Curing Shyness Through The Feet Is Recommended By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK Many people set rid of a feeling of Inferiority today by lying down on a psychiatrist's couch. And for $15 an hour more or lest they walk aay their troubles. Long ago Arthur Murray used hit head to figure a cheaper way to cure shvness through t h e ball of the feet. He began as a youthful $3 a week Instructor in a dim e-a-dance hall. Today, rich and bun-Inn-free at 54, he operates a $22, 000,000 annual dance business. In the last 37 years he has managed to cure practically everybody's shyness except his own. "I figure In that time we have taught about 6.000.000 people to dance." he said the other day. sloping rather dolefully from a can of apricot Jui.-e. "We've en rolled about 2.000.000 In our stu dios. 3.000.000 hv mail, and about 1.000.000 by radio." It has been some years since Murray had o wear out his own dancing pumps steering satchel footed pupils around the floor. The Murrav svstem now has a bout 19 affiliated studios of the T -swivi' IK 1 We'll Make It dance across the nation. They employe some 5,000 teachers. The cathedral of this rumlia and waltz empire is a huge studio off Madison avenue in mid-Manhattan that grosses $1,200,000 an nually. Naturally Murray has his office here. "My Job is looking after t h e decorating and housecleaning," he said. "My wife does the rest." Murray, who says he was gawky and shy himself as a boy, st ill appears mildly uncomfort able whenever he Is asked a ques tion. Pert Mrs. Murray, a dark slim little woman of tremendous energy, has the personality of the pair. "Arthur still dances every single day when he doesn't have a cold for 5 minutes to an hour" she said. "He is best at the rum ba. He does a beautiful rumba. He used to do the jitterbug. But It's passe now. Only the older people do It. "You know, at toon as t h e Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich Look Like New I Our expert body mtn can repair body damage in a short tim. Drive in now. l ! HANSEN ! MOTOR CO. Oak & Stephens Phone 446 i OF I, lip "You triad to phone ma all day? Why, I was right her all the time." ... If you en courage the children to wait a few minutes between calls, you won't miss receiving impor tant calls . . . Pacific Telephone. NEW LOCATION In order to m-re efficiently serve our many customers in Douglas County we are MOVING on October 18th TO OUR NEW CONVENIENT LOCATION 307 Pacific Building Juit take the elevator to the 3rd floor. CALKINS FINANCE CO. S-264 State License M-337 . Phone 466 "Room mde bright ml m ik C0L0RIZ6R w&tf... All tf colon you could ovor wnt in p.nt . , . from clr bright color to dlict ptl tint to rich dtop tonos. Buy ny color right ovtr tho counUr without wait ing at rtgulstr paint pricot. Alt can tiiat, all fimthos . tho lolu tion to all docorating problem. BOYS EN in PAINTS Custom color paints at budget prices Tito vewej 'Tsttssnaer M iims-ku. Q Imp rtvxl r-i rf..rt TruLlte 1.49 qt. Trudo - 13 qt. Outside Paint 1.4S qt. Quick Dry Enamtl 1.M qt. Tru-Tont 128 qt. Tru-Kott 1.15 qt. Plus 25e to 30c for tht Coloriter tube. Cost varies with different colors. -(r - f. ; . - J' V rtomv . t f : ik fiyf f f county t i. i? k j, t1 on A II Mrs. R. E. Riggs Of Oakland Dies Mrs. Rebecca Elizabeth RlRrs. 70. well known resident of t lie Oakland vicinity died at the home of her dauehler, Mil. Ruth Bun. h of Oakland, last Saturday afler a long illness. She was born in Bloomfield. Iowa, on Nov. 12. 1878 and has been a resident of Oak land tor the last 38 years. She was married to Martin T. Ripe at Ceresco. Nebr., on Pec. 20, 1S98. He passed away on Keb. 11. 1923. She was a member of the Presbyterian rhurch. Surviving Mrs. Rises are a daughter and two sons. Mrs. Ruth E. Bunch and W. Harold RIrrs, Oakland, and Richard O. RIrcs, Sutherlin, and thiee grandchil dren; also by three sisters, Mrs. Edna Walker, Lincoln, Nebr,; Mrs. Lona Hunter of New Mexio and Mrs. Gusla RlMs. Crawford, Nebr, Services will be held in Ihe Community church, Oakland, Tuesday at 2 p.m., Rev. James Blinks officiating. Vault inter ment will follow In the IOOF cemetery. Arrangements are in care of the Stearns Mortuary, Oakland. Mon Oct. 17, 1949-Tha Newt-Review, Roieburg, Ore. 7 4-H Livestock Club Holds Officer Election Cleveland YearAround