Th N.wi-IUvitw, R.wbjra, Or.-Fri., Oct. 21, 1949 Society and CUtLi By BETTY ALLEN NOTICE Social Itema submitted by tele phone for the society page must be turned In before 12 o'clock Monday through Thuriday and by 10 a. m. Friday at which tima tha social calendar and Sat urdays aociety page are closed weekly. TILLICUM BRIDGe CLUt ENTERTAINED TUESDAY AT KESNER HOME The Sulherlln Tilllcum Bridge Club wan enieiialned at a one thirty o'clock dessert luncheon last Tuesday by Mm. Gladyi Kesner at her home on East 6th Avenue. The dining table was centered with a bouquet of slocks, with bouquets of zinnias placed about the rooms. Mrs. Kesner was assisted In serving by Mrs. Groshong and Miss Randall, who served at card tables. Covers were placed for: Mrs. Olga Biolman, Mrs. Juanila Hoi gate, Mrs. Mary Barker, Mrs. Meiyl Wahl. Mrs. Mabel Randall, Mrs. Edward Lamoreaux, Mr. Florence Groshong, Miss Mary Noreen Perrault, Mis. Ivena Hal verson, Mrs. Lochie Thompson, guesta and the hostess, Mrs. Kesner. Auction bridge was enjoyed during the afternoon with Mis. Barker, winning high score, Mrs. Holgale, second high; Mrs. Eielman, low and Mrs. Wahl, the traveling goose. The next meeting will be held In two weeks at the home of Mrs. Birlman, west of twon. RUMMAGE SALE at the Episcopal Parish out Friday and Saturdoy October 21 ond 22 MBS. SAM WARO IS GUEST SPEAKER AT YONCALLA P-T.A. The Vonralla P.T.A. held Its second meeting of the year In the high school auditorium Mon day, Oct. 10th, having as guest speaker, Mrs. S. A. Warg of Rose- burg, vice president of Hon ion 8. State P.T.A, Mrs. Warg gave an Interesting talk on Study groups In P.T.A. and chose as her topic, "Do Parents Need Education". Ninteen parents were present who expressed their desire to Join a sludy group. Plans were made to hold the annual Halloween party for the youngsters, Monday Oct. 31st In the school gymn. The Yoncalla Boys Scouts will sponsor the partv assisted bv members of the P.T.A. All children are asked to come In costume as there will be prizes given , and refresh ments served. Plans were made to have a party every month In each grade school room, sponsored by P.T.A. and these parties will be in charge of room mothers. A chill supper will be given In the lunch room Monday Nov. 14th preceeding the regular meeting, this supper will be a means of raling funds to carry on P.T.A. projects this year. The school of Instruction for officers and committee chairman of the P.T.A. held In Rosehurg Sept. 30th was a success from attendance standpoint as well as that of education value. Those attending from here were M's. Evelvn B o u c o c k. Mrs. Dan Wright, Mrs. John Weber, Mrs. Helton Thlel. Mrs. Kremkau. Mrs. Elton Grass and Mrs. Good man. -V . r j ..-..,:-::-V ' , L 3iv I Add chopped prunes to peanut I butter for a sandwich filling, fin : ely chopped celery may also be added if desired. iln S-Gardtna Spraying Trea Surgery Nursery Stock PHONE 1712-J JACK MAY Landscape Company 40 years experience li your guarantee POSE FOR CLOSEUP Britiih society photographer Antony Beauchamp and his bride, actrats Sarah Churchill, pot for closeup after their marriage in tha flower-decked noma of Alfred W. Jonas at Sea Island, Ga, Tha auburn-haired daughter of Winston Churchill, Britain's wartime prima minister, and her new husband are scheduled to leave for New York by plant "for a little bit of honeymooning." IAP Wirtphoto). FRIENDS SURPRISE WOMAN CHURCH PASTOR CN BIRTH DAY Mrs. Bettv Williams, pastor of the Assembly of God Church was surprised recently, when about thirty members of the church ga thered at her home to honor her on her birthday anniversary. Mrs. Williams was presented with a gift, from her friends, Dev. and Ward Wood and chil dren were guesta from Creswell. Kefreshments were served at the close of the evening. HOME ECONOMICS CLUB TO SPONSOR CHICKEN DINNER AT GRANGE HALL Evergreen Grange Home Eco nomics club is sponsoring a chicken dinner at the hall five miles south of Roseburg on High way !)