bell, her cousin and a former Rose burg man, who Is stationed there. Also at the Panama airport she saw, "of all people." Harris and Helen Ellsworth, there on a brief vacation from Congress, Miss Casey said. In Panama Miss Casey met her tour party eight people, none of whom knew each other, and the oldest a 77-year-old wo man. In the party was a Texas hotel man who complained about their accommodations. Of all people to complain, she felt, he should not have done so. First stop for the party was at Quito, Ecuador, the place to buy Panama hat. Then they flew on to Lima, Peru, one of the "very Interesting" cities of South America. "I wish I could tell you of the beauties of Lima," Miss Caey said. Taking the train Into the in- tot-inr nf Porn inln fh I ti t a country, the tourists saw herds ol Llama and small native vil lajps. Thoy wpnt to Cuco. con tcr of the Inea ruin. From La Pa, one of the highest airports in South America. Ihey returned to Lima and continued their Jour ney to Santiaco, Chile. Flies Over Andes Santiago claims to have the finest race track In the world. with He. superb view of tha An des, said Miss Catey. The tour ists also visited Vinda del Mar. a caaino which rivals Monte Car lo. Flying to Valparaiso, the sea port city of Chile, and over the Andes to Argentina, the airliner passes through mountain passes where the peaks seemed to b within reach of the passengers, outside their windows. Argentina looks like southern California, Miss Casey comment ed. From Buenos Aires, the tour ists flew on to Montevideo and Sao Paulo, Brazil, which, like Kosehurg, Is a "boom town," building more rapidly than any other city in South America. Rio de Janeiro, which they next visited, was "the ultimate in beauty." Flying back to the United States bv way of the West Indies and Cuba. Miss Casey "ran Into the Hardings and the Chapmans (of Roseburgl" who were stay ing at the same hotel In Havana. Bail Of $500 Is Posted On Non-Support Charge Dolbert Willis Turnldse, 39, ar rostrd at Drain on a Marion county warrant charging non-support, has hwn released upon order oi justice oi mace A. J. derides . nominir ViOO hail rennriwl 10 f iw rrportcd SnprIfI l- Bllrt i-alter. ; Marvin Shipman Conlev. 2, i Rosehure, arrested bv state po lice on a Charge of operating a motor vcnine with revoked driver's license has heen com mitted to the county Jail in lieu of payment of a $75 fine, Imposed in justice court, reported Justice C.endes. A further fine of $10 was imposed hy Geddes on a rharee Ol Opera. ing WlinoUl a drivers license. i a. . , . ' ueiain cusene .lariin, J, nas been committed to the countv jail on rharRe nf nblaming money , hy false pretenses according to 1 Cteddcs. n whose court Martin was arraicned. Arrested at Oak land, Martin is being held under $200 bail. Vets Hospital Patients' Products To Go On Sale The Roseburc Veterans admin i Istiaunn Hospital win conduct a sale of products fabricated hy pa tients In the on-upational therapy shops Tuositav, Nov. 8. from 1 to 4 :.() p.m. Items offered for sale will In clude leal her w ork, coi amlcs, knltlorl and woven products, and oinor novelties Thp n1 uill ha hnM in nf IhA ,.ai.. ex U. i"' t,...i.. ..i 1 1 iv- iiinni uiiiiuiK m uir hospual. itrm w ill be sold at fixrd prices on first come-first soi-ved basis. PHEASANT AREA CLOSED POKTLANO. (Vt. 22. -4. Vi You cannot hunt pheasants leeallv In the Multnomah - Clackamas game refuge this year. The State (lame commission warned of this yesterday after several huntrrs wore reported o nave eniorra ine re, wnicn v.R oien last season. li, Tr.. Surgery iafVVllL? Nurtnry Stock PHONE 1712 J JACK MAY Lmdtcap Company 40 yruro PMmrirnr t your piRrRnfee? Based upon the motions of the plaintiff. State Unemployment Compensation commission, Cir cuit Judge Carl E. Wimberly has issued orders dismissing suits brought against the fol lowing