10 Th Nwi-Riw, Rottburj, Or. Wd., Oct. 19, 1949 LOCAL Activt Club Dated The Rose burg Active club will hold a ipe clal morning meeting Thursday at 7 a. m , in the Shallmar. Improving Mist Peggy Knight, daughter ol Mr. and Mr. Clyd.1 Knight of this city, is reported to be improving at Mercy hoa pital following an appendec tomy. To Portland Sinler Mary Aus tin, RSN and Suiter Mary Kevin, RSN', both ol Mercy hospital, are In Portland to attend the Joint midyear meeting of the OrPgon Association of Hospitals and the Washington State Hos pilal association, being held to day In the Multnomah hotel. Concert Season, Hunting Tales Are Topics At Kiwanis A brief talk by Mrs. Margaret Blackburn of New Yoik, nalion wide Community Concert service organization director, and hunt ing experiences featured the pro gram at the weekly Kiwanis cluh meeting Tuesday noon in the Hotel (jmpqua. Mrs. Blackburn Is appearing before each of the service clubs In the interest of the Community Concert campaign to solicit mem berships this week. She explained the program and urged that the club subscribe to a limited num ber of concert tickets for stu dents who would not otherwise be able to attend. The concert headquarters are open from 9:30 a.m., until 5:30 C.m. daily this week at the Rose tug Chamber of Commerce of fice. Nomination of officers from the floor was called for by Presi Idcnt Earl Plummer, but as there were no new candidates, the list will remain as previously announced, without competition except in the slate of directors. Election will take place next Tuesday. Hunters Give Talk Jack Wharton, program chair man, discussed hunting experi ences and called upon club hunts men for their stories. Gordon Stewart told of a novel method of packing In by use of a small "cat" which did all the heavy work, hut he said "no comment" when asked as to his hunting luck, Harry Hill reported a success ful kill In the nixonvllle area. Irv Hiunn said that while hunt ing in the Callahan district he scared up an elk, but no deer. He expects the reverse in elk hunting season. Hunting In years gone by with Glenn Wlmberly and others was discussed by Wharton. When asked what was their most suc cessful trip, he replied It was when Wlmberly killed a cougar and the bounly paid for the en tire trip. An account of hunting in Eng land, the "stalking" of a slag, and a "one-shot" kill as related In a book "Guns and Gunning" was told by Wharton. Next Sunday will be "go to church" Sunday. Members ofthj club are urged to attend In Episcopal church In a body for this Sunday's service at 11 am. MCH FOR FREDDIE IN WE ADS RUN BY THEM PUJMWN JINGLES I ARE DEVISED J I TO KEEP YOU HAPpy f Mi0 SURPRISED NEWS Luncheon Scheduled Beta Sig ma Phi city council will meet at 1 p.m., Thursday at the Ump qua hotel for a luncheon ses sion. Meeting Postponed The card party to be spossored by the Glide P.-T. A. for Friday. Oct. 21, has been postponed. The next meeting will be Monday, Nov. 7, at 2 o'clock at the Glide school and members and friends are urged to be present. Stop Here Mr, and Mrs. J. M. McClelland of Longview, Wash., vislled briefly in Rose burg Tuesday morning on their return trip from California. Mr. McClelland is the publisher of the Longview News. Other churches will be attended at later dates. Earl Blylie heads the committee. Sutherlin By MRS. BRITTAIN SLACK Elmer Jenkins, former resi dent of Sutherlin, was in town Saturday with two large trui-k loads of alfalfa hay from Burns, Ore. Mrs. Bryan Donlvan was a business visitor In Roseburg Mon day. Mrs. Loa Mae Wilson was con fined to her home for several days last week by Illness. Mr. Thompson of Roseburg made several business calls in Sutherlin Monday. Henry Frotscher was confined to his home east of town lor several days last week with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rapp of Roseburg were in town recently visiting relatives and friends and also transacting business. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Phillips rt Shedd, Ore., are house guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wad1. Mr. Philipps is a brother of Mrs. Wade. The former Connie Probst, who has been visiting with her parenls, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Probst for the past several weeks, left last Saturday, accompanied by her daughter, and sister. Miss Joan Probst, for Michigan, where Connie's home Is. Joan expects to be gone for several weeks. Mrs. A. L, Wade, Mrs. Jess Phillips, Mrs. Edgar Slack and son, Michael, spent Monday In Roseburg visiting relatives and transacting business. Jess Phillips is enjoying a hunting trip for several days east of Sutherlin. Tyndell Goln, whose leg was amputated below Ihe knee at Sacred Heart hospital, Eugene, is reported as "gelling along as well as can be expected." Lions Will Welcome Dist. Governor Losee District Governor's night will be featured at Thursday night's Lions club meeting in the Hotel Umpqua. Forest Losee, who was elected lo this office at the slate con vention last June, will make his official visit and a special pro gram Is being arranged under the direction of Bernard Saar. This is an annual event, and takes on added significance In the fact that the district gov ernor Is from Roseburg. Gears Catch Trousers, Injuring Man's Leg Gerald Smith, Glendale, re ceived leg Injuries In an accident which occurred Tuesday morn ing. In logging operations near Quines creek. Employe dhy the Larson lagging company, Smith some how got a Irouser leg cauuht In the gears of a "donkey". Ilia leg was hi'oken, but the full ex tent of his Injuries was not yet known. The Stearns ambulance from Glendale Junction took him to the Josephine hospital in Grants Tass lor trealment. Fish can he froen in solid ice for long period and still survixe. They hae to thaw out gradually, ! how ever. "One Man's Family." pioneer In family dramas on the radio, has been on the air since 1933. SLABWOOD In 12-16 and 24 In. lengths OLD GROWTH FIR DOUBLE LOADS WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR Dillard P.-T. A. Sponsors Halloween Carnival Children of the Dillard school are looking forward to the Hal loween costume carnival being held at the school house Monday evening Oct. 31, at 6:30, under sponsorship of the school P.-r.A. The project for this carnival is to pav for a new motion pic ture proiccior wnn me nrott-i-uK. This will mean many hours of entertainment for the children, as well as being of educational value. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS FOR SEPTEMBER, 1949 September 1 William Lalng emuloved as architect for new County Home building. September 1 I-ols 13, 14, Hi, 17 and IS, Block 8. Plat "O", Sutherlin Land and Water Com pany, sold to L. & H. Lumber Company for $.vm.no. September 2-S2"iO.O0O.0O trans ferred from the sinking fund to the General Road Fund of Doug las County. September 2 Franchise granled to George L. Routledgc to install an electric power line over and across Ihe I'het Fisher Road in set-lion 23, T 26SR6WW M. September 2 -Order for an election to he held in proposed West Roseburg Sanitary District, on October . l!H!t. September 6 - Rights of way on Riddle-Pacific Highway Road pur chased and payments ordered therefor as follows: Thomas G. I Bryant, Syhle J. Bryant, Frank 111. Wilson and Lavcrna A. Wilson, I $700,011: Albert O. Weekly, Ethel May Weekly and Rex Mack and Abbie Mack, $3.32.00: Rex Mack and Abbie Mack, S1.00; J. E. Staines and Venita Starnes, $530.00; Glenn N. Riddle and Ag nes A. Riddle, SHU.OO; and Ern est S. Primer and Josephine I Pruner, SJOn.nO. September H WISWISWI. less 1.50 acres and Pt. S. & E. of Cow Creek, in Sec. 31. Tp. 30 S R 7 W W M, sold to Eugene A. & Iva A. Springer for SVO.OO. September 13 Stockpile site leased from Charles B. Shively and Ardyce A. Shively on Scolts Valley Eikhead road for period of three years. September 1! Lot 4 of Civil Bend Orchard Trails sold to Dale A. Williamson and Bethel A. Wil liamson for SHIKO.OO. September 24 All county war ranis more than seven yeai-s old and not presented for payment, ordered cancelled and payment thereof will hereafter be refused. September 27 -Construction of 5.37 miles of North Umpqua High way submitted as a Federal Aid Project. County to secure rights of