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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1949)
14 Th Nwi-Rview, Roieburg, Ort.-Thur., Oct. 20, 1949 LOCAL Wtekend it Coast Mr. and Mri. H. Preston and Mi. Floyd Stephens spent the weekend at Woahink lake. Meeting Saturday Douglas County council of Parents and Teachers will meet in the library of Junior HiRh school Saturday, Oct. 22 at 1:30 p.m. Sale To Be Held Douglas court. No. 18. Order of Amaranth Is holding a rummage sale at the Episcopal parish hall rrlday and Saturday. Bake Sale Planned Riverside cub park, No. 4118, and mothers are holding a bake sale at Ump- nua valley hardware Saturday, Oct. 22. Proceeds will be used to purchase a pack flag. Back From Trip Mrs. Wm. Woods and sons, Donald and Rog er, and Mrs. O. C. Langflcld and son. Melvin, have returned to their homes after spending the weekend at Salem and Stayton. Mrs. Woods visited relatives at Stayton and Donald accompa nied hia aunt. Miss Pat Woods to Portland. Mrs. Langfield visited In Salem. Doctor Lost Pep! -Plenty Now; Tells How Take His Tial 1 ZVJSH. .ry rim "ti'if Vlr. Try Ti .alts rw1nr un, "1 g quirt lark ln,n. IniriHinr- ppr. tigoriNM, srs rounssr, tais .arc Oar At dnif stores av.rywhara In Roaaburg, at fred M.yar's At fullsrton Dm. MOVING PIANOS STOVES REFRIGERATORS CRATING PACKING STORAGE FREE ESTIMATES Agent for Lyon Von Linti Phone 927 Evenings, 320-J-3 ROSEBURG Transfer & Storage THE OUTSTANDING SAW MILL POWER UNIT Used Case Used Hall-Scott New Chrysler Used Continental New and Used Hercules Engines W.F. Highway 99 North NEWS Club to Meet Melrose P.-T.A. club will meet Friday at the school house at 8 p.m. Colored slides are to be shown and a so cial hour will close the evening. Members of the club and friends are invited. Goes to Eugene Dr. H. B. Sr-o-field Tuesday night went to Ku gene to attend the Fraternal Or der of Kagles meeting and to in vite an attendance here, when th national grand worthy president will make an official visit Nov. 14. Unit to Meet Olalla-Tenmile extension unit will meet at Olalla hall Tuesday, Oct. 25. Topic of the meeting will be "streamlined sewing." Those planning to make a blouse are asked to arrange for transportation of their sewing machines to the hall. Improving Mrs. Mollie Luhke, w ho fell at the corner of Jackson and Douglas streets Sunday, is reported to be improving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Webb on East Douglas street. She in jured her shoulder and received a large gash over her left eye. Transportation Wanted Three Camp Fire guardians who are planning to attend the national convention In Portland the com ing week are In need of transpor tation to Portland. The Camp Fire office states that anyone planning to drive to Portland and who would have room for the women is asked to contact the office, telephone 969L. They have been assured transportation back to Rnseburg. Federal Agent Smashes Still, Arrests Operator VANCOUVER. Wash.. Oct. V) 4l'lA 100-gallon still located 22 miles northeast of Woodland, Wash., was destroyed Tuesday night, a federal alcohol tax agent testified In a federal commission er's hearing yesterday. C. L. Staloy, the agent, said he destroyed the still after ar resting Ernest J. Marshall here. St a Icy filed against Marshall a ! charge of concealing liquor on which the federal tax had not been paid. He said when he ar rested Marshall, a resident of ru ral Vancouver, he confiscated six gallons of whiskey. Marshall was held to federal court trial under S2..VX) bail. How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomuhion rclicvci promptly beciute it Roei right to the teat of the trouble to help looted and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to tooth and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucoui membrane. Tell your druggist to tell you a bottle of Creomuhion with the understanding you muit like the way it quitkly aJIayi (he cough or von are to have vour monev hack. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chut Coldj.Bronchitis HAVE LESS BREAKDOWNS WITH 100 to 900 H. P. Fire Pumps 200 to 3,000 gallons per minutt Blowers Two Siiet Planers Shapers Oil Clutches Reduction Gears Goodyear Diesel Batteries Parts and Service for Your G. M. Diesel TERMS TO SUIT EC ROSEBURG Collection Of Bachelor Abandoned After Dozen Years; No Future In It By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK (if) After a dozen years of marriage, Frances and I have given up collecting bachelors. There simply Is no future In It. We are going to collect old but tons or stamps or something like that from now on anything but bachelors. We have disposed of acquire any more. In our heyday, however, we probably had the best collection of bachelors in America, and Frances became an expert in their care and feeding. We didn't set out on purpose to build our collection. It just grew. Hachelors draw each other like flies. Soon after we set up house keeping in Greenwich village our apartment, for some heason or other, became a bachelor hive. We had boy bachelors and gill bachelors- gay, eager young peo ple who keep our place buzzing. After a few years the buzz be gan to subside. "It isn't so noisy around here as it used to be." said Frances. "Our collection of bachelors seems to be a little smaller." ' Well, we checked and found the I reason. Something had been get- ting at our boy bachelors. Know I what it was? It was our girl bachelors. As soon as Frances ! taught a boy bachelor to comb i his hair and keep his fingernails clean, one of the girl bachelors would grab him and drag him to the altar. It turned out we had more boy bachelors than girl bachelors and after we married off all the latter we still had a stock of the former left. Our collection then shook down into three main types the eager around the house bachelor, the slothful bachelor, and the sensi live bachelor. But they all had one thing in common. They were all hungry. One of our handv bachelois built us a bookcase. It collapsed, and I had to bring in a carpenter. Girls Grab Best Trained Fiances used to darn socks for one of our sensitive bachelots while he read poetry. Later he went to Hollywood, wrote a mov ie and bought a swimming pool. Now he doesn't have to ask any- oony to darn his socks. The big plaint Frances had against our bachelors -'as this: "As soon as I teach one to dry the dishes properly some gal grabs him off. I'm Just running a training school for' husbands." Well, with the attrition of the years we finally were down to our last bachelor. He was a kind of modified slothful type. He be gan as a helpful bachelor, out deteriorated. "We're going to have to get rid of him," said Fiances. "He's beginning lo act like you. lie won't run to the grocery store, Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort rASTKETH, a pli-asant slfcslln non arlrii puwdrr. holds fslse teeth mors firmly To rat and talk In more mm fotr. Just sprlnkls a littla fASTEKTH nn your plates. No lummy, gnney. pasty ta.ta nr feellna. Cheeks "piste odor 'denture breathl. Oat FASTEETH at any drug slors. YOUR NEEDS our last one, and don't Intend to siti In your chair and reads the newspaper and Just grunts when I ask him a question." But I think the real thing she had against him was that he had gotten so he could whip her at Kin lummy. 