Needed every minute WHETHER YOU drivt one mil or many miles and whtthtr you drivt onct a wtek or tvtry day, your car may cause you a crip pling financial loss. Carry complett Auto mobilt Insuranct. T h t n whtrtvtr you go or what ever happens you'll be protected. R. 0. YOUNG Phone 417 205 W. Can St. Roteburg Adverse Ruling On Federal Rent Control Law Will Be Reviewed By Supreme Court WASHINGTON, Oct. 18. (.P) The supreme court has agreed to review decision that the 1949 federal rent control act ii unconstitutional. The decision hat been held in abeyance pending supreme court action. Handed down by U. S. District Court Judge Eywn R. Shaw In Chicago, the decision was appealed directly to the high tribunal by the Justice department The department contends Shaw's opin ion li erroneous. The Supreme cour will hear arguments on the Issue in two weeks, then give Hi ruling later. why be a dial oefcoy? STAY TUNED TO KRNR-MBS FOR: Haven of Rest Thirty minutes of Song and Inspiration 8:30 A. M. Tues., Thur., Sat. Glen Hardy News with your favorite newscaster 10 A. M.9P.M. Daily Art Baker's Notebook Fifteen minutes of friendly philosophy and timely tips 10:45 A.M. Mon.Thru Fri. Mutual Newsreel "From where it Happens You Hear It Happen" 6:15 P. M. Mon.Thru Fri. What's The Name of That Song A highlight of your Wednes day evening listening 8:00 P. M. Wed. Dance Band Dig" your top bonds each night at eleven 11 P.M. Mon.Thru Sat. KRNR 1490 on your Dial The 1949 rent act permits states and municipalities to end rent controls. Shaw declared this an unconstitutional delegation of power by congress, then ruled the entire act invalid. The Justice de partment's appeal said 14.000.000 housing accommodations remain under lent controls. It added that "the tenants will be left defense less if the I Shaw) decision should be allowed to stand." The court, In its third meeting of the new term, again confined its actions to orders wilh no opin ions handed down. Among olher things, the tri bunal: Refused to rule on whether the contempt conviction of a witness in the Alger Hiss perjury case was properly overturned. William Rosen, 65, of Santa Monica, Calif., was sentenced to six months in Jail for refusing to answer ques tions about a 1929 roadster asked by a federal grand Jury In New York City while it had the His case under investigation. Rosen's conviction was overturned by the U. S. circuit court in New York appeals here. That court held the questions of whether a majority of the house committee was pres ent at the time of the alleged failure should have been submit ted to the trial Jury. In effect reinstated a securi ties commission complaint charg ing Oils & Co., Cleveland invest ment firm, with welching on a stock selling contract with the Kaiser-Krazer Corp. The tribunal reversed a decision by the U. S. court of appeals here which had held there was not enough evi dence to support charges brought by the SEC. Refused to review murder trials of two Mississippi men, both un der death sentence. The two are William W. Price, convicted of the razor-killing of a child at Grenada, Miss., and Ar thur Moore, 16-year-old Negro sentenced for the hammer slay ing of J. L. Dean, an insurance man at Jackson. Miss. Both con tested the admissabllity of as World s Ornlnl Rrfxrial Acfuvr i iuy on ine grounds inai nwfn , (heir trials. I properly usea nis cnnsiuuiionai privilege against self-incrimination. Womin Granted Review Agreed to review the rases of two women accused of failure to produce records of the Joint anti fascist refugee committee for use of the house un-American activi ties committee. The women. Miss Helen R. Bryan and Mrs. Ernes tina G. Fleischman, were sen tenced to three months' imprison ment and fined $500 each on charges of contempt of congress. Their convictions were set aside, however, by the U. S. court of Wife Of Industrialist Killed Under Train PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 18.-4.T) Mrs. Ruby Burroughs Batt. 62, wife of the president of SKF In dustries, Inc., was killed Monday in a plunge under a Broad street subway train. William L. Batt, who headed the War Production board during World War Two, identified his wife's severed body at the morgue. JOBS AVAILABLE We have jobs for trained workers. If you have the training, we have the job. If you don't hove the training, come in or call tomorrow Fall enrollment new under way GRANT'S BUSINESS COLLEGE 112 N. Stephens Phen 1 535 ft Son Born To Gl's Bride On Plane Over The Atlantic SHANNON AIRPORT, Ireland, Oct. 18. 