The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 17, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore Mon., Oct. 17, 1949 ;
Notre Dame, Army Continue To
Exhibit Unbeatable Quality In
Nation' Football Schedule
Irish Beat Tulane, Cadets Upset
Michigan; California Bears Trim
Trojans, Santa Clara Nips UCLA
NEW YORK, Oct. 17. (.D Notre Dame and Army, two long
time rivals who decided to quit feuding with each other, towered
like a pair of colossi over the college football world today with no
Immediate downfall in sight.
Since they don't collide, who is to stop these new, powerized
editions of fighting Irish and Black Knights of the Hudson being
compared with some of the greatest machines of the past?
Notre Dame has the tougher
schedule but it should cause lit
tle trouble to the team that man
handled highly-rated Tulane Sat
urday at South Bend, 46-7.
In breaking the backs and
hearts of the Dixie powerhouse,
the fourth-ranked eleven in the
country, Frank Leahy's athletes
ran to 32 their string of defeat
less games. They looked as if they
could go as many more without
taking a deep breath.
Army Upsets Michigan
Army, meanwhile, hurdled the
"hump" of Its schedule a week
ago when It smashed Michigan,
the defending national champion.
21-7. The Cadets won their fourth
of the campaign Sat -day bv
blasting Harvard, 54 14.
Both the Irish and Cadets roll
ed up astronomical scores as if
Jealously defending their No. 1
and No. 2 positions, respectively,
in the national standings, rated
weekly by the Associated Press
The Cadets, who now have only
Penn and Navy as serious threats
to an unblemished campaign,
have an unbeaten skein of 13
Army's last defeat was admin
istered Oct. 8, 1947 by Notre
Dame, 27-7, shortly after the two
Institutions decided the game had
"grown too big" and they should
lay off a while.
California Tops West
While Notre Dame and Army
were improving their nalioiu.l
stature, the sectional pictures
were getting Into sharp focus with
the list of unbeaten, untied major
teama reduced to 13.
These emerged after the first
month as the top teams in their
East Army, Cornell.
Midwest Notre Dame, Minne
sota. Southwest Oklahoma, Baylor,
South North Carolina, Ken
tucky. Kar West California.
Minnesota's Gophers establish
ed themselves as the likely guest-1
loam In the Rose Bowl bv routing
Ohio Stale. 270. for their fourth
straight triumph.
Their big test will come Satur
day when they play Michigan.
The Wolverines, smarting under
two straight setbacks that frac
tured a 25-game winning streak,
are expected to bounce back hud
in an effort to recapture some
lost prestige.
Michigan was one of the vic
tims of "Black Saturday" that
saw Southern Methodist, UCP.A
and Villanova rocked from the
unbeaten ranks In startling upsets
and resurgent Navy battered
down by Wisconsin.
The Wolverines bowed to North
western's twice-beat en Rose
Bowl rhumpions, 2120. The de
feat, following on the heels of the
Army debacle, may knock them
clear out of the first ten.
Santa Clara Beats UCLA
Rice, with Tobln Rote throw
ing three touchdown passes and
scoring another, shattered South
ern Methodist's winning habits,
41-27. Santa Clara stunned UCLA,
14 0. Tulsa squeezed out a 211H
victory over a Villanova team
thn had won four straight.
The California Brars nailed a
strong bid to the Rose Bowl by
whipping southern California, lti
10. The Hears nlav
this week and then tackle UCLA
Oct. 29 in the game that should
Cornell, not on Army's sched
ule, emerged as one of the pow
ers of the east by subdueing Yale.
Oklahoma, rated the third best
team In the country, kept Ms es
cutcheon clean by rolling over
Kansas, 48-26. Baylor la unbeaten
in the southwest conference, heal
Ing Texas Tech Saturday, 28-7.
Rice has lost only to Mississippi
North Carolina, paced by Char
He Justice, and Kentucky took
over the front spot In the south
alter lulane crumbled netore No-
ti t Dame. North Carolina won
Changed NEW
New Supar-SurtvGrlp Is the "greatest pulling lira
n earth" as proved in actual (arm tests where
It pulled tractors through wet, slick, slippery soil
where other tires bogged down.
