KRNR Mutual Broadcasting Svtctem 1490 on Your Dial REMAINING HOURS TODAY 4UO rulnm Uwn, Jr. MBA 4 IS frank Heminrwar. MBS. 4 30 Local Loan Show. 4 44 Music. 00 Straight Arrow. MB 8 30 Captain Midnight. MBS 00 Music at Six. IS Mutual NfwirMl, MBS. TO SwirU Piu. 35 Muaic. 40 Local Naws. 45 Southland Singing. S'SS Bill H.nry. MBS t oo rrank Purdy T IS Mubic You Remember, t 30 Here Cornea the Bride 5 00 Hop long Cassidy. MBS in Fishing and Hunting Club. MBS. 55 Mel Venter. MBS. 00 Newi, MBS. IS Music 10 Gentlemen of Note 45 ru lion Lewli. Jr.. MBS. 10 00 Music You Want 10 301 Leva a MytwrV, MBS. v Pre w DANCE EE ot the N South Deer Crctk Grange Hall Saturday, October 22 9 'til 12 P. M. why be a N dial oefcey? STAY TUNED . TO KRNR-MBS FOR: HERE COMES THE BRIDE Featuring Elsie Collins and Edwin McKnight Interview 7:30 Tonight HOPALONG CASSIDY Like Western features, podner? Here it i$. 8:00 Tonight Fishing and Hunting Club Timely outdoor tips from a panel of experts. 8:30 Tonight SHALIMAR ROOM Introducing the "Gentlemen of Note" 9:30 Tonight FOOTBALL Cottage Grove vs. Roseburg Ployed on the home turf. 10 P. M. Friday KRNR 1490 on your Dial s W or J Qrtmtnt Rrpmt Setwork Of Eq)QDE) i Most times It pays a radio artist to be kept in the public eye but there are exception!. Bob Moon and Bob Shannon, emcee and announcer, respectively, of the "Ladiet First" week-day feature, 11:00-11:30 a. m.), were contacted recently by the Western Harness Racing association and consequently they agreed to appear at Holly wood park dally to crown' the first filly to win a race. For several days nothing happened. Having nothing better to do, the boys did wager a few bob on the nags of their choice. They never cashed a ticket! But came the second called Primrose Abbe shoved her petite damsel paid $22.90 to w in. a bunch of tickets on the favorite, lads crowned the winning miss but as Moon said later, "We didn't crown her hard enough. To make matters worse, Paul Robert shaw, a mere acquaintance of ours, had a big bet on the little gal." Actually Robertshaw is the prize procurer for the "Ladies First" show; he's evidently learned how to reap prizes as well as dispense with them! Tonight's Interview guests on "Hero Comes the Bride" at 7.30 are to be Miss Elsie Collins and Edwin McKnight. Tune In the adventures of "Hopalong Cassidy" at S; "The Fishing and Hunting Club of the Air" at 1:30 . . . and - the Shalimar's new duo, "Gentlemen of Note," at 30. Un forunately, television Is not with us as yet, or you might also see their clever pantomime as well as hear their "live talent" piano and vocal stylings. Don't miss this versatile ' pair making their KRNR debut tonight at 1:30. f0:45 Rim Morgan Orch . MBS 11:00 John Wolohen Orch., MBS. 11:30 Sign Oft. FRIDAY. OCTOBER. SI, OO Musical Clock. 30 Newt. 35 Farm Fare. 45 Rise & Snine MRS. TOO Hemingway.- MR. 7 15 Music for You. T 45 Local Newt. f SO MustC. goo Wally'a Favorite Hymns. 13 Music for Fndav. 10 Bible Institute. MBS. 00 Modern Home. 15 Book of Bargains. 30 Man About Town. 40 Musical Interlude. 50 Shopper's Guide. 10.00 News. MM, "Since I first looked ot come offer . . ,,will you go CAFE?" ETAIt VALUt S2.00 I 1HMI IIIIJM I'F AkflV EGGS GRADE A SMALL, DOZ. .... (ANDY . CHOCOLATE CHERRIES, LB. BOX .. . WHITE KING nSWAWOTMf Stock ui NOW! TOMATO SOUP 2 Cons 19C PRODUCE Pumpkins, lb.. .4c De,i:ou' otal Apples, box . 2.19 Hubbard Squash, lb 2c Cranberries lb. 25c Onions, 4 lbs. 25c Radishes 2 bun- 15c BOB FRANKS Cati A Stephen! FREE DELIVERY race on Tuesday, and a little filly nose across the wire in front. The Moon and Shannon were holding a male nag, at that. Anyhow, the 10:15 Gospel Singer. MBS. 10 30 Say It With Music. 10 45 Art Baker. 11:00 Ladies First.- MRS. 11 30 4Jueen for a Day. MBS. 12 OO Music at Nooa, 12 15 Sports Page. 12.25 Music. 12 40 Local News. 12 45 National News. 12 55 Market Reports 1 OO Man on the Street 1 15 Harvey Harding. MBS. 1 30 Linger Awhile 2 00 Against the Storm. MRS. 2 to It s Requested. S 00 Hoedown Party. MBS. 3' I School Program. 3 50 Music. 3 45 Here's to Veterans. 