1.") A son was born to a G. I. bride Monday in a crowded passenger plane over the Atlantic ocean. While the American Overseas Airlines Constellation raced at full throttle for Ireland, Mrs. Darinka Parker, a former Inmate of a Nazi concentration camp, gave birth to a four-pound bov. Dr. Fred Herschel, New York, one of the passengers, assisted at tne oirtn. The plane, with 36 passengers aboard, was 400 miles out of Shannon when the bahy arrived. The transport made Its regular stop here and the mother and child were taken in an ambulance to a nearby hospital. In Krankfurt, Master Sergeant James C. Parker had gone to the RheinMain airport to meet his wife. A grinning headquarters of ficial met him, Instead, and an nounced: "You're a father, ser geant." The 40-year-old father, attach ed to the air force headquarters at Wiesbaden, said he was floor- ed by the news. He will ask, and probably get, permission to come to Ireland at once. Parker said his wife is a former Yugoslav dis placed person. He met her in 1945 on the day she was released from a l.erman prison near Nuernberg. They have been married three years. Sgt. Parker comes from Al derson, VV. V'a. The plane was en route from New York to iKrankfurt, Ger many, bv way of Ireland. The 20-year-old mother, a GI bride from Bavaria, was quoted as saying: I hadn t expected the baby for another month and a half." No Settlement Is Seen In Doernbecher Strike PORTLAND. Oct. 18. t.PV No quick settlement appeared in the offing today for the Doernbecher Manufacturing company labor dispute. The 550 CIO furniture workers at the plant rejected a company proposal yesterday to change pro visions in an 11-day-old contract. A spokesman said the cha.,grs Included "elimination of the pre mium pay for many workers. The plant has been closed all but a few hours since Oct. 1. First there was a 2 1-2 day strike. Then after a contract was agreed upon, the company hired back only 125 workers. After the men protested what they said were wage cuts, the company again closed and asked contract changes. One of the earliest known maps is a 4.500-year-old baked clay Un let from Babylon. Sailors of the ancient world used star maps to guide their ships. TOOLS See our complete selection of LOW COST For The Home Handyman Here's welcome news for the home handyman that uses tools occasionally. Now you can buy low cost, good quality. WORTH tools for all those odd jobs around the house. Come in soon, look them over and then com pare the price. You'll see that these tools are the best value in town. Side Cuters ........ Squares Saw (S teeth) Pipe Wrenche Auger Braces...... Screw Driven Compare These Prices . 1.05 2.25 1.55 tel.75 1.85 t. 2.05 . 165 2.49 .... 4.59 1.15 1. 1.55 .1.55 ,.4.99 40c ,099c 1.75 1. 3.09 .1.05,. 2.85 .3.09 .1.25,. 5.39 2.09,. 6.59 ... 27c ,. 89c Claw Hammers Ball Pein Hammers... Draw Knives End Wrench Sets Tlnsnips .. Beneh Vises .......... W.ed Chisels Planes Pliers We are still headquarters for top quality PLOMB, STANLEY, STILETTO and DISSTON tools. UMPQUA VALLEY 202 N. Jackson Phone 73 Df E)DvDE) nun Pictured is Angeline Orr, of the "Captain Midnight" cast. (5:30-6 p. m., Tues. & Thurs.). As a young woman of charm. Angeline has It. As an actress of ability, she has it too, notablj when she plays the role of s "Joyce" In Mutual's "Captain Mid night" adventure dramatizations which are now being presented every Tuesday and Thursday for a half hour. ' Tune In "Behind the Mayor's Desk" tonight at 7:30 . . . Alan Ladd starring In "Box Thirteen", at 8 ... . and a citizen-of-the- - week feature on "Jovln Jambo ree" at 8:30. AROUND THE STUDIO: Chuck Capps numbers "two" In this week's staff additions. Halls from Klamath Falls . . . and will serve In a salesmar Angeline Orr copy-writer capacity fer the KRNR commercial department, men,. Music-loving staff members turned out en masse for the Freddie Slack tessien Sunday night .... the fact that we had a sizable stack of free passes had nothing to do with it of course. . . . The first major address in this country by visiting Prime Minister Jawaharlal Pandit Nehru of India will be exclusively broadcast over the Mutual-Don Lee Network tonight (11:00 . 11:30). He will he introduced to the MDL radio audience by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, president of Columbia university, N. Y., where the the broadcast originates. The Prime Minister, who arrived in this country October 11 for his first official visit to the United States, will receive an honorary Docor of Laws degree from the university Just before broadcast time. ran ( Mm h W dA ho 1 A Tues., Oct. 18, 1949 Th News-Review, Roseburf, Or. S KRNR Mutual Broadcasting Svstem U90 on Your Dial REMAINING HOURS TODAY 4 Oft Fulton Uwli, Jr MB. 4 I.V-Hfmimwiv.MRIl. 4 :to Sonm o Pioneer. 