These super traction tires will help you plow,
plant and harvest latter. They'll save crops when
you are pressed for time and they den'l cost a
penny morel
Super-Sure-Grips are good crop Insurance let
us Install thera on your tractor.
California BeOTS
Rate First Choice
For Rose Bowl
By The Associated Press.
Coast College football picked
up tne pieces tooay alter a nerve
shattering weekend that saw a
couple of big ones knocked from
the undefeated list.
New explosions may take place
Saturday, particularly In the bat
tle between Southern California
and Oregon.
Southern California, preseason
favorite, had Its championship
hopes Jolted to the foundations
by a hard hitting California
squad. Off their 16 to 10 upset
win, the California bears now
rate first choice for the title and
a second consecutive trip to the
rose bowl.
California is the only coast con
ference team with an umblemlsh.
ed record, undefeated and untied
either in or outside the loop. The
Bears figure to continue pound
ing along the victory path. They
take on luckless Washington this
week. The Huskies are reeling
under four straight losses.
The University of California at
Los Angeles Bruins also boast a
perfect conference mark of three
wins at the moment. But they
lost prestige as well as a game
Saturday when Santa Clara rack
ed up a 140 upset win. The
Bruins should stav In conference
contention through this week, un
less Washington State comes up
with a stronger brand of ball
than exhibited to dale. The Cou
gars clouted Idaho, 35-13 In their
last out.
Stanford bounded hack from a
7 14 defeat by U.C.L.A. to wallop
Washington 40-0. Oregon state
rolled over Montana, 63-14 last
week following a 7-3 victory over
Oregon pupched out a 421 4 win
over Colorado and showed im
pressive ground power to out
class the visitors from the big
seven circuit. Jim Aiken's Ore
gon outfit is In the same position
as Southern California. It must
win to stay in contention. Ore
gon has won two and lost one in
the league, u.s.t.. nas a i-i re
cord. Minimum Wage Hike To
75c An Hour Agreed On
Senate-House conference commit
tee Friday agreed on terms of
legislation to increase the mini
mum wage from the present 40
cents an hour to 75 cents.
There was no dispute over the
amount of the Increase in ihe sep
arate bills passed by the two
houses. The main issue was the
number of workers to he exclud
ed from coverage by the law.
The present law covers about
22.600,000 workers. The House bill
would have reduced that figme
by about 1,005.000 workers. The
Senate measure would have ex
cluded about 200,000.
Senator Elbert'' Thomas ID
Utah) said there Is no way of
estimating the number excluded
under the compromise approved
until the new provision has been
tested In the courts. He said that
might take years.
over Wake Forest, 2811. Ken
tucky racked up Its fifth in a
row, beating the citadel, 44 0.
Gorgeous George Wins Over
Tex Hager; Kiser Pins Bartu.
Dusctte, LaChappelle Draw
A packed-to-the-rafters house, with people turned away because
of no standing room, Saturday night saw one of the most colorful
wrestling bills ever put on at the Roscburg armory when "Gorgeous
George" defeated Tex Hager in a thrilling two-out-of-three fall match
that featured perfume, smelling salts and atomizers.
Two semi final battles were also elivened on the program. In the
opener, Jack Kiser took a one-fall decision from rugged Pete Bartu,
and the semi-final ended in a draw between George Dusette and
Maurice La Chappelle.
After the intermission, "Gor
geous George's" valet, Jackson,
appeared carrying a large silver
tray on which appeared such
parphernalia as an atomizer,
towels, perfume, combs, and a
small Spanish fan. After spray
in" the ring with the atomizer
and perfume, he stood at atten
tion as, to the accompaniment of
music, Gorgeous George appeared
In a beauiiful black satin robe
with ermine trim. George had a
laree sneer on his face as the
crowd booed. After climbing into
the ring and getting his tonsils
sprayed and other fastidious at
tention George finally walked to
the center of the ring, where
Referee Elton Owen and Tex
Hager were patiently waitnig
..;. k. ........a
..ii.ii ...c .....
