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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1949)
8 Tht Newi-Raviaw, Rosebjra, Ora. Sat., Oct. 15, 194t Klamath Falls Upsets Medford; Grants Pass Wins By MATT KRAMER Associated Press Slaif Writer Hood River, Milton Freewater and Medford, previously unbeat en district leader, fell hy the wayside last night as the race narrowed In state high nchool football. Hood River was upset hy tw ice beaten and once-tied Milwaukie. 7-0. This threw the district 5 race into confusion. In fact Milwaukie now must be considered for the crown, since Its two defeats and a tie were at the hands of non district teams. Medford, which earlier ran up an Imposing string of high scores, was upset bv a (tout Klamath Falls team. 21-6. At the same time the defending state cham- f lions, Grants Pass, were wallop ng Ashland, 4614. This left the district 2 race depending on Grants Pass' next two games first with Medford, then with Klamath Falls. La Grande became almost a cinch to capture the district crown hy downing Milton-Free-water, 19-6. La Grande now needs only to breeze through Pendleton, the Dalls and Baker. Th district 4 race became a two-team affair between Salem and Eugene. Salem got a surprise from Springfield, but came from behind in the last quarter to win, 13-8. Eugene overpowered Cor vallis, 27-0. The pay-off will come Armistice day when the two dis trict leaders collide. Hlllsboro kept to the fore In dis trict 6, thrashing Beaverton, 4S-7. McMinnvllle, likewise undefeated in that district, will meet West Linn tonight. Central Catholic, one of the dis trict 7 leaders, added prestige in a non-district contest by wallop ing J he Dalles, .1.J-0. Columbia Prep kept pace with a 120 non district win over Ogdcn Meadows of Vancouver, Wash. In district 8 at Portland, Roose velt, boasting one of the better lines in the state, continued to Improve as It lambasted Frank lin, 38-6. Grant, the only major school in the state with an un sullied goal line, trampled Cleve land, 38-0. Grant and Roosevelt are favored to remain unbeaten until the final game of the Port land schedule when they meet. FIGHTS LAST NIGHT By The Associated Press Han Francisco F.zrard Charles. 1H2. Cincinnati, knocked out Pat Valentino, IRA1 1. Han Francisco, 8. 'Title' Chicago Kid Gavilan. Mfl, Havana, mi t pointed Beau Jack, 140, Augusta, Ga , 10 Hollywood, Calif Art Aragon. Los Ante let, outpointed Julio Jimtnes, 13A'i. Mexico City, 10 Indianapolis Pat tarnhurrl. 127. Cin cinnati, outpointed Marlon Rholen, Ml, Milwaukee. 10. Everybody lovpg flowers, and everybody Iovpb to receive them. Choose flower as the perfect Rlf . . , choose them from in . . . always fresh ly cut, fragrantly lovely. The phom number to re member ts 158. LILLIE'S FLOWER 8HOP 81 Winchester Street JOBS AVAILABLE We hove jobs for trained workers. If you have the training, we have the job. If you don't have the training, come in or call tomorrow Fall enrollment now u.ider way GRANT'S BUSINESS COLLEGE 112 N. Stephen, "Now that we've been over to the RAINBOW CAFE the best chefs in Roseburg." 3j I MlrtTii'U.'M iiit'il It'rU.Iil! iiuLff'ii'i li (It Grid Gossip In Northwest Loop MOSCOW, Idaho, Oct. 15 (IP) Idaho and Washington State square off at 2 p.m. today for the 50th renewal of their football ri valry. Idaho fans, scenting a chance for the Vandals to post their first win over the Cougars since 1925, staged a premature "victory rally" last night. A crowd of 25.000, a record for Neale stadium, was expected. CORVALLIS, Ore., Oct. 15 JP) Oregon State opened its horns season this afternoon a three touchdown favorite over Montana State university. SEATTLE. Oct. 15 -Washington Athletic Director Harvey Cassill will keep a tight finger on the U. of W. stadium's at tendance pulse today in an ef fort to determine whether tele vision Is really making it sick. Cassill said yesterday that turn outs had been lower than antici pated this season, but It still was too early to blame video. But, he added, "We'll know something is wrong if attendance falls off at the Stanford game." The trial run of televising all five home games this season will be continued, he assured, but the practice will be discontinued In future years If it puis a damper on the turnstiles. As a possible solution, Cassill suggested limit ing television to games that are sellouts. , MONMOUTH, Ore., Oct, 15 WP Halfback Corky Van Loo raced to three touchdowns In the final half last night to give Ore gon College of Education a 25-13 win over Vanport college of Port land. KUGKNE, Ore., Oct. 15. (JP) The University of Oregon was a heavy favorite today to gain Its fourth win in five starts, meeting the University of Colo rado. Lineups for Ihe 2 p. m. (PST) kickoff: Colorado! Oregon: Case I.E.... D. Robinson Thomas LT Dotur Nelson LG Daniels Catanzaro C Gibson Brelng RG Chrooot Thompson RT Nevills Pudlik RE. .. L. Robinson Wlnningham Q Steele Narclslan I.H McKay Miller RH Lewis Hagin V Sanders CORVALLIS, Oct. 15.