named defendants: Walter Decker, doing business as Decker Logging Co.; Jean C. God frey and Robert C. Godfrey, doing business as Godfrey Logging Co.; Llovd E. Bigelow, Ralph F. Dowdy and Guy Cordon doing busines as Fucia Lumber Co. The suits were dismissed as fully set tied and paid. The Judge has also Issued an order dismissing a suit brought . . ,. p i it Dy It. t, ana t-ann redn moill- eomery and Ralph E. and Eliza- s,w ln uftnionmi.rv Botiintl R beth Jean Montgomery against n. C. Pierce. Dismissal Was made iinnn motion nf the Dlaintiff Upon motion OX me planum. " Students Offered Scholarships In Reserve Training College scholarships and ap pointments as midshipmen in the Naval Reserve Officers Training corps is offered high school grad uates who plan to enter college in the fall of 1950. Applications must be submit ted by Nov. 12 for competitive examinations on Dec. 3, said Ar thur DeMott, navy recruiter in Roseburg. Applications may be submitted to their high school principal, col lege dean, or the naval recruiting olfice by persons who are inter ested, said DeMott. Successful applicants will at tend any one of 52 NROTC col leges for four years. The navy pass the full 'cost of books, tui tion, fees, and equipment. The navy allows a living allow ance of $50 while attending col ic ce. oiun -ms lK ciruisr . Val Science each semester, PIUS certain minimum requiremenis U e. U aaasrl CaiiiiMi, iimiinruioiita, aim physics. They Otherwise Choose iheir own course ol study as con- icnt with these requirements. Thev spend two summers at sea on naval ship and receive one summer of aviation indoc trination. They graduate from college with a degree and a commission as a regular officer in either tne Navy or Marine corps. Ihey serve two years on acme duty and then.if they desire and are selected, they may continue as a career officer; or they may transfer to the Naval or Marine corps reserve. CHURCH HEAD NAMED MKDFORD 47P The Rev. C. H. Beahm, Klamath Falls, waa named chairman of the Church of Cod in .Southern Oregon at the denomination's annual convention here. LKGAL NOTICES NOTKR TO CREDITORS All persons having claims -galnrt lha Kstal of Claude W. McDonald. -Teased, now pending In tha County Court of Douglas County. Oregon. tu hereby not. Tied to present the same, verified as required bv law, lo Ged dea and Felker. attorne.vs at law, Rne hurg, Oregon, within six months ttmm the data hereof. Dated this Mth da ot October, 19(1. ftUTH MCDONALD, Administratrix of th Estate of Claud W. McDonald, Deceased. NOTIt'K TO CREDITORS ALL PKHSONS having claims against th Estate of Elizabeth Ziniker. deceas ed, now pending In the County Court of Douglaa County, Oregon, ar hereby notified to ptenent the same, properly verified, to tha undersigned executor at the offices of Orrutt, Long At Neuner in Roseburg, Oregon, within six 'Hi months from the Sth day Ot October. 1040. ERNEST J. ZINIKER. Execu'or nf tha Last will and Testament of Eliza- ( beth Ziniker, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persona having elaimi against the G L. Grant. p"" tn the county c count., Oregon, are he p'"'"1 ,h "m v'r,f l, uetreaftrn. now Court of Onuglas rety notified to fied as required w. to the undersigned at the oflice or ucnoes at renter, Aiiornej burg. Oregon, within six months fn the date hereof. Dated and first pub lished this I.Mh day of October, 19-19. HELENA A. RIDDLE, Administratrix of ihe Estate of G. U Grant Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS lha estate of Lol IS A. SMITH. De- avlrtg risK raased. now pending la tha coun'e court of Dougiaa Countv. Oregon, are hereo notified to present the sai orooerlv verified, to ihe under unea idministratnx at Ro.eburg. Oregon, cr R i Whipple, her attorney, i; s. !xbTl; "ZTtZ S of this notice, which is October l. lirt.KNE V WIMBERLY. Admimlratrix of the Estate of Louise A. Smith Deceased NOTIcr Or FIN Ala SFTTI.FMI'NT NOTICE U hereby given that Tue da. November 15. 