Live-slocl- club held their 4-H club meeting at the Cleveland school Oct. 7 and elected officei-s. Mary Maklnsnn will serve as presldnt; Jack Huston, vlc-preaident; Shirley Kocken, secretary; Phil ip Makinson. song and yell lead er; Curtis Kocken. sergeantat arms and Shirley Pankey, news reporter. Arnold Patterson is leader of the club and the group will meet at the school Oct. 21 at 7:15 p.m. for their next get-together. Births at Mercy Hospital COBLE To Mr. and Mrs. Og den E. Coble. Winston. Oct. 13, a daughter, Shirley Ann, weight 7 pounds 14 ounces. NICHOLAS To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nicholas. Jr.. Oakland. Oct. 14. a daughter V'lcki Eaye, weight 8 pounds 8 ounces. EXAMINER DATES A driver's license examiner will be on duty in Roseburg 1 hursday and Friday. Oct. 20 and 21. from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. in the city hall. Persons wishing li censes or permits to drive are advised by Secretary of State Earl Newbry to get in touch with the examiner well ahead of the schedule closing hour to assure completion of their applications with a minimum of delay. Riversdale Cub's Mothers Plan Baked Food Sale Mothers of members of Rivers dale Cub Pack 408 are holding a hake sale Saturday, Oct. 22. at the Umpqua Valley hardware store for the purpose of raising fundi for a pack flag. Mrs. Ken Llnder is chairman and assisting are Mrs. Clifford Travllllon, Mrs. M. C. Poyle. Mrs. Gus Koclner, Mim. H. D. Durham, Mrs. Donald Martin and Mra. Leo Goergen. Wild Cats Of London Battle With House Cats LONDON, Oct. 17. (.P) The wild cats of London's bomb rub ble Jungle attacked the ancient fortress, the Tower of London, last night. The governor of the tower sent an urgent call tor aid today to the people's dispensary lor nek animals. He reported the cats house cats turned wild as lynxes bat tled the resident cata of the tow er and tried to raid quartermas ter stores for a bit to eat. SOUTH END FUfcL CO. Phune U93-R 207 Rice St Louse, Commercial and Industrial Wiring Electrical Trouble Shooting Motor and Appliance Re pair Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service 17 Years Experience ACE ELECTRIC Licensed Electrician 316 E. 2nd Ave. N. Ph. 1093-L PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL HONOK5 Douglas county s International Livestock show at Portland won favorable booth (upper picture I at the Pacific comment from visitors last week. Boyt who won calves in a 4-H scramble at the Pacific International last year (lower picture) sold the animals at auction this year. Left to right are Dennis Johnston, Olalla, and Calvin Clack and Carl Walin, both of Myrtle Creak. Dennis and Calvin sold their animals at 29'i cants par pound, and Carl at 30 cants par pound. (Pictures by Frank von Borstal, county 4-H club agent.! older people take up a dance the kids drop it." One of Mrs. Murray's chores before getting to the office la to bake honey cakes and brownies for her husband. "He has a sweet tooth he lives on candy bars and ice cream," she laughed. Murray's great forte In the dance business has been a pro motion skill rivaling that of Hie late Phineas T. Barnum. He has a deep knowledge of the psycho logy of shy people, and has used It to great advantage In his ad vertising. One example: his stu dio has an entrance through a re gular office building so students can come and go without letting the world know they are taking dancing lessors. The latest Murray Gimmick Is a lifetime course. Anvone who takes this $3,000 course of 1,000 hours can then return and dance free two hour a month for as long as his arches last. One Long Island schoolteacher I s huving two SHE LOVES TO DANCE. "Our course is different from the lifetime fountain pen offer." smiled Mrs. Murray. "We don't put them under water." Two Pay Fines Saturday In Municipal Court Two persons paid fines In mu nicipal court this morning. Judge Ira a. Kindle reported. He said thev Includpd: Barton Guy Hcrrick, 326 W. Cass street. $20 fine on a pica of guilty to drunkenness in a public place, and Morris Melvin Notz, Idleyld Park, SIS fine on plea of guilty to speeding at 40 miles per hour in 2."mile zone. The judge reported that Fred erick Henry Shoe-key. 50. 