( For town w countmng . . . leisure In ing or careering . . . ou can't find better looking, better filling casuals than (Iks clever Carmelletct! Black, red, green, brown calf also black suede. AAAA to B Sizes to 10 9.95 A-41., '7 vs'i,Wi'n' I r 4 ; f ft -r.- - fcdL. . fcr !. j, , atf NL IBIS "COOD SAMARITANS" TACKLE PAINT JOB Almost 100 parishioner! turned out at Manhasset, N. Y., to do a paint job on the interior of their new brick church. Half of the "Good Samaritans" brought their own paint brushes. The pastor, Be v. George Parker, at extreme left, directed the amateur paint (lingers. Boats Sail Along With Dairy Cargo By GAYNOR MADDOX NEA Staff Writer When an after-school party teaches youngsters good eating habits and increases their hap piness at the same time, that's a party to make mothers grateful. Let's call it a sailboat party. Allow your children to ask in a few friends after school. Then plan this simple and novel little get-together. Give them warm squares of snicv gingerbread topped with whipped cream. L'se either the following recipe or eise piepaieu gingerbread mix. 10 ana gaic-.y, gei a miiau plastic boat at ine oime siore for each young guest and write his or her name on the sail. Into the little boats load a rich cargo. either a tall glass of milk or a Shoe Department Main Floor : "TTp P rSLawnt . Qlj I Rockeries Spraying m Tree Surgery 'TFp3 Nursery Stock PHONE 1712-J JACK MAY Landscape Company 40 years experience is your guarantee vanilla or chocolate milkshake. Oh yes tell the young visitors they may take home the sailboats once the valuable carge has been unloaded. Watch that vigor-building milk disappear. Gingerbread One-half cup butter, 1 cup light brown sugar, 2 eggs, 2 1-2 cups all purpose flour, 1-2 teaspouii salt. 2 teaspoon ginger, 1 tea- poon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon bak i ing soda, 1-2 cup boiling water, 1 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 cup j molasses. Work butter to a soft cream ( and beat in the sugar. Add the eggs and beat to a smoolh ! cream. Sift flour with sail, soda, : baking powder and spices. Mix I boiling water and mollasses, stir i into the butter mixture, then as I the flour and stir Just enough to ! mix to a smooth batter. 1'our into a buttered 8xl2-inch baking pan and bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees F.) about 40 minut es or until the gingerbread s firm to the touch and shrunk from the sides of the pan. Vanilla Milkshake (4 servings) Three cups milk, 1 pint vanilla ice cream. Put milk and ice cream In a shaker and shake un til well blended. Pour into tall glasses and serve at once. " "5. s - l "5 f . -j jf ' ' " - " - - X . : " HELENA RUBINSTEIN now focuses her beauty genius on hair! your J jJ l( contains yonr personalized SHAMPOO your personalized COLOR-TLNT RINSES HEADLINER . . . vour hair-groom introductory .size package) 150 , 1 pfut tat Tint-Typr, color-keypd to hair types: ' ILOMX Bll FTTS Mron m-mow?c TtO-CtAT ED-HEAD 101 I INDIVIDIALIFD 5H AM POO . . . that billoWl in hardest water, bubbling up lavishly to gie you nrer-befre-known cleaning and conditioning! Silk-Shsen Cream Shampoo, Blonde-Tone or Brunette-Tone Shampoo ...individualized for your type toil COLOH-TiT Bi?F9...in a color range to create glamoroii new color effects! U.S. Certified Colors-Safe! HF idlivf : balm to keep eery hair shining and in ptare. Helena Rubintein'i bonkleu f "A Beauty headUne (or your hair", picturing Mub'l't new bair-do'a and how to tet them! ' Roseburg Pharmacy Griddle Cakes Top Morning Favorite By OAYNOR MADDOX NEA Staff Writer Griddle cakes with svrun, hot homemade biscuits with Jam now vou have the formula lor getting youngsters off to school with a smile and a contented tummv. You can make both from an "ever-ready" blend of flour, bak ing powder, salt and shorening. It keeps for weeks in a cool place and Is always ready when school apatites crime downstairs roar ing for griddle cakes or biscuits on short notice. Ever-Ready Blend (Makes about 14 cups) To make this Kver-Ready Blend, use 12 cups sifted flour; 4 tablespoons double-acting bak ing powder; 2 tablespoons salt; 2 cups (1 pound) shortening. Sift the flour once. Measure 3 cups of flour at a time Into sifter, adding 1 tablespoon 13 teaspoonsi double-acting baking powder, and 1 1-2 teasnons salt for each 3-cup amount; sift into large bowl. Re peat until full amount of dry in gredients has been sifted. Cut in shortening w ilh pastry blender or two knives until finely divided and the mixture resembles coarse meal. Griddle Cakes (Makes 7 or 8 five-inch pancakes) For