194D. at 10 o'clock A M in Ihe County Court Rojm, Countv Court House, tn Roaehurg, Douglas County. Oregon, have been tled aa the lime and nlare for hetr- ,n objections, it any. to ihe iin.i the County Court of Douglas Countv, Oregon WII.I.IAM A. m ' I fin r.i.Li Adnum.tratnr with lha .'l ha Fstate of V'letof ' NOTICE OF FINAL IIFARlNfl Nmu-t ) h-rrbv nvrn that November 19. low. at th. hour ot in.ua A. M . in ! th Countv Courtn-om t th County I'nurihmu In RiuifhurC. Douls. Coun- t.v. Oregon, hai been set ai th t,on. thcra he, to th finetl nt ot tha undersigned adm.:.- Dated thia 14th dav of October, 1MD and drt publtahed th 13th djy Of October. 1949. JAM ITS A CRAP and JFSSIE H Graf riSMFR. Administrator of ' th eaiat of Carnat Alfred Graf, ; Ueceaiod. NOIICI Or riNAI. StTTI.FMIMT j Notir I herehv given that Tuea da. November 15th. at li) or lock M , m tha ounty Court Room. K?n:Zi. Ing ohjtK-Mona, it an . to the final ccounl filed hv the undersigned n the i'nunty Court ot Douglaa Count) , Oregon ANN L. Ht'TCHINSON. KxecutrU of the Katata of Jo N. Hutchinson, Deced. Notice ts herebv given that the the time and place for hearing ob- m the Count Court Room in th Court mechanic 'a lien filed by Keystone Ma- jectlona. If anv. to the final account House in Roseburg, Douglaa Countv rhtne W..rk again! Jack Huchanan filed by the undersigned tn the County Oregon a th time and p. ace foe hear on one it A tram has been lutiy Court of Douglaa Count . Oregon mi oh'ecti.na to said account, paid and aatifted ; Ct'RTlS P BARKER Aiiminitrator DATED October S 14 KKSTONK MACH1NK WORKS of th rotate of Perr Franklin EU.rN A RICF. NOT HI TO CRniTOR( ! ?rkfr' Deceaed ' Fxecutns; of the estate of All peisona having claim againat The! I Fr. si. NOTK F9 I Jamea A. Rice, deceased, estate of Elmo Kibht. Deceated. now ! Notice ts herehv given that Tuesday. -,nnnnn. .- - . . pending in the Count) Court of Doug- October 1-ih I'M, at 10 o clock am. la Countv, Oregon, are herehv noli- in the countv court ro-m tn the Couil f ied lo pi eaent th umi, verified aa House tn Rosebui g Douglaa Countv. required by law. to the undersigned Oregon, have been fixed a the time and at the office of tieddes Felker. At- place for hearing obeciion. if anv. torn , Roaeburg Oregon, within is to the final account filed by the un months from the date hereof Dated dersigned tn the County Court of and (trt rmhtuhed this 22rd day of Douglaa Countv Oregon October. t49 I PFl 1 AH D PM.VFR Pf'T- NsOMI K1RRY I FRSON Artmlni'ratrn of Fxecutria of the Ftt of i the Etate of Charlea O. Elmo Kibby. deceased j Palmer, Deceased. SUMMONS IN THE tlRClIT COIRT OI THE STATE OR ORI.OON, EOS DOLGLAS t'OlNTl' WAYNE WE1ST and CLARA WEIST. Plaintiffs, vs. The unknown heir of ELIZABETH JOHNSON. Deceased the unknown heira ol FRED JOHNSON. Dereatrd: (,. ..nknown ha.n nf JANK 1IIKH. R1TT. Deceased: the unknown heira admmutrainx ol ma eslala of w p of HERVE SMERRITT. Deceased: and Red. Deceased. EVA I REED now Eva also all olher persona or parlies un- ; J Oraham and JAMES GHAHAM har known claiming any rifhl. 1,11., M- jMiaband. MARJpnlE ELIZABETH Ula. Han or Inleresl in lha real -"APP. O LYT1.E: The Unknown mala described In the compU.nl Siockholdera of Reedsport Baalty Com har.in, Defendanta. j P"- dissolved corporation and al.o all olher peraona or paruca unknown TTJ",.,ini;?w,n J1 ELIZA- I clm,, ,ny ,,. (file, aatata. Man BETH JOHNSON Deceased. he un. j ,,. ,. , IUU d.acribad known heirs of FRED JOHNSON Da- I m u,. Complaint haraln. reaped: lha unknown halra of JANE SHERRITT. Deceased: lha unknown ,, , ..P", . haira of HERVE SHERRITT. Deceased. J Th? ' nnow" Stockholders of and alio all oihar paraona or partita "eedsport Baalty Company, a diaaolvad unknown claiming any rlsht. m. , wuon: aslala, lian