3940c- Anyway, he got married the!.h ' other day and now Is beating his own wife at gin rummy. After twelve years we had finally dis posed of our bachelor collection. "What'll we collect now, dear?" I asked Frances. "Snails," she said, "Anything but bachelors." Veteran Patients Receive Treats From Elks Club Fuller Johnson, state Veterans hospital chairman and "Poor Mac," the ice cream man, lost their hand-painted neckties out at the Vets by the Grove last Satur day night. And a close call be let I the lot of Frank Wlckham, Elks club local hospital chairman. He pretty nearly lost his pants. All because brother Elk Walter Ulrich got them to sponsor a game for 250 patients here that festive night. A couple of nurses in the audience were about the onlv reason Frank didn't go home to Mrs. Wickham in a barrel. The prizes for the boys includ ed sweaters, the colors of autumn leaven, cigarets by the carton, candv bv the pound, gum bv th? Jawfulls In fact most everything and anything that a patient could ask for. It isn't Christmas yet but Kris Kringle came early for the boys the evening of Oct. 15. Fir two hours the Elks' party lasted. une .Saturday night each month the B.P.O.E. visit and the loot they gather nnd Rive away re quires a pickup truck to haul. No patient goes to bed empty handed and a bellyfull of dome thing good to eat In assured. "Poor Mac," the Ice cream man. hit the lack not with his pumpkin pie sandwiches. They were out ot this world. Brother Elk Bob Allen, also on the Vets committee, had learn ed of the conspiracy to shed the pretty pants of Wickham: so he found it wise to be in Portland that night. COCKLEBUR GOEi MODERN ALMA. Neb. t.Vl Cocklebuts, those barbed seed pods that like to snag rides in clothing and the fur of animals, came tenacious and hardy in these parts. One of them took root In ac cumula'ed dust Inside the body of a cur owned by Conrad Boch ler. Last spring, the tiny ' plant flushed Ha way through a crack n the car's body. The hitch-hiking seedling survived the sum mer, and now has five little burs. TRACTORS With Blad and Logging Drums, Priced to Sell. TRAILERS Heavy duty, two-wheel all-steel, suitable for houling livestock, etc SAWMILL All ready to make money. Set up and ready to go. All you need it push. Phone 605 R MARKETS PRODUCE PORTLAND, Oct. 19. CP) Butterfat Tenative, subject to Immediate change: Premium quality maximum to .35 to 1 per cent acidity delivered in Portland, 63-66c lb.; first quality, 6164c; second quality, 57-60c. Valley ; routes and country points 2c less than first. Butter Wholesale fob. bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA, 93 score, 62c lb.; A, 92 score, 61c lb.; B, 90 score, 59c lb.; C, 89 score, 50c lb. Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Port land wholesalers: Oregon singles, Oregon io. ioai, 1-i.jc lb. Eggs To wholesalers: A grade large, 63J-66ic; A grade, medium, 51-54ic; small, 42ic; B grade, large, 56J-5X1C. Live Chickens I No. 1 qual ity f.o.b. planisi: Broilers, under 2 lbs., 24c; fryers, 2-3 lbs., 24-2c; 3-4 lbs., 2"-2Hc; oasters, 4 lbs. and over, 27-28c; fowl, leghorns, under 4 lbs., 18-20c;' over 4 lbs., 20c; colored fowl, all weights, 22 23c; old roosters, all weights, 17 18c lb. R?bbit-(Average to growers): Live while, 4-5 lbs.. 18-20c; 5-6 lbs., 1618c; colored, 2 cents Inmir- nIH nr haauv rirtoa nnH ducks.' 812c lb.; iresh fryers, 50- OOC IO. FRESH DRESSED MEATS Wholesalers to retailers per cwt.): Beef Steers, good. 500800 lbs., $43-45; commercial, $35-39; utility, $'1-34; cows, commercial, $31-33; utility, S27-28. Beef Cuts (Good steers): Hind quarters, $34-55; rounds, $48-51; full loins, trimmed, $73 78; triangles, $32-34: square chucks, $4-42; ribs, $52-55; fore quarters, $34-38. Veal and Calf: Good. $37-40; nommercial, $33-35; utility, $28 $32. Lambs: Good-choice spring (lambs. $41-4o; commercial, $36- 40: utility, $33-35. Mutton: Good, 70 lbs., down, $16-18. Pork Cuts: Loins, No. 1. 