!), Saturday, Nov. 5 frnrn 6:30 to 8 p.m. The public is Invited. s a a ci n a r ,w t & if Eitt ih"f Aren't these cute loafer socks? We found them at J. V. SPORTING GOODS. They are the Wigwam Teepee Socks, with soft leather moc casin soles and knit wool en sock tops, with flow, era embroidered in gay colors on the toes, for your "Princess." The big "Chirr will find his siws in Wigwam socks In bright-colored yarns knit In a shell pattern. Keep the little "Panoose" com fy In Wigwam socks just like his dad s. Wear them around the house or Inside rubber booia or ski boots for Insulation against the cold. J. V. has the Ripon loafer socks, too. In a plain knit for men or women. All these loafer socks re available In a variety of colors and a com plete range of sizes, approximately the same as your sock size. Eat at tha ICE CREAMERY when you eat out It'a in tha heart of town, clesa to your favo rita stores and tha city bus. Stop In for after noon or afterehow snacks hot furlgt sundaes or hot chocotata with marshmallows. Hert's a good place to pick up tha toothsome Brach can dles. In small and larga packages, or tha milk chocolata covered cherries and thin mints. Need soma Hallowe'an candies for trick or trest? Get a bag of orangt pumpkins or black Jelly beans made by Brach's. They're a treat that'll get you out of any trick. Are you a lover of good pastry, especially whrn It's Panlsh pastrv? Who Isn't? We simply can't resist the thin kiispies and fat butterhorna at CLEO'S QUALITY BAKERY. They come fruit-filled, or ulth pineapple. Jolly, or dale-nut filling. What's good with ham and eggs? Why, Cleo's chewy butterfly rolls, of course, with hot. fragrant coffee. Give SKI J a buzz tomorrow morning aiid ask Cleo to save some of her breads, pastries and cakes for ynu. You can get them when vou're downtown shopping, later. That way, you can be sure of getting what you specially like before It's sold out. E'S have brand-new Strta pi I- -J ada by Simmons. They ara In f parcala tickings blu. tn, or ,T - JOSSE'I tows, mad striped per green and tha standard 21"s27" Stuffed with, white duck down, 50";,, d and white duck feathtrs, 90. Or you' may prefer the extra-soft 8trta Super Sleeper, stuffed with 100 white Eu ropean gooeedown. Pillows help to keep the cold from comino In s-ound your neck thest frosty nights. Here's another cold-aeater a down comforter, Josse'a will order them for you in your choice of six subtle shades, ranging from lavender to dubonnet. They have a corded edge, and are effectively quilted in a quaint de sign. They can be initiated for a sumptuous gift to a new bride and groom. Nothing is quite so light and warm as a down oomforter, you know. Are ynu one of the lucky couples who got a set of Malay M.imhu dinnerware from LES- -, TER'S GIFT SHOP? Then vou ran got glass tumblers painted or etched to match, now, too. Les also has frosted tumblers In big 10 or 12oz. sizes. Eight assorted colors are carefully packed in a big gift-box. Jigger glasses, cocktail shakers, or cordial and cocktail glasses Les has them, too. The cordial and cocktail glasses are made In gracefully simple designs, similar to the Illustration here. 