-Pl Oregon Stale ruled as a three tnui'hdown favorite today over Montana In the starters' first football game at home this sea son. Lineups for the kickoff at 2 p. m.: Montana! Oregon State: Hiiney I,E Thomas Ford LT Hanker Semaskv LG ZarosinsUI Kuhurich C Palmer Kumpurts .. RG De Sylvia Hanson RT Inglesby Rauer .RE McGuire Klngsford .....Q Morrow Murphy LH Carpenter Byrne RH Sheffold O'Laughlin F Twenge Irate Fight Fan Can't Find Radio Station SRO VALI.EJO, Calif., Oct. 15.-W) -The Vallejo Times-Herald car ried a feature story about the Ez '.ard Charles-Pat Valentino fight jnder the headline "SRO only." An irate reader telephoned to complain about the SKO stand ing room onlv saving: aI can't find that station SRO in my radio." Phone 153S R formally introduced, let's run for a little snock. They have Regulation Of Fishing In Three-Mile Limit Depends On Future Action Of Congress WASHINGTON, Oct. 15-1 The submerged lands of Wash ington and Oregon within their 3-mile seaward boundaries on the Pacific coast are claimed to be the property of the federal gov ernment the same as the tide lands of Californis, Texas, and Louisians, it was revealed at tidelanris hearing completed this week by the senate committee on interior and insular affairs. Solicitor General Philip B. Perlman testified, "it is the view of the Department of Justice that the decision in the California case is applicable to offshore lands adjacent to all coastal states and that the United Slates hi vested with the ownership and control of the mineral resources of the subsoil within the three-mile belt." For the first time government witnesses also asserted that the federal government has the pow er to regulate and control fishing In the Marginal sea waters of the Coastal stales if Congress ever elects to exercise 'the power. In this connection, Perlman said, "the government has full author ity over Marine life, but it has never exercised that authority." A resolution of the Oregon leg islature and a statement hy At torney General George Neuner were Introduced in favor of the state ownership hill. Senators Guy Cordon of Oregon and Harry P. Cain of Washington are co authors of the bill. Defending Champ Browns Defeat Los Angeles Dons LOS ANGELES, Oct. 15 P The Los Angeles Dons would highly prefer that San rrancisco refrain from humiliating the de fending champion Cleveland Browns of the All-America con ference. The Dons paid dearly for the San Francisco 56-28 win over the proud Clevelanders last Sunday because the enraged Browns came on down here last night and took revenge on the hapless locals to the tune of hi to 11. The win left Cleveland with a league record of five wins, one loss and one tie, the Dons with two wins, five defeats and no ties. Otto Graham of Cleveland set up a new loop mark In throwing six touchdown passes eclipsing the five Hankie Albert registered for San Francisco against them last Sunday. End Dante Lavcfli caught four of the Graham touchdown passes for a new league record, shared previously at three by himself and Alyn Beats of Ihe '4!iers. He accounted for 20!) yards, break ing his own 18.1-yard record. The Browns also established a new mark for Incurring penalties, receiving 16 lor a total of 19S yards. A throng of 27,437 witnessed thp affair. In All-America conference games tomorrow, Buffalo plays at San Francisco and Ihe New York Yankees at Baltimore. In the National pro league to morrow Ihe Philadelphia Eagles play at Chicago, Pittsburgh at New York, the Los Angeles Rams at Detroit, the New York Bull dogs at Washington and Ihe Chi cago Cards play Giecnbay at Mil waukee. Archery Wins Over Guns III IT WJIIMIIVM I IHIII WENATCIIEE, Wash., Oct. 15. ! i.Vi A bow and arrow hunter matched archery against firearms here and won. Pr. Uussel S. Congdon. local i uirgcon. shunned the Nalapoc' trchery preserve an area set isirie for now and arrow hunters - and armed with a bow and ar-! row went into the Methow- valley a ilh a party of rifle laden deer , nuntcrs. : Congdon was the only member 3f the party to get a bear. Me shot the 20-pnund black I near from 111 yards. Ihe arrow passed through the animal's body ind carried 20 yards beyond. SEALS WIN TOKYO, Oct. 15. i.Tt The Tnited States and Japan reestab lished baseball contact today with Ihe San Francisco Seals taking a l.'l 4 w in over the Tokyo liianls, Nippon's best professional team. DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS Zoe Newman 925 Cobb St. Phone, 387-RX Mochintry books built buildings era Us cots 9 oldfish china glass tirat ctmant canaries drugs guns undtrwtar bottlat X. lum VS. wool d boot tool ?V At popor oil ?V AlS. pliff r jowolry V tractor violin f u m o r- fumo boh roooro1 tur wmny 4uho tor f tr op rock out ton atntur obl not paint Attorney General Smith