812 lbs., $50-52: shoulders, 16 lbs. down, $19-40; spareribs, $47-50; I carcasses, $32 33; mixed weights, $2 lower. Wool: Coarse, valley and medi um grades, 45c lb. Mohair: Nominally 23c lb. on 12-month growth. COUNTRY KILLED MEATS Veal: Top quality, 30-32c lb.; other gratles according to weight and quality with lighter or heav ier, 22-2Sc. Hogs: Light blockers, 30-31c lb.; sows, 23 24c. Lambs: Top quality, 3839c lb.; mutton, 1214c. Beef: Good cows. 20-22c lb.; canners-cutters, 20-22c. Onions: Supply moderate, mar ket steady, 50 lh. sack Ore. yel lows, boilers, $1.50-1.60: med.. No. 1, S2.25; 10 lbs., 40c: Wash. Yakima Spanish No. 1, S2.02.23; med., $1,751.85; 10 lbs., 45-5()c; Idaho yellows, med., large, $2.23- 2.50: 10 lb. sacks, $38-40c; white, $2.00-2.25. Potatoes: Ore. Deschutes rus sets, No. 1A, $3.60-3.75; Wash, netted gems. No. 1, $3.35-3.60 ; 25 lb. sacks. $1001. i5; 15 lbs., 15 52c; 10 lbs.. 39-40c: No. 2. 50 lbs.. 90C1.0. Russets. No. 1A. $3.60- 3.75. Hay: New cron stock, haled I? S. No. 2 green alfalfa, truck lots f.o.b. Portland. $35-36; U. S. No. 1 mixed timothy, $36; new crop oats and vetch mixed hay, un certified clover hay, nominally, $23-26, depending on quality, lo cation, baled, on Willamette val ley farms. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Oct. 1!). .V) (USDAI Cattle: Market un even; canner cutler cows strong to 50 cents higher; late trade less active than early; other classes only moderately active, steady; few common grass steers, 16.00 18.00: cutters. 12.50 and below; medium 750-1)00 lb. stockers and feeders, 16.50-1800; few medium heifers, 17.00-18.00: cutter-common heifers, 11.00 15.50; canner cutter cows mostly, 10.50-11.50; few to 12.00; light canners down to 10.00 and below; common medium beef cows. 12 50-15.25: odd good beef bulls. 17.50; cutter common sausage hulls. 12.00-15 50; good vealers, 22.00-23.50: common medium calves and veaiers, 12.50 19.00. Hogs: Market active, around 25 cents higher considering quality; early bulk 180-230 lbs., largely good with few choice. 20.50: few lots, 20.75, with odd head at 21.00; 270 lb. weights down to 18.30; good 330-500 lb. sows, 16.00 17.00; 1660 lb. sows. 15.00; good-choice SO-100 lb. feeder pigs. 20.0021.00. Sheep: Active, steady: good choice lambs mostly shorn, 21.00 21.50; 1 lot. 22 00: medium-good grades around 20.00; medium-good 63-70 lb. feeders. 17.00; good- I 0" pi -' Shop Autos Used Cars at Your Terms To Qualified Residents Of Douglas County Down' Payment And Terms Will Be Made To Suit You 194S Ht'DSON Suoar rdsn 92225 Very tew nf These Hudson, for Salt 1948 JEEP 4-W. Dr. 095 1946 HUDSON Super Sedan 1295 1105 02 6M5 7'23 6.W 1943 HI'DSON Super 6 udin Mar 1942 HUDSON Commodore Sedan. I I Ml FORD Coupe HMO Ht'DSON Super Coupe. 11MO DeSOTO Sedan. . 140 LINCOLN Sedan IH tfl PLYMOUTH Coupe 1010 HUDSON Suoer S Sedan 4M :t(t 4Jj iMI IfKW INTERNATIONAL Panel j J3 ftg SST. S""n 12-1 325 Before You Buy See These Cars More Car For Your $ At Roseburg Hudson Co. Hudson Dealer 701 I. Stephana Ph. 1J7 Extra Special 1U FORD J-DOOR SEDAN Sm it at Lockwood Motors lot of car fnr a tltila monayl Farm Equipment rOR SALE Grain drill. S ft . in ood ' shape, grass sender and fertilizer -i- I tarhment, priced to ell Phone t-J ! or write Dennis Maithewm, Idle Id Rt . ftoaveburg, any day except iit- urday FOR SATKCMEAP One-twttom-14" plow, and a I moat new Masaey Harris tractor, model 20. Must aelL Call HtH-K X or 149-J-S. FOR SALE Heavy duty 3-14 inch" Mai ey flams plow, ud two seasons. In good condition Price 210. V J. Bursik. Melrose Rt. D-2 TRACTOR and Ford" Ferguson" trac tor; good operating condition. R. B. Oliver, Idlevld Rt . Roseburg Financial F. H. A. UMPQUA REALTY 112 N Stephen! . Ph IIW J Across from post Office nn Highway t9 