UT US PUT-THE PROFESSIONAL TOUCH IN YOUR ADVERTISING ...... Mort affective advertising need tort you no more, now thai we have Metro Ntwipa. per Service to help you put the professional touch into your copy. All the help you need . . . Ilk eny ( & representatives bo Oleujsltcview Notlca of Timber Sal ORAL AUCTION BIDS, will lb received by the Dlitrlct For ester, Bureau 01 una Manage ment, Region 1, at his office located at Room 206, Post Of fice Building. Roseburg, Ore. at 2:00 P. M., PACIFIC STAND ARD TIME, on November T. M949, for the purchase of all I merchantable timber designated for cutting upon tracts herein I after described. The cutting and ! removal of the timber shall be 'carried out in accordance with 'the forest practice rules approved on July 7, 1938 by the Secretary of the Interior. Each bid must state the amount per thousand feet, board measure, that will be paid for each species, the total consideration which will be paid for the timber and a statement that the bidder will comply with local manufacturing . requite ! ments as hereinafter stated. No bid for less than the appraised , value will be considered. Each 'sealed bid must be submitted in duplicate and be accompanied by a deposit. The deposit must be in cash or in the form of a certi fied check on a solvent bank and ;in favor of the Treasurer of the MrSHllH Pi At t M0CCAR0U N D Heavenly cbmfort, down-to-earth price Real full-grain leather that won't scuff, custom-tanned to feel like a second skin . . , curved wedge heels that give more walking ease and support . . . that's the MOCCA-ROUND.- For new foot comfort and smart ap looks try a pair of MOCCAROUNDS tomorrow 07J SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY 4HR 0 mak 3 Home-Owned Stores 229 N. Jackson, Roseburg Sutherlin Apparel, Sutherlin J. R. Rowland Co., Myrtle Creek Listen to our news broadcast Sundavs 12:45 (NK.4 TtUphMa) AIR FORCE CHIEFS STRIKE BACK Secretary of Air Force W. Stuart Bymtngtoa (right! testifies before the House Armed Services Committee In Washington u Gen. Hoyt 8. Vandenberg (left), D. 8. Air Force Chief of Staff, wilts his turn on the stand. Symington accused the Navy of giving Congress "false, senseless and ridiculous'' testimony and making attacks on national defense plana which -imperil the security of the United States." United States. The amount of the deposit will be at least 20' i of the first $1,000 of the appraised value of the timber; an additional 10',. of the next $9,000; an addi tional b7f of the amount between $10,000 and $100,000; and addi tional 3'" of anv amount in ex cess of $100,000. The deposit will be returned to unsuccesstul bid ders; applied as a part of the pur chase price of the high bidder; or that portion of the deposit representing the minimum re quired by law shall be retained as liquidated damages if the high bidder does not execute contract and furnish satisfactory bond within thirty days of acceptance of the bid or cannot furnish evi dence of his ability to comply with the local marketing require ments. In sales over $3,000, and In small sales when required, the high bidder will be required io furnish a sworn financial state ment, showing ability to fulfill the terms of the contract. A bond on all sales will be required in an amount computed at the rate tract shall deem the high bidder unqualified to fulfill the contrac tual requirements of the adver tisement. All tracts advertised for sale for which no bid Is received on the sale date may be sold on the 30th day after the sale date to bidders offering the highest Drite during the thirty day interim. In no case will the timber be sold for less than the appraised price. Further information, including copies of the form of contract, bid forms and schedules of con tract payments may be obtained at District Offices of the Bureai of Land Management, located at Salem, Eugene, Roseburg, Coos Bay and Medford, Oregon, or at the office of the Regional Admin- Istrator, Building ISo. 1 25 M. feet Incense Cedar. No bid for less than $3.ft0 per M. It. B. M. for the Douglas fir, $'-'.50 per M. ft B. M. for the White fir and Incence Cedar, or a total pur chase price of $14,582.50, will be considered. Notice of Timber Sale land, Portland IS, Oregon. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 7th day of October, 1949. IN DOUGLAS COUNTY: DOUGLAS MARKET ING AREA: T. 20 S., R. 7 W, W. M., Sec.,33, all merchantable timber designated for cutting un Por. NW'iNKt, All NJNW1, Por. SVVt.NWl, Por. KKlfSWl, est! ORAL AUCTION BIDS, will be received by the District Forester, Bureau of Land Management, Region 1. at his office located at Room 206, Post Office Building. Roseburg, Oregon, at 2:00 P. M.. PACIFIC STANDARD TIME, on November 7, 1949, for the pur chase of all merchantable timber designated for cutting upon tracts Swan Js-Iherein after described. The cutting of at least 15 per cent of the uid , mated for the purpose of this sai price. Payment for timber will he required in advance oi cutting, payment in full at the time ot filing the contract being required In sales amounting to $5,000 or less. In larger sales, the Regional Administrator may permit pay ment in a number of installments. Timber sold in accordance with this advertisement muse be manu factured within the marketing area as designated for each tract hereinafter described in accord ance with the Orders of the Secre tary of the Interior, No. 2285, and Nos. 2380 to 2390. Incl., dated De cember 11, 1946 and November 23. 1947, respectively. The United States has bv agreement been given the right to authorize its purchasers lo use certain roads and rights-of-way for the removal of timber. Each bidder should as certain from the respective Dis trict Forester's office, the loca tion of the road or right-of-way covered by such agreement relat ing to the tract upon which ha wishes to bid. It is the bidder's responsibility to determine for himself the extent lo which such agreement will permit the use of the road or right-of-way subject lo the payment of reasonable compensation to the assignor of the United States. The right is hereby reserved to waive teenni cal defects in the advertisement; to reject all bids, or to award the limber for the amount of the highest bid to the next highest qualified bidder when the officer authorized to approve the con- LAW-AWAY LAY-AWAY , LAY-AWAY LAY-AWAY LAY-AWAY C S. I. o. (Christmas Shopping in October) SHE'LL PRIZE MOST KIDDIE KIUFT LOCKETS BRACELETS RINGS SETS9CR0SSES . prkjrd in, the lo el "$-?? thrift Jewrl Bo" with prrtonalized fift card. Sre our e lection of gnld-61lel and 10K (told jewelry tod 17, $1 SO $1JJ0 ptmt tax J . I JEWELERS YWK H0M 0WHD AND OPtKATCD CX.EDIT JWLRS 246 N Jocks Phone 1329-J LAW-AWAY . . . LAY-AWAY . . . LAY-AWAY . . . LAY-AWAY . . . LAY-AWAY to be 2420 M. feet Douglas fir, 135 M. feet Hemlock, 50 M. feet West ern Red Cedar. No bid for less than $6.30 per M. ft. B. M. for Uie Douglas fir, $2.50 per M. ft. B. M. for the Hemlock, $2.30 per M. ft. B. M. for the Western Red Cedar, or a total purchase price of $15,698.50, will be considered. T. 21 S R. 6 W, W. M., Sec 3, all merchantable timber desig nated for cutting on Por Lot 4 (NWINYVI), All SWiNW'l, Pir. SElSEi, estimated for the pur pose of this sale to be 2655 M. feet Douglas fir. 10 M. feet In cense Cedar, 5 M. feet Western Red Cedar, 30 M. feet Hemlock. No bid for less than $5.85 per M. ft. B. M. for the Douglas fir, $2.30 per M. ft. B. M. for the In cense Cedar and Western Red Cedar, $2.50 per M. ft. B. M. for the Hemlock, or a total purchase price of $15,641.25, will be con sidered. T. 29 S R. 9 W, W. M Sec 15. all merchantable timber designated for cutting on Por. Lot 2 ( NW1NE1 1, Por. Lot 3 (NM NW1 ), All Lot 4 INWIN'Wi), Por. SJNWJ. Por. NW1SW1, esti mated for the purpose of this sale to be 3480 M. feet Douglas fir, 545 M. feet dead Douglas fir, 185 M. feet Hemlock, 90 M. feet Western Red Cedar, 450 M. feet Port Or ford Cedar. No bid for less than $11.75 per M. ft. B. M. for the Douglas fir, $2.50 per M. ft. B. M. for the Hemlock and dead Doug las fir. $2.30 per M. ft. B. M. lor the Western Red Cedar. $14.00 per M. ft. B. M. for the Port Or ford