way. September 27 -Certain dedi cated roads In Tract 1, Plat 1 and Tract 1, Plat 2, of Roseburg Or chards declared vacated. September 2K-I.ot 5, less 0.15 acres of Civil Bend Orchard Tracts and Lot 7 Plat "F", Rose burg Home Orchard Tracts, sold to 11. A. Winsion and Ulan R. Win ston for $3200.00. WARRANTS DRAWN FOR MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1949 GENERAL ROADS The following warrants are drawn In payment of patrolmen and crew; C. E. Culling, Jr., S47.34: E. Stillwell, $-8.51 and S12J.4H; 1 1. E. Bennett. $41.18; J. Lewellyn. $1 1 1 SO and $49.54; F. C. Flea, $.'I02.!W; A. Andrews, S242.!l.'); I.. Kershner, SlOK.Wt and $25.64; M. Smith, SHIN.79; D. Owens, $.".)5.13; R. E. Loonus, $212 41; R. llasenvager, $220 ! 0; J. Wharton, $213.22; F. Rcd, $174.20; fc W. Perry, $219.70; M. Mct'ulloch, SlSK.titi; t France, $180.88; J. G. Russell. $220.95; H. Carev, $214.38; D. May. $192 .40; IJ. t'hamvllor. $101.57; T. Ililni ij;ir. $183.54; L. Shinkle. $210 08; C. E. Baker. $192 09: E. r.iytnr. !$18H45; J. Ward. $101 14: E. W. Kent. $228.98; L. Bedford. $2M 20; B. Habh, $221.09; J. Zumwalt, $79 00 and $1.13.40; T. Rockwell, $275.80; E. ltargis, $22300; E. Mover, $220 95: T. Erwin. 5212.50, C. Sain, $197 20; D. Fakoner, ; $177.08; J. Martin. S1I3.M : R. ILangholff, $209.08; ('. llamv, $250,112: C. Heal v. $215 12: R. lierrv. $195 45: An Moore. $217 08; R. Fuller. $197 42; A. Hall, ;$1!W.21; M Smith. $53 03; O. i Matthews. $230 03; Clvde Ceoper, , S182 19: Wm. Cooper.' $201 .20; C. Stubhs. $182.21: O. Conn. $120.58: H. Elliott. $178.45; c. Wu'.ff, '$139.00; G. Trent, $123 Y: L. Robertson. $212.13; A. O. Helvcv, $200.15; 11. Church. $202.93; j. Pine, $18525: O. Sconce. M09.39 and $50 74; B. Sehi ank. $189 20 md $S70; L. Daniels, $25.01 and $100.32; R. Hevnolils, $200.17: F. llediick. $20520; L. Patterson, $2202 and $19100; T. Brinigar, $18 00; I.. Cooper. $204.94. K. Conn. $191.11: C. Will If. $98 55; F. Hans, $',07.87; R. Ahoenc, Jr., '$187.02; F. O. Hand, $273 10; F. Brown. $228 98; C. Brown, $190.01; I. . Owens, $199 58; W. I.ivel", $223. Hi; B. VanSlvke, $200.99; R. Keeds, Mtu.13; .1. o. Faust, $341.20; C. Rvdell. $202.90; N. Jackson, $21.08; II. Andrews. $255 42; Wm. Svlvcster. $170.10: K. Bennett, $117 01; Sim D.irhv, $77.93: W. L. Corn, $27920: P. M.iresch, $222 IS; II. F. Bennett, $152.92; C. Coffell. $90.24 and $130.38: J. Coiiel.ind, $122 21 and $105 34; J Gailev, $201 15: R. Griffins. $187 57: W. Mills, $23081; II. K. Parker. $229 35; W. AdvfT'isfmrnl Suffered After Every Meal Due to Acid Indigestion i W find It rl mrrllolna and ar rwommriitl inf KAl.-O 1I"X lo otriri. , ho .tilfaj.' rotr Ihi. lurtv r-iitl. Mi .loniarh u.rrt lo leal h.a mv Inn.rrti 'r all 1ird up in an.i -parmllv afir I a'a om.-n or li.h. bl. than. t KM O !rx I m on Iha rofl In ortter hratlrt n' " Another wrUM. It krt" that awful fat 1"n iul all.'w. nia to lr-p rvrn aliar palini rahbata and ha.t of all mv a.al.1 una na. rrdurrd In. haa bavaina ho! , regular and In nd of that aa. fut M.utinf" KM. Ct nrX It an Harhal Formula of 3 , iitrr from Natuir Planta It hat rrlir,rd manv pr.'plr ho hid nnrr orrn rrall hrtprd hrfor by anv mrdinnr Trn rtwllv brfor n,ral II mnr, ith nmr ti-,1. hrlptns lo liniinat th n,Mon, that foUr l,-m- h Iroiihlr II Hill rlrana bov.rl, ; rlrar mtr-'inra and rrmn, old irarn-1,-J h (rnm tria inirm So don t n 1 atilfarinf C.rt KAL-O DEX today t all Drus Storaa. I Rockwell, $257 42; J. Tol, $237.54; J. Wade, Jr., $270.79; J. Wade, Sr., $249.12: O. Sconce, $5.84; J. Wil liams, $95.18; J. Pine, $3.75 and $4.95; L. Robertson, $10.28; R. Spalding, $222.70; R. Howard, $211.22; T. McDonald, $103.13; M. Ormshy, $110.40 and $131.57; R. Abeen, Sr., $72.07 and $113.73; E. Mills, $76.04 and $106.45; F. Yea man, $76.03 and $120.05; R. Gal lenline, $16.63; Ben Gurney, $195.57; S. Holder, $91.54; E. Mel ton, $239.18; T. Beall, $170 90; F. Haas, $129.73; E. Galla. $291.74; J. R. Baker. $271.13; H. Reiser, $226.78; R. Fisher, $223.36; S. Col lev $214.42; E. Cox, $146.94; H. Hatcher, $132.09; S. Kraft, $149.22; G. Wilcox. $33.03; H. Gal