Personal ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOt'R. P. 1110 or Phone l&lfl-L or 5u-J. choice 122 lb. yparllngs, 18.00; good ewes, 6.00-6.50; common down to 3.00. Births at Mercy Hospital BENECKE To Mr. and Mrs. William Osborne Benookp, Rose burg. Oct. IS, a son. Jeffrey Carl Bcnccke; weight ix pounds four teen ounces. JONES-To Mr. and Mrs. Wil ls rd Ellsworth Jones, route 1 Sutherlin. Oct. lfi. a son. Willard James Jones; weight live pounds seven ounces. Hl'STLEY To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Daniel Hustlev, Tenmile, Oct. IS, a daughter. Lorna Yvonne; weight six pounds one ounce. BISHOP To Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kranklin Bishop Jr., Rose burg, Oct. IS, a daughter, Judy Ann; weight live pounds nine ounces. SIMPSON To Mr. and Mrs. Charlcsi Reno Simpson, 610 Short streot. Oct. IP. a son. John Eld- rideo; weight eight pounds one ount-e. AD ABOUT 36 YEARS LATE GRAND ISLAND. Neb. (.P A Grand Island woman open ed her mail to (ind an adver tising letter from a manufactur er of baby foods. The first line read: "Your child will be walk ing in a few weeks." The letter's recipient was 79 years old. Her eldest son is In the upper 50s. Her youngest child, a daughter, is 37. BURVIDIN An Analeie FOR AID IS THI KFT-tEF OF MISCVLAR ACHFS A NO PAINS ASSOCIATED WITH Rheumatism and Arthritis rmir local dm if lT or Write Rurvidm I-ahoratorir. V1 N W v , piirtland 9. Orecon Drpt. R- QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms l Drstrtu Artin( tram STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID ; FreBohTeHofHomTrtJttrwt Mst Hl r It WiN Cost Va NotMng ! Ore three million hottk of th Wn i.o ! TmT ha on il1 fr r-lnf of t amiimorlitrM4rMinit fnm Slvmacli ; Uler due to Kc Ae I ft rum. rlirtMra. tMaaattaaawaaa, etc dte to 4ctJ. .K1 o IS da trtall A-k fr "VeMaraV Ma " whick tmlif upiaa ihw uvinieai lrj at Kullerton Rexall Drugt Fred Meer Drugs and Sove With Classified Ads Autos Used Cars at Umpqua Motors Ifl PRATER Sedan UHH CROSLEY Convertible ...SUM ... t4S5 14 PACKARD Sedan 1W41 HI'DSON Coupe 1S41 STt'DE. SEDAN 00 lfMl NASH Sedan It0 CHEVROLET Tudor ..... 00 ltt0 INT Picku I 1H.19 PLYMOUTH Sedan 00 lfl i7 Bl'ICK Sedan 10(7 PLYMOUTH Sedan ... 00 1!:7 OLDSMOBILE Coupe lm FOHD Tudor 1 lt.lfi CHEVROLET Panel w l33 PLYMOUTH Coupe HO I (IO Umpqua Motors "0 1444 n. Stephem 'next to Snack Shack) no. PHONE 752 Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS Htonbly priced. G M A C. trrmt, Chevrolet B u ick Pon tuc Cadi 1 lae Trade-ina Ward Week Rebuilt Motor Sale PLYMOUTH Motors Ill aa Installed DODGE Motors 1M M Installed CHEVROLET Motors 1M.B8 Installed ACKED BY MONTGOMERY WARD'S New Motor Guarantee Money Back Guarantee DRIVE ANY ONE OF OI'R Ct'ARAN TKED rSED CARS TWO DAYS. iF YOC DON'T LIKE IT BRING IT BACK. WE'LL GIVE YOUR MONEY BACK. YOU CAN'T LOSE .17 DODGE Pickup TO PLYMOUTH Coup . '.W DODGE Sedan 40 CHEVROLET Sedan 41 FORD Sedan 41 Ol.DS Club Coupe . 41 MFRCi-RY Sedan .. 47 PLYMOUTH Sedan ... '48 BL'ICK Club Coupe .... . :mb no , .ViS r o . t:u Ml , K7,i Oil . 70S 110 , liwin , 1895 00 Open Evenings Rose Motor Co. Chrysler Plymouth ROSE tt LANE STS. PHON New 1949 Plymouth $1679.00 Delivered Fully Equipped Rose Motor Co. ROSE at LANE STS. IMS FORD Club coupe. tM7 oi.ds 7. iivnramatic i i m i r u k u IW47 STl'DERAKER Champion 1 146 FORD 4 Door 1 141 BI H'K Sedanette . t4i povriAC riub coup 1941 STl'DKHAKER Champion IW Ot DSMDHILE It .7 CHRYSLER 1':2 (. HEVROLET " 1 1H7 JFKP low mileage .. . 