Haaor promptly ran out and
grabbed George's long gold tresses
and gave him the uutcn ruo
which, George answered with a
swing at Hager. Alter warding
off hair pulling, eye gouging and
clenched fist blows. Hager took
1 1 tr irtll III niA iiuiiui.-a whii iij-
ing dropkicks and a body press.
George stayed in the ring after
each fall and Jackson came up
and sprayed his tnroat and
fanned him, while George strut-1
ted around amdist boos from the
George took the second fall with
hip throws and a body press in
seven minutes, after punishing
Hager by hitting him in the stom
ach and knocking the wind out
of him.
In the final canto, George
dished out some dropkicks and I
d)iiiii II a u.iuy ill as, uui an
Referee Elton Owen counted
three, Hager rolled over, got up
and started throwing George
around the ring; but Owen
awarded the fall to George. Ap
parently, Owen had finished the
three count bctore Hager rolled
over Hager proiestea proiusciy,
but to no avail.
uiner ncsuiti
The first match was'a rugg-."d i
anair wun tsanu giving ruser 'a. a tj
everything he had In the way iJrGQOl rOYTO'llS
much tactics, hut Kiser. after 17 "V
minutes of exciting wrestling,
pushed Bartu into the ropes and
ajplied a crucifix, to take the
The semiwindup featured a
very scientific battle between Du
sctte and Chappelle. Both had
their best holds more than once
during the battle, hut neither ,
could win a fall and the 30-minute
time limit ran out.
Referee Elton Owen announced
that a championship match would
be held at the armory next Satur
day night between Tony Ross,
junior heavyweight titlcholder
o'r', !
promises to be a good battle, as
they have wrestled here before
and most ol their battles have
ended up in riots.
Robeson To Institute
Impeachment Of Judge
Paul Robeson is headed today
for New York where he says he
will begin Impeachment proceed
ings against Judge Harold R. Me
dina, who presided at the lengthy
communist trial.
The Negro singer told an audi
ence of several thousand at a
"freedom rally" here last night
It Takes a
To Crank a
Lockwood Motors
Rot and Oak
Phone 80
Gordon, Petersen
Shaping Up For
Tuesday's Fight
Hardrock Gordon labeled "Tov
Bulldog the Second" by Portland
spoilswriters tops the next card
at the Rose city's auditorium
Tuesday night, after gaining a
stirring victory over Baby Dutch
Culbertson two weeks ago.
The Hardrock will get a crack
at the Pacific Northwest heavy
weight championship when he
meets the present tit list. Big Bill
Petersen, In a u-round battle,
1"'" UK! uuwu oy UK
jortiand Boxing commission.
Gordon made the most success
ful debut of any fighter to hit
Portland In years. He captivated
the crowd by winning a unani
mous decision over Culbertson
after weathering a storm in the
eal-v rounds.
Petersen holds the title by vir
tue of his win over Joe Kahut
more than a year ago, in a 1
round decision. He defended it
successfully twice against Roy
u"'u,'i ,Ai ,Vh
w.k" ' ,.P ,p 1 " b mJ?lh
i, M nronounred the
.rratr-st hr-avvwpiphf match pvci-
viewed in Portland. Then he lost
close nods to Joev Maxim and
Roscoe Toles and in his last lo
cal outing was considered rather
fortunate to earn a draw with
.in- kp Hall
Ro,h Hardrock and
are now working out at the Na
tional Boxing club training quar
ters, prior to meeting in the ring
Ernie Nazelrod, Roseburg fight
manager, predicts another win
for Douglas county's star ring
(lerformer. Several local boxing
,mhusli)s,s will make ,h(. tl.p t0
s(,p if Hardrock can weather the
Head For Record
SALEM, Oct. 17. (.) Oregon's
1949 industrial and business pay
roll might be the largest in his
tory, the State Unemployment
Compensation commission said
r riday.
And this record might be made
In spite of the fact that cold
weatlier and poor lumber busi
ness gave the state its worst un
employment In history during
.lanitHi'v. February and March.
Idu - ing those months.