'V j' t.x h Y CLARK'S STUDIO always gives painstaking attention to every pose, and thor ough care in developing and printing. That's why you can be sura of fine quality In their finished portraits. A picture of yourself or your family is a matchless Christ mas gift. And now is tha time to have it made. Some gifts can be put otf till the last minute, but not portraits. Call Clark's for an appointment today their number la 331. We're having ours mada already, to avoid that frantic late shoppers' rush. Old World jewels copied by Speidel are new at ASHCRAFT'S. The glorious "Maria Theresa'' Is made up In a gold filled expansion bracelet with simulated sapphire or ruhy center stone. Give her one of these for Christmas, If she's the elegant or queenly type. Does she adore rhine. stones? A brilliant combination of marquise-cut, diamond-cut, and baguette rhlnestones form a necklace and bracelet set. The cenier cluster of each features square-cut rhinestone. There Is i safety chain on the bracelet, too. We'd sug gest this for the sophisticated t pe rhlnestones show to best advantage with black, either crepe velvet, or matelasse. - Well, fellows, Santa is pointing the way to soma mighty smart Christmas shop ping for you, at LU-VERNE'S- Your girl will be thrilled with one of tha new Mojud nylon slips. In white, tha tailored ones are only $5 95. Daintily trimmed with flat nylon eye let lace, thiiy are only $6 95. It's hard to tell you how very ftiWVrrpA lovely these laca trimmed ones ZjaJ -Jr are. Tha laca goes all around MT ' Wll h too of the bodice and all If If around the skirt. There ara lovely rayon satin sups ai i-u-verne's. too, from S1.9J to 4.5. Tha cleverest of these Is a bra too Blip mada by Lov able, which has a narrow lace edging. This one's In white, too, most practical for day to day wear. Be sura ta tell Santa yeu want them, girts. HOME ECONOMICS CLUB HOLDS LUNCHEON, MEETING AT EVERGREEN GRANGE HALL Evergreen Home Economics club met recently at the grange hall for a noon pntlurk luncheon, with Pauline Little. Nell Lander and Ruhy Belle Kobernik as host esses. The tables were set with bowls of fruit and fall motif dec orations. Plans were discussed for tie rooked food sale and bazaar to be held at the Umpqua Hard ware Nov. 19 from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. It was reported Nell Lander look first prize in the Douglas county canning contest, her enlry was concord grape Jelly. Mar garet McCord look second. Present at the meeting were Minnie Waggler, Renee Jenkins, Mabel Burr, Blanche Tipton, Ru bie Baker. Marie Buttler, Sarah Cyrus. Mahle Garrick, Garnet Folmsbee, Mvrtle Glenn, Marea ret McCord, Gladys Stafford, Ru hie Bloom, Margaret Burt, Ma ble Lange and the hostesses. The next regular meeting viil be Oct. 27, with Ruhie Bloom, Margaret Burt and Jessie Thom as as hostesses. FULLERTON P.-T. A. HOLDS DISCUSSION FuIIerton P-T.A. held a discus sion tea at the home of Mrr. Clifford Smith Monday afternoon at her home on Harvard avem:e. Mrs. C. D. Parkinson reported on an article from the National I'-T. magazine on "Problems of PT. Relationship." A social hour closed the discussion. Methodist Music Dept. To Offer Sacred Concert An evening of sacred music will b presented this Sunday hi the First Methodist church at 7:30 p.m. by the combined music department of the church, it was announced today by the minister, W. A. MacArthur. Under the direction of the Choir Director, R. Cloyd Rifle, the choral groups of the church will sing several numbers. Guests soloists, and several duet numbers will complete the varied and interesting program. The pulpit guest for the even ing will be the Rev. R..G. Hall, of the Presbyterian mission board. The service will be a un ion affair with members of the Kirat Presbyterian church coop erating with the Methodist con gregation. The public is cordially invited to atterJ. Mn Jeit Cremhw .. Gul SnloUt R