Cedar, or a total purchase price of $49,222.00, will he con sidered. T. 29 S R. 6 W., W. M Sec. 31, all merchantable timber designated for cutting on the SE1NEJ, NEJSWJ, NISEJ. Por. SiSEl, estimated for the purpose of this sale to he 3920 M. feet Douglas fir, 320 M. feet White fir, and removal of th:- timber shall oe carried out under authority of the Act of July 31, 1947 ( 61 Stat. 6811 and the regulations .there under (43 CFR, Part 259). Each hid must state the amount pel' thousand feet, board measure, that will be paid for each species and the total consideration which will be paid for the timber. No bid for less than the appraised value will be considered. Each bid must be submitted In dupli cate and he accompanied by a deposit. The deposit must be In cash or In the form of a certified check on a solvent hank and in favor of the Treasurer of the United States. The amount of the deposit will be at least 20'i of the first $1,000.00 of the appraised value of the timber; an additional 10"r of the next $9,000.00; an additional 5 of the amount between $10,000 00 and $100,000.00; and an additional 3"i" of any amount In excess ol $100,000.00. The deposit will be returned to unsuccessful bidders applied as a part of the purchase price oi tne successiui Dinner; rr that portion of the deposit, repre senting the minimum required by law, shall be retained as liqui dated damage! If the high bidder does not execut contract and furnish satisafctory bond within thirty days of acceptance of the bid. In sales over $5,000.00, and in small sales when required, the successful bidder will be required to furnish a sworn financial state ment, showing ability to fulfill the terms of the contract. A bond on all sales will be required in an amount computed at the rale of at least 15 per cent of the bid price. Payment for timber will be required in advance of cutting, payment in full at the time of fil ing the contract being required In sales amounting to $5,000.00 or less. In larger sales, the Regional Administrator may permit pay ment in a number of installments. Timber lying within the boundar ies ol the O. C grant, sold in accordance with this advertise ment, must be manufactured within Ihe marketing area as designated for each tract de scribed below In accordance with ConqrtJi Delays Laid To Democratic Wrangles PORTLAND, Oct. 20 . Rep. Homer Angell (R-Ore) said Wednesday In an interview here that Democratic bickering, not Republican opposition, caused de lays that have held Congress in its long session. "In my 11 years in Congress," Angell said. "I never saw such a dilatory organization. If you left the Republicans out of the com mittee meetings, Ihe Democrats still could not get together long enough to annrove legislation. This resulted in months of delay. Neither the House nor the Senate could act on hills until I hey came out of the committees. Thur., Oct. 20, 1949 Th Newi-Rerlew, Roitkur, Ore. 9 Employment Agent Sets Douglas County Dates Representative of th Oregon State Employment service will be at Camas Valley High school everv Tuesday morning, between 9 30 and 12, it was announced hy George Foster, local manager. The office will be In tht basement of the school. Visits are also mad to Drain every Thursday md Myrtle Creek every Wedneidny, Foster said. the Orders of Ihe Secretary of the Interior, No, 2283, and Nos. 23SO to 2390, Inc., dated December 11, 1946 and is'ovemlser 29. 1947, re spectively. The United States has hv agreement been given the right to aulhorbe its purchasers to use certain roads and rights-ot-wy for the removal of timber. Each bidder should ascertain from the respective District For ester's office the location of the road right-of-way covered ny such agreement, relating to the tract upon. which he wishes lo bid. It is the bidder's responsibility lo determine for himself the extent to which such agreement will per mit the use of the road or right- of-way subject to the payment o reasonable compensation to the assignor of the United States. Bidders are warned against viola tions of Section 59 U. S. Criminal Code, approved