Unemployment totaled 100.000
From that mi sera hi o record .
business boomed durinq Mie sec
ond quarter. That made the pay
roll for the first six months of
his vear $-.5,000,000. or only SI.
000.000 loss than during the first
half of lniR.
The commission said that if
business keeps on at the present
rate, a new record is ceriain.
Despite the current big pay
rolls, there is much unemploy
ment. The total last week was
22.223. which Is four times as high
as a year ago.
September payments to unem
ployed persons totaled $1,403,104.
which is four times that of Sep
tember. 1948.
Benefits paid In the first nine
months in 1949 totaled $13,299.
253, which is a 13 percent in
crease over the similar period of
last year.
About half of the unemployed
are in the Portland area, but un
employment is increasing in farm
areas with the end of the harvest
that he would start the impeach
ment action as chairman of a
non-part isan committee for the
defense of the 11 top communists
who were convicted in New Yoik
Robeson did not say how he
planned to begin the action
against the judge. The commu
nists were convicted of conspir
ing to advocate violent revolu
tion in the United States.
Burner and Stovt Oils
Prompt, Csarleant,
Aatttmatle. rill ftt-trtra
Ope a Chart Arraant.
General Logging
O Skookum Blocks
0 Mall Power Saws
O Lincoln Welders
Coos King Donkey
0 Wire Rope
Diiston Power Saws
O Lincoln Welding Rod
) Waco Wheel Arch
1819 N.
Phent 7JJL
Ashland Juniors
Post 31-25 Win
Over Papooses
Roseburg Junior high school
Papooses were smacked down,
31-25, by Ashland Junior high
school gridders Saturday at Kin-
lay iieia.
Nearly three teams of Papoose
football material were shoved
Into the fray, in an attempt to
even up the score before time
ran out
Two Junior high school fum
bles helped the visitors chalk up
touchdow ns. while ineffective
Voseburg defensive action con
tributed to their downfall.
Three Roseburg men figured In
Papoose scoring. Oilar dashed 60
yards to post six points for Jun
ior high. Guthrie followed with
a 50 yard scramble to paydlrt,
then Kemp plunged 55 yards on
six plays to score. Kemp also
posted his second touchdown of
the day on another downfield
Two aerial attempts by Rose
burg failed to connect.
Coach Ed Wyatt's seventh
graders displayed some slam
bang scrimmage action during
the halftime intermission.
The Papooses travel to Med
ford Saturday, for a 2 p.m. clash
there. Medford will repay the
Bowling Scores
Spot Tavern , S
6 I
Mnbll tin
Dalroa & Mix Bonecruahera . 5
Hlfh Individual same acora:
Mrnuer 2-1
Hifri Individual aerice acorc:
Mentztr 592.
Ciamta Friday Blihl, Oct. II
Spot Tavern 2. Mobil Cat 1.
Dalroa at Mix 2. V. t W. 1.
C. Short lt2 6 1M M2
Z. Saraent 2'I2 1H9 181 512
A Jarklln IS 129 m& 4J3
B. Root 1M 1W 4VS
Tolat 744 6S3 768 2175
E Fingrrloa 140 144 218 5J0
B. Teaney 190 1PH 1H 5S
M. Bait ...173 149 181 U13
D. Manlier 211 233 148392
Bueltner ....
723 724 714 2161
. IB2 159 172 dl3
.. 154 148 1KB 4sa
.. 1S4 202 11,73:13
.. 154 1 64 188 508
C Hopkins -
R. Bruton
G. Spakousky
S. Short
854 671 695 2U20
,. 149 158 190497
..174 159 125 438
ToUl 712 664 654 2030
TEAM Won Lost
Umpqua Dairy 12 6
Cuen Supply Co 12 6
D & L. SUtlonen -.11 .7
Todd Bids. Conit .....10
Huddleiton t Shot Stor 10 6
Umpqui Clranri 10- 8
Vontalla Merchanli 9 9
Sig Felt 8 10
Lock wood Molori 8 10
Wne i Shot Store - 7 U
V. F W 6 12
Cl. Pic. L'tllilte S U
High Individual game score: Tomashek
High Individual terle tcore; TomashcK
Gimea Oct. IS
D. & L. Station 2. Lock wood 1.
I mp. Clfaocri 3. Wsj nf ' 0.
