( Flying Creature- HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted bird 7 Take into ' ' custody . ; 13 Each ". 14 Cleaning cloth 15 Peruse .. 16 Course 18 Constellation 2 Above S Numeral 4 French article 5 Image 8 Roman emperor 7 Mine entrance 8 Book of Bible 8 Right tide (ab i ; 19 Hail! - 20 It breeds in ;; the Oriental coin '.'22 Presiding 10 Greek letters M 11 Calm 33 12 Spell 17 Symbol tor elder tab.) bromine 23 North Carolina 25 Dry , tab.) , 24 Spoken '27 Woody plant 28 Path 27 Horse's gait 29 Egyptian sun god 30 Artificial language i i ji H 5 fa 7 5 1 IIS ill j is "T5 i 7& III" TT to hi "Tv "JT'ts "Ts7 .-. 5i 5! " !i si SI Preposition 32 Bone S3 Cipher 35 Try 38 Correlative of either St Tellurium j symbol) 40 Infant (ood 42 Cons 47 Bog 48 Adjective suffix 49 Jargon 50 Legal things tl Exit S3 Ebb 85 BenchO 88 Emphasis VERTICAL 1 Repeat muic) FUNNY BUSINESS i.fcia i i m .mi iMalaiaieIM 1 1 "Well, well! Don't tell me 1 BLONDIE LI'L ABNER ; uCKtf,- I KNOW WHAT THE :-.a DOU. KAUY MEANT, SCUT W1M3 EX AVJV 1tX.rr WHEN THE POBUC j ,S'UL SOAK EM.'T-OM. 3 , SSABY iKCS ' l- f of,Tc?'n (FROM MV BOSS) hi CSy W WOULD 'fljK ft r 1 - FRECKLES AND HtS FRIENDS Au, iaaster lo Isomeower ( But Youe. 1 LATEi?, f 6uss of wATea.A Mwl J Just trvj his Mtsx iSHl!Mess I wish "fo converse J Time .old debt t& the J lwermore; pwn.tvjo sismvs j, To j ; thinks Hrt bit or hNfW YOU A. BOY' euCKBOARD A LrfTiB AND A TOoTHPlCKl jHfcaW, a LAO.DOESHet 1'U.SOOM ALLEY OOP By V. T7HAMLlN . 1. . . . . 1 1 ... . y . ejjesw"'-! IW7 iicy Bug. f CM. HtLLC, lx?w Lwa' rc. I swii. ijioi liLJj ftctm3fct 1 . 11 LJaM wTa5-5 A- p'jn.5 N-l-E?'-I s"th' I ICO VTH MERS I FOR. 7 wr? i,i ? r? H i K --'-5 1 Antwer to Prtvlou Puzzl fSTTTv Flower Imitates 44 Silver (symbol) 45 Dung beetles 48 Let it stand 47 Release 52 Diminutive sufnx 84 Credit ab 34 Fruit 36 Horses 37 Tightens 4! impudent 42 Level 43 Gaelic By Hershberger overpaid my income tax!" dmtfgt WITH YOUR UtCH Foe A KJGMY erSTEAft OF A jmudmtsfuf S"E1 1c!a!A!?IA!1 e g a't SLJSs3TTTj Spiff 'A'RpM'gjnwieB step g'o'r'g is, t 3 v. r? t a -so r- jo rw Sot., Oct. IS, 1949-Th Newi MODEST TnttMawt far ' ARE. YOU THE MAM FROM NINE TO FIVE Yes ... everybody's working, are down for coffee and the 1 S3 ff J THE 0S M 1 k M 4 I "5 t'Vl . wf - Reiew, Roseburj, Ore, MAIDENS I tm i AMD APPtKAUCE i By Jo Fischer Mr. Wump. Some of ihem rest ere in the washroom. By Chic Young By Al Capp tars 7 By Merrill Slosser t.!t$ eTif fe T ( u f e W A f fiSubsidy Rates Fixed For Apple And Fear Exports WASHINGTON, Oct. 15. .W The Agriruiture department Thursday eHered subsidy pay ments up to $1.25 a bushel to stimulate export of apple and winter pears. The idea, officials said, is to bolster sagging growers prices by moving some of the fruit away from domestic markets. Big crops have pulled prices down irom last year's levels. The subsidy payment will be approximately 5G percent oi the export sales price, freight aboard ship. V, S. ports, but not more than $1.25 a bushel. The payments will be limited to shipments to co'mtries Sri the European recovery program, Is rael, Ksypt. the Philippine Islands, and Eastern hemisphere eoun. tries, except Canada, Cuba, Mexico and Venezuela. Apples produced, anywhere In RADIO SERVtCiNS Hansen's Radio Service, Sather Hn. Radio Doctors. Phone 491-J. PLUMBING W. M. Sandaii Co, Hiway 99 N, Phone 1117-K. Ace Plumbing Co., 915 Garden Vaiiev Rd., Wus. Phone 530-R-5, Res. Phone 149 R-3, KierCrooch Plumbing Co. 316 Mill. Phone 1242-R. Harris Piumbing & Heating Co. 805 South Stephens. Ph. 1478-J. Coen Supply Co. Phone 121. Terp's Piumbing, Phone 733 H. A. D. Waiiace, Melrose Route. Box 105-J. Phone Hi5-K-3. HEATiNQ R. Ritzman Heating Co., hot wa ter and steam, oil burners. 1703 Brown. Phone 10GS-J. WA8H1NQ MACHINE SEHVSCE J. E. Newberry's Washing Ma chine Service. 