or intaratt tn lha real i In tha nama of tha Rial of Orafon aatala deaenbed in tha complaint ; you ara haraby required to appear and harain answer tha amended complaint in tha IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ' UHtoun. TOU ana eacn oi you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiffs tiled against ' you In lha above entitled court and j before four n. weeka f,m the 1st day of October, lu.a. 1 hat being lha data of tha tirat pub- nrn f thu aummona, and If you I fall lo so appear and answer said I -nnlni.iHf nixnnff. fn want there - of. will apply to the urt for the relief demanded tn said complaint, a ,utl"i as me same la recoroeo succinct statement of which la aa lol- in volume . page Ul. mortgage lows to-wit i records. Douglas County. Oregon. Cover- That It be decreed that plaintiffs he following- described real prop ara tha owners In fea and cntitl-d i r,y' lo-wn. to the possession of tha following da- scribed real DroDertv. to-wil; LnU on two i2, three 3 unci four 14' of Section .11. Township 20 South, Range 10 Wrat of the Wil Umelt Meridian: and tha Nnrth wtit quarter 'NWV of the Soulh west quarter 'SW'4i of Setlion :t2. Township '2 South, Range 10 Wext of the Willamette Meridian, all being located in Doufla County, Oregon. Subject to a mortumie to the federal Land Bank of hiMikane, dated April 6, 1B4. and recorded In Volume H of the Morigage Rec ords of Douglaa County. Oregon, bearing recording inilrument No. 0114ft And that the right of potmen I on and title to ald prenuei be forever quiet ed in plaintilfa and that It be further decreed that any claim oi the de fendants, or any of them, In r io said premises, or any part thereof, it without foundation in law or in equity. and that plaintiffs are the owners in fee of said pre mines and of the wh-ile lhara.,1 free Irnin IIIV S.n(1 all fll mi sitfi inisnii nf uiirl defendants, or any of them, of any kind or nature what- ; for four consecutive weeks in the Roue soever, and that said defendants and ! burg News-Review, a newspaper of gen all persons claiming by. through r.r I Jl circulation published in Douglas under them, or any of them, be for j County, Oregon, ever restrained and enjoined from s- Carl M Felker aerling any right, title or interest in Attorney for Plaintiff or lo said premise!, or any part there-1 Dated and first published thia 1st of, and for such other and further day of October. 1949. bie. Sun,mon. ,. rved upOT ox i bv publication once eaih week lor our successive weeks in tne Ro. OUTg HCWl-nCVirW, aar. : rnpra circulation as provided statute published and issued in Rose- j Zt'Jc.X'rZZ'. Judge f the a-ove entitled court, mai on tha 23rd day ot September, 1040. DAVIS. WALTON RICHMOND Attorneys for Plaintiff 21" U. S. Natl Bank Bldg. Boseburg, Oregon. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE No 10-72S IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY Of MUla'INOMAH Lillian Standish. plaintiff vs. Reidar Buck and Adeline Buck, husband and wife. Defendant By virtue of an- attui-hment, execu- tl.an liifvmnl nrrir anti order of sale Uftued out of the above entitled Court ; OF OREGON you and each of you me In the above entitled cause, to me hereby required to appear and answer directed and daled the 2atnd day of ihe complaint of plainliffs filed against September. 