3 ij J' (SF.A TrlrokMat PRESIDENTIAL LIKENESS - On I Cramer. SS. drug store fountain manager of Houston, Tel., who looks enough like Harry & Truman to be the President, holds a photo of the Chief Exetuttre for comparison. "I'm a Democrat, too," says Cramer, when asked bout his likeness. IT PAYS TO PAINT IN THE FALL ENAMELOID When your decorative scheme calk for smart, modern colore in good taste, use Enameloid. h is the professional's choice of gloss finishes for adding new interest to every room in your home. Walls . . . woodwork . . . fur- 05 niture. Sparkling, durable and so easy to clean A Qt, again ond again. UMPQUA VALLEY A Home-Owned and Operated Store 202 N. Jackson Phone 73 I don't think he'll ever propose. He Just comes over to keep warm since we Insulated with Western Homeguard Insulation. fa: HOMEguard it famou FOR EFFICIENCY PLUS Insulate with HOMEguard, the Insulation that's made to pro tect you from the cold in winter and the heat in summer. Save up to 35 on your fuel bills. It's so easy and economical to in stall HOMEguard. Phone 7 FOR A FREE ESTIMATE ON YOUR HOME TODAYI i riilTf triiiial Stephens and Cass Phone 97 Record Of 81 st Congress Held Mixed Blessing; Early Fears Of Businessmen Dispelled By SAM DAWSON NEW YORK, Oct. 18. iJPl Businessmen who were so gloomy when the 81st Congress was elected less than a year ago find today that on the whole its bark was worse than its bile. But, as the first session moves to a wrangling, uncertain close, many businessmen find Its rec ord, at best, a mixed blessing. Many of the things they dis like most merely are put off un til January. Businessmen were not united, either. Few were the measures before Congress that didn't find buisnessmen appear ing on both sides of the issue. Congress failed to fuUill busi nessmen's worst fears of a year ago. for example, Congress did not repeal the Taft-Hartley law, or increase taxes. And it aide tracked health Insurance, the Brannan farm plan and social security extension, all of which had bitter opponents in the busi ness world. But most of these issues are likely to come up again in January. High Taxes Continued Huge appropriations for for eign aid and both American and Kuropean rearmament made lor less of a drop In exports and in factory and mill orders than busi nessmen had been braced for this year. However, these same ap propriations mean continued high taxes. Some companies wonder whether their gains as suppliers equal their loss as taxpayers. Most of Congress' acts tended to brake deflation or to promise future inflationary pressures. And their sum total higher expendi tures and lower tax collections led the treasury to deficit fi nancing, which many regard is the most inflationary Item of all at the present time. The public In general, how ever, appeared to lose interest in threats of future Inflation, de spite some warnings these were increasing, and to concentrate on signs that deflation was being held In check. Exporters Benefit Just who will gain and who will lose by individual measures in dollars and cents, without questioning their political or moral benefits? Most firms with goods to ex port feel that the Marshall plan extension will help keep world trade moving. Everyone with tax es to pay will contribute his bit to It. The majority of those di rectly engaged in "exporting and importing hope to gain by the extension of reciprocal trade agreements, but some domestic manufacturers see costly com petition In their own particular fields. Most exporters deplore the need to continue export controls as an expensive nuisance. Mv . HI INEA TtUpltM.) TESTIFIES Br'- Gen. Vernon A Megee, Assistant Director of Marine Corps Aviation, shown as he testified before the House Armed Services Committee In Washington, aaid that evidence Is conclusive that tactical aviation and not strategic bombing was the decisive factor in both the Atlantic and Pacills battle areas. when it turns into hailstones. A private who becomes a gen eral never forgets one thing he doesn't want to be a private again, The bigot agrees there are two sides to every question his side and the wrong side. A gent with water on the brain is sure to spill his mind. It's no fun being a go-getter if the only rest you get is on a psychiatrist's couch. The biggest mistake men ever made was in abandoning the theory that work Is for women and children. The Idealist puts a woman on a pedastal and the practical man comes right along with a ladder. 