6 Tht Newt Rvitw, Roieburg, Of Thur., Oct. 20, 1W CBA BOX Social 4 000 Pemh In -I?"!:.' .'. 'iNet$ Lar9e Sum Guatemala Flood; 70,000 Homeless GUATEMALA, Guatemala, Oct. 20. CP The Guatemalan gov ernment today itepped up relief plant to care or 78,000 persons made homeless by the mot dis astrous Hood here In recent times. About 4,000 person are be lieved to have perished in the flood. the economic loss was estimated conservatively at $50, 000,000. The government named an "emergency committee to admin istrate relief anC provided it with a fund of $6,000,000. Neighboring countries were quick to offer help. A Cuban army plane left Havana for Guatemala early today with a group of civilian military en gineers to aid in reconstruction. The V. S air force Is searching for an American Catalina dis patched from Panama on a re lief mission. The Carrihbean air command said the search has so far been unsuccessful. However it said nigh hopes were held for the safety oi ine missing am phibian and its occupants be cause the area where it was last reported, 330 miles northwest of the Car.! zone, is dotted with islands and sheltered waters suit able for an emergency landing. Twenty-six American tourists were trapped by the flood waters. Fifteen had been marooned more than a week at the village of Panajachel on Lake Atitlan, 40 miles north of Guatemala City. Along with other early radio developments, Gugllelmo Marconi Is credited with being the first to use an elevated wire as a wire less antenna. Canyonville Bible academy stu dents held their annual box social at the community hall in Canyon ville Fridav night and netted a profit of $405. Prizes for the most attractive ly decorated boxes were award ed to June Goodwin. Marita Lew is. Carol Taylor. Carol Rueck, and "Aunt jenny." The Ideas used for prize boxes were a cir cus, a covered wagon, a maiden in her garden, a wishing well, and a Hawaiian scene. Prizes also went to the high- I est bidders. First prize went to 14 girls who pooiea tneir resourc es and paid $31. Two baskets sold for $25 and one for $21. The proceeds from the social far exceeded expectations and will be used toward the Install color pictures of timbered r new heating system. Italy Is the third leading pro duoer of raw silk in the world. CSV i WINCED HUCKSTERS Pretty Katie Brooks engages In small talk with Acey and Deecee, two Indian Hill Mynah birds. The talk is small because the birds are limited to a vocabulary of 20 words, plus a few wolf whistles and raucous sounds. The birds completed a three-month course in salesmanship prior to taking up their duties as hucksters at the National Metal Show in Cleveland, O. Glendale Building New School House Work on the new District 77 school building at Glendale s progressing, with the foundation completed and framing up for the superstructure. The building, a six-room addition to the new one story building erected a year ago, will house a combination study hall and library, a science room, typing room, and two general classrooms. The building It adjoins contains administration offices, four class rooms, and rest-rooms. With the completion of the new unit, all ' grade school classes will be mov-! ed from the newer sections and the entire building devoted ti high school classes. i At the present time the up-r story of the old school building. next door, is used for Junior and ; Senior high school. According to Howard Edson. chairman of the school board, the architect is receiving bids for re wiring and modernization of the Canadian Gas Project Would Supply li. S. Areas OTTOWA, Oct. 20. (CP) The Canadian Senate transport tation committee gave quick ap proval Wednesday to a bill in corporating a new pipeline com pany to pipe natural gas from Alberta to the British Columbia coast. The company Alberta Natural Gas company plan to route Its line through southern British Co lumbia to Vancouver. Most likely route shorter and about $20,000,000 cheaper would be through the United States. It would serve Trail and other B. C. points before crossing the bordi at Klngsgatp, B. (., and wou' end at a point half way between Seattle. Wash., and Van couver. It would serve Seattle and Tacoma, Wash., Portland, Ore., and various