194V. upon a judgment you In the above entitled court and rendered and entered in said Court on cause on or before four -4 weeks from the I3lh day of August. VMl. in favor the date of the first publication nf at Lillian Standifh, plaintiff, against ' this summons, and if ynu fail to so Ketdar Buck, defendant, for the sum of appear and answer said complaint, $114H.l( with interest thereon at the plaintiffs for want thereof will apply rat of per rent per annum from the . to the court for the relief demanded 2nd dav of February, l!4i. until paid, j in said complaint, a succinct state arid tne further sum of 2iK) ex), and lor merit of which la as fotlows: That it the further sum of 15 io,U and du- be decreed that plaintiffs are the burseiiif nis and the t outs of and upon i owners ai tenants by the entirety and this writ commanding me io make Kaie Of tne following uencriuea reai prop- ituatrd in Towniliio JJ South. Ha nee 0 West of the W. W, in Duuglat County. State of Oregon, to wit: All of the Mtuthea't ' Of the North west 1 4, North west 1 of the southeast , and the Kat of the southwest '. Section 4. t !.' acres. Northwest of the southeast and Lot Three of .Section five 'BO Htt i acres; Northeast of Section eight acres; Lots three and four; south 4 of the Northwest '. Northeast U of Ihe Southwest '. and the nor lb 'a of tha southeast V of Section Nine '280 4.1 1 arres. Now therefore, by virtue of said at tachment execution, judgment order and order of sale and in compliance with the commands of said writ, 1 will, on Saturday, the Mh day of November lt)4. at lo no. O'clock AM. at the Front door of the County Court House, in Roseburg, Douglas County. Oregon, sell at public auction subject to re demption to the highest hlddT for cash in nand. ail the right, title and Interest w htrh the within named defendant Reidar Buck had on U-e 13th dav of May. IfMti, the date of the) filing of the certificate of attachment, or since that date had In and to the above described propertv or any part thereof, to satif a it l attachment, execution. Judgment order, interest, costs and accruing coMb. Dated this fith day of October, 1M. Fimt Publication, October Bth. I'M!. Last Publication. October 2th. 1949. O. T CARTEL Sheriff of Douglaa Counlv, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice la hereby given that Monday ! the 31st day of October, l'U9. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. in the roumy v. our, noom in me tour. rruun-. Roseburg. Douglas Countv. Oregon, has ' been fixed a. the lima end place for hearing obiectlona. If any. to Ihe In the Countv Court of tha State of "regno mr ifmiaias voun,?. , F.xerutnr of the Last Will and and excepl I'mpqua Savings Si Loan Testament of George B. 'Vinntfoid. Ass n . and all persona claiming b. Deceased. ; through or under them or any of them , . . I be forever enjoined and restrained ftom NOTICE Or FINAL SETTLEMENT ! asserting any right, title, e.tate. lien . . - ' or interest In or to said premtsea or Notice, ts herehy given that Tuesday. ,nv n,rl thereof, and that It be de the lat day of November. 1949. at Ihe -r, .,. ,,, . ,h. i m,. hour ot 10 o'clock A M. In Ihe t tne louniy Court House. Roseburg Doualaa Court- tv. Oreaon. has been fixed as tha time and place for hearing oblecttons. If any to the final account tiled by lha undersigned In the County Court or the State of Oregon fur Douglaa County. INGA LESTFBERG. Administratrix of the Estate of Bertha Parrott. Deceased. MITII I Ol IINAI. SETTI.EMKNT Tha Executor of Ihe estate of Jose phine Ijirkins. Deceased, hereh' notice that the County Court nf Douglas County. Oregon, has fixed November 3. 1949. at len o'clock In the forenoon the time, and the Countv Court room In the Court House at Roseburg. Doug- f n""'v ?trrn;t Vnv il ft"'" J ohJ "n. J tVly rJ'' ,hS, ''n2. ."I1 -C!. Ex."tor- puDl.' TTVL.r. . HARRY LA R KINS, p.xeruior or tne oi Josephine Larkin. Deed, -. . NOT ICR or IISAI, SRTTt.F. MF.XT NOT1CK U herehv given that Mondav November 7lh. l!49. at the hour of 10 0(1 o clock AM in th Countv Court : Roim at th Court House In Rohurg. ! Doutlai County. Oregon, ha been fixed a the time and pla-e for hearing oh- : and Tom R Milla ia the general part jection. tf any there he to the final ' ner. Said Cordemana and Mabel W. account filed b- the undesigned ad- , Milla no longer have any interest in miniMra'or of lha eatate of Minma M. i said