Troy of Washington filed a statement with the committee In which he said over 130 oil leases had been issued by his stale on tidelands areas and that it would be a great loss of future revenues for Ihe public shcools of Washington If the Federal government takes over the property. He also ex pressed concern over the threat to state regulation and control of fishing In the Marginal sea areas. The states of Washington and Oregon together have a total of 8Wt,320 acres of Marginal sea lands within their 3-mile boun daries In the Pacific. Testimony at the senate hearings indicated the property had great potential value for oil, gas, sand, shell, fishing, and recreation. The states have received all revenue from the area thus far, the same as California did prior to the suit instituted by the federal govern ment. The National Association of At torneys General Is leading the congressional fight for confirma tion of stale titles. It is also sup ported by the Council of Slate Governments, the Governors Conference, the American Bar association, and the National As sociation of Port Authorities. Healings hy the Senate commit tee were concluded with the re cord being held open for addition al 'statements which may be filled according to the Chairman, Senator Joseph C. O'Mahoney. N. W. College Football Scores By The Associated Presa Tula 21, Villannva If. Purdue 14. Miami Fla. 0 Ronton I'nlv. S2. West Virginia , Presbyterian 20, Furman 13. Temple 20, Burkneli If) Georgetown iDC. 21, New York UnlT. 6 Boston College 25. Mississippi 2.1 (tic). Chattanooga .'U, Oklahoma City 7. Georgia 7. Louisiana 0 Abilene Christian .14, Tampa 12. South Dakota Mine 48, Extern Mon tana 6 H am line 4.1. Rt. Marys Mlnn. 0. Sprite Barbara 14. Fresno Stat T. South Dakota 40, North Dakota Af giea 7 Central Washington 21, Puget Sound 13 San Francisco 27, San J one State 20. Nebraska Weileyan 43, Midland 7. Omaha 20, Dnane 0. Kirkavill iMo.j 12, Cap Girardeau Frankie Parker Plays Trick On Amateurs NEW YORK, Oct. 15-4,T)-AI-most on the eve of his turning professional Frankie Parker, a top-flight tennis player for almost two decades, enjoyed what he considered a little loke on the amateur overlords of the game today. All players who remain ama teurs until Oct. 15 I today) are eligible to he ranked hy the U.S. Lawn Tennis association. The an nouncement that Frankie was go ing to turn to the cash and carry game was made earlier in the week. "I just wanted to see where they'd rank me, knowing all along that I was going to become professional," Frankie smiled. Frank has been rated In the top ten ever since 1933 "and naturally I'd like to be ranked again this year." Oregon Frosh Defeat Oregon State Rooks EUGENE, Oct. 15. (.T) Oregon's frosh displayed a spark ling pass altack to drub the Ore gon State Rooks 33-6 here yester day. the opening counter climaxed a 62-yard ground march with half hack Oon Sloan crossing the line. Then the crowd of 2(K)0 saw the aerial game get under way. A Hook pass from Gary Dawes went wrong in the second quar ter, frosh halfback Dick Wilkins grabbing it and scooting 70 yards to score. In the same period the frosh moved to the. Rook 21 on passes and scored from there on a heave from quarterback Hal Dunham to end Jake Williams. The half ended with Oregon's frosh out in front 190. T B BASES $SO,000 SUIT BAKKR. Oct. 15 (Pi A tuberculosis case has become a JoOOOO issue in the circuit court here. HrarnRs owncd Friday on charges hy Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ci. Young. Pondosa, against two Baker doctors who. the plaintiffs alege, permitted Young to suffer tuberculosis because nf a wrong diagnosis of his ailment. The doctors involved are Dr. Palmer Mc Kim and Dr. C. J Blakeley. The plaintiffs ask $.V.000 damages. bar shoes fruit pianos stoves - neckties pigs hosa toys -lamps cows washers bricks iding dogs matches vegetables pipe cigarettes rope imonds - fertiliser t hides tats hair horses ryjt SUMMONS in the rwcrrr covmr Or THE BT ATE OB ORrGON, FOR DOLGUS COl'NTV WAYNE WEIST and CLARA WEIST. Plaintiffs, vs. The unknown heirs of ELIZABETH JOHNSON. Deceased: the unknown heirs of FRED JOHNSON, Defeased; the unknown heirs of JANE 6HKR R1TT, Deceased: the unknown heirs of HER VE SHKRftlTT, Dec earned; and also all other persons or parties un known claiming any right, title, es tate, lien or Interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, Defendant. TO- The unknown heirs " of ELIZA BETH JOHNSON, Deceased: the un known heirs of FRED JOHNSON. De ceased; the unknown heirs of JANE SHfcRRITT. Deceased: the unknown heirs of HERVE SHERRITT. Deceased; and alto all other persona or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, hen or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OF OREGON, You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer I the complaint of plaintiffs filed against j you in the