lap, $293.92; G. Kincaid, $243.01; K. Neavoll, $238.45; R. Duclks, $217.97; C. South, $255.45; R. Nault, $239.18; W. Cordon, $167.07; S. Darby, $141.02; G. Casebeer, $241.29; A. Erwin. $229 23; D. Hatfield, $241.29; W. T. Hughes, $227.96; J. Matthews, $223.73; J. G. Miller. $255.79; E. Sanderson, $248.37; M. Slone, $234.42; R. VanSlyke, $239.19; E. G. Weber, $206.26; T. McLellan, $224.28. TOTALS Oregon Phvslclans service, $374.50; S. tax, $314.29; F. tax, $1884.10; S. pension, $1414.91; SIAC, $650.59. The following warrants drawn for express, gas, oil, lumber and supplies: Zellerbach Paper Co., $16.50; F. H. & L. A. Wilson, T. G. & S. Bryant, $700.00; A. O. E. M. Weekly and Rex & A. Mack, $332.00; Rex & A. Mack, $1.00; E. E. & V. Slarnes. $530.00; G. N. & A. A. Riddle. $841.00; E. S. & J. I. Pruner. $200.00; W. L. Corn, $11.27; City of Reedsport, $3.00; Bureau of Labor. $10.00; A. H. Helgeson, $21.25; Silver Eagle Co., $828.49; Evans Richfield Service, $1.30; N. Side Saw .''hop, $0.55; Arrow Transport. Co., $578.65; Armco Drainage A Metal Prod.. $105.60- Dawe Engineering, $112.57; Fogel & Powers. $12.50; Myrtle Creek Weld. & Mach., $.300; Pac. Highway Garage, $2.25; Robert Bros. Service, $2.50; I'mpqua Electric, $20.40; Walt's Radiator Shop, $119.82; Ballou & Wright, $35.44: Canyonville Ar cade Service, $5.60; Coen Supply, $1800; Columbia Equip. Co., $27.99; Si Dillard. $500.87; Farm Bureau Coop., $196.29; Dovles Sales & Service, $79.12; Elklon Garage, $2.00; Elliott Sales, $119 49; Eugene Dietzgen, $46.50; Sig Felt, $203.78; Hansen Motors, $2,164.22: Loggers & Contractors Mach., $2.05; Kilham Stationery, $22.22; Industrial Supply, $131.00; Stearns Hdw., $2.50; J. E. Hazel tine Co., $200.79; Olvmpia Supplv, $05.53; Orchard Auto Parts, $102 91: Pac. Mach. & Tool Steel, $9.80; Pac. Shop Towel. $16.30; Page Lhr.. $15.75; Phillips Office Supply, $10.34; Ray's Truck Shop, $95 22; Reedsport Lbr., $208.90; Bshg. Printing. $42.70; Rsbe. Glass, $8.70; Socialized Parts, $399.10: Swafford Hdw., $20.06; Tire Service. $19.79: Tozer's, $107.52; Umpqua Powder Supply, $11085; Umpqua Valley Hdw., $19.75; Waterworks Supplv, $1111.55; East Side Garage. $2.00; Blue Line Transport. Co.. $215.42; Pierce Auto Freight, $16.02; F. Malhews, $144.35; Rshg. Sand & Gravel, $2,601.25; Whipple Log ging. $1,531.23; P. L. Crooks, $590.72; Douglas Supply, $511.72; Interstate Tractor, $149.75; Denn Gcrretscn, $236 65; Howard Cooper Corp., $793.00; Llnde Air Prod., $13.31; Marriotts Junction Service, $11 32; Pre-Mix Concrete, S1410.72; Shannon Co., $13.81; Specialized Service, $3.50; So. Pacific Co., $227.04; Nnrdline Parts, $57.52: Electric Steel Foundry, $440.53: Woodbury Co., $71039; E. A. Pearson, $28233; Shell Oil, $5,061.21: Standard Oil, $'7199; Groesbeck & Hickson, $15,221.75; Central Lincoln PUD, $4.19; City of Canyonville. $3.00; Union Oil, $5.223 09; Keystone I Mach.. Wks.. $17.50: Lockwood ! Motors, $103 15: Antonsen Paint ing. $4,500.00; Joelsen Lhr., $4.. 1729 13; Beckley & Thomas, ! $109 . 50; M. J. Riggs, $3.30; So. I Pacific Co., $129.27; Shell Oil, $1.53: H. Henderson, $156.00; L. I Smith, $72.00; Pac. Chain Saw, i$2 45; Campbell & Wessela, I $56.05; Groesbeck & Hickson, $1,749.53; Statical Asphalt & fBltumuls, $7,645.34; A. J. i Mathew s. $0 50: P. L. Crooks Co., ! $11,923 85; C. O. P. Co., $54.91: C. E Recce, $9 S3: Consolidated Freightwavs. $1.25; Pierce Aulo i Freight, $0 72: Rshg. Sand & Gravel, $1.196 00; Citv of Rshg., $25 00; Thomas & Recklev. $7.- 704.72: postage. $1200; Bob s Re pair Shop, $8 00: H. Miller. $2.00; Umpqua Cabinet Shop, $12.00; W. Johnson. SI 10 00; J. B. Rader, S3075; Thomas & Recklev. $1, 312.32; J. D. Welling. $28,891.00. WARRANTS DRAWN FOR MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1949 GENERAL COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT: American Law Book Co.. $1000; jurv fees, $1,594.02; witness fees. $1,317.23; Jurv meals, $124 20: bailiff, S1S5.00: Pac. Tel. & Tel., $4.80; SIAC. $032. COUNTY COURT: Standard Oil, $2.48; Richfield Oil, $4.58; TideWater Assoc. Oil.. $26.35; Shell Oil, $19 27; Union Oil. $4.97; Itshg. Motor Co, $10.70; Hansen Motor Co.. $1W: R. G. Baker, S15.10; L. V. Recklev. $20 