14A WILLYS PICKI P 19 DOrX.E 4-whi drive pnwtr mn winrh and powr t off 1940 INTERNATIONAL Pickup . NEW, 4-WHFFL DRIVE ST. WAGONS i2i Riverside Motors Highway Q No Phone 4.W-R 19.W PO.NTIAC SEDAN." I1W "Front fender neda fim l'pholerA- d m tor Md MelriM Rt , Box JO I Chjrle Oten V S FORD, cleanrS22SlmpquarClean er HARLFY MOTORCYCI.ENew pa.nt. tire, batterv. seat, flander bar. IV mile since complete motnr over haul, ahftved head, hifh left ca.Ti. Mut ell immediate In 2$. cah. Se Wm. Cone. Orchard Traiier Couit, 4 mue s Hicnwiy JW - 1940 CHEV WW. New uphoUtery paint job. new tire and bjtter. tan be een ( Roberiair Shell Station, corner of Cas. and Stephen 1947 NASH 4-door edan. low mileage Sell equity fur 20u. Camp View Calnn Jihn Younf FOR SM E- W rordV- ro" hvdrauhe eoutvalent' hrakn Me chanically perfect. RAH. See V H. Aut in. Iwkwivxl Motor lrt PONTIAC ft. Velro8tr"Ru, Ri 281. Ralph Houston. Hay, Groin, Feed rOR Mir-Whet, -o een.T-e or week end. Brock ay. tow. Coen. Bnm, A utos Lockwood's USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere iw ford ronnoR 1W44 STIDFBAKEH CONVKKT1B1.E 1944 FORIJ TCDOR ,..1H3.M SEDAN lfKtt 1948 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe 1145 i0 IHU CHRYSLEH New Yorker JU-iuO LHr.VKUI.ET Llut Coup 80 ,Vfl 0..5 i 1041 FOHD TUDOR SEDAN 43 l0 jq3 141 FOHD TUDOR SEDAN ft5 m -i5 lo FOHD TUDOR aedan 4!no 2S IKS CHKV. COUPE 4A 2yi lH.ta OLDSMOBILE aedan 3HS 00 2,0 10.(7 FOND COUPE , ., i inn 1W16 PLYMOUTH Sedan .... avi If Nl lft:t6 FORD FORDOR SEDAN 1S i0 400 If tl MODEL A Sedan 1501 IVMJ MUULL A LUtTE laU.OO 1&45 MODEL Tractor B John Deer Farm Open Sunday From 9 To 3 Trucks And Pickups 1949 FORD 1 ton stake rack 1075 no I'JiH FORD PICKI P . 114AN1 1347 STUDY l',-ion chassta St cab 9 UO !M WILLYS Station Wagon .. IMS 00 1945 FORD LUMBER TRUCK 199 A 00 1947 WILLYS 1-ton pickup . W'.MK) l42 FORD 14 -ton Flatbed 4 00 1942 FOHD 4-ton Pickup !. TO 1942 FORD 4-ton Panel 643 "0 18J7 CHEVROLET Pickup 3M.00 You Pay Less For Used Cars At LOCKWOOD MOTORS easy Te rms Judge a Used Car! The formula is simple. A car's value can be judged by continued performance, rather than by original per formance. Every Guar anteed Used Car oi our lot is a true value offering you safe, dependable transpor tation. Our Reputation is your guarantee! CHECK THFSE PRICES THEV COME AND LOOK AT THESE CARS 14 PLYMOUTH stdan. Spa- DMux .. Ovr $500. under new car price. 1M STl DERAKFR SEDAW. 14DS Over 1300. under new car 1M7 DESOTO sedsn 17M Over $900. under new car nrice. 1M7 FOHD Convertible. Over ayoo. under new car hps nnre 19S7 STl DF.RAKER sedan. Over WKW. under new car prire 1948 CHEVROLET Sedan Over $5011. under new car price. Corkrum Motors, Inc. YOl'R DeSoto Plymouth HEADQUARTERS 30 S. Stephen! Phone Sftfl-J "We'll He Here Tomorrow to Buck Up Whit Say md Do Today:" Better Buys At Barcus 1946 DODGE CrSTOM stvlan. R. it H. new tires, perfect S14)S 1942 DOIKiE aedan. excellent eon- diticn 843 1942 STCDERAKFR COMMANDER LAND CRi ISFR sedan .. 73S 1940 NASH AMBASSADOR aeden. F A H . ver clean . 79 1940 HI'DSON SEDAN. R. & H.. S-iod tire MS 1940 FORD SPECIAL Deluxe wrtan. R At H SM 1939 Rt'iCK CFNTl'RY aedan. very eivw! rondition .. 471 1939 STt DEBAKED COMMANDER lto ford V-s coupe. A huy 1P17 FORD V edn. food M CHRYSLER nedan 1935 DODGE Tudor, good work car 19 121 75 TRUCKS 1947 DODGE ahortlof truck Brownie, tag, excellent ennd'tion ln, FORD MODEL A Pickup 1929 FORD MODLL A panel . .- BARCUS SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Hiihway 99 N at Garden Valley Road TOR SALE or trade Equity tn lt4 Merrur convertible, for trailer houe or what hae ou? Henry Davi. BnX H. Oakland 194 PLYVOT TH De Luxe 4 Dr Beau tiful original finish, very clean Inter or exr-llent motor or1 final owner. H'T5 Se nt 950 Hamilton St. MORE MONFY for your car Cah the stun Corkrum Motor Inc.. D Sto Plymouth. Phone 408. 114 Ro St FOR SALE -"VhTvroleO-dnoV aetan. J5. RoNeria Crek Road. Rt 1. Box X9Tt FORD V-8 edan "'dellverv Ren" bie. 3i C 2nd Ave , N. Pa. 1094-L.