above entitled court and j cause on or before four '4 weeks i from the lit day of October, 1MB. I that being the date of the first pub- I lif-atlon of this summons, and if you ; fail to so appear and answer said . complaint, plaintiffs, for want there- j of, will apply to the court for the j relief demanded In said complaint, a 1 succinct statement of which ia aa fol lows, to-wit. That it be decreed that plaintiffs are the owners in fee and entitled to the possession of the following de scribed real property, to-wit; Lou one ill. two i2, three 3 and four 4 of Section 31. Township 20 South, Range 10 West of the Wil lamette Meridian: and the North west quarter iNW'.i of the South west quarter iSW', of Section 32, Township 20 South. Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, all being located in Douglas County, Oregon, Subject to a mortgage to the Federal Land Bank of Spokane, dated April 6, 194M. and recorded In Volume W of the Mortgage Rec ords of Douglas County. Oregon, bearing recording instrument No. 81148 And that the right of possession and title to said premises be forever quiet ed in plaintiffs and that it be further decreed that any claim of the de fendants, or any of them. In or to aid premises, or any part thereof, is without foundation in law or in equity, and that plaintiffs are the owners in t nf maid oremises and of the whole thereof, free from any and all claims and interest of saia aeienaanu, or any of them, of any kind or nature -whatsoever, and that said defendants and all persona claiming by. through cr under them, or any of them, be for ever restrained and enjoined from as serting any right, title or interest n or to said premises, or any part there of, and for such other and further relief as to the court ihall appear equitable. This Summons la served upon you by publication once each week for four t4 1 successive weeks in ihe Rose burg News-Rev tew, a newspaper of general circulation as provided by statute, published and. issued in Rose burg. Douglas County. 'Oregon, by order oi me nonoraoie -an r. v unwi u , Judge of the above entitled court, made on the 23rd day of September, 1040. DAVIS. WALTON St RICHMOND Attorneys for Plaintiffs 31 H U. S. Natl. Bank Bldg. Roseburg, Oregon. SIMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON TOR i DOUGLAS COUNTY No. 12421 LEON A CREASON KOFF, ! Plaintiff. va. Tha Vnknown Helra of FRANCIS M VLIET. deceased; ALLAN OOEN and FRANCES OUEN. nil wife: MARGUER ITE ODEN: GEORGE A. BONEBRAKE. KATHLEEN WE HER and MAURICE, WEBER, her husoand; HELEN FRED- , EH1CKSON FIFr ER and JOHN DOE i FIKFER, her huihand; The unknown Hnra of LAURA M. FREDERICKSON. dcceaned HERMAN ODEN and ESTEL LA ODEN, hit wife: Also, all other per sona or partie unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Intereat In the real etat detenbed la tha com plaint herein, , Defendant i TO: The Unknown Hein of Francia M. Vliet. dereated; Allan Oden and Francea Odrn, hi wife; Helen Frederickaon Fiffer and John Doa Ftffer, her hui band. The unknown Hein of Laura M. Frederickaon. deceaied: AU6. all other persom or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described In tha com plaint herein. Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OHEGON You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff filed against you in tha above entitled court and cause, on or before four 4i weeks from the 17th day of September, 1949, that being the date of the first publication of thia summons, and If you fail to io appear and answer said complaint, plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the court for tha relief demanded in said complaint, a succinct statement of which is as follows: That it be decreed that plaintiff la the owner in fee and entitled to the poxsexKion of the following described real property, to-wit: The NE. the SE' the E1 of the NWi, and the South 60 acres of the SW' of Section 3. Township 27 South, Hange 3 West, Willamette Meridian, in Douglas County, Oregon, subject to a contract of sale entered Into between Rlaintfff and Fred C. Heinz and Paula Heinz, husband and wife, on the 3rd day of October. 1945, and that the right of possession and title to said premises be forever quieted In plaintiff, and that it he further de creed that any claim of the defendants, or either of them. In or to said premises, or any part thereof, is with out foundation in law or In equity, and that plaintiff is the owner in fee of said premises and of the whole thereof, free from any and all claims and In terest of said defendants, or either of them, of any kind or nature whatso ever, and that said defendants and ail persons claiming by, through or under them, or either of them, be forever restrained and enjoined from asserting any right, title or Interest In or to said premises, or any part thereof, and for such other and further relief aa to the court shall appear equitable This summons is served upon you by publication once each week for four '4 1 consecutive weeks (n the Roseburg New-Review, a newspaper nf general circulation, as provided by statute, pub lished and Issued in Roseburg, Douglas Count a Oregon. bv order of the Honorable Carl E. Wlmberlv. Judge of the above entitled court, made on the 14th day of September. 