HutidlfMon a 2. V. F. W. I.
Yoncalla 2. Cal. Par. Utilities 1.
Coen Supply J, Tudd Const. 0.
I'm p. Dairy 3, Slg Kelt 0.
1 honon
Major ...
!W) 117 103 312
.141 15ti 17845 1
.. 1M 122 133 400 i
.118 100 91- 3(19
.. 135 132 134401
. 1U3 163 183 348
.. H21 810 824 2455
i Brown
W rall
13B 132 1:17 105
137 H7 13943
! AM. worth 'ZZZ'.'Z'.'. 1 129 131
I Tomashek 216 192 193 Ml
Pattiaon 131 174 173478
Hdcp 119 119 119357
Total .. 886 913 892 2691
i Tvler 122 L'6 185403
147 H3 154 4
Davie .. ..
..108 110 97315
120 144 135 119
167 lfil 14743
145 145 143 i35
Total B09 819 883 2511
Mllli 14 132 184 4HO
Cowm - 135 129 12H 390
F. Patterson . B 1 141315
Schaerer - . 177 141 175493
Stand, ff 148 137 146 tl
Hdrp . 119 119 119357
Total 821 824 891 2536
C. Bice
l.M 1M 1.18 472 !
. l.'tO ISO lfi2 4..!
E Booth
W Sherley ..
R. Boolh
G Kremkau
F. Aamot
G. Palmer ....
E. Crane
H. Bagwell ..
A Parton
Hdcp. .
Total .
Kidder .
D Anderann
Hdcp. ..
.... 141 1R4 12 4'.7
. IH1 177 17310
... lfil 135 la 4
...131 131 131193
.. 878 92fl 948
... 115 14(1 204 M 1
lfW lflfi 140343
.... 1M 106 1. VI 417
159 125 1H4 4fl
11 127 140 48
04 204 204 12
... 905 BRS 003 26S8
822 BHft BR3 2574
E W Hutchmaon 176
116 175
lfi5 170 54
153 164 14
Bass ...
114 114 114342
Total 847 952 86S it64
T Bouse 146 154 117417
B Sohindley 134 173 124 4.U
H. Moli lei
J. Hndricka
128 132 1KO 410
Bitner 151
Hdcp 130 130 130300
Tolal . 790 820 797 2397
E Hinev 112 118 139369
B Bate 133 130 152115
T Hobrw 139 130 117406
K. Brunette 1W 2Wt 140 346
W Maddox 164 150 ISO 503
0 Expert Sled Builder
Available Anytime
O Splicing and Ferrule
4 Expert Saw Mechanic
Evaning. Phone 1241. R
. mm
3 r"
New on the market it protects
hunters from chilling rain.
Packed in a wooden case, which
serves as a seat and carries a
small stove and kit, the device
opens into a circular shelter 12
feet in circumference and 46
inches high. 1
Gen. Bradley Says
Reds Could Field
300 Divisions
WASHINGTON', Oct. 17. (.V)
Gen. Omar N. Bradley was
quoted Saturday as saying ;h:'.t
Russia is capahle of putting 300
divisions into combat within 60
Bradley gave his estimate ol
Russia's military strength, a sena
tor said, in urging the senate
appropriations committee to ap
prove the $1,324,010,000 foreign
arms money bill. The mesaure-au-proved
by the house yesterday
on a voice vote.
"Bradley told us Russia could
put 300 divisions into combat in
60 days and could muster 502
divisions within a few months,"
a committee member said.
He quoted the chairman of Ihe
joint chiefs of staff as saving
a total of $1,000,000,000 worth of
arms for western Europe would
be worth the cost if only to
boost the morale of the European
The general spent an hour with
the committee discussing the mil
itary situation in Europe.
The committee turned to the
foreign arms bill as this nation's
own armed forces went techni
cally in stubborn row between
House and Senate over a $735.
000,000 Senate cut in air force
The drfense department said it
had money to meet the regular
Oct. 15 payroll but things might
be different next month.