business, and the name of said Frater. deceased : I Dated and ftrat publtahed October Bth. : W- Ira R Frater. Deceased SOT1CB OF IINAI, S I' T T I, f M T T Not ire ta herehv given that Tuesday, November S. lt49. at 10 orl.vcli A M . th CiHJnl C ourt Ri..m. Com Court Hnue tn Koaebi Douglaa (ountr. Oreaon. ha been fixed aa THB CIRCUIT COfRT or THE STATE Or OREGON FOB DOUGLAS COUNTY I' M M O N s 3. H. DUN AWAY, Plaintiff. JOHN C D1EHL, REEDSPORT REALTY COMPANY. rorDorauon: DAME LYONS RKED. DAME LYONS REED aa I aoove entitled auit on or before four - iruii, ma oaia oi me nrsi 1 publication of thia aummona and If you 'fail to appear or answer plaintiff s : amended complaint for want thereof piaintm win apply to the above entitled ! court for the relief pravad for In hu I complaint on file herein, a eueclnct iialemenl of which la that It ha adjudj. : ed and decreed that tha mortsage from ! John C. Diehl and Hazel A. Diehl mort- Sagora to lha Firal Bank of Reediport I Lots 11 and 12. Block 36, Reedport Douglas County. Oregon. Ii now held by the plaintiff and li a first hen on said real property prior and superior to the hens, claims and interest bv the defend ants and each o( them There Is now due and owing on said morigage the sum of WK) with Interest thereon at the rate of 8'r per annum from May fl, Ht.iH, and that the plaintiff is entitled to recover herein the further sum of $1-10 as attorney a fees and his costs and disbursements and that aatd mort gdaje be foreclosed and that the said d fendflnts and each of them be barred and forever foreclosed from any right, title or interest in or to said real prop rrty save and except for statutory right of redemption and that said property be sold as an execution to satisfy the hen and for such other and further relief aa the court may deem Just and " Kef". This aummona la served bv publlca tlon pursuant to an order of the Honor able Carl E Wimberly. Circuit Judge jor isouxids iouniA. uregnn. mane and I nnFrra On Tne 2Hin amv nf Krnlxmlwr I I 1!49. directing oubhcation once m wMk 1 F M M O J " -iiilui lui wr or thk MAJE or OREGON, FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY ' ncpr..vKD..;nd. cPI-Ai UHs. LEONARD H CROW and MARY CROW, hus.wnd and wife; the Unknown Heirs of Leonard H. Crow. If deceased; he unknown Heira of Mary Crow, if de cerned, also, all other peisona or parties unknown claiming any fight, ti(j estate, lien or Interest tn Ine real estate described In the com plaint herein, and I'mpqua Savings & Loan Assn.. Defendants TO; Leonard H. Crow and Mary Crow, husband and wife: the Unknot n Heirs of Leonard H. Crow. If de ceased; the Unknown Heirs of M-ry Crow, if deceased; also, all other persons or parties unknown claim ing any right, title, estate. Hen or Interest In the real estate described in the complaint herein. Defendants. IN THE .NAME OF THE STATE entitled to the poaneAslon of the tol jawing described real property. Beginning at a fence corner at the Northwest corner of the following described tract at a point which is 10.13 chains north and :WM chains eat st of the quarter section corner between Sections 4 and 5, Township 2.t South. Range S West, Willam ette Meridian: thence running from aaid beginning point, around fence lines North HM 3V east 8-tftf chain., to the northeast corner of said recorded property, thence South 1 4.1 went 2 2H chalna, thence north Sit 57 East 0 M chains, theme south 1 03' cast 9.19 chains, to a pipe on the nurth line of a road, thence South 89 30' West 0 0 chains, along aatd road to the southwest corner of said recorded tract, thence north 0 29' west 7.4 chaini to tha place of beginning, and being alt 11 j ted in the northwest quarter of Section 4, Township U South. Rang 5 West. Willamette Meridian. Doug las County. Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following portion of land which la described aa lot lows: That portion thereof aa conveyed bv J. C. Copeland and Ca pi tola Cope land to School District No 1, aa the same Is recorded October 2fl. lHft in Book 161. page 57, Deed Records of Douglaa Count)', Ore gon. and that the right of possession and title between plaintiffs and defend ants be forever quieted, and that be decreed that anv claim of the de fendants, save and except Umpu.ua Savin. .1 ian - .ith-r i them, in and to said real property ts without foundation in law or in eqiiitv. and that the plaintiffs are the owners m fee 01 sata premn mortgage of the Umpqua Savings Ac Loan Assn. dated the 28th day of September. 1948. recorded in Volume Douglas County. Oregon: tree from anj ana an rigni. line, estate, nen Savm j, Lo. A a,d th, 28, .., c . i in,a Volume fi. luae JH7. Mnrtaaae Records of Douglas Countv. Oregon, ut a valid and subsisting hen on said premi.es: and for auch other and further relief as to the court may appear equitaDle. This summons la served upon you by publication once each week for tour 4 successive weeks In tha Ro.eburg News Review, a newspaper of general circulation, as provided hy statute, published and l.surd in Roaeburg, Doug las Count. Oregon. Bv order of the Honorable Carl K Wimber!. Judge of ihe above entitled court made on the 12th day ot July, 1949. crnnrs and fei.ker Attorn for Pliintiffa I' S. Nalloniii Bank Bulldtnn, Roseburg , Oregon. r..r PARTNKRSHlp DIMOM TION NOTICE Th Driv.tn riranrn THS Rniilh Stephen Street. Roeburg. Oregon, a j partnr mhtp. connisting of Morru E. j an() Velnia M Corderrnan and Tom ;r and Mabel W Mills. ha been solved by Ml of th Interest of iid Cordermann to a third person, and m consummating tvaid transaction partnership hati been created wherein "id third person la a limited partner busipesa has heen rhanaed from Drive, In Cleaner to DRIVE IN Ct.F.ANKHS. ORTG. LTD. 705 S. Stephen. Rose- burg. Oregon. NOTICK OF IINAL HEARING Notice t given that the undersigned executrix of the estaie of James A Hice. aeceaea. naa inea ner nnai account th State of and aaid court haa appointed Tuesda. rik'vrmiirr a. 1 .t in no n-ivk m the fnri Autos FOR SALE-. Ford V-f sedan, new hydraulic eqtuv alent brakes. XIr . chamcaily perfect. RAH Seo V H. Austin, Lock wood Motors . FOR SALE" or " TRADE 1949Jeepter I f"r equity in late model $3,000 car. I Fbon 1411-J-X. IN Shop and Save With Classified Ads a A utos A utos Nu-Look Studebaker Trade-Ins "Where Price & Quality Meet" "Our Exceptional." loaT CHAMP. REGAL 3 ' door. Radio. ehmatizer, overdrive, hill holder . ...I... u..tn Tht. la nlr. 1940 STUDEBAKER REGAL Deluxe door Commander. A beautiful shnae of green. Completely equipped wHh overdrive, climatizer, hill-holder, and side mirrors, and grill gura. We give new car guarantee on thla car. 1949 LAND CRUISER A beautiful car and fully equipped. New cut guarantee given on thia car. We Have A Few Other Nice Crs 1941 DFSOTO 4-door deluxe sedan. Fluid drive, heater and W S washer. ; 1941 FORD Super Deluxe S-door eedan. New motor, spotlight. 1941 FORD Super Deluxe 4-door sedan. Very clean and new paint. 1940 CHEVROLET Special deluxe busi ness coupe, radio and heater. 1937 C HEVROLET S-door sedan. Good transportation. Commercials DlC bed. climatizer, 750 H. -ply tires. 1946 FORD 'j-ton pirkup. Good mechan ically and good looking. ' 1940 FORD -ton with food farm bed. Terms To Meet Your Needs SHOP EVENINGS Open Until 9 P.M. for Your Convenience Keel's Used Car Lot South of Rose Hotel Phonea: 12 144.VJ Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS R-esonahly priced, CM A C. terms, Chevrolet BulckPontlac Cadillac Trade-ins Used Cars at Your Terms To Qualified Residents Of Douglas County Down Payment And Terms Will Be Made To Suit You .... u,.ncnw 1948 Hi DSOP super sedan. ; , These Hudson ft ; J L. -Dr A ffSJ)n i 1646 HLDSON Super Sedan Cray 194 Hl DSON Super 6 sedan Mar ... 