10 The Ntwt-Rtvitw. Retebura. Ore. Frl., Oct. 21, 1949'Ntw Warden Named For Escape-Ridden Prison a . a a 111 " 7 I- EflA I U. 5. Prosecution ur jap war wimmaii mota YOKOHAMA, Oct. 21 (.D American prosecution of Japanese lor war crime ended Wednes day. A U. S. Eighth Army military commission aentenced the last of many Japanese for atrocities against allied civilians and mili tary prisoners. Asamu Satano. former Japa nese army officer, got a five vear Jail term on charges of bo heading a captured American fil er. The commission found that he had acted under orders. The case read like so many oth- en' in the prosecution of more than 1.000 war crimes suspects .!,. tale 1US. Most of the trials .. .tmAlllaa f-lll 1. 1 r. I ture of men In prison campa or - ..I.. ..nlurwl aviators. A .uUI IntArnillnrnl frltiil. ' nal heard the allies' case against ine rfiHjwr wm unnm ,n7i,. ants. On Nov. 11, 1948. It con victed ex-Premier Hidekl Tojo and 24 other former Japanese Ipaders. To)o and six others were hanged. The rest went to prison. Of those tried here hy military jto the gallows. Ahout 200 were I acquitted. I The trials Involved a prodigious SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 21 UP) The State Board of Corrections Thursday named Acting Warden Alvln O. Severson permanent warden of the Utah prison. The vote was unanimous. Severson, a lieutenant In the Federal Bureau of Prisons serv ice, has been on loan to the state of Utah to make a survey of con ditions at the escape-ridden pris on. He was named Acting Warden when Warden Mason Hill resign ed the day after his arrival. Severson has been stationed at the McNeil island federal prison in Washington state. HOME TOWN NEWS "Which way did ht go, Georgt . . . which way did he go?" The place to go for mill ends, dry wood and-slab-wood for winter fuel is the ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Our prices ore always fair. amount of work. More than 100,000 Japanese were Investigated and questioned. UNDERSTANDING JUDGE DALLAS, Oct. 21 (.Pi Too often, the woman said, her hus band went fishing and came home reeking of whiskey not fish. Judge John Rawlins, a fish erman himself, granted the wo man a divorce Wednesday. Dr. E. W. Carter Chiropodist Foot Speelailat 129 N. Jackson Phont 1170 Over Rexall Drug Store Degree, Supper Dated By Grange Evergreen Grange met Friday night for the regular business session, with Ruble Bloom acting as master. Roll call showed 35 members present and two offi cers absent. District Deputy Paul Krueger and Mrs. Ollie Krueger weie guests. Krueger gave a talk on the coming national convention to be held In Sacramento In No vember. He also urged members to be present for Pomona meet ing to be held in the Evergreen (.range hall Saturday, Oct. 29, with a potluck supper at 7 pm. Everyone attending it asked to bring hit own table service. The fifth degree will be exemplified at 8 p.m. Reportt were given by all the committees, after which Grange closed and the men served re freshments of doughnuts, coffee, and cake. The remainder of the evening was spent visiting and plaving cards. The next meeting, Oct. 28, will be preceded by a potluck supper at fi:30 p.m. AMention was called" to the cooked fooda and Christmas gift sale to be held by the Evergreen Home Economics club jsov. 19 at I'mpqua Hardware. Shipment of oysters In the shell from America to Europe started In 1861.. Do Not Lose Money Because of Saw Break-Downs! It costi you money when your power chain aw la broken or does not operate at top effilcency. Bring your chain saw to your repair headquarter!. Pacific Chain Saw Co. Many repairs are only small and It taket so little time to have them repaired when first detected. Small bugs In your motor now can mean bigger re pair Dills if not corrected toon. P ACIFIC CHAIN SAW CO. Hiway M North Phent 1152 J -.n .