Clovd Riffe Choir Director Mn. Paul Gtddet Orim Mr. Myrtle Burr - Punut Mr. Paul flfddM Saviour, brume Prelude ' Call to Worship: Evening Blessing aieoina Evening Prayer . Rev W. A MacArthur Choral Anthem; "My God and I" Seigl Soprano Soloa . .. Mn Jewie Crenshaw "He trouper t" Trued 'My Heart Overflows . Aley "Give Thank and Sing" - Harm Scripture Meditation Kev R G HtU Offertory: 1 Arabeaque" by Wrangell Mn. Ms rile Burr Choral Anthem: Aa Torrent in Summer' Cain Tenor Solo Wendell A. Johnaon "Hvmn of Praise' Schubert The Lord'a Pnyer" llenscl el "I Attempt from Love Sirk nrn to My" . - Purcell Choral Anthem: "How Beautiful t'pon the MounUim" . Hanken Duet: Mra. Haiti Woodward and R Ctod Riffe Benediction . . Rev. W. A. MacArthur Choral Repone: The Lord Bleu You and Keep You Lutkm Poatlude Mr. Paul Geddj Serve Tempting Cabbage Bundles By flAYNOR MADDOX NKA Staff Writer Solid nutrition at budget pries, plus good eating that's what most homemakers are looking for. These two recipes fill lhat bill: Baked Cabbage Bundles (6 servings) Six sizable cabbage leaves. 1-2 pound ground beef, 1-4 pound ground pork, 1 1-2 teasiwons salt. 14 teaspoon pepper, 1-4 cup diced onion. 1-2 cup uncooked rice. 1 can tomato soup (10 l-2-oun.e size), 1-2 cup hot water. Immerse cabbage leaves in boiling water. Cook for 2 minutes nd drain. Mix together mear, salt, pepper, onion and rice. Spoon mixture onto cabbape leaves, tola eacn leal over lin ing, and fasten with toothpicks. Place cabbage bundles in a two quart heat-resistant glass casser ole. Combine tomato sojp and hot water; pour over cabbane bundles in casserole. Bake 1 1-4 hours In a moderate oven (.ViO degrees F.i. Remove toothpicks before serving. Cheese Omelet With Spanish Sauce (Serves 4) One and one-half tablespoons fat, 6 eggs, 1 teaspoon salt, 1-3 cup milk, dash of pepper, 1-3 cup grated American cheese. Heat the fat in a skillet; then lip the skillet to grease the sides and bottom. Beat the eggs, just enough to blend the yolks and whites. Add the salt, milk and pepper and hem thoroughly. Pour into the skillet and cook over low heat until a film of cooked egg has formed on the bottom of the pan. Lift the edge of this cooked egg and tilt the pan so that the uncooked portion runs under the raised conked portion. Sprinkle cheese over omelet. Again cook until a film of cooked egg forms, then repeat the lifting and cook ing process until the entire mix ture is cooked and golden brown on the bottom this process will t ike about 10 minutes. Then loo en the omelet with a spatula, fold from handle of skillet to opposite side of pan. Or roll jelly roll fa shion and turn onto a warm plat, ter. Serve Spanish sauce as filling or over omelet. GLAMORIZE YOUR KITCHEN with o set of streamlined custom built kitchen cabi nets from our shop. We de sign and make cabinets that will fill all of your needs. Kitchen cabinets odd so much more storage spoce to your kitchen that you will wonder how you ever got along without them. Call us for a free estimate, today! t-mm-M (will if i S "' ' ' rf ' V"- ' W 4 ' NOT SO HAPPY Here's one little girl that doesn't want to leave homo and mother. She's Pat Rote, 3, of Rochester, Tex., and she was taking the part of a bride on a float in a parade at the Central West Texas fair held at Haskell, Tex. All went well until she suddenly realized her mother wasn't along. Then the tears poured. The truculent groom is Sammy Bell, 4, also of Rochester. IAP Wirephoto). DREW-TILLER P.