March 4, 1909 (18 u. s. c. ii.il proniniting uniawiui combination or Intimidation ol bidders. The right is hereby re served to waive technical defects in this advertisement and to re ject any or all bids. All tracts ad vertised for sale for which no old is received on the sale date may be sold on the 30th day after ihe sale date to bidders offering til? highest price during the thirty day interim. In no case will the timber be sold for less than the appraised price. Further Informa tion, including special contract clauses, standard contract form, bid forms and schedules of con tract payments may be obtained at District Offices of Ihe .iureail of Land Management, located a'. Room 206, Post Office Building, Roseburg. Oregon, or at the officv nf the Regional Administrator, Building No. 1, Swan Island, Port land 18, Oregon. Dated at Port land, Oregon, this 7th dav of Octo ber, 1919. IN DOUGLAS COUN TY: OREGON: PUBLIC DO MAIN LAND: DOUGLAS MAR KETING AREA: T. 28 S R. 8 W W. M., Sec. 22, all merchant able timber designated for culling on Por. NWiSEl, estimated for the purpose of this sale to he 370 M. feet Douglas fir. No bid for less than $4.55 per M. ft. B. M or a total purchase price of $1,- 683.50, will be considered. Hand made Articles Sold on Consignment. Open Monday and Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday 1:00 to 8:30 p.m. or Ph, 444-J 4 for appointment 4 Bike. W. of Filrhaven Melrose Road ALWAYS FRESH! u&teil Sioii GanJlm EXCLUSIVE WITH MILLER'S AW Russell Stover candies mode of the finest ingred ients, blended to a queen's taste! Delicious? Yum . . . yum . . . you'll think so, too, once you try Rus sell Stover. Not Only for Christmas, But for Every Day! New! Kitchen fresh bulk candies . . . famous for quality now ob tainable every day at Miller's. Eat more candy . . . it's health ful .. . energy - giving . . . it's good if it's Russell Stover! ALWAYS FRESH! Candy Mam Floor In the District Court of the United Slates for the District of Oregon. No. B-30095. Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. To the creditors of Judd Creek Lumber Co., Inc., an Oregon corporation, of Riddle, Ore., a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that said Judd Creek Lumbei Co., Inc., an Oregon corpora tion, has been duly adjudged a bankrupt on a petition filed by it on July 8, 1949 and that the first meeting of its creditors will be held at Counlv Court Room, County Court liouse in Roseburg, Ore., on October 3t, 1949, at 9:30 A. M. at which place and time the said creditors may attend, prove their cleims, aprilnt a trustee, appoint a com mit' e of creditors, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated at Portland. Ore., October 17, 1949. Estes Snedecor, Referee In Bankruptcy. If you use whole eggs In mak ing baked custards It Is best to strain the mixture Into the cus tard cups before baking. HARRY C. STEARNS Funeral Director Our service It for ell and meet! every need. Any distonce, any time Licensed Lady Assistant, Oakland, Oregon Phone 472 or 842 i Htr- THE FRESH-EGO NOODLE THAT WON'T SLIDE OFF THE FORK 3fc B.rftr. . Try thte ettw papular Perter AT CROCIRS M.dUi, KUIll-O, SeMettee EVERYWHERf. lth.il mwmI, -IT T" A 4p Our Values Lead... so why pay more Exceptional Values BLOUSES Rayon blouses In white and colors. Long, short or three quarter sleeves. Shirtwaists,' Jewel necklines, Pe ter Pans and others. 1 99 SKIRTS Straight line, flared or ballerina skirla of rayon faille, hengaline, wools, etc. Choice selec tion of colors and all sizes. 2 99 Shop Throughout the Store for More Values wm RAYON SLIPS Simple tailored styles or pretty lacelrlmmed slips at this one price. While and tearose. Cut and made to fit smoothly. 2 99 PANTIES Knitted rayon briefs with elastic top and bottom and edged with lace. Excep tionally fine values at this little price! 3 for 1 00 A SUPER VALUE IN NYLONS 1 00 15 Denier $1 Gauge ltf f1nt qutttty ylom. Fill 'fAllTX fsj.hioned hosiery In nw (.ill 'l' A ihitlM. Th hoalorv vlu r -rw-' Inrntnptnht St thm tomor rnw and buy for youraelf nd flfU. 121 N. Jackson 1? r: