( V New Roseburg Residents V ; Photo by Gudcrlan Klamath Falls Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa E. Patty and daughtar, Rosemary Recent arrival! in Roseburg are i Herald-News. He hai accepted a Mr. and Mi a. Thomas E. Patty I similar position on the News and 18-month.ld daughter. Rose-jR'M'r7-patty her mar. mary, who have taken ip resl- rla(;e, resided at Amersham dence at 2126 Hollis street, Clover-1 Bucks, England, and has been in dale park. I the United States for the past The Patty's formerly resided I three and a half years. While in In Klamath Falls where Mr. Patty Klamath Falls she was active in was employed as engraver on the I church circles. Social Caiendar NOTICE Social Items submitted by tele phone, for the society page must be turned In before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday ind by 10 a. m. Friday at whUh time the. social calendar and Sat urday'i society page are closed weekly. Monday, Oct. 17 Badoura club, Nydia temple. Daughters of Nile, benefit bridge tea at Roseburg country club. Reservations by calling Mrs. T. W. Bernard. 422-L. Playing to start at 1 p.m. tea hours, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. N. O. W. Lilac circle No. 49, at I. O. O. F. hall at 7:30 p.m.-Members and families Invited for pro gram and refreshments. University of Oregon Mothers club at 7:30 p.m. home of Mrs. A. A. St. Onge. 2028 Catherine street. Navy Mothers club, home of Mrs. Louis Jones, route 1. 8 p.m. D. A. R. home of Miss Margaret Page. 7:30 p.m. with Mrs. Dave Busenbark assisting. Keystone club members, des sert supper, home of Mrs, Vernon Keel, 8 p.m. U. S. W. V. camp and auxiliary at Methodist church, potluck din ner followed by meeting. Junior Woman's club at Eaglet hall, rush partv. Fullerton P.-T. A. study group t home of Mrs. Clifford Smith, 833 Harvard avenue. Tuesday, Oct. 1S Lookingglass Extension Unit at Lookingglass Methodist church, 10 a.m. Topic, "Streamlined Home Sewing." Those attending all-day meeting asked to bring sack lunch and sewing machine. Bethany Circle, Faith Lutheran church at home of Mrs. M. T. Bergerson, 836 Hamilton street at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. It Oakland Bethel No. 42, Daugh ters of Job at 7 p.m. Eden Ladies Aid of Elgarose Lutheran church, home of Mrs. Carl Johnson. Friendly Hour club at home of Mrs. Ellen Hoffman, potluck luncheon. Thursday, Oct. 20 Past Noble Grand club, dessert Hipper at I. O. O. F. hall followed by regular business meeting. O. E. S. at 8 p.m. Past matrons and patrons to be honored. Study group of First Methodist church at home of Mrs. J. E. Dent, 315 South Pine street at 12:30 p.m. Woman's club at Methodist church at 1:30 p.m. Walter Fisher to be guest speaker. Garden Valley Woman's club at clubhouse at 2 p.m. Alpha Iota Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi. home of Mrs. Frank Rogan. hostesses, Mrs. Robert Phillips and Mis. Robert Sabin. Roseburg Chapter. American Gold Star Mothers, armory at 2 p.m. Regular business meeting. Those eligible Invited. Friday. Oct. 2t Chapter BI. P. E. O. Sisterhood, tt home of Mrs. K. p. Lytle. 926 Chapman street 2 o'clock meet ing. Girls of senior class and sen ior class faculty members invited to tea at 3 p.m. Douglas court. No. 18. Order of Amaranth, rummage sale at Epit r copal parish hall. Saturday. Oct. 22 Douglas court. No. If. Order of Amaranth, rummage sale at Epis copal parish hall. , Riversdale Cub pack. No. 408, baked sale at t'mpqua Valley Hardware. Sunday, Oct. 23 Alpha Iota chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, ritual of jewels, formal cere mony at Carl's Haven. Monday, Oct, 24 D. A. V. Auxiliary, Dean Per rlne Unit, No. 9, at Del Rey at Winchelser, 7:30 p.m. Social hour at close of meeting. N. O. W. Thimble club at home Df Cynthia Germond, East Doug las street at 1 p.m. WOMAN'S SOCIETY HOLDS AFTERNOON MEETING AT CHURCH Woman't society members of the First Presbyterian church met In the church parlors Thurs day afternoon at which time Mrs. John Runyan presented a pro gram following a 1:30 o'clock luncheon. Mrs. R. R. Clarke led devotions followed by two solos by Mrs. C. J. Osbun accompanied by Mrs. W. M. Campbell. A program was given bv Mrs. Armour Murdock, Mrs. Ef'fie Schwartz. Mrs. S. J. Shoemaker and Mrs. B. S. Nichols. The "Book of Prayer" was In charge of Mrs. Earl Plummer. Hostesses for the luncheon wer Mrs. Chester Morgan, chairman, assisted by Mrs. H. T. Hansen, Mrs. Paul Helwig. Mrs. Maurice Newland. Mrs. Burdette Leas and Mrs. E. M. Jones. Attending were Miss Gloria Wunsch, Mrs. E. C. Richmond, Mrs. Laurene Jones, Clara il lard, Margaret Clapp, Estelle V. Co over. Sirs. R. W. Rodgers, Mrs. Effie Schwartz, Mrs. Ida M. Bailey. Mrs. Ivan Pickens, Mrs. Will Dixon. Mrs. John E. Runyan, Mrs. W. H. Ferris. Mrs. J. F. Barker, Mrs. J. E. Sawyers. Mrs. John Pinkerton. Mrs. Fred Hamil ton. Polly Bellows. Mrs. W. M. Campbell, Mrs. B. S. Nichols. Mrs. E. R. Cunningham. Mrs. Walroth, Mrs. R. R. Clarke, Mrs. George Sewell. Mrs. Wm. Chalmers, Mrs. J. Gillis Carlson. Mrs. S. J. Shoe maker, Mrs. Armour Murdock, Mrs. Earl Plummer. Mrs. G. J. Osbun, Mrs. A. E. Kent and th. hostesses. , W. B. A. TO HONOR STATE OFFICERS WITH POTLUCK LUNCHEON Mrs. Carl Havens wat hostess to the W. B. A. at her home this week on Fullerton street with a luncheon followed by a social hour. Plans were made for a ben efit card party to be hpld Oct. 27 at the home of Mrs. Eugene Lit tle. 547 South Stephens, w ith Mrs. C. C. Albright assisting. Word was received in Rose burg Thursday that the tri state director. Mrs. Catherine Bowen of Seattle will be here Nov. 10 accompanied by the state nurse. A potluck luncheon will honor the out-of town visitors at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Wilmetta Squires. BETHANY CIRCLE SCHEDULES MEETING Bethany circle of Faith Luth eran church will meet with Mrs. M. T. Bergerson. 836 Ham iltnn street. Tuesday. Oct. 18. at 8 p. m. Members and friends are urged to attend. GOLD STAR MOTHERS SCHEDULE MEETING Roseburg Chapter, American Gold Star Mothers. Inc. will meet at the armory Oct. 20 at 2 p.m. All those eligible are invited. Sat., Oct. IS, 1949-Th N.ws Society and Gluhl By BETTY ALLEM Country Club Annual Fall Guest Bridge Luncheon Well-Attended Colorful autumn leaves, vegetables and fruits formed a seasonal background for the annual fall guest day bridge-luncheon at the Roseburg Country club Thursday afternoon. The club room was filled with members and guests who gathered at 12:30 o'clock for luncheon followed by an afternoon of cards. The affair also featured announcement of winners In the summer bridge tournament with Mrs. James Hughes winning first prize; Mrs. Rolstyn Bridges, second, Mrs. Leon McCllntock, third, Mis. Walter Brydges fourth and Mrs. Harold Schmeer, fifth. Mrs. E. A. Pearson, president of the women of the country club, presented each with a gift. Mrs. L. L. Wlmberly w as i awarded the guest prize at bridge I " "r.J fu J"L.- . . ?- " Mis. Pearson's retiring officers were given gifts from the club members In appreciation of their work during the past year. Mrs. Kenneth Bailey, Mrs. George Mar shall, Mrs. L. K. Fles and Mrs. Kenneth D. Adams were remem bered. These presentations were made by Mrs. Pearson. Mrs. L, G. Twohy, on behalf of the club women, presented Mrs. Pearson ' E L Tauscher. Tickets mav be with a gilt. purchased from Lady Elks or at Individual luncheon tablet tnp temple were arranged with tan and , Members' voted to discontinue green place mats and centered nssert uppers which have been wi n tiny squish filled with ncld tne ',as, meeling of each nuts, berries and small vegetables. ,,, Tn, ,xt ,.. Oct. 27 The gift table was artistically wln a bu,lnMS meeting lol decorated with an arrangement owmi by cards of fall fruits and vegetables and Honors ,, bridge w,re won by the man el was brightened with ; Ml.,, Harrv pinninger. Mrs. L. autumn leaves and squash. i N. Lrn'h ,d Mil B. R. Shoe- Receiving the guests were Mrs. I maker. Jr. Pinoch'e awards were Pearson. Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. I given Mrs. Walter Welker, Mrs. Fles. Decorations were skillfully John Burkhart and Mrs. Jack arranged by Mrs. Roy Sedell, Trusty. chairman, Mrs. James Hughes, Attending Thursday evening Mrs. Wm. Callison and Mrs. were the Mesdamct L L. Wim Clyde Knight. In charge of cards herly, R. B. Herschleb. S. M. were Mi s. L. G. Twohy, Mi s. Har- j Moore, E. C. Patterson, Sherman old Schmeer. Mrs. Herman' Morris, Dave Tavlor, Harry Hi! Matisoff and Mrs. Henry LeBeau. ! derhurn, B. R. 'Shoemaker Jr., L'uiniK me course oi presen- l.. m. Lehrbach, Harry Pinnin tationa Mrs. Pearson announced Rer, G. M. lies, Hal J. Ayotte, the new officers. Mrs. Ivan ! Harold Haskln, Fred Hamilton. Pickens will serve as chairman, Charles Brand. Stanley Kidder, " uci Diiuurs, wieiary and Mrs. Kenneth Bailey treasurer. The guest list Included: The Mesdames E. R. Husted and Per cy B. Webb, of Cottage Grove, R. D. Bridges, Mrs. H. C. Stearns, Mrs. Walter Schoenleber, Mrs. Frank Woodworth, Avery Thomo son, Ted Wirak, Harris Ellsworth, Walter Fisher, A. A. Wilder, H. H. Stapleton, Ernest L. Dawe, Demlng" Bronson, A. S. Tyson, Vance Eager, Clyde Fullerton, E. C. Patterson, Chester Hcrcher, J. P. Motschenbacher, Dean Bubar, Charles Cring. Also Misses Helen Casey, Naomi Scott, Rosa B. Parrott, the Mesdames O. R. Hess, Frederick Chapman, L. K. Fles, C. M. Mc - Dermott, A. M. Jarklin. Gil Hoi- derman. Hal J. Ayotte, F. L. I Steve Fowler. Rev. Willis Erick Stokes, L. L. Powers, Velle Broad-1 son led devotions followed by a way, J. A. Harding, Herman business session with Mrs. B. Matisoff, Spencer Yates, William ! Paulson presiding. Linsell, Henry Le Beau, Charles I Plans were made for a bazaar Wharton, Ben Martin, . A. Pear-1 and food sale to be held in No son. Bruce Hctrick. Ray Puckett, j vember. Members were reminded T. F. Mouche, H. R. Revnolds, G. ; to renew subscriptions for the W. Marshall, L. G. Twohv, L. E. church magazines. Adams, Vernon Keel, E. H. Ver-1 Ladles of the circle will on roll, Louis Neuriter, James serve world communion day by Hughes, Frank Bistak, Mitchell the project, "Pieces for Peace" Moore, Lester Nielsen. !when the group will bring cotton Also the Mesdames Harold land wool material to the church Schmeer. Fred Stever, Roy Sedell, ! Sunday, Oct. 30. Boxes of Christ Wm. Callison, Joe Perrault, Vem I mas gift wrapping were distrib Holgate, Harry Barker, Howard i uted to be sold. Wahl. Robert Savage. C. S. Rob-1 The next meeting will be the erts, E. R. Titcomb, Ken Bailev, quarterly meeting for all the cir W. H. Allen, Robert Hatterscheid, j cles to be held Nov. 8 at the home A. L. Laws, E .A. Neuru. E. R. of Mrs. Frank Worland. Harvey, J. R. Dingley, Kenneth Refreshments and a social hour Quine, Walter Brydges, Glen Mil- followed, ler. I. J. Bean. Abe Roan H U'.ln. berg. Maurice Hallmark. Alfred Anderson, Bert Corkrum. Dick Coen. Frank Long. Adrian Fisher, Phil Harth and Lester Wimberly. THIMBLE CLUB ENJOYS MEETING N. O. W. Thimble club was en. tprtained at the home of Lois Burt with her daughter. Virginia! All women of the community Riebllng as co-hostess. Luncheon j are asked to participate in this W;a'i 'Zr? fr.f!m a ta.h,t decor-i afternoon meeting which will be ated with fall flowers A business j followed by a tea hour. The proj meeting followed with President ect will be to bring pieces of cloth i M l-.!; HaV-'e 'n.fhtf- Mrs. j of any size to be packed and sent C nthia Germond will be hostess, ; to the women In Germany. Oct. 24 at 1 p. m. Attending were Cora Dourte, Bertha Worthington, Lydla Hooper, Mrs. Henry Erskine. Mrs. Thomas Neal, Mrs. Pauline Hurst, Mrs. Harry Lohr and Mrs. George Croucher. EASTERN STAR TO HONOR PAST MATRONS, PATRONS Past matrons and patrons of Eastern Star will be honored at the meeting of Roseburg chapter, O. E. . Thursday, Oct. 20 at 8 p.m. Members and visiting members arp Invited. A social hour will close the meeting. STUDY GROUP TO MEET WITH MRS. J. E. DENT Mrs. J. E. Dent will be hnsteu to the study group of the First Aiemooist cnurcn at her home, i 1 nena vveooer. 34S South Pine street ThursdavJ . e Oct. 20 at 12:30 p.m. Subject for P' E' ' T0 ENTERTAIN discussion will be "Japan Beg nS SEN,0R C'RL'A.CLTYu , Again" by Mrs. Floyd PoweU ! Chapter BI. P. E O. Sisterhood, u i-uen. jn mppt Krldav Qct 21. at 2 p. KEYSTONE CLUB PLANS m. with Mrs. K. D. Lytle. 92 DESSERT SUPPER Chapman street. Girls of the sen- Keystone club members will en- ir class and women of the sen Joy a dessert supper at the home ior class faculty are invited to a of Mrs. Vernon Kee, Monday, Oct tea at 3 o'clock. 17 at 8 p.m. Hostpsses for the evening will be Mrs. Burt, Mrs i - v- AUXILIARY Lawrence Rand and Mrs. J B iT0 MEET AT DL REY Roark. ' ' D. A. V. auxiliary. Dean Per- rlne unit. No. 9. will meet at 7:30 SOCIAL EVENING I p. m. Mondav, Oct. 24. at the Del PLANNED BY N. O. W. CIRCLE , Rey at Winchestpr. Members are Neighbors of Woodcraft, Lilac1 asked to attend and refresh circle. No. 49. will hold a meeting i ments will be served after the at the I. O. O. F. hall Mondav, ' meeting. Oct. 17. at 7:30 p. m. Members j ano tnelr lamilles are Invited to:NVT ""1t" TO the program and social hour. EDEN LADIES AID WILL MEET TUESDAY Edpn ladies aid of the Elgarose Lutheran church will meet at the home of Mrt. Carl E. Johnson ' Tuesday afternoon, Oct 19. I - Rsvitw, RoMburf, Or. 71 LADY ELKS COMPLETE PLANS FOR CARD PARTY TO BE HELD WEDNESDAY Lady Elks completed plans for their annual fall bridge party to be held in the Terrace room of the temple Wednesday, Oct. 19 at h p.m. when they met for a shoit business session Thursday even ing at the temple. Reservations for the card par tv mav be made bv contacting Mrs. Paul Ryan. 532J or Mis. Kiank Btstak, waiter Fisher, u L. Powers, A. B. Cacy, Wesley Bailor, K. J. Keefe. Also the Mesdames W. D. Fritz, A. E. Elliott. Walter Welker. Ver don Boucock, Hayden DeCamp, E. E. Sherman. W. R. Magness, J. M. Burkhart, Charles Clark, T. A. Moore, John Aker, Jack Trusty, W. H. Allen. Herb Weis gerber, Frank Degeberg. A'.ta Mathews, Lloyd Hill, Jack Lil lard. Paul K. Rvan, C. D. Al bright. Flora Copple, Lois Hill and Billie Williams. MRS. STEVE FOWLER IS HOSTESS TO MARTHA CIRCLE MEMBERS Martha Circle, Faith Lutheran : church, was entertained Tues i day afternoon at the home of Mrs. WOMEN INVITED TO COMMUNITY DAY World Community Day will be observed by members of the Council of Church women at the First Presbyterian church Frldav, Nov. 4 at 1:30 p. m. The Rev. Al fred S. Tyson, rector of St. George's Episcopal church will be .. DOUGLAS COURT TO HOLD RUMMAGE SALE The W'ays and means commit, tee of Douglas Court, No. 18, Or der of Amaranth, will hold a rum mage sale at the Episcopal par ish hall Friday and Saturday, Oct. 21 and 22. Those having articles for the sale mav contact Mrs. L. G. Twohy. 360-L or Mrs. Betty Svarerud, 1308-J. P. G. N. TO MEET AT HALL THURSDAY P. G. N. club members will meet at the I. O. O. F. hall Thursday at 7:30 p. m. for des sert supper followed by the regu lar meeting. Hostesses are V. Vivian Logsdon, Eileen Rapp, Ethel Swayze. Minnie Clark and COMPLETE BAZAAR PLANS Mrs. Louis Jones will entertain the Navy Mothers at her home. one mile east of the courthouse on route 1. Mondav. Oct. 17 at 8 p.m. Members will complete plant for the bazaar to be held Nov. 12. First Birthday Parka-Chltwood Photo Linda Ruth Masks Linda Ruth Meeks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Alecks of Camas Valley, was honored on her first birthday by her parents at th eCamas Valley school gym nasium. Refreshments were served the youngsters and their parents and games were played. Mr. Meeks is coach at the Camas Valley high school and Mrs. Meeks is on the faculty of the grade school. Honoring Linda were Pamela Arnold, Teddy May Heilman, Jerri Lee Heilman, Steve Moody, Denny Moody, Betty Spencer, Bobby Farrarid, Maxfne Dancer, Judy Dancer, Cheryl Dunham, "Bucko" Dunham. Linda Horner, Jimmie Horner, Mary Beth Kin nan and Reggie Robinette. SUTHERLIN TILLICUM CLUB ENJOYS MEETING AT GROSHONG HOME Mrs. Florence Groshong was hostess last Tuesday, when she ntei talned the Sutherlin Tilllctim Club at a dessert luncheon. The small card tables covered with a linen cloth were centered with miniature and large bouquets of roses. Attending were Mrs. Olga Blcl man, Mrs. Gladys Kesner, Mrs. Hunt's mother; Mrs. Lochle Thompson and Mrs. Groshong's duaghter, Louise, guests. Mrs. Juanila Holgate. Mrs. Emma Carr, Mrs. Mabel Randall, Mis. Mary Barker. Mrs. Meryl Wahl, Miss Mary Alice Randall, Mrs. Margaret Hunt. Mrs. Eloise La moreaux and the hostess, Mrs. Groshong, members. Auction bridge was In play dor lug the afternoon with Mrs. Hunt having high score: Mrs. Cair, second high; Mrs. Wahl, low and Mrs. Lamoreaux, the traveling goose. Mrs. Lamoreaux, the retiring president, was presented with a gift from the members of the club. Mrs. Blelman and Mrs. Kes ner were Invited to become mem bers, of the club. POTLUCK LUNCHEON FEATURES CLUB MEETING Friendly Hour club members met with Mrs. Belva Buckwalter for an all-day meeting and pot luck luncheon Wednesday. The meeting was spent in textile palming and sewing in prepara tion for a bazaar. During the business meeting reports were made on the booth at the Camp Fire Girls carnival held recently at Melrose and the j food sale. Those present were Mrs. Ken ! neth Barneherg, guest: Mrs. Ka- tie Conn. Mrs. Vera Thompson, j Mrs. Hazel Bly, Mrs. Cecelia ! Kenyon, Mrs. Norma Fenn, Mrs. I Minnie Jacohson. Mrs. Ellen Hoft man, Mrs. Grace Fenn and ti" i hostess, Mrs. Buckwalter. The next meeting will be an all day session at the home of Mrs. Ellen Hoffman, Oct. 19, with a potluck luncheon. COMMUNITY CONCERT MEMBERSHIP ORIVE BEGINS IN ROSEBURG Music lovers in Roseburg and vicinity are looking forward to the community concert series which will begin soon. The an nual membership drive is now underway and offers to residents of the community an opportunity to hear outstanding artists of the music circles. Brought to Roseburg during the last season were Igor Gorln, bari tone; Jennie Tourel, soprano, John Sebastian, harmonlcist and the Graudens duo, piano and cello. Fidelia lits . . . Country Club Guest Day A dashing array of colors In feathers and plumes on new fall hats . . . those perky little striped squash centering each luncheon I table with acorns tumbling over I the sides . . . President Sybil Pearson charming In her trim suit of black with a corsage of roses . . . From Cottage Grove jcame Mrs. Percy Webb to aecom I pany her mother, Mrs. H. C. Stearns of Oakland. Mrs. E. R. , Husted, another out-of-town guest, from neighboring city of C. G. . . . brilliant fall sunshine i on close clipped greens . . . Mrs. I Harris Ellsworth, wife of Rose, 'burg's Congressman Ellsworth, In blue ensemble with furs . . . j aroma of Lee Sharman's grKid I coffee mingled with conversa ' tions of many friends . . , Mrs. ' Dick Coen In a pinpoint black ! and white suit with black cloche i . . . sisters-in-law. Betsv and Jane Bean, stylish In brown and black outfits . . . those inviting boxes on the gift table . . . and the ah's whpn Ruth Hughes un ; wrapped her round card table, for being high at cards . . . Helen Casey with hpr orchid, a gift on her birthday ... Jane l Fies and Mary Marshall assist ing In greeting guests at the door j. . . hard work of committees to make the affair the success it I was . , . all. in-all. a pleasant if Iternonn to be remembered. ' If-1' A-vav. ' ' y ... v WcWXIt BUSINESS Mrs. Lillian Jones wat hostess to the Bellview club at her home on the Deer Creek road Wednev day with Lora Kester presiding at the business meeting. Plana were dlsurssed tor club projects and yarn will be sent to a womans' home In Austria. A donation wat voted for the polio fund. Members answered roll cail with ghost stories and a guessing game was won by Annie Pratt. Visiting and sewing followed. Mary Southwick will be hostess to the club Nov. 2 at her home with Thanksgiving readings Mr roll call. Present were Edna M. Parker, Evelyn Newell. Emma Van Voorst. Emma Beckley, Beth Bov er, Minnie Lindner. Annie C. Piatt. Barbara J. Rover, Irene Walker, Olive Walker. Lillian Jones, Lora Kester and Cora Cal lison. , "FAITH" IS TOPIC OF CIRCLE DISCUSSION Victory Circle of the First Bap tist church met with Marybelle Walker Thursday afternoon. Lora Kester, president, conducted the meeting and devotlont were giv en by Mae Byrd. "Faith" was the topic of the meeting with the scripture 'es- son taken from Hebrews. The missionary lesson was given bv Rosa Hcarn on "China." During the social hour the group pieced quilts. Mrs. Tom Neal will entertain the circle Nov. 3 at 2 o'clock at her home, 20 West 2nd Ave. N. Sarah Wood cock will present devotions and Marybelle Walker the missionary lesson. Attending were Edith Roberts. Otie Harris. Rosa 1 learn. Melva Mohley. Nellie Simmons. Mae Byrd. Bobby Hughes. Viletla West. Betty Baker. Ruth Ballon. Sarah Woodcock. Marybelle Walker and Lora Kester. OAKLAND BETHEL PLANS COSTUME PARTY Oakland Bethel No. 2. Daugh ters of Job marie plans for a cos tume dance when they met at the Masonic temple Wednesday. Oct. 5. Committees were appointed to meet with the associate guardian James Bovingdon. The next meeting will.be Wed nesday, Oct. 19 at 7 p.m. All par ents and persona of proper Ma sonic affiliation are welcome. Honored Queen of the Oakland bethel it Carol Ellison. WEST MELROSE CLUB ENJOYS LUNCHEON West Melrose club enjoyed a social afternoon Thursday. Oct. 6 with potluck luncheon followed by a short business meeting. Mis. James Munroe was hostess. Luncheon was served to Mrs. Ed Moon, Mrs. Eli Sanders, Mrs. Howard Kaiser, Mrs. Cecil Lor man, Mrs. Spicer, Mis. Earl See ley, Mrs, Bill Byrons, Mis. E. M. heeiey and Mrs. Howard Sheldon. Mrs. Sheldon will be hostess to the members at the next meeting, ucu iiU. ' NEW IDEA CLUB MEETS AT CALKINS HOME New Idea club members wore entertained Wednesday with luncheon at the home of Mrs. C. B. Calkins. Mrs. Clifford Hess will entertain the Tt-min k'nu Visiting was enjoyed during the afternoon. Present were Mrs. C. E. Marlfc Mr A I Glunlnt. M,... V. A Mplsnn Mr Hnn II Pnr. ler, Mrs. Clifford Hess, Mrs. L. m. iionges, Mrs. v. k. Hucklng ham. Mrs. W. D. Hess, Mrs. F. 11. Applehoff, Mis. Howard Cal kins and Mrs. Ed Hughes, guejls and the hostess. D. A. R. TO MEET MONDAY EVENING D. A. R. members will be en tertained Monday. Oct. 17 at 7:30 p. m. at the home of Miss Mar garet Page with Mrs. Dave Busen bark assisting. At the last meeting. Friday, Oct. 8, Mrs. Arthur Mck'eown, slate regent for D. A. R. was honored with a banquet at Carl't Haven. Delight Husband With Milk, Pie By GAYNOR MADDOX NKA Staff Writer Men are milk drinkers. They are also pieealers. Ask any res taurant owner who raters to men. He'll tell you "give 'em milk and give 'eni pie, then their love will npver dip." Milk, an indispensable dairy food. Is our best-known source of calcium. Rich loo In flrstclass protein, It's a vigorous ait! to human growth and development as well as to maintenance of op timum health. Those husky men and boys In your family need it as much as the toddlers. Recently Ihe Food and Nutrition Board of the Na tional 'tesearrh Council lipped the recommended daily milk al lowance for adults. It was two cups U6 ounces 1 pint) a day, Now It's three cups 24 ounces 1 12 pints. Cusiaid and apple are the "pin up" pies, according to masculine pei fer once. If men had their way, thpy'd probably be on every me nu. Custard Pie Pastrv lor a 10 inch pie for Sieed and convenience, use pack aged pie crust, following direc tions on the package. One pack age makes enough pastry for a 1 deep 10 inch pie 4 well beaten ' eggs. 12 cup sugar, 3 cups scald- ! ert milk, 14 teasKion alt, 1-8 teaspoon grated nutmeg. ! Line pie plate with pastrv, flut- j Ing Ihe edges. Bake a to r mln- j iitcs in a hot oven "4.V) degrees F.i to set the crust and pievent j tilling snaking In. Heat eggs witn sugai, aid hot milk a lit t lo at a limp, and stir In the salt. Pour Into Ihe partly cooled pie shell, spi inkle nutmeg over Ihe top, and hake In a very moderate oven 1325 degrees F. to .IV) le grees F.i until the filling is firm, or for about 4." minutes. Custard mixrjtes need to be cooked at a moderate temperature lo make them smooth and creamy. It CLLVIEW CLUB HOLDS IWed In Home Rites few 6Pte r. 1 1 .:.X'if -.-..-, lijij ft i tTT7 1 ! A ' Photo by Gortfoa Aran Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carleton Prttten At a home wedding In the pres. encc oi me immeaiaie iamiues. Mist Ruth Ann Davenport, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred LaRue Davenport of 10-19 N. Euclid avenue, Ontario, Calif., be came the bride of Richard Carle ton Preston, son of Mr. and Mn. R. L. Preston, of Roseburg. The double ring ceremony was read by the Rev. Donald Head, pastor of the Bethel Congrega tional church Friday evening, Sept. 9, at 7 o'clock. The bridal party stood before the firepalce which was flanked by tall baskets 1 of while gladioli. Centering the candle lighted mantel was an ar rangement of white gladioli, delphinium and asters. Given in marriage by her fath er, the bride wore a colonial styled gown of white slipper sat in. Fashioned with a drop yoke of nylon net edged with Chantlly lace and a full skirt, added folds formed bustle bows. She wore ny lon gloves and a shattered carna tion bandeau and carried a colo nial bouqeut of while carnations and rosebuds centered with a pale lavender orchid. The matron of honor, Mn. James Jeffries, wore peach slip per satin fashioned after the bride's gown and carried a colo nial bouquet of bird of paradise cooked too fast, they curdle or separate. Baked Indian Pudding with ice cream Is an old Yankee custom that has spread all over the land. It s another "men lolks lavorue, especially when leaves turn red. Baked Indian Pudding With lot Crtam (Serves S) Four cuns scalded milk. 1-3 cup cornmeal, 1 tablespoon butter, 1-2 teaspoon salt, 12 cup mollasses, 1 leaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon ginger, 2 well-beaten eggs, 1-2 cup cold milk. Sprinkle cornmeal Into hot milk, stirring constantly and cook for 5 minutes. Add but ter. Mix salt, molasses, spiced and eggs. Stir In the hot corn meal mixture, a little at a time. Pour into a 1 12 quart baking dish, pour cold milk over the top and bake in a slow oven 1250 de grees F.) for about 1 1-2 to 2 hours, or until firm and delicate ly browned. Serve warm with va nilla ice cream. Evaporated Milk Handy In Kitchen By GAYNOR MADDOX NEA Staff Writer Combine leftover vegetables with evaporated milk (here's a chowder for Monday's luncheon. Cold potatoet In the house? Then slice and mix with evaporated milk to produce an American standby mashed browned pota toes for dinner. Or transform Sunday's chicken Into a sizzling chicken pie. Evaporated milk Is Inexpensive! and convenient when diluted with an equal amount of water. Makes a dairy food equal In nutritional value to fluid milk. Undiluted and chilled, it Is rich enough to whip. Vegctablt Chowdtr Serves 4) One cup coarsely chopped on ion. 3 tablespoons butter. 1 cuo sliced outside leaves celery, 2 cups diced raw potatoes, 1-2 cup leftover green peas. 1-2 cup dic ed leftover carrots, 1 head shredded lettuce or 1 cup shred fled raw cabbage, 5 cups boiling w-ater, 1 tcasjwon salt, 1-4 tea spoon sugar, 1-4 teasixwin iepper, 1 13 cups evaporated milk II tall cam, 3 tablespoons flour. Cook onions In butter until be ginning to brown, add law pota toes, lettuce or cabbage, water, salt and sugar. Cover and boil gently for 25 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Then add cooked vegetables. Add eva;orat ed milk, heat to boiling point, ttlr In flour mixed smooth with little cold milk. Let boll up oe fnre serving. Serve with pilot flowers and pale blue delphin ium. Thomas B. Everheart of Dow. ney, Calif., wat best man. The bride's mother wore a golden brown crepe floor-length drest trimmed with brown lace and an orchid corsage. A reception followed, attended by 150 relatives and friends of the couple at the home of the bride's parents. Following the reception the couple left on a wedding trip to the north. For traveling the bride telected a green wool gab. ardine suit with brown accesso ries and an orchid corsage. The bride Is a graduate of Chaffey high school In Ontario and is a senior at Linfleld col lege, McMlnnville, Ore., where she is affiliated with Phi Beta Mu sorority. She is a member of Spurs, national woman's honor, fli-y and Phi Kappa Delta, na tional forensic honorary. The bridegroom was graduated from Roseburg senior high school and served in the army air force. He Is a senior at Llnfield and is affiliated with Pi Delta Phi, na llonal French honorary and the Intercollegiate Knights. They are making their home In McMlnnville and have resum ed their studies at the college. crackers or plain soda crackert as a main luncheon dish. Hashed Brown Potatoet (Servet 4) Two cups finely chopped, cook ed, cold potatoes, 1-2 cup eva porated milk. 2 tablespoons but ter, salt and pepper to season. Melt butter in 6-inch frying pan pack In potatoes and cook over very low heat for about 20 min utes or until crusty and brown on the bottom. Fold over like an omelet and turn out on a hot plate. Chicken Piadeftovtr chicken) (Serves 4) Four tablespoons butter, 4 tablespoons flour. 1 1-3 cups eva porated milk mixed with 1 cup water, 1 cup chicken stock from bones, 1 cup cooked peas, 2 table spoons minced onion. 2 table loons minced parsley and 1-2 cups diced cooked chicken, salt and pepper to season, biscuit crust (1 1-2 cups biscuit mix with water to make soft dough). Melt butter, stir in flour, then add milk. Stir over low heat un til thickened. Add vegetables, chicken and seasonings. Pour in to 1 -quart baking dish, cover witb. biscuit crust and bake In hot oven (400 degrees F.) for 15 minutes or until crust Is brown. For families who like the fla vor of curry, mix a little of thit seasoning with French drestlne for a tossed green salad. Or add a little of the curry to mayon naise or creamy salad dressing and serve with Waldorf Salad. M I D C E T C A M E If A This earners, exhibited at aa Industrial shsw la Frsnkfart, German, ta Hi Inches In diam eter, weighs vnder 1 sonees aa4 net S aUlutwtsr fibs. i i