102 W. Commer cial Avenue. Phone 1015R. Washing Machine service, Roy and Rusty's Appliance Repair. 510 N. Jackson, Ph, 1003 R. EtECTHiCiANS Roseburg Electric. Phone 123. Ace Electric. Phone 1095-L. FLOOR COVERING F, & W. Floor Covering. 327 S, Stephens. Phone limn. Philip M. Durnam, 920 S, Main. Piione i,i5-j. H.OORS LAID, sanded and Finished. Don Carlson, Ph. 102-R-3. FIRE EXTINSUISHER SERVICE Fire Extinguisher Sales & Service, t;ienn n, layior, iss if. mam. Ph. 1J33R. PIANO SERVICE Tuning.Recondiiioning. Ph 938-J-3 SSouthwestern riano service. PAINTING IMMEDIATE SERVICE Commerciai and Domtstie ROSEBURC PAfNT SHOP Phones 422 807-R 1522-R ROSEBURG PAVING CO, Asphait Paving Miiiyards, Driveways, Stations Floors, Sidewalks Custom Blading Office: 34 S. Main . m uissuer AifTHORtr.r.rj BERGH'8 APPLIANCE Maytag & Norge Salei end Serrtc SrvHrfn Aii Mattes Whr DESBIENS & SCHAKR GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTORS Photi 2-R-i Phon HS5-IS t ESTIMATES GfVEN CONTRACT PAlNTlNS taper hanging Home Decorating JACK PRESTON 504 S. Stephens Ph. 626 CONSTRUCTION TODD BUILDING CO. 904 S. Stephana Ph. 302 Venetian Blind Soles end Service F-stimate Free CHARLES H00S0N 3525 Cedar St, Phone 1341. f DECORATING , ICONTPACTCfcSj AMERICA Hw lrWh Election Unltlttiy UnS Ntxt Spring LONDON, Oct. 14. WJ Bri tain's conservatives opened their annual party conference Wednes day in an atmosphere of election fervor, with deputy leader An thony Eten blasting the pound devaluation as a cut in wages, iiv lng standards and social services. However, there were increas ing signs that prime minister AH lee's labor government may wait liMii next spring before calling an election, for which there has been increasing pressure ever since iast month's devaluation ot the pound from $4,03 to $i0. The British Press association's political expert, who often has: the United States wiJl be eligible under the program, but winter pears will be limited to Anjoa, Hose, Cornice and winter Neils varieties produced in Washing ton, Oregon and California, The department announced re cently that It also will buy some apples for the national school lunch program. ysimiess It G. LAMBETH Construction end Remodeling Retidenfiai and Commerciai Any size job Mirss Rt. Bsk 61 B Phen 1444 R PiASTERiNG BUNDY & SUTTON mi ISTiMATIS PH. 1094-Y i. SHALE RiVER LOAM Delivered Shovels Traxeavaior BuiSdcaer Dragline Backhoe Crane Compre-jor Trucks LoRging Roads Built and Rocked Mill Ponds Cleaned Basements Dug Rental or Contract S. M. Crites Company P. O, Box S52 OHice East 2nd Ave. South Phone 1318J Residence Phone 930 R-2 Ot Those PROPANE ANI A 5 1 U T I U f BUTANE bottles reliiied at the I IV I 11 I I N V? MX" ?' Cf v n PROMPT, EfFICIENT Highway 99 "dj.arden Valley 0EPNOA8LE SERVICE Also Heaters, Hot Plates and fcOSESURS PRiNTJNG CO, Supplies Corner Cass and Sheridan Phone hi Carl P, TqIIoh "" Exeavating Centraeter VENETiAN BUND Shale rock or Immediate FACTORY delivery. S15 N. JacHson St., Roseburg, Ore. Shm'ei, Trucks, Buiidosvr, trtOS J Patrol Blade, Back hoe, ,0J For Hire, VENETIAN SLiNOS Roads built and rocked by WSHAOES hour or contract. DRAPES SCEEN 2,340 K. Stephens Ph. 499-R-4 Estimates Satisfaction Guaranteed PiCKUP AND DELIVERY . Free Estimates CEMNT CONTRACT1NS Epert ALL KINDS FyriHhir Cleorters FQRM lUSLDINS Upholstering and Repair r T WHS siss pal bsstmsnts undsr Fine Rugs Our Specialty eid hsui. 1395 UmMnaAve.RwebUrg, Ore. Ed FucJw. M 8.eJ. ; Ph. Residence DjflMttHM DFCOPATIKO ' CQSTPATCSj Cent factors V Commercial and Home Decorating AH Work Guaranteed Douglas Point tt Hardware Co, 906 S. Stephens Phone mt-J UMPQUA CABINET SHOP Cusiom tade Counters, Shelves, Fixtures, Kitchen Cabinets Phones 499-R-3 337 R-3 2040 N, Stephens Rosehurg, Ore. Royol TYPEWRITERS Victor ADDING MACHINES Sales end Service Rentals Post dependabSe service KEN'S OFHCI EQUIP. 631 S. Stephens Ph, 126I-R TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive r we drive Call 1S3S Atfolf't Parking Lot Main $tni Washington Flegel Transfer & Storage Co, political juidanee, said some in formed laisorites would bet 106 to 1 against an election In Novem ber. The labor government' five year term expires next Juiy, but Attiee can call an election any titne before ifcen. The Tory conference, biggest In the Conservative party history, unanimously adopted a resolution condemning ihe labor govern meat's ilnandal and economic policies. Literally thousands of "New ojkers" actually do not reside in the city. They eommale miles daiiy so shat thev can Jive in the "coumry or suburbs. WALLBOARD Firte 8htreck atasonitc f AGE LUMBER i f UR, lU K. 2nd Ave, S. Phone 342 Directory HENRY H MILLER Ecvt!r3 4 Road Building Contractor 1408 Wiiiew St. Phont 3SS J We seii shale bar run, river rock and river loam. MWt jxmda cleaned and dredged. Shovel, Bulldozer, Boom, Air Compressor, Crane, Dragline, Dump Trucks tsy hour or contract, free estimates. HARGIS ELECTRIC Speciolittf Rldio, Sfrigratien, Hojtehcid Aspiianca Sarvlc 20 Xecu Espenence Aii Work Guaranteed 111 E, Caw St, Phena 5" INLAID LINOLEUM Sales end installation of aii types oi fioor covering F & W Fleer Covering Ce. Ph. 1478-R 327 S, Stephens darby & rosna Eicovoting Contractors Shale Rock For immediate Delivery Construction of iogEing roads. Shovels, trucks, huiidnwr, com pressor lor hire oy contract or nour, Ko job too large or too small. Phone ior iree estimate. Pb. 11S2 S, Fsrest Servis Head VVtst ni t.ndi Iran Works P.&H. PAINT CO. All Types of Painting, Work Guaranteed. Free Estimates, 1230 Corey fk 1305-J P & B TOWING 24 HOUR wrecker and crane service. Ka Job too large or too small. Truck mounted equipment. We can now bandie 3 4 yard dragline sork, log loading, heavy crane work. 743 . SUahtnt tt. bsf! K INBSCTJSINATISN eStSMg Mrs. Neil Vlrkli, Roseburf V ferana hospital, American Leg. ten auxiliary chairman, announc ed that an Indortrlnatlon course for volunteer hospital worker wiil be held in the recreation building at the VA hospital Oct, 18, 19 and 30 from 1 to 4 p.m. The first rebroadcast of a Lori don radio program was made in this country In 3925, c YOU CAN ENJOY TANK GAS SERVICE ftapmm Tanks For fUnt No Need Is Say UTIUTYWSERVICE Pacific Side. Rosenurg Fhona 328 CERAMIC Tat Shower siail, tain, waiis, floor. nearsns, counter tops, slore fronts. Complete coiors and sizes. Glazed and ungiazed. Chrome bound glass doors lor ssewer and tub. By contract sr hsurl', Eslimales Free Ph. 1033 y Byron Powell Bos 1281 HsIsob & Pyle Wasdwsrking Ce, Windows, Sssh, end Frames Miii and Mather Phorss tj2 J FURNACES Roseburg Sheet Mefal Ysae Heating fb. Ml 660 E. 1tt Tee! Rentals Floor Sanders, Edsers, Belt & Disc Sanders, Concrete Mixers, Power Troveeis, Concrete Vibra. tors. Wheel Barrows, Lighting Plants, Paint Spray Outiils, Skit saws. Drills, Air Compressors, Jack Hammers and Hydrauite Jacks, tail us. We may nave $ist what you need. Osbsjtt EecMe it Equip, Ce, SIT S, Siepheia Phojje S TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Mov Yourself Save Vx Long or Short Trips Bee Hive Truck Rental 73S S. Stephens Phone 143S-J Lartqertberg Sieve & Far Ce. Tannara, Farriars, Taaldarmlsts Siovs, dccastns, jackets, Fur Itugt, Sepair Work. Mounting of Every Kind Phsne 933 J 5 Me!rei Rt Bex 106 AC C G. ievelady Building & Remodeling fbsa 85S-RX-1 Yaang's Dofl 4 Tsy Shoppe Baiierina noils. Baby Coos, Brliles. Bottle Itabtr-s, and Siory Book Doiis. Rubber toys, stuHed animals and pull toys, 104 a. Main Asron 1mm Saftway Stsre IF YOUR PAPER HAS NOT ARRIVED BY 6:15 P. ffl. PHONE 100