194 HUDSON Commodore Sedan I 'J' ft?? 695 00 1 72.1 110 S. SO OO 1940 Hl'DSON Super Coup. isao uesOTO Sedan , IS40 LINCOLN Sedan !: PLVMOI'TH Coupe Iftlfl Hl'DSON Super Sedan. 19.18 INTFRNATIONAL Panel ... 19.10 NASH Ambassador Sedan. FORD Sedan 495 00 42.1 on 62.1 00 izl oo 5? Before You See These Buy Cars More Car For Your $ At Roseburg Hudson Co. Hudson Dealer 703 8. Stephens Better Buys At Barcus 1941 DODGE sedan, excellent con dition 19 STl'DICBAKFR COMMANDER 45 LAND CRI ISFR sedan loiii Vacu a vn a cg a rnn iaa RAH verv clean 793 305 595 I 1940 Hl DSON SEDAN. R. at H.. g,vxl tire , 1M0 FORD SPECIAL Deluxe I 1Mt BWCK CENTURY aed.n. ver, ( food condition 193$ SH DEBAKED COMMANDER aedai !t 3M5 2 1H0 FORD V- eottne A bu I lorj FORD V-ft aedan. food .. t in." lHKtLEH elan liUS DODGE Tudor, good work car TRUCKS 1947 DODGE ahortlof truck. S-apeed ax . Brownie, tags, excellent condition lnt FORD MODEL A Pickup 1929 FORD MODEL A panel ... BARCUS SALES SERVICE t i-J Your Packard Dealer Highway 99 N. ai Oardesj Valley Road Lockwood's USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere tMft FORD PORDOR 1373 0 1948 e,Tl'DFBAKKR CONVERTIBLE 184 FORD TUDOR SFDAN lOOA'af 194A PI.YMOt'TH Club Coupe llU.ut CHRYSLER New Yorker llfuO l42 PONTlAC Sedan Bfl.VoO l41 CHKVROLET Club Coup OVK u fJ 66 4 140 FORD TUDOR sedan 4!H IN) 1940 CHEVROLET Sedan 34.1 00 19.19 CHEV. COUPE . 44-YiKl ,olyj OI.DSMOBILE aedan'TZ 3!.s'f l:iT FORD COUPE 2PJ 00 19.W PLYMOUTH Sedan . 19.18 FORD FORDOR SEDAN 19:14 PLYMOUTH Sedan US oJ lftJO MODEL A COUPE 125 00 1945 MODEL B John Deere Farm Tractor 945.0 Open Sunday From 9 To 3 Trucks And Pickups 1949 FORD 1 ton stake rack 1795 no 1W4H FORD PICKUP m.Yirt I 1947 STUDY l,-ton chassis At cab 995 W HU.LI3 Bianon Wiignn oo 1944 FORD LUMBER IRl'CK lflflj 00 147 WILLYS 1-ton pickup 90S llO 4!)!. U0 mi "vo 45 no . 393.U0 1R42 FORD l'-ton Flatbed 1JM2 FORD 1,-ton Pickup 1!)42 FORD -,-ton Panel 1931 CHEVROLET Pickup You Pay Less For Used Cars Af L0CKW00D MOTORS Easy Terms Judge a Used Car! The formula is simple. A car's value can be judged by continued performance, rather than, by original per formance. Every Guar anteed Used Car on our lot is a true value offering you safe, dependable transpor tation. Our Reputation is your guarantee! CHFCK THFSE PRICES THT.H COM! AND LOOK AT THESE CARS. 1 PLYMOUTH sedan, Spe- Deluxe i4es Over S300. under new car rrlre, lfMS STUDEBAKER SEDAN 149 Over $500. under new ear prtre. t DESOTO sedan .. UBS Over $900. under new car prtre. 1947 FORD Convertible. I4gs Over S900. under new car price 1947 STl'DERAKER sedan 130S Over $600. under new ear price. 14 CHEVROLET Sedan ... 1J9J Over $500. under new car prlca. I Corkrum Motors, Inc. Yom DeSoto Plymouth HEADQUARTERS ; I ao s. Stcphena Phont 59. J "We'll Be Her Tomorrow tn Rack p ni e ay ana Do Today!" FORD Club coupe. RAH 11H7 EORD 1947 OLDS 7. Hvdramatic " " '.'.'.Z 1947 STI DEBAKER Champion 1946 FORD 4 Door 1941 Bl'ICK Sedanett "3 141 PONTlAC Club Coup 1M1 STt'DFB AKEH Champion 191 OLDSMOBILE . K.T7 CHRYSLER 19T2 CHEVROLET II 791 1.1 VI . i.VW . i:m . 7Q5 . 793 . 6V . ,IV . 2 VI AO 197 JEEP, low mileage inv 1048. WILLYS PICKl'P ' 5S0 194fl DODGE 4-wheel 'drlvt power agon. winch and power take off .fiy) 1940 INTERNATIONAL Pickup 429 NEW, 4-WHFEL DRIVE STAT 1 OH WAGONS Riverside Motors Highway f No. Phone 450 Extra Special 1MJ FORD I.DOOR SEDAN Seal H Lockwood Motors A lot of car for a little money! 5495 lptl Hl'DSON Terraplane 4-door. id-nl for parta. Pody ta fair, flat good a:l -'uoh. wa ruooer. radio MolT needs repair S', mile out Norm I'mpqua Road. Can't miss it tl25 11100 for 194 Pontiae cvl sedan coupe Original owner. 42.000 miles. Mibilgaa Station. Oak and Stephens. FOR SALE-19T9 pnnttac club coupe' l4tj motor, new paint job. 9475. Call 9M-J before. al m FOR ULE lt Ford pickuoT-Prvwai i 1615-R-4 after 4 p m )