95; Pac. Tel. & Tel.. $7.55: SIAC. $0.32. JUSTICE COURT: West Coast Tel. Co.. $1185: Phillips Office Supplv. $112.13: M. & M. Printers. $19.70'; Fred M. Wright. $41.02: Lee Clements, $0 00; Rshg. Book Store. $1880; Phillips Office Sup plv. $137.28; Pac. Tel. & Tel.. $110; J. C. Reals, $924; SIAC, SS 03 JUVENILE COURT: Standard Oil. $.1.50; Shell Oil, $15 05; Tide water Assoc. Oil . $0 80; Ken's Office Equip.. $13.95: Pac. Tel. & Tel . $2100; Acnes M. Pitchford, $12 10: SIAC, $1 8.8 DISTRICT ATTORNEY: West- PILES HtMORHOIDS' RECTL AND COLON AiLMtNTS STOMACH DISODfR$ .rut l-ttan . Fr. Worn. 7t to 5 rm (vf"'rQ: Mtjt( VK Od Ffi.. I -.!,; Writ or tod for Mtll dttcrpt. twWI The Dean Clinic In Our 39th Year N I. Caaar I. Samiida and fd Talaafcaoa ! Sataad 14. 0. i em Union, $1.80; Pac. Tel. TeUi ,$39.75; Sun Printing. $41.44: post age. $10.00: Doris Cole. $19.30; i Phillips Office Supply, $1.45; I SIAC, $0.34. ASSESSOR: Sun Printing, $2.15; Standard Oil. $6.74; Bur- I roughs Add. Mach., $87.90; Koke- 'Chapman. $12.01; Kens Office Equip., $15.61; Rshg. Printing, i $131.00; Pac. Tel. A Tel.. $10.15; ; postage, $36.96; B. Hatfield. $32.71; M. Bowker, $33.50; C. j Crocker, $220.68; M. Dixon, $5.88; D. Carter, $108.51: M. Johnson, $171.60; L. Poole. $129.16: M. L. Taylor. $48.24: L .Wear, $127.14; L. Walker. $127.14; A. B. Collier, $283.00: B. B. Irving. $51.80; Phil- I lips Office upply, $30.46; SIAC, $30.46. CLERK: M M Printers, $25.02 and $4.95; Haloid Co., $798.35; Burroughs 'Add. Mach., riKIA. rUill. It'fioA Cnnnlu -l.f.l,, I lllllllB u"'".'l $17.85; Pac. Tel. & Tel.. $5.65; freight, $2.92; SIAC. $2.48. SERIFF AND LEGAL: Reeds port Garage, $2.25: Standard Oil, $64.54; Richfield Oil, $4260: Gen eral Patroleum, $46.45; Shell Oil, $89.60; TideWater Assoc. Oil, $97.45; Union Oil, $57.28; Sec'y of State, $2.00; postage, $3.00; Western Union, $12.33; Thompson Epperhart Motors, $1.16; Swaf ford Hdw., $7.75; Carter Tire Co, $138.70; Rebg. Weld. & Mach. Wks., $16.35; Phillips Office Sup ply. $23.13; Pac. Tel. & Tel., $08.65; Cecil Bever, $8.65 and $18.95; W. I. Worrell, $19.85; A. Eckhardt, $13.80 and 57.90 and $7.00; D. Bennett, $4.50 and $16.05; Ira Byrd, $19.50; O. T. Car ter. $28.40; Hansen Motors, .$130.00; West Coast Tel. Co.. $5.15; V. Pouncey. $4.50; O. A. Kenner Iv, 235.24; Burroughs Add. Mach. Co., $13.50; SIAC. $24.87. SHERIFF AND TAX DEPT.: Burroughs Add. Mach. Co., $114 80; Pac. Tel. & Tel., $3.50; Phillips Office Supply, $33.52; SIAC. $1.25. SHERIFF AND PER DEL. TAX COLL.: K. E. Young. $9.26; I postage. $6.00; Phillips Office Sup ply, 510.11); fac. lei. & lei, x.id; SIAC, $0.63. SCHOOL SUPT.: Express. $6.05; J. K. Gill Co.. $113.90; Kil ham Stationery. $26.78: Northern School Supply, $72.10; Haloid Co., $5.50; K. F. Barneburg. $8.18; Rshg. Book Store, $6.25: Pac. Tel. & Tel, $32.62; SIAC, $0.62. SURVEYOR: Shannon & Co, $45.98; Rshg. Book Store, $0.54; postage, $35.00; B. B. Irving, $141.30 and $41.90; F. M. Darhv, $32.25; A. R. Evans, $33.00; N. E. Richardson, $4.41: C. Farreil, $140.92; SIAC, $0.63. TREASURER: Burroughs Add. Mach. Co, $09.80: Pac. Tel. A Tel.. $3.75; O. L. Johnson, $10.50; SIAC, $0.31. HEALTH UNITS: Diamond Medical Supplv, $46.82: Western Mfg. Co., $25.52: postage, $15.00; Physicians & Hospital Supply, $7.20; New Service Laundrv, $1.84; Rebg. Printing Co, $72.25; Phillips Office Supply. $178.94; Pac. Tel. & Tel, $16.65; D. A. Cole, $78.04; T. C. Baker, $79.58; M. Barrett, $99.59: L. Fulton, $74.75; R. Stanek, $60.26; SIAC, $4.24. HOME & HOSPITAL: Express, $4.0.3; Montgomery Ward, $18.57; C. O. P. Co, $61.37; Lockwood Motors. $2.00; Cleo Bakery, $5.60; Ewen Bros, $3.00; Hudson-Duncan, $84.12; L. Kruse, $3.00; Mc Donald Candy, $37.69; H. D. Scott, $2.75: Valley Wholesale, $16.80; Rexall Store, $2.00; Rsbg. Phar macy, $2.00; K. H. Oakley, M. D, $3.00; North Side Saw Shop, $5.00; Farm Bureau Coop, $4.44; Bovd Coffee, $51.26: Douglas Co. Creamerv. $19.90; Fairhaven Mkt, $109.23; W. P. McFarland, $73.50; Boucocks Meat Mkt, $175.19; Marster Drugs. $161.91; Goettels Variety, $54.01: Patterson Bak ery. $46.40; I'mpqua Dairy Prod, $199.03: Rsbg. Lbr. Co, $39.10; New Service Laundry. $227.57; Pac. Tel. & Tel, $9.40; SIAC, $3543. JAIL: C. Bever. $2.80; W. I. Worrall. $6.00; Rsbg. Pharmacy, $3.30; R. E. Hanford. M. D, $20.00; Wm. Kinslnger, $5.46; prisoner meals, $1103.00; P. Kis singer. $85.00; C. Bever, $3.55; New Service Laundrv. $17.53; Goettels Variety, $2.38; Rsbg. Pharmacy. $3.30: Master Photo Studio, $4.29; Wharton Bros, $6.00; Carter Tire. $538: Rsbg. I Weld. & Mach. Wks, $15 13; Rshg. i Garbage Disposal, 54.00; SIAC, $7.04. COURT HOUSE: Douglas Sup- !plv, $17.44; Packer-Scott, $4.96; Otis Elevator. $43.60; C. O. P. Co, $17861; Montgomery Ward, $18 01; Lovinger Disinfectant Co, ! $41.19; R. C. Bow man, $0.48; Rshg. I Weld. & Mach. Wks, 50.75; Rshg. ! Lbr. Co, $35.00; I'mpqua Valley lidw, $1J.iit; Grimms t.roc. '$14.45; Rshg. Electric. $41.41; Easion Groc, $17.00: C. O. P. Co, $49.96; Trobridge Electric, $2.49; 1 Arden Burrus, $209.40; SIAC, I $7.07. PUBLIC EMPLOYES RETIRE MENT SYSTEM. $2538.40. PROPERTY CLASSIFICA ITION: R. C. Gile, $113.14; D. Bennett. $24.57: SIAC, $1.98. ! WELFARE AGENCIES: Dr. G, N. Lend. S5.00; Dr. H. R. Allen haugh, $12.00: Dr. C. B. Wade, $25.00; Dr. B. R. Shoemaker, , $30.00: Catholic Charities, $5.00: ; Bovs and Girls Aid Society, $6.61; Chlldrens Farm Home. $10 00. ! WELFARE COMMISSION: Walter J. Pearson, treas, $26,- 999 25. SOLDIERS AND SAILORS: Myrtle Stennett, $25.00; Erwin Short. $233 Oil - ADVERTISING AND PUB j LUTTY: Paul Abeel. $200.00. PREDATORY ANIMAL CON TROL: The following received $10.00 each for cougar: Don Pan key. Ed Dorris, Vern Lerwill, Everett Cameron, Amir Pepiot, ' R. C. Taylor and O. W. Olson. j The following received $10 00 each for coyotes: J. J. Smith. Arthur jWoollev, Chas. M. Wells. Rav I Wright and Hov Rice. The follow. I Ing receiver $i.50 each for bob cats: Don Pankey. Ed Dorris, i Arthur Woollev. Vern lerwill, Amie Pepiot. J. H. Potter. Wm. J. Stew art and C. W. Heard. I COUNTY OWNED LANDS: I LJ laIo!l..nl " taf 1 linua for ll 'aotaa' la litaotj con- ill con. Ilia tl not ilopnad. Ita aola rauaa la lha llch-mlta. aihi.-h la Immune lo ordtnar lraalm.nl rXRORA allU the ller-mile atm.al in.laoily Onl. Ihraa o.vi" EXOHA Iraatroanl l ranulraO. Mail erdara tivn promnt attenuo. Ira4 Marac Brar. Soaabarf Autos Used Cars at Your Terms To Qualified Residents Of Douglas County Down Payment And Terms Will Be Made To Suit You IMS HUDSON Super aadan .. S222S 00 Ver Kaw of Theaa Hudtnna fnr Sale 104S JEEP 4-W. Dr. A food nna 99S U0 itrto nouaujr Bupar o seaan Gray 1293 00 IMS HUDSON Super S irdan Mar 1043 HUDSON Commodora - lies oo Srflan. S tmno 8)1.1 'Ml 72.1 K B.MJ fl 4ft"). (M 4i iW 12.1 (tn 321 no IMl roRI) Coupa 1W40 HUDSON super s coup. , ll DeSOTO Sedan 140 LINCOLN Sedan IBM PLYMOUTH Coupe Id:i9 HUDSON Super 6 Sedan. . Ifl'W INTERNATIONAL Panel . IB:M) NASH Amhaaaador edan. 1938 FORD Sedftit 494.00 Before You Buy Soe These Cars More Car For Your $ At Roseburg Hudson Co. Hudson Dealer T03 S. Stephens Ph. 17T6-R Notice CARD Or THANKS I want lo thank my many frtendi fnr in many lovely rardi. letter, iiow ers, iifti and vfiiti during my 10 week itay In Mercy Hospital wim broken hip It all meant to much to me, and I'm to grateful to every on. Mr. l!mllHall NO HUNTING or trepatnf on our property South or th North (Jmpqua River to th Garden Valley Road and Wett of the R. R tracks to th South Umpqua River Kd Marka. John Mark:Ora Weltter, War Bro CARD OF THANKS T those who expressed their lympathy In so many beautiful and prartu-al ways during our recent bereavement, we extend our heartfelt thanks. Mrs. Louie Smith and children. WT WILL Prosecute anyone found hunting or trespassing on our prop erty on Roberts Mountain Road. Merl H. Docrlng and J. Carl Doer ing NO HUNTING or -repassing "on any of Elmer Lander property. Including Buxton Place and George John.otl place. Please do not ask. NO HUNTING or trespassing on our property North and East of Newton Creek Road Ware Bros. NO HUNTING or trespassing on for mer J Culver Ranch on Rice Creek. A. A Bellows NO "TRESPASSING on the CE Gtl breath Ranch at Glide. R. Clump ner NO HUNTING or trepastng on my property, including th