Canadian points in the area. older hulldlng, but no definite date has been set for doing the work. Glendale B.P.W. Hears Forester The Glendale Business and Pro fessional Women's club met Thursday, Oct. 13. at the home of Ida Edson. The speaker for the evening was Bruce Ferguson of the Douglas Forest Protective as sociation, who showed excellent inent of the new heating system, eas and mills in the area. A report was made on the suc cess of the Glendale Carnival which was sponsored by the B. P.W. in September. Attendance was excellent with most local or ganizations taking part and han dling the approximately IB amusement and sales booths. Re ceipts for the B.P.W. amounted to $392. The meeting was closed by a tea towel shower for the hostess, Ida Edson. Refreshments wert served by Delight Buckland and Esther Perry. About 85 percent of the surface of Greenland Is covered with ice. . .. ' ' ', 'IpIL fijinnn m at 31hlVM LAWSOOTS Wsllare Washlnrtoa 9106.20 Wallace Heirloom Grande Mansion Raroquo House $180.90 Heirloom Damask Rose ill Towle Toirle oral Windsor Rambler Rose $135.00 Towle Towle Old Mirror Silver Flutes $127.20 $127.20 $127.20 11. jLj Towle Towle Old Lace Old Master $127.20 $134.10 $117.00 $117.00 Can You Purchase All These Patterns From All These Silversmiths: .TOWLE G0RHAM INTERNATIONAL WALLACE .REED and BARTON HEIRLOOM Every Service Complete with Anti-Tarnish Storage Chest designed to keep your silver in good condition between meals, this anti-tarnish storage chest is an im portant part of your service . . . jours wi'.hout extra charge! rR 8 k Towle Craflsraao $134.10 $127.20 Gorhim EntlUh Gadronn $136.50 Tuwle Towle Towle $134.10 Towle Kinf Richard $169.50 $135.00 $127.20 Towle Towle Towle Mcdeira Silver Plumes Old Colonial $134.10 $134.10 Gorhaia Buttercup $130.50 Gorham Strasbourg $136.50 1134.10 Gorhaia Fairfax $133.50 ill ff) il iS jj Gorham Gorham Gorham Gorham Gorham Chantillr Hunt Club Old French Nocturne Kint Edward $133.50 $138.00 $136.50 $135.00 $136.50 Hi ill i$i ill L!l 111 III I nauare Wallace Wallace koae Point Slradlrarl Sir Christopher $170.70 $141.90 $142.80 p m teed A tlirtoa Rwd Barton French Frairanre Renaissance $141.00 $118.02 Reed A Rarton Francis First $149.52 Rred A Barton Marlborough $120.48 ill Heirloom l.aMIni Sprlns $117.00 The pr!ce$ under each pattern arp for a full 30-piere s'erlinf silver tervice for six plus chest! Here's complete enjoyment of a precious possession, well within the reach of the most modest budget. You can take home a complete ster ling service for six . . . the family ran begin to enjoy the lifelong pleasures and service of sterling to night! And all this for only a small down payment and a year to pay off the balance ... an opportunity you truly can't afford to miss! LAW SON'S offer you 64 different ster ling patterns by America's leading silversmiths , . '. choose any one of them . . . and of course you may add single pieces or place settings at any time, simply charging your purchase to your own account. Rcmcmher t hat sterling silver is solid silver. It can't wear out but grows con stantly lovelier with time and steady use. V 30-pieca Sterling Service Includes 6 of Each ... . 6 KNIVES 6 FORKS 6 TEASPOONS CREAM SOUP SPOON'S SALAD FORKS AXTI-TARNISH CHEST Prices Include Ftderol Tax fZjSrl Gorham Itruscin u aot.1 iq mi" L.gass4 ttltuff sMl Gorham Klnf Albert $133.50 $130.50 $162.00 $114.30 $116.76 $116.76 International Sprint Glory $116.76 11 ii B II 1 If Gorhim Gorham Gorham Gorham Melroe Lyric Camellia Greenbrier $133.50 $133.50 $133.50 International International International International Minuet Northern nnd Rose Serenity I IrhU $151.32 $116.76 101 u Heed A Barton Guildhall $122.52 lit! l4 A A A A nftn nn rffli 1A1 1A1 A A A ri Oneida Oneida Alria Alrla Alrla Akin International International International International Vlrilnlaa Heiress Souther Romantique Chatean Rose Chapel Bells Rlckcliea Pre I ode Roral Danlsk Earhantrese t nirra $127.50 Reed k Barton Burgundy $149.52 Reed I Rartoa Geenlan Rose $122.52 Reed A Rartoa Pointed Antique $122.52 $117.00 $117.00 $127.50 $127.50 $127.50 $136.02 $116.76 $151.32 $116.76 International Courtship $116.76 International Joan ef Art $116.76