1349 ORCt TT, LONG & NEUNER, Attorneys for Plaintiff Pustoffice address. Roseburg, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims gainst the Estate of Claude W. McDonald, de ceased, now pending In the County Court of Doug las Count v. Oregon, are herehy notified to present the same, verified as required by law, to Ged des and Felker. attorneys at law. Rose burg, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 1Mb dav of October, 1949. Rl'TH MCDONALD. Administratrix of th Estate nf Claude W. McDonald. Deceased. NOTICE TO CRFOITOR. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate nf Eliraheth Zimker. deceas ed, now pending in the County Court of Douglas County. Oregon, are hereby notified to present the same, properly verified, to the undersigned executor at the offices of Orcutt. Long St Neuner In Roseburg. Oregon, within six months from the 8th day of October, 1949. ERNEST J ZINIKER. Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Elua beih Zimker. deceased. FIRST CONSERVATIVE BAPTIST CHURCH Roseburf Armory Edgar I. Luthtr, D. 0., Pastor Wa ora beginning a series of Sunday night sermons on Prophecy from the Book of Daniel which will be of inter est to many people. This Sunday at 7.30 the subject will be "Nebuchadnei zar'j Vision and Its Present Day Import." Entranc via th ramp on th wett nd of th Armory from Oak itreet. IK THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY J. C COPELAND and CAPtTOLA COPELAND, husband and wife. Plain tiffs, vs. LEONARD H CROW and MARY CROW, husband and wife; the Unknown Heirs of Leonard H. Crow, if deceased, the unknown Heirs of Mary Crow, If de ceased ; a Iso. all ot her persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien er interest In the real estate described in the com plaint herein, and t'mpqua Savings tt Loan Ass'n , Defendants. TO: Leonard H. Crow and Mary Crow, husband and wife: the Unknown Heirs of Leonard H. Crow, if de ceased; the Unknown Heirs of Mjry Crow, it deceased; also, all other persons or parties unknown claim ing any right, title, estate. Hen or Interest In the real estate described In the complaint herein, Defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer tha complaint of plaintiffs filed against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before four 4 weeks from the date of the first publication of thia summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint. plaintiffs for want thereof will apply to Ihe court for the relief demanded In said complaint, succinct state ment of which is as foilnwa: That it be decreed that plaintiffs are the owners as tenants by the entirety and ent It led to the possession of the fol lowing described real property, wit: Beginning at a fence corner at the Northwest corner of the following described tract at a point which is 10 33 chains north and 30 4 chains east of the quarter section corner between Sections 4 and t. Township 25 South, Range 3 West, Willam ette Meridian: thence running from said beginning point, around fence lines North 88' 33' east 8 66 chain, to the northeast corner of said recorded property, thence South 1 43 west 2 26 chains, thence north 88 57 East 0 36 chains, thence south 1 o:t east 5 15 chains, to a pipe on the north line of a road, thence South 8B 30' West 10 chains, along said road to the southwest corner of said recorded tract, thence north 0 29 west 7 5 chains to the place of beginning, and being sit uated in the northwest quarter of Section 4, Township 25 South, Rangk 5 West, Willamette Meridian. Doug las County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following portion of land which uj described as fol lows: That portion thereof as conveyed by J. C. Cope land and Capitols Cope land to School District No. 1, as the same is recorded October 28. 1W48 In Book 161. page 57, Deed Records of Douglas County, Ore gon. and that the right of possession and title between plaintiffs and defend ants be forever quieted, and that it be decreed that any claim of the de fendants, save and except I'mpqua Savings St Loan Ass'n., or either of them. In and to said real property is without foundation in law or in equity, and that the plaintiffs are the owners in fee of said premises, subject to a mortgage of the Umpqua Savings Ac i Loan Ass'n. ; dated the 28th day of September, 1948, recorded in Volume Hfl, page 2H7. Mortgage Records of i Douglas County. Oregon; free from j any and ail right, title, estate, nen or interest of said defendants, save and except L'mpqua Savings Ac Loan Ass'n., and all persons claiming by, through or under them or any of them be forever enjoined and restrained from asserting any right, title, estate, lien or interest in or to said premises or any part thereof, and that it be de creed that the mortgage of the Umpqua Savings St Loan Assn. dated the 28th day of September. 