Harris place. Phil StraderGhde. NO HUNTING on the Burnett Ranch at Round Prairi and Roberts Hill. G. F. Burnett. NO HUNTING or trespassing on the J H Short Estate. J. V and Claud Short. NO" HUNTING or trespassing on our ranch north of Roseburg to New ton Creek Road. Baragar i Son. POSITIVELY no trespassing on the Kohlhagen 33 Ranch. Edward G. Khl hagen. NO HUNTING or trespassing on Happy VaMey Ranch. Rohrand Marstert. NO HUNTING or trespassing nn th l-ane Mountain Ranch. Ora Welker NO TRESPASSING on th Grubb ranch Bernard Grub be. NO HUNTING or trespaVilng. Cal Henry, Umpqua. Hay, Grain, Feed FOR SALE Good cleaned Grey Oats. S.l 30 per hundred lbs. Claude Sellark. 2 i mt lee West of Oakland; phone 26- F-n. FOR SALE Vetch and vetch and oats mixed. G. A Brown Ph. 193 Canyon ville or 4S3 Roftehurg. FOR SALE-Wheat, $70 "a-ton Come evenings or week ends. Perron Bros., Brock way. Business Opportunities ATTENTION INVESTORS One-naif interest tn flourishing Roseburg bus iness for sale on full or limited part nership basis Need approximat-iy S12.0O0 to handle Return . to WOO net per month. Only bona-lide buvi-rs need investigate. No telephone infor mation given. Roseburg Really A In surance Co. Umpqua Hotel Lobby. Realtors Farm Equipment rOR SALE CHEAP One 2-bottom 14" plow, and almost new Massey Harris tractor, model 20 Must aelL Call 1W4RX nr 149-J-S FOR SALE Heavy duty 3-14 inch Mas sey Harris plow. ued two seasons, in good condition Price 210, V. J. Burik. Melroe Rt Financial F. H. A. UMPQUA REALTY 113 N Stapriaiti Ph I.VU-J Arroas from Poat Offlra on Highway W Standard Oil, $2.42: Cartrr Tire, Joti.28; A. Murdock, S2S6.17; SIAC. $20. FORLST APPRAISAL: R. E. Kloiner. S."iS.3": Rirhfield Sonicr, $3.25: Riverside Motors. $67.80; Rpbg. Book Store. $12.fi9: Haloid Co.. S87.73: Sun Printing. $4.20; Phillips Otlice Supplv. $28.10; Pac. Tel. & Tel., S8.15; SIAC, $15.12. VETERINARIAN: Pr. G. L. Nicholas. $liH .50. ELECTIONS: Postage. $WO0; M A M Printers, $4.20; Rsbg. Book Store. $0 SO. GENERAL SIPPL1F.S: Sim Printine Co.. $45.90: Rshg. Book Store. $48.18: Ken. Office Equip., , $25. W: Sun Priming. SW.W. PIBL1SHING CLAIMS AND REIRTS: Rsbg. News-Review, $54 Oil. WATER MASTER PIST. 1": iTom R. Pearce, $109 20; SIAC, ' $0 60. I POO. CONTROL: Rbg. News Review. $4.20; Farm Bureau Co op . $1150; the following sheep and lamb killed: H. W. Scott. $5.00; F. C. Penn, $1000; Sher man McBre. $1000: Ware Bros., $10 00; Town of .Mvrtle Creek, $7.95 nd $43.25. Shop and Save With Classified Ads Autos Used Cars at Umpqua Motors FRA7ER Sedan CROSLEY Convertible PACKARD Sedan HUDSON Coupe STUDE. SEDAN NASH Sedan CHEVROLET Tudor INT Pickup PLYMOUTH Sedan . 1 41 Ml 120 BUICK Sedan 114.1 293 100 PLYMOUTH Sedan OLDSMOBILE Coup FORD Tudor CHEVROLET Panel PLYMOUTH Coup Umpqua Motors N. Stephens 'next to Snack Sha;kl PHONE 732 Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS Reasonably priced, G M A C. ternis. Chevrolet Buick Pont lac Cadillac Trade-lna 19W PONTIAC SEDAN. IW). Front fender needs fixing Upholstery and m tor good Metros Rt., Box 201. Charles Olsen. FOR SALE 1A.T7 Ford. $243. cash. SIS ' ' St. Call after 3.30; MODEL A Ford, excellent condition. 1J5. 8.13 Cecil St.. phone 320-H-3. V-R FORD, clean, $225. Umpqua Clean ers. 43 HARLEY MOTORCYCLE New paint. urea, oauery. seal, iianaer oars. ui.:y 1H miles since complete motor over haul, shaved heads, high left rami. Must sell immediately (123. cash. See Wm. Cone. Orchard Trailer Court, 7 miles 5. Hignwav . 'Ward Week Rebuilt Motor Sale. PLYMOUTH Motor till M Inalallrd DODGE Motor 1M Rfl Installed CHEVROLET Motor ..... 151 88 ln.tallrd BACKED BY MONTGOMERY WARD S New Motor Guarantee Money Back Guarantee DRIVE ANY ONE OF OUR GU ARAN TEED USED CARS TWO DAYS. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT-BRING IT BACK. WELL GIVE YOUR MONEY BACK. YOU CAN T LOSE T7 DODGE Pickup '.HI PLYMOUTH Coupe '.10 DODGE Sedan 40 CHEVROLET Sedan . 41 FORD Sedan '41 OLDS Club Coupe '41 MERCURY Sedan '47 PLYMOUTH Sedan ..... BUICK Club Coupe ;tt.i in) .W."i ffl 823.110 :t5 oo 673.011 795 I HI , 1 193 on . 