Saturday Grid Scores
Of Northwest Colleges
By The AMociated Preaa
College of Idaho 33, Eastern
Oregon College 25.
Lewis & Clark 20, Lin field 2.
Pacific University 33, Whit
man 27.
Eastern Washington 7, Whit
worth 20.
Pacific Lutheran 23, St. Mar
tin's 20.
Western Washington 21, Brit
ish Columbia 6.
Southern Oregon College 55,
Oregon Tech (Klamath Falls) 14.
College of Pacific 75, Portland
University 20.
Hdcp. .
1.T0 1.10 i.m 390
Total B7fl 87S 878 2629
Durham 115 119 11 4 .148
Colley 129 I.lfi 119 1H4
Crenshaw 138 147 I4Al.ll
Lewia 151 11 200 i 12
Bishop 1.10 145 ) 3 1406
Hdcp. 180 1B0 lO540
Total . 841 908 890 2641
H Ktrk 133 1 58 1 27 - 418
E Nelson 115 123 145383
F. Murphy 138 155 123 416
D Bell 158 117 14,V-(21
Hdcp 147 147 147441
. 871 835 R51 2517
in your
It's econoiwicol with our hard surface wallboord, and
beautiful plywood. Can be cut to any shape and
easily installed. Insulation, from our stock will keep
the room bad-weather-proof. Rely on us for building
supplies. We have everything that the home-owner
needs in remodeling or repairing.
Ut our Convenunt Budget Plan
West Coast Building Supply Co.
Mill and Mosher
Bill Neighbors
Junior Varsity
Defeated, 7 To 0,
By Myrtle Creek
Mvrtle Creek varsity eked out
a 7-6 win over Norm West's Jun
ior varsity gridders. Saturday at
.Myrtle Creek.
Fullback James Holder made
the touchdown from the two-yard
line, after Boh Wilder's pass to
Philip Gormely, good for 30
vards, put the ball in position
for the scoring play.
Rosehuig's Coach West sent
In nearly thiee full teams, but
no Roseburg combination proverl
effective against the Viking elev
en. The Roseburg team showed
considerable improvement in
tackling while Neil Sheets and
Lloyd St umbo, both he.lf backs,
reportedly turned in nice per
formances offensively,
The Roseburg Warriors manag
ed to get Inside Myrtle Creek's
20-yard line at least twice, but
a solid host club line caused the
Roseburg attack to flounder and
peter out.
The Warriors travel to Eugene
for a 3 p.m. game Tuesday, while
Myrtle Creek rests up until Sa
turday, at which time they in
vade Coach Orrin Hills' stamp
ing grounds at Sutherlin.
Two Celebrities
Of Sports Marry
OAKLAND, Calif., Oct. 17-iO '
The sweethearts of sports
were married yesterday.
Diving champion Zoe Ann ON
sen, pretty and 18, and big, blond
Jackie Jensen, 22, former foot
ball star for the University of
California and now a baseball
bonus player, were wed in Oak
land's first Presbyterian church.
Some 1.000 guests and specta
tors overflowed the small church,
which was brightly lighted for
newsreel and television eameras.
Jensen's former football team-
mates were ushers. His coach
Benigh, Lynn (Pappy) Walford
was among sports celebrities In
Zoe Ann, formerly of La Port
City, Iowa, is the national wo
men's AAU diving champion. She
has won 14 national diving
honors. Jackie, a $75,000 bonus
player for Oakland in the Pacific
Coast baseball league, was soH
last week to the New York Yan
kees. They met In 1944 at the Athens
Athletic club swimming pool,
where Jensen was a lifeguard.
LONDON, Oct. 17 (."PI A lot of
people are going to get a lot of
artist Winston Churchill's pic
tures. The Conservative party let It he
known today that some of Its
leader's paintings will he repro
duced on the party Christmas
About a Home?
So many people do noth
ing but talk about it! But
If voi really want to c n
your home, consult me
now Personal attention.
Economical terms.
Loons ond Insurance
Loan Reprtsenativc
Equitable Savings 4
Loan Assn.
112 W. Cass
Phono 913
Phone 362
Jay Clark