302 N. Jackson street, forfeited $20 bail for nonappearance on a charge of drunkenness in a public place. Enlarged High School Band Much Improved The Roseburg high school band, 82 strong, under the direction- of C. A. Ricketts, again stands ready to represent Rose burg In the best way possible. The hand, which Is much larg er and has fuller instrumentation than last year, has already ap- peareo ai ine iwo nome """" are being harvested in many oth contests and will appear at the art, ot tne tm, labor Asnianu Kine at amiiuiiu. New members have shown steady Improvement at the dally practices and tne band promises to be another top-notch organiza tion. The members have been having trouble keeping together on their playing, being unused to the large number, but Director Ricketts is arranging the Instru ments for better sound effects. The Junior and grade school hands will have more instruction this year from Clyde Moore, who this year ii assistant band director. Urgent Plea Is Issued For Potato Harvest Help Several hundred additional po tato pickers and sugar beet work ers are needed at once In eastern Oregon, the State Employment service announced today in the first urgent call for farm help In several weeks. The Bend employment office Is trying to find 250 potato pickers arid 50 sack buckers at once. Sev eral weeks of steady field work is promised, but men should have their own blankets and equip ment, also a tent or trailer. About 200 experienced beet toppers can find Immediate Jobs in the Ontario area. Beet topping will continue into November. Other field crops may last Into December. The Nyssa labor camp has several vacancies for farm workers. Although nuts and truck crops parts supply Is generally adeauate, ac cording to the employment ser vice. The News-Review Classified Ads bring best results. Phone 100. USED TIRES 1.00 up Sea us for all sizes of good used tires at tht lowest prices Lata model 19, 16 and 17-Inch wheals for all makes cars. Frta Tuba with tvary tlra purohased. DOYLE'S Sales & Service Highway 99 at Garden Valley Phone 611 ATTENTION SAWMILLS We need the following lumber 75 M Per Day: 4 x 4 to 4 x 12 8' Rough Cants 6 x 8 to 8 x 12 8' Rough Cants 2 x R. W 8' Unedged Cants Pries 133.00 en 2 x 4 8' No. and Better Produced S23.00 en 2 x 4 No. 3 Common Produced Graded by Certified W. C. L. A. Inspector Hove Firm Orders for the Following Stock 200,000' 500,000' 200,000' ' 500,000' 4s S 12' 4 x S 14' 4 x 1012' 4 x 1014' No. 1 and Better 15 No. 1 and Better 15 No. 1 and Better 15 Na. 1 and Better 15 No, 2 Rough No. 2 Rough No. 2 Rough No. 2 Rough PLIB or WCL A Certificate Required PRICK S3S.0O PER M. (12' and 14' Items must be even end trimmed) All above prices delivered to Western States Lumber Co. Plant at Sutherlin, Oregon. Subject to 2 cash discount within 10 days after delivery. Phone, Write or See FRANK S. CLARKE OSCAR ROSE Phone 662 Sutherlin J. N. BOOR OUTBOARD MOTORS S34 Gin. Valley Kd Ph SM-J-I Johnson Sea Horse Dealer 8 the QD-IO with Gr Shift end Mil-Mater Tank. Buy on Benlc Terms FARMERS Local claims service is your assur ance of fast repairs when your cor is damaged. LOW RATES . . . on collision ond liability cov erage gives you standard protec tion at substantial Paul H. Krueger 636 8. Stephens Phont 21S SAVINGS $1W0 Liability oCverage $5000-10,000 bodily injury. $5000 property damage. Eich six months Current Rates Plus S5.00 Nonrecurring Fee t Beginning ef Policy No Extra Chorge for Age, Mileage or. Business Use Over S00.000 Western Motorists Insure and Save Through Farmers Standard Form Nonasseesabls Policies. The West's Leading Auto Insurance Carrier ajfrf . elpv Farmers Insurance Exchonge Get Ready for Winter Need Fuel Your Answer to: Oil? if Quick, Efficient, Courteous Service if Quality Richfield Furnace and Stave Oil ir S & H Green Stamps with Each Purchase CALL RICHFIELD Phone 554 Day or Night That's Easy Just . . . New Rust Proof Heatintj Oils Eliminate Rust In Your Fuel Tank Ticket Printer Meter Register Automatic T All "S & H" Green Stamps may be placed in the some book regardless of where you receive them and only nationally known standard merchandise is given in exchange for "S & H" Green Stomps Visit and redeem your tilled books in the "S & H" Redemption Store 713 S. Stephens, Roseburg. IP We Give Green Stamps 9 Ken Under Distributor ierving Neseburg, Sutherlin, Oakland, Myrtle Creek, Canyenvills, Riddle Phone $54 Richfield Oil Corp.