1893 00 Open Evenings Rose Motor Co. Chrysler Plymouth ROSE A LANE STS. PHONX M New 1949 Plymouth $1679.00 Delivered Fully Equipped Rose Motor Co. ROSE ft LANE STS. PHONE M Timber Sawmills Wanted Second Growth Logs CONTACT WILBUR LUMBER CO. TOR SALE- 40 acres of virgin Umber" heavy: Tillamook County Shingle I mill resdv to operate Plenty of ced.ir I down. Camp tractor, dozer and dmime , drum: winter thow, H W Blonmrr P O. Box 642. or Umpqua Trailer Court after 3pm WANT PEELED DOUGLAS Tir-polede-j llvered to our ard,at Green, .m' tn lU . Contact ut -f-re rutting Puet Timbe: Co of Oregon. P. O. Box 46 I Ronehurg Ph XT9 W ANT TOBUY Dougis" rtrVle-aid I piling stumpage P-.iget Timoer C- of Oregon. P O. Box 4. Roaebura 1 Ph i.uw FOR SALE Sawmill "or anvprt CMC dieaet edger and other unit. Rov Denny. .T5 , Winchester WANTED Split cedar rail and-pnt Jj and length!. Call OakUnd Trucks 4a STUDEBAKER I-ton truck lit ft Omaha Standard h-nv u.ikio mile Make an offer. Like new Sale itr tradePh 17-L-X. 144A Walnut. 1-1!M INTERNATIONAL pickup 1 KM International pickup. 1 tn:a axle piling tmler For mforwia"o Phone 4."3 13 2rd Ave South AXLE SHAFTS Mr all mket r-f"tnjra Rtr'a Trnck Shop, Jn5 N Stephens. Phm 409-J 4. Autos Lockwood's USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere IfH9 FORD FORDOR ItMl bTl'DFBAKER CONVEKT1BI.E 1949 FORD TUDOR SEDAN lMfl PLYMOUTH Club Coupe 142 CHRYSLER New Yorker 142 FORD Tudor Sedan 1941 CHEVROLET Club Coup lf41 FORD TUDOR SEDAN ... . 1W41 FORD TUDOR SEDAN ..a. lWl) MERCURY 4-door Sedan ... 1040 FORD TUDOR sedan . mas ciiev. coupe irciH OLDSMOBILE sedan 1S43 00 1003 DO .lH.it . 630 l , (Kf.VOO 645 I 603.(10 , 643 00 4)3 UO . 443. ;!1S 00 , t5 no 103 '0 . 123 00 f:t FORD FORDOR SEDAN - 1930 MODEL A LUUfi Open Sunday From 9 To 3 Trucks And Pickups FORD 1 ton stake rack 1973 00 FORD PICKUP 1143. 00 STUDY I'a-ton chassis & cab 993 00 WILLYS Station Wngon ..134500 FORD LUMBER TRUCK 1093 00 WILLYS 1-ton pickup W5, 00 FORD I't-ton Flatbed 4H5 00 FORD S-ton Pickup 605 'fj FOHD ',-ton Panel 43 'K CHEVROLET Pickup 393 00 You Pay Less For Used Cars At LOCKWOOD MOTORS Easy Terms Believe In Signs? You can, if you come in HERE, where you KNOW that every Used Car Is a good buy at the price it's labeled. A Depend able Dealer is your surest sign of quality and satisfaction. We invite your inspection of our fine Guaran teed Used Cars. Drive in TODAY! CHECK THESE PRICES THEV COMS AND LOOK AT THESE CARS. 1948 PLYMOUTH .fddrt. Sp- Deltixe 149S Over M0. under new cr Trice 10441 STl DERAKER SEDAN 14P5 Over 5oo. under new car prtf e 1B47 DESOTO sedan UM Over $9oo. under new car Frire ORD Convertible HOS Over $900. under new car price 1(147 STCDERAKER edn ... IMS Over WK). under new car price 1946 CHEVROLET ledan ..129$ Over tA00. under new car price. Corkrum Motors, Inc. YOUR DeSoto Plymouth HEADQUARTERS 230 S Stephens Ph. Sm-t "We ll Be Here Tomorrow to Back Up What We Say and Do Today:" Better Buys At Barcus 104 DODGE CUSTOM nedan. R. ft H. new tires, perfect $1415 1942 DODGE iedan. excellent eon- ditnm .. S4S 1D42 STI'DEBAKFR COMMANDER LAND CRUISER edan . 795 1940 NASH AMBASSADOR aedan. K AH. verv clean 7B5 1940 HUDSON SEDAN, R. St H., good tire 5p 1940 FOHD SPECIAL Deluxt edn. RAH ... S 1939 BUICK CENTURY aedan. very 1939 STl DEBAKED COMMANDER ' edan t4n FORD V- cotioe. A buy im7 FORD V-R tedan. good .'. 113 CHRYSLER -.edan 1933 DODGE Tudor, good work car 393 313 I2i 7J TRUCKS 1947 DODGE ihortlog truck Brownie, lags, excellent condition .. J130 1949 DODGE ton pickup, itaka bed. T.rtOO milea. like new . . 1W5 ltl FOHD MODEL A Pickup 123 1929 FORD MODEL A panel 30 BARCUS SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Highway 99 N. at Gardes Valley Roa4 TOR SALE or trade Equity In 1M Memirv converubie. for tratler houa or hat have you Henry Davit. ! Box mOakUnd low PLYMOUTH De Lue 4-DrBeau-tiful original finish, very clean inter ior excellent motor original owner, lons see at .o Hamilton St. MORE MONEY for your car" Ca.hon i tne apot Corkrum Motor Inc D I oto Plymouth. Phona 40 11 X. R-e St SALE "MChevrolet 7 door aedan, RoberU Creek Road. Rt. 1. Box i irr FORD V4 edan de'llvert b- r.t t. 2nd Ava. k. Ph. 1096-U