199. recorded in Volume 80, page 287, Mortgage Records of Douglas County, Oregon, ta a valid and subsisting lien on said premises: and for such other and further relief as to the court may appear equitaole. This summons Is served upon you by publication once each week for four 4 successive weeks in the Roseburg News Review, a newspaper of general circulation, aa provided by statute, published and issued in Roseburg, Doug las County, Oregon. Rv order of the Honorable Cart K. Wimberlv, Judge of the above entitled court made- on the 12th day of July, 1949. GEDDES AND FELKER Attorneys for Plaintiffs V S. National Bank Building, Roseburg. Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against Ihe Estate of G L. Grant. Deceased, now pending in the County Court of Douglas Couni, Oregon, are herehy notified to present the same verified as required by law, to the undersigned at the office of Geddes St Felker, Attorneys! Rose burg. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first pub lished this 15th day of October, 1949. HELENA A. RIDDLE, Administratrix of the Estate of G L, Grant Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of LOUISE A. SMITH. De ceased, now pending in the couny court of Douglas County, Oregon, are hereby notified to present the same, properly verified, to the undersigned administratrix at Roseburg, Oregon, or to R. L. Whipple, her attorney. U. S. National Bank Building. Roseburg, Ore gon, within six months from the dat of this notice, which la October i 1949. HELENS E WIMBERLY. Administratrix of the Estat of Louise A. Smith- Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE is hereby given thst Tues day, November 13. 1949, at 10 o'clock A. M. in th County Court Room, County Court House, in Roseburg, Douglas- County. Oregon, have been fixed as the time and place for hear ing objections, if any, to the final account filed bv the undersigned in the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon. WILLIAM A. HUDNELL Administrator with the will annexed of the Estate of Victol Jamea Trayer, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that November 19. 1949. at th hour of 10.00 A. M . tn the County Courtroom at the County Courthouse In Roseburg. Douglas Coun ty. Oregon, has been set as the time and place for the hearing of objec tions, if any there be, to the final account of th undersigned admin istrators. Dated this 14th day of October. tP48. and first published the 13th day of October. 1949. JAMES A GRAF and JESSIE H Graf FISHER. Administrators of the estate of Earnest Alfred Graf, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREOITORS All oertons havfna claims against ! the estate of Freeda L Easton. de I ceased, now pending in the county court in Douglas County, Oregon, are hereby notified to present the same. ; verified as required bv law, to the un I designed at the offices of Orcutt. Long I tV Neuner, attorneys. Roseburg. Oregon, within six months from September 17th, 1949. HENRY EASTON. Executor of the Lent Will and Testa ment of Freeda L. Easton. Deceased. NOTICE OF FIN AL SFTTI FMFNT j Notice is hereby given that Tues- day, November 15th. 19. at in o ciorx ,A M, in the County Court Room.; , County Court House, in Roseburg. i Douglas County. Oregon, have been ; fixed as the time and place for her- ; ing objections, if any. to the final account filed by the undersigned m the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon 1 i ANNA L HtTCHINSON. Executrix; i of the Estate of Jo N. Hutchinson. ; ' Deceased. j IN THE CIRCUIT COt'RT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY SUMMONS 3. H. Dt'NAWAY, Plaintiff, vs. JOHN C DIEHL, REEDSPORT REALTY COMPANY, a corporation. DAME LYONS REED, DAME LYONS REED as administratrix of the estate of W. P Reed, Deceased. EVA 1 REED now Eva I Graham and JAMES GRAHAM, her husband, MARJORIE ELIZABETH KNAPP. O L YTLE : The Unknown Stockholders of Reedsport Realty Com pany, a dissolved Corporation and also all other persona or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the Complaint herein. Defendants. TO: The Unknown Stockholders of Reedsport Realty Company, a dissolve corporation. In the name of the Slate of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the amended complaint in the above entitled suit on or before four i weeks from the dste of the first fublication of this summons and if you ail to appear or answer plaintiff's amended complaint for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief praved for in his complaint on file herein, a succinct statement of which Is that It be adjudg ed