4 0O-Fulton Iewls. Jr MBS. 4. IS Hemingway. MBS. you, I've forgotten what I with me to the RAINBOW "i a al l GIANT PACKAGE SSB7 n 39c 59c 49c TOMATO Prices Effecriv Friday and Saturday They'll Do It Every O1 l PICKED UP A FEW fa LJT INVARIABLY" HEY! YOU STILL 60T N VERyRAe EXTRA BJCK5 TOCAV j" MFBBEMrv I THAT FIFTY BUCS OCCASIONS" HONE AND THEY'RE A EMERGENCY I ivEVOO?! t5Sp5ts I ALLV0URS-50SMAOC- ARISES AND HE V FOBSCT THE THE WIFE GET5 ?oos TO gpp As BORfioS BACK" PAYMENT ON THE EXTRA JAC OUSEEPlT-AND SAID DO06H I CARLEMME HAVE FROM JCE DON'T SAY I NEVES I rT-XU. 6IVB IT BACK OIVEYOUASIY- PAYDAY NO i tjgn , or iM glrtJifsM MMill .TF. lti0SlJ BKiHTH tL-tlMl w" 4 50 Local Loan Show. 4 45 News MBS. 5:00 Tips and Tunaa. 5 15 Music. S .10 Tom Mix MRS. 00 Magic Garden 15 Mutual Newsreal. MBS, 50 Sports Page. .15 Music. 40 Local Newt 45 Southland Singing. 55 Bill Henry MRS. 7 OO Dirk Haymea Show. 7 15 Sammy Kaye Showroom. 7 .10 t'isco Kid -MRS. oo Straight Arrow. MBS. g lO Music 45 Tex Beneke. OO News MB. 15 HI Neighbor. .10 Scandinavian Melodv Time. 45 Fulton Lewis. Jr MBS. 10 OO Rseburg vs. Cotaf Grova 11.30 Sign Off. Bidding Permit On Chemical Pulp Given Americans WASHINGTON. Oct. 20 l.f United States producers will be permitted to bid against Cana dians next year on chemical pulp supplies for the United Kingdom, Rep. Jackson (D Wash! said. William Foster, deputy Eco nomic Cooperation administrator, told Jackson that representatives of the British supply mission hve agreed to give the Americans the opportunity to bid. "It was emphasized that the VS. dissolving pulp industry should have equal opportunity with Canadian dissolving pulp in the U. K. Rayon industry," he wrote Jackson. Foster emphasized that the United Kingdom now has rather large pulp supplies on hand, and it is possible that very little pulp will be purchased from the west ern hemisphere in the first three months of 1950. Jackson had asked the EC A to bring pressure on British and Ca nadian authorities to end their 1949 pulp contracts "in order that this export business can be thrown open to free competitive bidding." Foster reported, however, that efforts to let the Americans in on the 1949 market were unsuccess ful. "The contracts which the Unit ed Kingdom had with Canada for delivery during the remainder of 1949 were considered binding and ECA has agreed to finance these pulp urchases," he said. To dress up a simple apple pudding to make it company (are top it with small scoops of van illa ice cream. Lumberjack SYRUP 5-lb. can 85c Cinch Cake Mix Pkg. 39c M. J. B. COFFEE Lb. 57c Pumpkin No. 2Vi Can 2 cans 19c Pitted OLIVES Tall can 27c OLIVE OIL Qf. bottle 1.39 Beg-More DOG FOOD 2 cans 27c Grocery I Phana 111 I Time REVOLVING' HEEL Hrnry Shrphrrd. of l.onr Brarh. t'al. shows how a hard rubber "button" in the centrr of his rubber heel serves ss a pivot allowing the heel to "revolve." Scouts To Start Xmas Card Sale Christ man cavds have been re ceived by Sutherlin Girl Scouts, who will soon he making calls on their neighbors to raise mo ney for their activities by sale of the cards. At a recent meeting the girls took part in folk dancing. They regretted that Mrs. Richardson was unahle to meet with them, but are looking forward to the next meeting and more folk danc ing. Patrol leaders and assistants who were chosen at this meeting are as follows: Robin patrol, Ar dena Hague, leader, and Joan Hatcher, assistant. Medowlark patrol, Iis Lucas, leader and Janice Kenwisher, as sistant. Cardinal patrol, Ponna Fae Rose, leader, and Jane Abbot, as sistant. The patrols will change lead ers every month so that each girl will have a chance to lead her patrol. The loaders of the girls are Mrs. Mildred Herlngton, Mrs. Helen Briscoe and Mrs. Margaret Porter. Waldorf Salad that old stand by of apple, celery, walnuts, and mayonnaise takes on new inter est when it's served on a bed of watercress and accompanied by a mound of creamed cottage cheese. Dust the salad and the cheese with a little paprika for color. COMING NEXT WEEK Tuesday and Wednesday Only mm ROAD SHOW ENGAGEMENT ADMISSION SCALE Motinee (Tueidoy only) 1 .80 1 .50 1 .20 Evenings 2.401 .801 .20; Students 1 .00 All Prices Include 20 rederal Tax riiiiiiaiii'i-iitiii'H-,r'" ri-'i- 1 By Jimmy Hatlo Position Open At Canyonville P.O. Civil service examinations for appointment to position of sub stitute clerk at the Canyonville post office have been announced. No specific experience or edu cation is required, but applicants must take a written examination, which Includes a sorting test, general test, and a following in structions test. Applicants must reside within the delivery of the Canyon ville post office, or he bona fide patrons of such office. Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and SO .except that these age limits may be waived for veter ans and under certain conditions for war service indefinite em ployees. Further information on this ex amination and the necessary ap plication forms may he obtained from the postmaster at Canyon ville, or from the Director, Elev enth U.S. Civel Service Region. Room 302 Federal Office build ing, Seattle 4. Wash. Examinations will he held al Roseburg on October 29 at 8:30 a.m. Children enjoy frosting cook ies; make the frosting by moist ening a half cup of confectioners' sugar with a few teaspoons o f milk and tint with food coloring. News Review Classified Ads bring best results. hone 100. ROUND THE CALENDAR Enjoy healthful tempera tures all year long, by hav ing blown rock wool op plied in the walls and at tic of your home. Pn mat ically opplied by profes ' nals. A home- wned and operated insulation firm . . not a sideline. Satisfied customers throughout Southwestern Oregon. BUILDER'S INSULATING CO. "Chuck Edmonds 230 N. Stephen! St. Phone 101S R for free estimates ALL SEATS RESERVED Si EXCITEMENT! 0"t of the greot emotionol txperiencei of a lifetime! THE'E HAS NEVE BEEN A MOTION PICTURE Utt.. Me S jjX TICHMICOlPRl K i law "Ml", I A"V Ml H, IM A Thur., Oct. 20, 1949-The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 3 War On Yugoslavia Would Mean World War Tito NEW YORK. Oct. 20-(.P)-The New York Post Home News pub lished Tuesday an interview with Premier Marshal Tito of Yugo slavia in which Tito was quoted as saying a war on Yugoslav soil would become a world war. The interview, under a Bel grade dateline, carried the Iv line of William S. Gailmor. who was active in the Progressive party campaign of Henry A. Wal lace for the presidency In 19-!S. Gailmor said Tito told him he expected his opponents to stir up series of border incidents as CASES DISMISSED The case of Beatrice Shaeffer, indicted by the grand Jury on an assault and battery charge, has been dismissed by Circuit Judge Wlmberly. The dismissal was made upon motion of District At torney Robert G. Davis because of "insufficient evidence." The Judge has also dismissed a charge of threatening the com mission of a felony, brought against Henry Denniin Feb. 14. 1916. The rase was not tried at any term of court since that date, so the defendant was considered "entitled to dismissal" of the charge, according to Davis's mo tion. Fish that has been sufficiently cooked will flake easily with a fork. A Terrifying Twist offatt! k NOW SHOWING it i yF.,k.t TONEI J SM NOW PLAYING tiddMtmAammlSJiM The Greatest Baseball Story since "Pride of The COMING Yankees' Sunday mm L JJ'V'- From i OCJ-w M T I t1, II ATrilllflT IIIUAAIll I .I trjlkw isiiiv t irii it "- LAUGHION I 1 aMMAM also i z:Z: m ae-KeiaMeeiaMJI II M mil fc fiV4tl4wTH0MBf)f f B ' mnsioo IV.L- 1 - L t ' V In CltrtlO CO-FEATURE further provocation. Tito also admitted the possibil ity of a break in diplomatic .j latlons with his former Comin form partners, Gailmor wrote. He quoted the Yugoslav' leader as saying: "If a major provoca tion were to lead to an attack on Yugoslavia, we would turn Im mediately to the United Nations." He then added that Yugoslavia had the means to deal with such provocatipns." TURN-AROUND INN lm itii.Miii7in'iir."i.,' i SptoiAluing In Chicken and Delicious Steak Dinners LOCATID HIWAT ON TOP OF MILL ON It N. O... w.tkd.y, S t. It p. Sana., Hi I p. i.. rna.r STEWART ALLYSON THE iSMno: Coming Next! Starts Sunday She Lovd and Jfafatf 1 in the same I riERY PASSION! Saturday and Sunday ONLY MOSOAN.tlfl lDaM Brian Olaalrt I