1 Modern Socrates Gives Out With Salty Sayings Bv HAL BOYLE NEW YORK-i.'P) Sayings of a sidewalk Socrates: Nature keeps a nice balance. For every woman who rocks a cradle there's another one grow ing up to rob it. A fellow who feathers a love nest usually ends up a plucked chicken. Small mind, big bellyache. No man really appreciates his father until he has had a son himself. The common man's greatest solace is being married to an ' uncommon woman. I Would It really he a better world If flies walked and horses had wings? j I A hen pecked husband can't see matrimony for the acrimony. ' Where food is free, liberty isn't. Sell yourself down the river and you're bound to end up at sea. The only thing that holds more frustrated hopes than the av erage man is the average slot machine. . A cynic is a man who buys a repeating rifle to commit ' iui cide. A watchdog is the poor man's radar, Everything depends on how you look at it. The stars that light our night may be to the angels only dew drops on the city : dump of heaven. j 1 No matter how dark your fu ture you still have more to look forward to than a used tooth pick, j Don't smile always. Remem- ' ber, rain gets more attention FLOOR SANDING and FINISHING Estimates W.wrXi " aaiiiaui !..; pfnff 320 Ward St. Phene 1349-J i.iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiinuiuw, Wrinkled hmitts Body flaws Never $et the Qrh applause LOCKER MEATS At Wholesale Custom Cutting and Curing Highway 99 North Phone 356-J-4 BE SURE TO SEE US FOR Body and fender ARMS AID HEAD James Bruce (above), former Ambassador to Argentina, was nominated by President Truman to head the S1.S14.010.000 foreign ' military assistance program. Union Activity Bart Man From Job, Charge Mad PORTLAND, Oct. 19 W A National Labor Relations board hearing yesterday aired a union charge that an employer had re fused to hire the only man avail able because of his union activity- The CIO International Wood workers of America brought the charge against the Leadbetter Logging and Lumber company, Oswego. Roy Hedrick, company foreman, said he had refused to hire Robert Cool, a boom man, because he considered Cool In competent and Insubordinate. Hedrick admitted before trial ex aminer Louis Plost that he had once considered Cool competent, but said he changed his mind while Cool was a Job steward for the union. Hedrick said he decided to wait and hire someone else when Cool was offered for the Job. Wed., Oct. 19, 1949-Th News-R.vi.w, Roteburg, Or. 3 Inhabitants of the suivsurfac! ocean are noisy. During the war, the navy had to "screen out" noises of ocean creatures so that its instruments for detecting sub marine sounds could work effectively. A map of the Nile valley for tax purposes was made as earlv as the 13th century B. C. v " 7Y (NFA TtUpkotol THRILLING RESCUE Ralph Haydcn, t. was rescued from atop a 60-fool Lehigh Valley viaduct In Buffalo, N. Y. The boy was pinned among the girders while hunting pigeons. Just below Ralph Is Peter Tarbrlde, 46. who was the chief rescuer. There are 500 flowering plants, including the grasses, in Mount Rainier National Park, Wash. LocScwood Motors Rose ond Oak Phone 80 IWUtUWUMtHMMMW, 3oswell Mineral Baths Chiropractic Phvsiotherapy Cr.nie Lady Attendants 1 Mile S. oj Drain. Oregon BRING YOUR CAR WITH Confidence to Lloyd's Auto Body Shop SOI Fullerton St Ph. 102S-J OPEN SUNDAYS! S to 6 daily Including Sunday Complete engine and body repair on anything with wheels. Guaranteed work . . . guaranteed estimate WANT AN EXTRA ROOM Moke use of your attic with a disappearing stairway from the COEN SUPPLY COMPANY Phene 121 Everything For Tha Builder Hoed and Mill Sta. WITHOUT smmaei perfect resuos m am & icxposmom "Wkstinghausc S&cftfoffatfed AMAZING, NEW: V0O , .... - a j CaaaawaaseaassSss. ft- IS 1 rStfnrtiC -," SEE IT! SEE lit SEE 111 The All-New Westinghou.se that bakes perfectly anywhere in the oven elimi nates shifting of hot racks . . . Combines new Capacity with every simplified cooking ConrentVttfe. It's the Rang you'vs always wanted! COME IN TODAY.. See the Range of the Year! NEW SURFACE COOKING CAPACITYI Four, super-speed Westinghous Corox Units clean, even electric heat! New, bonus working space be tween units lets you use four 10-inch utensils at one time without crowding! NEW, SIMPLIFIED COOKING CONTROLSI No more reaching over hot utensils . . . These cooking controls are out of the Steam Zone! Tel-A-Glanos Switches for every type of surface cooking, Single Dial Oven Control. Yetwit J..V&stinghous f3e N. JACKSON ST. TELEPHONE 268