and decreed that the mortgage from John C. Die hi and Ha;el A. Diehl mort gagors to the First Bank of Reedsport aa mortgagee as the same Is recorded m volume 45, page 631 , mortgage records, Douglas County, Oregon, cover ing the following described real prop erty, to-wit: Lots 11 and 12, Block 36, Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon, is now held by the plamttft and ta a first lien on said real property prior and superior to the hens, claims and interest by the defend ants and each of them. There is now due and owing on said mortgage the sum of S"0 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per Mnnum from May 6, 1938, and that the plaintiff ts entitled to recover herein the further sum of 9150 as attorneys fees and his costs and disbursements and that said mort gage be foreclosed and that the said defendant and each of them be barred and forever foreclosed from anv right, title or Interest in or to said real prop erty save and except for statutory right of redemption and that said property be sold as an execution to satisfy the hen and for such other and further relief as the court may deem Just and proper. This summons Is served by publica tion pursuant to an order of the Honor able Carl E. Wtmberly, Circuit Judge for Douglas County. Oregon, made and entered on the 28th day of September. 1949. directing publication once a week for four consecutive weeks in the Rose burg News-Review, a newspaper of gen eral circulation published in Douglas County, Oregon. Carl M Felker. . , A'tomey for Plaintiff. Dated, and first published this 1st day of October, 1949. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AH persons having claims against the estate of Martha C Coenenberg. de ceased, now pending tn the county court In Douglas County. Oregon, ar hereby notified to present the same, verified as required by law, to the undersigned at the offices of Orcutt, Long St Neuner, attorneys, Roseburg Oregon, within six months from Sep tember 17th. 1948. MARY A. ELSON. Admini stratrix of the Estate of Martha L. Coenenberg, de ceased. NOTICE Or FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that Monday the 31st day of October, 1949, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. in the county Court Room in the Court House, Roseburg. Douglas Countv, Oregon, has been fixed as the Urn and place for hearing objections, if any. to the final account filed by th undersigned in the County Court of th Stat of Oregon for Douglas County. LEE WINNIFORD- Exerutor of the Last Will and Testament of George B. 'Vlnnifoid, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notic is hereby given that Tuesday, the 1st day of November, 1949. at the hour ' of 10 o'clock A. M . in the County Court Room in the County Court House, Roseburg, Douglas Coun tv. Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections. If any. to the final account filed bv the undersigned in the County Court of the Stat of Oregon for Douglas County. INC A I.ESTEBERG. Administratrix of the Estate of Bertha Parrott, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that Tuesday the 18th day of October, 1949. at the hour of 10 o clock in the forenoon, tn the County Court Room in the Court House. Roseburg, Dougiaa Countv. Ore gon, has been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections, if anv, to the final account filed by the under signed tn the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County ELLEN RUTH HAFFLY Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of David Franklin Haffly, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice ts given that the undersigned executrix of Ihe esfate of James A. Rice deceased, has filed her final account in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County and said court has appointed Tuesday, November S. 1949 at 1(1:00 o clock in the forenoon .? County Court Room in the Court House in Roseburg. Dougiaa Countv Oregon as the time and place for hear ing ohjectiona to said account. DATED October 8, 194fl ELLEN A. RICE. Executrix of the estate of James A. Rice, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT The Executor of the estate of Jose phine Larkins. Deceased, hereby gives notice that the County Court of Douglas ,n,ntv' 0rin. h" 'fxed November 5 1049 at ten o clock in the forenoon as the time, and the County Court room tn the Court House at Roseburg, Doug las Countv, Oregon, as the place for ""rtnf ,ob,w'. if any there be. to the final account of the Executor. First published Oct 8th. 1949 HARRY LARKINS. Executor of the Estate of Jphin Larkins, Deed. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE is herehy given that Monday November 7th. 1848, at the hour of 10-00 o'clock A M. in th. Countv Court Room at the Court House tn Roseburg Douglas County. Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place for hearing ob jections, if any there be to the final account filed by the undersigned ad ministrator of th estate of Minnie M Ira B Riddle. Administrator of th estate of Minnie M. Frater, Deceased. Christmas Portrait Greetings The days before Christmas will he a busy whirl. To save your precious time later, come in now for your sitting so that you may use the at tractive Christmas folders and enve lopes with a 3x5 portrait for 6.00 per do?en. They will be a treasured rec ord for time to come as well as a greeting at Christmas. 105 South NOTICE Of mfstlFF'i SAL! NO 16S-7U nm IS THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COLNTY OF MULTNOMAH Lillian Standish. Plaintiff Retdar Buck and Adeline Buck, husband and wife. Defendants By virtue of an attachment, execu tion. Judgment order and order of sal issued out of the above entitled Court in the above entitled cause, to me directed and dated the 22nd day of September. 1949. upon a judgment rendered and entered tn said Court on the 15th day of August. 1949. in favor of Lillian Standish, plaintiff, against Reidar Buck, defendant, for th sum of $Ua;0 with interest thereon at th rate of per cent per annum from th 2nd day of February, 1946. until paid, and the further sum of 1200 00, and for the further sum of 129. 15 costs and dis bursements and the costs of and upon this writ commanding me to make sal of the following described rest prop erty heretofore attached in said action situated in Township 33 South, Range 6 West of the W. M , tn Douglas County, State of Oregon, to wtt: Ail of the southeast U of tha North west Northwest of th southeast and th East H of the southwest U, Section 4. 160) acres. Northwest of the southeast l and Lot Three of Section five '80 89 acres: Northeast of Section eight ilAOi acres: Lots thre and four: south ' of the Northwest t. Northeast of the Southwest and the north 'i of th southeast V of Section Nine 280.45 acres. Now therefore, by virtue of said at tachment execution, judgment order and order of sale and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, th 5th day of November, 1949. at 10 00 O Clock A M., at th Front door of the County Court House, in Roseburg. Douglas County, Oregon, sell at public auction (subject to re demption) to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defendant Reidar Buck had on the 15th day of May. 1946, the date of the filing of the certificate of attachment, or sine that date had in and to the above described propety or any part thereof, to satisfy order, interest, costs and accruing com. Dated this 6th day of October, 194ft. Last Publication, October 29th, 194S. O. T CARTER. Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon. NOTICE OF GUARDIAN SALS OF REAL PROPERTY Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned as guardian of th person and estate of Louise Lehman, an in competent person, will from and after the 23th day of October, 1949, at his office tn the Pacific Building, Rose burg. Douglas county, Oregon, pro ceed to sell at private sale for cash In hand all the right, title and interest of Louise Lehman in and to th fal lowing described real property: Lots 13 and 14 of Block 50. Rail- -road Addition to the City of Rose- burg, Douglas County, Oregon. Said sale shall be subject to the unexpired term of a teas of a portion of said premises, To-wit: that part thereof described as 137 South Ste phens Street, now under tease to MiJ Oregon Printing and Stationery Com- &any, Oregon Limited, and which ajd ias expires August 1, 1951. the Person and Estate of Louise Lehman, an incompe tent person. NOTICE Or FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice fs herehy given that Tusdar. October 25th, 1949. at to o'clock era,, in the county court room In the Court House in Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, have been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections, if any, tp the final account filed by th un dersigned in the County Court of Dougiaa Cou n y. Oregon. BEULAH D PALMER PET ERSON. Administratrix vt the Estate of Charles O. Palmer. Deceased. NOTICE OF PINAL SETTLEMENT Notice ig herehy given that Tuesday. November 8. 1949. at 10 o'clock A. M.I m tha County Court Room, Count Court House, in Roseburg Douglas County, Oregon, have been fixed as the time and place for hearing ob jections, if any. to the final account filed by the undersigned in the County Court of Douglas Countv, Oregon. CURTIS P. BARKER. Administrator of the Estate of Perry Frankiia Barker, Deceased. Community Kindergarten Classes Monday thru Friday 9 a. m. till noon First Baptist Church Sunday School Butldln Rose Street Entrance Phone 1599-R-4 Will lEftM TO S(Y Ct wilt teach you bow in eight easy lessotu. Helpful for "Regulars" as well as Beginners. Sing! "Refresher" Lessons Complete 8-Lesson Course Morning, Afternoon and Evening Classes SINGER SEWING CENTER Phont 723 204 N. Jaeksosi Jackson aj? f 1 a- I t