-AT I- p IT s i " .m k 'ajP I . i HELD IN SHOOTING Richard Manning Elliotr, 15, if ted from his home in Lot Angeles, Calif., by police officer J. E. Ringo after, police said, he had killed his 10-year-old brother, Robert James Elliott, who lay groaning from an accidental gunshot wouad suffered only moments before. Richard was showing his younger brother an old-fashioned revolver which want off acci dentally end wounded Jemes.l AP Wirephotol. Britain's Social Service Law Is Economy Target LONDON', Oct. 21. (.PI The British government, hunting drastic economics, appeared ready today to halt expansion of its cradle-to grave aocial services. Poltlical Informants said the so cial services and the armed forces See the range that gets everything ready at once... without rushing Even company-coming dinners are easy with a udo-everything-af-once" ESTATE Electric Range Imagine . . . having rolls done at (lie same "come-to-rlinner" moment at your roast. Pies, loo. And casseroles. And your lop-of-the-range vegetables, gravy, sauces, coflee all hot and ready to take up al one time. It's easy with the new Estate Range. tor TVty ft' t& J T.J vf hi I wMssajswjW9' L. SV . fi'- I 1 "1-1 - f ' l I .r I I .4 for Hi Eitatt Bar-B-Kewr (separata tnaat ov.nl) broils a whol ham or tib-rooit . . . leaves your big Ettatt Balanced Heat Ovan free for baking at the samt time. The WAKEFIELD . . . Estate Electric Range Model 490 3 69,95 See all tliese oilier "make-life-eaicr" fenttireat TimeEsUle Automatic Control of oven, Bar-B Kewer, Cooker or one outlet through Selector Switch; Built-in Treasure Cooker; 7-het "3-in-l" surface units; Fiberglas insulation, Heat-Seal doors; Minute-Minder; fluorescent top lamp; oven light; oven door window; ThermFslate Oven Heat Control; tv.o appliance outlets (one controlled by TimeEslale); easy-to-clean one-piece lop; acid-resisting porcelain enamel finish all around; pedestal base with toe-space; ball-bearing utensil drawers. ETTAnrE lift the center work-top cover end there's your HidVAwoy Grid-All. It's perfect for tho extra touchei potato pan cakes, grilled fruit or onion slices or in. It to heat two ' extra pons. Sounds wonderful for big "company-coming" meali? It is. And so are the compliments you II gel. You'll seef iOSEBURG 324 N. Jackson Electric Ranges' Get everything ready at once . . . trithout rushing. Lome in. Let us shote you. v4j Other Estate Acid Resisting Porcelain Ranges from $199 00 up EfflGERATIQKI Phone 270 are two of the prime targets of Prime Minister Attlee's economy drive. Each takes about a quarter of the nation's annual budget of 3.000,000.000 ($8,400,000,000), The cabinet's economic policy committee is believed to have com pleted a strict economy program which Atth will announce Mon day in the House of Commons. Political informants said the so the things scrutinized in the so cial services wore the free medi cal program and food subsidies. The informants said the free medical servic cost was running over its 230.000.000 I $700,000, 000) annual budget. Most placed the excess at about 70,000,000 ($19fi.000.000). The food subsidies are running ahout 480,000,000 ($1,324,000,-000). Hi NEED Andy Schick Broke Specialist KNOWS FORD BRAKES We give your car" the 4 advantages of Genuine Ford Service . T I FenMi ills i J Mednakt 2. rvilw y-oppreved MenWJs 3. Spvcial Ferd Esjstpseejv! 4. CsiisIsii Fard rwts For' brake "relining for every service need we're "home" to toot Ford. Lockwood Motors Rose and Oak Phone 80 FRIDAY NIGHT MUM 5:30 P. M. TO 9:00 P. M. Reg. 5.98 Reg. 1.19 PEPPERELL NYLON BLANKETS 72x84 2 FOR 2 FOR 8.00 1.25 2ST- wool 75 rayon Perfeot fit and comfort ' Choice of six shades Sims 8'i 10'j. Fall shadei Reg. 1.19 Reg. 28c RAYON JERSEY SLIPS AND gowns GLOVES 2 FOR 2 FOR 1.50 35c Choice of eslora In illpa Heavy brown cotton. Snug and gawns. Sizes S2 40 double knit wrlstt Reg. 149 Reg. 11.08 FEATHER PILLOWS TRAIL BLAZERS 1 FOR 2 ,0 150 15-00 B V Plus tax Full 20x26, plumply filled Every ont first quality with 100 hen feathers materials Hundreds of additional Ward Week Values in every depart ment. Make Friday your fam ily night to shop and save. STORE HOURS 9:00 A. M. TO 9:00 P. M.