-T.A. PLANS GET-TOGETHER Tiller-Drew P. T.A. held a meeting at the Tiller schoolhouse Oct. 11 with .Mrs. Arnelle Chat ters presiding. A vote of thanks was extended the Drew Social club for the new lunchroom equipment presented last montn to the school. After the business meeting a social hour was enjoyed and Sirs. Andrews, Mrs. Austin and Mrs. Corbett were hostesses. Plans were made for a Hallowe'en get together to he held Oct. 2. Movies and refreshments have been planned and the public is Invited. HOME EXTENSION UNIT TO MEET WEDNESDAY The Riversdale Home Exten sion unit will meet Werinesdav. Oct. 26. at the Riversdale Grange hall, with members to be in structed on "streamlined" home sewing, according to Mrs. C. M. Stark, member of the organiza tion. Those taking an active part In the sewing piogr.-.m will make a blouse and will need to bring a sewing machine. Those making blouses and bringing machines will meet at 10 a.m. and are lo bring sack lunches. All other members will meet at 2 p. n., Mrs. Stark said. Don't use evaporated milk I n preparing a rennet custard since it will keep the dessert from set ting. L'se fresh milk only. SEE NORGE BEFORE YOU BUY 1 Maytag's Gyrafoom Washing Action Does All Your Work foi You Genuine Maytag construction means years of superior service. Bergh's ' ppliarse Service 1200 S. Stephens You're Money Ahead with Maytag Cigoret Tax Dodgtrs Halted By Ntw Law WASHINGTON. Oct. 21 f.Pl A new federal law will help states ttvith sales taxes or special toba co taxes to collect on cigareti shipped In from other states. President Truman haa signed It Into law. It requires persons selling clg arets in Interstate commerce, un less the purchaser is a licensed distributor, to furnish a list of customers to the tax administra tor of the state Into which such shipment is made. I Washington is one of the stat.-s directly concerned. Because of iti sales tax, many residents have had their cigarets delivered from outside the slate.) Prices Include Pednsl Tu it But I Needn't They're priced JK025 as lew s Vk . .it AW S. ".' . ..V f f . s SIC" It Pays to Buy From Idlicrajt Where Your Dollar Has More Cents DOUGLAS COURT PLANS POTLUCK, SOCIAL NIGHT Douglas court. No. 18. Amar anth will hold a pntlurk dinner and social evening at the Mason- le Temple, Sathrday, at 6:30 o'clock. Those attending are ask ed to bring a potluck dish and table service. Cards will be play ed during the evening. Fresh crabmeat makes a de licious warm weather salad. Kv a pound of the fish use a stalk of celery (finely chopped', a green onion tfinely chopped), and some thin strips of green pepper. Mix these well and add mayonnaise that has been flavor ed with a little finely chopped fresh herbs (such as parsley an I chervil). Line a salad bowl wt'h crisp greens and mound the crab meat mixture in the center. Gar nish with slices of sweet pickle, pickle, pimento, olives, or radishes. have the selection 9 can vl t l:: J7TU aT A 7-m . i 1 R. i.1 ' ' A f''i help I clrecumn 9 V I ONLY "If" " ITS . tT W- JH ' i j r . r .v.s ;.v o $100 at t ' ' j M yt f ' Christmas ... and " ,.' 4'' 1 always dreamed . rvCN WC , HopeChest!Agift DOWN (Si p . T i iniiii - H. 1361 (oo Santa' t trKmldrr) Bin 4-iaeh chest combiact alnut Stump and matthrd Amr kan V alnut. Equipped mnth Liat'M patented automatic tray. Still Neefr BUY TODAYI TAKS YOUR VMt TO PAY! d there, just as she's . . her Lane Cedar so beautiful, so sen timental, and so practical, too! LANE is the only pressure-tested Aroma Tight Chest made! Moth Protection Guarantee with every Lane Chest. There's a Lane for every room in the home. All have Lane's exclusive features! Choose from our complete Lane collection now. IT'S THt HAL lOVf-GfTf Mi -I arif 4 ic mtpKlls? matchfd Paldao. alnut, ajnai nifflB ast 7Kra o.d H fMifi ltd h-ntfi and Laus t rvfaOTablc raaaasd-corttcfrd ta 62.95 HI No. Jackson Phone 330 PERSONALIZED SERVICE FOR THE HOME