4 is Muile. 5 l straight Arrow - MB. 5 ;iO Captnin Midnight. MRS. fHMs MusA- at Six IV-Mutual Newirtl.MRI. t ;m Sporu Pas. 8 rt.V-Munical tntorluda. 6 4(V Local New 0 4,w Southland Sln;tnf, 6 IV Bill Henrv MRS. 7 00 Frank Purdy. 1 l.V Mime You Rtmamber. I .to Mavor' Dt?k. 7.4.V Miuic. mirtRo Thirteen. II :io Jovin Jamhorea. 9:00 Newa MHH. 0 tv Ruth V Judy. 9 .10 Client Star. 9 4.V Fulton Lewi. Jr. MRS. looo Munlc You Want. 1 0 : :to I Lov a Mynterv MRS. 10 4,Y Danre Oreh MRS. 11:00 Prime Mtniiter Nehru, 11:30 Sua Oft. VVKDNKflklAY, OCT. It, 1919 S(W Mimical Clock. 6 .10 New. 9.J3 Farm Fare. 8 4V Rie At Shine - MRS. 7 no Hemingway MRS. 7 I V Music for You. 7 4. Local .Newi. 7 VO Mute fl (to Wallv i Coffee Tlm fl IV Mimic for Wednedav. 8 .10 Rihle Innthute. MRS. 9 DO Modern Home. 9:1V Rook of Rargalna. 9 :W Man About Town. 9 40 Munle. 9 ,V Shopper's Guide. tnoO Newi MRS, 10 IV (ioiipel Singer MRS. 10 .10 Ray It With Mualc. 10 4.V Art Raker. linn-Ladie Firat MRS. 11.10 Queen for Day. MRS. '2 no Muale at Noon. 2 IV Sportx Page 2 2V Mimic at Noon, 2 40 I .oca I New 2 National New. 12 .VV Market Report l oo Man on the Street l l.V Harvey Harding MRS. 1 .10 Linger Awhile 2 00 Aiaint the Storm MBS. 2 'to It Requested. 3 0O Mutle. 3 IV School Program 3 .in Mumc. 3 4V Harrv Jam est Show 4 oo Fulton Lewis, Jr. MR. 4 IV Frank Hemingway. MHS. 4 io Local Loan Show. 4 4V Newi MRS. son Tip and Tunea. 3 IV Music. 9 TO Tom Mix MRS. g 00 Muate at Six. 8 IV Mutual NewarcvL MRS. 8 w Sporu Pag. 9 .xv-mumc. fl 40 Local Newi 6 4V Southland Singing. 7 no Dick Hame. 7 IV Sammy Kr 7 .10 Cisco Kid MR. g oo What the Nam of that Song? MHS. :. Three Sona, 8 4V Tex Benek a IN) News. MHS. 9 IV HI Neighbor. 9 ;to Scandinavian Melodv Tim. 9 4V Fulton Lewu. Jr. MRS. inoo Music You Want. lO.lO I Love a Mvaterv MBS. ID 4V Rust Morgan. MRS. 11 no Rusts Morgan. MRS. 11:30 Sign Off. Enough clay wall til (s pro duced in the Unitrd Sialp in a ypar to cover about 1,000 city blocks. FLOORING 9) Siding 9) Finish PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 Watch For . . . IT Vme ntvet hat born 1 l a motion picture like M I se- COIOI IV TICMNtCOtOa All Seats Reserved . . . October 25th ind 26th STARTS TOMORROW JzS I, J Duncan Renaldo Leo CarriHo wVJ MUaMO W) UMte Atmia m CMCO 4JP 9AMCHO CO-FEATURE PACKS THI NiNCH Of SLASHING HAU mXLlilt' 3 I Franchot TONE f JU;x I K J )MaWntcfMcUrtc If iaTTvof't ft Tonight: "Home of Strangers" and "The Fan tszl Compromist Bills Up Pay Of Civil Scrviet Worktre WASHINGTON, Oct. 18. (JPl Compromise bills raising the pay of approximately 1,385.000 gov ernment workers at an annual cost of $239,000,000 were passed Monday by the House and sent to the Senate. The raises for about 883,000 civil service workers would aver age $140 each. Approximately 500,000 postal employes would receive raises of $120 annually each. They would not, however, get uniform allow ances or .extra annual leave as originally voted by the House. Employes hired on a temporary or part-time basis would receive percentage raises Instead of t flat increase. Both chambers had passed the bills previously but In different form, necessitating the compro mise. The House also passed and sent to the Senate Monday a bill rais ing the pay of 138 employes In the postoffice's mall equipment shops at an estimated annual cost of $14,000. . The coral lily of Siberia, llllum tenulfolium, is the earliest and brightest of the lilies, a beautiful coral red. A south wall Is the best place to plant your snowdrops. Put them near a window, and you will wake up some sunshiny February or March morning and find them in bloom. SLABWOOD in 12-16 and 24 in. lengths OLD GROWTH FIR DOUBLE LOADS WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR Phen SSS Circulator and Floor Furnaces AT COST R0SEBURG SHEET METAL HEATING Phone 941 Your 850 E. 1st St Center ADVANCE TICKET SALE Reserved seat tickets for the road show en gagement of "THE RED SHOES." This great Technicolor feature will play Tue. and Wed., October 25 and 26. $ 1 .20 Gen. Admission and S 1 .00 Student en Sal Show Tim Only ii A J. ArttMT lank h.imthM. The Red Shoes will Play the Rose Theater Road Show Engagement Admissions- MATINEE (Tue. only) $1.80 $1.50 $1.20 EVENING (both days) $2.40 $1.80 $1.20 Thar will be a Student Price of $1.00 All Performances All prices include 20 Fed. tax NOW ON SALE INDIAN THEATER BOX OFFICE TOMORROW Ends Tonight! Alan Ladd In t--