the griddle cakes take 2 cups Ever-Ready Blend; 2 eggs well beaten, and 1 1-4 cups milk. Measure the Ever-Ready Blend Snare at 8:30 A.M. Ik 9:30 A.M. Window Shades Why wait? You'll like the extra fait, extra quality service we give. Bring in your old window shades and receive new ones the same day. We make it that simple with down to earth prices that mean big savings! Kree estimates. ARROW Scores a bull's eye for value. Soft colors painted on sturdy muslin hasp for lasting beauty. Widths up to 54". some duplex colors. Can he kept sparkling clean with a damp cloth. I U1 HIRNfJURE XT-i tOMPHNV Into a bowl. Combine eggs and milk add gradually to the Blend, mixing onlv enough to dampen the flour. (Batter will be lumpy.) Bake on hot griddle. Biscuits For 10 to 12 biscuits, measure 2 cups Ever-Ready Blend into bowl. Add about 1-2 cup milk and stir until a soft dough is formed. (Use more or less milk, depend ing upon particular flour used.) Turn out dough on lightly floured board and knead 30 seconds. Pat or roll 1-2-inch thick and cut with floured 2 -inch biscuit cutter. Bake on ungreased baking sheet In hot overn (450 degrees F.) 12 to 15 minutes. Egg-Poultry Talk On Wages Again Postpones Strike PORTLAND. Oct. 19 A second strike postponement kept wage talks going again to day between AKL workers and two egg and poultry associations. Federal mediator George Walk er reported "some progress" last night after talks between the un ion and the Oregon Egg and Poul try IValers association and the Oregon Turkey Growers. The un ion originally had set a strike deadline for Monday. L'nion headquarters expected to have by tomorrow results of a membership vote on a contract proposal by the Pacific Co -Op Poultry Producers and the Brent wood Egg company. Another strike postponement prevented a scheduled work stop page of AKL office workers at six wholesale grocery plants. Me diator I.eo Kotin said talks were to continue through today. There were no pending develop ments In the dispute between CIO furniture workers and the Doern becher Manufacturing company. The plant has been idle lince Oct n. Wad., Oct. 19, 1949 Tha Nawi-Ravlaw, Roiabura, Ora. 9 liltioiM tf Dofltjrt Jon 1920 m 1910 I93S 1940 (MS 19 JO I I Csnenqr OirHW lasts I Dim.4 Otpotllt That CiasilH ! PLENTY OF MONEY The money tupply of tha United Statea' stood at $171,600,000,000 at the beginning of 1949 or roughly 11150 per person. The chart above, based on data from the National Industrial Conference Board, shows how the money supply ros slightly in 1948, after dipping from the all-time peak of $177,300. 000.000 in February, 1946. Most of the money is in demand deposit or ordinary checking account. Time deposits Include individual savings accounts and business deposit which may not be with drawn without advance notice. Currency outside banks include all paper money and coin not held by the U. S. Treasury or bank. FINED FOR BRAWL Eugene Williams, 20. Glendale, has been committed to the county jail to serve 25 day or until his fine of S.V) Is paid, reported Sher iff O. T. "Bud" Carter. Williams, arrested by State police following an alleged brawl Saturday night near Glendale, pleaded guilty to an assault and battery charge upon arraignment in the court of Justice of Peace Robert M. Jones at Glendale. FALSE ALARM The Roseburg fire department was called to 328 N. Chadwlck street 8:15 Tuesday morning, but the report proved to be a false alarm. Someone mistook a smoking chimney for a burning roof, fire men reported. and 1 iouse. Commercial Industrial Wiring Electrical Trouble Shooting Motor and Appliance Re pair Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service 17 Year Experience ACE ELECTRIC Licensed Electrician 316 E. 2nd Ave. N. Ph. 1095-L Follow the Crowds to Shop and Save During WARD WEEK On hour FREE parting with $1.00 or mor purchast Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Adair's Parking Lot Wear - Everywhere Coats til t : hir'Si by A coot that's handsomely received wherever it goes . . . that has a special placa reserved in every co-ed's wardrobe. It's fashion news from its double collar to its occent-on-the-elbow sleeves. In fine Venetian broadcloth. Sizes 7 to 15. V jr j.y ufv'rf rt in w Ai seen In CLAMOUR For a season of festivity, this Fall and Winter, too . , . city days ond special dates ... a coat that flares from the waist with panels ond buttons . . . fits snugly right up to its new cut-out collar. In a rich Venetian broadcloths. Sizes 7 to 15. s 69s5 See It In MADEMOISELLE SECOND FLOOR OF FASHIONS IP) p w 241 N. Jackson Phon 7 117 W. Ca-s St. Phone 10